[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]
Maduro wins the first round
The standoff between Venezuela and the AngloZionist Empire last week-end has clearly ended in what can only be called a total defeat for Elliott Abrams. While we will never know what was initially planned by the demented minds of the Neocons, what we do know is that nothing critical happened: no invasion, not even any major false flag operation. The most remarkable facet of the standoff is how little effect all the AngloZionist propaganda has had inside Venezuela. There were clashes, including some rather violent ones, across the border, but nothing much happened in the rest of the country. Furthermore, while a few senior officers and a few soldiers did commit treason and joined forces with the enemy, the overwhelming majority of the Venezuelan military remained faithful to the Constitution. Finally, it appears that Maduro and his ministers were successful in devising a strategy combining roadblocks, a concert on the Venezuelan side, and the minimal but effective use of riot police to keep the border closed. Most remarkably, “unidentified snipers” did not appear to shoot at both sides (a favorite tactic of the Empire to justify its interventions). I give the credit for this to whatever Venezuelan (or allied) units were in charge of counter-sniper operations along the border.
Outside Venezuela this first confrontation has also been a defeat for the Empire. Not only did most countries worldwide not recognize the AngloZionist puppet, but the level of protest and opposition to what appeared to be the preparations for a possible invasion (or, at least, a military operation of some kind) was remarkably high, while the legacy corporate Ziomedia did what it always does (that is whatever the Empire wants it to do), the Internet and the blogosphere were overwhelmingly opposed to a direct US intervention. This situation also created a great deal of internal political tensions in various Latin American countries whose public opinion remains strongly opposed to any form of US imperial control over Latin America.
In this respect, the situation with Brazil is particularly interesting. While the Brazilian government fully backed the US coup attempt, the Brazilian military was most uncomfortable with this. My contacts in Brazil had correctly predicted that the Brazilian military would refuse to attack Venezuela and, eventually, the Brazilians even issued a statement to that effect.
Alas, there are still plenty of US puppet regimes in Latin America to mindlessly do whatever Uncle Shmuel wants them to (Colombia would be the worst offender, of course, but there are others). But that is not the main problem here.
The main problem is that the Neocons cannot accept defeat and that they are likely to do what they always do, double down and make a bad situation even worse. The head of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, has warned that the US has deployed special forces in Colombia and Puerto Rico in preparation for a possible invasion. Uncharacteristically, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made intelligence information public, which described in some detail what kind of plans the Empire and its allies had, even before this past week-end’s confrontation. See for yourself:
In fact, the leaders of the Empire and their puppets are not making any secrets about their determination to overthrow the constitutional government and replace it with the kind of comprador regime the US already imposed in Colombia. Pompeo, Abrams and Pence have been particularly hysterical in their threats, but the entire “Lima Group” is still at it:
As for the Russian UN Ambassador, he was very clear on what Russia expects to happen next:
The Neocons are not even content to threaten Venezuela, and John Bolton could not help himself and publicly threatened Nicaragua as being next in line for a US-sponsored regime change. He even spoke of a “Troika of Tyranny” reminiscent of the famous “Axis of Evil“.
This is all hardly surprising: US politicians always resort to infantile comic-book kind of language when they want to give their threats a special gravitas. Next we will be told that Maduro is a “New Hitler” and that he is “genociding his own people”, possibly with chemical weapons (“highly likely”, no doubt!). If not that, then Maduro will be distributing Viagra to his forces to help them rape more women. To those puzzled by the fact that presumably adult politicians use the kind of language one could find in grade school, I can only say that this just reflects the state of the political discourse in the USA, which has been dumbed-down to an incredibly low level. Be careful, however, because while US politicians are rather comical in their infantile, ignorant, illiteracy, and while they have an almost perfect record of embarrassing failures, the past decades have also shown that they are quite capable of murderous rampages (in Iraq alone the US invasion resulted in over one million dead Iraqi civilians) or of wrecking even a very prosperous country (which Libya under Muammar Gaddafi definitely was).
Next, the Empire will probably strike-back
There is a small chance that Abrams & Co. will conclude that the situation in Venezuela is a total mess and that the Empire cannot capitalize on it in the short to middle term. This is possible, yes, but also highly unlikely.

He is back…
The truth is that Mr MAGA and his Neocon puppet-masters have failed, at least so far, at absolutely everything they tried. And if taking on China, Russia, Iran or even Syria is no easy task, Venezuela is by far the most fragile country in what could be called the “Resistance countries”: Venezuela is far away from it’s allies (except Cuba), it is surrounded by more or less hostile countries (especially Colombia), it’s economy is crippled by US sanctions and sabotage and its armed forces are dwarfed by the immense firepower the Empire has available in the region. Add to this the truly demonic mindset of Neocons like Abrams and the future for Venezuela looks bleak.
The good news is that the Colombians and the rest of the Lima Group “friends of Venezuela” probably don’t have the military power to take on Venezuela by themselves. The preferred option for the USA would be to use the Colombians like the KLA was used in Kosovo or how al-Qaeda (and derivatives) were used against Syria: as boots on the ground while the US provides airpower, electronic warfare capabilities, intelligence, bomb and missile strikes, etc. The US also has immense naval capabilities which could be used to assist (and, of course, direct) any military operations against Venezuela (I highly recommend this analysis by my friend Nat South who describes in some detail the US naval capabilities and operations in the region).
My gut feeling is that this approach will not work. As is often the case, the US has all sorts of impressive capabilities except for the main one: a military force capable of providing the boots on the ground (as opposed to a non-US proxy). The problem for the US military would not be so much getting in, as staying inside and getting something done before leaving – what the US called an “exit strategy”. And here, there are really no good options for the US.
It is therefore far more likely that the US will use the weapon which it truly masters better than anybody else on earth: corruption.
There is big money, really big money, all around the Venezuelan crisis: not only oil money, but also drug money. And there are a lot of truly evil and corrupt people involved in this struggle who will use that corruption-weapon with devastating effect against the constitutionally elected government. And, just to make things worse, Venezuela is already devastated by corruption. Still, there are quite a few factors which might well save Venezuela from being reconquered by the Empire.
First, while US Neocons are too arrogant to bother with anybody’s opinion except their own, and while the various US agencies primarily talk with the immensely wealthy rulers of Colombia and the rest of Latin America, it does appear that a strong majority of Venezuelans support their elected government. Furthermore, US leaders simply don’t understand how hated the “Yankees” are in Latin America (at least among the masses, not the comprador elites) and how fantastically offensive the appointment of a felon like Elliott Abrams as Envoy to Venezuela is to the vast majority of the people of this continent.
Second, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro did empower, for the very first time, the masses of the Venezuelan people, especially those who lived in abject poverty when Venezuela was still a US colony. These people are under no illusion about what a Guaido regime would mean to them. And while most of the supporters of Chavez and Maduro are not influential or wealthy, there are a lot of them and they will probably fight to prevent a complete reversal of all the achievements of the Bolivarian revolution.
Third, Latin America might well be changing, just like the Middle-East did. Remember how, for years, the Israelis could attack their neighbors with quasi-total impunity and how poorly the Arab armies performed? That suddenly changed when Hezbollah proved to the entire region and even the world, that the “Axis of Kindness” (USA, Israel, KSA) could be successfully defeated, even by a comparatively tiny resistance with no air force, no navy and very little armor. As I never cease to repeat – wars are not won by firepower, but by willpower. Oh sure, firepower helps, especially when you can fire from far away with no risk to yourself and your victim cannot fire back, but as soon as big firepower is met by big willpower the former rapidly fails. There is a very real possibility that Venezuela might do for Latin America what the Ukraine did for Russia: act as a surprisingly effective “vaccine” against the AngloZionist propaganda. An indigenous leader like Evo Morales, who has declared his full and total support for the elected government of Maduro, is an inspiration to the people of Latin America far beyond the borders of Bolivia. The Russian ambassador to the UN got it right: there are already other leaders after Maduro which the AngloZionists want to eliminate and replace by a pliable puppet à la Guaido or Duque Márquez. At the end of the day, this is a typical dialectical problem: the more brutal and overt the US aggression against Latin America is, the more successful coups or even invasions the US organizes, the stronger the anti-Yankee feelings generated among the people of the continent. Think of it this way: the US has already terminally alienated the people of China, Russia and Iran, along with most of the Arab and Muslim world, and thanks to that alienation, the leaders of China, Russia and Iran have enjoyed the support of their people in their struggle against the AngloZionist Empire. Could something very similar not already be happening in Latin America?
