Okay, I admit it, the title is rather hyperbolic :-) But here is what I am trying to say: there are signs that Russia is intervening in the Belarusian crisis (finally!)
First and foremost, we can see a truly radical change in Lukashenko’s policies: if his initial instinct was to unleash a brutal repression of both the violent rioters and the peaceful demonstrators, now he has made a 180 and the outcome is quite amazing: on Sunday there were large anti-Lukashenko demonstrations yet not a single person was detained. Not one. Even more amazing is this: the Polish-run Nexta Telagram channel (which is the main medium used by the Empire to overthrow Lukashenko) initially called for a peaceful protest, but at the end of the day a call was made to try to take over the main Presidential building. When the rioters (at this point we are dealing with an illegal, violent, attempt to overthrow the state – so I don’t call these people demonstrators) got to the building they were faced with a real “wall” of riot cops in full gear: this (really scary) sight was enough to stop the rioters who stood for a while, and then had to leave.

Lukashenko and son
Second, Lukashenko did something rather weird, but which makes perfectly good sense in the Belarusian context: he dressed himself in full combat gear, grabbed an AKSU-74 assault rife, dressed his (15 year old!) son also in full combat gear (helmet included) and flew in his helicopter over Minsk and then landed in the Presidential building. They then walked to the riot cops, where Lukashenko warmly thanked them and which resulted in the full police force giving him a standing ovation. To most of us this behavior might look rather outlandish if not outright silly. But in the context of the Belarusian crisis, which is a crisis primarily fought in the informational realm, it makes perfectly good sense.
- Last week Lukashenko said that no other elections, nevermind a coup, will happen as long as he is alive.
- This time Lukashenko decided to show, symbolically, that he is in charge and that he will die fighting along his son if needed.
The message here is clear: “I am no Ianukovich and, if needed, I will die just like Allende died”.
Needless to say, the AngloZionist propaganda machine has immediately declared that seeing Lukashenko carrying a Kalashnikov is a clear sign that he has gone insane. In the western context, if this was, say, Luxembourg or Belgium this accusation of insanity would be spot on. But in the Belarusian context, these accusations get very little traction, chalk it up to cultural differences if you wish.
To understand how powerful this message is, we need to keep in mind the two key rumors that the Empire’s PSYOP operation was trying to convey to the people of Belarus:
- There are profound differences amongst and inside the ruling elites (especially the so-called “siloviki” – the “power ministries” if you want, like Internal Affairs or KGB).
- Lukashenko either has already fled the country or is about to flee it (each time a helicopter files over Minsk, the western PSYOPs say that this is footage of Lukashenko “fleeing the country”).
I have a strong suspicion that what happened between Putin and Lukashenko is very similar to what happened between Putin and Assad: initially, both Assad and Lukashenko apparently thought that pure violence will solve the problem. That profoundly mistaken belief resulted in a situation in which the legitimate authorities were almost overthrown (and this is still possible in Belarus). In each case, the Russians clearly said something along the lines of “we will help you, but you have to radically change your methods”. Assad listened. Lukashenko apparently did too, at least to some degree (this process has just begun).
The truth is that the opposition is in a difficult situation: the vast majority of the people of Belarus clearly do not want a violent coup, followed by a bloody civil war, a total deindustrialization of the country and a total submission to the Empire, i.e. they don’t want to go down the “Ukie way”. But how do you *legally* overthrow a government, especially if that government now sends the clear message “we will die before we allow you to seize power”?
Then there is the immense problem with Tikhanovskaia: while few believe that she got 10% and Lukashenko got 80% – nobody sincerely believes that she beat him. So while the West wants to paint Lukashenko as “the next Maduro“, it is practically impossible to convince anybody “that Tikhanovskaia is the next Guaido“.
So where do we go from here?
Well, Lukashenko has not fired Foreign Minister Makei or KGB Head Vakulchik. Truth be told, I tend to agree with some Russian analysts who say that Makei is not really the problem, and that the main russophobe in Minsk is Lukashenko himself (just one example: he was the one who removed the four Russian Sukhois which Russia had sent to help Belarus control their airspace). It is quite true that Lukashenko runs all his ministries with an iron hand and that saying that Makei is all evil and black while Lukashenko is this white, innocent, victim is not very credible. However, even if Makei and Vakulchik were only executing Lukashenko’s orders, then now need to fall in their swords as a sign of contrition and reparation towards Russia. Still, the Russians will probably indicate to Lukashenko that the Kremlin will not work with these turncoats.
Then there are the public statements of the Belarusian Minister of Defense, Viktor Khrenin, who says all the right things and who seems to take a very hard line against those western forces which are behind this latest attempt at a color revolution. It is well known in Russia that while Belarusian diplomats seem to, how shall I put it, prefer smiles to substantive collaboration with Russia. The case of the Belarusian military is quite different, not only do the Russian and Belarusian militaries train together, they also share intelligence on a reportedly continuous basis. Besides, without Russia the Belarusian military would find itself completely isolated, unable to procure technical support or parts, disconnected from the Russian early warning systems and removed from Russian intelligence support.
The Belarusian military is dramatically different from the Ukrainian military which had practically lost its combat readiness decades ago, which was then purged from all real patriots, and which was fantastically corrupt. In contrast, the comparatively small Belarusian military is, by all accounts, very well-trained, decently equipped and commanded by very competent officers. I think that it is a safe bet to say that the armed forces are loyal to Lukashenko and that they would probably welcome a full reunification with Russia.
As for Lukashenko himself, he has, for the first time, allowed an openly pro-Russian party to register (in the past, pro-Russian movements, organizations and parties were systematically persecuted and shut down). He also declared on public TV that “his friend Putin” advised him on how to react to the demonstrators.
So will Belarus become the next Syria?
Well, no, of course not, the two countries are way too different. But in a different sense, what happened in Syria might happen in Belarus: Russia will provide her full support, but only in exchange for major reforms on all levels. And though Lukashenko now declares that the West only wants to destroy Belarus as a first phase of destroying all of Russia, I do not believe that there is any chance for a military conflict, unless one of three things happen:
- Some nutcase on either side opens fire and triggers a military incident (and even that might not be enough)
- The Poles get really desperate and do something fantastically dumb (Polish history demonstrates that this is a very real possibility)
- Lukashenko is killed and chaos ensues (not very likely either)
We must remember that when Russia intervened in Syria, the Syrian military was in shambles and basically defeated. This is not at all the case in Belarus which has a superb military (of the “lean and mean” sort) and they can secure their own country, especially when backed by the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs forces.
Still, while Lukashenko might be part of the solution in the short term, in the long term he must go and be replaced by a trustworthy leader whom the Belarusian people and the Kremlin could really trust and that leader’s main task will be to fully reintegrate Belarus into Russia. Again, a major difference with Syria.
The Saker
Ironically, the Belarusian opposition’s own election monitors also showed that Lukashenko had won – their results showed by 62%:
However, despite this, “…. Golos suggests that “even the result of 61.7 percent” for Lukashenko “cannot be considered reliable” due to alleged “revealed falsifications” at polling stations, and the fact that the president would need to have “a fantastical 88.85 percent” at the remaining 4,457 polling stations if the 61.7 percent result was correct……”
The opposition keeps shooting itself in the foot. Lets hope Lukashenko follows through with the Union State otherwise he’ll be on his own. Navalny awaits in Germany…….
V.. Lukashenko may have won the election by ~62% , but he doesn’t have the mandate to be the President !
Mandate is delivered by the City of London & counter-signed by Wall St !
And no long sea voyages across the Black Sea, through the straits and the Sea of Marmara, across the Aegean between Greece and Turkey, past Rhodes and Crete and Cyprus…
Just straight across the fratenal border into Belarus.
Indeed, yes.
As for police not arresting anyone, there is no need for that: Svetlana the “opposition leader” is doing a good job of discrediting the lot – meeting, in her “exile”, Pompeo’s deputy, after that French ghoul BHL, showing herself as the puppet she may not even realise she is..
”/…/ each time a helicopter flies over Minsk, the western PSYOPs say that this is footage of Lukashenko ’feeling the country’ ”
A helicopter tour seems quite all right as a means of feeling the country 😀
Humour aside, Belarus will not be turned into another Syria. Here, Russia intervened swiftly. In Syria, it took 4 years for this to happen. And now that Lukashenko has manned up, Belarus has a leadership matching that of Syria.
yeah, one of my stupid typos, I apologize
it should say
“feeling the country”
which I now corrected in the article
my apologies for that dumb mistake!
Yes, you are correct, Belarus will not be turned into another Syria. In fact, that is impossible, as Syria, among other things, has been turned into a religious battlefield, which quite simply cannot happen in Belarus.
What we have in Belarus is a continuation of what happened in Serbia whose President, Aleksandar Vučić, is perceived by the West of being a closet “Russian”, and thus fair game for a color revolution. Well, a color revolution was indeed tried,turning into a black comedy. In Ukraine neo-Nazis from Western Ukraine were used to overthrow Yanukovich. Since there are no neo-Nazis in Serbia, the liberals, backed by NGO’s, used football hooligans in an attempt to take over the Parliament. The hooligans were initially joined by teenagers who, after a few days, backed off, realizing they were turned into stooges. The general population did not join the “demonstrators”, and the “demonstrations” (ie. riots) collapsed. The situation now is perfectly peaceful, as it was during the “demonstrations”, which occurred only in front of the Parliament building and nowhere else in Belgrade.
When it comes to Belarus, it would appear that some members of the general population did indeed join the demonstrations, the impression being that many of the demonstrators are either teenagers or else young people in their twenties. As in Serbia, the bulk of the population did not join the demonstrators, who appear to have some limited popularity in the capital, but not outside the capital, where we had pro-Lukashenko demonstrations.
This article is, like all the other articles written by The Saker, excellent. However, I will have to disagree with one point. The Saker has written that “it is practically impossible to convince anybody “that Tikhanovskaia is the next Guaido“. I don’t think so. She is a Belarusian version of Guaido, who loves to go to Washington while Tikhanovskaia has fled to Lithuania, a very foolish act on her behalf, creating an impression that she is a political mercenary, as indeed she is. I think that the bulk of the Belarusian population sees her in that context, and yes, the bulk of the population does not want to see Belarus transformed into another Ukraine, deindustrialized and plundered by both the West and domestic oligarchs.
