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One more political prisoner in the Empire’s Dungeons

From today’s Democracy Now headlines: Palestinian Professor Sentenced to 11 Years For Refusing to Testify: In Chicago, a federal court has sentenced a Palestinian-American activist to more than 11 years in prison for refusing to testify before a grand jury in 2003 about the activities of the Palestinian group Hamas. Abdelhaleem Ashqar defended his refusal to testify saying that he shouldn’t have to give testimony that would aid the Israeli

When is the use of the “F” word appropriate?

A friend of mine recently commented that using the “F” words was inappropriate when referring to the regimes in Washington or Ankara. He wrote “I think you overdo the “fascist” label (next US Prez and Turkey will not/isn’t anywhere near a fascist regime) too much too, but that would be good to have as a debate on your newly-directed blog I suppose“. I think that this is a crucial issue

Putin’s legacy and the new Russia

Following Putin’s investiture as Russia’s next President after Boris Eltsin Russia underwent a dramatic transformation proving wrong those who had assumed that since Putin ‘had been picked by Eltsin’ the country would continue on its previous course. It is now obvious that the drunken Eltsin had not ‘picked’ anyone, but that powerful forces had imposed Putin as the successor to Elstin who was forced to announce his resignation on live

Summary of the latest IAEA report on Iran

F. Summary (emphasis added) 39. The Agency has been able to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran. Iran has provided the Agency with access to declared nuclear material, and has provided the required nuclear material accountancy reports in connection with declared nuclear material and activities. Iran concluded a Facility Attachment for FEP. However, it should be noted that, since early 2006, the Agency has not received the

The upcoming Annapolis conference: more of the same, only worse

The Israeli elites have for a while already been struggling with a major crisis which really could represent an ‘existential threat’ to the state of Israel. No, not Ahmadinejad’s never spoken words about ‘wiping Israel off the map’ or the non-existing Iranian nuclear weapons program (no member of the IAEA has ever succeeded in developing nuclear weapons), but the demographic time bomb which has been ticking with increased speed since

New directions for my blog and key issues to be analyzed – RFC

Dear friends, After taking some time off to think things over I have tentatively come up with a general plan for this blog and I now want to share it with you. The main difference with the previous orientation of this blog is that I want to switch from what was mainly a clearinghouse for information taken elsewhere interspersed with occasional original analyses to a more balanced mix of original

Blog to remain, mailing list created, emails sought

Dear friends, While I have not taken any final decisions about the course of this blog, one thing I can already say now: your kind letters of support have made me decide that this blog will not close so please keep an eye on it: subscribe to it, come and check it out from time to time, or send me your email address and I will include you on my

Reflections on the debacle

How did that all ever happen? The ultimate irony It is, of course, bizarre to witness how a presumably anti-government (“libertarian” in US parlance) and anti-corporatist website would make use of a government law passed by the big business monopolies (the DMCA) to ask a corporation (in this case, Google) to enforce their interpretation of the “fair use” clause on a small one-man blog. Truly, “bizarro world” as Justin Raimondo

New contact information for the Saker

Dear friends, It appears that will try to have my blog shutdown. I don’t think that they have much a case, but since I am not sure any more what their real motives are I have to assume that they will try hard. As I have explained this morning, I don’t really care any more what will happen to my blog, but I do want to stay touch with files a 2nd DMCA complaint against my blog

This just fresh in:——-Hello, Blogger has been notified, according to the terms of the DigitalMillennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that content in your blog: allegedly infringes upon the copyrights of others. The content in questionis located in the following posts: The notice that we received, with any personally identifyinginformation removed, will be posted online by a service called ChillingEffects, and we will send you the link of this notice. files a DMCA complaint against my blog

Received in my mailbox today:——- Hello, Blogger has been notified, according to the terms of the DigitalMillennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that content in your blog: allegedly infringes upon the copyrights of others. The content in questionis located in the following posts: The notice that we received, with any personally identifyinginformation removed, will be posted online by a service called ChillingEffects, and we will send you the link of

An open letter to my friends and visitors

But first, our global anthem: Can’t you seeIt all makes perfect senseExpressed in dollars and cents,Pounds, shillings and penceCan’t you seeIt all makes perfect sense Roger Waters, Amused to Death Dear friends, The time has come for me to share with you some thoughts which I had been having for a while already but which I had been trying to suppress. In the past couple of days I had some

Organized Money Vs. Organized People

By Cindy Sheehan “At a time like this, scorching iron, not convincing argument, is needed.”Frederick Douglass “Cindy’s campaign will prove that organized people can beat organized money” Reverend Lennox Yearwood; founder of the Hip Hop Caucus We are a nation that was created by “the rich, white, male property owners” and specifically for “the rich, white, male property owners.” Women and blacks, (who were counted as 3/5ths a person for

Attacking Iran for Israel?

by Ray McGovern Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is at her mushroom-cloud hyperbolic best, and this time Iran is the target. Her claim last week that “the policies of Iran constitute perhaps the single greatest challenge to American security interests in the Middle East and around the world” is simply too much of a stretch. To gauge someone’s reliability, one depends largely on prior experience. Sadly, Rice’s credibility suffers in

Poll: Majority of Voters Support Iran Strike

Rick Moran A new Zogby poll out today shows that 52% of likely voters would support a strike against Iran to prevent them from building nuclear weapons. Another 53% believe it “likely” that such an attack will take place before the next election: Democrats (63%) are most likely to believe a U.S. military strike against Iran could take place in the relatively near future, but independents (51%) and Republicans (44%)

Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution!

by Naomi Wolf It’s not every day that there is something concrete you can do to save democracy in one powerful stroke and make sure your kids don’t come of age in an American in which we are no longer protected by the rule of law. I have been writing about the terrifying and precipitous assault on our liberties and our very system of checks and balances; I have crossed

Ron Paul on US policies towards Cuba

Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Still No Cigars by Rep. Ron Paul Since Raul Castro seems to be transitioning to a more permanent position of power, the administration has begun talking about Cuba policy again. One would think we would be able to survey the results of the last 45 years and come to logical conclusions. Changing course never seems to be an option, however, no matter how futile or

Hariri unveils bid on his life, meets Aoun in Paris

Mohamad Shmaysani The head of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc MP General Michel Aoun will meet in Paris with the head of the Future Movement bloc MP Saad Hariri, the elnashra news site said Tuesday. The site quoted a senior French diplomatic source as saying that preparations for this meeting had been ongoing in secret. The source added that when the security threat to both leaders reached a high

Israel can hit Iran’s nuclear sites, general says

by Sheldon Kirsher Israel can deal a crushing blow to Iran’s budding nuclear program, an Israeli general says. At an Oct. 22 press briefing in Toronto for a small group of Jewish journalists, the high-ranking Israel Defence Forces officer warned that Israel has the military capabilities to destroy or damage it. “We have to be prepared for any eventuality,” the brigadier general said. He said Israel would even be content
