[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
Illustration by Kent for the Saker Blog
Intro: not a pretty picture
Let’s begin with a disclaimer: in this article, I will assume that there will be a US Presidential election in the Fall. Right now, it appears to be likely that this election will take place (there appear to be no legal way to cancel or delay it), but this is by no means certain (see here for a machine translated and very interesting article by one Russian analyst, who predicts a diarchy after the election). Right now, the state of the US society is both extremely worried (and for good reason) and potentially explosive. It is impossible to predict what a well-executed false flag attack could do to the US. There is also the possibility of either a natural disaster (hurricane, earthquake, etc.) or even an unnatural one (considering the condition of the US infrastructure, this is almost inevitable) which could precipitate some kind of state of emergency or martial law to “protect” the people. Finally, though at this point in time I don’t see this as very likely, there is always the possibility of a coup of some kind, maybe a “government of national unity” with the participation of both parties which, as Noam Chomsky correctly points out, are basically only two factions of what could be called the Business Party. There might come a point when they decide to drop this pretense too (just look at how many other pretenses the US ruling elites have dropped in the last decade or so).
Alexander Solzhenitsyn used to explain that all governments can be placed on a continuum ranging from, on one end, “states whose power is based on their authority” to, on the other end, “states whose authority is based on their power“. In the real world, most states are somewhere between these two extremes. But it is quite obvious that the US polity currently has gone very far down the “states whose authority is based on their power” path and to speak of any kind of “moral authority” of US politicians is really a joke. The (probable) upcoming “choice” between Donald “grab them by the pussy” Trump and Joe “creepy uncle” Biden will make this joke even more laughable.
Right now, the most powerful force in the US political system must be the financial sector. And, of course, there are many other powerful interest groups (MIC, Israel Lobby, the CIA and the ridiculously bloated Intel community, Big Pharma, the US Gulag, the corporate media, Oil, etc.) who all combine their efforts (just like a vector does in mathematics) to produce a “resulting vector” which we call “US policies”. That is in theory. In practice, you have several competing “policies” vying for power and influence, both on the domestic and on international front. Often these policies are mutually exclusive.
Last, but certainly not least, the level of corruption in the USA is at least as bad as, say, in the Ukraine or in Liberia, but rather than being on the street and petty cash level, the corruption in the USA is counted in billions of dollars.
All in all, not a pretty sight (see here for a good analysis of the decline of US power).
Yet the USA remains a nuclear power and still has a lot of political influence worldwide and thus this is not a country anyone can ignore. Including Russia.
A quick look at Russia
Before looking into Russian options in relation to the US, we need to take a quick look at how Russia has been faring this year. The short of it would be: not too well. The Russian economy has shrunk by about 10% and the small businesses have been devastated by the combined effects of 1) the economic policies of the Russian government and Central Bank, and 2) the devastating economic impact of the COVID19 pandemic, and 3) the full-spectrum efforts of the West, mostly by the Anglosphere, to strangle Russia economically. Politically, the “Putin regime” is still popular, but there is a sense that it is getting stale and that most Russians would prefer to see more dynamic and proactive policies aimed, not only to help the Russian mega-corporations, but also to help the regular people. Many Russians definitely have a sense that the “little guy” is being completely ignored by fat cats in power and this resentment will probably grow until and unless Putin decides to finally get rid of all the Atlantic Integrationists aka the “Washington consensus” types which are still well represented in the Russian ruling circles, including the government. So far, Putin has remained faithful to his policy of compromises and small steps, but this might change in the future as the level of frustration in the general population is likely to only grow with time.
That is not to say that the Kremlin is not trying. Several of the recent constitutional amendments adopted in a national vote had a strongly expressed “social” and “patriotic” character and they absolutely horrified the “liberal” 5th columnists who tried their best two 1) call for a boycott, and 2) denounce thousands of (almost entirely) imaginary violations of the proper voting procedures, and to 3) de-legitimize the outcome by declaring the election a “fraud”. None of that worked: the participation was high, very few actual violations were established (and those that were, had no impact on the outcome anyway) and most Russians accepted that this outcome was the result of the will of the people. Furthermore, Putin has made public the Russian strategic goals for 2030,which are heavily focused on improving the living and life conditions of average Russians (for details, see here). It is impossible to predict what will happen next, but the most likely scenario is that Russia has several, shall we say, “bumpy” years ahead, both on the domestic and on the international front.
What can Russia reasonably hope for?
This is really the key question: in the best of situations, what can Russia really hope for in the next elections? I would argue that there is really very little which Russia can hope for, if only because the russophobic hysteria started by the Democrats to defeat Trump has now apparently been completely endorsed by the Trump administration and all the members of Congress. As for the imperial propaganda machine, it now manages to simultaneously declare that Russia tried to “steal” COVID vaccine secrets from the West AND that Russian elites were given a secret COVID vaccine this Spring. As for the US Dems, they are already announcing that the Russians are spreading “disinformation” about Biden. Talk about PRE-traumatic stress disorder (to use the phrase coined by my friend Gilad Atzmon)…
[Sidebar: although I have no way of knowing what is really taking place in the delusional minds of US politicians, I am strongly suspecting that the latest hysteria about “Russia stealing COV19 vaccine secrets” is probably triggered by the conclusion of the US intel community that Russia will have a vaccine ready before the US does. This is, of course, something absolutely unthinkable for US politicians who, (sort of) logically conclude that “if these Russkies got a vaccine first, they *must* have stolen it from us” or something similar (see here for a good analysis of this). And if the Chinese get there first, same response. After all, who in the US legacy media would ever even mention that Russian or Chinese researchers might be ahead of their US colleagues? Nobody, of course.]
I would argue that this mantric Russia-bashing is something which will not change in the foreseeable future. For one thing, since the imperial ruling elites have clearly lost control of the situation, they really have no other option left than to blame it all on some external agent. The “terrorist threat” has lost a lot of traction over the past years, the “Muslim threat” is too politically incorrect to openly blame it all on Islam, as for the other boogeymen which US Americans like to scare themselves at night with (immigrants, drug dealers, sex offenders, “domestic terrorists”, etc.) they simply cannot be blamed for stuff like a crashing economy. But Russia, and China, can.
In fact, ever since the (self-evidently ridiculous) “Skripal case” the collective West has proven that it simply does not have the spine to say “no”, or even “maybe”, to any thesis energetically pushed forward by the AngloZionist propaganda machine. Thus no matter how self-evidently silly the imperial propaganda is, the people in the West have been conditioned (literally) to accept any nonsense as “highly likely” as long as it is proclaimed with enough gravitas by politicians and their legacy ziomedia. As for the leaders of the EU, we already know that they will endorse any idiocy coming out of Washington or London in the name of “solidarity”.
Truth be told, most Russian politicians (with the notable exception of the official Kremlin court jester, Zhirinovskii) and analysts never saw Trump as a potential ally or friend. The Kremlin was especially cautious, which leads me to believe that the Russian intelligence analysts did a very good job evaluating Trump’s psyche and they quickly figured out that he was no better than any other US politician. Right now, I know of no Russian analyst who would predict that relations between the US and Russia will improve in the foreseeable future. If anything, most are clearly saying that “guys, we better get used to this” (accusations, sanctions, accusations, sanctions, etc. etc. etc.). Furthermore, it is pretty obvious to the Russians that while Crimea and MH17 were the pretexts for western sanctions against Russia, they were not the real cause. The real cause of the West’s hatred for Russia is as simple as it is old: Russia cannot be conquered, subdued, subverted or destroyed. They’ve been at it for close to 1,000 years and they still are at it. In fact, each time they fail to crush Russia, their russophobia increases to even higher levels (phobia both in the sense of “fear” and in the sense of “hatred”).
Simply put – there is nothing which Russia can expect from the upcoming election. Nothing at all. Still, that does not mean that things are not better than 4 or 8 years ago. Let’s look at what changed.
The big difference between now and then
What did Trump’s election give to the world?
I would say four years for Russia to fully prepare for what might be coming next.
I would argue that since at least Russia and the AngloZionist Empire have been at war since at least 2013, when Russia foiled the US plan to attack Syria under the pretext that it was “highly likely” that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons against civilians (in reality, a textbook case of a false flag organized by the Brits), This means that Russia and the Empire have been at war since at least 2013, for no less than seven years (something which Russian 6th columnists and Neo-Marxists try very hard to ignore).
True, at least until now, this was has been 80% informational, 15% economic and only 5% kinetic, but this is a real existential war of survival for both sides: only one side will walk away from this struggle. The other one will simply disappear (not as a nation or a people, but as a polity; a regime). The Kremlin fully understood that and it embarked on a huge reform and modernization of the Russian armed forces in three distinct ways:
- a “general” reform of the Russian armed forces which had to be modernized by about 80%. This part of the reform is now practically complete.
- a specific reform to prepare the western and southern military districts for a major conventional war against the united West (as always in Russian history) which would involve the First Guards Tank Army and the Russian Airborne Forces.
- the development of bleeding-edge weapons systems with no equivalent in the West and which cannot be countered or defeated; these weapons have had an especially dramatic impact upon First Strike Stability and upon naval operations.
While some US politicians understood what was going on (I think of Ron Paul, see here), most did not. They were so brainwashed by the US propaganda that they were sure that no matter what, “USA! USA! USA!”. Alas for them, the reality was quite different.
Russian officials, by the way, have confirmed that Russia was preparing for war. Heck, the reforms were so profound and far reaching, that it would have been impossible for the Russians to hide what they were doing (see here for details; also please see Andrei Martyanov’s excellent primer on the new Russian Navy here).
While no country is ever truly prepared for war, I would argue that by 2020 the Russians had reached their goals and that now Russia is fully prepared to handle any conflict the West might throw at her, ranging from a small border incident somewhere in Central Asia to a full-scaled war against the US/NATO in Europe.
Folks in the West are now slowly waking up to this new reality (I mentioned some of that here), but it is too late. In purely military terms, Russia has now created such a qualitative gap with the West that the still existing quantitative gap is not sufficient to guarantee a US/NATO victory. Now some western politicians are starting to seriously freak out (see this lady, for example), but most Europeans are coming to terms with two truly horrible realities:
- Russia is much stronger than Europe and, even much worse,
- Russia will never attack first (which is a major cause of frustration for western russophobes)
As for the obvious solution to this problem, having friendly relations with Russia is simply unthinkable for those who made their entire careers peddling the Soviet (and now Russian) threat to the world.
But Russia is changing, albeit maybe too slowly (at least for my taste). As I mentioned last week, a number of Polish, Ukrainian and Baltic politicians have declared that the Zapad2020 military maneuvers which are supposed to take place in southern Russia and the Caucasus could be used to prepare an attack on the West (see here for a rather typical example of this nonsense). In the past, the Kremlin would only have made a public statement ridiculing this nonsense, but this time around Putin did something different. Right after he saw the reaction of these politicians, Putin ordered a major and UNSCHEDULED military readiness exercise which involved no less than 150,000 troops, 400 aircraft & 100 ships! The message here was clear:
- Yes, we are much more powerful than you are and
- No, we are not apologizing for our strength anymore
And, just to make sure that the message is clear, the Russians also tested the readiness of the Russian Airborne Forces units near the city of Riazan, see for yourself:
This response is, I think, the correct one. Frankly, nobody in the West is listening to what the Kremlin has to say, so what is the point of making more statements which in the future will be ignored equally as they have been in the past.
If anything, the slow realization that Russia is more powerful than NATO would be most helpful in gently prodding EU politicians to change their tune and return back to reality. Check out this recent video of Sarah Wagenknecht, a leading politician of the German Left and see for yourself:
The example of Sahra Wagenknecht is interesting, because she is from Germany, one of the countries of northern Europe; traditionally, northern European powers have been much more anti-Russian than southern Europeans, so it is encouraging to see that the anti-Putin and anti-Russia hysteria is not always being endorsed by everybody.
But if things are very slowly getting better in the EU, in the bad old US of A things are only getting worse. Even the Republicans are now fully on board the Russia-hating float (right behind a “gay pride” one I suppose) and they are now contributing their own insanity to the cause, as this article entitled “Congressional Republicans: Russia should be designated state sponsor of terror” shows (designating Russia as a terrorist state is an old idea of the Dems, by the way).
Russian options for the Fall
In truth, Russia does not have any particularly good options towards the USA. Both parties are now fully united in their rabid hatred of Russia (and China too, of course). Furthermore, while there are many well-funded and virulently anti-Russian organizations in the USA (Neo-cons, Papists, Poles, Masons, Ukrainians, Balts, Ashkenazi Jews, etc.), Russian organizations in the USA like this one, have very little influence or even relevance.

Banderites marching in the USA
However, as the chaos continues to worsen inside the USA and as US politicians continue to alienate pretty much the entire planet, Russia does have a perfect opportunity to weaken the US grip on Europe. The beauty in the current dynamic is that Russia does not have to do anything at all (nevermind anything covert or illegal) to help the anti-EU and anti-US forces in Europe: All she needs to do is to continuously hammer in the following simple message: “the US is sinking – do you really want to go down with it?”.
There are many opportunities to deliver that message. The current US/Polish efforts to prevent the EU from enjoying cheap Russian gas might well be the best example of what we could call “European suicide politics”, but there are many, many more.
Truth be told, neither the USA nor the EU are a top priority for Russia, at least not in economic terms. The moral credibility of the West in general can certainly be described as dead and long gone. As for the West military might, it is only a concern to the degree that western politicians might be tempted to believe their own propaganda about their military forces being the best in the history of the galaxy. This is why Russia regularly engages in large surprise exercises: to prove to the West that the Russian military is fully ready for anything the West might try. As for the constant move of more and more US/NATO forces closer to the borders of Russia, they are offensive in political terms, but in military terms, getting closer to Russia only means that Russia will have more options to destroy you. “Forward deployment” is really a thing of the past, at least against Russia.