We also have the question of Poland. The Saker has pointed out that Poland might do something fantastically dumb. Well, as far as I can see, it has set itself on this course since 2014, when it supported the coup d’etat in Ukraine. Poland cannot forget Galicia, and thus wants to separate both Ukraine and Belarus from Russia, trying to reincarnate Galicia in the process. This, of course, can only be done if Ukraine and Belarus are broken up. Poland has a talent of making enemies, and in this latest escapade it has made enemies of both Hungary and Romania, as both want a chunk of Ukraine and Belarus, not to mention making enemies of pro-Russian Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians. It has even – foolishly – proposed the stationing of the US military in Poland, with one of the potential bases being called “Fort Trump”. Foolish indeed, as Poland in a military conflict would be transformed into a battlefield.
And finally, the question needs to be asked if Belarus will be reunited with Russia. I think the answer is ‘yes’. The West started a chain reaction with the coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014. This chain reaction has gained speed with the ongoing color revolution in Belarus. The West has shown itself of being a very poor student of history. The bulk of Ukraine and Belarus will be reunited with Russia.
“We also have the question of Poland. The Saker has pointed out that Poland might do something fantastically dumb. ”
Fantastically dumb things done by Prussia, Russia an Austria were the partitions of Rzeczpospolita, which resulted in the incorporation of Belarus into Russian Empire. It, the incorporation, was forcible… Polish influence on Belarus lasted much, much longer than Russian and culturally is much more impressive the Eurasian/Russian
Poland, with Vatican backing, had also influence in Ukraine, with the result that the current “Ukrainian language” has 90 % Russian words and 10% Polish and Western words. The name of Ukraine is derived from the Slavic word “Krayina”, which means frontier region. From the word “Krayina” the name of “Ukrayina” was derived, and from “Ukrayina” we have the present day name of Ukraine. Ukraine was the frontier region of Russia. There is no such thing as the Ukrainian ethnic group, the exception being Western Ukraine, the former Galicia, where you will find mixed blood.
When it comes to Belarus, Polish influence is of no importance. In the name of Belarus you will find the word “Rus”, which means “Russian”. The people of Belarus are indeed Russian, speaking Russian, although in the country you will also find a Belarusian dialect of Russian. Even so, this dialect is still Russian. The people of Belarus do not speak Polish, now do they ? Belarus cannot be separated from Russia and belongs inside Russia.
At the time of Mongolian Orda there existed no such thing as Russia or even a Moscow duchy so there were no cultural exchange between Russia and Belarus/Ukraine as well as no Russian influence on Belarus – this state lasted for 350 years. Then after the liberation the so called Russia was a cultural desert, the europeisation of Russia was in fact an imitation of the polish culture. Polish influence on Belaris lasted till 1860 when the polish national uprising was crushed, in which Belarusians took an active part…because Belarusians studied at Polish medieval universities, experienced Renaissance etc etc – Moscovia, the Moskovites, Russia couldnt offer anything of the kind at the time, thats why Belarus has tighter cultural ties with Poland than with Russia
“польско-южнорусское влияние XVII в. было значительно мощнее западноевропейского.” – can be translated as the polish-lithuanian influance of XVII century (on Russia) was much stronger than the western european.
in the original text by Bushkovitch “южнорусское” didnt exist. Russia itself is a heavily polonized culture.
Even the names of Europen countries are Polish loanowords in the Russian language: Франция-Francja-France, Англия- Anglia-England, Греция – Grecja – Greece, Швеция- Szwecja – Sweeden etc
The Duchy of Moscow ? Why concentrate on it ? The Russian state was originally centered in Kiev, being known in the West as Kievian Rus, which is a Western invention. The capital of this Russian state was indeed in Kiev, but the state was simply known as Rus, or Russia, which was never “an imitation of Polish culture”, something I never read even in Western history books.
“Even the names of Europen countries are Polish loanowords in the Russian language: Франция-Francja-France …”. Indeed. Slavs have their own Slavic words when it comes to European countries. France in Russian is Francia (Франциа). France in Serbian is Frantsuska (Француска). Greece in Russian is Grecia (Грециа). Greece in Serbian is Grchka (Грчка). Now don’t tell me that the Polish culture extended as far as the Balkans.
“imitation of Polish culture”, something I never read even in Western history books.” – I have given the link to the literature above, can you read ?
“The Duchy of Moscow ? Why concentrate on it ?” – Are you sure that the subject is your domain? Think about some embroydery portal…
‘The Russian state was originally centered in Kiev,” AND THE SERBIAN
Well Serbian (of Balkans) culture for a long time was a satellite culture of Russia, incliding the Serbian language, so many Polish words could get into Serbian through russian, but “Грчка” isnt a Russian word…
Info about the names of some European countries in the Russian you can find in te book Очерки по истории русского литературного языка XVII-XIX вв. by Виноградов, Виктор Владимирович – Vinogradov is a prominent russian academician… its clear that you have never heard about the great man
BTW “Rus”, which means “Russian”. Never, never have heard anything more ridiculous in my life…really – “Rus” is an ancient word but the word “Russia” is an artificail word, a neologism coined by Peter the Great…
“The people of Belarus are indeed Russian” – Nonsense. Belarusian language is sometimes considered as a dialect of Ukrainian but never as a dialect of Russian…
No, I have no intention of surfing an embroydery website. I mention the original Russian state centered in Kiev, and you pretend it did not exist, as this goes against your beliefs. You have acquired the the reporters tactic of the selective approach, writing only what suites you.
““The people of Belarus are indeed Russian” – Nonsense. Belarusian language is sometimes considered as a dialect of Ukrainian but never as a dialect of Russian”. Indeed. How can the Belarusian “language” be a dialect of Ukrainian, when the Ukrainian ethnic group and language do not exist ? As I already wrote, the Ukrainian “language” consists of 90 % of Russian words and 10 % of Polish and Western words. The Belarusian “language” is a dialect of Russian, used in Belarus. However, in Belarus the Russian language is also spoken, known by everyone.
You also stated ““Rus” is an ancient word but the word “Russia” is an artificail word, a neologism coined by Peter the Great”. Indeed. After reading this nonsense all I can say is that our correspondence has come to an end. No point going on. Over and out.
“Ukrainian “language” consists of 90 % of Russian words” – Stop please writing nonsense…
“Согласно исследованиям украинских лингвистов (К. Н. Тищенко и других), лексически ближайшим к украинскому является белорусский язык (84 % общей лексики), затем польский (70 %), сербский (68 %) и русский язык (62 %) ”
– can be translated as the ukrainin and belarusian languages have about 84% of common vocabulary, polish and ukrainian – 70 % and finally ukrainin and russian have only 62% of common vocbulary…
Really no point going on. Again, think about embroydery for your own sake
Translation from the moderator:
“According to the studies of Ukrainian linguists (K. N. Tishchenko and others), the lexically closest to Ukrainian is the Belarusian language (84% of the general vocabulary), then Polish (70%), Serbian (68%) and Russian (62%)”
I would like a second opinion from Russian linguists. What I wrote I did not invent. Even if what you wrote is true, it simply means that the Ukrainian and Belarusian “languages” are dialects of the Russian language. I also see that the Serbian language is mentioned. It should be of no surprise. There are many people in Ukraine (especially in the Donbass) and in Russia, who are of Serbian origin. At the end of the 17th century there was a huge migration of Serbs to Russia, all the result of the Turkish invasions. Yanukovich, for example, is a Serbian surname. Natalia Poklonskaya, the former prosecutor from Crimea, is of Serbian origin. Some years back she came to Serbia, wanting to see the land of her ancestors.
As for my Polish friend, I will again pass his offer to surf “embroydery” websites. The word “embroydery” is spelt as “embroidery”. I need to improve his spelling, as well as his veracity, as he has this habit of ignoring historical facts, like pretending that the original Russian state, centered in Kiev, was “never” created, it being called “Rus”, and not “Kievian Rus”, as fabricated by Western historians.
I grew up speaking four Slavic lang. (incl. Russ, and Ukr dialect), and can tell you that Ukr lang/dialect is not easy for Russians to understand. The words may have common origin, but pronunciation has been altered and it is mixed with other dialects, not just Polish.
I thought that the word “Rus” actually originally referred to Vikings who traveled down the Volga and then formed settlements in what is now Russian and the Ukraine.
Vikings did indeed travel to Russia. Norwegian Vikings sailed to England, Ireland, North America, the Adriatic, Danish Vikings sailed to England, France and Central Europe, while Swedish Vikings came to Russia.
When it comes to Swedish Vikings, opinions differ as to their importance in the history of Russia. According to some, Swedish Vikings were nothing but mercenaries. According to others, they unified the Slavic confederations of Russia, creating Russia, with the first Russian nobility being of Swedish/Finnish origin. As for the word “Rus”, opinions differ if the word is Slavic or Scandinavian. However, it is a fact that from the word “Rus” the name of “Russia” was derived.
“I thought that the word “Rus” actually originally referred to Vikings who traveled down the Volga and then formed settlements in what is now Russian and the Ukraine.”
“When it comes to Swedish Vikings, opinions differ as to their importance in the history of Russia.”
However on the bank of the Dneiper by Kiev there was a statue commemorating their role in developing/founding Kiev facilitated by portage of the longships overland between river systems.
The statue may or may not have been removed, since “history” is and has always been sought to be subject to myth/opinion, particularly prevalent in borderlands.
From what I read, Rus was a reference to Vikings as in ‘people who row.” Vikings made their way down to the Byz. empire, navigating rivers.
Re “I grew up speaking four Slavic lang. (incl. Russ, and Ukr dialect), and can tell you that Ukr lang/dialect is not easy for Russians to understand. The words may have common origin, but pronunciation has been altered and it is mixed with other dialects, not just Polish.”
I speak German, but German as spoken in Oesterreich is basically a blank wall to me unless the speaker makes an effort on my behalf. Same with Swietzerdeutsch.
Actually, a heavy Scottish burr is incomprehensible to many English speakers—what with the accent, the different emphasis, and then the Scottish words thrown in.
Actually, the way many African Americans speak can be pretty hard for an outsiders to understand.
People intentionally camouflage their language for many reasons.
A Danish friend told me that Danish basically is German intentionally made impossible for Germans to understand. I don’t know how seriously this comment was intended.
I certainly had to give up on Danish. Impossible language!
Maybe the Ukrainians did something similar.
“The Belarusian “language” is a dialect of Russian, used in Belarus. However, in Belarus the Russian language is also spoken, known by everyone.”
I go even further: i hardly met someone in Belarus speaking other language than Russian. The bilingual signs and billboards are there much more to indicate a national component than to establish communication between Belarusian speakers. It was even funny when people in Minsk corrected me to say “ulitsa” instead of “vulitsa”, when i tried to say some ordinary address (respectively, Russian and Belarusian words for “street”)
Your problem is you are still nostalgic for things past. Poland ruled in the past, do what? Sweden was a powerful empire now in the 22nd century 😁😁 New power brokers are up and coming. Trying to relieve the past is going to get Poland into some serious hurt just like it happened during the 1930s/1940s. The soviets gave that country it sovereignty be grateful to Russia for this.
