Step one: the DPRK destroys its nuclear testing facility
Step two: Trumps cancels his meeting with Kim Jong-un
Step three, just read this masterpiece:

“totally irrelevant” “ours are so massive and powerful” “if you change your mind”
Amazing, no? The fact that the North Koreans requested the meeting is irrelevant, Trump’s red button is bigger than Kim’s and Kim is invited to lose face by begging for another meeting.
I have to say that I am awed by the sheer lunacy of the Neocons.
I can imagine the reactions in Moscow and Tehran to this kind of buffoonery…
While not very academic, I think that “batshit crazy” is an appropriate description of Trump (or, more accurately, of his Neocon bosses).
Expect my weekly analysis (mostly about Russia and Iran) for tomorrow morning.
Hugs and cheers,
The Saker
Every such incident reinforces my belief that Mr Trump is doing a wonderful job of dismantling everything that the US government has achieved since George Kennan laid down its golas after WW2.
Because of his arrogance and limitless sense of entitlement, it never occurs to him that America’s status and success has been mainly due to clever deceit and trickery. By abandoning all pretence and telling the truth openly, he is making bitter enemies for the USA at the rate of millions every day.
He is like the Emperor who had no clothes doing the little boy’s job for him by loudly bragging of his nakedness.
I do so hope he gets a second term.
I share your enthusiasm Tom. He makes a wonderful contrast to Obama. Whereas Obama was playing the role of Satan, whilst cultivating his skills at deceit, Trump is Satan naked, crude, and in the world’s face. Dialectically speaking, Trump is serving world revolution. Does not one get the sense that there is some subtle magic at work?
Dialectically speaking, Trump is serving world revolution.
Yes! Absolutely.
Every time he comes up with one of those I marvel if he might not be a Putin agent after all (just kidding, of course!). I don’t believe for one second that he is playing some kind of “5D chess game” – but that he is, as you said, dialectically speaking destroying the Empire, yes, that I firmly believe. My concern is with the potential costs of the collapse.
The Saker
Lol. Saker I think he is now at 73-D chess, while having both hands tied behind his back, surfing around the edge of the Bermuda triangle, on the back of a great white shark. Your move….rest of the world. /Sarc off\
Yes indeed Saker. We are both concerned regarding the suffering such collapse must bring. Are you familiar with the saying “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity”? Or to use psychological language; What degree of stress must be placed on the mass ego mind to induce it to open up to authentic spiritual transcendence. We understand do we not that liberation cannot come without spiritual awakening. The answer, for Americans at least, must be a great deal. Being from another country, like yourself, and living for decades in the USA, it always strikes me how intensely ego bound Americans are. This in itself is a measure of what must come to bring them to authentic truth. As I see it the suffering that comes with the capitalist collapse has the cosmic purpose of generating a profound and revolutionary spiritual reawakening in the mass mind. I am in the happy position of being schooled in the truth that the spiritual preconditions for victory have already been established in the mass consciousness. Would a loving God do any less? However it is a part of the process that this certainty of victory is hidden and can only be realized en mass through a process of of protracted struggle. it is a developmental process in mass psychology. This is why I love your web site so much.
Understanding and awakining is never achieved “en mass”, only one at a time by the close examination, and suffering in ones own life.
The Saker
Yes, Trump and the neocons are destroying the empire by trying to maintain it. They will fail of course, as empires cost huge amounts of money and create a heap of enemies.
There is another point which should, perhaps, be mentioned. Over the past year and a half quite a number of people have commented that Trump was set up by the neocons as the fall guy if and when the US dollar collapses. The blame would be placed squarely on him. Probably some truth in this.
You should realize this is not The Donald acting. The Donald is under Blackmail or others.
How often is the world moaning: “US is meddling in so many affairs the world over”?
All this is IMO being broken down which is a wonderful thing, don’t we think so? We are day in day out screaming for our freedom and independence?
Well, here we are.
IMO The Donald is doing a great job for his country America first and … for the rest of the moaning West.
I could not vote for him or clinton, the slamming I got for not voting for clinton cause he would ….. fill in the blank..I would always say to these family members and friends some who are no longer friends, was my hope that Trump would shed light on our massively corrupt government. I figured he would say anything, fire anyone, and hopefully drive Europe from doing our bidding. I knew the draw back was our enviroment, but there is some light there as well the biggest green house emitter is the MIC kill the mic and help the enviroment. So far I am hopeful. The place where this could all implode is with Trump and Isreal, and saudi.
The Saker
The latest news is that France is going to invest more than 1 billion euros in Russia. Deals were signed during Macrons visit to St.Petersburg. Analysts have since last year been predicting that a rift is going to occur between the US and European elites. It’s going that way. Business is business, sanctions or no sanctions. Europe is slowly, but surely, turning towards Russia.
“Europe is slowly, but surely, turning towards Russia.”
Yes, it is and Trump is showing himself to be the idiot again, further eroding what little prestige the US has left.
Looks like we’re about due for a false flag to flush it all down the memory hole.
Thank you again; one can’t help but see the entire situation as amusing on one level, though darkly, in the context of the extreme potential downside.
One might be tempted to assume that the managers of the empire will not take steps to mitigate negative outcomes of the collapse, at least for the well-being of the citizens, therefore, for the biosphere, it might be better, the sooner?!
In that perspective, maybe, ultimately, Trump could be a balancing force, and therefore, could possibly be considered positive?!
The irony?!
Every day, the systems and processes supporting diversification from the global trade settlement monopoly, using the U.S. dollar, become more stable and viable, thus undermining the hegemon’s capability to keep it together.
I say again that the adoption of alternative trade settlement systems will grow logarithmically as opposed to the general quorum of opinion around a very slow, transition.
I still hope for an comparison analysis of how this collapse would look under three scenarios, the two boundary conditions, say, my logarithmic scenario, at 20 year time horizon, and some intermediate scenario.
@ dissident
Hmmmm. It is quite glacial, you know.×882.png
The graphs are particularly good.
Nobody will kill the dollar off without a fight. Ask a list of dead leaders, pockmarked countries and limbless populations across the globe. There will be a big fight first.
What can be seen is a move toward diversification in the use of currencies. China has made it clear that they have no wish to usurp the U.S. dollar but to see its preeminence removed. The implication of this is a greater use of the yuan in international trade but only in the context of a reduction in the volume of use of the dollar.
Ahh, yes, andrew, but without the ‘exorbitant privilege’ of the US dollar acting as the de facto global reserve currency, the stinking mobile feast of effluent, economic, social, moral, spiritual and intellectual, of The Real Evil Empire would collapse into the mire. The US is so indebted that the Zionist controlled so-called ‘Federal Reserve’ coalition of private banks cannot risk raising interest rates lest the various asset bubbles blown up by money printing since 2008-9, implode, taking the US ‘economy’ down with it.
But, rest assured, the ruling US elites, being psychopaths, and being the inheritors of various Judaic self-delusions of universal supremacy, transmitted through Christian Zionist ‘religious’ lunatics and Zionist political contributions, will certainly ‘take the world down with us’ (as Israeli elites have often threatened) rather than surrender their global Full Spectrum Dominance, particularly to ‘mere Asiatics’ like the Chinese. They are far too ‘Exceptional’ to allow that.
It is galactic. Check out dark
The “well-being of the citizens” is most certainly not a concern of the “managers of the empire,” i.e., world oligarchy (what I prefer to call it, or others call “Deep State,” “Illuminati,” “Rothschilds,” “Globalism” or whatever). They believe, in fact, in a “golden billion” privileged survivors of a civilizational collapse in which most of the human species would disappear. As their unwavering commitment to one-world hegemony seems increasingly unlikely to come about by the usual blackmail, strong-arming, warmongering, local genocide, economic terrorism, etc., the blatant lies and other-worldly unreality of their outward behavior will increase as they double down on their few remaining options, all apocalyptic. Since the early days of Empire the oligarchs’ inability to grasp the social nature of human genius and the demographic imperative for science and innovation as a pathway into the future for humanity has always inclined them to utter destruction and hideous orgies of death (the Indian and Irish famines and the Opium Wars on China come to mind), because they truly see humanity itself as their enemy, their prey, on whose rotting corpse they expect to thrive. From Giammaria Ortes’s bogus theory of world “carrying capacity” and associated physiocratic dementia, Adam Smith’s zero-sum “Wealth of Nations,” Malthusian population fear-mongering and the Club of Rome’s “Limits to Growth” claptrap to prevent the world from making the necessary great leaps ahead, oligarchy has expressed its hatred of humanity’s creative essence with fake news on its odds for survival on an expanding basis including beyond planetary constraints, brutalizing people’s conception of themselves with pseudo-environmental quackery which presents the slow-down of economic growth as a “solution” to survival issues caused by a lack, instead, of qualitative development to transcend the material constraints of one technologically-fixed mode of production by breaking into the realm of “new physical principles” which Russian and other scientists have identified particularly in the area of plasma physics and fusion energy. The supremely astute, worldly finesse of leaders like Putin, etc., even with all their limitations, have been all that has recently stood between us and the brutal dashing of such hopes for a brighter future in which the cynical myth of the “inevitability” of poverty, war and hunger will be given the final lie. BRICS and the infrastructure revolution it has begun, with inspired financial and technological engineering by China, as well as the untold potential of the science behind the “new weapons” announced in Putin’s address to the Russian Duma (merely military applications of a whole new science, brandished to quiet the dogs of war) are the tip of the iceberg of a scientific, technological and therefore economic revolution that will redefine all parameters of human existence. Since this paradigm is invisible to the death-crazed oligarchy and its pitiful brainwashed victims, the peacemakers can tip-toe around the oligarchy’s delusion that the universe is, indeed, as they imagine it, and that they may indeed prevail—while the groundwork for their eventual replacement is carefully laid, you might say, BRIC by BRIC (sorry, couldn’t resist) and defense systems are developed to contain the furious thrashing of their death throes. As in the case of the intercepted Tomahawks over Syrian airspace last April 14, perhaps this perilous stage management can keep the world in a delicate state of balance until the bright new sun of spiritual and material progress dispels the darkness that has suppressed human reason for so long.
Paracletus, of course there has to be a ‘carrying capacity’ for the Earth. The population cannot increase beyond a point where the planet’s resources can provide a decent life for all. That figure is probably two billion at most.
The evidence that we have exceeded the bounds of sustainability is copious, and rationally undeniable. We have felled most of the climax forests and are busy finishing off the rest, as in Brazil, to farm cattle, or Borneo, to grow oil palms. We have mined the oceans of fish, killing 90% of large pelagic specimens. We have destabilised the climate at a rate and to an extent not seen for at least 55 million years, probably longer. We have even destroyed much of the insect life in places like Western Europe, leading to collapse in food-chains, particularly of birds. We have mined most of the easily obtained hydrocarbons and most minerals, and we have buried the world under mountains of toxic pollution of every kind from nuclear waste, plastic, nano-particles, GE crops and tens of thousands of chemicals previously unknown to Life on Earth, to depleted uranium munitions and microwave radiation.
What is worse, and is the peculiarly Evil genius of Free Market capitalism, we have destroyed the planet’s habitability for our species and higher life, not to enrich us all, and produce a decently sufficient life for all, but instead to massively and continually enrich a tiny stratum of hyper-parasites, while much of the world falls into relative poverty, and a growing fraction into absolute poverty.
