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Moderation issues: we have added a “red flag” warning

Dear friends, Thanks to the work of our webmaster Herb, we have now activated a new feature.  We call it a “red flag” warning.  Here is how this will work: If I see a comment which should not have been allowed (in my opinion) by the moderators (that is pretty rare) or if I see a comment which *technically* does not violate any rules, but which is either typical of

The Russian website GEOFOR interviews the Saker

PUTIN-BIDEN: THERE ARE THINGS THAT RUSSIA WILL NOT TOLERATE Translated from Russian into English by Lilia Shumkova source: GEOFOR: Dear Mr. Raevsky, I recall how after the Geneva meeting with President Vladimir Putin, his American colleague President Joe Biden, in response to a question about the continuation of high-level contacts between our countries, said that we should wait until the end of the year, and after that time make

Washington’s Crime and Punishment

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with permission Just yesterday Russia Foreign Ministry published a couple of documents that people have been struggling to interpret ever since, to little useful effect. I would like to offer my own explanation of what these documents mean, which will probably differ a great deal from most other explanations you are likely to hear. Time will tell how close they are to the truth; for

Russian draft documents on legal security guarantees from the United States and NATO

This document is in six sections. The first is a preamble.  It is from ColonelCassad and is a machine translation.  This would form a necessary overview and is a description of the current situation. The second is Russian Deputy FM Ryabkov’s special video briefing in Moscow and contains some incisive Q&A The third is a short press release The fourth is a proposed draft treaty between the Russian Federation and

Putin and Xi plot their SWIFT escape

By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and cross-posted with The Cradle Vladimir Putin got straight to the point. At the opening of his one hour and fourteen minute video conversation with Xi Jinping on 15 December, he described Russia-China relations as “an example of genuine inter-state cooperation in the 21st century.” Their myriad levels of cooperation have been known for years now – from trade, oil and gas, finance, aerospace

Putin, Xi running circles around Biden’s hybrid war

Washington hawks float expelling Russia from SWIFT but Moscow’s budding geo-economic alliance with Beijing will keep the money flowing By Pepe Escobar posted with permission and cross-posted with AsiaTimes Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin spent an hour and 14 minutes in a video conversation on Wednesday. Geopolitically, paving the way for 2022, this is the one that really matters – much more than Putin-Biden a week ago. Kremlin press secretary

Moveable Feast Cafe 2021/12/16 … Open Thread

2021/12/16 10:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

A few questions for my readers

Dear friends, Today I have a few questions for you: First, a long time ago I did Q&A with readers: you post questions in the comment section and I reply to them by recording an audio.  Question 1: would that be of interest to you?  Would you us want to do that again? (please don’t post questions quite yet, I will make a special post of that occasion if a

Readouts Virtual Meeting: President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping

Both readouts follow.  First, President Putin and followed by President Xi Jinping. Talks with President of China Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin held talks, via videoconference, with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. December 15, 2021, 11:20 Beginning of Russia-China talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Xi, my dear friend, I am delighted to see you. Greetings. I am happy to have this opportunity to see you via videoconference. This allows us to hold in-depth discussions on the development of Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive

Prominent Iraqi scholar forms new party dedicated to Wilayat al-Faqih

Original link: Description: Prominent Iraqi Shia scholar Sayyed Hashem al-Haidari has announced the formation of a new religious, cultural, and political party named the Ahdullah Islamic Movement. Al-Haidari is strong proponent and advocate of the theory of Wilayat al-Faqih (The Guardianship of the Jurist), the core political theory upon which the Islamic Republic of Iran is based. The following is a translation of a video in which al-Haidari makes the

The Structural debunking of the basis of construction of the Summit ON Democracy©

By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The ‘war on terror’ and the ‘war on drugs’ and similar empirical processes have come and gone and left in their wake a truly diabolical ‘Long arm of the Law and Dollar Hegemony’. A few years ago, this was labeled correctly as the rules-based international order. The Summit for Democracy© opened up a new front, which has always been there but now lies

Assessing the outcome of the Biden Putin summmit

Let’s begin by stating the obvious: those who now claim that the Biden Putin summit did not produce anything tangible and was, at best, a waste of time are plainly wrong, mainly because they misunderstood what was really at stake (and what still remains at stake following the Summit). What is the evidence for this? The first and most obvious sign that something very real took place is the absolutely

UAE warming up to Iran/Syria because US & allies losing grip on region: Expert

Original link: Description: In a recent talk show appearance on RT Arabic, expert in Iranian and Middle East affairs Dr Hakam Amhaz revealed what he thought were the motives behind the UAE’s latest diplomatic moves across the region which have caught many observers by surprise. In recent weeks, top Emirati political and security officials paid high-profile visits to regional rivals Iran and Syria. Source:  RT Arabic Date:  December 6, 2021

Quick note from Andrei and open thread

Dear friends, I promised you an analysis by last week’s end, but I had to leave on an exhausting 3 day trip from which I returned safely but very tired and feeling spent. I will recuperate this afternoon and I will try to deliver my promised analysis of the Biden Putin summit tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest. Also, one important clarification for both authors and commentators: If you are a

American Idolatry

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog Though the idea has been ridiculed relentlessly, and for good reason, there really is something exceptional about the United States, and it lies in the terrible hubris of their view of their place in world history. Every normal, traditional people, tribe, nation, etc., has had as its ultimate goal the friendship or union with some divine Absolute principle or being; everything for them

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s interview with Izvestia, December 13, 2021

Russian media is discussing this interview actively today. Question: Mr Ryabkov, is there any predictability in relations with the United States today? Sergey Ryabkov: There is one-sided negative predictability, in fact. As for any prospects for improvement, everything is completely unpredictable. This is a sad conclusion based on the results of the long journey that we have travelled with the current US administration, with Donald Trump, and with Barack

Moveable Feast Cafe 2021/12/12 … Open Thread

2021/12/12 22:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

The Menticide Manual – Red-Pilled

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog 1989 A Red Pill moment is the ultimate reality check. 11-years old Egon Walther Pillard waited outside the two-level Virgin megastore just around Haymarket corner, Central London. He knew every square foot of the gamer section and decided the place was now sufficiently swell with older students and tourists. He walked inside, barefaced and no-fuss, and straight to the aisle with the