Conclusion: focus on the right question
To defeat the Empire’s plans for Venezuela, it is crucial that we all keep hammering over and over again: the choice is not between Maduro or Guiado, the choice is not between poverty under the Chavistas and prosperity under the AngloZionists. This is how the agents of the Empire (whether paid or simply stupid) want to frame the discussions. The real issue at stake here is the rule of law. The rule of law inside Venezuela, of course, and the rule of law internationally.
First year law students are often taught that the purpose of the law is not “justice” per se, but to provide a mechanism to solve disputes. That mechanism is, admittedly, a highly imperfect one, but it is understood by civilized people as being preferable to the alternative. The alternative, by the way, is what happens in every time a so-called “humanitarian intervention” is launched: a humanitarian disaster.
Yet, this is the typical modus operandi of the Neocons (and of all imperialists, really). First, chose a country for destabilization, then use your control of the international financial markets and trade to trigger an economic crisis; then, send your “democracy promoting” spooks and agents of influence to foment protests or, even better, violent disorders; then send some “unidentified snipers” if the legitimate government does not use enough violence to quell the protests, then denounce the leader you want replaced as “monster” “animal” or even “new Hitler” and threaten to overthrow him. After that, declare urbi et orbi that it is “highly likely” that the “new Hitler” will massacre his own people, add a false flag op if needed, and then declare a “coalition of the willing” composed of “friends” of the country you want to occupy who will take action due to the “ineffectiveness of the UN”, ditch any thoughts about international law and only speak of “rules-based order“. Check out how Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov explains the meaning of this substitution:
When you listen to the supporters of Guaido you will always hear them talking about how terrible Maduro is, how horrible the economic situation of Venezuela really is, how corrupt the members of the regime are, etc. etc. etc. This is all a smokescreen. Even the accusation that the last elections were stolen by Maduro is just another smokescreen. Why? Because even if Maduro did steal the election, Guaido did not have the right to declare himself President, Trump had no right to recognize him as such, and the Empire had no business threatening a military intervention or even a violation of the sovereign border of Venezuela under the ridiculous pretext of bringing in humanitarian aid while, at the same time, keeping the country under draconian (and fully illegal) sanctions. The solution to a crisis brought about by a violation of law cannot be a wholesale abandonment of the very core principles of law, but such a solution can only be a restoration of law and order by legal means. Kinda obvious, but so many seem to forget this, that it is worth repeating. And here, I will again post a graphic which really says it all:

Which elections are legitimate and which are not?
The most powerful tools in the arsenal of the Empire are not it’s nuclear forces or its bloated, if generally ineffective, armed forces. The most powerful tool in the Empire’s arsenal is its ability to frame the discussion, to set what is focused upon and what is obfuscated. The Empire’s legacy corporate Ziomedia even dictates what words should or should not be used in a discussion (example: never speak of “illegal aggression” but speak of “humanitarian intervention”).
This is why we must speak of “true sovereignty“, of “international law“, of “constitutional procedures” and of “aggression” and “threat of aggression” as war crimes. We need to continue to demand that basic fundamental principles of civilized societies (such as the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”) be upheld by governments and by the media. We need to deny the rulers of the Empire the right to declare that they have the right to completely ignore the most sacred principles of the post-WWII international order. We need to continue to insist that a just international order can only be a multi-polar one; that a single World Hegemon can never deliver justice and that there shall be no peace if there is no justice. Finally, we need to ceaselessly demand that each country and each nation live according to its own traditions and beliefs and reject the notion that a single political model must, or even can, be applied universally.
These are all principles which the Neocons hate and which they would love to bundle together under a single all encompassing concept, like George Orwell’s “crimethink“. Mostly, the Neocons like to use the “anti-Semite” and “anti-Semitic” to dismiss these principles, and when that fails, then “terrorist” is always available for use. Don’t let them do that: every time they try that trick, immediately denounce it for what it is and continue focusing on what really matters. If we can force the Neocons to deal with these issues we win. It is really that simple.
It is impossible for me to guess how this conflict will play itself out. Will the brazen arrogance of “the Yankees” be enough to seriously red-pill the people of Venezuela and the rest of Latin America? Maybe. My hope and my gut feeling is that it might.
The Saker
The effort so far from Abrams and Company (the Company) is a weak, failing operation.
Bad Intel about the military and efforts to bribe or coerce leadership in Police and Military is now explained that Russia/Cuban/Hezbollah/Iran special forces are holding the Venezuelan military in line.
The crunch really is how revenues and sovereign wealth is cut off, frozen and diverted from Maduro’s treasury to the puppet’s accounts.
Maduro has to have money to pay for his army. Venezuela needs to pay for imports and government services.
The US has a real stranglehold on much of what Maduro needs.
However, the clumsy aid convoy events have proven to be useless for propaganda against Maduro.
I sense from the moves and the speeches coming out of the Kremlin and Foreign Ministry, Russia will insist on International Law as a basis for all actions. It is difficult to tell if Putin will dig in with other forms of support. But Venezuela is a test of Russia and China confronting the unipolar Hegemon in a way to block regime change and create a base of support for their multi-polar leadership, as well as to keep open Latin America for Russian and Chinese influence, trade and friendship.
While S wrote an excellent article.
Larch, to your “… But Venezuela is a test of Russia and China confronting the unipolar Hegemon in a way to block regime change and create a base of support for their multi-polar leadership …” I say yes, and I also believe that Russia (forget China) will use soft power and support for the, as S put it “Troyka of Tyranny”. I say soft, because the Empire has to be denied the opportunity for real invasion.
A lot of moves happened yesterday at the UNSC and with the VP of Venezuela during her meetings with Mr Lavrov today:
Both resolutions didn’t pass – but what was interesting about the meeting was the words of the Russian Ambassador to the war criminal Abrams (and the UK). Russia and China vetoed US resolution which would have had the UNSC break its charter and international law.
Following this, today, Mr Lavrov had a press conference with the VP of Venezuela in which again the Russians mentioned the US is going to intervene with arms:
Also Maduro has ordered PDVSA to move its EU HQ from Lisbon to Moscow
and to strengthen trade ties with Russia
Venezuela in addition to buy food and medicines worth 2.5bn from EU and others
So the US continues to “bite off its nose to spite its face”!
Genocide survivors all out against the war criminal too
On the topic of Brazil there are also economic realities happening with the BRICS – all by passing the US dollar – with its own payment system
So all in all many moves are being made to help Venezuela and the region – all following international law – whilst calling out when international law or UN charter is being broken and not followed.
So Saker, I would say Maduro: 2 Abrams: 0
I can see Russia and China being able to influence the situation regarding Venezuela as it stands now, using their diplomacy. However, if it gets ugly and goes “kinetic”, from a geographic aspect it’s hard to see how Russia and China could get past the US to provide physical assistance of any kind in the quantities that would be needed.
In a worst case scenario it could end up morphing into a much wider conflict, but I can’t see Russia and China doing that for Venezuela. I could see them taking such action say for example with regard to Iran, as then it would be the US extending itself.
I could also envisage China opting to use the American, or AngloZionist, approach to other countries to militarily reunite Taiwan with China, as well as solve any disputes with its neighbours – and possibly lay claim to undersea resources in the China Sea.
The US methods are setting a dangerous example, dependent on a faith-based economic dominance.
Mach 27…
Back in the 18th century, when Russia was ruled by the empress Catherine, a Western envoy asked her about Russia’s relationship with Turkey and if Russia could defeat Turkey in a war. Catherine answered as follows:”Russians suffer from ineptitude, while Turks suffer from decrepitude”. Well, Russians have improved in the past centuries.
However, what empress Catherine stated about Turks can now apply to the US. I have been following the situation with Venezuela on a daily basis, and I am astonished by the methods used by the US. It would appear that Washington is using old manuals on color revolutions and regime change, forgetting to update the same. This whole episode has been reduced to a comedy, with people openly laughing on the Internet. Every move Washington made was easily understood by people watching this botched coup d’etat.
What will now happen and what are the consequences ? Well, Washington might still invade the country. It depends on how desperate it is for Venezuelan oil. However, it will know that the consequences would be huge, as Venezuela is not Grenada, and even in Grenada the US had casualties.