RUR, I suggest studying Polish and Rus history, my friend. You might also know the saying: “Lech, Czech and Rus to bracia => Lech->Polak, Czech and Rus are bothers”. Tatar and Mongol hordes were coming for jassir since XI century. First kniaz of Rus was Ruryk, after he married princess Sophia? from Constantinople and accepted christianity at the same time. This was the beginning of Christian Russia, regardless of the fact that Kiev was the capital of “Red Rus”. It was still referred to as Kievan Rus. Poles in their arrogance referred to Russians as “Moskale” after the capital was moved to Moskwa->Moskow.
Check this video, if you know Russian
Документальный фильм “Рюрик. Потерянная быль” | Задорнов на РЕН ТВ
Just at the beginning the speaker says “Kto eto Rusy, Varangi nikogda nie byli Skandynavami – Who were the Russians, Varangians were never Scandinavian”
At 1:15
In that area of Youtube you will find more on the subject.
I am back, as I spent more time watching the video, and I can’t hold myself from making a comment.
Russia, just like Greece is under constant attack by the “Germans”. I am not going to go deeper into this subject, except one thing that some people hate us so much they can’t stop the lies.
There is one thing though. Accordingly to some sources. Aghia Sophia has scribed rhunes in the wood. The rhunes are claimed to be of Viking origin. We also know that Variangs were mercenaries in service of Eastern Roman Empire.
But be prepaired for a surprise. First of all, accordingly to one Greek writer, who lives in Germany and spent more than 45 years studying Greek origins of some of the “Germanic” tribes. As he explains the so called “Celtic-Druid” rhunes are nothing but Greek Linear A and B writing systems. Studying those rhunes he claims that that they are actually in Greek often making reference to Greek Gods like Dias (known in the Latin World as Zeus), often to Aris (Mars), Dimitra (Demeter), etc, etc. He also claims that Germans never existed in the so called “German” history. The word “German” is actually a modern invention just like the fake Indo-European “theory”.
Re Germany/Deutschland, it is odd that in this case the native-language name for the country, language, etc. is so different from the English. Germany comes from Germania—I supposed named for a tribe, the Germani, encountered by Julius Caesar.
Whereas the name Deutschland comes from an Old High German word meaning “people.”
The French name, Allemagne, comes from some other tribe, the Allemani.
The Italian name, Tedesco, comes from the same root as “Deutsch.”
Then there is Teutonic—from a tribe called the Teutoni. But then it seems that Teutonsland turns into Deutschland.
This is looking circular.
Basically, everyone has a different take on how to label those damned Krauts.
At least we do know where that name comes from! (BTW I am one, so please, hold the PC-mayo! (:-)).
What all of this means for contemporary German history is unclear, and the same is probably true also for Belorusian.
In Slavic countries Germans are called Nijemci/Nemci wich means mute people, peolple that couldnt speak..
Thanks for the Nijemci reminder!
In fact, it has been related to me with great satisfaction by at least one Slav that the Russian name for German also means “cockroach”!!
However, that is not the translation for “cockroach” that I get from dictionaries—namely, tarakan.
However, perhaps there is Russian word for “cockroach” or some other bug that has a spelling variation that doesn’t show up in an English transliteration but that looks like Nemetz.
Or, possibly Nemetsky refers to a German shepherd dog?
Don’t forget Franks – from which the name Francia comes, although it was a Germanic tribe. It was the pressure Frank priests tried to apply in the Greater Moravia to gain power that led Rastislav, then the ruler of GM, to write to the Byzantine emperor Michael (if I remember well), asking for a translation of the Bible into a Slavic language. The emperor sent Cyril and Metod, who translated the Bible into the old Slavonic, and also created an alphabet. This became the basis for azbuka. When power games sent them away from Rastislav’s court, C&M and their disciples went south, hence azbuka in Bulgaria and Serbia. (Am not clear how it got to the Kyevskaia Rus, though.)
Katherine, it’s funny you mention the names, because I just went through the pages in his book (the book is titled: Οι Ελληνες οι Αρειμενοι Βλαχοι και η Κρυμενη Αληθεια => The Hellenes The Arimeni Vlachs and the hidden truth. He uses mostly German sources as he concentrates on Germany and the countries to the east and south. Back to subject: he says that since the beginnings there were more than 50 tribes on the territory of current Germany and none of them was called Germans. On the page 210 he discusses different names used by the many European people for the Germany. I have a thought about French and Spanish names which are close to each other: Alemagne and Alemand, which in my opinion means “alle-man? other people?” The Slavs though call them Poles=> Niemcy (or Miemcy which really meant mute since they could not communicate), and similarly the others. Interestingly enough only Estonians call them Saksa (Saxons?). To end this, on the page 106 he shows a grave of a prominent Celt in Glaubenberg covered with Greek symbols (famous meander) and rhunes.
Sorry small addition, Hellenes are the only ones who use the name Germany, Germans, etc, and the English by extention. I do not know the origins of the word, but knowing Hellenic naming methods there had to be some reason.
Γερμανία – Germany
Γερμανός – German (one man)
Γερμανοί – Germans (many men)
In Norwegian “alle mann” translates to “all men”.
I appreciate your comments, just one correction. The golden horde occupation (iga) lasted from about 1240 until Ivan III put a stop to it towards the end of the 15th cent. – so 250 yrs, not 350.
Wiki gets this part right:
“Sometimes referred to as the “gatherer of the Russian lands”, he tripled the territory of his state, ended the dominance of the Mongols/Tatars over Russia, renovated the Moscow Kremlin, introduced a new legal codex and laid the foundations of the Russian state. His 1480 victory over the Great Horde is cited as the restoration of Russian independence 240 years after the fall of Kiev to Mongols’ invasion.[3]”
Different parts of Russia were under different yokes. One part of Russia was under the Mongol yoke, other parts of Russia were under Polish-Lithuanian yoke (Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth). When the territory today known as Belarus came to be under PLC, the Poles outlawed the use of Russian language, outlawed Orthodox Christianity, and treated the local population as “second-class” people, without rights, who were used as servants (Poles called them batraks / батраки). Russia existed before the Mongol and Polish yoke, it became Orthodox in 988, and of course existed during the all those yokes as well.. sort of like Poland under the USSR and currently the EU yokes. Various Russian kniaz and tsars hade made efforts to regain/recollect historical Russian lands (Malorossia and Belorus) since the 14-15th centuries. Some lands were regained by military force, others were simply bought. And the efforts to regain all historical Russian lands, from Minsk to Kiev, are still ongoing.
Russia, the Balkans (Serbia included) along with Spain, Portugal it could be said to form Europe’s private Eastern World… thats why Belarus/Ukraine never ever willingly join Russia…
My family speak Ukr., and it is not accurate to say that Ukr. is 90% Russian and 10% Polish. The language is a mishmash of dialects (it does have some Polish words, too) – if someone speak it fast, it can be difficult for Russian speakers to understand. But yes, it is not really a complete language, although the poet Shevchenko tried mightily to make into a language. Habsburgs tried to elevate the language into a real thing as a divide-and-conquer tactic in the 19th cent.
A language is a dialect with an Army. To wit: Slovakian and Czech. Serbian, Croation and Bosnian. Mongolian and Buryat. The first two, the next three and finally the last two are all mutually intelligible. Still one calls these separate “lanuages”. It is an altogether mute point to determine whether a way to speak is a “language” or a “dialect” by relying solely on similarity. One could also take my native Germany. In the age before universal literacy (that is the 19th century) a person from the South would not have understood a person from the North. Even one valley in the mountainous South would not have understood the people in the next valley. That there is one national language now is due to political developments. To repeat: A language is a dialect with an Army
“That there is one national language now is due to political developments.”
I believe this is true also of France.
Many different dialects spoken in France, and even up until the 19th century the country itself was a patchwork of isolated communities that barely communicated and also were extremely suspicious of outsiders. A famous episode recounted in a (contemporary) book a guy wrote about cycling through France (can’t recall author or title) is of a fellow in the I think early 19th century who was walking through France and he came into a village, where someone took a disliking to him or found him suspicious in some way and he was attacked and literally torn to bits by these villagers.
The book is The Discovery of France, by Graham Robb.
From one Amazon review: “Until World War I, many French citizens did not speak French! Rather they spoke widely divergent local dialects, only using the language of Paris for official government business.”
Excellent book, BTW.
With regard to Poland, you correctly state (emphasis added):
”Poland cannot forget Galicia, and thus wants to separate both Ukraine and Belarus from Russia, trying to reincarnate Galicia in the process. This, of course, can only be done if Ukraine and Belarus are broken up. Poland has a talent of making enemies /…/”
And the corollary of this (very true) observation is that an indispensable prerequisite for achieving peace and stability in Eastern Europe is to teminally carve up all of Poland between Russia, Germany, and Belarus. Hell, Poland was given her Western territories at Germany’s expense courtesy of Stalin. Surely, the Poles should renounce such ”bribery”.
I am afraid it is not a question of bribery, but rather a question of imperial conquest. Historically some Poles were of the opinion that Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states (no less) should be incorporated into Poland. Well, when it comes to incorporation, then my fellow Serbs have more rights to incorporation than Poles ever did. For example, the name of the German capital of Berlin is derived from the Serbian name of “Brljin”, which in this context means “poor land”, as the land around Berlin is indeed poor, with the Germans having trouble building a proper airport, as the land is so soft. Historically, in the early stages of feudalism, Berlin and eastern parts of Germany were inhabited by Northern Serbs, who still exist in Germany, living in Saxony and Brandenburg and being known as “Luzisky Serbja”. Not many people know this.
Not only do I know it, the Lusatian Sorbs are some of my ancestors! The truth about the Sorbs is the truth about the German ”Drang nach Osten” of the Latin church as well, and part of the reason why I am who and what I am now.
“Hell, Poland was given her Western territories at Germany’s expense courtesy of Stalin.”
