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Tag "The Duran"

An Important Message from the Editor of The Duran

The Duran has been in existence for well over a year… In that time, called these major events right, where most were dead wrong: The Brexit vote Donald Trump’s victory Russian victory in the Syrian war Recovery of the Russian economy despite the oil price crash and the sanctions All things the MSM and other publications said would NEVER happen, and we did it with a fraction of the resources. Imagine what we

Russian – Turkish ceasefire plan for Syria (OFFICIAL TEXT AND ANALYSIS)

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran Whilst the Russian-Turkish ceasefire agreement offers the best route to peace in Syria, and in theory gives the Syrian army the space to rebuild and to take the war to Al-Qaeda and ISIS, its success ultimately depends too much on the commitment of Turkish President Erdogan to invest too much hope in its success. As my colleague Adam Garrie has previously reported, on 31st

‘Assume greater security role’ in the Donbass, calls for Russia to investigate Motorola’s murder

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran The Saker has written an article on the subject of the recent murder in the Donetsk People’s Republic of the militia leader Motorola.  In it he calls for the Russian authorities to take over the investigation of Motorola’s murder and to take steps to ensure security in the Donbass. Normally I avoid expressing views on these sort of issues, but on this occasion I

5 Reasons Washington Has Already Decided to Go to War with Russia

by Peter Lavelle for The Duran The writing would seem to be on the wall – Washington and its stenographers union (better known as the west’s mainstream media) are all fired-up and strategically positioned. The War Party has ascendancy and the window of opportunity is wide open, though slowly closing. The long desired wish to tame Russia is now in its final stage. “American Exceptionalism” must subdue any real or

Putin’s Team is United: Talk of a Purge is Wrong

by Alexander Mercouris for the Duran As the Russian government weathers a period of unpopularity caused by the recession, there is talk that Putin is about to purge his cabinet, but this is almost certainly wrong. An article has recently appeared in The Huffington Post which discusses rumours of an imminent purge of liberals from Russia’s government. According to this view Russia’s President Putin is coming under increasing pressure from

The Second World War, History And Remembrance

by Peter Lavelle for The Duran The political abuse of history to deny the Soviet Union’s decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany is dividing peoples and is serving to rehabilitate European fascism. As the 71st anniversary of fascism’s demise in Europe approaches, history is being re-cast, particularly events before, during, and after World War II. This history is being reinterpreted and even rewritten in a number of post-Soviet

Kudrin Returns?

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran The announcement that former Russian Finance Minister Alexey Kudrin has been appointed deputy head of Russian President Putin’s Council of Economic Advisers has provoked a stir. This is not surprising. Few individuals in Russian politics polarise opinion as strongly as Kudrin does. Kudrin’s admirers are to be found in the business community, amongst liberal economists and amongst people of generally elite backgrounds and liberal views. Amongst people of

Peter Lavelle and Alexander Mercouris create a new media resource

Dear friends, As some of you might have already heard from the social media, Peter Lavelle and Alexander Mercouris have decided to create a new media ressource: The Duran which can be found at Since I consider both Peter and Alexander as friends and crucial brothers in arms, I am delighted to see them team up and create a new member of our “network of resistance”.  As soon as