What is worse for the US is the current political and psychological fall out. Not only has Maduro stood up to Washington, but so have Kim in North Korea and Erdogan in Turkey. The US tried three coup d’etats, and all three failed. And people throughout the world saw this. The question now is who else is going to stand up to Washington. It is something that Washington is going to discover in due course. Yes, it can again use brute force. However, the world is sick of America’s wars, fought under pathetic excuses.
B.F. in my opinion the Imperial decline of the USA has been exacerbated by one fatal complication-the total takeover of Thanatopian politics by the Zionazis and Judeofascist Supremacists, ie the ‘Israel Lobby’.
The USA used its unique position after WW2, undestroyed, dominating the global economy and production, with a nuclear monopoly etc, to craft a system designed to consolidate US Imperial dominance, forever, or at least as long as possible. They created the Bretton Woods institutions, the IMF, World Bank, later the GATT and WTO, to perpetuate their Imperium and subjugate the rest of humanity to their Divine diktat.
But, little by little, power seeped away, as it must, according to the laws of geo-political entropy. The Soviet Union repaired the greatest material damage inflicted on any state in five years, and broken the nuclear monopoly. China stood up under Mao and his comrades. India was liberated from genocidal English exploitation, and the USA slowly slid from the world’s greatest creditor to its current situation of the greatest debtor.
Concurrently, starting in 1948 when US Jewish elites financed Trueman’ re-election in return for support for their colonial project in Palestine, Jewish elites began buying the obedience of US politicians, notoriously corrupt as they ever have been. The last US President who successfully stood up to them was Eisenhower, in 1956, over Suez. JFK tried, with his veto on the Israeli nuclear program, and attempt to end the Federal Reserve system, but his ‘antisemitism’ soon brought an inevitable outcome.
The descent into outright servitude really began, in my opinion, with the USS Liberty atrocity in 1967. There, Jewish Fifth Columnists inside the LBJ regime and in other power structures, prevailed on Johnson to do nothing about Israel’s cold-blooded murder of scores of US servicemen, and the situation has only ever worsened since. Carter twisted Begin’s arm over the Camp David peace with Egypt, and earned the undying hatred and abuse of the Zionazis ever since.
We know how Zionazi rule in the USA, (and the West in general) has played out in external matters. International Law does NOT apply to Israel. The Palestinians are unpersons who may be eternally brutalised, tortured, murdered and dispossessed, and any who dare oppose this colonial barbarity are foully vilified as ‘antisemities’, driven from public life and, now, inevitably, are being criminalised with threats of twenty years gaol for exercising their now totally defunct ‘First Amendment Rights’. It is really impossible to exaggerate the significance of this Zionazi takeover of US and Western politics. It is utterly unprecedented in history.
And, internally, in the USA, the poison has affected all the centres of power. Jewish students are ten times over-represented in terms of population in the country in Ivy League colleges, the entry-points to elite power. This despite the modest declarations of Ashkenazi Jewish intellectual superiority over all others having been reduced to detritus by the success of South and East Asian and other students over recent years. Therefrom flows the Zionazi control of organs of Governance like the ‘Justice’ and Treasury Departments, and of the fakestream media propaganda sewer.
Politics is totally controlled, and then there is the control of finance, and the growing dominance of the financial parasite apparatus has ravaged the US economy and society, being the source of the growing inequality, impoverishment, social devastation, educational shambles, indebtedness, deindustrialisation, infrastructure collapse and outright fraud and larceny that characterise the USA today. And the financial vampire quid is overwhelmingly dominated by Jews, and to argue otherwise is simply bizarre, but expected. If the dominance was by Armenians, no doubt it would be socially acceptable to notice and mention the fact.
I couldn’t agree with you more, B. F. There would be serious consequences for the US, should it dare invade Venezuela. Yes, this is exactly what war criminal Elliott Abrams wants, but he’s only one man. What will surely keep the US from invading Venezuela are the country’s terrain of mostly jungle, with some mountains (remember Vietnam, Abrams?) Vietnam consisted of mostly jungle, with some mountains as well, and the US LOST THAT WAR.
The Venezuelan army’s a whole lot better trained than was the Vietnamese army; yet, the North Vietnamese army and the Viet Cong won, even though the US had much better weapons technology. They found out the hard way that superior technology means nothing in jungle warfare.
The best thing the US can and needs to do is to heed the warning of Bolivian President Evo Morales and leave Venezuela alone. The US Congress and its citizens don’t want this country to be dragged into a war with Venezuela, and both the Trump Administration and the Trotskyists aka Neocons have to admit the fact that this war isn’t worth fighting.
I was surprised at how anemic this operation was on 2-23. Remember, this was not something concocted ad-hoc in a week before, although it looked like this. The US has hated Venezuela for two decades, and of course tried to overthrow their government in a coup back in 2002. What I expected to see was the powerful result of a world empire martialling its resources over decades to finally achieve at least some progress to a goal. Instead, we got two guys with some molotov cocktails. The USA had had two decades or more to organize that party, and all we get is the Fake Aid concert and a tiny crowd at the border?
We already know of course that while regime change requires lots of boots on the ground, the Americans don’t like to get their boots muddy. And they certainly hate the sight of blood on their boots, especially their own blood. So, what was expected that we see an army of Colombian paramilitary boots marching to Uncle Sam’s dictates But no, they weren’t there. And of course the Brailian General who is VP showed up at Lima to tell the Americans and everyone else not to expect any Brazilian boots.
The problem Uncle Sam has in Venezuela is that he’s trying to organize a revolt by the 1% against a government of the 99% that has actually gotten hold of some power. And the problem is, the 1% don’t have many boots, and they really don’t like to get them dirty. They can pay for some thugs to start a riot here or there, but the 1% don’t go off into the jungles and start a long revolutionary war to seize power. If the concept even occurred to them, they’d spend forever trying to organize their maids, cooks and chauffeurs for their revolution camp-out., and of course find out that they don’t want to die for the jerks who order them around.
So, instead of a world empire gathering its power and overthrowing a people’s government that has somehow taken hold in the hemisphere of the land of the free, we get two guys with molotov cocktails setting fire to a truck full of humanitarian toiletries.
BTW, Cuba has already played the Hezbollah role in the hemisphere, showing that a determined revolution can stand up to the bully next door. That of course is why the USA hates Cuba so much, and there are repeated references in old documents that the embargoes and terrorist attacks on Cuba were always because Uncle Sam was afraid that others might get the same idea. Venezuela is more of a 2nd Generation struggle like Syria was in the ME. Cuba is there to send some advice and advisors and what aid they can to the bigger country that Uncle Sam is trying to steal the resources and enslave its people, similar in at least some ways to how Hezbollah was there for Syria.
What this has done is give Russia, China and Venezuela more time. Time to prepare some nasty surprises for invading Yankees. Like caches of Kalashnikovs hidden in the jungles in case the Yankees ever do manage to have even a bit of success and this turns into a guerilla war of the people against the Yankee puppets.
As a Colombian I totally agree with your assessment sir.
Dear Saker, I simply think that the whole most recent Venezuelan affair could become the “Suez moment” of the US Neocon empire. Why? Well, it is the first time that they openly and brazenly declare their intention of overthrowing a legitimately elected head of state. This time not even a fig leaf of some idiotic pretense. This is a very dangerous precedent because today Caracas, next any capital city in the world? This will further accelerate protection measures against US Neocon imperialism all around the globe, ranging from deep alienation to alternative payment systems to the Dollar.
“Suez moment” explanation (i.e. the final blow to the British Empire) :
Good observation, though I would add that the backdrop is quite different now vs the British “Suez moment”. USA superseding UK did not represent a major change. Some would say that the underlying forces did not change at all.
On the surface, at least, it would seem that a Suez equivalent now would mean an end to the power base of those forces. Would they just fade from the picture? Another school of thought has China as the successor host waiting in the wings though still under preparation.
“What’s next?” is the interesting question in my opinion. Hopes for a gentle transition to a utopian multipolar world are unfortunately not realistic.
The Suez moment is of course an English delusion. They still thought they were an empire at the time, when they hadn’t been for at least a decade. If left on their own, the English lose WW2. Instead, so many Americans came to their aid that the English were making jokes about their island sinking from the weight on all the Americans and their gear. Suez was a moment when an already faded empire had delusions of grandeur and got their foot stepped on because of it. But the key part is that they were an already past-tense empire that was only deluding themselves.