Western territories at Germany’s expense ? Very ridiculous…
The names of such “german” cities as Dantzig, Breslau, Stettin etc. have their origin in the corresponding names of Gdansk, Wroclaw, Szczecin etc, which are of Polish/western Slavic origin, but not vice versa… The same can be said of “german” Berlin, Rostok, Dresden, Leiptzig etc… in fact the whole Eastern Grermany isnt a native German land…
Eastern Prussia (non-German native territory/land), a vasal of Polish Kingdom, was given permission by a Polish king to join Brandenburg kingdom to form the Kingdom of Prussia…
Partitions of Poland and the incorporation of Eastern Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia into Germany and the incorporation of Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine into the Russian Empire have given a false feeling of might and superiority to Germany and Russia with the tragic consequences known the the whole world…
You stated “in fact the whole Eastern Grermany isnt a native German land”. Yes, that is correct. The name of Berlin is derived from the Serbian name of “Brljin”, which means “poor land”. The region of Berlin and eastern Germany were inhabited by Northern Serbs, who still live in Germany, in Saxony and Brandenburg, being known as “Luzisky Serbja”.
Then you know probably that the Lusatian Serbs are disappeararing slowy but steadily as a nation… after WW 2 the Lusatian Serbs wanted to join Czechoslovakia or Poland and asked The USSR to allow them to leave Germany but Russians refused… so thank the Russians for this regrettable state of affairs. They didnt have the courage and probably didnt feel the relationship, the Eurasians always prefer the strongest… but they are always pushing ahead/around with their slavophilism….
BTW the language of the so called “Northern Serbs” belogs to the czech- slovak language group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czech%E2%80%93Slovak_languages
“BTW the language of the so called “Northern Serbs” belogs to the czech- slovak language group”
Btw, my fellow Slav, before WWII, these people have identified with Serbs and have called themselves Lusatian Serbs or Sorbs (Do I need to explain the reason for the spelling too?),for centuries. Not Lusatian poles or the even the newer Czech-Slovaks. My friend, It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how the Slavic root language has transformed, from region to region, throughout the years.
No amount of Vatican/Germanic b.s., or Post WWII revisionism and brainwashing, can erase these historically documented truths. I’d be happy to take a few days to locate numerous examples of Lusatian Serb newspaper articles and books, from the late 19th century and pre WWII, that undeniably proves that these people identified as Lusatian Sorbs or “Northern Serbs”
I respect the Polish people’s bravery and appreciate the numerous public displays of Poles defending and celebrating the Serbian people. There is even evidence of Polish volunteers fighting alongside their brethren, on Kosovo Polje, In 1389. And that Serbs, following Ottamon conquest brought with them their Gussar or Hussar, style of cavalry, to the poles in the late 15th century/early 16th century. But until our Polish brethren understand that they are Slavs who have been used against their Orthodox brothers, by the successors of the western Roman Empire, there will be only more misery for the Slavs and continued fratricide for the benefit of evil.
I’m sorry that this article is again bringing up Serbian topics in the comments, but it should demonstrate to the unaware that this is all connected and part of the same Vatican modeled campaign to use Catholic converted Slavs to erase traces of Slavic roots in Western Europe and destroy the historical backbone of Slavic resistance: The Russians and Serbs.
“My friend, It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how the Slavic root language has transformed, from region to region, throughout the years”. Alas, that is true. The word “Slav” originates from the Slavic word “sloviti”, which means “to be able to communicate”. In Roman times all Slavs could understand each other, and hence a common name (“Slav”) for all of them. As centuries progressed, Slavic groups began to adopt local dialects.
What is unfortunate is that the name “Slav” was intentionally misinterpreted in the West to mean “slave”, and hence Slavic lands were thus opened to plundering and invasion. An excuse was needed, and playing with words ensued. How many times was Russia invaded ?
One of the greatest of my Sorb kin was this man, who fought for Serbia in World War One;
Quite a proud lineage, Brate!
To this day, he is rightfully celebrated and revered by Serbs throughout the world.
Even after more than a millennia of subjugation and persecution, by Germanic tribes, our Lusatian brothers still held onto their ancient lands and culture. Sadly, the western destruction of people and cultures, over the last 100+ years, have done more to erase our ancient culture, than all their combined attempts throughout history.
It’s sad, having to read these ridiculous Vienna/Vatican takes of fabricated Slavic history, trotted out by Catholisized Slavs, to justify their cruelty towards their brothers. Having to listen to these newer made up tribes of Slavs claim that Slavic culture originated from their lineage, is an affront and insult to all that is decent and true.
God Bless!
Europeans are predominantly descended from ancient nomads (Ямная) whose homeland was the Pontic-Caspian steppe, in present day…Russia.
Hajduk, forget the DNA, some people play with that as they wish. If you look at some of those maps you will see that DNA changes in one period and it returns later. So, which one is it? It’s all fantasy dreams some people try to sell to the audience.
Here is an interesting map of Roman Empire, which shows the “Barbarians” as the Romans looked at the Europeans. Map of the Roman Empire in 125 CE
Mind you this does not mean that this was really how it was, but.
Another map shows baltic tribes.
To Ola’s comment below.
Unfortunately your comment isn’t quite correct. The name Polska comes from the tribe called Polanie, you can actually see them on the map just above. The name, does not refer to mud, but “Pole -> Field” which suggests they these people lived in the low lying land, which could be cultivated, because, if you check the maps, you will see that to the south of Polans there are two mountain ridges Sudety and Karpaty, south of which you will find the Czechs and Slovaks.
Sorry, do not mean to be a troll, but I found a better map of Western Slavs.
Right in middle of it are Polanie and Gniezno which was the residence first official Polish Prince Mieszko I. We could call it the first capital of Poland. Later on Kraków and yet late Warszawa became capitals of Poland.Interestingly enough, if you look to the West of Szczecin you will see the really Western Slavs, who today are called Germans (Veleti Union and Sorbs).
RUR, can you prove without any doubt that “Poland” (even not meaning “mud” as some believe) has ever existed as a separate entity non-parasitical, non-spongestical, because I’ve heard that the partitions were truly an attempt to reinstall the reality that “Poland” is a region, not a state.
While you are there, please stop talking about Lithuania or Latvia, because we all know how “Poles” were there, and whose “Poles” were them, and what were they doing there until 1939, also stop pretending to annex Ruthenia one day OK?
“Россия являлась спутником западноевропейской цивилизации, и даже само его существование, как уникального исторического феномена, было невозможно без западного влияния. ”
Translation of this short excerpt from thus rasonable Russian author:
“Russia was a satellite of European civilization….the existance of Russia wasnt possible without westrern influence..”
“польско-южнорусское влияние XVII в. было значительно мощнее западноевропейского.” –
can be translated as the polish-lithuanian influence of XVII century (on Russia) was much stronger than the Western European.
Очерки по истории русского литературного языка XVII-XIX вв. by Виноградов, Виктор Владимирович – Vinogradov is a prominent russian academician… the book can be downloaded for free
The Russian language is developed using European patterns influenced especially by Polish Franch and English
In fact all the words ending in -ция/-иа (English ending -tion), such as реализация (realisation), коннотация (connotation), организация (organisation), утилизация, имплементация (implementation) etc etc are Polish loanowords in the Russian, Ukraininan and Belarusian languages and
it is this wocabulary that makes it possible for this languages to be used in European science, literature and art
OLA, the word “cultura” is a polish loanword in THE Russian language, remember this…
I guess this can serve as a reminder for the next time someone in Russia claims that continental Europe is some ‘center of evil’ and must be destroyed, etc.. I frankly can’t fathom why anyone on either side would want to bite the hand that feeds him/her.
How many people in Russia do you reckon are aware of the origins of the Gregorian and Julian calendars, names of the months, western Arabic numerals, the metric system, etc.?
(A similar question could be raised about Westerners’ awareness of the origins of the periodic table of elements, but I digress.)
You should re-read Ola’s comment once again then probably youll understand what it was about, my post was an unswer to her somewhat exotic notions
I really didnt intend to discuss any additional topics here, but it was the effect of excessive excitement on her part, so i feel a need to bring her back to reality
Not quite clear what was ment by the “feeding hand”… if it was an allusion to the West then there is only one country, to which the feeding hand has been generous enough and it is Israel only. Belarus and her population dont count on the “feeding hand”, Belarus is exhausted with this president, exhausted with his dishonesty and thats all for the moment. If you are talking about Russia then you probably mean the sanctions, right ?
It was about acknowledging the origins of things (incl. Life-changing inventions and innovations) that are taken for granted today, hence the examples provided.
The idea is that if one were to hold prejudice towards a certain nationality* without thinking twice, then he/she would have to imagine life without anything originating from said nationality. For example, were it not for the French, there would be no Louis Pasteur to discover pasteurization, and millions of Britons wouldn’t be consuming pasteurized dairy.
If using on a daily basis things that originated in a country one disdains isn’t considered “biting the hand”, then I dunno what it is.
(*at least in centuries past; modern times might be different)
My initial impression was that the Cyberleninka link provided irrefutable evidence of European influence on Russia and implied an inseparable bond between the two entities. I don’t know if that’s your interpretation as well.
Sorry if I wasn’t clear the first time around.
Well, Hungary and Romania certainly don’t want any part of Belarus, and don’t compete for the same part of Ukraine as Poland. A geography lesson is due.
Western press tends to describe the helicopter as “menacing.”…implying it is going to act like a helicopter gunship about to shoot the protestors……implying thats is how it will act just like Russian and Syrian helicopters in Syria against ” moderate rebels”…
Nussi, BF I agree with both of you:
Belorus will not become another banderastan. I have said it few times that Poland has been trying every time there is an election in Belorus to take over control of this country.
Interestingly enough, Poles live and breathe Mickewicz, who said in his Pan Tadeusz “Litwo ojczyzno moja – Lithuania my fatherland”. okay forget Litwa, but they keep talking about Wilno (Vilnus – Capital of Belorus) all the time. This is why all those “Democracy promoters” run away to Litwa (Lithuania – Letuva, etc) as soon as they lose at their attempt. Another interesting point some outlets make is that Lukashenko’s AK47 does not have the magazine attached, as if it was an important fact, because he is not going to fight anyone anytime soon.
My estimation of Lukashenko grew when I saw him there with his son, armed and ready. It’s not often you see that kind of display of courage anywhere, much less among the rulers of today’s world.
I pray that my Byelorussian brothers and sisters do not fall before the Fascists!
It was a bit of absurd theatre, but effective theatre. Compare the EU bureaucrats who rule from their offices and who don’t have personalities, let alone anything else.
A couple of articles ago I had commented about ideologies being a competition of which side shouts loudest and carries the more intimidating sticks. Lukashenko has finally begun shouting and demonstrates that he has a pretty impressive stick. Not sure why his son is included though, a minor shouldn’t be dragged into things like this.
By the way, Lukashenko in the combat outfit looks remarkably like my accountant. Hmmm.