“Of course,” in your case, means totally wrong. Malthusianism and all its derivations, including latter-day “environmentalism,” are deliberately anti-human and always have been: mere rationalizations of genocide, as candidly proclaimed by their “best and brightest,” such as Bertrand Russell, Maurice Strong, Aurelio Peccei, etc.—with whom you obviously agree if you believe five billion of us are “excess population.” Remember when Prince William famously said, in 1988, “in the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation”? So why oppose the plans of those “hyper-parasites” you say you hate, when all they want to do is cull the human herd to an agreeable size for you and them? (Because you, “of course,” would be spared!) Wouldn’t World War III be just what the doctor ordered if the “disease” is as you imagine it? Is the Russian President an even bigger idiot than I am when he says that Russia must commit to higher population growth rates? Maybe you know something about economics that he doesn’t? Or that I don’t? Maybe you know something about the “environment”? About nature? About the universe? You don’t. Yours is an ego-bound, cherished ideology, but still no more than an ideology that in your feverish self-aggrandizement puts you morally above the madding crowd, the polluters, the useless eaters, the child-bearing human “deplorables.” “Of course,” we must get rid of them! To your impoverished, nominalist understanding of “natural resources,” economy is all about distribution, rather than creation, simple Newtonian entropy rather than a non-linear path out of entropy, into the “nested manifolds” of energy and matter that Riemann, Vernadsky and other non-religious, secular scientists point to as an abiding, central characteristic of the universe. This is why plasma physics and fusion research, in which these characteristics are clearly observable, are essential to restore dynamic, (not static) balance at the planetary level. Your cultish belief-structure has been lovingly crafted by the beneficiaries of stasis, of entropy, the very “hyper-parasites” you claim to oppose. But you’re on their side, actually (which is no coincidence as they have produced all the propaganda you swallow whole); in your quasi-religious zeal you fail to see you’ve adopted the arguments of the enemies of mankind, who profit from economic genocide just as surely as the military-industrial complex profits from war. I’ve paid more detailed attention to all of this in previous comments, but trying to explain anything to you is a total waste of time. You keep going back to the same trite solipsisms, like a dog that can’t stay away from its own vomit. To quote Jesus, à la Saker: “He who has ears, let him hear.” Removed no personal attacks. Any further will go to trash. Mod
Now Paracletus, I don’t see five billion people as ‘excess population’. I firmly believe that de-population MUST be humane, voluntary and gradual. The ruling elites are inclined to more Malthusian and coerced methods, but I reject that completely.
Doing it gradually is quite easy. You only need redistribute the stolen wealth misappropriated by the elite parasites, to the human beings. Thus ending poverty, and ensuring women’s emancipation and education have always resulted in reduced family sizes. Even theocratic Iran has reduced the number of children per woman from six to just over two, in a mere forty years.
The alternative, a growth to ten or more billion, is unsustainable. Already, at seven billion, the destruction of the planet’s life-sustaining biospheres is near terminal, or already there. To cite ‘science’ that defies entropy is not very convincing. The facts of ecological collapse are irrefutable, and no amount of magic thinking will change that, I’m afraid.
That’s just it. You don’t know the difference between science and magic, and adduce as “facts” conditions that only obtain within the limited domain of a fixed technology, a fossil fuel paradigm which should have already been replaced decades ago and hasn’t due to political interference by the oil industry, its speculative offshoots, and vast ideological manipulation going deep into the educational system to lobotomize the very epistemological basis for learning. Like the oligarchs, you insist on remaining within that domain so that your self-fulfilling prophecies will attain unless humanity self-castrates to your requirements, and returns to primitive production modes at lower energy-density levels, using “technologies” like wind and solar which already climaxed with agriculture.
Your “go slow” approach to dealing with food supply, climate change and wealth distribution by reducing demand only guarantees a slower extinction of the species and attenuates the inevitable degradation of the biosphere as a self-feeding negative spiral of increasing contraction forces the breakdown of food chains and weather engines. Reducing demand does nothing to replenish already depleted natural processes as in desert recovery projects which merely await high-density energy sources to resume their contribution to the biosphere as they used to a mere 10,000 years ago (and human development, by the way, had nothing to do with that, yet on the other hand can reverse it).
Your “limits to growth” theory, from your darling Club of Rome technocratic genocidalists, is based on a 1972 report on the computer simulation of exponential economic and population growth with a finite supply of resources, precisely the Malthusian paradigm first outlined by Venetian monk Giammaria Ortes’s claim of inevitable collapse as an excuse for Venice to take over the world’s resources before someone else grabbed them. As simple as that. “Venice,” which is to say oligarchy, then moved to London, more specifically City of London, whence they continue to wreak chaos worldwide. And they do control every aspect of the world’s strategic resources, namely metals, food and energy, and eventually water as the planet continues to dry out.
“Resources” is a definitional term, as in 19th century farmers never knew that the black goo appearing on their land and sending them into bankruptcy would drive the entire industrial economy and bring immeasurable fortunes to unscrupulous cartels a few years later. My heuristic example of an environmentalist movement among plant species prior to the appearance of then-unimaginable fauna to restore the biosphere at a higher level of dynamic balance (which you mocked with typical hubristic ignorance when I first brought it up) applies precisely to today’s situation in which oil dependence (and yes, the property relations that go with it) creates an apparent scarcity and lack of resources which can only be broken through by a qualitative leap to a new thermodynamic level. This is what Russian scientists have been alluding to with the expression “new physical principles.”
This, my friend, is true science, coming from minds far more brilliant than any you have cited. Riemann and Vernadsky were no basement alchemists whom you can casually dismiss as “magical thinkers.” Newton’s nemesis, Leibniz, can be included there, too, as a forerunner. The true nature of the universe is apparently lost on you and the lot of bean-counters who can only look at physical processes from an accounting point of view, the nominalist/reductionist disease which has riddled civilization since the British created that educational model to maintain imperial control. “Humane” genocide through eco-fascist propaganda is precisely the formula by which oligarchy has gotten much of humanity to agree to its own extinction, thinking that fewer of us will mean fewer problems for Mother Nature, and she will be gentle with the “golden billion” (I guess you updated that to two golden billion) as we appease her motherly instinct to strangle us to death.
Not so. Economy and ecology are not contrary forces. Economy is ecology. The universe is growth. Just as necessary breakthroughs in physical economy will become impossible once overall energy flux density drops below the necessary levels to achieve it, human population will become less and less viable as the specialized disciplines and division of labor required to maintain it drop to the hunting and gathering level. Perhaps then your dream of equality with nature will come true as we compete on equal terms with the wildebeest and the orangutan for survival (not the whales, though, unless we learn to eat plankton). Early anthropological estimates of human population potential in that mode are no more than a couple hundred million, but even that mode will continue to contract as ”nature” in its ”natural” state has already been depleted far beyond the level in which that was possible. I guess you’ll have to adjust your projections… again.
Reply to Paracletus on May 26, 2018 · at 10:38 am EST/EDT, Mod.
Now, Paracletus, you make a few leaps of, if not imagination, I would say ‘wishful thinking’ in your reply to my position. First, I rather think that the statement that the ‘universe is growth’ is somewhat simplistic. The universe evolves, it changes, and not necessarily always in the direction of greater magnitude. That, the paramount drive for growth, it seems to me, is the modus operandi of the cancer, which doesn’t end well, and is a fitting metaphor for what human ‘civilization’ is bringing to the Earth.
I believe that a human population of two billion, living with a decent sufficiency of material goods, while much of the planet is allowed to regenerate and restore the bio-diversity destroyed over the last 10,000 years, is the ideal situation for human fulfillment and self-actualisation for individuals, and for greater philosophical, scientific and spiritual development for our species. The classical economists like Adam Smith, Ricardo, JS Mill, did not envisage the economy growing forever, and certainly not to just enrich a tiny, hyper-avaricious and utterly parasitical elite. They saw the economy growing to a size where human material needs were met. and humanity could relax, freed from an economic ‘struggle for existence’, and instead concentrate on cultural, spiritual and intellectual growth and development. I see that as the only sustainable future paradigm. Perhaps at some stage we might colonise the cosmos, if only to protect humanity from extinction if some nasty fate befalls this planet, but this world needs a smaller human population, consuming vastly less, or we are in for a crash, as we have seen in other situations with other species.
This is a reply to Paracletus on 25 May, 2018 · at 5:28 pm EST/EDT. Mod
I find your reply to a salient point from Mulga Mumblebrain verbose, self-congratulating and facetious – and completely devoid of factual argument against his point so let me rephrase what he asks as a simple question:-
When humankind reaches 9-12+ billion, where will the lions live – or shall we be satisfied with only definitely rats and maybe cats and dogs for diversity?
No-one is advocating the active destruction of deplorables for the cause of the hyper-parasites … merely some human-species self-control and the understanding that balance with and not in spite of the natural world is needed!
PS. Whether or not a single country increases or decreases it own population is irrelevant and you owe the gentleman an apology.
This is weird. Before my posting is even published some white knight comes out of nowhere with unctuous moralizing about my reply to someone else?
Paracletus there is nothing untoward – responses go in the order they come in – the “time” does not reflect. I have checked and the reply was to you on May 25, 2018 · at 5:28 pm EST/EDT. Your reply was to Mulga M and came under him. Sometimes when there are too many replies under one post the order gets out of synch. No one can change the times.Mod
[To the previous reply, not Mod’s reply to my edited reply to the rest of CP’s comment.]
“Human growth is like a cancer.” QED. You’re unteachable. There’s no room for knowledge in a mind so full of opinions. Especially such opinions.
Smith criticized the East India Company, granted, for unrelated reasons, but his notion of wealth was the opposite of what the architects of the “American School” of political economy such as Hamilton, Clay and Mathew and Henry Carey (the latter, Lincoln’s chief economic advisor) attributed to labor power as a function of human invention, best summarized in Hamilton’s 1791 Report to Congress on the Subject of Manufactures. Ricardo and Marx’s questioning of the sustainability of capitalism grew from their mischaracterization of capitalism as the speculative exploitation of labor, which the American Revolution was definitely not about, but the British Imperial system certainly was. The works of American School intellectuals show a profound humanist vocation all the way up to Lincoln’s assassination and the British recapture of American finance with the 1875 Specie Resumption Act and the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 (some, of course, also attribute this to Rothschild Jewish banking, but that’s a pointless distraction). Thus, attributing the wayward ways of today’s world economy to “capitalism” is as simple-minded as attributing hunger and poverty to overpopulation—a cover-up, in fact, of the real reasons.
Mill and Ricardo were a major shareholder and a top administrator, respectively, of the East India Company, which visited the most gruesome genocide known to man at that time and perhaps ever since. Watch Maria Zakharova’s recent comments on Vasily Vereshchagin’s painting “The Devil’s Wind” to get a heady whiff of the hideous nature of British Imperialism meted out by these merchants of death and executioners of entire nations, who would make Hitler blush. Watch the whole video, in fact, to better appreciate the lasting legacy of British imperialism/empiricism/nominalism/reductionism/utilitarianism on which the “Limits to Growth” mythology is firmly grounded, still present in the culture of unabashed lies with which they seek to start a war with Russia. Ain’t for nothing that oh-so-civilized Great Britain is known historically as “Perfidious Albion.”
Furthermore, as a curious aside, Mill’s utilitarian forebear Jeremy Bentham is infamously known for his essay Paederasty, excusing pederasty from social revile and rivaling only his In Defence of Usury for the sheer cynicism of its presentation of the British Imperial mindset. They have never, ever been concerned with the freedom of humans to “relax” and concentrate on “cultural, spiritual and intellectual growth and development”—unless, of course, you’re referring to the effete serenity of the cricket club. If such is the philosophical backstop to zero growth ideology, it is clearly a sick ideology from the very root, and has absolutely nothing to do with any values that would enhance mankind’s ability to survive.
And that’s it. I’m weary and your stone-cold cultural pessimism is so entrenched that I haven’t the slightest chance of overcoming it. From that standpoint even the hope of breathing another day must seem an impossible dream; hence your constant carping on the “magical,” “imaginary” nature of a creative human destiny. As I said from the beginning, such a paradigm “is invisible to the death-crazed oligarchy and its pitiful brainwashed victims.” Additionally, the whole environmentalism thing is only one of the issues I hoped to address in that original comment—yet apparently, the only one of interest to you, as any ideological fixation must be. I can only state for the record that it carries within it a death seed most vile. That’s the real “cancer.”