“I give the credit for this to whatever Venezuelan (or allied) units were in charge of counter-sniper operations along the border.” Saker are there some Cuban advisors in Venezuela?
Pepe Escobar in an item two weeks ago mentioned there being 15,000 Cuban troops in Venezuela providing security. Whether that’s true or not is unknown, but no one with any weight has disputed it to my knowledge.
Cubans have been in Venezuela with aid, human experts in many fields, for a decade or two.
Castro oversaw the two-nation relationship personally and Chavez idolized Fidel.
“Cuban infiltration of Venezuelan state institutions — both military and civilian — was complete, with Cuban “advisers” watching over virtually every single office, institute, ministry, barrack and embassy of the Venezuelan state. Reporting directly back to Havana, this web of spies led to a bizarre situation where Castro often had a clearer intelligence picture of what was happening inside the Venezuelan state than the Venezuelan state itself. Chávez, by all accounts, simply trusted Castro’s spies more than he did his own.”
It doesn’t matter if they are red pilled – the people voted against the dissolution of the USSR.
Re the Brasilian military: No surprise. They are aware of the pindo plans for them since many decades – the massive missionary work of pentecostal US sects is linked to an intelligence gathering about Brasil as a potential fall-back territory after a nuclear destruction of the Northern hemisphere. There are plans for this, and the competent Brasilian military brass is aware of that, and they have their own geopolitics.
Latin America may have corrupt elites, but they all know exactly what is going on:
Pobre Mexico, than fuera de dios, y tan cerca de los Estados Unidos…
There is an agreement, that was kept secret until a few years ago, between the USA and Australia, Argentina and Brazil that, in case of a “problem” (read attack in Yellowstone or a nuclear attack) people from the US could resettle in any of these three countries.
“Pobre Mexico, than fuera de dios, ..” Mexico, tan LEJOS de Dios.
All we trully brazilians patriots have is keep the faith in our destiny manifest of “país do futuro” and wait for the final fall of the empire of the caos…
New World Order lies about Venezuela—again
“Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old
order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law.
Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions
(whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace.”
I would rather set it as people from Venezuela (even from latin america) against neocons.
In Brasil the coup could have been seen like a fight between two corrupt gangs of politicians (although no actual charge of corruption could have been used against Dilma Rousseff), here it is an overt aggression against a country and its people.
People in the other latin america states will be much concerned. In Brasil, the army has avoided a possible destabilization that its participation to an so unveiled aggression could have probably unleached. I wonder about the reactions inside Colombia if its army were to be involved in military actions against Venzuela.
I think that the most powerful arm that the neocons actually earn against Venezuela is the economical starngulation.
While it will push Venzuela to try to get free from the monetary and assets slavery that have already impeded its ecomony development.
Great, comprehensive, article Saker. The most important thing is to break the narrative of the globalist neo-cons. And that´s happening, and fast. What ever happens in Venezuela from now on, the swan song of the Empire continues. BTW, Swan Song would be a great name for the Empires next aircraft carrier(if there will be any).
Did you notice this: “The Situation in Venezuela demands our action now,” the United States Special Representative for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, told the Council. “The time for a peaceful transition to democracy is now…We look forward to genuine free and fair elections and to a Government that reflects the will and aspirations of the Venezuelan people.” https://southfront.org/us-proclaimed-venezuelan-president-announces-another-humanitarian-aid-provocation/
US has became the laughing stock of the world. Also, this absurd(from the mouth of Abrams) statement confirms that Saker is right, as Abrams indirectly admits the defeat. Venezuela has been a fiasco for Trumps administration. Sometimes I wonder has Trump done all this intentionally or is he really so ignorant? I mean, he´s like a bull in a(globalist) china shop.
Prospeller: Yours is the obvious working hypothesis unless one concludes that Trump is already 100% neutered by the Deep State and decided to play out his remaining time on earth playing the role of its subservient bitch….and we stop working on the interesting contradictions.
I think we will know much, much more within the Month of March.
But who is Ceasar and who is Brutus?
And is Venezuela a Bone for the Dogs of War (which they can’t even grasp IN their teeth, so far…) while the Real Deal was playing out in Hanoi (Oh, the delicious irony, if it is true!) AND while a third ACT in the Drama/Possible Shakespearean Tragedy in the Making was playing out in DC, ……….also to distract from and PREVENT…………Any Possibility of Peace:and Cooperation between the Major Powers of the Earth???:
The Deep State Threatened Cohen’s Family So He’d Play Along With Their Scripted Impeach Trump Plan.
Normally, in a stage drama ,One Act Follows Another.
In the real world they all too often all unfold simultaneously in One Bewildering Confusion.
Venezuela cannot be ignored, but neither can HANOI …..and DC….the latter most emphatically orchestrated in Simultaneity with the Summit in Hanoi to prevent at all costs …..on Behalf of The Empire of Perpetual War and Divide and Conquer the apparently opposing intention tweeted by Trump Wednesday morning after returning from Hanoi:
“We” (he and Kim) “will try very hard to work something out on Denuclearization & then making North Korea an Economic Powerhouse. I believe that China, Russia, Japan & South Korea will be very helpful.”
The Totality of Potential might be missed trying to follow all at once, particularly if one is prejudiced.with any premature conclusions too early….(decisions, decisions!)………… It’s a most fascinating, challenging, complex task.
It will surely be missed concentrating exclusively………. on just your favorite Hot Spot of the Day, Week …or Month.
“Yours is the obvious working hypothesis unless one concludes that Trump is already 100% neutered by the Deep State ”
I think that you are right. I was his supporter because he promised in his campaign speeches to fight against globalism. I still believe that he meant what he said that time. But the neocon resistance proved to be too much for him. I believe that he can change the course of actions from now on only by being a bull in a china shop.
To say Trump has been “neutered” is automatically to rule out the possibility that he is an anti-goyimite himself.
‘Yon Abrams has a lean and hungry look…’-hungry for blood. As throughout his depraved existence.
Russia under Putin is whiny and pathetic. Pretty soon it will have no allies as countries realize that counting on her for support when things get tough is a waste of time. Putin slinks away with his tail between his legs every time then pathetically sends his mouthpieces out to whine. Washington hits with more sanctions and the Russians beg their American “partners” to stop. What a joke.
putin said years ago that russia won’t save the world from
fascism this time around. everybody has to free themselves.
russia owes no one. (even thesaker wrote an article about this)
Russia is not the Soviet Union. It cannot match the United States, which is no longer really the United States but a global cabal masquerading under that name, tit for tat. Russia simply does not have the military means, the fiscal means or the economic means to do that. Russia can only project her power so far for so long. One of the ploys of “the United States” is to get Russia to commit beyond her means. Although the empire masquerading as the “United States” is weakening, it is still very powerful and is quite capable to undermining political, social and cultural orders. President Putin’s responsibility is Russia and the Russian people. If other countries had leaders like President Putin and would rally around those leaders, then this “American” empire could be more effectively thwarted.
“It cannot match the United States” Did you hear Putin´s speech of March 1st 2018 ? Quite the opposite, the US cannot match Russia, at least from a military point of view and probably for the next 2 generations. (supposing the USA does not goes broke before) and you forgot to add China, who is on Russia ´s side now. It is game over for the USA. The sooner the USA understands this, the better, for the USA and the rest of the planet as well.
The totally Zionazi controlled US regime now follows the Zionazi ‘Samson Doctrine’-if they cannot rule the entire world, forever, then they will destroy it. Either piecemeal, one Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela etc at a time, or all at once in a thermo-nuclear or bio-warfare Holocaust. This death-wish also applies to its creator, Israel, that will destroy the human world if it ever feels ‘threatened’, say if the New Purim aggression against Iran goes badly awry. Moreover, in both Israel and Thanatopia, deranged and Evil ‘religious’ fanatics who actually hope for an apocalyptic End Times Holocaust, are in power, and increasingly so. But I have bad news for the likes of that indescribable religious cretin, Pence-the Rapture has already happened, and God took the insects, not the uptight, upstart, upright apes. After all, He is inordinately fond of beetles.
“The united states is not really the united states but a global cabal”
Yes, we are facing a multi-headed Hydra. The empire now includes the US, all the countries in the EU, and several client states in Latin America, who were previously friendly to Russia and China ( Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador to name a few).