Oh, I don’t think it was absurd in the least. It shows on a primal level that he and his son are invested with their lives in Belarus, that they won’t be going out like dogs without dignity. And I say that because wherever the operation to remove Lukashenko from power originated, I’m pretty sure the planners didn’t plan on having Lukashenko or his family remaining alive after overthrowing him.
Correct. Also Tikhanovskaia makes herself look like a foolish little girl running away at the first opportunity, now she ‘dictates’ EU written transcripts from Lithuania urging the poor demonstrators to die for her, she will bravely fight Lukashenko to the last Belarusian and then when she loses retire to a cushy job in Brussels! Embarrassing and totally out of her depth, at least Guiado was trained by the CIA beforehand although to no more effective result.
Well, as Saker pointed out the cultural memes are different in Belorus and the history of the area includes fathers taking minor sons into battle for national survival–whether myth or reality, it does not matter but the effect produced does. Example of a famous painting and story of national resistance in a battle shortly before the big showdown at Borodino:
Can any state survive without “theater”?
That is, playing/performing itself?
To an audience?
“Byelorussia” is a Russian terminology, the native term is Belarus, which has nothing to do with Russia
As if Rus had nothing to do with Russia…?!
And Rusins are olso russian never polish
Pole troll, please go elsewhere.
Incorect argument ,”Byelorussia” is not Russian term!Since “Russia” is not Russian term!You can’t put together half russian and half english and call it Russian!
What on earth are you talking about ?
Native term is “Беларусь”, in Russian it is “Беларусь”, can you spot the difference?
Native term is “Беларусь” – correct but “Byelorussia (БЕЛОРУССИЯ)” didnt exist outside Russia, dear padre…
And “Munich” doesn’t exist inside Germany. Nor “Leghorn” inside Italy. Nor “Marseilles” (tricky this one) inside France.
So what?
From 1650s the title od Russian Tsar went « … Sovereign, Tsar and Grand duke of all Great and Small and White Russia, the Autocrat» («Государь, Царь и Великий князь всея Великия и Малыя и Белыя России Самодержец») – hence White (Belaya) and Small (Malaya) Russia (Belorossiya i Malorossia – now called Ukraine and Belarus) was part of Russian empire
Really?? Get a grip…
You seem to know Lukachenko very recently. It’s not from only now that it happens. His son, since a little child, was often at his side even at state and diplomatic events. The western media used to joke about the “heir”.
I’m from Poland and even I like this blog a lot, it’s pretty hard to read recently so many shit about Poles. I assume I’ve learnt a bit different history than You did but still hard for me to believe that Poles are the worst guys on the planet. I agree that we did many stupid things in our history (mostly suicidal) but I’m pretty sure that most of it was influenced by others Empires. Like today, We don’t have independent polish government, it’s aglozionist government. All the mass media are dominated by western capital. Also what do you expect after our elites were exterminated during and after wars also by Russians.
“our elites were exterminated during and after wars also by Russians.”
I bet you were reading Bloodlands recently. Sorry, it’s false – your elites were not eliminated, more then other groups or in other places.
It happens about Russia. Don’t feel too bad. Poland has great cuisine, culture, land. The lead politics are just ugly. East/West conflict. The best thing to do is to judge by character of an individual and respect each other’s culture. Political discussion always makes one feel that all the stones are thrown to one’s yard
My friend, it is not only Poland having anglo-zionist government
All Europe has the same, especially Ex Eastern Europe political elites are obedient to Empire
History between Russians and Poles is very complicated. Unfortunately even tragic
Also between Poles and Ukrainians.
Nobody is 100% innocent, nobody is 100% guilty.
Problem is today extremely anti-russian stance of Polish official political elite and total obedience to USA and UK.
Even Lech Walesa recently criticized it as a stupid and nonsense.
Russia and Poland should have normal mutual relationship but it is not possible this way when you have entire politics toward Russia base on Katyn.
“2.The Poles get really desperate and do something fantastically dumb (Polish history demonstrates that this is a very real possibility)”
:))) Once more, I like the way you write :)
you know, I wish history was not what it is, and Poles were even halfway rational but, very sadly, this is not the case.
check out this one, you might like it: /how-russia-should-deal-with-the-pilban-syndrome-pbs/
Kind regards
The Saker
Its because in exactly the same way that the “State of Israel” is controlled remotely from the City of London, Catholic Poland is run by The Vatican *and the City of London.
Remember before WWII, that the Brits pressured the Poles not to accept any terms that Hitler tried negotiating. The Brits and French had already received assurances from FDR that if they were attacked the US would assist.
The key to it is Churchill’s words “Germany will have its war …”
and when asked how will Britain win the war (I think by his son Randolph?), his answer was “I’ll drag the United States in …”
FDR’s son-in-law, Curtis Bean’s book: FDR: My Exploited Father-in-Law is useful for its quotes.. As he was in a position to know.
…..the truth is that there are still some mentally sane Poles and Ukrainians who clearly see through the ideological nonsense of their leaders and who far from being russophobic often have a real appreciation for things Russian. Why make them pay for the behavior of their leaders? Russia would be much better off trying to do her utmost to make these people feel welcome in Russia and to show that her stance towards the PBS infected nationalists does not extend to mentally sane people. ….
History denies what you wrote. Only a total defeat of an enemy can lead to a solution to the issue. Poles and Croats know that, Turks and Albanians know that. Stories about how a worker does not want to attack a worker, a world citizen does not want to attack another citizen are identical as they once sold….that a serf does not want to attack another serf or a slave another slave in a slave-owning system. They are pure fiction of Christian orthodox upbringing. He WILL, if the boss orders. Because on the other hand they are not Christians, but heresies originated from west Roman pagans. The West uses the Roman slogan …. kill a third, displace a third, assimilate a third. Russians and Serbs claim that they are not such a civilization. They are closer to the socialist relations of the international world. They call all nationalls rather….. Nazi, which absolutely corresponds to the idea of the Comintern, which oppressed Russians and Serbs from within. Blacks from the outside, red bourgeoisie from inside. Could you imagine an American (if Western Europeans did to him what they did to Russians or Serbs) to go and drink coffee in London or Berlin or Vienna. No, but Serbs and Russians go there to work and live. Their children learn a history written by the enemy. As they listen to the lies about the partnership from those who profit by selling their people. If the Russian and Serbian corps of Catholics and Muslims with a strong national basis had been created in time, we would not have solved this today. But what to expect from children when parents behave irresponsibly. Like children because SOMEONE wants that to be the case. Russians and Serbs are not serious and that is why things are repeated to them and why they are not respected. This world is not a paradise for the state to behave like that, but a hell of survival.
“the main russophobe in Minsk is Lukashenko himself”
“being russophobic ”
You konow, Belarus didnt join Russain Empire or The USSR willingly… so why this book of lamentations ? What are the Russians seeking in the country ?
One more time: In the name of Belarus you will find the name “Rus”, which means “Russian”. The people of Belarus speak Russian as they are Russian. Belarus can only be part of Russia and not outside it.
Why are you writing this to me? I think that Lukashenko is not Russophobic, but he just dont wont give the oligarch globalist puppet what was earned with blood and sweat. Now, whether he is a communist, that should be resolved, because communists do not have a nation. Maybe that’s what Saker wanted to say. They want a socialist international. So the paradox is what is happening with Lukasenko in general.
As for me, I wouldn’t even ask you if you want to or not. I would make conditions for you that you cannot refuse to join Russia. Unfortunately, I personally think that today the Russian leadership is not doing anything much for that purpose, but a globalist game of gain on the ladder of falling sh…..it. That’s where Saker and I differ.
Otherwise look at the map of Limes Sorabicus. The story of the German Pomerania, Luzica and Slunjsko puts a cat on its tail.
You stated that “the truth is that there are still some mentally sane Poles and Ukrainians who clearly see through the ideological nonsense of their leaders and who far from being russophobic often have a real appreciation for things Russian”. Alas, this can only apply to Ukrainians, but not to Poles, as their Catholic faith and history prevents any honest dialogue with Russia. However, you will indeed find some mentally sane Poles. Alas, their numbers are not great and their voices are not usually heard.
You also stated “Russians and Serbs are not serious and that is why things are repeated to them and why they are not respected”. Well, not quite. Russians and Serbs have always serious, thinking that the respect they showed to others would be reciprocated. Alas, on many occasions this was not so, as proven by numerous invasions of Russia and Serbia. However, things have changed. Both Russians and Serbs have matured. How many times have Western NGO’s tried color revolutions in Russia while Putin was in power ? They all failed. Last month we also had an attempt at a color revolution in Serbia. It, too, failed. Поздрав.
Colored revolution in Serbia? …….you must be kidding. I guess you mean the people’s revolution against globalist puppets.
You stated that “the truth is that there are still some mentally sane Poles and Ukrainians …..No I did not. Saker did. Read his article.
I said …..that you should do the same with the enemy as they do with you. To respect you and to be afraid of crossing the border line. They have no consciousness, only fear. Old Testament. If, after the first few hundred Serbs slaughtered in the Second World War, the same was done to Croats, there would be no Jasenovac and later problems. If Russia were russian today, we would not be talking in Saker’s article about the same problems. National vs international. All Poles and Croats were once our communist brothers.The Poles did not create a Soviet or Yugoslav nation, but spread their own like the Romanians.
“Colored revolution in Serbia? …….you must be kidding. I guess you mean the people’s revolution against globalist puppets”. I am sorry to read that you, too, think that we had a “people’s revolution” in Belgrade, and not a riot, instigated by liberals, backed by NGO’s, with both using football hooligans as “demonstrators”. What happened to this “people’s revolution” ?
On numerous occasions I asked in my comments why the population of Belgrade did not join the “demonstrations”. I never got an answer. None of the liberals dared answer, as they know we never had “demonstrations” as such, only orchestrated riots in front of the Parliament.
Because the people have become ignorant slaves who think only of themselves. The state of Yugoslavia disappointed them, they will not die for Serbia. Result of indoctrination. The people of the international union want the world to love them. Plus Mammon. Many boast themselves of faith in God, I just don’t know which one. They love money, and if they rebel, there will be no cheap visas for EUrobia and America. People lost their honor and dignity by going to the feud of their executioners.
Exactly the same as in Russia. What to say……check this out.
Sputnik, today …… Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the formation of an interdepartmental commission of the Security Council of Russia on the issue of ensuring the country’s interests in the Arctic.
According to the decree, new tasks have been set for the Deputy President of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, who has been appointed the President of the Commission. Among the tasks are: development of measures to ensure Russia’s national security in the Arctic and socio-economic development of the Arctic zone. In addition, the commission will coordinate the authorities in that area.