With time, however, and as the US federal center loses even more of its control of the country, the Kremlin might be well-advised to try to open some venues for “popular diplomacy”, especially with less hostile US states. The weakening of the Executive Branch has already resulted in US governors playing an increasingly important international role and while this is not, strictly speaking, legal (only the federal government has the right to engage in foreign policy), the fact is that this has been going on for years already. Another possible partner inside the USA for Russian firms would be US corporations (especially now that they are hurting badly). Finally, I think that the Kremlin ought to try to open channels of communication with the various small political forces in the USA which are clearly not buying into the official propaganda: libertarians, (true) liberals and progressives, paleo-conservatives.
What we are witnessing before our eyes is the collapse of the US federal center. This is a dangerous and highly unstable moment in our history. But from this crisis opportunities will arise. The best thing Russia can do now is to simply remain very careful and vigilant and wait for new forces to appear on the US political scene.
The Saker
Great analysis. A couple of points:
1. You end with suggesting Russia engage with some small groups in the US. Given the political climate and general hysteria, Russia should politically totally *disengage* with any groups in the US for the foreseeable future, except when explicitly requested. Likewise with the UK which, like Canada, is a US vassal.
There is zero upside for Russia in any political engagement with the US for the next decade at least.
2. Russia needs to deepen its relationship with Germany and France to the extent they can. It also needs to deepen its engagement in Asia, from Israel to Japan; Africa, Central and South America.
3. Russia is still not fully protected/prepared against Iran-like sanctions from the US. Given the financial, social media and internet infrastructure stranglehold of the US, Russia should help create not just domestic but global competitors and networks beyond US-control. For example, a distribution network of ships, ports, insurance companies that are sanctions-proof.
Yes indeed. There is this old advice to never wrestle with a pig, because you’ll end up wrestling in mud, and pigs like mud. It would be best if Russia just sits back well away from U.S. politics. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the show as the U.S. trips over its own two feet. Pop corn anyone?
Yes but is it even possible
Old proverb from Ex Yugoslavia – I would let him go but he does not want to let me go.
Maybe Russia would let America to go to hell where it belongs, but America does not intend to let Russia live in piece.
“Maybe Russia would let America to go to hell where it belongs, but America does not intend to let Russia live in piece.
Then why
“The best thing Russia can do now is to simply remain very careful and vigilant and wait for new forces to appear on the US political scene.”
“Stop the Empire’s war on Russia” ?
The common thread of the two quotes being an attempt to “advise” others.
The proverb you cite “I would let him go but he does not want to let me go.” was evangelised in attempting to maintain “Yugoslavia” which some understood to be a “fool’s errand, like the fool’s errand of Mr. Gorbachov trying to “reform” the “Soviet Union” which some also understood – useful fools and hubris are truly international.
You may be quite correct. Obviously, the U.S. needs Russia-gate more than Russia needs anything from the U.S.
“You may be quite correct.”
It is a function of framing, including what constitutes plausible belief predicated on exceptionalism, as it has been since at least 1970, although Mr. Suslov posited from 1922 (famine relief after Russian Civil War).
“Exceptionalism” facilitated/facilitates “We the people hold these truths to be self-evident “ness, including but not limited to, notions that “We are so important everyone wants to interfere with us” such hubris affording opportunities of childrens’ crusades by forgetting a useful caution in “analysis” – “Do you beleive your opponent is as stupid as you are?”
Actually I find most analysts tend to under estimate the stupidity of their opponent. The danger to that is the analyst thinking the opponent is thinking rationally ends up finding the opponent doing something completely unanticipated. Perfect example is trying to predict what a small child will do. There is a proverb from the old chinese wise man, Sun Tsu, that says; the smart man will do all things smart men can do, the strong man will do all things strong men can do, and the idiot, one wants a few of them on your team too, becauses the idiot will do all the things that neither smart men or strong men will ever dare do.
(Usually, until shown otherwise, I personnally assume my opponents are a lot lot dumber than I; and that is not saying I’m exceptionally smart.)
“Actually I find most analysts tend to under estimate the stupidity of their opponent. The danger to that is the analyst thinking the opponent is thinking rationally ends up finding the opponent doing something completely unanticipated.”
Analyst and strategist are not generally synonymous – using a metaphor from set theory, the Venn diagrams have very limited intersections/overlays.
It is important not to conflate analyst/strategist but assess relative assays, including who is the primary validator of “Do you think your opponent is as stupid as you are ? ” ness predicated on GIGO as in early cybernetics and other fields.
Analysts tend to have a higher assay of marketing, whilst strategists embrace doubt and shun attribution.
Consequently it is unlikely that many have accessed full details of contemporary strategies, but more likely the pre-masticated interpretations of analysts.
“There is a proverb from the old chinese wise man, Sun Tsu, that says; the smart man will do all things smart men can do, the strong man will do all things strong men can do, and the idiot, one wants a few of them on your team too, becauses the idiot will do all the things that neither smart men or strong men will ever dare do.”
Perhaps it is a function of the purpose/facility of the interpreter/entrepreneur from Mandarin to English, but the phrase “one wants a few of them on your team” is a US English framing suggesting integration, thereby obfuscating practices of “useful foolery”.
Another recent example of this is a conversation between two would be analysts: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/55411.htm
“Ambassador Freeman:
As a participant in that venture: Nixon responded to an apparently serious threat to China by the USSR that followed the Sino-Soviet split. He recognized the damage a Soviet attack or humiliation of China would do to the geopolitical balance and determined to prevent the instability this would produce.”
This is predicated on the frame more plausible in 1970 that “The United States of America” always tries to act with the best of intentions.
The following sentence – “He offered China the status of (what I call) a “protected state” — a country whose independent existence is so important strategically that it is something we would risk war over.” is a misrepresentation by design and/or default.” in the attempt to mystify the context of “The United States of America” in 1970 post Tet pre Chile, in exploring opportunities to continue and expand opportunities of extracting economic rent/tribute from others, which included but were not restricted to removing the “US dollar” from the gold standard and increasing fiat including by expanding “credit”, credit card roll-outs and SWIFT.
Failure to perceive context renders “analysts” dependent on focus on limited details, as did Kremlinologists on previous November 7ths reading the runes of temperature and levels of continence of elderly men’s bladders.
“(Usually, until shown otherwise, I personnally assume my opponents are a lot lot dumber than I; and that is not saying I’m exceptionally smart.)”
Testing hypotheses is always beneficial (lets see if someone cries – but not if you lose/are wrong thats not productive use of time), but instead of proceeding from points of assumption it is generally more beneficial to embrace doubt instead of resorting to “belief to bridge doubt to attain expectation” like Mr. Pompeo, Mr. McGovern and Ambassador Freeman as a function of seeking attribution and subsequent “benefit”.
Sun Tsu died a long time ago but unlike present opponents Sun Tsu was consistent in practice of embracing doubt and silence when deemed appropriate, instead of attempting to market beliefs/hopes/wishes as “strategies”
Or in the vernacular The Doobie Brothers “translation” of Tsun Tsu.
although some were of the view that a more relevant connotation in 1979 was the lover of medals, the inept raiser of children Mr. Leonid Brezhnev.
All those countries, okay, but Israel? Isn’t Israel also a US vassal like the UK? How do you suppose Russia will do that?
Israel has a very large Russian speaking population. So in a sense, it is part of the Russian world.
Germany has 2.4 million Russian speakers – Russlanddeutsche
To put things in perspective, Israel is a suburb of Berdichev.
About 100 thousand of Israel’s ‘permanent’ population of 200 thousand speak Russian.
It is an insignificant and by far the least useful and reliable group on the planet.
Most left Russia by cursing it on record for US and Zionist propaganda purposes.
These are highly compromised individuals and more harmful to Russia than even its own fifth column.
What do you mean by Israel’s “permanent population” of 200,000?
Never, Israelis who speak Russian have no loyalty to Russia, only to Israel and their own tribe, they never call themselves Russian but Jews from Russia, Israel first, Make Israel Great Again.
“… Isn’t Israel also a US vassal … ? …”
Exactly the other way ’round. The US is the vassal of the Zionist entity (in Palestine and in the 100% of the “western” world).
Ironically, US is more of a vassal or Israel than vice-versa. Israel doesn’t automatically vote against Russia like the US and its bloc does either.
But here’s the bigger point: while Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, Israel may be seen as part of the US-bloc, they are at least amenable to engagement with Russia. Merkel, Macron, Abe, Moon, Netanyahu have civil – and even friendly – calls with Putin as normal national leaders do even with key policy differences. It’s after all one thing to disagree on policy – that’s the whole point of diplomacy and trying to make your case – but another to be have to deal with totally deranged and hysterical people who act as if one were dealing with the Devil. The US/UK/Canadian (and Australian/NZ ie the Anglo-Five Eyes intelligence dominated countries) body politic as with many former East-bloc nations are virulently anti-Russian no matter what party is in charge, and are totally dominated by the US-intelligence diktats. There is no politician in these countries who can make a meaningful and binding agreement with Russia.
So Russia should focus on those European countries – like Germany, France, Italy – which at least have a semblance of decorum and diplomatic outreach unlike the Mafia like diktats emanating from the US and its core vassals.
I see.
On another note, one commentator below has shared this bit of news, titled “German defence minister propagates rearmament, militarism and war
and doubts the viability of Nord Stream II under these grounds. What are your own thoughts on this?
Apparently the link has been deleted for some reason. In case you’re curious, it’s on WSWS.
The link included by Saker works for me:
My gut feeling about the Nord Stream II project is that it may end up like the Mistral contract with France in 2014. The scum François Hollande cancelled the contract without reimbursing any money — for the following ”reason”:
”President François Hollande blamed continuing unrest in eastern Ukraine, where Russia is accused of backing separatists in their fight against the government in Kiev.”
If Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and the other Russophobes in Germany have their way, the Nord Stream II project will be their very first thing to renege upon, possibly with some idiotic ”environmental concern” as the official pretext. Also, their fanaticism makes me concerned whether they are contemplating political murders, starting with Sarah Wagenknecht.
As the designation implies: Northstream 2. It is a parallel pipeline to double the capacity of the present Northstream 1.The main political reason for its construction was the fear of Ukraine interrupting the flow of Russian gas to Western Europe. With Northstream 2 operational Ukraine and indirectly USA have lost one lever to pressure western Europe.
The name of the pipeline is Nord Stream not Northstream. Northstream is a registred trademark from a swedish company not related to natural gas. Northstream is a provider of consulting services intended for communications service providers (CSPs) and networking services
Israel is not a US vassal. Rather opposite..
Actually, it’s Israel that’s a US vassal. Its only value to the US is its strategic location in the Middle East as a CIA listening post and its usefulness in keeping control there. If Israel was located in Africait would be a completely different story. The US could shut down the Israel project at any time simply by withholding financial support.
My friend you have got it as wrong as you can!
The US is completely dominated by dual citizenship people, Israeli Americans whose loyalty provable lies with Israel, US foreign policy is dictated from Tel Aviv, at least ME policy. The Jewish influence on American, politics, media, lobbies is breathtaking, that you have failed to realize that say a lot about you.
“The US could shut down the Israel project at any time simply by withholding financial support.”
This the joke of the day! Look at dual citizenship members of the senate, the congress, federal government in general, states legislature etc. Jewish pro Israel opinion is massive.
It is even illegal to promote boycott of Israel !
The US is completely under the Zionist thumb!
“Likewise with the UK which, like Canada, is a US vassal.”
I strongly doubt that.
Yes, the UK is a vassal when you look at the public life which means politicians (Bush & Blair, Trump & Johnson) as well as at the military might and the multinational sizes (but the MI6 is still a force in itself).
Still, London is a big financial center, and the financial forces are the strongest in the multiple fights we see (and as expressed by The Saker in the above article). London families have very big interests in the Fed and in the big Wall Street “banks”, and are behind many things happening in the USA.
It would have been more accurate to say: the UK which, like Canada, is a zio vassal.
Thank you for pointing this out. I knew in my comment I wanted to touch on this and forgot. It would be a mistake for Russia to try and engage with any entity in the U.S. They are already aflame with unfounded accusations of Russian meddling. Could you imagine, if they actually had proof that they were ‘meddling’? Perhaps they need to occasionally remind them of what the results will be if the worst happens but otherwise, just have no dealings with them and ignore them and not acknowledge them in anything. Of course, the U.S. is hell bound to prevent one way or another the completion of the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline. If they see that severe sanctions are not going to work, and they decide to physically disrupt or sabotage the project, we could be facing a different ball game. Otherwise, just wait it out. The empire does not know diplomacy or compromise. They only make demands.
From Israel to Japan? Israel is only interested in their own plans of Greater Israel and world domination via USA miltay power. Jews in Russia do not consider themselves Russians, but Jews (Israelis) first, contrary to Russian Muslims who swear allegiance to the President and are deployed in military missions like being the core of military police in Syria, their country is Russia, for Jews their country is and will always be Israel.
Russia has many untold stories of economic development. I have read at least 2-3 a week, many of major size and in high technology and advanced processes.
Yes, the small business and medium scale enterprises are left behind by the Central Bank. But there is a sense that Glaziev is close to getting that obstacle overturned, and there are many young managers ready to replace the Liberals.
Next year, growth is predicted to be close to 3%. Once this new economy gets rolling, Russia will be on solid economic footing. It should grow at 4-5% for most of the decade.
People rant that Russia doesn’t simply knock off Ukraine with a quick war, or put Erdogan in his place with more military to clean the scum out of Syria, or shoot down those Zionist F-35s.
It’s the Economy, Stupid!, to borrow a famous motto from US politics.