The US didn’t even have to veto (it did along with the UK et al. Mod.) the latest Russian sponsored UNSC resolution, there were enough NO votes as the SC is now populated with the pro-empire puppets…
The one positive thing is that both Russia and China are in far better shape economically than the empire who is facing a debt time bomb, a hollowed out manufacturing base, and an angry, impoverished population who keep voting the “wrong way”.
Hi Mod,
Just to clarify (from UN.org.) US draft resolution which called for the holding of new elections and a recognition of self-proclaimed interim President Guaidó. 9 voted in favour (Germany, Poland, Peru, US, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Dominican Republic, Kuwait), 3 against (Russia, China, South Africa) and there were 3 abstentions (Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Côte d’Ivoire).
Russia’s draft called for a dialogue between the Government and the opposition, in line with the Montevideo mechanism – a forum for talks, launched by Mexico and Uruguay earlier this February. The text produced 4 votes in favour (Russia, China, South Africa, Equatorial Guinea), 7 against (Germany, Poland, Peru, US, United Kingdom, France, Belgium) and 4 abstentions (Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Kuwait).
@mike norman
While your claims are bollocks, at least you didn’t resort to the Anonymous option for their submission; hats off.
mike norman
I don’t remember the last time I read a comment that was so absurd, biased and inaccurate as the one you posted.
You’d prefer thermo-nuclear war, I take it. At least it will end humanity’s suffering quickly.
Thank you so much for the analysis!
In the meantime:
Ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Venezuela to Move PDVSA Office to Moscow From Lisbon
Also, I think that the majority of Latin Americans are already fed up with the yanquis. At the moment
in Argentina we have that low life sold out creep that I cannot even bring myself to mention
without wanting to vomit. I hope things change soon!
I have been not reading Argentinian newspapers for at least 3 months. When I see people that are “supposed” to be “progressive” (Martin Caparros comes to my mind but many others as well) talking about “the President” Guaido it shows me that either they are a bunch of “hijos de puta” or probably deeply ignorant. Probably both.
Meanwhile “our moron in chief”, who is incapable of running the country properly…40 % inflation, …60 % interest rates… prefers to keep talking about Maduro. Faurie, another fanatic, is just demolishing the credibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It looks like nobody ever explained to them who Elliot Abrahms is.
Good comment Alejo. I also find it strange how Guiado suddenly became “President” when he wasn’t even a presidential candidate in the last election.
If Venezuela has obtained a Russian ClubK missile system concealed in shipping containers, could it possibly make a difference to the outcome?
Could Venezuela humiliate the US? Could this be the “punch on the nose” Russia and China must deliver to the US to force a return to sanity and avoid nuclear war?
The attempt in Venezuela is going to fail, just how the illegal regime change operation in Syria failed.
At this point, things won’t turn around for the Empire until they get another 9/11. I am afraid this may be exactly what they are planning. Then they will once again have free reign to bomb and terrorize every country that they please. Let us focus our efforts on finding a way to prevent this.
pindos don’t have the money to wage war anymore – they are bankrupt!
the government shutdown wasn’t about trumps wall at all.
they just didn’t have the money to pay people.
then suddenly, trump confiscates Venezuelan money and the shutdown is lifted.
connect the dots!
pindos won’t attack anyone anywhere from now on.
I reckon the gold isn’t even there for Guido. It’s gone.
Excellent write-up Saker. It seems like the Venezuela regime-change playbook is similar to that of Brazil: Guaido has less legitimacy then Maduro, so he cannot stay. His role is that of Temer. i.e he is interim guy who deposes the so- called “dictator/corrupt leader” (Maduro/Rousseff), and then under the auspices of the “international community” organises “free and fair elections”, which will be “won” by a pro us/ israeli stooge, preferably a malleable neo-nazi (Bolsonaro).
@Serbian Girl
You’re right about Brazil, but I must point to you that Bolsonaro’s government is already in crisis. It’s a fake government, with a small popular support and full of contradictions. So, even that option doesn’t work for USA like it did in the “good old days”.
As someone has rightly pointed out, this might just prove to be America’s “Suez Moment”.
That is, the inability of the US to pulloff a coup in its own backyard, signals to the world, that the US empire is a wash-up power, whose glory days are far behind it.
Wouldnt that be something?
In other news:
BRICS countries to create own payment system to cut dependence on West
I think the BRICS should consider adding Iran, making it the BRIICS.
Another I neatly stuck in there would not alter much from a spelling point of view, but it would have geo-political implications that make the Bolton, Pompeo et al crap their pants.
BRIICS, think about it.
If they could just add the KSA, then it’d go through the window. In fact, J.M.Greer, author of Twilight’s Last Gleaming, was predicting an overthrow of the Saudi royal family. A shame that hasn’t happened. But I’m drifting off topic…
Excellent article Saker! One of the most brilliant and insightful that I have read! Thank you!
The neocons are acting like heroin junkies at this point. They are not even remotely believable to even the least informed American voters. People realize that Al Quaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban are not operating within Venezuelan borders, ( the propaganda for wars in South West Asia ), additionally, Americans realize that the majority of charges assailed against Maduro, being a human rights red abusing, oppressive dictator that is impoverishing and starving his citizens are being perpetrated by the neocons against American citizens.
Americans realize that these Rockefeller wars have impoverished America, threatened national security, and destroyed America’s credibility.
The neocons are willing to gamble that China and Russia will not retaliate against America.
That is the hubris that only psychopaths exhibit.
Everyone realizes that this is all based on outright fraud. 18% of Americans trust the government. People are cutting cable, as a result of being completely fed up with state sponsored propaganda.
Eventually, these neocon junkies will face reality abd realize that they only have two remaining options, stop the wars, invasions, and lying, or end up like every junkie that refuses to change …… dead.
Unfortunately the Neocons would rather start a nuclear war than give up power. I believe this is what they intend to do. They will intentionally start a nuclear war – IF the American people let them, that is.
The only effective weapon that we have against the government right now is mass wild cat strikes, crippling the entire system, demanding that they stop. The system cannot function without participation in it.
“Troika of Tyranny” = Pence, Pompeo, Bolton
“Troika of Tyranny + 1” = those 3 + Abrams
Thanks for your focus upon and highlighting of The Law, which is what I’ve been railing on about for years. Indeed, the US Constitution’s Supremacy Clause makes the UN Charter–ratified in 1945–part of the fundamental law of the Outlaw US Empire, thus rendering every intervention since that day in 1945 both unconstitutional and illegal–even if there isn’t a specific law against infringing on another nation’s sovereignty as the fact of being unconstitutional ipso facto makes it illegal!
The unilateral sanctions; the threats; and all related to them are unconstitutional and illegal. If everyone would take the time to write their congresscritter and demand adherence to their oath of office and defend the constitution while doing their duty to impeach the executive drivers of the unconstitutional acts, then maybe–just maybe–something will click in their minds. Even better would be to run for office on the very simple platform of Law & Order as it’s really easy to explain.
So, yeah, by all means, change the friggin narrative as Saker, Catlin Johnstone, myself, and many other implore–and do it with everyone you come into contact with.
There is a core of Ron Paul followers who challenge Alex Jones on the Right as well as call out the techno-fascists on the Left. Alex becomes very defensive and dismissive when they want to talk about the role of Israel in the neocon empire. Here is what Mr. Paul is doing on tour .
Allso, this I could not find in RT English but in Spanish it says that Trump cancels military maneuvers because “although they are fun ( speaking to his generals about their war games), they are very expensive..” It costs $100,000 to send planes from Guam to these maneuvers near Korea and the money could better be spent elsewhere he intimates.
Perhaps bullying Venezuela in the Caribbean ? So, yes, Venezuela may prove to be the straw that breaks this two humped camel’s back.
What concerns me is the willingness of the so-called “opposition” to rubber stamp this latest war crime posing as a humanitarian operation. Sanders, Warren, Cortez…all of the “progressives “ have repeated the empires lies and joined in the Trump regimes abrogation of international law. I have said before that they (the Neocons, deep State, whatever) will not stop until they either ru out of money or bring down the entire government. I don’t know which way it will go. This could end up with an inglorious and humiliating (and bloody) military defeat. In which case there MIGHT be enough domestic momentum to clean house. But I think this may be too much wishful thinking.