“Because the people have become ignorant slaves who think only of themselves”. I think not. What you wrote applies to some other ethnic groups, but not to Serbs. The population of Belgrade showed maturity in July, not wishing to join a bunch of football hooligans, turned mercenaries. I think you know this.
What are you writing about? I see, Vucic fun …….Hooligans were thrown in by the regime to abduct protests from ordinary people. Standard job by globalist services. A similar thing is happening in Belarus today
The only ordinary people in the “demonstrations” (ie. riots in front of the Parliament) were teenagers, who after a few days backed off, realizing they were used as stooges. What happened to the “demonstrations” ? They melted away,as the general population did not join them. This attempt at a color revolution was one big flop.
The Saker
The curse of Poland is the fact that Poles have always been Catholics first and Poles second. They were thus always manipulated by the Vatican, and others, and turned into an anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox instrument.
In 1812, when Napoleon invaded Russia, he had Polish regiments under his command. When Austro-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, it sent Polish bureaucrats into the annexed province. The Catholic Poles showed tremendous animosity, bias and hatred towards Orthodox Serbs, even though both Serbs and Poles are Slavs. Worse, Poles have a talent of making enemies of both Protestant Germans and Orthodox Russians. They now want the stationing of US troops in Poland, a direct provocation against Russia. No doubt they think that the US will back them in reincarnating Galicia. They forgot what Kissinger said:”Being a friend of the US is dangerous, being it’s enemy is fatal”. Poland has turned its self into a Wall Street stooge. We shall see what the consequences will be.
I have read the article again, and enjoyed it just like the first time. I agree completely with all your sharp-witted remarks, analyses and suggestions there, you hit the nail right at the head.
I have several Polish friends and like them enormously; very Slavic and romantic natures of a bit rebellious kind . What you say about them not having much to do with the west they identify with, I find that very true. I am reminded of a film about the Polish pilots who took part in the Battle of Britain. A number of their compatriots served in British military with much distinction on many fronts of the WWII; still, a poll showed most Brits wanted them out of the country ASAP an the end of the war. And that is what happened to them; many even had to go back to the moustached comrade Stalin.
They even say the hatred of the Brits for the many migrant Poles in Britain was the main engine of the Brexit victory.
Politics is egoism, and ego is a big lie; we all believe ego is what we are; and we are everything but that.
So we identify with (think we are) a real lot of bullshit. Never mind why, even if it is easy, let’s not waste time.
The problems do begin when we indentify with something owned by someone else. And that s just the Polish case, and not only theirs. I would know a number of other examples from the parts of the world nearer to my Serbia.
The smokers among us know certainly some ex-smokers, who on quitting became the most intolerant among the tobacco haters. They say to themselves, they became something better; no, they identify with something better now, named non-smoker. Any previous inclination to tobacco is swamped under a deluge of hate for it and anything or even anyone associated. In psychology this is called reactive formation; a complete reversal in person’s attitudes.
Now if the Poles sometimes forget they are Slavs, they are going to be reminded on a hourly basis by the Brits, Germans, Austrians.. all the West Europeans, actually. The West Europeans are quite xenophobic sods, in spite of the hymns of love of the BLM movement etc, and a Slav may be a catholic for one thousand years and still be comfortably called an alien by them. The Slavs are simply not in their definition of themselves (identification!)
Well, Poles did join that western church over a millenium ago, and they would like to believe that thru it, they are something better than the stupid asiatic orthodox Russians.
Any, any reminder from the west that they are still the stupid Slavs only is going to result in a hatred of Russians, to prove to themselves and everyone else they got nothing to do with Russkies.
Anything that shows them one Russian superiority or other, is going to result in the even worse hatred. They do not indentify with the west in order that Russians be better in anything.
And that is how I see the the Pilban syndrome. A group identifies with some larger group of people who do not identify back. In most cases you get used and then thrown away repeatedly; and used for some very dirty things at that; you play the role of the fanatical proselyte of the western cult, trying to win them over other idiots, hopefully just as useful.
And, believe it or not, I even know of a people who are a (much!) worse case of this same syndrome than any Ukies or Poles…
Kind regards,
Slobodan Cekic
They are still going on and on about the Smolensk air crash and will not accept yet anothrer investigation’s results…..
April 2010: The entire political Nomenklatura of Gównopolska embarks on a Katyn-commemorating excursion. In terms of weather conditions, this region is reputable for its dense fog. The pilot is duly discouraged by the ATC to make a landing attempt in Smolensk, but the Pshek Nomenklatura on-board is intransigent. Wants really bad to go boo-hooing about Katyn.
Well, Lord the Almighty works in strange and wondrous ways: 80+ Poles dead with Russian ”escort”, ha!
“unless one of three things happen….”
Possibility 4: An EU NATO backed, mercenary-trained and “advised”, insurgency of anti Russian Belarusians, imported Ukranazis, and more likely than not Chechen terrorists, ISIS, and the like. In fact it is hard to believe that plans for this aren’t already being laid now that the colour revolution has obviously not delivered and with every day gets less likely to.
no way, not as long as
1) the Belarusian military remains combat capable
2) there remains a few hundered Russian military personnel in Belarus.
The Belarusians are far superior soldiers to any NATO member state or, even more so, the Ukronazis
As for the Chechens – I remind you that they are on the bleeding edge of the Russian military and 100% loyal, personally, to Putin.
“As for the Chechens – I remind you that they are on the bleeding edge of the Russian military and 100% loyal, personally, to Putin.”
For this we must thank Kadyrov. He brought order to his people and has a great relationship with VVP.
him, and his martyred father
they both are heroes of Russia
He said “Chechen terrorists” which would be the ones still alive after fleeing Kadyrov’s forces. Not Kadyrov’s troops. If anything they would be hired by Luka with Putin’s tacit approval. They are great force multipliers, just ask the folks in eastern Ukraine.
Yes, I meant the Russian speaking Chechen terrorists who play a not insignificant part in those infamous ISIS videos. Not the loyalist Chechens, obviously.
@the Saker:
I didn’t say it would be an effective insurgency, or one designed to win. It would merely be intended to make Russia “bleed”, as American “think tanks” openly suggest using the al Qaeda gangs in Idlib to make Russia bleed. And there is no reason to imagine it would remain limited to the territory of Belarus.
As for Chechens, apart from the loyalists, there are a not inconsiderable number of former adherents of Shamil Basayev and Dokka Umarov who went over to ISIS, star in those headchopper videos, speak impeccable Russian, have a lot of combat experience, are motivated by revenge against Russia, are already used to being used as proxies by America, and are much, much tougher than any Ukranazi. This is the lot the Russians would need to watch out for.
I see the situation in Belarus as being more similar to Venezuela than Syria.
In Venezuela, Maduro, just like Lukashenko, suddenly started to make much wiser decisions, after a couple of plane loads of Russian military people landed. Maduro, who had been stumbling from crisis to crisis, suddenly had both the intelligence information and the tactics to both defuse the riots and to block all of the attempts at outside intervention. The situation with Tikhanovskaia also very much parallels the situation with Guaido.
But did Guiava have his picture taken with Bernard Levi at his side as Tikhanovskaia did? you know – the fierce battle call for rallying he Empire’s “troops”?
Need to check the files…
Now that BHL is a spent force as far as Belarus is concerned, the time has come for him to settle in French Guyana to conspire with Juan Guano. A photo-op in the jungle with BHL should definitely boost Guano’s image and reputation methinks.
I’ve been calling him “Iguana”, but, you know, Guano is far better. Stealing it. Thanks!
As is obvious, many outside “actors” from the west, (i.e, ukraine, poland, lith, lat, estonia, eu, and of course, pompass and his crew of merry makers)are closely involved;
One of the orgs closely monitoring the situation is The institute for Study of War (ISW), very well funded, extreme neo con/zionist, president is a member of the kagan klan; as we remember nuland is a kagan klan member, maiden organizer,
http://www.understandingwar.org/who-we-are (same org as ISW)
A number of articles: (NEXTA figures prominently)
moon has some links/articles/comments to more info;
Apologies to the mods if this is beating (hopefully) a “dead” horse.
Has Pompom yet declared the Nextoids “freedom fighters” and their Nazi era white red white flag the “legitimate flag of Belarus”?
Cannot agree more with your last para Saker:
“in the long term he must go and be replaced by a trustworthy leader whom the Belarusian people and the Kremlin could really trust and that leader’s main task will be to fully reintegrate Belarus into Russia”
If Luka completes the Union State reunification – it can always be used by any ‘opposition’ against the people of Belarus in the future. Thats why he must be replaced with a leader who will consummate this natural, cultural & historic union
A lot of the ‘machinery’ for the Union State has been sitting on the table since 1996 and strengthened in 1997, with the signing of the “Treaty on the Union between Belarus and Russia”
While rings have been exchanged, here we are 25 years later – yet this marriage is still not consummated
As I’ve repeatedly said in my comments to the last few articles I think incorporating Belarus in Russia, under whatever name, would be a very bad idea. However, I agree that if it is to be done at all it cannot be done under Lukashenko. Nor, if Lukashenko survives this, would I trust him to not start wooing America and the EU again. He intends to be as much a player of both sides as Erdogan. He forgot that Erdogan has a lot more cards in hand and much more idea of how to play.
I’d like to see the Union State expanded,with the final result being full re-integration as part of an All Russian Federation.And it should be crafted so as to be able to be a model for a few others if they want to follow as well.A full re-integration of all the ex-Soviet Republics would be a wrong move.Even during the Soviet days several of those Republics were unhappy in that Union.And should not be included again.Nothing is lost by their staying outside and only having good political relations and strong trading relations with Russia.
But it needs to be Lukashenko that pushes and implements the Union State.Certainly behind the scenes Putin could push him to do it.But it must be the Belarussian side that is seen as the one making it happen.And Russia needs to provide the “carrots” to show the people that it will bring great benefit to them.Otherwise it could be seen to Belarussians as a Russian project forced on them.You can bet that is how Western propaganda will frame it anyway. So don’t give them ammunition for their propaganda.
Afterwards a provision needs to be made for the Lukashenko family.So that he can withdraw from politics in an honorable manner.Does he deserve that,who knows,Some would say yes,some no.But it needs to be that way so that other leaders understand that working with Russia is a right move for them.A seat on the Federation Council,along with a high decoration.And a heavy retirement package would be good.And assuring him that his son would be taken care of too.A good position in government if he wants that.Lukashenko is very protective of his son.And seeing that his son would also benefit would be a powerful tool to gain Lukashenko to your side.
