Dear friends,

I promised you an analysis by last week’s end, but I had to leave on an exhausting 3 day trip from which I returned safely but very tired and feeling spent.

I will recuperate this afternoon and I will try to deliver my promised analysis of the Biden Putin summit tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest.

Also, one important clarification for both authors and commentators:

If you are a guest author and you need an edit or correction to be made to a  text you submitted, please do NOT contact the moderators but email my assistant Amarynth at and ask her.

If you are a commentator and need an edit or correction to be made to your comment, please do NOT contact Amarynth, but contact our head of moderation Herb at and ask him.

That’s it on my end.

Please consider this short post of mine as an open thread until my next analysis comes out.

Feel free to drop any questions, suggestions, complaints, etc. too.

Hugs and cheers to all