Putin knows the coming decade has to be peaceful and productive. Russia must have growth, investment, prosperity and social services in order to survive and increase demographically.
So he and Xi will try to end the Empire/Hegemon as “gently” as possible.
The US election could throw a wrench in the works. It matters. There is no equivalence between Trump and Biden. A Biden victory could be Clinton-like and will be very Obama-like. The Dems are poison for Russia.
Another four years of Trump is the best thing for Russia. He may continue sanctions but that’s all he will do.
The Dems, like the Brits, want Russian blood and Russian land. The difference is everything existential.
“Another four years of Trump is the best thing for Russia. He may continue sanctions but that’s all he will do”. I tend to agree with you. At the same time, Trump still remains an enigma. In 2016 he had the support of 200 admirals and generals, and one has to wonder why so many high ranking military men would support a 70 year old man with no political and military experience. Because he was patriotic ? He stated on numerous occasions that he would “drain the swamp”. Has he, or has he fallen into it ? Maybe he was part of it all the time. Time will tell, although I admit I prefer him to Hillary, whose sense or reality is questionable.
The Saker has written “The beauty in the current dynamic is that Russia does not have to do anything at all (never mind anything covert or illegal) to help the anti-EU and anti-US forces in Europe: All she needs to do is to continuously hammer in the following simple message: “the US is sinking – do you really want to go down with it ?”. Yes, that is indeed the case. Rarely does a country get such opportunities on the international scene.
And the US ? I have to admit I am puzzled. The current street dissent in the US is certainly a genuine reaction to the internal situation in the US, political, economic and social. Too much social inequality and too many heavy handed police methods. However, it is perfectly clear that the current social and political instability has also been promoted by special interest groups, like George Soros and his Black Lives Matter movement which he controls and uses for ethnic conflicts. A dangerous thing to do. What is the motive for this ? To use street violence to remove Trump from Office, or to prevent him winning this years election ? Perhaps the motive is more sinister.
The 1861-1865 Civil War in the US was provoked by British Intelligence and the Rothschild’s banking empire, who wanted to drive the US into permanent debt. The fact that the US back then could have broken up into two political entities was of no importance, as the Rothschild’s would have ended up controlling two smaller political entities rather than one large one, this being an easier task. Is this plan still on the table ? For the US to break up, with the Confederacy being resurrected and the northern and central US states joining Canada, with Canada taking over from the US ? An unfortunate impression is being created – at least for the time being – that this is indeed the case.
Yes, some people will say that what I have written is absurd. However, look at the gigantic US foreign and domestic debt, which can never be repayed (the domestic debt is many times larger than the foreign debt, with even US professors being unsure just how large it is). How long can this total US debt be maintained ? If, and when a financial crash does occur, what then ? Will the US stay in it’s present political shape, or will it break up ? I am not an optimist that it will survive in it’s present form. I think it will break up, pretty much in the way forecast by Igor Panarin, Dean of the Russian Diplomatic Academy back in 1998 (you can see his famous map of the break up of the US on the Internet). And Vladimir Putin ? I think he knows this, which is the reason for his political and military tactics, known as the defensive-offensive. He is sitting back, letting Washington take the initiative and incriminate its self, and in the process drive its self into ruin.
the US national debt is another question that needs clear analysis, simple analysis
as far as I understand national debt it is a function and result of the illegal take over of nations finances by private banks..and results in the interest charges on the people for money spent mainly on the building of nationalist infrastructure, on which interest is charged on the people by the private banks for the use of their own money
the nations would spend such money debt free previous to the gift f the peoples banks to the private bankers and the nation would reap the benefits in the general economic expansion such expenditure produces. and such expenditure is never inflationary as the value is infrastructure relative to internal economic costs and can be listed at least. as equal value for money spent on economic statements
but the national debt is also any money the private bankers in charge of the national bank and so the national currency as well, prints and uses for itself in the economy. all such is theft of the peoples money and is only part of the game of printing money out of thin air to steal the peoples wealth..to rob the whole nation endlessly..a quantity of robbery that is accurately expressed by the total of the national debt
all of that therefore is total, comprehensive illegality..composed of paper value and comprehensive criminality, that has resulted in the hoarding of items of real value for the bankers and all who help control that process and participate in the plunder of the nations and the people of the world..for that is the case with most countries in the world: The so-called International Bankers have imposed by threat of force and political corruption, such Central Banks on most nations of the world.
those massive quantities of debt that all countries are supposedly drowning in are so composed as far as I know and are meaningless really. they can rise as high as the universal sky they seem meaningless for the international Bankers and politicians can maintain that fiction forever. those debts cannot be paid off..and no involved expect that they will be paid off.
if the people rise and clean up the various national situations those debts can be simply tossed for the useless paper they represent publicly. the real wealth those debts represent in minerals, lands, massive housing etc., in the hands of private International Bankers, politicians and so on, can be confiscated and returned to the people..the Bankers et al. arrested, charged, tried in popular courts of law… and I don’t care what is done with them
those debts matter only as long as the capitalist can play games on the world with them as we see them doing now, stringing up this or that country, keeping the fake american dollar front and centre as global currency. otherwise it appears to me that national debts are as fake as the Covid Skamdemic being used to freak the world out as we speak.
the real issues is to remove the International Bankers period, take them out, separate the current Bankers from their power and make them pay for their centuries of crime of their line…take back their gargantuan wealth the Bankers used the debt to squeeze out of the people of the world..and return it to public value and worth. and that massive paper national debt would just disappear for that is all it is..paper and empty numbers
I stand corrected if I am wrong about national debts
All money is the US is created ex nihilo by private banks as debt, such that:
no debts = no money
Abraham Lincoln was able to circumvent the private banks by printing debt free greenbacks, that funded the North during the US civil war, and this is the real reason he was assassinated.
Similarly, President John F. Kennedy authorized the printing of debt free silver backed US dollars by the US Treasury, and he met his end in Dallas in 1963. The headshot that killed him came from the front of the Presidential limousine, that ejected his brains onto the trunk lid as can be seen in the Zapruder video. The book depository where Lee Harvey Oswald was alleged to have fired the magic bullet kill shot with his antique Manlicher-Carcano rifle, that did not even have a telescopic sight, was to the rear of the limo.
The operative narrative regarding Trump was stated in his campaign speech which he gave in San Jose California, his only speech I sadomasochistically subjected myself to.
In the first part, he talked about how weak the US was, economy not helping the people. Of course true. And the futility and waste of foreign interventionist wars. Great! sign me up, I agree with him.
Oh, but wait. The last part (that is the REAL speech because the last part of a conversation is the one that’s remembered most and counts the most) was his lamenting our poverty stricken military, which can not even afford to maintain its fighter jets….sob sob…he promised to rebuild the US military.
This is where he gives his game away. And why so many military people support him(ie. professional warmongers, who make their living quite happily in the killing business.) (And by the way, the Democratic leadership is fully on board with–they just rejected a 10% cut in the military budget, after all)
The difference between him and Clinton, was that she advocated a no fly zone in Syria, and compared Putin to Hitler, about as low and slanderous an insult to Putin as can be imagined. It’s the reason why many were taken in by Trump. She was advocating immediate war with Russia. A war which the military brass knew, after 15 years of conflict, had worn out and exhausted itself.
Rest assured. They want their war against Russia/China/Iran/ etc. But Trump’s plan was to take the time to retool, while attempting to seduce Russia with sweet talk.
Kissinger was quite open about it. The USSR and China fell for their sweet talk and allowed their ideological differences to allow the USA/West to divide and conquer. With willing quislings, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Khodorkovsky, Gaidar, etc, they did destroy the USSR and nearly destroyed Russia. They miscalculated by putting their chips on Putin.
Well, nobody in the Multipolar world is fooled any longer by US prevarications. So the US is trying to muscle their way, which isn’t working, hence their increasingly desperate sanctions and provocations.
Let’s not kid ourselves about what Trump represents. The apprentice to gangster lawyer Roy Cohn, also a Russia hater. He played for time and didn’t attack Russia as Clinton planned to do. However, what he, the military and the whole neocon warmonger complex didn’t count on, was that Russia saw what has been coming and didn’t wait for itself to be taken down again, Operation Barbarossa style. It’s armed itself in a very cost efficient and technical/technological way, thus voiding the whole Trump game plan.
That’s why the Dems– agents of ‘the real owners’– need Russophobe and warmonger Biden in office–to carry out their vainglorious plan and reenact their Germanic Nibelungenlied death wish, or the Judeo Christian Armageddon (depending on which meta myth they adhere to.)
But expecting Trump to be any better, given his duplicitous history and proven record of lying on a daily basis, is also wishful thinking.
Yes, Trump was good for one thing and one thing only, he prevented Hillary from being elected, that gave Russia the last four years to finish off most of its preparations, military and otherwise. Whatever failure (or disappointment Trump has been, his main success for the world was to buy that extra bit of time the Eurasians needed. Job done, he can go drown in that swamp he didn’t clear. Yes Biden will be Russophobe cheer leader No1 but what’s new there? Nope, I doubt that he’ll even complete his term, he’ll either die (covid?) or become such a dribbling dementiad fool he will have to be replaced, what we need to do is watch closely who becomes Vice President, that may be a main key for the short/medium term future.
The Dem vice pres candidate will be Kankles, mark my words, and if by some sleight of hand Biden manages to get to the White House, he won’t survive the ride from getting sworn in to the Inaugural Ball a couple hours later.
Gawd . . .
Problem is that Hillary also wouldn’t last very long.
Her health already looked terrible back in 2016.
So then who is next in line?
Speaker of House?
That is, um , Pelosi?
If the Dems win the House.
Then who becomes the VP?
“The USSR and China ”
Mr. Kissinger like many was/is given to aggrandisement not restricted to the physical.
He often conflated/conflates some with all.
One of the reasons for his resort to belief to bridge doubt when the outcomes varied from expectations, akin to another attempt of conflating who-lost-China ? with the Abbot and Costello routine of who-is-on-third-base?
As part of his “naturalisation” process Mr. Kissinger apparently learned it was always someone else’s fault and also someone else’s job.
I really agree with you that the “blame Russia” and “blame China” thing has gotten out of hand in US politics. Whether it will turn into a shooting war seems doubtful to me, as the government is still full of people who are looking out for their own interests and know that a full-sized war with Russia, China, Iran or whoever will not advance their interests.
But who would have guessed, a few years ago, that “Russian asset” would become the all-purpose insult for Democrats to use, not just against Republicans, but against other Democrats?
With Republicans I think that “blame China” is stronger. China makes a good scapegoat for the economic situation in the United States. But convincing the working class that China is the source of their problems (and that Mr. MAGA is going to solve those problems by standing up to China) requires ignorance of the crucial facts about the trade relationship between those two countries.
Namely, that the trade deficit exists ONLY because the Federal Reserve chooses to create huge amounts of new dollars each year for export to other countries, and it’s only possible for US exports to fall behind imports so badly (and thus put so many American laborers out of work) because the Fed is making up the difference by exporting dollars. Granted, it isn’t a policy that the US can change without harming the interests of its current upper classes; at the same time, it isn’t a policy that China could force on the US without the (people in charge in of the) United States wanting it.
This is a topic I’ve dealt with a few times on my own blog.
Why I Don’t Fear Chinese Hegemony: https://www.twilightpatriot.com/2020/05/why-i-dont-fear-chinese-hegemony.html
Nobody Will Win The Trade War: https://www.twilightpatriot.com/2019/09/nobody-will-win-trade-war.html
‘Blame China’ is stronger because of the intrinsic racism of the ‘Whites’. Russians are, however dimly, perceived as ‘Whites’ and that might create some ‘cognitive dissonance’ for those who declare that the ‘Whites’ are under threat from the non-Whites. The Chinese are visibly ‘non-Whites’. This is valid for Australia too, where the ‘White Australia’ policy was specifically formulated against the Chinese.
Anonymous 11:54,
I take exception to your ‘intrinsic racism of the Whites’, and we are not ‘White’, ‘Black’ or ‘Yellow’, we are ‘two legs’ who may happen to be white, or brown, or yellow, or black, or plaid or any shade of colour in between. Kindly tar yourself with your own brush, not the rest of us, at least not me. If you don’t understand ‘tar yourself with your own brush’, I’ll be happy to explain it to you.
I think that you’re reading too much into things. “Blame China” is stronger because the Chinese outnumber the Russians nearly ten-to-one and play a much larger role in the global economy. Americans are aware of the role of the huge trade deficit with China in making life harder for the American working class. What mostly never gets talked about is the fact that American monetary policy is what makes that deficit possible – i.e. it is not something that the Chinese are forcing on the US, nor could they force it on the US if the US elites didn’t want it.
For someone’s sake wake up!
The predicament of the US working class can be solely attributed to the greed of corporations and brand owners, everything was moved overseas, because it was cheaper and gave more profit, which again led common people to be out of work, in a country devoid of a proper security net. Raw naked malevolent capitalism.
Saker’s erudite and prescient article on the state of The World is an in depth look at what will happen in the next two years. For those of you who do not have a good Russian/English translation system, here is the very first article he linked, a quite well written article that gives a possible, and quite plausible, idea of what awaits SehSha (США, USA) over the next months, written in and for Russia, not SehSha consumption. Read, and worry:
The American Coup
100 days before rejection: the United States is on the verge of dual power. The split in American society on the eve of the presidential election.
The less time is left before the presidential elections in the United States, the more banal the statement becomes that there will be no winner on November 3.
It doesn’t matter how America votes – the split in American society, which has been growing for the past four years (counting from the 2016 election campaign), has reached the stage where the elections will not be a way out of the crisis, but only a new and very important stage in its deepening
The only question is in the scale of what will happen on November 4: at best, the split will become even more obvious and aggressive, and at worst, the crisis will move to a new stage – non-recognition of the election results by the loser.