Paracletus, you really cannot use quotation marks, as in ‘Human growth is like a cancer’, when I nowhere use those words. I assert that growing economic production, consumption and consequent pollution on a finite planet is cancerous, and will have the same effect. The evidence for that assertion is simply overwhelming, and to posit some magical means by which we will escape the manifestations of that over-reach, from anthropogenic climate destabilisation for a start, seems to me to be misjudged. By the way, do you concur with the anthropogenic climate destabilisation caused by rising atmospheric greenhouse gas levels theory?
As for Vernadsky and theories of the noosphere, I have always found them beguiling, since first encountering them in de Chardin and an excellent TV series, ‘The Sea of Faith’, but not fully established. I have often wondered if Sheldrake’s ‘morphic fields’ and ‘morphic resonance’ represent other explorations of the same basic truth. I am very much inclined to support ideas of inter-connectivity between all the manifestations of ‘life’ on this planet and in the cosmos as a whole, particularly when one considers the wonders of the quantum world, and the fact that all existence, as far as we know, in this Universe at least, was once a ‘singularity’ at the time of Fred Hoyle’ ‘Big Bang’.
Regarding English genocide in India, I became somewhat apprised of it after reading Mike Davis’s ‘Late Victorian Holocausts’, and later reading of Churchill’s deliberate worsening of the Great Bengal Famine of the 1940s, that killed perhaps ten million, in histories by Indians. As Nehru observed, the longer a part of India was ruled by the English, the greater its poverty when India was liberated.
the realm of “new physical principles” which Russian and other scientists have identified particularly in the area of plasma physics and fusion energy
References, please?
the untold potential of the science behind the “new weapons” announced in Putin’s address to the Russian Duma (merely military applications of a whole new science, brandished to quiet the dogs of war)
References, please?
the tip of the iceberg of a scientific, technological and therefore economic revolution that will redefine all parameters of human existence
References, please?
Not intended as sarcasm; if these claims are well-founded, they are of great importance, and many people would like to hear about them.
Thank you for your interest in further details. As this is a personal comment on a public blog, made in my spare time as a concerned, non-specialized private party, I’m not prepared to offer scholarly documentation of every statement based on readings and exchanges over a long period of time, which after all is my own personal opinion that you can agree or disagree with. I was a Spanish-language translator and interpreter for many of the conferences held by the now-defunct Fusion Energy Foundation as part of its development and promotion of the Strategic Defense Initiative announced by Ronald Reagan in 1983 and callously disparaged by philistine liberal media as “Star Wars” to tarnish the significance of this far-reaching proposal. Its original designers, including top physicists from the national laboratories such as Drs. Edward Teller and Winston Bostick, meant to leverage the possible military applications of advanced particle beam technology under development in the inertial fusion program (woefully underfunded since that time) to fuel a “science-driver” approach to world economic development which as an open-source research program in cooperation with the USSR would bring about the long-foreseen and still unrealized potential of controlled thermonuclear fusion to meet all of humanity’s energy needs for the foreseeable future. As a by-product of that (but presented as its main selling point for purposes of securing funding from the military budget), means could be developed to intercept and disable or destroy ballistic missiles via relativistic particle beams (i.e., propagating at or near the speed of light), thus shielding the entire world from nuclear destruction and putting an end to the era of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). [As an aside, now, with US withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty (ABM) in 2002, we don’t even have that.] Beam technology was already under development in the US at Princeton, Los Alamos, etc. as a means of igniting the deuterium-tritium reaction in inertial confinement reactors, a process which in hydrogen bombs is initiated by the detonation of a fission charge enveloping the D-T fuel mixture—clearly not a way to harness this energy for peaceful purposes. The ultimate goal of the SDI was to co-opt military research into accelerating the fusion program for civilian use, ushering in a new era of virtually unlimited energy availability since fusion, the driving force of all stellar bodies including our own sun, would make directly available to us the very source of all derivative forms of energy. Among other potential benefits of a fusion economy the so-called fusion torch, another extrapolation of plasma physics, can break down matter (generic metals and minerals, plastic waste, all sorts of unwanted pollutants) into all the elementary molecules of the periodic table, which would further redefine the availability of so-called “natural resources.” Additionally, as a means of relativistic speed propulsion in outer space, fusion would put distant planets of the ever-growing exoplanet inventory within reach of a single generation, and not the epic, multi-generational odysseys such travel would involve with chemical propulsion. Not even going that far, Mars could be reached in a matter of weeks, and every other body in the solar system would be brought, so to speak, “into the neighborhood.” There’s much more to say about the matter, but I daresay recent developments in Russian military applications probably mean this dimension of potential human progress has not been forgotten by our Russian “partners” (I wish) and may explain some of the recent futuristic statements by Putin, who responded positively to student inquiries about establishing a Russian presence in Mars, as well as the construction of an entire “space city” in Vostochny. And although Western observers were most impressed by the nuclear-powered maneuverable hypersonic cruise missiles and autonomous long-range torpedos in that presentation, it should be recalled that the first two thirds of his speech focused on life improvements for the Russian people, with an emphasis on science, technology, infrastructure and engineering. As is happening also in China, where the largest poverty reduction campaign in all of human history continues to score success after success and looks to exporting that kind of progress through the “New Silk Road” and other infrastructure programs already underway, such as the diversion of surplus water from the Congo basin to rehidrate moribund lake Chad and the entire surrounding desert. The same could be done with the Sahara and other world deserts which need only water to blossom again into thriving areas of lush vegetation to reverse the effects of global warming, whether anthropogenic or not. Abundant, cheap electricity is required for desalination and pumping to make this happen on a larger scale. Think fusion. Many other projects are already on the table in various countries. I could go on, but I’ve already been accused of being “verbose” by various detractors, of “magical thinking” by others, and I don’t want to deprive you of the pleasure of finding out so much more along the same lines on your own.
Wow Paracletus….
“Verbose” hardly does justice to that extrapolation of “Uhmm … I don’t have sources.”
Perhaps you should take to heart the reprimand you offered another here?
… Especially since “Human growth is like a cancer” was just another Paracletus strawman.
Paraclete (Gr. παράκλητος, Lat. paracletus) means advocate or helper. In Christianity, the term “paraclete” most commonly refers to the Holy Spirit. Bwahahaha – you call yourself … “Know-it-all.”
Ta… that one’s gonna keep me giggling all evening!
Giggle away, miss LOL.
Dialectically speaking, Trump is serving world revolution.
I certainly hope not. We already had enough revolutions everywhere. With associated deaths and misery.
In reply to M. Mumblebrain, above: For once, we seem to be getting somewhere. Now this: Five years ago on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, I swam out to the ocean unaware of a strong undertow. When I was done with my little dip and attempted to wade ashore, the waves kept knocking me over and dragging me back out to sea, as if intent on murdering me. As I pondered the inevitability of a drowning death I remembered Edgar Allan Poe’s short story A Descent into the Maelström, in which a shipwrecked sailor notices that the only objects not sucked into the gaping maw of the giant whirlpool he had fallen into were the ones with cylindrical shapes that spun on an axis transversal to the water’s mighty flow. So I threw myself sideways, across the waves, and they brought me back to land, a little scraped up as it was a rough, pebbly beach. So there you have it: saved by poetry. I’m still here today, and you have to put up with me, thanks to the genius of a writer that I’d happened to have read in my childhood. Don’t underestimate the power of imagination. We owe it our existence (an idea that you’ve also chided me for, somewhat short-sightedly).
Paracletus, I’m glad Poe saved you. Swimming across the rip is the advice given by life-savers here in Austfailure, where such rips are common. I’m afraid I mistook you for a fanatic denialist of the ecological crises engulfing us, of which we have a plethora here in Austfailure, on the numbskull Right. But I find you are an idealist, a sort Panoptical Pangloss, but with more solid credentials to back up your optimism than Voltaire’s creation.
I really could not agree more with the notion that Life on Earth is all interconnected, from the solid substance of the planet, the mighty dynamo that sits in the core which magnetic field spares us the Sun’s fury, the tectonic plates sailing majestically across the globe, to the H2O, solid, liquid or gas, the other trace gases, that great arbiter of life, oxygen, the father of fire, and on to the living creatures that thrive, evolve, live, die, arise and disappear ceaselessly.
I hold no fear, most of the time, that our crazy, greed-driven, destruction will end all Life on Earth. but I am convinced that it is causing the sixth great mass extinction event, which, unless reversed, will take out our species and the vast majority of all higher life. Life will recover its abundance and diversity after millions of years, just as it did after other greenhouse gas driven hot-house catastrophes like the End Permian mass extinction.
I am pleased to see you give China a good mention for its unmatched achievements. Here in Austfailure the hatred, envy and resentment of China is pathological. No fakestream media hack EVER produces a positive report on any aspect of life in China. If you followed our brainwashing system only, you would believe China a Hell on Earth, where the brutally repressed people yearn to be ‘Free’ of the Communist yoke. All this despite China giving us 50 billion a year in trade surplus, 1.3 million high spending tourists per year, and tens of thousands of higher education students, who keep the sector afloat. Yet, on orders from our Yankee Masters, our malignant elites go out of their way to spit in China’s face.
Actually I see China as our only hope to save humanity from a greenhouse induced climate destabilisation Holocaust. China is the only great power that is doing anything concrete to end greenhouse gas accumulation, with its driving down of the costs of renewable energy and electric vehicles etc. The great virtue in traditional Chinese civilization was harmony, and it’s only through harmonising the abilities of all life on Earth that we will escape the catastrophe, in my opinion at least. And have you ever seen a greater example of discord that the crumbling Western Empire?
So it’s called “rip.” I’m glad I lived to learn that. You’ve heard my objections to Malthusian population theory and I won’t tire you with them any further. You may consider them, or not, in judging what direction our species should take at the present juncture. The comparison with my Costa Rica brush with death has to do with how I see things for our planet right now. What we have isn’t a dearth of resources but of knowledge, quite consistently and relentlessly brought about by cynical, sophisticated truth-twisters. I once yielded in an argument with some Oxfordian troll, not because I conceded to the truth of his argument (an utterly racialist justification of some imperial abomination) but because his sophistical skill so exceeded my powers of argument that I simply couldn’t win the day—yet, in so explaining, maybe I did “win” after all).
As to Vernadsky’s noospheric hypothesis, I see no guile in it but rather a standard scientific application of critical analysis and (yes) imagination to empirical, observable data to arrive at a plausible formulation of general principle, which in the case of the entire universe can only be validated in the grand laboratory of existence. That’s why solid epistemology is of the utmost importance in any social experiment: a wrong turn at an existential crossing point may have vast, irreversible consequences. I’ve spent some time in life considering such issues, as you may perhaps appreciate in my recent answer to Milosevic, above.
As to your guarded optimism about nature reestablishing the rule of life after a new extinction event, I remind you of a recent statement by Putin in reply to the question of whether Russia would risk World War III if its existence were at stake (I’ll abstain from quote marks, as per your editorial standards, as it’s my informal recollection of his words and my understanding of them): What do we need the world for if Russia’s not in it?
I’m pleased with our present status. Thank you for the suspension of disbelief.
Yes, Paracletus-I am happy, too. I mistook you for another type, for a while. As you relate with your story of the Oxfordian gifted in sophistry, it does grind you down to be confronted by those with closed minds. Here, in one of Thanatopia’s furthest Imperial satrapies, the Groupthink is absolute, and any deviation hysterically attacked, when outright suppression has not worked. But our Imperial Thought Controllers and Groupthink guardians do not rise to the heights of sophistry or casuistry. They merely repeat, robotically, inane idiocies like ‘The Rules Based Global Order’ in support of their Master, the USA, which has NEVER obeyed ANY rules but ‘Might is Right’.