There is NO ‘opposition’ to Imperial aggression inside the US cadaver politic. Particularly when, as in Venezuela’s case, the Zionazi regime is so strongly involved in the regime change effort, and the Quisling puppet Guano-Gusano has pledged undying fealty to Israel, and an intent to move the Embassy to Jerusalem. Indeed the so-called ‘Democrats’ are even more viciously aggressive than the Republicans these days.
Another excellent article by the Saker.
As someone familiar with Latin America and Latin Americans, I can add some detail to the Saker’s observations.
The Latin American people are generally far more sophisticated politically than Americans. No one in Latin America believes that the United States is motivated by humanitarian motives. Everyone knows that it is an attempt to “neo-liberalize” Venezuela – in other words, to allow the international western elite to loot the country. The rich in Latin America support this generally but their numbers are not large. The rest of the people in Latin America understand this means more poverty and suffering for them.
This is unlike the United States where a lot of Americans are fooled by the propaganda. Everyone in Latin America knows what is happening, and even in countries like Brazil and Colombia, there is an awareness among the elite that if the dispossessed start a popular uprising, it could spread like wildfire.
As a latin-american myself, I generally agree with you. But when It comes to politics, your analysis only applies to latin-america’s left-wing. The right-wing has almost totally sold out to the Empire. In Brazil, during Bolsonaro’s rallies, there are lots of American and Israeli flags. And, unfortunately, part of the poorer classes are falling for this propaganda.
BTW: I write to you from the lovely beaches of Cuba.
Thank you so much for your latest installment; it is somewhat encouraging when we can see a laughable defeat of such a malevolent character as EA!
I feel sorry for the vast majority of Americans, with such… bad characters representing them on the world stage.
Despite the dark foreshadow, I believe it is good for all of the sane, good, to be able to have a bit of a chuckle at the troika of hysteria running the executive suite of the Casa Blanco.
Thank you again for the courage.
After the collapse, these good (mostly) gents, will hopefully go on, much as they have, likely better, and the tables will be turned on purported ‘quality of life’.
In case your readers don’t know, Havana is likely the best city in the world for those who prise adaptiveness and shun pretention.
I very much like your comparison of Syria and Middle-East with Venezuela and Latin America.
By the way, on 23 January, when I read about the events with Guaido, I spontaneously felt quite enjoyed. This primitive behaviour of the USA and the West gave a rather unexpected opportunity to Maduro. Hopefully, he can continue to use it well.
”Finally, we need to ceaselessly demand that each country and each nation live according to its own traditions and beliefs and reject the notion that a single political model must, or even can, be applied universally.”
Correct, except for the obvious fact that in the case of Exceptional and Indispensable nations such as the US and Israel, total contempt of international law plus a burning hatred of Life itself are precisely the 100% genuine traditions and beliefs they are guided by.
Elliot Abrams is about as ugly as he is evil — with May and Williamson being two other specimina. Must be a self-confidence booster of sorts.
Last but not least: Excellent job by Nicolas Maduro and his Venezuelan compatriots. Struggle and sacrifice breed dignity in people. Guaidó should be thrown down the Angel falls as fitting for allies of Satan.
The weakness at the border was the weakness of the beast.
In my current diary concerning last Saturday
I present two charts, one on Caracas and one on Wash.DC.
incredible sansation in my professional life (I made ‘Caracas’ only a days before)
Now I was going to pave a way for understanding these charts and many more, as add to Saker’s and other’s facts,
but it grew out of dimension of a comment
hence, who has a hunch what it might be:
“The real issue at stake here is the rule of law.”
Very very true, and how! But we must also keep in mind, that first and foremost about obedience to law, is the law commanded by God that “Thou shalt Not Steal.”
This applies to the Anglozionist empire, naturally! But what everyone forgets is that it also applies to all the lefty socialists looking to empower the mob to take from the others, in this case, the ‘rich’ are now ‘the Jews’, or whatever convenient scapegoat is necessary for a power grab. And for both sides it’s always for the poor. Though in one case, at least they do intend that, but in teh end become as totalitarian as the empire they rebuff, because once you condition a man to be graanted teh bounties of socialism, they become conditioned to demand more and more socialism. Charity is not meant to be perpetual, but temporary, so that the poor you help can be raised to be self sufficient. Otherwise, to hell with socialism and capitalism. And we need to return back to the Church’s teachings of subsidiarity, and limitations of expansion and corporate growth and making the banks dependent on the local economy.
“Finally, we need to ceaselessly demand that each country and each nation live according to its own traditions and beliefs and reject the notion that a single political model must, or even can, be applied universally.”
On this, no thank you Saker. We are where we are precisely because of this false ideology. It is also a repudiation of the rule of God and Christ the King.
What is needed is the divine rule of Christ. One True Worldwide Religion. And smaller states organized hierarchially. If you want the world to be closer to Heaven, then it must be organized to reflect Heaven – a Monarchy, and all action according to the will and rule of God. And all country men like family. return the Husband to the head of the family. And his father above him, and finally the ruler who is father over the whole lot, and where all his subjects are his children. Essentially like clans. And whatever can be done by the lower, should not be done by the higher. Only in this way is every man free. And anything else is made up by dependency on his family, which should be large with many brothers and sisters, or extended relatives.
True socialism belongs at home, with the working husband redistributing his wealth for the sake of his wife and children, managing their food and medicine and anything else. The first objective task of his being to get them all to heaven. The second to provide the bare necessities and basic essentials of living. With any other pleasure of this earthly life dead last. The only role government has is to maintain conditions where this is possible with as little intervention as necessary. And following this practice also help alleviate dependency on government, which is useful if the government ever becomes a target by some conqueror empire looking to screw up your economy through globalist systems.
There is a lot that can be said. And naturally, what I’m proposing here is offensive and impractical to contemporary human worldly thinking. Nevertheless, this is how it will inevitably be after the ashes that are the current world order are finally blown away.
Wonderful. Lets go back to being ruled by half-wit, inbred idiots. That always works so well. Or government by the best murderer, because in a royal family its always the best murderer that sits on the throne — after climbing over the dead bodies of his brothers.
With all due respect, your modest proposal is awfully similar to the imperialist mindset.
The red pill for me, aside from 911, was Libya. I think it may have been the same for many. The characterization of how Mrs. Clinton laughed about the brutal death of a capable opponent dogged her in 2016. It certainly made me determined to vote for anyone I thought could defeat her. I’d have voted for Jeb, if that’s what it took.
Still, I was taken by surprise with the demise of the Ukraine, and that is the biggest reason I visit your blog regularly. I try to get the word out when I see things like this happening, and I’m sure I’m not alone, because at first I heard nothing but the propaganda talking points from my relative regarding Venezuela, but they started seeing sense in a few days, and that would not have been from my predictable ranting alone.
“Maduro 1: Abrams 0:”
Maduro – winning, trump & co. – still total losers.
There: fixed.
“but this match is far from over…”
It’s not a “match”, but true, it is far from over.
The zionazi-gays are still setting up their war. What we have seen from them so far is setting the psywar/propaganda agenda for the zionazi-gay media and colonial quislings to promote the standard demonization routine. They likely didn’t expext to accomplish much inside Venezuela yet, their noise and drama theatrics are mainly for domestic consumption. The zionazi-gays are preparing their goy marks to accept anything they do against Venezuela as acceptable.
It looks to me they are essentially following the strategy they used against Nicaragua during the 1980s. A combination of widespread terrorist attacks (the contras), economic warfare (to wear down the population) and very heavy propaganda/psywar. In Nicaragua they succeeded in 1989, no doubt they tweeked the strategy to update it and better hone it for use against Venezuela.
While the propaganda aspect has been blaring full blast, the terrorism side hasn’t shown up yet. The move of u.s. special forces nearby is for training these terrorists, so expect the terrorists to begin ops soon.
Drug addiction is also a securitization commodity in the USA. Rehab centers get drug addicts to have insurance (mother, father, every family member gets sucked into the scam), and brokers get rich too. Get the drug addict into recovery, and addicted so out in the world the recycling is never ending. Cui Bono? The USA has been controlled via the Zionists (Israel) since the beginning of the criminally insane hostile takeover of Palestine. A search engine regarding how insane USA is, can be the cosmic reality enema of the “Neocons”
An enlightenment, Saker, your blog. THANKS
All the Imperialist blood soaked carnage over the past twenty or so years has come from one event in my opinion,that was the brutal attack on the FRY,the Reich chose its moment to attack,a drunken Court Jester was running Russia into the ground,since then several Countries have been trashed or turned into terrorist theme parks,if anything takes the criminal enterprise down that is the US Reich in part it will be their arrogance.