That is, America will find itself without a legitimate president – which, in turn, will open the way for dual power, which in turn can even lead to the collapse of the country.
What are the grounds for such alarming predictions? After all, if you believe the polls, Joe Biden is far ahead of Donald Trump: some data say 4-5 percent, others give 10 or even more.
The problem is not even that no one believes this data: Trump allegedly lost in 2016, and as a result, Clinton lost several million votes. But in the United States, it is not the one for whom the majority wins, but the one who managed to get the majority of votes in a certain number of states, which together give the required number of electors.
That is, if all voters in California and New York vote against Trump in general, this does not bother anyone: these states vote for Democrats in all elections, and the growth of anti-Trump sentiments there has no effect at all on the outcome of the elections.
But if 51 percent of voters in the so-called wavering states (there are about a dozen out of fifty) speak for Trump, he will be re-elected president. This happened in 2016 – and there is a huge possibility that he will again take the states of the “rust belt” this year.
That is, Trump’s second term is inevitable – so the Democrats are raging, preparing in advance … But not for losing – but for non-recognition of the election results.
The script is already roughly clear – there are two stages in it.
At the first, the Democrats will try to wrest the vacillating states from Trump. To do this, they are trying to use the mechanism of early voting by mail – it already exists in America, but now Trump’s opponents are trying to make it the only possible one. Under the pretext of the coronavirus pandemic, we care about people’s health, we must not take risks.
Trump and the Republicans are vehemently against it: when voting by mail, it will be much easier to cheat with voter lists and votes. Most likely, Trump will be able to defend a live vote – but Democrats will still try to mobilize as many of their supporters to vote by mail in troubled states for them.
The second stage will come after the summing up – more precisely, during the process of counting votes. Trump’s victory in the faltering states will be contested: they counted wrong, made the voter lists incorrectly.
That is, they will try to catch Trump precisely on those manipulations that they themselves will resort to. The protocols will be contested in the courts, will require a recount in order to suspend the final summing up at the level of specific states, and therefore the country as a whole.
Something similar happened in Florida in 2000, when Bush Jr. eventually won (and his brother was the governor of the state), but now the scale will simply be incomparable with what it was 20 years ago. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the media will write about manipulations and violations by the Republicans and assure everyone that Biden’s victory is already in his pocket, all that remains is to bring out the impudent deceiver and traitor Trump and his accomplices.
At the same time, millions of protesters against Trump’s second term will take to the streets – in four years, American liberals have cheated their flock so much that for many of them Trump’s victory will become a personal tragedy and horror. Mass unrest will begin – under the slogans “We will not let you steal our freedom!”
Trump will be forced to admit defeat – despite the fact that the trials are not yet over, and the results are not summed up. Trump’s refusal to admit defeat ahead of time will be interpreted as an attempt to usurp power – and the slogan “Get out of the White House, dictator!” will be thrown in.
Will this assault succeed? Will there be a real coup d’etat in America – and this is exactly what will be an attempt to steal a legitimate victory from Trump? It is difficult to predict – but it seems to me that Trump has every chance to defend his post and his victory.
Ultimately, much will depend on the outcome of the concurrent congressional and gubernatorial elections: if Trump manages to maintain the Republican majority in the Senate (which there is every chance for), defend the Republican governors and maintain his position in the House of Representatives (not to mention the so far unrealistic scenario the return of control over it to the Republicans), then it will not be possible to knock him off. But even so, the attack will be the strongest and will not end in January with his inauguration.
The campaign of civil disobedience can spread to the level of states and cities: the authorities in democratic states and metropolitan areas can declare their non-recognition of the election results and the legitimacy of Trump’s second term. This will lead to the actual split of America – not yet the beginning of a civil war, but a real diarchy.
Moreover, for its emergence, there is not even a need to proclaim Biden a parallel, that is, a “real” US president – this option would be possible only if the Democrats gained control over both chambers of Congress.
No, for diarchy it will be enough simply for the president to not recognize Trump by individual states and cities, because the structure of the United States is such that most of the powers are at the local, and not at the federal level.
Of course, this will be a terrible blow to the United States as such – but the mood of the globalist part of the American elite is such that it leaves no doubt about its readiness to burn down the house in order to drive out the cockroaches.
Hatred for Trump, that is, for that deep America, whose interests he expresses, has already reached an exorbitant level, as well as a disconnect from reality, that is, confidence in their right and ability to manipulate the mass consciousness and the country they consider their property.
They clearly underestimate the ability of Trump supporters to resist – but Trump himself will try to suppress the elite conspiracy and insurgency to the last by peaceful means. If this does not work out, he will have the opportunity to urge his voters to take to the streets.
But then the next stage of the American drama will come.
Never The Last One, paper back edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521849056 A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1696160715 NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other. Did this actually happen? Only a select few in Sevastopol know.
A little interesting tidbit, Rep. Jordan’s full opening statement in the William Barr hearing. Dems are beside themselves with rage.
Of real interest, when halfway through his opening and the vid starts of the mayhem, rioting and burning, one intrepid news type is standing not far from a fully inflamed store, and not a small one, and boldly stating the ‘demonstration’ is mostly peaceful. It’s like sitting on a deck chair on the Titanic and exclaiming that one does not see water anywhere.
The audio is very faint.
I believe an excellent insightful view of the situation. I have two short videos that might help an understanding of the situation on the ground.
1.Stable nations have the nucleus of a strong family, a spritual moral order and an economic system based on fairness. Presently the US has none of these. Where did it all go wrong?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSo92BkOrdI
2.Imploding homeland I knew who my enemy was when I saw the new American dream. I drove past third world decrepit cities, masses of ragged people with no homes. dispossed dying off in the broken streets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3jpTEKsOBs
Do not tell to buy a thing from amazon.
Patriots should not enrich those cabalists!
“a quite well written article that gives a possible, and quite plausible, idea of what awaits SehSha (США, USA)”
Apparently they may have forgotten mentors such as Mr. Roy Cohn and Mr. Roger Ayles (both passed in the local vernacular).
Bread has trouble rising if you forget to add some yeast.
I think its something that Napoleon once said: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
The task at hand for Russia is already enormous –
1. continue with the economic integration of Eurasia,
2. continue developing the symbiotic relationship with China,
3. continue modernizing the Russian economy
4. remaining prepared for the US-NATO’s ‘swarming’ tactics of creating as many destabilizing color revolutions/ /regime change operations as possible, not only on Russia’s borders (the current Azeri-Armenian spat springs to mind) but also in more far flung Russian allies, e.g., Cuba and Venezuela.
Given how fever-pitched the American electorate is presently, there’s every indication (assuming the US Prez election is held as scheduled) that:
1. whoever wins the NOV 4 US Prez election, the other party will not accept the result
2. this will result in more civil disturbances / popular unrest
3. that more and more states will petition for secession
4. that in an attempt to quell the rioting – more dissidents / subversives will be arrested / detained in FEMA camps
5. the more the US government cracks down – the more it will fuel the unrest
6. it will become like a self-fulfilling prophecy
7. this process may take up to at least 2025 to be resolved – it won’t happen overnite
Russia, and Putin, have got another good, solid 16 years to transform Russia into an unshakable economic development partner with Chinese for Africa and Eurasia – and continue to improve the living standards of the Russian people.
This century will truly be the Asian Century!
I’ve done a proper English translation (native speaker) of the article on the Akopov article mentioned by Saker:
Thank you for posting a translation but in addition to the Saker’s link, Auslander has already posted it above. Mod.
The US is long past its ‘use by’ date, and Putin and Xi are doing a good job of managing the fall of the USA.
I must admit though that it’s been quite entertaining to sit on the sidelines and watch the US on the receiving end of its very own colour revolution!
“The US is long past its ‘use by’ date, and Putin and Xi are doing a good job of managing the fall of the USA.”
Spot-on. And let’s not forget the quite conspicuous contributions of good ol’ Soros. Thought he could smash Russia and China — he failed resoundingly. Decided consequently to turn on his dear own US instead. Seems to be working like a charm!
“I must admit though that it’s been quite entertaining to sit on the sidelines and watch the US on the receiving end of its very own colour revolution!”
Agreed. And I can barely wait until, literally, the shootings begin. Time for your average violence-addicted, gun-toting Pindo to go on a rampage shooting and shouting ‘Constitution this, amendment that’ while waving the US flag. Exceptional and indispensable to the n:th degree as they try to get their hands on what’s still open up for grabs in the neighbourhood.
“… Time for your average violence-addicted, gun-toting Pindo to go on a rampage shooting and shouting ‘Constitution this, amendment that’ while waving the US flag. … …”
First, all that enormous murderous rage can no longer be applied on the native Indians (none left). Next, it can no longer be applied on other nations either (they won’t let it). And so … the pressure builds, builds and builds … and … kaboom!!! goes “the land of the free” :-D
I think you misread Trump, although he is very, very hard to read, I admit. He has clearly been better for America and for world peace than Clinton and the Cabal. I do not believe he is part of that Cabal but is threatened and constrained in his actions by it. I do not fear Russia and in fact like Russia and Putin. It’s the Red Dragon that is of concern, as Russia will discover. Pray for peace.
Why is it that Western ‘elites’ (AKA ‘scum’) tend to look like sexual deviants (Trump, Bush, Obama) gender fluids (Trudeau and the creature that ruins New Zealand) or failed surgical sex-change victims like Michael Obama, Mel/Linda Gates, and the satirically and farcically named lesbian lover of Angela Murkle [sic], Ms(ter) Kramp-Karrenbauer? Is all the above a coincidence or is God trying to show us that these people are all, if not demons themselves, certainly possessed?
Speaking of Dostoevsky, The Possessed (The Devils is a better translation) is a novel whose time has come around again. Rush out and buy it or see the very good 2014 Russian serialized TV version. Events in the USA, and for the time being to a lesser extent, in the Fourth Reich (AKA the EU) are all foretold in his great novel and in history itself, as the first ‘Color Revolution’ (Red), or more accurately, the coup d’etat in Russia in 1917.
America is like a rabid beast, possessed by messianic delusions that it (along with Israel of course) is God’s Chosen Nation–and thus has a God-given right to bomb, invade, regime change, sanction, and colonize whomever it wants, all under the pretext of crusading for Democracy and Freedom.
As Elon Musk recently stated in response to the accusation that he helped the American government overthrow Evo Morales of Bolivia: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”
Elon Musk Confesses to Lithium Coup in Bolivia
This kind of imperial arrogance–even if it was meant in jest, as the mainstream media spindoctors insist–reflects a sociopathic mentality that defines the entire American regime, ruling class, and its institutions.
The best thing for Russia–and indeed all nations that are threatened by the USA like China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, or Syria–to do is this:
Get your own house in order, seek out allies, and prepare for (more) war.
Reading the linked WSWS article ”German defence minister propagates rearmament, militarism and war” sent shivers down my spine. Not the harridan Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer herself, but the reference to ”right-wing extremist networks in Germany’s Bundeswehr (armed forces) and the security services”. This is exactly what took place in Imperial Germany towards the end of the 19th century. Russophobia and the accompanying thirst for Russian territory were taking hold in the army and security services. With the ascendancy of Kaiser Wilhelm II this outlook was in complete control of Germany’s entire establishment, the Social Democrats very much included.
But unlike the world just over 100 years ago, now we have a strong, resurgent Russia against a dying, decomposing West. The latter’s endless bile, vulgarities, and plain imbecilities are turning less and less effective. And, most importantly, the Russian government does not owe the West any money. I agree completely with Ludwig’s conclusion above that there is no point for Russia trying to engage any fringe groups in the US:
”Russia should politically totally ’disengage’ with any groups in the US for the foreseeable future, except when explicitly requested.”
Russia in cooperation with China and China in cooperation with Africa are infinitely more valuable than any ”cooperation” with Pindos and Euro-trash high on Russophobia and LGBTQ++.
A minor quibble with the quoted passage: When Russia is ’explicitly requested’ to take action in America, the latter has already been vanquished, LOL.
I think Ludwig also mentioned that
Then again, those were the only two European countries he mentioned, so I dunno if “Euro-trash” in this case refers to the rest of the continent.
The devil is in the details: Ludwig wrote “to the extent they can”. As for my species classification system (I am a compatriot of Carl von Linné, mind you!), it looks like this:
Euro-trash: Europe’s ‘hard-core’ West of the 20th century up to circa 1990
Honorary Euro-trash: The former countries of the Eastern Block, swooning before Pindos and Euro-trash
Pindos: Exceptional, indispensable folks entitled to other peoples’ natural resources and labour output.
As per this top scientific approach, Germany and France resoundingly qualify as Euro-trash. The WSWS article corroborates this judgment to the hilt in the case of Germany. I am beginning to doubt the viability of the North Stream 2 project. Too many (German) traitors to look convincing.
I think that the Fall strategy of what Pat Lang calls the Borg is simple: Trump is an idiot but is not demented. He has blocked a number of insane initiatives which would rapidly escalate war situations. He did not want to get stuck with the responsibility of some major disaster.
Enter Joe B., who is demented. He would not care or understand if he is stuck holding the bag of the next disaster.
The anti-Russian narrative is ridiculous and is entirely devoid of any facts. I now understand where it is coming from though. It is coming from Saudi Arabia by my estimation based on the conflicting interests of Saudi Arabia and Russia in oil market domination. The American Zionists perpetrate this myth in the symbiotic relationship that Israel and Saudi Arabia have. Kennedy thought that Israel would prevent Russian influence in the Middle East. The Rockefellers were doing oil exploration in the Middle East at that time, and were allies with the Shah of Iran who also opposed the USSR at that time. The Rockefellers ran the CIA, and it was created by them and was literally referred to as the Rockefeller office. When Russia rightfully stepped in in Syria, ( since the U.S. government was supporting known terrorists and blatantly lying about Assad, and Syria is not within U.S. borders, shock! ) all hell broke loose in the dark triad of NATO, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. The United States government is by all accounts a group of treasonists that serve other nations and place their needs above America’s. This cannot be denied or argued, because every fact proves it to be a completely true statement.