The position of oligarch Trasymachus, the very first one Socrates takes down, with understated elegance, in The Republic. As we later learn in The Apology, it cost him his life.
There are those who think Trump and his clandestine friend Qnon are playing some very complex game of chess in order to snare the new World order or deep state. I say bunk the people are living in a fantasy World. Very sad
There are certain martial arts that encourage using the opponent’s strengths against him in order to gain advantage. If Trump wanted to roll back the Empire by extracting the US from foreign entanglements, wound or destroy the Deep State, and bring back jobs to America by embracing an America First, Globalism Last objective in international trade, he could do the following by fully embracing neocon strengths and most closely held desires:
1. Fill his staff with hardcore neocons
2. Pull out or force renegotiation of international free trade agreements on the premise of bringing back American jobs (TTIO, NAFTA, etc) – show the world America can’t be trusted and give the neocons exactly what they want
3. Recognise Jerusalem as capital of the Jewish State of Israel (enrage the Arab world and discredit America’s ability to be a legitimate mediator in Arab/Israeli talks) (show the world America is on Israel’s side) – give the neocons exactly what they want
4. Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem – further enrage the Arab world and isolate America from its allies
5. Pull out of the JCPOA – show the world American can’t be trusted and isolate America from its European allies, but give the neocons exactly what they want.
6. Announce to the world that the US is pulling out of Syria only to turn around and strengthen its forces there – showing the world that America can’t be trusted but doing what the neocons want
6. Pull out of the NK summit – talk tough like the neocons want, but also show the world again that America can’t be trusted
7. Sanction all countries, organisations and individuals who dare act in their own interest, thus alienating allies and causing the world to seek ways around the US Dollar, thus destroying the dollar as a global reserve currency and forcing America to begin cleaning up her own house of debt. This act also pleases the neocons who want not only tough talk but to economically punish anyone who stands up to the US.
8. Continually talk tough and threaten countries all over the world, so that America is clearly seen as the pariah it has in the past tried to hide.
9. Attack the Deep State by giving it the rope to hang itself with by allowing the Russiagate investigations and turning them into an assault on the Deep State’s corruption embedded in the Democratic Party, the DOJ and the FBI. Use these bastards to expose themselves through their own wicked plans and devices.
If Trump were out to isolate America, discredit the neocons and expose the Deep State corruption, he could not possibly come up with a better plan.
Unfortunately, I believe Trump is simply being Trump, completely taken over by Zionist interests to the detriment of his own country and the world.
Is this perhaps the only way to destroy the American empire and in the end bring the world back to equilibrium? By having placing the Neocons in positions of power, he seems to be allowing them do accomplish their own self destruction.
@ Tapper
No. Both sides are preparing for war. All the US generals have said so to their recruits. Most recently (today) Mattis. It will end with a war, just like the British bankruptcy in the early 20th Century led to them trying to dismantle the expansion of competitor Germany. The US is unable to pay its debts and Israel is on its own if the world order shifts 10% away from the dollar and the US financial infrastructure. They are both preparing to fight and die rather than suffer such a shift.
Right now Putin is going with flowers, compliments and deals everywhere. He has kept his government steady with just enough liberals to satisfy the pussified European elite. He is making allies of countries who are now thinking the US has gone too far to publicly support. These are countries who might cry ‘stop’ with Russia when the US begins to wind the war up with the next target nations.
But Russia, China, NK, Iran, Syria etc also know that the US Israel can’t stop without losing everything, possibly for centuries, and that these imperial target nations either wait for war to come at the US’s time and place, or they provoke the US into their kind of war.
I don’t believe the goading from these countries and others, including S America and Turkey is infantile. I believe Russia is coordinating a great effort with countries (who are going to die anyway if the Anglo Zio’s get their way) to tie the limbs of the US to the four wild horses of NK, Iran, Syria and Ukraine and rip the US apart.
I just don’t believe threatened nations as big as Russia and China are waiting to see what happens without a plan of their own.
The big problem the US seems to have is that they are simultaenously preparing for at least two wars on either side of the world. The country that couldn’t defeat Afghanistan and an Iraq that had been under sanctions for years now seems to think it can take on Iran and North Korea at the same time on opposite sides of the world. Meanwhile betting that the combo of Russia and China won’t notice when the empire massively over-extends themselves in such a way.
You left out Ukraine and Venezuela!
@ anon
Well, Venezuela. That too, if you like:
Propre Gander why do you say only 10% would be such a huge shift ? We’ve already lost that much when the euro came into effect. It’s a slow drip and I don’t see how only 10% would be a tipping point ? Could you expound with clear arguments.
@ sol
10 = small number.
The Euro took no share from financial transactions or trade from the dollar. The German Mark was big, and the Euro share is essentially this plus eight of the other contributing currencies post Euro.
It is what ‘10% / a small drop’ represents in terms of lost control. Libya, for example was destroyed because an even partially successful launch of Gadaffi’s pan-African currency would have broken the back of the US’s hidden sanctions against Africa (access to the US financial architecture in dollars via US correspondent banks). With this system in place – either you do as you are told or we cut you off from world markets – the US exerts more power and kills more through its currency that it ever does with its military.
All the killings by the US military have be pursuant of financial hegemony, not military hegemony. The fact that not even a 10% drop has occurred in 50 years is because countries get killed for trying.
Well, as John Bolton pointed out recently they have ‘Israel and some Arab states’ (he did add “among others” but was careful not to specify there) on their side.
Wonder if they’re banking on those Arab allies….?
No. Or yes I suppose. This is pretty much standard in “how empires fall.”
What was the old Ghandi quote … that when you look around the world, all the mightty empires of history had fallen. There is no longer a Roman empire, a French empire, a British empire, etc, etc, etc. Thus, you can look at today ‘s empire and know that it too will fall. I’m sure Ghandi said it better. :)
This is just typical of the mechanisms of how an empire falls. They always do a series of things that historians later look back at and shake their heads and wonder how they could have been so dense. At a certain stage in the life-cycle of an empire, the heads of the empire cease to be smart at what they do with the rest of the world. That sort of geopolitical stuff was important back when they were just a competing country among many, but once they become a mighty empire, the rulers stop worrying about things like that. How much to pay off the porn star that the emperor slept with becomes far more important to the court than that silly geopolitical stuff.
Geographically the British Empire may have ended or faded from sight, partly because Roosevelt refused to reinstate it, to Churchill’s raging dismay (possibly leading to FDR’s untimely death, the installment of freaky Harry Truman and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), in the closing days of World War II. But Ghandi was only partially correct in writing its obituary, as the political, financial and ideological power and vast intelligence operations of Empire (including the creation of the CIA itself) endure long past the loss of British territorial domains. In fact the stealthy, insidious exercise of oligarchical power from behind the scenes is a major factor in its survival over the ages, since the British Isles themselves are but the temporary present residence of the same medieval oligarchy that allied with the Ottoman Empire to bring down Constantinople when it inhabited the swamps of Venice. Sworn to prevent the emergence of the “Third Rome” (Russia) after the collapse of the first two (Rome and Byzantium),* their do-or-die imperative for centuries has been the neutralization of the “Eurasian Heartland” (Mackinder) or its elimination (as in Brzezinski’s “Arc of Crisis” scheme to encircle the Soviet Union with batshit-crazy Islamic fundamentalists to bring about regime change, which plan is still operative against present-day Russia), to assure them of world hegemony through the use of satrapies not visibly linked to them or perhaps even in mortal conflict at some historical moment, like for instance the early American Republic, which has all but forgotten its anti-imperial origin. Perhaps because this ruling class has no present-day equivalent to Machiavellian geniuses like lords Shelburne and Palmerston (having to settle for the dimwitted buffoonery of pitiful slobs like Boris Johnson) such invisible links are coming undone and they must step into the open with scantily clad farces like the Skripal affair and the Douma chemical attack hoax. Luckily for them they have an American Johnson across the Atlantic to clumsily re-babble such inanities, with illustrated instructions from Netanyahoo to make sure he gets it. For such reasons it is hugely interesting that Russian public figures have recently taken to reminding the world of British history and the unspeakable atrocities committed in the name of Empire, as in Maria Zakharova’s recent tour-de-force on the lingering significance of this truculent malignancy, and Sergei Lavrov’s reminder of British support for Hitler during the early days of Nazism. The oligarchs, like Mark Twain in 1897, can say that “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” (yes, that quote may be apocryphal, but it’s still pretty good). Their association with any geographically defined land mass is no more than a tenuous, disposable arrangement of convenience. The British Isles themselves could go down in thermonuclear Armageddon if their oligarchical overlords found it convenient for their self-perpetuation. Don’t underestimate Perfidious Albion. One powerful weapon against it is to strip it of its secrecy.
* Come to think of it, could the “Barbarians” who brought down the first one be their ancestors? After all, prior to its final decadence, Rome was an enlightened Republic. Just wondering.
I personally share your enthousiasm, Tom. I’m not so sure whether I am enthousiastic as a whole.
We may see it, but so many people see nothing. And in the meantime we are served with insane warmongers like Bolton, Haley, Pompeo and the like.
As long as a lot of naive people are about, I’ve no hope.
As long as many Americans believe that matches of the WWF are real.
As long as many people are daily interested in the clothes of the Kardashians.
As long as many people think Hillary is a sincere, progressive woman.
As long as may people think the MSM are truly independent, honest newsbringers.
As long as many people awe at the giggles of Meghan Markle.
As long as many people think that Africans without papers (but with the last smartphone) coming to Europe are all poor refugees from war-torn countries.
As long as I’ve heard this week many discussions on my European radio about the excuses of Mark Zuckerdroid before the EU, and really believe that he ‘didn’t know’ (Yo, on what earns this company it’s money then?).
As long as many people think the winner of the European Song contest is honestly chosen (but came out so conveniently).
As long as people think that Emmanuel Macron, who gave new meaning to the concept of ‘opportunism’ has the best in mind for France (while being Jupiter).
As long as many people think that Greece has a bad time, but will repay its debts.
As long as many people in Israel truly believe that they are descendants of King David.
As long as in Australia they want to forbid the terms ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ in child books in order to save the morality of the world (but never complain that male and female dogs pee differently).
As long as many people really believe that George Soros and Bill Gates are truly doing great work for humanity.
As long as in Sweden ‘rape’ is a concept for original Swedes, but not for immigrants.
As long as many people believe that we can get rid of gas, coal, and nuclear energy and switch to ‘heat pumps’ but nobody knows whether or how it works (but we are going to do it anyway).
As long as many people truly believe that voting will make an important difference.
As long as many people believe that Russia annexed Crimea, and the poor Crimeans themselves played no role in that.
As long as many people believe that for the seccession of Kosovo this was completely different.
As long as so many naive, zombified people are are around, I have no hope of ‘seeing the light’.
I can go on, but I stop my rant here. This has not so much to do with the content of your post, Tom, Actually it made me smile.
But I’m shaking my head about many people around me and don’t think they will see.
Cheers, Rob
I share your views…as long as people don’t burn their fingers drastically, they won’t wake up.
“God works in mysterious ways.”
“Whom the Gods want to destroy, they first make mad.”
Trump in his desperation to survive the assault of the deep state completely turn himself to commodity bought and sold to the Zionist/neocons, relentlessly fulfilling their bidding, never realising that subservient to them entails insatiable appetite in their bottomless pit of avarice, while the deep state in their asinine attempt to destroy Trump never realise how cancerous these has become to the survival of the empire as a whole. Indeed the emperor has never been this naked.
The is the intrinsic contradiction of capitalism which will eventually destroy the empire from within, the fear is that the empire will not bite the dust without an epileptic struggle to ravage the rest of humanity with destruction.
Obama, Clinton and the Deep State appear to have guaranteed that second term, as their activities to spy on the Trump campaign, and use provocateurs like the disappeared Stefan Halper to set up Trump apparatchiki with false associations with the dreaded Russians (who Trump was making friendly overtures to-forbidden!), begin to be revealed. Trump could just as easily cause thermo-nuclear war, too, particularly now that he is surrounded by neo-con scum, and so clearly controlled by the psychopath, Netanyahu.
