Dear friends,

As some of you might have already heard from the social media, Peter Lavelle and Alexander Mercouris have decided to create a new media ressource: The Duran which can be found at

Since I consider both Peter and Alexander as friends and crucial brothers in arms, I am delighted to see them team up and create a new member of our “network of resistance”.  As soon as I learned of this new project, I emailed Peter to ask him a few basic questions about it:

The Saker: What does the word “Duran” mean and how did you come up with that name

Peter Lavelle: Duran is the Latin word for “enduring.” Coming with the name was tough. Our current team split by generation. The older half settled on “Globspec” for “Globalist Spectator.” The younger half said absolutely “No.” They convinced us to use something simple and catchy. Duran is a beautiful word and I like its meaning. We plan to make a meaningful and lasting imprint in the world of news media.

The Saker: What is your view of what The Duran will be? What will be its goal?

Peter Lavelle: Our goal in the first place is to be thoughtful and engaging with a focus on analysis and commentary. We also want to be a place that encourages debate and critique of mainstream narratives. There is a raging media war out there and the forces of political intolerance aim to completely occupy the global media space. Like yourself we at The Duran will not allow the powers of the status quo such hegemony.

In terms of subject matter we have a global approach. Of course there will be a lot of material devoted to challenging the west’s propaganda war against Russia. I also think it is fair to say we will be “BRICS” originated and explore the school of thought described as “a world without the west.” Also expect top-notch criticism of lazy and low-octane western journalists who are stenographers in service of the Empire.

The Saker: How will you finance The Duran?

Peter Lavelle: We are PLC company registered in Cyprus with audited accounts. We have shareholders and an advisory board. Transparency is job number one for us. We do not intend to crowd fund. We will invite readers to invest in the project to become shareholders. At this point we do not have a single outside investor. Nonetheless, we are of course interested any “angel investor” who wants to support The Duran.

The Saker: Who are the people with whom you have created this project and how can people support your efforts?

Peter Lavelle: The primary movers of the project at this point are Alexander Mercouris (editor) and myself. We also have Vladimir Rodzianko and Alex Christoforou – two amazingly hard working people who put the site together, did all the legal work, and a whole lot more. Collectively we four are equal shareholders in The Duran. How can people help and support us? Give us as many clicks as possible! And contact us if you want to purchase a piece of the action!

I am delighted to welcome a new member into our network of resistance against the Empire,  I wish Peter, Alexander and The Duran a long and successful future and I look forward to collaborating with them!

The Saker