Excellent points about international law Saker. We must not let the Empire scoff at these sacred laws of humanity unchallenged.
The entire world is growing to hate the Empire, as it shows it’s true, ugly colors in these days of it’s decline. This is a very good thing, and may in the end save us from the worst these madmen can do. I pray that this be so.
Maria is the most beautiful foreign spokeswoman in the world as well as one of the most knowledgeable foreign spokes- person. She is also talented in other areas.
There is a major difference from Americas to Europe,
Eastern countries, Asia and the rest of the word.
There is basically one Church and language.
That’s why you do not see war around here. It’s just harder to start a war between 2 Catholic countries that spoke the same language and goes to the same Church.
I don’t speak, nor understand any Russian words, except when speaking to Russians, and even then most of the communication is in facial gestures, and hugs and smiles.
Since I came across her about 5 years ago, I have always thought that Maria Zakharova a Complete Star.
In England, and the UK, and the USA, we have no woman who can compete with Maria Zakharova.
Look at the state of them.
The only person I can think of, to compete, is George Galloway – and he is Scottish.
I don’t always agree with him, but I have massive Respect, especially when he was summoned to the USA.
“George Galloway vs. U.S Senate (5/17/05)”
In the case of Venezuela, how is it that The Saker fails to reveal the real enemy here? It’s not the idiot neo-cons mouthing off their dystopian bluster. In this case, it is American oil giants, like Exxon Mobil forever searching for profits that further enriches their super wealthy CEOS and large shareholders.
Go after the epicenter of the REAL ENEMY: the capitalists in Exxon and their largest shareholders.
Educate your readers (especially Americans) about WHO is destroying their lives: the US Capitalists and their unsustainable power-mongering.
This Video worth translation,
Madura learned from the war on and in Syria. Attacking Venezuela shall backfire not only within Latin America, but within USA,
As the humanitarian ship
and a couple of aid trucks with unknown unverifiable aid onboard, https://twitter.com/rt_com/status/1099801142039502848?s=21
didn’t get into Venezuela, the US pulls out another angle: using the interim (constitutional 30-day expired) fake president Guaido as the bait.
Now USA administration has been announcing about suddenly ‘Guaido’ s life is in danger!
Flight movements: https://twitter.com/gdarkconrad/status/1102262073856274435?s=21 (Ecuadorian AF plane to Northern Colombia). Many people thought he was going to fly into Venezuela. Not that Venezuela is going to allow him into airspace on a foreign military plane.
Quite remarkable how Venezuela apparently violated territorial integrity of Colombia to burn the aid trucks when they were over the border! Did Venezuela invade Colombia? Certainly not. The US lying again, because Washington is very quick to squaw ‘invasion’ at a drop of a hat. This time it was very quiet.
Side note: The amount of sheer unadulterated imagery fakes doing the rounds is ludicrous. https://twitter.com/discomfiting/status/1100101944947982336?s=21
Just pathetic.
Andrei, I’m very grateful to receive your truthful, insightful reporting on affairs currently ongoing in Maduro’s
Venezuela. Thank you and I appreciate all the thought and time/research you have employed. IMHO VIL gut.
At ninety years of age I am still listening and respecting your understanding.
Sorry, at present my financial situation doesn’t allow me to send the million or so dollars that you deserve.
I am extremely indebted to you.
The Ide are upon us soon.
Cheers, Nelson
Two really excellent articles today. Well worth the time.
Donald Trump said on the campaign trail that if he would be elected, America would get so sick of winning. I can only speak for myself, but if this is Trump’s idea of winning, I’m really sick of it!
Trump should try my idea of winning instead, by closing the 700 permanent foreign military bases and 400 temporary military bases, and stop invading other countries like a bandit of guerilla tertorists.
If Trump’s idea of losing the respect of India, which is refusing to obey Trump’s sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, having Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Syria protect itself with Russian S400 miseiles, and having the Lima group reject his plans for Venezuelan military invadion, in addition to every nation on earth, fail to reach agreements with China and North Korea, all in concurrence with an economy on the brink of total collapse is a stunning success, Trump should check into the nearest mental ward.
Trump will never get reliable information, or even good advise from his team of professional terrorists, John Bolton, Elliot Abrahms, Samantha Powers, and Heather Nauert, and he has not recieved decent advice fom Steve Mnuchin, Larry Kudlow, and Jeremy Powell, unless he has rejected it.
So Donald Trump, I haven’t called the White House in two days, which might be a first, so tomorrow when I call, I am strongly advising you to heed my advice! In fact, it seems that the choices are crystal clear at this point, it’s either my way, or the highway to hell, that you are currently racing down without breaks!
Every empire, by definition, has a flourish period. In this case they cannot prevail, and are unwilling to retreat. Therefore it’s pretty clear that Empire will be, indeed probably it is “shal”l be, defeated at the Venezuela fubar. That would signal the end of the flourit. And of the Imperial Project. Of course that will simply bring another phase…nothing to celebrate.
James Petras wrote recently> “The failure of the imperialist ultra’s in Washington to defeat Venezuela can set in motion a new wave of decolonization struggles which can force the US to look inward and downward – in order to decolonize its own electorate.”
In the example to hand this might be the transition from ideological oneirevemi pragmatikotitia to a new, modified ideological pragmatophobia…not sanity, but a period of rule from fear.
In time, however, econological pragmatism naturally prevails…rather as Sancho Panza’s “fundament”, his practical wisdom – Sancho listens to his gut. So shall we all… The gut rules the mind, like it or not.
Petras assumes the US stays unified… This may not be the case, as it has lost and cannot regain its Frontier, which stabilized, somewhat, the American working class since 1776.
see> https://www.globalresearch.ca/recolonization-latin-america-war-venezuela/5670545
and> Greg Grandin’s “The End of the Myth” (better you read the book) But see>
Russia and china needs to strangle the americans, they need to act, to cut off oil countries from usa
The empire is struggling for air, now is the time to strike
3-11-19 Does anyone have objective information about the software failures or, alternatively, internet attacks on Venezuela’s hydro-power grid?
Wayne Madsen has written extensively in the Stuxnet virus.
It’s been reported that Stuxnet was used in Iran and also in Japan.
The reports claim that Stuxnet played a roll in the Fukushima event
and that Israel created the Tsunami.
I’m sure you could find some other articles online about the virus.
Now it is for everyone to not strike…but Empire has done…and Cuban wisdom, gained at great pain, forecasts that Empire is about to strike… Listen to the Cubans, they’re keen observers, and oh how I miss Che and Fidel…they ought to be here to witness the conflict, and the outcome…
No Plan survives first contact… Empire is delusional, ignorant, desperate – “mad” – Empire must strike – or it’s surrendered, seen as in collapse…the slippery slope to Imperial Ruin…
But about those Cuban views….see>
it’s in Spanish, naturally.
A translated fragment> “…The experience of the history of Cuba and other countries in the region shows that these actions are the prelude to larger acts of violence, such as the armed invasion of Playa Girón in 1961. The international community has enough evidence to be warned …”
and “…Unlike the United States, which has some eighty military bases in Latin America and the Caribbean, including the one that usurps Cuban territory in Guantánamo, and some eight hundred on the planet that have more than 250,000 soldiers; Cuba does not have any in any country, nor specialists in torture and police repression, nor secret prisons, nor naval or air forces prowling the coasts and the immediate airspace of sovereign States or satellites observing every detail.
With lies, imperialism promoted the bloody coup d’etat of Augusto Pinochet in Chile, and many other coups and repressive dictatorships in the region. With lies, more than 10 thousand defenseless citizens were murdered in the December 1989 military invasion of Panama. They provoked military aggression and the destabilization of Libya.
With lies it was that the United States and other powers maintained until the last hour full support for the opprobrious apartheid regime in South Africa.