Tom, i think Trump is doing it intentionally.
Okay, he may be idiot with elders dementia and what not.
But he can pick among best advisers USA, Israel and corporate environments could offer. Interpreting all the chain of events as neverending foolishness streak on behalf of one person seems a bit improbable to me. The coin should fall on both sides.
So, i can’t help to recall that Trump was brought to power by forces seeking for isolation of USA from the globalists-dominated world.
And from this point of view Trump’s behaviour is brilliant.
He makes two Koreas talk, then he makes USA irrelevant.
Just reiterate all Trump foreign politic blunders and consider of them as methods to isolate USA or to make anti-Trump factions inside USA infight (Qatar vs Saudi crisis for example)
How suitable you should praise George Kennan, who was a member in good standing of the Rothschild Round Table and Deep State mover and shaker for the looting of America, which has kicked in to high gear under your wonderful President Trump.
To be fair, Mr. Welsh is not “praising” Kennan, rather pointing out that Trump doesn’t seem to understand that American exceptionalism and imperialism is supposed to be a secret, disguised as altruism and love of freedom. He is also not admiring Trump but noting the irony that he is accomplishing the opposite of what he thinks.
What makes you think that this isn’t exactly the plan? Trump does a great job reversing the US imperialism and making everybody in the world realise it. Even Europe slowly gets it.
Haha wow. Slightly off-topic. I remember enjoying a smoke outside of my office, at work. When one of my smoking buddies came over and told me how Trump has this gigantic signature. I was half paying attention, but damn, I didn’t know it was that darn large. My buddy was telling me how analysts can tell just from his signature that he was a narcissist, who has delusions of grandeur. It had something do with the size of ones signature, and how its associated with the way they view themselves. I was half paying attention because, I was running through all the other evidence I gathered, that he is indeed a narcissist. I never followed up on this gigantic Trump signature story, and was just reminded of it when I saw the picture of the letter in the above article.
Stupid – can’t even cross his own ‘T’. I think he just puts a pen on the paper and gets someone to shake the table.
That signature had me looking to see if there was a big 7.0 earthquake in Chesapeake Bay this morning.
Not just big – seismic!!!
I’d love to see a graphologist analyse it – looks seriously crazy to me….
Lol, thanks for the laugh….but don’t play with my emotions. I been dreaming of a sinkhole just swallowing the entire place up. Take care a giant chunk of the world’s problems.
@proper gander
Lol…they should keep a box of crayola crayons for the big baby in the white house. Just to be on the safe side, make it one of those jumbo variety packs, with a hundred different colors. Just in case he really wants to get creative next time he writes to another head of a country.
Good thing Trump wasn’t in Philadelphia for the Declaration of Independence …. nobody else would have had room to sign it!
To think, people laughed at John Hancock. ;)
Lol, maybe if he was there, he would have bungled the whole thing, and we never would have to see this abomination named the US. Save the world a whole lot of trouble
To rely on Trump’s signature to establish that he is a grandiose and deluded narcissist seems redundant. His every action and utterance screams it. His election was the accident, that followed the tragedy then the farce of recent history. He obviously never imagined that he’d become President, but the Republicans were such a scurvy crew, Clinton was so justly loathed by the vast armies of American losers, and the DNC cheated Sanders out of the candidacy that he won (no doubt on orders from Putin), and, in the end, everyone self-destructed but the carnie huckster, the tragi-accidentally elected US President, ‘Leader of the Free World’, as I increasingly hear the local presstitutes intone, seemingly without irony. Desperate times require desperate displays of ideological correctness.
Mulga, now you may know how bolsheviks came to power in Russia after three consequent revolutions :D
Trump is then…. Dunno, Lenin or Kerensky?… :D
Nonsense. The Bolsheviks were an international criminal conspiracy that overthrew the elected government of Russia after returning from many foreign countries. This has absolutely nothing to do with a bunch of imperfect candidates running in the same election.
> that overthrew the elected government of Russia
whaaaat???? elected government? REALLY ???
you mean those pro-western White Guards who overthrew legal monarchist government, don’t you?
but they did it in February 1917
and in October 1917 they were overthrown in turn, but social-revolutionaries+bolsheviks combo.
Now tell me about any Russia-wide elections in between February and October 1917
> nothing to do with a bunch of imperfect candidates running in the same election.
Actually is has all to do with.
pro-monarchists forces in Russia earned contempt by their incompetence and corruption before February 1917.
pro-Western (so called White) forces in Russia earned contempt by their incompetence and corruption in between February and October 1917.
They famously claimed “no one in Russia wants to take power” – politicians they were.
And Bolsheviks said “we do want!”
And people – who before 1917 saw Bolsheviks for fringe idiots – shrugged and thought “let them try too, nothing can be worse than those whites”.
Just like people in USA voted for Trump thinking “no one can be worse than Hillary”
That was the same process
Trump is Mr. Punch.
Lol exactly Mulga, that was one of the primary reasons I was half listening. I remember thinking about my buddy “how the hell did he miss all the other obvious indicators, that firmly establish Trump’s narcissistic status, and why did it take his signature to make it obvious.” But whatever I guess, atleast he understands.
Ahmed, Obama and Bibi are others of the type-malignant narcissists. Obama ‘charming’ therefore more dangerous, Trump and Bibi so charmless that one is left to ponder just how far Man has fallen.
@mulga: Yes I agree. Obama was the snake in the grass, who did a good job at playing his role, and hiding how repugnant he actually was. Trump is a snake in your face, although he does try to hide it, but for some reason he just really sucks at it. Netanyahoo is just a POS, to be honest I don’t even know what category he actually belongs in. Any time I see him on TV, I change the channel. I cant stand seeing his face, or hearing his voice. From the little I did hear from him. It sounds like everything he says is a lie, and it does seem like he’s more like trump, with the fact that he doesn’t do a great job in hiding how horrible he is.
Nutty yahoo is the end stage of Talmudic hatred of the goyim, ALL the goyim. Plus European settler hatred of the Indigenous who must be expelled, enslaved, imprisoned or exterminated so that the Western herrenvolk can have their God-ordained lebensraum. And straight fascism, in a direct line to Jabotinsky that admirer of Mussolini. With the ‘inventors of terrorism’ as Begin declared himself, Sharon, Shamir and the other Irgun and Stern Gang killers also direct forebears through Nutty’s father. Topped off by the raging hatred that grew out of the Nazi Judeocide, manifested by Nutty yahoo in his bizarre and vicious attribution of guilt for the ‘Holocaust’ to the Palestinians, through the person of the Grand Mufti, who, in Nutty’s perverted psyche, convinced Hitler to hate Jews and exterminate them. The obvious invitation to the genocide of the Palestinians, a ‘Final Solution’ being openly advocated in Israel, even by Members of the Knesset like Smotrich, is undisguised.
This is not the first time this happened. The same thing was done before by US. There is a pattern here. Not surprisingly for a rogue nation . Then ,there was Bolton’s and The Donald’s statements that NK will be disarmed ” Libya style” .
Check my new site ,where I post portraits of some personalities ( the Resistance axis),like Mr. Putin,Mr. Nassralah , Mr. Assad ,gen, Soleimani ,gen .Huseil al Hassan . I am finishing Mr. Lavrov’s portrait . I plan to continue.
I am the one who drew the Saker falcon.
See my sites .one with drawings and a blog.
I have had this nagging feeling for some time now that Trump really is colluding with Russia and also China.
Not that I believe any of the Russiagate fiction drivel but that everything the Trumpster does devalues the USA and diminishes its global power. Am I right?
Hello Anonymous; The collusion you speculate of regarding Trump and the sane cultures is, I believe, intuitively sound on your part. But it gives Donald way too much credit. I don’t see him having that quality of consciousness. The source of the collusion, I believe, can be found in the evolving integrity of planet Earth itself. I think it is a major blind spot of our culture to assume that the consciousness of our evolving planet is not in some way instrumental. Is it not the case that evolution has been a success story for how many billion years? Or as the Christians amongst us would say “trust the invincible love of God.” It is of the nature of love to seek to be most available when it is most needed. Surely that is true of that which created all. It seems that we are all in the process of finding that out.
Snow, I often wonder what the cetaceans are making of it all. After forty million years floating about in the boundless deep, growing huge, complex, brains, communicating with one another over huge distances and, no doubt, thinking deeply, more deeply than we will ever comprehend, suddenly, a few hundred years ago, a veritable plague of uptight, upstart, upright apes commenced hunting them to extinction, while destroying the rest of Life on Earth with equally manic determination. The whales will go with us, I fear. We’ve stuffed things up so completely that no higher life-forms will be spared. The seas, for sure, will warm, stratify and de-oxygenate and commence belching hydrogen sulphide gas, meaning it will be many millions of years before the destruction is reversed.
As you say this first attempt is a bit flawed and has built into it the seeds of its own destruction -perhaps that’s a safety design. When all is destroyed up top those bacteria that thrive on hot sulphurous water vents down at 32,000 feet will be ready for version 2.0, already inured to those H2S clouds you mention above.
I wish them the best and hope they can fix the flaws that produced the odious Boltons, Clintons and Trumpsters et al.
At Mulga Mumblebrain,
These are projections ! You need weapons of a much different kind in order to kill the planet and life. Although Earth is nothing compared to God, it’s still almost infinitely more powerful than anything we will ever be able to produce. Life goes down more than a thousand kilometers and to the highest peaks and the most toxic places (sulphur based black smokers, or methan lakes). Don’t worry about whales or animals, but you should worry for mankind, because it’s them who are dying out on all fronts. What you do is transfering your total extiction onto something else which will not be extinct, because it’s a much, much higher type of organism hardly touched by your faith. If you go into the forests and really listen to brids – they sing it the whole day without interruption – that unbevlievable powerful chant of god the creater and Earth the mother.
”/…/ everything the Trumpster does devalues the USA and diminishes its global power. Am I right?”
Interestingly, El Trumpo’s stature and overall performance are not very different compared to anyone from the utter basket of deplorables a.k.a. Pindostani Presidents right since the very inception of the US. El Trumpo could have well been perceived as a political genius and a true (Western) world hero in another era, but today Mr. Orange Monkey is failing for at least the following reasons:
a) The outside world of non-Exceptional and dispensable countries, peoples, and leaders have matured and won’t be cowed by imbecilic bluster as per El Trumpo’s above masterpiece, save a few insignificant garbage populations in the Global North.
b) Neoliberal, ”post-industrial”, and Cultural Marxist rot has turned the Western ”Elites” into decadent, superstitious, reactionary fools, and most of their subjects make very little difference — the only help available is being provided by the outside world, and it’s not too appreciated by aforesaid ”Elites”, especially not their neocon faction.
c) Then of course there is always the issue of crappy, inept personalities, pure and simple. Given the key Pindo national traits, this is all but unavoidable, but El Trumpo who comes across as a combination of Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi and Austria’s Jörg Haider doesn’t precisely make the US look great again either.
Thoughts in my head…any chance of any changes in thinking re Donbass….some ukrops seem to have made a half serious attack and been dispatched seems to be warming up there…would be interesting if Macron at St Petersberg got an answer to his question are french troops included in the phrase “all foreign uninvited forces” should not be in Syria….latest summary of usa coalition occupation status in Syria and chances of its removal….Syria although being encouraged by Russia is still trying-?-to put forward
its parties for Astana process and Pimpeo puts the blame on Russia for Minsk Astana and everthing trying to hold it to account ..does a stencilled number on a buk rocket from 1986 actually prove Russia they did it….what more can be done to disprove that considering there will be some kind of criminal case for the perpetrators ..even more sanctions on the way ….oh boy…… we should no longer be illusional or delusional as to how much usa is delusional in any kind of common sense ..
