In a closely coordinated move, the Dems and their legacy Ziomedia have declared Biden the victor of the presidential race. Likewise, the main US TV channels have cut off Trump during a White House press conference.

Before all the votes are counted and before the courts could decide which votes count or not.  In simple legal terms, this election is not over.

But we know that Dems don’t give a hoot about facts or the law.

I won’t even bother going into all the details about fraud here, I simply don’t have the time to do so, and other will do that much better than I could.  I will simply say that there is no doubt in my mind that with so many states and counties reporting both tiny differences between the two candidates AND observers reporting how the Dems used what is called the “administrative resource” in Russia (i.e. their control of key states, voting locations and of the USPS), I personally am convinced that Trump and Giuliani are correct in their assessment that massive fraud has taken place.

This is an extremely dangerous situation for the USA.  Why?  Because whether Trump prevails in the courts or not, the Dems have already declared victory and are now celebrating.  So there are two main options ahead:

  1. Trump loses in the courts, and half of the country will feel that this election has been stolen
  2. Trump wins in the courts, and the other half of the country will feel that this elections has been stolen

Bottom line is this: the Dems will probably prevail in the end, I don’t believe that Trump has what it takes to prevail against the united US Nomenklatura, he is no Putin, that is for sure.  But Biden would make a very convincing Eltsin (if not Chernenko), and from the ensuing chaos other, far more courageous and charismatic individuals will emerge.

This is clearly the worst possible outcome for this country and the only thing standing between this outcome and us is the US Supreme Court.

I am not optimistic but, who knows, maybe a miracle will happen.

The Saker

PS: follow this link to listen to Giuliani’s latest statement:


I just took a look at what Fox News is reporting and, thankfully, they are openly celebrating!!!

Which, yet again, goes to prove that most of Fox also hates Trump (with a few exceptions) and that Murdoch’s channel never was even remotely pro-Trump.  Chris Wallace, especially, could not contain his joy and he actually openly said that considering the pressure created by the news announcement that Biden had won, it would be very hard for any judge to disagree.  So, finally, we have it.  Trump and his “deplorables” on one side, the entire US Nomenklatura on the other.  Trump, in spite of being the President, could not use any “administrative resource” whereas his enemies did.  For four years.  Nonstop.  And after 4 years of incredibly divisive, and completely false accusation, Biden took to the air yesterday and declared that he wants to unite the nation.

How stupid does he (meaning his handlers, of course) think the “deplorables” are?

I would be surprised of the judges on the USSC would have the courage to uphold the law.  Thus I have to assume that by hook or by crook the Dems will take the White House and President Harris will run the country come January.  Trump will probably not only be gone, the regime will attack him and his supporters full force and try to get him convicted of something (since “beating Hillary” is not a criminal offense, they will try to get him for something else).

There will be an especially virulent attack on the First and Second Amendments of the Constitution, which is most distressing since these two amendments are the cornerstones of the entire US Constitution.

The USA as we knew it until now are dead, we now will live under a very different regime.

But half of the country, tens of millions of people, will not disappear.  The resistance will probably go to the state level next, and to the courts.  Last, but not least, a lot of US Americans will feel that they are now living under a globalist tyranny.  I can’t say that they are wrong.  But I do fear the very serious consequences of this realization.

The Saker

PS: I want to reassure the readers about one thing: four years of Trump has given enough time for Russia to truly finalize her preparations for a full-scale war against the US/NATO/EU.  Russia’s armed forces are so far ahead of the US military that it would take a decade or more, and money which the US does not have, to even try to catch up.  That train (attack on Russia) has now left.  So while Biden and his gang will continue the Russia-hating rhetoric, the petty harassment (taking consular buildings, arresting Russian citizens, even more Russia-strengthening (yes, that has been the real effect of US sanctions) sanctions, etc.), they won’t dare to attack Russia directly, not even in Syria (which Hillary would have done, take that to the bank).  I don’t see an attack on China, Iran or Venezuela either.  An attack to “restore democracy” on Saint Kitts and Nevis or, maybe, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, is still a real possibility, I suppose.