The Revolutionary Government warns and denounces that the tendency to lie without limit and no restraint on the part of the government of the United States already had dangerous consequences in the past that could be repeated at present. …”
Read, weep, pray…or whatever…. The highly experienced Cubans expect the next shoe to drop. So do I…
adding> https://www.rt.com/news/453580-us-withdraw-diplomats-venezuela/
Ok, ultimatum…embargo…sabotage…threats…repeat…withdrawal of personnel.. Our Cuban Comrades have seen this before…they’re probably right…Empire intends a physical “kinetic” campaign…humanitarian bombing?
If they get their hands hands on Madero…https://www.voltairenet.org/article202014.html ?
Well, maybe…
Note well what well-nourished Mr Pomper said> ” the presence of U.S. diplomatic staff at the embassy has become a constraint on U.S. policy.”
(One assumes that the Imperial Agents plan to bomb their own embassy as a causus beli)
“Secretary Pompeo
The U.S. will withdraw all remaining personnel from @usembassyve this week. This decision reflects the deteriorating situation in #Venezuela as well as the conclusion that the presence of U.S. diplomatic staff at the embassy has become a constraint on U.S. policy.”
If you check The Great Man’s Twit er feed, he’s planning to level the field…>
Secretary Pompeo
Verified account @SecPompeo
6h6 hours ago
Great to be in #Houston to meet with global energy sector leaders at @CERAWeek. @EnergyAtState is working hard to open new markets & foster transparent, level playing fields so U.S. businesses can deliver reliable, secure, & affordable energy to the world. #StateDeptStateside”
(Well, he’s said what the game is, eh? Steal everything, smash things until they are “level”…Mr P used to be a tank commander).
and Max B has added innarrestin’ stuff> Random Stooge Guy was trained according to
Read this stuff…it’s too complex, and too big for excerpts to mean much…
Y’all can do some searching too…what do I miss?
A truly inspiring article, besides being coherent with logic, consistent with history and true to facts. In a related vein, I believe that the ongoing and so-far-unsuccessful coup in Venezuela, has dramatically elevated the standing of Maduro as a leader of his own people. His demeanor is noble, his words sincere and their delivery inspiring.
It does not take an expert psychologist to see and conclude that Maduro’s words come from the heart. Compare him with the US puppets of evil, their demeanor and their arrogant and asinine statements. It’s comparing roses with a latrine.
I believe these soulless ambulating marionettes do not represent the American people at large. Or if they do we are dealing with the worse part of the country, the physical and figurative lower intestine and its charge of malodorous refuse.
About the faked pictures of a wrecked hydro, see my /moveable-feast-cafe-2019-03-13/#comment-623798 and the urls there.
Just to emphasize what this insightful article points out: it would be a big mistake to underestimate the necons. They have unlimited resources, and they kill without any risk to themselves, or at least with minimal risk to themselves. I think they will inevitably try a proxy-style, Syria-style tactic. My personal hunch: they ‘ll pick a replacement for Guaidó, kill Guaidó, falsely accuse Maduro, and then drop some bombs. Think about it. Guaidó is quickly becoming worth more dead than alive. They’ll get their use out of him, no different than if he were a Whabbi jihadi in Syria. Anyway, that’s my speculation. Great article.
The Americans I know would rather fight alongside Venezuelans to defend
Venezuela than murder anyone for the reptilians occupying North America.
We Americans hate these
Zio-monsters just as much as the rest of the world.
They control the fiat paper printing and the media,
and yet because many of them are genetically inflicted with Schizoaffective Disorder
and Schizophrenia, they’re too insane to realize they are slitting their own throats.
Haaretz talks about these afflictions.
They are rampant.
A large percentage of people in the Ashke=na=zi Hospitals and Senior Living Centers have these issues.
I have family members who work in them.
Can you imagine how many of them running the banks and sitting in Washington is infected
with this abject insanity but are able to get by and seem somewhat normal?
The patients are clearly running the asylum.
In order to defeat this Draco Beast,
we’re all going to have to band together to destroy it.
It seems that many of us are already on the path together.
This is good news.
It cannot be accomplished with armaments because “they” have more and bigger and more sophisticated. To control the FEMA camps seems to me to be a way of “keeping families together”. They are mostly empty and have room and facilities enough to feed the bastids.
Mark Sleboda sees, according to the twiterstuff, that pentagon is planning a major campaign…he’s probably right…logistics take money and are an advance indicator…Venezuela is on Sleboda’s list of expected targets
Mark Sleboda
Verified account @MarkSleboda1
Mark Sleboda Retweeted Ro Khanna
Pentagon obviously budgeting Overseas Contingency for an expected new war.
But which one?
Mark Sleboda added,
Ro Khanna
Verified account @RoKhanna
The Pentagon is asking for a massive increase to $750 billion. They are increasing Overseas Contingency, which Mulvaney has called a “slush fund,” from $69 billion to $165 billion. Democrats must not allow one penny over the budget caps if we want to stop endless wars.
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The matter of the blackout and so forth.
We cannot hope that the “Neocon-Liberal Gang” has any sense of contradiction from what they declare and the real state of affairs. We, however, could hope that they could, at least, sense the contradiction from their own sentences.
Look here to what the US “Proconsul” in charge for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, declares: “… the 30-day period of interim presidency (of Juan Guaido’) will not start ending or counting until the day Nicolas Maduro leaves power”. Meaning that he (Guaido’) can still be considered in charge (as Interim-President) even if his “nomination” dates back to 5 January 2019. Hence, Abrams pretends, the Article 233 of the country’s constitution, which limits the interim president’s authority to 30 days after taking office, is not violated.
Sorry, Mr. Abrams, but if Guaido’ as interim-president is not “expired” since the 30 days must be counted from when Maduro leaves power, this means also that his interim-presidency cannot be, similarly, considered started, i.e., he cannot be considered as having taken office yet.
So, dear Mr. Abrams, Mr. Guaido’ cannot be considered interim-President at all, as you declares…
Did you catch the contradiction?
A Venezuela Union Leader’s Analysis of Crisis @ https://blackagendareport.com/venezuela-union-leaders-analysis-crisis
What’s especial about this source is that the audience is primarily American Negros of an educated and motivated, engaged, class. I have been told by long-gone US Communists that their concern in 1945 USA was that the GI Bill and returning veterans, including Negro officers (not many, but some), would demand their full civil rights – and that the CPUSA wanted to become involved in that class struggle. Of course, this failed, in part due to the State Murders of the several Negro leaders and the infiltration of the CP, and the pogrom called McCarthy. Nevertheless, the class stress has never been resolved, and is now far worse, and far more dangerous, as well as exploited by Imperial machinations.
“Imperialism’s aim has always been to oust the Chavista government at any cost. Since the moment Maduro came to power in 2013, they started the plan to oust him. Currently, they are acting with more urgency. They need to put an end to Maduro and the Bolivarian revolution, the cycle of instability and the progressive and more-or-less sovereign governments that arose in our continent after Chávez kicked off the revolutionary process and started governing.
With Lenin Moreno’s treason in Ecuador and having regained complete control in Brazil and Argentina, and with a favorable balance of forces in the region, imperialism does the rest. They want to oust Maduro and defeat the Bolivarian process with the least possible political cost. But if they don’t achieve this in the short term, they will try to do it at any cost. Trump represents a segment of imperialism that desperately wants the U.S. to seize global economic, political and military hegemony. They want to recover economic, financial and industrial supremacy, which they have been losing to China. Their power is mainly military.”
Will the Venezuelan Military be overwhelmed by the firepower of the US ? I doubt it !. Anyone who has visited Venezuela will tell you the country will be a diverse battleground. The Andes tower to 15000 feet many times with only one road which caves in from time to time. There are jungles fronting Colombia, Brazil and Guyana where no foot either Native Indian or White Man has ever trod. There are the savannahs ( the LLanos) that are ideal tank country for a few months of the year and them become impassable swamps filled with snakes and other wild animals for months at a time. And finally there are the Cities with vast slums ruled by gangs armed with the latest weapons and who know how to use them. Many of these Cities are also bordered by wilderness savannahs and jungle. In Colombia, with billions of dollars in military aid the guerilla movement has still not been subdued after decades of war. Further in addition to facing the Venezuelan Army and armed citizens, hatred for the US runs so high that thousands of other Latin Americans with nothing to lose will flock to Venezuela to fight the Americans in similar fashion as happened in Iraq. Cuban, Russian and Chinese troops are now in the country all eager for revenge. So I wish Elliot and the boys good luck ! And to the American taxpayer I say, work harder to pay for the war and brace yourself for another round of body bags