Someone might want to check to see if they can book the Astana meeting room for peace talks between North and South Korea.
If South Korea decided to declare peace with North Korea, then the US is out in the cold. Especially if the nations unify, or if the South just asks the USA to leave. Or asks the UN, since that was and still is a UN command.
Or course, the South Korean military would probably try to sieze power (again) to keep that from happening.
JJ, I suspect the latest garbage from the Hollanders and their Ukronazi colleagues is the beginning of the count-down to the cancellation of the FIFA World Cup.The viciously ludicrous blaming of ‘Russians’ for the atrocity gives the game away, I would say. I thought for a while that they had decided that attacking the world’s most popular sporting carnival might be a step too far, but the timing of this announcement has me reconsidering.
A few hours later, and the tsunami of filth aimed at Russia over MH17 is rising by the minute. This is the end of the World Cup, bet on it. The scum are directly blaming Russia for the disaster. And Ukronazis are leading the charge, and now they are insinuating that the Evil Russians are responsible for other ‘crimes’ elsewhere in the world, relying on information from the Scret Service (ie Gestapo)of the Ukronazi regime!!!!
I’m going to add a different interpretation. I don’t say that this is the ‘right’ one, but there is a pattern to Trumps actions that has been persistent from the time he announced his candidacy. He allows his opponents to destroy their own credibility and then steps in with a ‘label’, and pounds on that ‘label’ until it is forever associated with that opponent. At that point the battle is lost.
Take a look at how the Mueller investigation has been handled, it was allowed to proceed and now the findings are resulting in probably the biggest political scandal in US history. The entire process of allowing Mueller his investigation has exposed the deep state for what it is, and could well lead to it’s destruction and reorganization.
Bolton, Haley, and other neocon fools ad nauseam have been given pretty free reign. There is a chance that Trump is exposing the same rot by allowing them their day back in foreign policy. Trump, whatever he is, is no idiot. Nobody in US politics has ever before successfully done what he has done.
Look at the pattern – see if it fits. As I said, it is another interpretation and would be in keeping with the Daoist concept of using your opponents strength as their weakness.
Your interpretation Jack, looks curiously explanatory of a few facts.
However that of trump is not yet a completed job, but rather a mid way to that… erosion of the trump´s picked up aides and officials.
Jack, I see your opinion pretty much the same as that ingenious one fromTom Welsh above.
He sees the present chapters of erosion and dismantling of the US empire as a masterpiece by Trump´s personal style and buffooneries.
AND you by your turn see it as a dismantiling job wilfully done by Trump´s plan of letting
his aides free hand and full freedom to hang themselves up with their own ropes…
Though I liked Tom´s vision and I didnot dislike yours.
The difference is only WHO does WHAT- since undoubtedly both of them display a full capacity to bring down and shatter to pieces what bad old USA so wisely did build up in the 40 ties 50 ies and 60 ies.
Trump isn’t in power. He might control the stationary in the offal office, but that’s about it.
We saw in Syria that its the Pentagon firmly in control. With perhaps the CIA able to give them a run for their money. This is the Pentagon saying there will be no negotiations, just after they flew the B-52’s over Korea to make their point. Trump is just the clown on Twitter delivering the message.
Once upon a time in a company far removed in time and space to my current location, my department was handed an engineering project from our marketing crew. When we looked at the effort and return on investment we stated ‘this is a bag of crap and it stinks’. Our marketing department, however, sold the executive group on the idea that the project contained that with promoted growth and it was very powerful.
My department manager was going to fight against the project but, as I explained to him, if we fight against it we will lose anyway and look like we sabotaged the project by not putting enough effort into it. Instead we gave marketing everything they asked for, and when the project did not provide the expected return on investment it was them in the hot seat explaining why their calculations were so far off.
The power of ‘giving them everything they want’, I believe this one of the patterns that Trump does use to good effect. Nobody gets rich and stays rich by being stupid, lucky maybe, but stupid no.
Jack, people also get rich by being totally corrupt and immoral and by lying their asses off and that’s maybe what Trump did. And it is highly likely that he was bailed out and bought off by the Rothschilds after his bankruptcy and subsequent purchase of Resorts International in 1992. You might want to check out the work of Dean Henderson. He recently stated that he had smoking gun proof of such a scenario on his latest appearance on the Richie Allen show. Saker, if your reading this, I think you would make a great guest on Richie’s show if you’ve not already done so.
I provided an alternate explanation for Trumps actions. I can’t disagree with your assertions, but i can point out that after having the fame of a TV star, multi-millions in the bank, and a grand procession of hot ladies (ok, scratch the stormy one) what else is there left for him to do in the twilight years? Maybe he decided to rid the USA of the infecting parasites. You and I can only speculate, I merely point out an alternate pattern that also provides the same results we see today.
Jack JC,
Thank you for sharing this observation. The pattern you see supports the idea that Trump is indeed dismantling the american empire. Up till now, I had not put the pieces together as you have, but the pattern you suggest helps me make sense of my own (puzzled) observations. I have wondered about many of Trump’s selections for top posts in his administration. Their words and actions are so coarse, so blatant, that an observer cannot fail to recognize that these people are fools and their ideas are insane. Trump has put them on the center of the world stage for all to see.
Nothing surprising. I was expecting something like this. Trump did not want to go and make any kind of deal. This means a potential attack against North Korea is still an option. The overall impression is that the neocons are analyzing the international situation, still not deciding whom to attack, North Korea or Iran. Well, they have to do something, since the gigantic US foreign and domestic debt cannot stay passive for ever, nor can the US go on printing huge amounts of dollars backed by nothing. Even worse, the neocons are watching the rise of Eurasia, Europe turning it’s eyes towards it, and the fact that both Russia and China are preparing to introduce gold backed currencies. Something needs top be done. I wonder if the neocons really know what they are supposed to do.
Many people predicted that the Washington junta would find some way to cancel these negotiations.
The only remarkable bit is that they showed no skill whatsoever in setting it up to blame the other side. One thing for sure, there ain’t no Machiavelli’s in that crowd.
How about “world buffonery reaches new level “? To me it seems like the US has once more hoodwinked a country to destroyed their weapons testing site, release prisoners.. etc but has reneged on their own obligations. Or is there maybe more to this story than meets the eye?
Serbian girl
Correction: North Korea destroyed it’s nuclear test site, but not it’s weapons. It’s not the same thing. Yes, Washington turned around, an old tactic, as experienced by native Americans. Поздрав.
North Korea destroyed it’s nuclear test site, but not it’s weapons
not only that, but an RT report I saw recently said that there was a suspicion that this was the site were a massive accident had happened in the past and that scores of specialists died in the explosion. Whatever may be the case, destroying an EMPTY bunker means nothing and can have many causes.
The Saker
@ Serbian Girl, Saker
I did not read about the dead, but there is a lot of data and imagery about that the main test site collapsed in on itself after the 100MT test late last year. There are satellite images of the crater.
Which is why this was a bluff from both sides. They have just demolished a spent facility.
The entente was never going to happen because the truce is effectively one side saying that the US can leave the peninsula now and we will denuclearise over time, and the other is saying, give up all your weapons to the US immediately, and we will not leave the peninsula.
The site was a serious threat to DPRK’s environment.
That’s why it was destroyed.
They will never denuclearlize while the US does nothing – and neither China not Russia combined can guarantee US will keep any agreement anyway.
So I see DPRK’S strategy as one of kicking the ball back in the US court, having capitalised politically on a decision they took for completely local and self – interested reasons.
The recent comments by Pence (a buffoon of truly supernatural dimensions) threatening a Libya scenario if DRPK didn’t unilaterally denuclearize, was greeted with complete derision by Pyongyang : the FM pointed out that Libyas compliance with US demands was precisely what led it its destruction. (The descriptor ‘political dummy’ was, I believe, too respectful to Pence..)
I sometimes wonder if the current crop of US politicos – from both sides of the aisle – can even distinguish between up and down, nevermind ‘left’ or ‘right’.
Not since the days of Nero has there been such a parade of utterly vacuous least, not so glaringly obviously. …
Why should the DPRK de-nuclearise and not the USA, the only state to use them on human victims? The USA is meant to de-nuclearise under its NPT obligations, but those have simply been ignored, and, instead, the USA is spending one trillion, plus, to modernise its nukes. And the DPRK, where the USA killed four million in the 50s, using germ warfare and bombing the entire country to rubble, is the ‘rogue state’?
Serbian girl-those weren’t ‘prisoners’. They were ‘hostages’. The BBC told me so.
…I’m sure there’s more to this story than meets the eye.
At first NK was adamant: they had to have nukes that could reach the US ‘cos that was the only thing preventing the US doing a Libya on them and then came a whole lot of rocketman dotard followed by whose button is bigger. China even tried to calm things down by telling NK they would defend them if the US struck them. To no avail. “We will NOT give up our nukes!”
Then Lil Kim hopped on a train and went to visit Xi.
He came out that meeting all happy chappy smiles, meets with Moon, announces he’s going to denuke completely, sets up a meeting with previous-dotard-now-respected-Trump, releases hostages, blows up his nuke testing site! …. all for absolutely NOTHING in return. Yeah? Just weird!
Watch Kim – he’s not worried about the US attacking him any more.
Trump cancels the summit in a fit of … who-knows-what and what’s Kim’s response:-
“We would like to make known to the U.S. side once again that we have the intent to sit with the U.S. side to solve problem regardless of ways at any time.”
What’s that? Diplo-speak for “Oh well – whatever.” Kinda lacking in the panic dept.
So what did Xi tell him in that meeting?
‘Cos that’s when Kim turned into Kim from another planet.
The boundless apparentdepravity suggested by this document is almost beyond belief, except that we have now become desensitized to less than minimum functional levels of diplomacy and communications from the minions of the empire.
As I write this now, I listen to Macron in Moscow, live, on RT; the depths of the double-speak of this minion is so incredibly ridiculous. I will look forward to see how he translates this to his public discussions with other empire hatchetmen, i.e. The Dupe, Don Don, and his toadies in the Z.U.S.A.
I must say that the entire bombardment of the narrative line of, “we just want to modify it a bit….
Personally, if they wish to re-negotiate the deal, i.e. add yet more constraints to the sovereignty of Iran, they should enforce the similar level of scrutiny on all Middle East national and nation-like actors, especially those well-known to have weapons of mass destruction, furthermore, the empire’s vassal nation states should be required to fully comply with the limitations and sanctions against those nation-state-like actors not signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation agreement as a logical starting point for further negotiations with Iran.
One may take one level of perception back, to the next level up, and see even more depravity in the empire’s fully ridiculous hypocrisies.
Macron fails to understand that Iran says it will not change the core JCPOA as otherwise that admits usa was right to walk away from it….oh the level of incomprehension of western politicians….I felt M was nervous panicky(talking too much V P looked tired)..having “supported” sanctions against Russia so far and now trying to get round them and even more coming.. wants more mechanisms…somewhere to stick a toe in to complicate Astana process. …as VP said Kiev is not interested in implementing Minsk…so Normandy 4 and any other “mechanism” cannot change that as ukraine will follow usa orders so no way is France gonna help in that situation…
a paltry 50 m offered to help NGO’s in Syria big deal..sooo.. friendly at the time with DT but is now a turncoat trying to get one step in front of snail -escargot-pace of thinking and acting Germany?
Macron was created by French Zionists who control him still. He is a macroniette under the Master puppeteers’ control. The Zionists want Iran attacked, so their puppet begins shifting his position.
NK releases prisioners – good
NK destroys nuke testing site – good
NK talks peace and business with SK – good
Trump terminates Iran’s nuke deal – bad
Trump terminates peace talks with NK – bad
Trump hassels EU corps with business relations to Iran – bad
and the winner is …
Russia and the rest of the world?
The Saker
Yes. Trump and the neocons are sure making Russia great again.