As bad as this situation is,it also opens up an opportunity for truly bringing Belarus and Russia together.And bringing the Union State to be more than just words on a piece of paper.
Why?! Some of you keep repeating it, but I see all the advantage to Russia to have a buffer in Belarus. What’s to be gained by pushing unification? If the Belarus people (the ones with sense) fear western plunder, it would make sense they would also not want to lose their sovereignty and their economy which is different from that of Russia, to Russia. Granted, they depend on Russia, but nobody wants to be a vassal once they can be on their own. They get help for being a buffer, and keep running things their way. Why not?
The problem is not of Lukashenko, the problem is the reform of a country that obviously needs to change some aspects, but to keep the stuff that works. Unlike the rest of the eastern Europe who got plundered.
If I were a Belarusian, I would not want to be absorbed into Russia. It would be nice if we had actual people from there, not color revolution trolls or pro-Luka fanatics, just regular folks telling us what they want.
Correct. I have been asking repeatedly for evidence that a majority of Belarus people want to be annexed, under whatever name, by Russia. If they are not, an annexation will be an extremely bad idea. If they are, the terms under which the annexation is to be carried out have to be agreed upon beforehand, otherwise it is again an extremely bad idea.
Well we don’t have any of those do we.So asking for that gets you nowhere. The best we can do is try to see how they act. A vast majority of them speak Russian as their home language,not just street language. Belarusian actors,and musical artists,perform in,and many live in Russia.People moving to Russia happens all the time.And large numbers of Belorussians go to work in Russia where the pay is much higher.Just as Ukrainians do,and for the same reasons.One of the big attractions for Crimea to re-unite with Russia (and true for the attraction in Donbass as well) is the higher salaries and pensions in Russia.I remember many interviews in 2014 where people talked about looking forward to a higher standard of living from those higher payments.Right now it would be impossible to believe any polls that came out about peoples opinion on uniting with Russia.So we will need to wait and see how things shake out.
Sorry to bother you, but I’m a bit fed up that almost all of you keep using the word “annexation” rather than “unification”. Annexation belongs to the western propaganda script. Even if BY is integrated in the RF it stays nevertheless a republic as lots of others, not a territory annexed to any part of the federation. So, in both cases, we will see unified countries.
Ola, I was just thinking about the same word. Obviously, people saying this word are “hard core anti-Russians”
Besides the fact that if BeloRus wanted to really join the Russian Federation. The key word here is Federation and this is what people conveniently forger. Even USofA and Canada have such system, where each state or province has their own “government” and parliament. People conveniently pretend to just “forget” that Federacy in RF is some other animal all together. Federal system in the West is fine, but in RF it’s “Oppression, Slavery and Dictatorship and whatever else they can think up”.
Color revolutions require fertile soil – e.g. hundreds of thousands of citizens alienated from their government, willing to go out in the streets. Or, a pro-Western ideology that believes the ‘west’ is superior and the real seat of modern civilization. The real question is what needs to be done pro-actively not only in Belarus but in Russia itself. Let’s not forget the Soviet Union’s demise required no tanks, bullets, bombs. Not even a color revolution. Just ideological, economic and political weakness. If this isn’t addressed, that AK Lukashenko is carrying won’t protect him and neither will it help Putin in the long run. Even all those hypersonic missiles will be useless if the majority of the population isn’t strongly behind the government and developing an ideology that shields them from Western propaganda.
Take away from this article: getting rid of Lukashenko could be a win-win. Russia and Belarus get to be comrades in arms (predicted to happen eventually, either way), and Europe gets one last chance to galvanize their jaded serfs into a Russophobia inspired patriotism (possibly nothing else can motivate this nationalistic feeling otherwise, especially considering how upside down all the Western values have become, especially if rainbo marches can’t do the trick.). If I wanted a good time to cause a worthy news story, well it’d be now. How about this one for an idea? Lukashenko flies first-class to Omsk, with a severe casing of Skirpalitis, aka novichoc disappearing disease, courtesy of Mi6?
That Moneda Palace Allende stunt must be choreographed by VVP and it seems the western fascists and the Polish prostitute regime got the message.
Could you say more about what the Union state is.
Does it mean Belarus becomes a region of Russia federation?
Belarus people are proud of their country and would not want it to disappear from the map so to speak.
Russia needs to be careful not to trample on peoples pride
Also agree with you 100% Lukashenko needs to go – respect to him for holding the country together through the 90s etc. He was elected if I recall as a pro-Russian candidate- yet he is the one that has given rise to these neo-nazi types at the expense of Russia.
Your comment can be correct with some people of Belarus, but all? Don’t try to speak for an entire country. There are others who see it as an artificial creation dividing slavic brothers. Being someone not from the region, your wishes are irrelevant. Lukashenko sat on two stools and has enabled these people to have the support they do despite the perfect Ukrainian example. Ukraine makes Somalia seem like a highly functional country. Ukraine, Belarus and Russia should be one country. Now I have a new magical border placed between family from traitorous vermin, all of whom “retired” in foreign countries. Talk about pride. Ppp
The prospect of Belorussia descending into a Syrian type scenario is extremely unlikely, first of all, from all the information available, the country doesn’t have the kind of divisions or factions necessary to play of groups against one another, that could then be escalated into armed conflict. Syria was unique in the sense that in mid-2012, the war was very much going in the SAA’s (Syrian Arab Army) favour, at which point the west instructed Turkey & the Gulf monarchies to begin an unprecedented recruitment drive for foreign mercenaries – by early 2013, the SAA were beginning to pick up on terrorist communications foreign languages, particularly Russian. The rest we know, the flood of Russian-speaking jhadists, then jihadists from western countries, & then just about everywhere else, even the Carribean. There is no obvious candidate for a major foreign mercenary force for Belarussia, the Poles got their fingers burned in Ukraine, they bark a lot but do not bite, & then Ukraine itself, plenty of merc potential but not much in the way real combat capability. And then there is Russia & her situation, she will not let Belarussia go, no matter what, it is not going to happen & Putin has made that clear. Hence the whole Navalny farce, wheel out the clown to put on a show that can be used in the media sphere against Russia, I don’t expect it will have much effect. This will all turn out to be a blessing in disguise, another home goal scored by the west, another advantage to Russia, Belarussia will now have to accelerate its integration into the union state if it wishes to surive, Lukashenka’s antics are over, he toyed with the west & like his soul brother Erdogan, got burned.
It is interesting to see them protestors wearing COVID-19 masks though masks are not mandatory in Belarus.
Apparently the World Bank demanded an Italy-style lockdown in Belarus, Lukashenko declined:
Apparently the World Economic Forum is promoting a “Great Reset” in their youtube video:
“At a WEF meeting in early June, the world’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and activists first announced the proposal to reset the global economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown.
The WEF sees a “unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery.” The Great Reset will inform the “future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of the global commons.” In short, the Great Reset represents a new social contract for the world. The WEF also stated:
“The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems — from health and financial to energy and education — are more exposed than ever.”
“We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” said Prince Charles at the meeting, adding:
“It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”
source: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/what-role-will-crypto-play-during-great-reset
Oh, take off our masks, go out, get closer than two meters, it was all just a game, Covid-19 is the golden opportunity the world’s been waiting for ? Well geez Prince Charles, did you think about what the global population might say to that ?
Considering USA wants to do this to Syria……what could they and eg Polish friends be considering planning to do Belarus if it does not submit to their wishes????? EU might like to think it has a say in Belarus developnents but I can believe they would be pushed out of the way as surely USA thinks it could benefit from ongoing divisive action….eg the Poland to Ukraine Nato “corridor” and russophobic agenda. Statement comes straight after what seems to some kind of successful Syrian Constituional talks in Geneva very recently…..obviously they are trying to nullify that process and impose their own.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States will take decisive steps on Wednesday to prevent the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad from securing a military victory in Syria, US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft told the UN Security Council on Tuesday. “We will continue to reject any attempt by the Assad regime and its allies to use military force, obstruction or disinformation to bypass United Nations efforts to restore peace in Syria”, Craft said. “Today and tomorrow, the Trump administration will take decisive steps to prevent the Assad regime from securing a military victory and to spear the regime and its allies back toward Special Envoy Pedersen and the United Nations-led political process”. Craft said the United States’ goal is “to deprive the Assad regime of the revenue and the support it has used to commit large scale atrocities and human right violations that prevent a political resolution and severely diminish the prospects for peace”. The Assad government has a clear choice to pursue political path established in Resolution 2254 or it will leave the United States with no other choice but to continue withholding reconstruction funding and impose sanctions against it and its financial backers, Croft added.”
Going to entirely seal off north east Syria…co sidering the SDF has been making mistakes and local tribes have had enough….and Russia seems to be strenghtening its presence around Deir ez Zour….and successfully targeting embedded ISIS etc?
I do winder that….in recent years Russia became more of concerns re its constituition and voting issues…election rumbles so to speak….and Russia only in tecent months has successfully conclued a process of reform. Perhaps Belarussans are wortied due to picking up that Lukashenko should uave also been aware of and dealt with similar issues by democratic consensus….although the western hysteria that might Putin serve even more terms could have tipped the Belarusans into their current actions..
plus these kind of peoples
“The report’s figures, based on data collected by US-backed civic youth organization Zubr ‘Bizon’ and Chestniye Lyudi (‘Honest People’), an election monitoring group established by a group of programmers, ….) sputnik extract
Who ever they are…anyone can dig the dirt on them?
So no CIA paid snipers shooting protesters in the weeks ahead just to get the ball moving?
I have to say even in western (in Europe) MSM there has been little Russophobic commentary (on Belarus, plenty on other subjects) its all anti Lukashenka, of course there is a lot of (frankly laughable) pro lonely little housewife Tikanovskaya acting like Guiado, reading the teleprompter like an obedient little girl, whatever is placed in front of her. It is however, good that Lukashenko arrests the russophobes who formed the ‘transfer of power’ cabal. They’re traitors and should be treat as such, humiliated publicly for their connections with the CIA/NED etc. Show the public the paperwork, the connections and the money trail and sling them in jail to cool heels for a while or maybe just release them and leave them to Belarusian people to deal with. These people are dangerous if left unchecked. Ultimately, yet again we see how utterly untrustworthy the US, UK and EU elites are, nothing shocking here for most Russians but really another spur on to self reliance and Autarchy.
Excellent comment and excellent resolve by Lukashenko and the Belarusian KGB! How the hell was it possible for the greater part of the commentariat here to become instantly persuaded by pitch black doom and gloom and the silly plaything Tikhanovskaya?! Good for her to run away to Lithuania. Had she remained in Belarus, she would ”highly likely” have been killed either by the Belarusian state forces (well done) or martyred by her own handlers who instead opted for the Navalny scum as their sales promotion.