It is also obvious that this is a NATO effort against Russia, and not specifically an American effort against Russia. Europe is jealous of your land and resources Russia! Wake up and face reality! It is the curse of desirability, just as it is in Iran and Africa. Doomed for having what others desire. That is the reality, and that is all that there is to it.
Since the Saudi royal family is by far the wealthiest family in the world, it is who our government places first and foremost, and the Zionists have the same agenda as the Saudis. It is not a coincidence. Personally, I wish that our government would focus on non-nuclear renewable energy, and in the mean time support Venezuela, because it is sane, economical, and convenient. The U.S. government has supported the Chinese communist government since Nixon, so they really cannot claim with any degree of ideological credibility that they oppose Venezuela and Cuba because they are communist countries.
On 28 July Auslander really hit the nail on the head with his insightful unpacking of baggage that hinders alot of good analysis about the “American Dilemma.” I doff my hat in utter respect for his mastery of facts. Russia has been given four years to prepare for more assaults against its existential being and I hope that by a reelection of Trump, Russia will gain four more years of preparation. Since I moved to Russia in 2009 I have been an eyewitness to its betterment in so many ways, so many in fact that it would be impossible to enumerate them all. The outstanding example are the 206 amendments(if my memory serves me)to the Russian Constitution, which then received a supermajority vote by the citizens of the Russian Federation.
This, of course, animated the 5th and 6th columnists especially inside Russia and enraged the “west.” I pray for President Putin so that he and his Ставка will make the best decisions not only for Russia and Her people but also for the World-at-large. Yes, I perceive that Russia keeps vigilant watch over the unfolding chaos in the US, but does not let it distract Russia from Her goal of solidifying Her existential being. If a Sovereign Nation like Russia consistently affirms its allegiance to God and the Christian Heritage of Russia then there will be continual development for the better.
The EU never acknowledged the Christian Heritage in its Preamble or its Constitution. America has been on the warpath with other Nations and now of itself for too long which is evidence of a true negligence of God and His will. So now the “west” is reaping the whirlwind and the destruction grows worse day by day. I really pity the people who are caught up in the whirlwind and I cry bitter tears for all the innocent who are being dragged into the Maelstrom. I believe that God in His Mercy will have compassion on the souls of the innocent.
Tikhon Bogomolov
My friend Tikhon,
I agree with you completely, you have a very good idea of the threat, especially internal, that our Mat Rossiya faces every day, and not all the internal threat is from Russian 5th and 6th columnists, there is still a number of mainly American and Brit expats living and working in Mockba who are very open and vocal about their hatred of not only President Putin but even more so of President Trump if that is possible. I don’t say a word when I hear of them or from the two that I know slightly, I’m just sitting back and watching, I know the day will come when you and I are here and they are not.
In my opinion, no matter what happens in США she will not be allowed to totally disintegrate, she is too large, too wealthy in her own way, and most important too armed to the teeth with both conventional and nuclear weapons to be allowed to totally dissolve in to anarchy and societal collapse, that scenario is too dangerous for the rest of us. Time will tell how this prevention is carried out, but it will be done, of this I have no doubts.
Author http://rhauslander.com/
“…until and unless Putin decides to finally get rid of all the Atlantic Integrationists aka the “Washington consensus” types which are still well represented in the Russian ruling circles, including the government.”
Putin’s regime is merely a less unbearable version of the Yeltsin regime, with open loot by oligarchs replaced by less overt loot by smaller scale actors. Putin is exactly as beholden to the neoliberal capitalist system as Yeltsin. To expect Putin to change sides as this point is ludicrous.
“…Russia and the Empire have been at war since at least 2013, for no less than seven years (something which Russian 6th columnists and Neo-Marxists try very hard to ignore).”
I have no idea what a “neo” Marxist is (apart from a blatant made up term to taint us by association with the neo-Nazis), but as a Marxist, which the Saker obviously is not, it’s obvious to me that the Imperialist States of America has been at war with Russia since the Yeltsinite attack on the Moscow parliament in 1993, and probably from the failed patriotic coup of 1991. If we ignore the Saker’s idea of a war since 2013 it’s only because we know it’s twenty years out of date.
Things will never improve between Amerikastan and Russia and don’t need to. Amerikastan is sinking and will sink; Putin will, if he continues on the neoliberal capitalist track, sink Russia as well in the end.
“Amerikastan is sinking and will sink; Putin will, if he continues on the neoliberal capitalist track, sink Russia as well in the end.”
Why BP??
So your corrupt pessimism can be “vindicated”……hundreds of millions in America, Russia, and Eurasia (which very much depends on the stubborn resistance of Russia……including some of its oligarchs —-who realized that they TOO would have been slain and eaten by their “senior” western “partner” oligarchs, had they not rallied behind Putin and saving Russia——-and all——including hundreds of millions of non-oligarch souls in BOTH….. must “sink”??????????
I have a plan to offer a vibrational level that is somewhat lacking in the Saker’s article….(although it IS Classical Russian Stubborn Resistance….without which we’d have all surely been NWO slaves a couple decades ago….) but I thank you very much for your example of how VERY much lower “the vibrational level” can go than that!
Here’s an example……young guys…..around Laurel Canyon…..I think I recognize the Cafe…bought some homemade Jalapeño Jam roadside near there @ a decade ago………also hitting bottom….soon to “sink” from the scene:
” I Been Down So Goddamned Long…..That It Looks Like UP To Me!”
The Doors “Been Down So Long (Alternate Version)”
the photo stills evoke another song: Steppenwolf: Goddamn! The Pusher Man
“I seen a lot of people walkin’ around with TOMBSTONES in their eyes……..
Ah, but the Pusher don’t care………whether you live……or die………” or sink outta sight forever.
Be aware of the poisonous low vibration s__t you’ve been reduced to pushing……..by your “Marxism” downers.
Engineered by Class War Oligarchs, BTW. LOL
Did you actually have a message in that weird salad? Amerikastan is sinking because it has been killed by neoliberal capitalism. Russia is less far down the same path but is walking it. The future belongs to nations and societies that help each member. Socialism, not unequal capitalist competition. Covid 19 should have made that obvious.
Bro 93 is diggin’ his own vibe. It’s mostly thinly veiled Trump agitprop, but if you squint really hard it almost makes sense.
This was a very good overview of the situation in our sad world. I have listened to that clip of the German lady, an opposition politician before. Those in government should be listening to her!
>since the imperial ruling elites have clearly lost control of the situation, they really have no other option left than to blame it all on some external agent.
I do have a bit different take on this, though it may not matter. I don’t believe the real ruling elites have lost control of anything. They know exactly what they are doing. As the saying goes, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. They need and intend to break more than a few eggs to finally complete their NWO.
This was followed by another observation which I find much more important.
>The real cause of the West’s hatred for Russia is as simple as it is old: Russia cannot be conquered, subdued, subverted or destroyed. They’ve been at it for close to 1,000 years and they still are at it.
They have every intention to make Russia submit or be destroyed. I think it is even worse than we can imagine. That horrible figure, John McCain, once said that Russia is not a country. It is a giant gas station. They don’t view Russian citizens as fully human. A typical tactic used is to fully demonize and smear the target that is going to be attacked. This is the standard operating procedure. Therefore, to witness the level of Russia hating is very worrying to me. I also think at least some, even in the military think Russia is bluffing about some of their weapons. That they are not as functional as claimed. They also appear to have now accepted that a nuclear conflict can be fought and won. And let us not forget their ‘dial a nuke’ and their ‘super duper missile’.
Russia’s economy may be struggling but they are going to have a lot of company very soon. These events are all orchestrated including this weaponized response to a Coronavirus, thereby deliberately destroying the financial well being of millions in the west. They don’t care about their own citizens and likely believe they need to get rid of quite a large number of us.
I wish I could have a brighter outlook, but I am not able. I live in a rural community in central Ontario, Canada. We have a drama teacher, foundation, silver spoon P.M. who is a globalist puppet. There is NAZI infestation in his government. They are throwing around ‘money’ like a drunken sailor. And the majority of the people are walking around with masks on their faces, engulfed by fear and the need to obey all the dictates of the governing class. They don’t even seem the least bit concerned as to what is going to keep the economy afloat. And some of these mask wearers are making threatening statements against people like me who are resisting the entire fraud. Some are saying we should be heavily fined and jailed. In this atmosphere, I don’t even have the potential for attending Divine Liturgy because now it has become government church where the government has dictated how these ancient services are to be conducted. And the hierarchs and priests, even those who can see what is going on have all folded and submitted. And I cannot take part in any of this. It is pretty gloomy when the only bright spot is to finally leave this temporal existence and hope for God’s mercy. Well, there is still wildlife to enjoy. Not much else. Everything is a struggle and a risk now. Not just for me but for billions of real people.
Four years ago, I was worried, I had not seen a single one all summer, truly sad from my perspective. The next year I saw one, only one and the sadness depended. Last year I saw maybe six, all summer, kindof encouraging, but still sad………………and then this year, one, two, six, almost over a dozen in two days, then almost every day since, I am somewhat relieved, but still concerned. Of all things on the wing nothing is as beautiful, floating on the breeze, flitering this way and that, as the mighty Monarch.
Craig, I take my solice from nature every day, when the auld dog throws her head on my sholder for a snuggle, nothing compares………………life is short, make the best of what one can…………who knows what follows.
Cheers, M
Lucky to see 20.
This year I have seen only one all summer.
There used to be hundreds around here.
Now even though there is quite a lot of milkweed I don’t see ANY monarchs.
“Well, there is still wildlife to enjoy. ”
Well, that is a biggie.
Imagine if you lived in a desolate spot without natural beauty and without animals to enjoy.
Here we have some ospreys (fish hawks) and they are wonderful to watch.
It seems like times of turmoil make many (thoughtful) people look around them selves for the first time and actually see and appreciate the beauty of the world that they were lucky enough to be born into.
The biggest crime out there is the destruction of this beautiful world by war makers and others who apparently can’t think of anything better to do with their lives than destroy.
Enjoy it while you can.
I to am in Ontario (Northern) and couldn’t agree
more with all you wrote..Its good that you have faith
this is all that matters in the end my brother
God bless and keep you in peace !
I feel as though I’m in the middle of a horror
Show (They live!)
Dear Saker,
Thank you for this excellent post.
I fully agree with you that the ‘war’ between the U.S. and Russia started in the fall of 2013 after Russia foiled the U.S.’ attempt to bomb Syria. And that the U.S.’ attempt to throw the Russian navy out of the Crimea, the real reason for Maidan, was the opening salvo of this war.
As you say, the war ‘has been 80% informational, 15% economic and only 5% kinetic’, representing the three sources of the U.S.’ super-power status.
However, as you eloquently point out, the U.S. has already lost its military dominance. And one can well argue that, by over use to the point that nobody, but the true believers, believes anything the U.S. says any more, its informational assets have also largely been squandered.
Indeed, it appears that after 7 years of war, the only source of power that the U.S. has left to support its super power status, is economic, and this is based primarily on the status of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.
Thus, if Russia wants to neutralize the U.S. as a threat, it should attack the U.S.’ remaining source of power, the status of the dollar as a reserve currency. If the U.S. dollar ceases to be the world’s reserve currency, then the U.S.’ ability to impose economic harm will be substantially diminished. In addition the soaring trade deficits that would result from a diminished dollar, combined with the on-going fiscal deficits, would make maintaining U.S. bases around the world substantially more difficult.
I have thought from the beginning that Russia’s dispute with KSA in March over oil production quotas, which led to the oil price collapse, was not so much an attack on the U.S. shale industry, but rather on the stability of the dollar itself. Indeed, the frantic money printing by the FED to deal with the economic fallout from the oil price collapse (in combination with the Virus) has already begun to destabilize the dollar. The rapid rise in the price of gold is clear evidence of this destabilization.
The days of the U.S.’ super power status are clearly numbered and the more quickly that China and Russia can move to implement an alternative to the dollar the smaller this number will be.
Saker, in light of your last sentence, I truely wonder what ‘new’ forces might appear in the US after this election or any other for that matter (even my hope has limits)………………..the policies of both US parties are the same with different nuances. From where even might the ‘new’ forces come(post civil war?)…………….personaly an abusive spouse or ‘partner’ will never change, it’s part of the narcisistic mind. As the English say, ‘send them to Coventry’, move on, seek new avenues, as Russia is doing (maybe invigorate that) and keep an eye out over the shoulder, stalkers never give up unless forced.
Cheers, M
As for the idea of seeking common ground with various US States and or Corporations……………would sanctions not negate that? Just doomy gloomy…….looking for the light, any light, a spark even!
As for the pre-totalitarian Looneylandia mass insanity being orchestrated by the Left Wing of the Democratic Party, I quote:
“It has frequently been observed that terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other and that therefore one of the primary concerns of tyrannical government is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; it certainly is its most fertile ground; it always is its result. This isolation is, as it were, pretotalitarian; its hallmark is impotence insofar as power always comes from people acting together, acting in concert; isolated people are powerless by definition.”
– Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Russia has every reason to tread very carefully–the mental patient is armed with nukes. I just see Russia becoming the white whale in some kind of mad acting out of ( LARPing?) Moby Dick archetypes. By the way, the whale most likely survives as does the eternal ocean into which it drags Ahab cursing heaven. Hubris.
I would contend that the Russia Offensive Narrative needs constant reinforcement because the wider public does not subscribe. Too many people saw the 2018 World Cup and enjoyed positive experiences of Russia.