The Europeans who were already shaking their heads at the Washington Junta’s violating the Iran nuke deal must be really extra impressed by Washington’s refusal to negotiate with North Korea. If any were wavering about standing up the USA, then this extra bit of insanity and arrogance has to whisper in their ear that they were right to seperate themselves.
The ‘Europeans’ are eunuchs who will do exactly what their Zionist Masters demand. Ban BDS, sanction Russia, withdraw from the JCPOA, convert to Judaism-anything that Bibi demands. And they must smile as they comply. Any lack of proper enthusiasm is ‘antisemitic’.
RE: “The Saker on May 24, 2018 · at 4:16 pm EST/EDT
Russia and the rest of the world?”
We live in a closed synched systema that always must be in balance and the empire of evil being the heaviest of all must be outwheiged by the rest of the world and to our surprise with a little help from inside. Trump has been menaced by the deep state probably with death of some sort. Death of business, death of family, personal death because otherwise his actions cannot be explained.
I understand his policy towards Iran because he stated it since his campaign but not in such extremes. One thing is to renegotiate trying to attain a balance and another one to put preconditions impossible to attain. The conditions imposed (by Bolton?) are clearly to make Iran very angry and impossible to attain. we all know (imagine) Iran’s political commitments to his neighbors and let us admit that Trump sails the political seas with the flag of a stupid, but is he?
Trump is surfing the crest of the wave impulsed by deep state demands imposed on him… and probably Putin and Xi are having blast over this :-)
”The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity of lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth”
Lasting peace and Western imperialism are mutually exclusive, as Kim Jong-Un and the DPRK are well aware. Reading such ridiculous, preposterous tripe right from the DPRK’s mortal enemy might have Kim asphyxiating from uncontrollable laughter.
Lasting peace and Western imperialism are mutually exclusive
That is THE core problem, and that is what so many are refusing to accept, including in Russia and Iran. You are spot on and I fully agree with you. The key problem is in the very nature of the Beast, not in its situation-specific behavior.
Of course, I’ve been listening to the people around me say that ever since I burned my draft card during Vietnam, so I suppose I’ve had a long time for it to sink in. But little or nothing I’ve seen in a lifetime since has told me that we were wrong.
Now that the Skripal incident has fallen apart, the MH17 incident has been revived. And, wait for it, you will never guess what – it is ‘highly likely’ that the Russians did it by shipping a Buk launcher from Kursk through Ukraine to Donetsk. Then they managed to shoot down a civilian airliner flying at maximum altitude without missile guidance radar control. Amazing! It wasn’t for the fact that the venerable US is supporting this, I would be inclined to think it was all a load of Ukroshit.
That was already claimed in September 2016, not news.
What was new this time is they allegedly recovered fingerprints from the missile debris and then identified those singer rints as belonging to the specific Russian soldier.
I have to add that mere exact quantity of personnel in any Russian Army installation is state secret. And all army personnel fingerprints…. If such a lost extsts at all it would not be one that MH17 “investigators” could put their hands o ln
No Lie is too Big that the Western fakestream presstitute vermin will not peddle it, as their well-paid jobs require.
The current ABC News is running the latest lies from the Ukrainian Gestapo, Bellingcrap and some Dutch NATO thug, as the ENTIRETY of its nightly ‘News’. I have never seen such a frenetic propaganda onslaught ever. The World Cup is over, before it began. The timing is unmistakable.
Strangely, my gut feeling is that Russia’s hosting of the FIFA World Cup will go ahead. Unlike in England, Australia’s leading die-hard Empire loyalists — Julia Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull — are not constrained by an all-pervasive national infatuation with soccer. Another case in point: Sweden’s politicians are of this disgusting breed as well, but here there is exactly zero murmurs and rumours about boycotting the tournament.
Hence, what I fear is not a boycott — it would involve one pathetic Ziocolony or two perhaps — but rather the very significant opportunity provided by the games for the Zionazis to stir up all kinds of violence, confrontation, and subversion. They could have succeeded in sabotaging (or relocating) the games with their Skripal horseshit, but it simply was far too clumsy and unconvincing. If the FIFA World Cup really was what the Zionazis had in mind, they botched it. I think they have come to the conclusion that it’s better to profit from Russia being “hostage” to the World Cup rather than trying to mess with the latter.
Trump does not want to talk because it is (very) likely “something” is going to happen mid-June. then everything makes sense. I do not believe Americans behave so pure nonsense or consciousness for no reason.
Why doesn’t Kim Jong Un invite President Putin to North Korea for talks? After all, Russia is much closer to the Korean Peninsula than the U.S.A. Enjoying a bowl of Kimchi and a hot cup of Daechucha tea is a good way to start a friendly discussion about economic trade and cultural exchanges between the two countries.
Why does the U.S.have to always threaten war when there are so many other peaceful issues that need to be addressed?
Kim has been to Bejing twice, and if he didn’t go to Moscow personally then he sent a “high level delegation” not long ago.
Seems like both leaders could owe Kim a return visit, just to be polite. :)
The best response for The Donald…..
Thank you for posting this.
Every now and then,
even in the darkest times
time itself will pause,
and take a deep breath —
and in that moment
we can glimpse
the shining light of
our Righteous Lord’s
Perfect Peace,
and Hope lives another day!
Hello gentlemen, is a war between Turkey and Israel approaching?
Cosmic Butterfly your comment is off-topic – in future please could you place in the MFC or an article that relates. Thanks. Mod
The truth be said. Do you blame the politician for being a phsycopathic idiot or the people that put him into office? Do you blame the corrupt, sham political system that masquerades as ‘democratic’ or do you blame the people for failing to assert their authority over government? We can skirt the truth and feign concern over every twist and turn forced upon us until it is too late or we can take up the cudgel and respond rationally with genuine concern by recognising our own failings.
There’s an old US political trick when an opponent backs out of a debate
…. show up at the appointed time and place and give a speech with an empty chair on the stage.
I’ll go down with the 2 Korea see this as a chance work peace between them with Russia and China standing in the shadows waiting to see if it can happen. If it does then North Korea will fall under the protection of both China & Russia and the will move weapons in. South Korea will ask Amerika to remove their troops and navy then rent the space to Russia and China. South Korea then buys it’s weapons from Russia and China and North Korea is rewarded with rail and trade with both China and Russia and so will South Korea. Moon needs to stay alive for this to happen and I do believe maybe close 70% of South Korea citizens see this as their chance to throw Amerika out and become their own people.
Then again I’ve been wrong before;-)
One of the great problems is that South Korea under fifty years of US occupation, has seen many citizens convert to ‘Christianity’ of the deranged US fundamentalist Protestant type, and these creatures are a veritable Army of anti-communist, reactionary, shock-troops. Death-squads in waiting, as the type have become in Latin America. Moon could easily be assassinated by one of these lunatics. It would be easy to arrange with US and Korean ‘Deep State’ assistance, as in the JFK hit.
Upcoming propaganda move: MH17 linked to World Cup:
This week a group of families of the MH17 victims wrote an open letter to the Russian people before the World Cup begins next month.
“We are painfully aware of the dark irony that the Russian leaders who will profess to welcome the world with open arms are those who are chiefly to blame for shattering our world,” the letter says. “And that it is these same leaders who have persistently sought to hide the truth, and who have evaded responsibility ever since that dreadful day in July 2014.”
As predictable as the coming of the day. They’ve left it late, but it will crank up from here.
Says The Guardian. Really, I’m having a problem deciding whether this ’open litter’ trumps Trump’s letter.
The verdict is exactly the same in each case:
Western drivel
Void and trivial
That was from an article in the People’ Daily (English Version). The article was obviously written yesterday.
However, the comments from this morning refer to the cancelled meeting and Trump’s letter.
People’s Daily article extract – ‘US urged to respond positively to N.Korea’s dismantlement’
North Korea has demonstrated its resolve to denuclearize by inviting foreign journalists to witness the dismantling of its Punggye-ri nuclear test site this week, said Chinese experts, who urge the US to respond positively to the move.
The date for the decommissioning of the facility has yet to be announced, but it is expected to happen Thursday or Friday if local weather conditions improve, the Xinhua News Agency reported.
I do not normally read the comments because they are usually inane ….. but the response to this ardicle is interesting. These are two, that give some idea of what the thinking is, ‘on the ground’:
Zhu – The sane and civilized world can never expect any rational behaviour from the worlds largest mental asylum headed by the lunatic US establishment. It lives in its own world of fantasy, and tragically for the rest of the world, believe all the lies it tells itself.
This reply from ShadrachSmith:
Trump sent a letter to Kim today, I quote in part: “Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it [the planned summit] is inappropriate, at this time,…”
Maximum pressure remains, USA is ready to talk when Kim is ready to denuke Korea.
President Trump is the most powerful man on earth, and he intends to denuke little brother. Plan accordingly.
“Unlike President Obama, who would have done anything to forward public negotiations, up to and including compromising the interests of the United States – see the Iran deal, or the Cuban embassy opening – President Trump was happy to walk away from the table. And this will teach the North Koreans that if they want a deal, they’re going to have to make some serious concessions rather than blustering and posturing.” – Ben Shapiro
Trump demands DPRK behave like a civilized nation and give up the nukes.
Sounded good to me, so I voted for Trump. Other Americans agree which is why USA foreign policy is in the hands of President Trump. Remember who you are talking to.
Your agreement is welcome, but not required.
A direct reply from Kenny Pang: I am not remotely interested in how you voted, nor did I seek agreement with you. For mike pence to say “North Korea may end up like Libya if there was no agreement with the US”, a few weeks before the meeting was totally unnecessary, with predictable NK response.
ShadrachSmith chips in – A senior North Korean official referred to Vice President Mike Pence as “stupid and ignorant” Thursday morning and U.S. policy “unlawful and outrageous” shortly thereafter President Donald Trump announced that he would no longer meet with communist dictator Kim Jong-un on June 12.
The reply – Is name calling an american monopoly??? To you barbarian it is alright for you to call names and insult others but others can not do the same. When everyone is making an effort to foster a conducive environment for talks USA is holding war games and making stupid statements and all sort of threat. American media are also equally guilty . And from your reply trying to lay blame on others just shows you to be just another barbarian.
The ruling psychopaths in Thanatopolis DC have NO intention of allowing peace to come to the Korean Peninsula. The declaration by the rabid genocidal thug, Bolton, that the DPRK faces the Libyan option, ie treacherous attack and the destruction of the country accompanied by heavy civilian death-tolls, gave the game away, save for Western fakestream media presstitute vermin, who characterised it only as a threat to Kim personally, ignoring the transformation of Libya from the most advanced state in Africa to a living Hell ruled by takfiri butchers.
And the DPRK already has experience of Thanatopian blood-lust, having lost four million in the 50s to US aggression, including germ warfare, bombing of everything in sight, including dams and dykes and other protected infrastructure. All irrelevant, all ‘fake news’ as far as the Western fakestream scum are concerned.
Here is VVP’s response to Trump cancelling the meeting:
“Here, in Russia, we took this news with regret because we were very much anticipating a significant step to be taken to de-escalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula that would become the beginning of the process of denuclearization of the entire Korean Peninsula,” Putin said after talks with his French President Emmanuel Macron in St. Petersburg on Thursday.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “has done everything he previously promised; he even blew up the tunnels and mines at the [Punggye-ri nuclear] test site – and after that, we learned of the cancellation of the meeting by the US,” he said.
“We hope that dialogue will be resumed… and this meeting will take place,” the Russian leader added,…….”
As Saker has stated many times the Russians have seen time and time again now that the US are agreement non compliant/ they don’t keep their word or agreements – many other nations are now seeing that clearly…..US/Trump & Co cannot be trusted.
North Korea’s response:
Pepe Escobar in FB –
About 5 hrs ago….
From one of my top sources with direct access to Trump. His info has always been spot on.