NB Here, I was on the verge of inserting the words ’totally discredited’ but saw that wouldn’t do him justice. Unlike Tikhanovskaya, Navalny — as far as I know, anyway — hasn’t dropped the clanger of ’starring’ alongside BHL.
Thank you for your analysis/commentary.
This caught my attention, and don’t know how reliable the source may be, from Israel Shamir (https://www.unz.com/ishamir/belarus-on-the-brink/ ):
“Gazprom kept raising the price of oil delivered to Belarus refineries until this ostensible ally was being charged more than the hostile states of Ukraine and Germany. In response, Belarus switched to refining Norwegian and Saudi oil: it was cheaper than Russian oil. Now they refine American oil. Belarus has since decided to cut off Gazprom’s intermediary company, and Belarusian police are now investigating the siphoning-off of Russian state funds to offshore accounts. The Russian oligarchs are very unhappy about all this; they are now bankrolling the Belarus protests and funding a shrill campaign against AGL in Russian media and social networks.”
What I also found curious is the coverage in both TASS and RT. TASS, for example, headlined today (what looks like an NGO source): Belarus’ “Human Rights Center Has Evidence of 450 People Beaten up by Police in the Riots.” The story was taken down but the headline can be seen here: https://archive.fo/BmYwf#selection-743.0-903.16
What role have the Russian oligarchs played in the Belarus’ events?
“Putin’s Kleptocracy” by Karen Dawisha might also shed some light on this situation.
BTW, I like it very much, that he appears in uniform and with a rifle.
It is a very right thing to say, first to his soldiers, that he is with them, and then to everyone else, that he intends very much to stay.
Well done. How the west would look at that (or, God forbid, comment), well I think that should not interest him at all.
Is leaders carrying of rifles common in Russian culture?.
I cant recall seeing photos of Stalin. Brezhnev or Putin carrying to protect themselves from the people.
Everyone carrying rifles around, including the leaders is common in the US culture and even guaranteed in their Constitution. Am no Russian, but I guess they take to arms only when someone is threatening their country. Ask them.
If you call the US organized colored revolutionaries trying to take over ‘the people’, what name you do keep reserved for the majority of the Belorussians who do not want the sods to take over?
The last leader i saw totting a rifle was Saddam Hussein.They look similar too, both like the mustache and military uniform.
In fact they both started out the same: to look after the people and then later go off the track trying to create a density.
Lukashenko prevailed — get over it.
It’s not over. The substantive issue of the future direction of Belarus has not been settled.
The western-controlled opposition with the red white flag are the political descendants of the pro-nazi, pro-Vatican collaborators of WW2. They want to hijack the country, they are the modern day Jacobins who want to radically alter the culture, language and religion.
Imagine if a minority in the US violently takes over the white house to have a president installed who is pro-Russian, Russian-Orthodox and who want to convert catholics and protestants to the Orthodox faith, alter the English language to incorporate more Russian words. What do you think would happen?
Saddam was a strongly supported invention of the west, as long as they found him useful. The western attitude to Lukashenko is similar. That is where the similarities lie, and where they end. Your density could have a meaning of dynasty I suppose.
I was going to add a comment on contemporary events (and got caught up in a debate on the Ukr language/dialect!). Anyway, from Slovakia, comes the case of a strange Belorussian ambassador – he resigned recently, claiming he could no longer support his govt and decrying police tactics. Slovaks offered him asylum, but he has yet to ask for it.
The article is headline ‘mysterious behaviour of a BR diplomat (rats abandoning a sinking ship? who knows).
A lot of sterile discussions about words. Words dilute in society like anything else. The point of the matter is Belarus is far closer related to Russia than to Poland. Ukraine, at least the eastern part, including Kiev was Russian. Kharkov is Russian. One cannot compare the White Russia (thanks God is not black) and eastern Ukraine to Poland. Poland was a trouble maker in the medieval times. They fought with everyone around trying to grab a lot of territories. Luckily they not only failed as a centralized state but also as culture. Of course they had a lot of great writers, scientists, like all other countries, but their ultimate brand to the EU is on cleaning the EU’s toilets.They’re not nice people. I worked with some polish people. I found the all having a maligned attitude, arrogant, full of sht, yet others for other parts of the world, some from Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary never had such a brand of unlikeness.
Yes Poland has historically tried to become an empire, but fate decided differently, and Russia became one instead. Poland, in turn, became PART of an empire, the Russian Empire.. And ever since the Poles are very soar and look at Russia with jealousy and bitterness.. russophobia is simply a part of Polish political landscape. I personally don’t have anything against regular Polish people, but Polish politics is a different matter. Polish politicians always seem to get themselves into trouble, become part of some empire, become occupied, and after that, they start crying for a century about how they’re such big victims.. it’s really funny actually. Of course they hardly ever mention why Poland always gets put in its place.. Churchill called Poland the hyena of Europe for a reason.
I had a similar view when this started and said to Alex and Alexander at the Duran that Putin and Russia would come out ahead when this is over. The Empire is not getting the “Maiden II” out of this and The Saker says this is what is happening and the Empire is left gritting it’s teeth.
I think that the real losers of the last two or three events are the “moderate opposition” or “Inside oposition”: Babariko and Tsepkalo. If their position prior to election (moderate reforms but keep the welfare system, improve relationship with Russia to make belarus economy and state sustainable, “change of faces” and new style of command that could satisfy those who are Luka-fed up) was very popular, now they are without possibilities. Why?
-Lukashenko has showed that he has popular support, and also that there are no significant defections, or disagreements in the Statee-apparatus. That is, that he has not to “bargain” a smooth-exit (at least to the short-term).
-Oppositon is more and more “away rom Russia” mood: can be because nationalism (minoriitary until the date in Belarus), can be because idiotic Wester liberalism, or a mixture of both; but reality is that opposition is going to the street waving anti-Soviet/anti-Russian symbols, and in a “Ukrainian spirit”, this is “cohesionated” and led by anti-Russian ideology -Banderism was minoritary in Ukraine until 2014, Maidan and maidan protest made it popular- (Tukhanovskaya made her the extreme program of “reform.by” platform).
-So now the scenario can be in a “either-or” stake between the State (which is now Lukashenko, and he is not giving up to a “moderate” or “compromised” solution) and a rabid Westerner opposition.
-Russia, with its declarations of aid to Lukashenko is changing the tone (in the first days Russian journos were highly critical of Lukashenko).
So I think that babariko and Tsepkalo, andl also the sector that is behind them is off-side; at least in short-term. If Luka is intelligent, and I think he is, in a midterm has to promote some reforms (on relationship vis-a-vis Russia, for example) and count on with them, but now his departure is unrealistic.
No fueron los rusos sino los cubanos los que defendieron Luanda. No han sido los rusos sino los iraníes los que han defendido Bagdad y Damasco. Los rusos se lo piensan mucho antes de intervenir y si no lo hiciesen otros antes que ellos siempre llegarían tarde.
Google-translate from the mod.
“It was not the Russians but the Cubans who defended Luanda. It was not the Russians but the Iranians who have defended Baghdad and Damascus. The Russians think about it a lot before intervening and if others did not do it before them they would always be late.”
CAn somebody comment on this:
“Serbia Joined EU Declaration on Belaruss”
Please somebody tell me Johnny was not right after all ?
This potential integration of Belarus into Russia–so, which Russian oligarchs would get the publicly owned industries?
The exclusive Russian oligarchy has untaxed offshore holdings in the billions, held in US dollar accounts of Rothschild banks in the names of anonymous bearer share Liechtenstein corporations. This is why Putin does not challenge the zionist ownership of the Russian central bank, and who are also the owners of the US Federal Reserve, otherwise their dollar accounts would soon be blocked.
However, what Putin does insist upon is that his cabal of oligarchs be Russian nationals, who will not sell out their Russian shareholdings to foreign corporations. A case in point was his clash with Khodorkovsky, who planned to sell the Russian oil company Yukos to Exxon. He was thwarted by Putin accusing Yukos of tax evasion and slapped them with a huge tax bill they could not pay, and therefore had to declare bankruptcy. The Russian government then stepped in and re-nationalized Yukos at kopeks on the ruble.
However, the Russian oligarchs continue to rob the Russian people by using offshore intermediary corporations, who are awarded the exclusive right to purchase Russian export goods at below market value, and then resell them at a higher price keeping their profits offshore and hence not taxed at 24%.
Apple Computer of the US does much the same thing with its imports from China to avoid US tax, but it is deemed to be legal.
With regard to Belarus, whose major industries are still largely state owned, there are some Russian oligarchs, who want to privatize them, that President Lukashenko is resisting, and of course the western banks want to loot Belarus just as they have done in the Ukraine and reduce their population to poverty.
Kap, I am not sure if you have read it, but Putin (Russian Parliament) just introduced the law that “Cypriot Safe Haven” is finished. They can bring their money to Russia or say bye bye to calling themselves Russians. Cyprus is upset, because it will see big outflow of huge amounts of money.
“The whole of history has been a history of class struggle, a contest between exploiters and exploited, between oppressor and oppressed. To that extent, economic injustice is the sole cause of human conflict.”
William Woodruff
But nowadays, these days it must be admitted Russia in many way looks much, much better than some western countries:
The cowardly museum director, a German, stated that “The British Museum stands in solidarity with the Black community throughout the world. Black Lives Matter.”
London’s leading 17th century physician who pioneered smallpox vaccination and founded the British Museum has been cancelled by Black Lives Matter and the British Museum.
“London’s leading 17th century physician who pioneered smallpox vaccination and founded the British Museum has been cancelled by Black Lives Matter and the British Museum.”
You can’t cancel someone who is already dead, but you can attempt to cancel “history”, sometimes known as time, but no-one has ever managed that despite all of their efforts.
Running round and round the gardeness does keep some amused whilst others transcend the players, the amused and the show.
” “history”, sometimes known as time,” – well, you have acquired extensive knowledge there is no doubt about it…just a minor correction: history isnt time – it is memory, which sometimes fails, especially if some special effort is applied. Sorry but you do not understand the importance of the incident – removal of British Museum founder’s bust.
Maybe etymology can help: the origin of the word “monument” comes from the Greek ‘mnemosynon’ and the Latin ‘moneo’, ‘monere’, which means ‘to remind’. The werb ‘remind’ originates from the word ‘mind’. Its simple: no monument – no memory, no past, no future… for the West…
It was Paul Craig Roberts text above…