Mass Media is as much believed in The West today as it was in GDR or USSR. – those who are gullible are adherents but most are not.
Democrats have been China-aligned since Clinton sold out their Blue-Collar Base to Wall Street and Globalisation. The evisceration of Democrats by Clinton – of Labour by Blair – of SPD by Schroeder – means they are in turmoil and floundering for Activist Causes to create a core.
The China fixation of Democrats has boxed them in by demonising Russia the US has zero chance of containing China. Russia holds the aces. Just as in 1969 Zhenbao Island Incident when USSR wanted US acquiescence in nuclear strike on China, now USA cannot move without Russian “neutrality”.
It all depends on how Russia sees China as a future threat or ally and USA is boxed.
I am not sure Russian options are limited. The need to digitalise the economy could give Russia a lead over Germany within 5 years if pursued consistently. Russia needs proper legal frameworks for business and elimination of corruption.
Putin is however mortal. It would be interesting to see how the succession will be managed – we saw how Berezhovsky appointed Putin to protect the Yeltsin family from KGB punishment for its rampant corruption – but how is Putin grooming his successor, in what contentious area is he being tested ?
Your “analysis” is comically ludicrous. A cushy intel analyst job no doubt awaits you in the American CIA or British Mi6.
It was the Democrats under Obama that spawned the “Pivot to Asia,” which was an anti-China containment policy advancing an America-led military and geopolitical axis against China. This is not to mention the Democrats under Obama who pushed the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) economic trade deal, which pointedly *excluded* China and was conceived as an anti-China economic bloc.
Indeed, Republican Donald Trump subsequently *rejected* the anti-China TPP!
US “pivot” to Asia threatens war with China
Obama intensifies “pivot” to Asia
The TPP: A step on the road to war
Most of Trump’s anti-China moves are merely a continuation of what Democrats have begun–the only distinction is that he is openly bombastic about them.
The Democrats are anti-China just as surely as the Republicans.
The only difference is that the Republicans are more naked and ham-fisted in their Sinophobia, whereas the Democrats are slightly more disguised.
In fact, these fake political differences between either wing of the Republi-crat Party are propagandized by their grassroots supporters on the Left or Right in order to promote the Big Lie called American “democracy” in general.
What ALL of these people seek to cover up is that there is only 1 political party in America–the party of the Anglo-American Empire and its delusions to rule the world. “Democrats” and “Republicans” are merely two wings of the same bird.
All political factions (Liberal, Moderate, and Conservative) support this Anglo Empire and will instinctively vilify their preferred “enemy nation” that stands in the way of Anglo-American world tyranny–whether that be China, Russia, Iran, etc.
This warped belief system is foundational to the American national character and indeed of the Anglosphere Axis nations in general from the United Kingdom to Australia to Canada to New Zealand.
A pox on them all.
Some random thoughts on the situation:
(1) The Rasmussen telephone poll, the only one that predicted 2016 right, shows Mr. Biden only ahead by 3 points, so Mr. Biden’s election is far from certain. Since CA and NYC both permit “undocumented” voters (in 9 of the 10 largest CA jurisdictions Hillary received more votes than the total number of registered voters), polling results tend to be unpredictable.
(2) Mr. Biden’s impending senile dementia (he recently claimed there were 120 Million corona-virus deaths, earlier 150 Million gun deaths) make the choice of a VP important. 25th Amendment scenario seems likely.
(3) Russia is still woefully understrength in Kaliningrad, only planning to form a “soedindineniya” division-level formation there by the end of 2020. NATO’s “Operation Anaconda” and mine-laying exercises adjacent to it indicate some kind of blockade is in the plans, maybe including a demand for “demilitarization,” or evacuation.
I ran across this link a while ago and though it important and relevant to this
first there was conspiratorial Covid from China into which was built a fake pandemic!
Covid however, does not appear to be a bio weapon with which China the people of the world have been attacked. but if this INTELLHUB potential becomes real then that would likely be the result of a bio weapon.
it is interesting that the ‘NEW’s would be so placed in such as INTELLHUB…sort of obscure.
if that report is substantial, truthful, most will hear mention of it, anyway by the time it begins to occur.. the intimation would be out there along with Covid, and all that has gone on since since Covid. enough of the people will be prepped and so accept?… the ‘disaster’ as it occurs.. no realization that we have all been poisoned and it would make sense to avail of the opportunity to kill each and every member of the likely tribe of perpetrators before we ourselves die off ?
How would we be attacked! or is will be more operative, salient?
immediately to mind came the Covid vaccines in the offing. Trump is reported to have warned he will send in the army with the vaccines! the vaccines are mandatory and unavoidable… and if we are to be held down, restricted and forcibly administered we.. will take the vaccine regardless
there in is a very nasty possibility..a depopulating general attack on the population of the North America I imagine! Latin America and the Caribbean too when it comes to it. why would the States alone be attacked like this.
Wrong interpretation.
The authors of that site explained that their modeling anticipates economic and societal collapse, accompanied by massive emigration – hence the reduction in population.
Make of that what you will.
‘trump is reproted to have’…………….who reported it? Trump signed an EO last week “no forced vaccinations”, maybe the press missed it.
The kind of danger the US may well be headed for was exemplified the other night by none other than Jimmy Dore – perhaps needless to say, I don’t go along with his left politics except for when it is anti-imperialist & anti-corporatist – what he said I found incredible. Or what he advocated more like. Dore called on local mayors to order their police to resist, with fire arms, the deployment of federal forces to their districts. And if anyone had any illusion about what Jimmy Dore was calling for, he actually called for local police to fire on federal forces if they try to deploy anywhere in the US. I could not believe what I was hearing – this is/was, a blatant call for civil war. Some may dismiss this as the rantings of a comedian – I wouldn’t, I don’t live in the US, but what Dore said chilled me to the bone, because if it is indicative of a broader opinion within the Democratic Party hierarchy, then the US is headed for a nightmare scenario. It would only take one or two incidents, where local police engage in a gun fight with federal forces to start a broader conflagration that could then spread, & hello, a second US civil war will be underway.
Americans like Dore, maybe sensible last week(?), now going crazy…. aren’t the only ones “losing it” under pressure.
My wife brought this to my attention just now:
Now here is delectable digital irony, demonstrating that almost EVERY sword these days…...is double-edged:
see if you can read their minds….lol:
“……………………Mr. Putin remains firmly in control. And independent polling shows he still enjoys a 60 percent approval rating, though the figure has been falling.
But the events in Khabarovsk have shown that the well of discontent is such that minor events can ignite a firestorm. The weekend crowds have been so large that the police have not tried to control them — even though the protesters did not have a permit, let alone a clear leader or organizer.
And with Russians switching en masse from television, which is controlled by the government, to the largely uncensored internet to get their news, the state can easily lose its grip on the narrative.”
ME: You too, Deep State Mouthpiece For CIA Demons! YOU are losing your grip! You CLOWNS!!!
“Khabarovsk, a city of 600,000 close to the eastern terminus of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Chinese border, had not seen any protests of much significance since the early 1990s. That changed after July 9, when a SWAT team dragged the governor, Sergei I. Furgal, out of his car and whisked him to Moscow on 15-year-old murder accusations.”
I remain optimistic about both nations
And their mutual diplomatic relations.
Although I cannot explain that in rhyme…..on such short notice….at this time. LOL.
Khabarovsk is a tempest in a teacup. The governor, legally elected not too long ago, made his fortune during the wild ’90’s. He has been a good governor for the relatively short time he’s been in office, but the two (three?) murder accusations are being prosecuted and he was arrested in publik by FSB.
As for the demonstrations, regardless of what our sage Sharei says it’s but a couple or so thousands if that on weekends protesting. Militsiya has not made a big deal of the demonstrations even though they don’t have the required permits, and the demonstrators themselves told the top brass in Militsiya that they were not demonstrating, they had gathered spontaneously in the large park to feet the doves. Militsiya grinned, told them to keep the noise down and then left.
It’s the relations between Russia and China that to some degree, however small, depends on the US election.
China’s covert copying not only has aggravated the Russia/Chinese relationship but imho the Houston Chinese Consulate mess is a far more serious offense than people understand.
I don’t think anything will come of the following, but something is amiss and may surface later somewhere, somehow.
US invites Russia to summit countering China
“US President Donald Trump has announced his intent to host an expanded 11-member summit, also including Russia, South Korea and Australia, in a move to counter China.”
Second Text…
Russia may be withholding missile deliveries to China
Moscow has reputedly stalled on shipping S-400 mobile missile defense systems to Beijing as ties strained by various controversies
JULY 29, 2020
“Moscow has also reportedly bridled at Beijing’s covert copying and drive to ratchet up indigenous research and development of key defense parts and technologies to ease its reliance on Russian products.”
Note- Moscow has turned a blind eye to Israeli operations inside Syria and rarely commented on Israel’s actions. In addition, Russia refuses to activate the modern air defence systems it had brought into Syria, especially the S-300 system, as there seems to be a tacit agreement with Washington and Tel Aviv on the issue.https://thearabweekly.com/likely-provocation-russia-iran-lays-hand-syrian-air-defences
Are cracks appearing in Russia-China ties after the People’s Liberation Army’s border skirmishes with India and an espionage case involving a senior Russian official?
Moscow is Beijing’s most important de facto ally as both face a more belligerent Washington. Chinese President Xi Jinping has enjoyed tight ties with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin as both authoritarian leaders seek to stay in power and advance their geostrategic interests.
Yet the suspicious suspension of Moscow’s shipment of its ace S-400 Triumf mobile air defense missile systems since at least February may signal a breakdown in the camaraderie.
Chinese news portals including NetEase and Sohu have reported a delay in the delivery of S-400 mobile missiles to the Chinese military. They cited the Chinese Defense Ministry and Beijing’s ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Moscow Zhang Hanhui as blaming the Covid-19 epidemic for the delay.
Chinese state media has maintained that China-Russia military ties and arms deals will remain impervious to the global pandemic and the West’s supposed plot to sow dissension.
S-400 anti-aircraft missiles, known for having the longest range of their kind worldwide, have figured large in Beijing’s big-ticket Russian arms deals. The S-400 is reportedly able to engage thirty-six targets simultaneously.
That capability would be crucial as Beijing seeks to ramp up military pressure on Taiwan’s Pacific-facing littoral waters from the mainland’s southeastern Fujian province.
In 2014, Beijing became the first foreign buyer of the hypersonic S-400 that was then offered at US$300 million per launch unit. The system’s long-range would allow the PLA to target Taiwan proper as well as its fighter jets including F-16s deployed along the island’s Pacific coast.
Beijing’s acquisition of the S-400, initially consisting of six batteries, also allows the PLA to cover the disputed Senkaku Islands, aka Diaoyu, from its northern province of Shandong. Japan also claims the islands. In 2018, the PLA successfully launched and hit a supersonic target projectile with the S-400 during a drill in China’s far west.
NetEase reported that Beijing has expressed its understanding after the S-400 production by Fakel Machine-Building Design Bureau was “hobbled” by Covid-19 outbreaks in Russia. Yet the coronavirus may not be the only factor jamming the gears of the high-stakes military cooperation between the two nations.
A union-busting espionage case involving China in Russia was recently revealed by Indian news agency ANI. It claimed that Russia’s FSB nabbed Valery Mitko, director of a social science institute in St Petersburg affiliated with the Russian government, in February on grounds of treason.
Charges leveled at Mitko include feeding Chinese agents intelligence about Russian sonar and submarine detection technologies while he was a visiting scholar at the Dalian Maritime University in northeastern China back in 2016.
Hong Kong’s Ming Pao daily also cited sources within China that Beijing’s embassy in Moscow had a dedicated office “guiding” the regiment of Chinese students, visiting scholars and contractors in the county to glean classified information about the Russian military and aerospace and nuclear sectors.
Moscow has also reportedly bridled at Beijing’s covert copying and drive to ratchet up indigenous research and development of key defense parts and technologies to ease its reliance on Russian products. Chinese orders have long been a lifeline for ailing Russian defense suppliers.
The most salient case of Beijing’s endeavor is the J-20 fighter. Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group, manufacturer of the fifth-generation stealth jet, has been trialing homemade engines, including the Emei that is modeled after a Russian design, to propel the most advanced warplane of the Chinese Air Force. The J-20 previously relied on Russia’s Salyut AL-31 turbofan engine to get airborne and break the sound barrier.
While Moscow’s ties with Beijing come under apparent strain, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu has reportedly reached an agreement with his Indian counterpart Rajnath Singh to fast-track the production and delivery of the five S-400 sets India bought for $5.5 billion in 2018. The first batch will be delivered by 2021.
Moscow has also bagged big orders from New Delhi while the latter is on a spending spree on equipment from overseas to replenish its arsenal. Russian military firms have emerged as a beneficiary of India’s standoff with China along their disputed Himalayan border, which descended into crude violence in mid-June, resulting in the deaths of at least 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown toll on the Chinese side.
New Delhi’s $2.4 billion shopping list with Moscow includes 21 MiG-29 fighters, 12 Su-30 jets, upgrades to 59 existing MiG-29s as well as more than 200 air-to-air missiles.
The big-ticket arms deals have incensed many Chinese netizens, with a tirade of posts on WeChat and Weibo lambasting Russia’s “perfidious profiteering” from China’s tensions with India.
“Don’t expect any backing from Russia when China is in a war, but beware of a stab in the back from Putin,” read one post.
For now, Chinese state media has opted to play down Moscow’s military dealings with New Delhi. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said last week that this year’s reciprocal state visits by Chinese and Russian leaders would go ahead as scheduled.
Dream on. At this time, a virtually publicly announced, Mat Rossiya and Katai are strong comrades and allies if for no other reason than they both either swim together or sink together. Methinks they will swim together for a long time, longer than most of us will be around for sure.