“There was a secret meeting at the Lotte Palace Hotel in New York City where Donald went to see the North Koreans and everything blew up. The Zionist agent Bolton is an impediment. They want North Korea nuked which was related to me by the Mossad. They will do everything to destroy this relationship.”
About 4 hrs ago.
My top source gave me extra detail on the secret meeting between Trump and the North Koreans in NYC. It was YESTERDAY.
“It was the second meeting at the same place [the Lotte hotel]. He [Trump] went. They met in a conference room. It was yesterday.”
My God,
RE: has done everything he previously promised; he even blew up the tunnels and mines at the [Punggye-ri nuclear] test site –”
My God, he actually did that?
I thought that that, too, was a joke. As in satire.
How stupid can you get?
this is much dumber than Obama caving in to health insurance cos before the negotiatons on Obamacare even began. (Unless you assumed that obama planned to cave in from the get-go, but this wouldn’t apply to Kim).
What was Kim thinking?? You don’t give away your ace which and disarm your test program before the game begins!!!
Well to be fair, there were reports suggesting that the test site had become unusable anyways, so the blowing up was just a propaganda move. Of course these reports could also be propaganda…
Just when I think the US has reached bottom it finds a way to dig lower.
The neocons/neolibs after their great failure in Iraq are doubling down on Iran.
The US salutes Israel, and the EU salutes the US.
Unless the EU makes a big break with the US then it is obvious where his is going.
Their failure will be a geopolitical disaster for the US; certainly the end of the Petrodollar.
I am resigned; if that is what it takes then so be it.
Arius, Iraq was NO ‘failure’. The country is destroyed, and destined to be carved up, in total accord with the Oded Yinon Plan. Over one million mitzvot, dead Iraqis, were offered up to the Zionazis’ psychopathic God, and Iran is destined for the same treatment. A ‘New Purim’ in fact, for Bibi, the King of Israel, to go with his ‘New Pearl Harbor’, 9/11.
And save the gold – no showers expected
I did not think it possible for there to be a worse government than Obama or W-rong Bush, but I do believe Trump is going to surpass them ……………… God Save America.
Bolton, Pence, Haley, Pompeo, the Huckabees, Ivanka & Donald Trump, Betrayers of CHRIST, Traitors of America. Get them out of Our government. Not only are they metal cases, they are STUPID.
They think precipitating a war that kills Billions of humans will bring about the return of the PRINCE of PEACE ! “christian.zionism” is really just islamic.jihadism in different clothes.
“christian.zionism” is a Death Cult and a Mental Illness, period. No one can worship a War god and a Peace God at the same time. Low self-esteem. Feelings of inferiority causing them to grovel to the past.
How can anyone claim to believe in Jesus and the ANTI-Jesus both at the same time?
ANTI: a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “opposing,” “antiparticle of,” antibody; antifreeze; antiknock, antidemocratic …….. ANTICHRIST).
What is more ANTI-Christ than:
(1) to crucify Him …. Under Roman Law the Jews could not impose a death sentence so TWICE they dragged Christ before Pilate demanding His crucifixion until Pilate grudgingly “Washed his hands” . Jesus was crucified by the Romans AT THE INSISTANCE of the Temple Priests who threatened “NO Crucifixion, NO Peace” Sound familiar?
Jesus was a HEREM (excommunicated) Jew … the Priests could not push for a death sentence on a “Jew in good standing”.
JUDAS ISCARIOT was a Jew ….. in good standing with the Tribe.
(2) Immediately send many agents of the Priests (SAULof Tarsus was ONE) to kill His followers.
(3) Inspire such fear of being murdered by the Priests that the first Christian church was hidden in a cave
(4) Instigate pogroms against His followers throughout the Roman world,
(5) spit evertime you see a cross for 2,000 years,
(6) under the cloak of Communist Bolseviks they HOLOCAUST 66MILLION Christians Here is a breakdown and a listing of the Jew Bolsheviks
TODAY ISIS(rael) is behind the genocidal invasion of Christian Europe.
(7) Today they use “front groups” like the ACLU, ADL, SPLC, to attack Nativities and any other symbol of Christ they can.
The essence of Judaism is vengeance, the essence of Christianity is forgiveness. They are Polar OPPOSITES.
Jews ARE the ANTI-Christ
‘Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Messiah.He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son” 1John2:22.
“christian.zionism” is a mental illness. You cannot worship a Peace god and a War god at the same time.
It is very simple. The Hegemon is not going to let go of South Korea, ever.
Moon had to be marginalized to stop the brother-to-brother process from continuing.
Moon was one problem.
China is the other.
China was pulling Kim’s strings, using him against Trade Talk demands.
This undercuts that side process.
It all makes sense if you understand Hegemony, Empire and Trump.
The US has no intention of letting go of Power.
The US intends to cripple and contain China.
Now, look at the lunacy. It makes perfect sense.
The US Navy just gotten shown up in the South China Sea. China has to be shown the Massive Pressure of the QUAD navies, not just US Naval dominance.
These are the Hegemonic moves now free to operate again.
The US really is happy pushing Russia and Iran into a corner in Syria, and pushing China and North Korea into a corner in NE Asia.
If a war breaks out, the US is thousands of miles away. Its adversaries (and vassals) suffer, not the US.
No, Policy. Makes perfect sense if you intend to maintain hegemonic control and expand your Empire as you contain China, BRI, Russia, EAEU, Iran, Shia Crescent.
Perfect sense, if somewhat psychotic from a human standpoint.
Perhaps, this is what the higher power is all about; allow the snake to eat itself.
Look at: neon today for a deeper dig into the deep state. To dig really deep see: dark
I am confused.
Is this letter genuine?
It looks like a joke.
The letter is badly written. Unprofessional, badly structured. Like a tic-tac email between a small business and prospective client, written by someone who tries but has no experience in formal letters.
I voted for Trump to destroy the empire. Empire was not the original purpose or promise of America. I must admit I hope Kim stands firm against global hegemony. I have faith in Trump. This letter is still quite cordial and does not raise any obstacle to a future meeting.
The “letter” is psywar directed at americans, mainly. It is to “justify” planned war criminality on the part of israel’s quisling trump regime against the DPRK. The trump regime.e has been following Israeli extremist likud policy to the letter ever since taking office.
The strategy is the Israeli likud strategy regarding foreign relations. Make up some bs that emphasizes your “virtue” and the target’s evil goals, then use that to do what you planned to do all along.
There was never any intent by israel’s quisling trump regime traitors to negotiate with the DPRK, the sods are only interested in total submission. Exactly like with Russia. Any noise about wanting “to talk” is nothing more than manipulative psywar. For image, the zionazi-gay specialty.
Dear Saker, when I first read this letter I thought you were just having a bit of fun with us. It was so ridiculous that I thought it must be satire. I actually went to another web browser to confirm that it was real and was somewhat horrified to see that it was. I didn’t think I could be more embarrassed to be an American, but after having reading that juvenile piece of garbage, I’m starting to wonder just how much more embarrassing this can get. God help us….
I had to read it a few times because I was flabbergasted.
Has an American president ever written such a thing?!? I cannot recall anything resembling this.
And that in your face signature! Looks like it was signed with a big black marker.
Yes. Saker is correct . Trump and his Neocons are batshit crazy!!!
Lord have mercy!
Actually, what struck me was rather El Trumpo’s quite impressive talent — a whole damn sentence, for crying out loud — with regard to being polite, even flattering:
“We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with regard to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties /…/ “
Kim should respond in kind:
— It is always a profound pleasure “negotiating” and “discussing” with Exceptional and Indispensable folks. Please stay in touch. A tweet will do.
As I said before, El Trumpo could have well been perceived as a political genius and a true (Western) world hero in another era. He possesses the characteristic traits of Pindos in general and Pindo Presidents in particular. To wit: vile, arrogant, reactionary, and unbelievably stupid but, sadly for El Trumpo, he arrived on the global political stage at a time when this kind of imbecilic bluster is reviled like never before.
How does war in NK support the neocon Obed Yinon plan for the Greater Israel in the ME?
Aerial attack against NK won’t be easy if NK can retaliate against SK, Japan, Guam, etc. A land invasion of NK is out of the question.
A land invasion of Iran makes no sense unless you love a quagmire. Its aerial bombardment is not guaranteed to accomplish anything other than the closing of the strait of Hormuz and bombardment of US coalition assets in the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia in retaliation. Likewise, Hezbollah and Syria are very capable of raining missiles into Israel.
No, I do not think that the Empire can wage war in Donetsk, Iran, Syria, NK and South China Sea at the same time. Add Venezuela, Taiwan, Baltics and Turkey to the mix. Consider the immense capital that the Empire spent on pulling out of the JCPOA plus the moving of its embassy to Jerusalem.
I have seen VP sniping at every bad decision that Trump’s team is taking. He has publicly criticized: the pull out of the JCPOA and The cancellation of the meeting with Kim. He criticizes the way of interacting with Kim with threats and disrespecting NK Sovereignity. VP is speaking to Europeans and Asians while announcing Russia is preparing to dump the dollar in favour of the Euro.
Trump’s instinct is to cut his losses and leave the ME. He was pivoting to Asia ( think China) since before his campaign. He thinks his legacy is the moving of the embassy to Jerusalem. But Netanyahu thinks Trump could give him the Golan Heights in a platter.
The Syrians and Russians are talking about retaking Daraa and Quneitra next to the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Israel, Jordan and USA are mad at their proxies defeat and may enter into the fray directly. Russia is in a unique position to provide close air combat support and even enforce a no fly zone.
How is the Empire going to wage war in Baltic’s, Donetsk, Syria, Iran, NK, South China Sea, Taiwan, Yemen, Venezuela at the same time?
My prediction: Imagine the Empire as a once mighty but now subdued giant who finds himself tied up (economically, militarily) on the beach by an army of Lilliputians.
Now netanyahoo’s butt boi wants to meet with Kim Jong-un.
Trump Reaffirms Commitment to Meet Kim Jong-un in Singapore
“We’re doing very well in terms of the summit with North Korea,” Trump was quoted as saying by Reuters at the White House. “It’s moving along very nicely. So we’re looking at June 12th in Singapore. That hasn’t changed. So, we’ll see what happens.”
I realize this pindo behaviour is zionazi-gay directed psywar, as all trump regime verbiage is, but the zionazi-gays orchestrating this nonsense are the sort of bitchy queens who probably couldn’t even make it a ny waiters. ;-D
Government run by obnoxious gay ny waiters, that is what israel, and buggered company, have reduced pindoland to in order to maintain their dominance in the colony.
I do so wish the government was run by a bunch of gay waiters. The food would be better, the service would be much improved, and in general out nation would be much more obsessed with fashion and dance music and much less obsessed with war, death, destruction and ruling the world.
I’d say you nailed it.
Since the State Dept has lost all of its original purpose (aka diplomacy) and is now overrun by neocons, there is obviously a complete dirth of talent at anything like writing something diplomatically. The Saker has illustrated a find example above. Today, another one went out over the mass news media …..
““We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany,” Nauert said at a press briefing on Tuesday. “Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany.””
That was the US State Dept trying to unruffle some German feathers that are currently highly ruffled over the Trump political appointee who is the US Ambassador to Germany coming out and openly stating that the US is now openly supporting right-wing movements in a Germany that is ruled by a center-leftish coalition.
We obviously have a long history with Germany. We’d had killed more of you except the collapse of your armies holding back a huge number of very angry Soviets bent on revenge for millions dead and more maimed or raped meant that Germany surrendered earlier than we could devise an atomic bomb to drop on Berlin. Then we gave Germany some money. We did this because America was obsessed with Commie Hordes and we thought propping up Germany was a good idea as a way to stop or at least slow down those evil Commies. But that doesn’t mean we won’t hold it over your head and constantly bring it up like a nagging housewife.
The same sort of an twisted definition of deiplomacy as reminding North Korea of the “Libyan Solution” as a negotiating tactic.