The Modi government’s arms purchases from Russia are part of a silly drama to persuade Indians that they have not lost territory to China and that the position is not hopeless. It’s quite sensible as damage control. The fault lies with Modi’s sidekick, the sly bully Amit Shah, who drunk with the victory of his goons and police over some of Delhi’s Muslim slums decided to go all out and threaten to take over Aksai Chin, part of China’s BRI lifeline. China did what it had to. Now Russia is going along with Modi’s little drama. It’s not going to make any difference to China. So why not? Think of it as win-win all around except for the citizens of India stuck with Modi and Shah.
Original illustration for those interested. Free to use under creative commons license 6.
Nice work Kent! What is the reference to 1902 and Four Mile Grove Cemetary?
@ Serbian girl
Just a nice picture of a cemetery entrance from the web, Four Mile Grove Cemetery in Meriden, Illinois, https://images.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2018/135/CEM105716_1526507331.jpg .
And no, it isn’t the one from Romero’s masterpiece “Night Of The Living Dead” – that one was The Evans City Cemetery in Pennsylvania, https://maps.roadtrippers.com/us/evans-city-pa/points-of-interest/night-of-the-living-dead-graveyard
Pleasant dreams :-)
No particular reference. Context and individual perception is what matters.
Made this one on request from the Saker. No boundaries in terms of interpretation of content of article specified. Free hands as I prefer.
Thank you
Trump VS Biden and us-russia relations are tricky questions.
First the last developments. Trump is saying that if the Russian bounty question is real he will respond in kind. Then the pentagon is saying that the US will withdraw 12000 troops and that some of these troops will go back to the US and the others will be deployed closer to Russia.
So here we can see that Trump or not the anti Russia policy keeps going and escalating. In terms of foreign policy Trump has been a complete failure. What he has done regarding Iran russia and China is bad very bad (open skies inf jcpoa sanctions threats and the list goes on).
I would argue that the internal struggle inside us ruling elite which followed Trump s election has worsened us foreign policy. This struggle worsened greatly us rethoric and threats and decisions. I would argue that this struggle leads to a more dangerous and instable foreign policy. This struggle will continue especially if Trump gets elected again. I cannot imagine the reactions of the democrats deep state if Trump is elected again in 2020. The level of madness coming from them would be crazy. Trump is clearly too weak to oppose them. The US would go completely insane and that in my opinion would be the worse scenario. This is why I think Trump is more dangerous than Biden. Not because his policy is worse no. But because his reelection would trigger unprecedented madness from the democrats and that Trump is too weak to keep that madness under control.
Virtually every single sentence of yours past the first two are patently absurd.
Sentence # 3: Campaign optics. Trump knows the Failing New York Times that floated the stupid Bounty Thing is a bigger enemy than any other. “IF”…those 2 letters say it all. And you run with the ball, even though the handoff was FAKE.
Sentence # 4: Define “some”….and “closer” and WHO in the Pentagon? Ghosts…wisps of smoke.
Sentence # 5, 6, 7 “Very bad” to expose and trap Deep State operatives like they have NEVER been exposed before………..and avoid a Big War they are praying to Satan for Trump to blunder into?? Change your eye wear.
Sentence # 8. The main war is one the home turf and Trump is gaining the upper hand. Until After the election much of foreign policy is pure deception….not so much against foreign states…but the Deep State…the Primary Adversary. After November 5th the fog and smoke and mirrors will clear up remarkably.
Sentence # 9: rhetoric, threats, decisions “worse”???. Come on, man! You’re forgetting Trump’s gift of Elton John’s “Rocket Man” to Kim Il Jung. Are you completely lacking in sense of humor???
“and the list goes on”……LOL
But absolutely most ridiculous is: “I cannot imagine the reactions of the democrats deep state if Trump is elected again in 2020.”
Oh, I CAN!
Bring it ON, Baby!
And I can’t wait to see them in handcuffs shortly thereafter!
You however, are intimidated by their insanity and tripping over your frightened, confused words……anxious to capitulate to them as quickly as possible.
“… And I can’t wait to see them in handcuffs shortly thereafter …”
You mean … just like you saw Hillary Clinton “go to jail” – after Trump had solemnly “promised” (trumpeted) in 2016 that she immediately would?… Oh dreams, dreams, sweet dreams man…
12000 troops will be withdrawn from Germany (I forgot that). Some of these troops will be deployed closer to russian borders.
So what Trump has accomplished during 4 years:
– fired Flynn
-hired neocons like Pompeo, Esper
-give everything to Israel including Jerusalem
-put sanctions on nord stream 2
-deployed more troops in the middle east
-tried four times to make a coup in Venezuela
-put sanctions on venezuela
-withdrew from jcpoa
-killed soleimani
-bombed 2 times Syria
-destroyed any relations with Iran, Russia and China
-started a trade war with China
-withdrew from open skies treaty and inf treaty
-threatens to redeploy nuclear missiles in Europe and to deploy some in Asia
-increased provocations near Russia and China with both US air force spy planes and bombers and US navy warships.
All of this seems very close to what Obama would have done its even worse at least Obama made the best deal possible with Iran. Trump even destroyed that deal to please Israel. And you think Trump will put the deep state in jail? Come back to earth.
I am not intimidated I see things clearly. Trump surrendered to the deep state after a month when he decided bombing Syria in 2017 was a great idea. Trump is in no position to fight the deep state. He is weak cornered and expendable. Very dangerous situation.
Bro 93
that appears to be righteous commentary..words up! indeed likewise all you contributions this thread
there are a few in here by their commentary almost inspirational. my own paltry additions are sorry by comparative..underpinned as they are often by hypo-glycemic unawareness..my excuse for too often forgetting I must edit my posts!
I have not enjoyed a thread as I have this one in a long long time..on the erudite, and a time or two quite funny contributions above.
my impression of the trouble in the USA is not that the deep state is losing control at all but that there is a color revolution in progress over which the deep state does in fact have complete control.
I find it difficult to understand why so many here do not even raise the possibility of color revolution in progress and that we are all being manipulated at a very high and comprehensive level..at least to consider that possibility. america may not be falling apart but being deliberately broken apart, by those who have and retain the means/power to control the process to guide the overall situation into a shape that they desire at the end of it all
what is Russia to do? I don’t know but staying far seems some kind of of kind of option but what would that accomplish at the end of the day? Russia, China all of the world will be facing a terrible america when this is over..a totally monopoly focused and capitalist america totally dominated by the deep state, all popular opposition laid low, in the process of being permanently elimination as any source of challenge to the the top down socially reality of america
and a focused means one emerging once again in military superiority, catching up with Russia…surpassing even?
it looks to me that the future will be a great challenge for Russia in particular to keep up. China should be able to and with Russia in tow maybe Russia will be be safe ultimately..that is if those two remain as opposition locus and are not regime-changed themselves. now doubt such games are afoot currently..are always afoot until they are no longer needed
I don’t know but maybe it would be better to Russia to take it’s chances and get in their with its own ‘color process’ to regime america at this time which despite of the obvious and total deep state manipulations, appears to be most opportune to sink the USA
were I Putin I would not be sitting in Moscow twiddling my thumbs staying far away and hoping that america sinks on its own weight. I don’t think it will! I am convinced at the end of this we will see a unified USA from the top down as I have tried to describe it..with the elites in absolutely power
and Moscow… with all the Russian brains that surely are minutely analyzing the situation, are always doing so indeed… are aware of whats going on comprehensively, and consequently of the Russian interest in the situation currently and long term.. and have evolved plans that would seek to ensure the Russian interest. and those plans absolutely must involve Russian options of direct if clandestine involvement to bring about desired Russian results in that process.
sitting down and doing nothing in Moscow is not an option at all. thats ridiculously suicidal! you must be in with a chance to achieve your goals and that never involves doing nothing! there is no policy in fact that does not involve the suicidal element at this point… so one must calculatedly go for the goal that would resolve the situation in ones favour, to eliminate the suicidal potential right here and now. and such a Russian goal at this coincides with the interests of the majority of nations and people in the world
Zionist monopoly american capitalism must die..there is no other alternative for the world at this time..for Russia and China and us all. and if the Russian and Chinese can engineer the total collapse of American Capitalism at this opportune time then the world would be grateful..saved for a while yet. doing nothing is not an option
what troubles me about the claim that the american state is losing control of the situation is that for the most part I don’t see ordinary/middle class americans are not on the streets in protest in any kind of numbers that threaten the status quo. I don’t know, I am not certain. I don’t live in the USA but from all I have been able to gather that is indeed the case..the working/middle classes are by their greatest parts, are staying at home under Covid lock down..?
out in the streets are organizations which are clearly fifth columns..Antifa, BLM etc. they are not the revolution or sincerely represent the popular interest in any major way. the people out in the streets, the millions suddenly unemployed by stock market failure etc! where are these people?
the only relevant fact I noted in this direction were the militias, both Black and White, separate but weaponized organized and marching in the south, are apparently sincere movements in the sense that they do not appear to be creations of the intelligence agencies. thats a good sign of real opposition if they are for real and are exemplary of a lot more of that nature already going on, to come..and soon
but the working and middle classes must be out there by their millions…spontaneous and basically unprompted and unorganized save by their very close and relevant unions, in response to and guided by their worker/middle class interests in the USA.
the working and middle classes in total revolt would be the power that can take the US state away from the elites..who can really cause breakup of the USA for real, pre-empting reorganization by the elites..who appear to be smashing america tp protect themselves from the revolution..and to reorganize america in their total image, likeness and interest..at the full and comprehensive expense of everybody else in america..in the world really!
if the american elite succeeds I would hate to see america in 50 years time. I wont be alive but that is not a thought I play with beyond my comments here
Praise be to God for the voices of perception.
China Russia working on dedollarisation….only 46% transactions in dollars now cf very high percentages before ….
Yes. Trump has been a disappointment for caving to the demands of the deep-state, NATO ( on some issues ), Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE, and is definitely not diplomatic in any way, however, at least Trump has not started any new foreign hot wars. Biden is without question senile, and is also from the Obama administration, which maintained 2 wars and started 5 news wars. It is highly likely that if Biden is elected, the cabinet would be filled with DNC hard line pro war candidates, many of whom have littered cabinets dating at least back to Clinton. That is extremely dangerous. It is an extremely pro-war party, and the only times that they have ever been happy with Trump is when he was creating conflict that they demanded with Russia, Venezuela, and Syria. They are in fact so pro NATO, and so pro-China that it is actually to the point of treason. Those are not legitimiate policies either. In Trump’s case, his chosen demonization of Iran is the most problematic, renegging on an established foreign policy deal is just not a good idea because it destroys credibility, and refusing to adhere to the START treaty is terrible and dead wrong, but congress is equally responsible for that because congress holds the purse strings, and the fact that they allowed it is equally heinous. There will be no actual winners in the 2020 election, regardless of who wins, as far as the American voters are concerned.
Andrea Iravani
“But because his reelection would trigger unprecedented madness from the democrats and that Trump is too weak to keep that madness under control.”
I agree. But to fold to this and vote for Biden is to capitulate to an implied threat–i.e., political blackmail. If we don’t get what we want you will be sorry. We will create mayhem, version 2.0. We have already seen Version 1.0
I don’t think this should be rewarded. It is a real drag that Trump doesn’t seem to be capable of assembling a competent team. At this point Barr is looking competent. I thought his speech was pretty good. If someone of Barr’s intelligence and experience were Trump’s chief of staff things might look a bit more optimistic. I certainly can grasp the point made up-thread that electing Trump would give Russia and China four more years to get the world to a better place. I am NOT a “Trump supporter” but I am even LESS a “Biden supporter.”
Trump must get ride of Jared and Ivanka. He must get rid of Pompeo.
If someone could make clear to him that that is the condition for many to vote for him who otherwise will not—wonder whether it would sink in with him. He must start NOW to talk about his new cabinet, chief of staff, national security advisor, and SecState.
Otherwise Biden’s VP pick will be our next president.
Would it be possible to post the Wagenknecht video with a separate URL somewhere on the net? I can send this link to view but I have some people who would not get to the video and I would specifically like them to see it.
@ Steven Starr
Is this what you wanted: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7uu5fk ,
… oder, das Original in Deutsch: “USA – aggressivste Militärmacht der Welt. Wer solche Freunde hat, braucht keine Feinde” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3T9YKho2Yk
Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht:
P.S. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201801101060653442-beauty-germany-politicians-wagenknecht-merkel/
“… the most powerful force in the US political system must be the financial sector. And, of course, there are many other powerful interest groups (MIC, Israel Lobby, the CIA and the ridiculously bloated Intel community, Big Pharma, the US Gulag, the corporate media, Oil, etc.) who all combine their efforts (just like a vector does in mathematics) to produce a “resulting vector” which we call “US policies”.
Absolutely correct. The “resulting vector” is as plain as day — to war. All vectors lead to war — the great AmeriKKKan unifying issue.
Morgan Freeman spelled out quite clearly why this upcoming war will be for AmeriKKKa, as usual, a retaliation against Russia’s unprovoked, still ongoing attack on AmeriKKKa.
” “… the most powerful force in the US political system must be the financial sector. And, of course, there are many other powerful interest groups (MIC, Israel Lobby, the CIA and the ridiculously bloated Intel community, Big Pharma, the US Gulag, the corporate media, Oil, etc.) who all combine their efforts (just like a vector does in mathematics) to produce a “resulting vector” which we call “US policies”. ”
But no mention of certain tribal group with a disproportional amount of power. Seems very telling.
Usa will collapse, dollar will collapse…every day we read and listen about this
Today dollar crossed 73 rubles …
Why is dollar getting stronger and ruble weaker every day if USA is doing so bad and Russia so well
Look at the euro short term.
The dollar is getting stronger??
This week, gold priced in USD reached an all-time nominal high and is reaching for 2k.
Btw Russia earned more in gold exports than gas exports in April- May this year.
It’s not dollar vs ruble/euro etc but dollar vs gold.
“The dollar is getting stronger??”
An example of “the American Dream” which others refer to as “The American induced coma”.
I very much agree with The Saker: “This is a dangerous and highly unstable moment in our history.” All appear to be preparing for war. But can care and vigilance avoid the apocalyptic war no one wants?
USA annualised economic growth fell 32.9 % last quarter …recovery not looking that good .. figures out today .
OK, but why is then dollar still running high
Does anyone think the US economy would recover properly under Biden and the DEMs ?
Not a chance. Would take at least 5 yrs.
If Biden were elected he would be hopeless – like Carter.
In anycase he’s been chosen as the dud candidate with medical problems so they can slide Hillary or some other obnoxious creature in later.
This eco slide would have happened regardless of if Trump had been in office or not – it is more tied in with NWO plans and mkt forces.
Its a pity there isnt a third good independent candidate to give another choice.
Thats what Tulsi should have been aiming at.
“Thats what Tulsi should have been aiming at.”
What would happen if Tulsi announced her candidacy on a Third Way platform?
We can only hope Tulsi does so and bleeds the DEMS and GOP of key blocks of votes.
But its a bit late to do so now.
A three way split would not work at this time – perhaps in 2024.
It depends on how many old style DEM voters will support the current lot as the defections will be in the DEMS, not the GOP.
For an Independent to win she would need to get over a third of the vote plus have some other EC delegates defect to her camp, or perhaps Trump order so or do a deal where Tulsi or he becomes VP.
Regardless of who wins in Nov there will be continued chaos as a DEM win would result in reactionary conduct by the GOP supporters. Civil war has started and cannot be avoided.
Best thing Trump OR Biden could do is name Tulsi as VP.
The money changers and their running dogs the Democrats are causing at the political chaos in US. Soros being the chief funder of all this.
The best thing that Trump could do is smash the FED into a thousand pieces, or ban any form of non US ownership and control.
They are the same lot who want attacks on Russia because of alliances with Syria and Iran and money issues.
The US Nov election is likely to see the silent majority of voters see thru who is behind this chaos and vote for Trump and Republicans and demand he deal with rioters and those supporting them.
Ordinary people in US UK EU will not blindly follow politicians into wars like in WW1 & WW2 . Just look at what Vietnam did to US. In fact the VN effects are the root cause of all the chaos now because the 60s war protestor drug addict generation is running the DEMS (aka Clintons/Pelosi/Biden).
It will be a grave tactical political mistake for any western leader to think they can commence a war with Russia and think they will be popular and survive in office long or their parties. Merkel and Macron are fools if they think they will merge forces and repeat 1812 & 1941 and the public will support such a fight to please EU elites.
A Trump win in Nov would see more DEM organized rioting and attempts to oust him however it he will have the fresh mandate to deal with it. Trump should order the army to deal with them (or better still authorize all armed citizens to do so) and demand the DOJ arrest the DEM ringleaders of it and the Big Tech swine who are tampering with the election by filtering content.
Most Americans fail to realize both them and Russia are both at war with the elite EU moneychangers.
Events in US since Trump are akin to the 1776 War of Independence with the DEMS the Benedict Arnolds who must be destroyed.
The MC’s have setup this 5th column domestically and and internal civil war has just commenced.
China has a slice of it too which also make them the enemy.
I suspect in the end like 1776 the patriots will prevail but it will be a fight to the death.
It seems that regardless of who gets electec, it will be blamed on Russia. Trump just turned the DNCs worst nightmare into a self-fullfilling prophecy, suggesting that the election can be delayed until people are able to vote safely at the polls, since the DNC and many states are sending ballots to every voter and are not allowing in person voting. Trump is definitely right that refusing to allow in person voting increases risks of election fraud.
Ballot fraud would be nearly impossible to detect if in person voting is banned. It is not a secret that a tremendous amount of election fraud takes place each election with large numbers of deceased voters casting ballots in elections. Since they are deceased, logic would dictate that it is either fraud, or extreme paranormal activity. I will go with fraud, because I know that if I were ever to visit the earth after death, it would not be to cast a ballot for a corrupt politician!
If fraudsters know with absolute certainty that the voter will not show up at the polls, the ballot cast by the voter can be destroyed and replaced with another ballot.
Trump really has to to Fauci, “You’re Fired!” That is why Trump was elected!
The covid hysteria and response to it is simply gas-lighting, like 9/11 and the wars were, and all gas-lighting is for the purpose of theft, and all gas-lighters are psychopaths. It is a war, without declaring a war, because if it is undeclared, it cannot be protested! Anyone can supposedly contract the coronavirus, with scant and outright fraudulent evidence that they have contracted it, and then they are the enemy. It is totally unconstitutional and is a form of extrajudicial destruction of people’s lives! It is a total Nazi tactic! The Nazis, and the British had hospitals that people spent their entire lives in on the grounds that they carried Typhoid. They spent their entire lives in solitary confinement in a hospital.
This will undoubtedly head in that direction if it is not stopped!
Andrea Iravani
Excellent and informative article. I add a note of critique, not criticism. The first amendment, or freedom of expression, however we may call it, is daily and constantly being erased from the Constitution and from culture at large.
I concur with referring to the ‘Anglo-Zionists” as co-protagonists, actually protagonists of the political-social-cultural moment. And again and of course, not all Jews are Zionists. But Zionism is the official voice of Judaism. And Judaism, as a religion, as a nation and as a culture has an inherent, millenarian built-in hatred of “the other”, specifically now Europe and people of European-ethnicity, as the inheritors of Christianity.
Zionism is a social cancer. Its excesses during the Weimar Republic led to Hitler. Its current grip on the US levels of power and politics are pointing in a similar direction, or (maybe) to a civil war. So far the victims were the peoples of the Middle East. The next victims will be much nearer to home, maybe even ourselves.
In the meantime, that we must refrain from calling the enemy by its own name or soften the impact by that euphemistic ‘Anglo’ addition, is an obvious, yet meaningful sign of the times.
For there are many ‘Anglo’-Zionists also in Latin America. Though ‘Latino-Zionists’ does not glide that well on the tongue.
In the end, however unnecessary, I plead with the Author to disregard my comment and to continue with the euphemism. For the current situation (most of) the world well knows, yet none knows well how to limit the causes that lead the world to this hell.
The system of sustainable dysfunctionalism and sustaintable corruption in America is imploding on itself. America will never be great again until the corruption ends. The bureaucracy is for the purpose of sustaining the dysfunctionalism and the corruption. All disputes with any agency are to be reported the higher authority within each agency. Reporting to any other agency only results in the run around. When the legal system is corrupt, which it is, there is no resolution to the dysfunctionalism or the corruption.
Andrea Iravani
“America will never be great again until the corruption ends”
Many conflate 2 continents with a component state – The Americas with “The United States of America”.
Consequently representatives of “The United States of America” will likely be complicit through their practices of “Making America Great Again” thereby facilitating the transcendence of “The United States of America” , since for myriad reasons it is unlikely that “The United States of America” is reformable, as was the case of “The Soviet Union”.
Mr. Trump’s mantra of “MAGA” replicating the utilities of “Full Spectrum Dominance” and “The End of History”.
Comparing the USSR to the USA is a fundamentally flawed comparison, since the USSR was comprised of heavily populated regions and peoples with long histories under each with previous governmental, cultural, linguistic histories as established countries that voluntarily agreed to join the USSR, but later had disputes. It is nt a legitimate comparison. The overwhelming majority of people that currently live in America voluntarily chose to migrate to America from other countries. Comparing the United States to Canada would be a truer comparison.
Andrea Iravani
“Comparing the USSR to the USA ..”
No comparison was taking place except in the hologram of your interpretation of
“since for myriad reasons it is unlikely that “The United States of America” is reformable, as was the case of “The Soviet Union”.”
an encouraged conflation facilitated by “as was” which you interpreted as a facilitator of comparison.
Wise practitioners never resort to analysis by precedent/comparison even in respect of “myriad reasons” which are neither, common, constant nor synonymous.
Resort to analysis by comparison is a practice of spectators re-enforcing their spectatorship, which if indulged in by would be practitioners renders them spectators and/or dead, as in the case of Mr. Guevara and his misguided associates – although Mr. Guevara “forgetting” his asthma medication and the US facilitation of Mr. Barbie’s contemporaneous presence in Bolivia were contributory factors.
Enjoy your journey.
If that is your belief, then I suggest that you take your own advice and stop resorting to analysys by comparison claiming that what had happened to the USSR will happen in America. Removed. No personal attacks on other commenters. Mod. This is quite a double standard to claim that on the one hand it is unfair to compare the U.S. to the USSR, but on the other hand, it is legitimate to compare the U.S. to the USSR. Corruption does not guarantee that the America dissolves into separate countries, in fact, the United States happened to have fought a civil war over that, and remained United as one nation. The USSR was never one country. It was similar to the E.U. but with expanded central authority and power.
Andrea Iravani
This ignores the history of the Russian empire. And the Prussians and Hapsburgs for that matter.
Speaking of “popular diplomacy,” I’ve been thinking it might be time for another Putin piece like his 2013 op-ed in The New York Times, appealing to the decency of common Americans to understand the lunacy of Russophobia and perpetual war, and the universal benefits of a US-Russian entente cordiale. Even if he doesn’t go after the obvious administration insiders wrecking every well-intentioned effort to bring about normal relations, he may strike a chord referencing historical examples of such friendship at times of America’s greatest need, as when Catherine the Great rejected George III’s request to help England suppress the American Revolution, and when Alexander II came to Lincoln’s aid against British support for the Secession. A little bit of history (seriously lacking in US political discourse) can go a long way to show how the British Empire and its post-WW2 heirs have always been at the core of intelligence plots to abort US-Russia cooperation, all the way up to the current “bounty-gate” dossier ginned up by none other than “ex” MI-6 operative Christopher Steele, miraculously revived after being thoroughly trashed for his earlier pack of lies, for which he’s been sued (and lost) in British civil courts.
cf. https://www.stalkerzone.org/why-england-was-always-the-worst-enemy-of-russia/?fbclid=IwAR1h45eA0iuxxEYECfWkg7KuIZYfgo6l6pdtGYtEelwQfgteUBiNgK2MOQE
On 28th of July Seward said: “Russia is woefully understrength in Kaliningrad.”
Well Sir, I hate to break it to ya but in re to Kaliningrad, there is a very, very, very nasty surprise awaiting any armed flotilla that tries to blockade Kaliningrad. All those US/NATO sailors and officers will quickly find themselves at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in Davy Jones Locker.
Respectfully submitted,
Tikhon Bogomolov
As others have seen and noted, America is on the downward slope to a complete collapse. America’s political leadership are insane members of a fun house with twisted mirrors at every step. At this point the collapse cannot be stopped are both democrats and republicans are cynically using the pandemic to achieve various agendas which have nothing to do with saving the American people.
So the question becomes how will this internally collapsing empire act out and lash out? The worst one is a President Biden with the approval of the democratic party base and media teaching the Russians a few lessons by golly. The democratic party base marinated in Russian xenophobia will want some substantial payback for their perceived insults by Putin. Any meeting with Putin will be theater to openly insult Putin and show that Biden is a man who don’t take no shit. Biden can offer many Americans an emotional catharsis by attacking Russia in the midst of their economic despair.
With a President Trump who knows. His behaviors can defy reason. But more than likely he will turn inward and do such things as crush the BLM movement, create tent cities for the millions of homeless, declare martial law. Trump’s problem in this case is to ensure that the Pentagon and State Departments do not go off and act on their own.
In the end who knows but Saker offers sage advice to the world as America collapses: hold tight and see what happens and act as the only adult in the room.
The State Department Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of any person who acting at the direction or under the control of the foreign government and interferes with the US elections by engaging of certain criminal cyber activities,” he said Wednesday.
My dear Saker, apologies, my comment is a little tangential to your article. I was wryly amused by the thought of the U.S. State Department being forced to hand over $ 10 million to the Saker blog after we delivered an avalanche of evidence showing malign Israeli interference in U.S. elections.
Warm regards,
I have to admit, I completely fail to understand any American government attitude against ‘foreign influence’ in their elections.
For a start, I see nothing, other than other sovereign states doing their best to advertise their own politics/principles. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone does it, it’s generally called diplomacy.
Yet Yankees have been exploding for several years about other governments simply trying to explain their disagreements with their domestic gvernments attitudes, and behaviour.
This should not be seen as extreme. You need to understand that most of the world is not American.
What is good for America is generally not seen as being best for the world.
Of course, most Americans don’t care. Like all the rest of us, they want their almighty government to simple supply the best result for the average citizen.
I have to say, The US government has been very good at creating a filthy rich upper class. As has the Chinese government, but the Chinese Communistic Peoples Party has been craploads better at improving the average punter, from admittedly, a very low base.
The problem is, in America, it’s always the rich that dominate politics. Beleive it or not, that doesn’t happen in China or Russia, not anymore. It’s more based on what they can do for their people
Tragically, I don’t believe that moist politicians in the US are interested in their constituents. They are too busy playing that game, being self-important.
Americans, you should not vote for Democrats or Republicans. They are always playing you, which is easy in a two-hand game. And that’s what most western countries have a choice of: one set of Conservative wankers next to a Liberal set of wankers.
Figure it out, they are all the same. Don’t vote for any of them.
The events in Kenosha were distorted by the MSM and flipped the story on its head. The guy shot by the police is the villain and Rittenhouse acted in self defense. Even the NYT said that. Here are 2 links supporting this.