[This article was written for the Unz Review]
First, what’s the deal with this obsession about bombing entire nations back into the “stone age”?
Very interesting article in RT today: “IDF chief turned PM candidate touts body count & bombing Gaza into ‘stone age’ in campaign ad” (please read the full thing – it is short and very enlightening). When I saw that, I immediately had a flash back to a (truly brilliant, if evil) US diplomat, James Baker, who promised Iraqi Prime Minister Tarik Aziz (whom the Empire kept in jail until his death in spite of the fact that 79 year old man suffered from depression, diabetes, heart disease, and ulcers) that the Empire would “bring it back to the stone age“.

Benny Gantz – the new face of “Western civilization”?
Now, Benny Gantz is your typical Israeli Zionazi nutcase with all that entails, but this can hardly be said of James Baker who was one of the most educated and brilliant diplomats the USA ever produced. So what’s this thing about bringing those who dare defy the AngloZionist Empire back to the “stone age”. Coincidence? You tell me!
I sure don’t think so.
The Israeli butchery in Gaza enjoyed the massive support of the Israeli people who even organized special “viewing locations” for the joy of seeing Palestinian civilians (the vast majority of the people the Israelis murdered in Gaza) massacred. Which is not very different from the way the US Americans (and their European vassals) organized “viewing locations” in their TV sets for the joy of seeing Iraqi civilians (the vast majority of the people the USA and its vassals murdered in Iraq) massacred. The difference is only in numbers: in Gaza the Israelis only murdered “only” about 1500 Palestinians whereas the USA can pride itself on having massacred well over a million Iraqis.
Still not convinced?
Then how about Mr MAGA promising to “devastate” the DPRK? or, even better, to make Iran “SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE” (all in caps as in the original).
Now if this was a schoolyard or, say, a Harley-Davidson biker meeting, I would say that this is just the kind of empty talk of insecure males trying to compensate for their insecurities by clumsily affirming their manhood with roaring macho threats.
After all, in the real world, both the US and Israel got thoroughly whooped each time they took on an enemy which was not defenseless (the best example being, of course, the “Divine Victory” of Hezbollah against Israel (and the US, of course, which had promised a “new Middle East” just before the Israeli attack) in 2006.
But our planet is not a schoolyard and thousands and even millions died as a result of that kind of mindset. And a President who thinks in “tweets” worthy of a 7th grade pimply 13-year old is outright frightening (or, at least, ought to be).
Now it is rather unsurprising that the western Zionazi press would 1) blame it all on the Palestinians and their supporters 2) turn away its prudish eyes from such language and massacres 3) go back to blaming Russia for everything imaginable (and even unimaginable).
What is more interesting is all the self-declared anti-Zionists who actually blame *Russia* for not doing enough to protect Syria, or Iran, or [fill in the blank]. I already thoroughly debunked the flawed logic and arguments of that group in my article “Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria” so I won’t repeat it all here and will assume that the reader will have read that.
And yet, after the latest Israeli air strikes in Syria (which also follow a pattern I predicted here) I am, again, getting panicked emails about Putin/Russia “betrayed/gave up” Syria or how the S-300s/Pantsirs are “not working”, Putin is a “Zionist agent”, etc. Sigh, rolleyes…
[Sidebar: for one thing, that kind of nonsense shows an amazing level of illiteracy in military affairs. Why? Because all these Israeli attacks on (alleged) pro-Iranian or even Iranian positions were small, even if annoying, pinpricks, especially when compared to the very real losses suffered by Iranian and pro-Iranian forces in combat (real combat, not the pretend-combat for Hollywood the Israelis and their US vassals have mostly performed in the past decades). Just because each such pinprick results in hours of Israeli (and pro-Israeli) chest-thumping does not mean that it was in any way effective in deterring Iran or its allies. The truth is that Iran and its allies are all over Syria (they mostly came after the AngloZionist decided to trigger a revolution against Assad – bravo AngloZionist geniuses!!) and that they ain’t leaving].
In Russian this type of behavior, which is really a political manipulation tactic, is called “перевести стрелки” or, roughly, “change focus”, or simply “obfuscate” (again, for a detailed discussion of this, please see my article “Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria“). So let’s bring the focus right back to where it belongs: Israel and the total support the so-called “West” has given it for decades.
By the way, Russia is also guilty, at least in my opinion, of overlooking the plight of the Palestinians (I made my own distress about the Russian position very clear in my piece “It All Depends On Your Values“). And yes, there is most definitely a powerful pro-Israel lobby in Russia too, including, alas, in the Russian White House and even in the Kremlin. But the difference between Russia’s stance towards the issue of Israel and it’s murderous policies and the stance of the West could not be more different anyway. Simply put:
- Russia does condemn Israel when the latter acts in violation of international law and norms of civilized behavior and Russia does offer support, both political and military, to “resistance” countries such as Syria.
- The West supports Israel no matter what and finances and arms it to the teeth and supports its genocidal policies to the hilt.
Most importantly, Russians never say that Israel stands for “Russian values” or is the “only democracy in the Middle-East”. So while Russia does not, to my immense regret and shame, take a truly principle-driven position like Iran, she does not obsequiously use every opportunity to show her total and unconditional love for Israel and everything Israel does.
The difference here is not only one of quantity, but also one of quality or, if you prefer, a quantitative change which eventually leads to a qualitative shift. There is a difference between first looking out for your own self-interest and being a prostitute, is there not?
Blurring or otherwise obfuscating such crucial and profound distinctions is a clever form of deception.
You might ask “but what *are* Russian values then?
What’s the deal with Holy Russia then?!
Fair enough. Right now Russia is still in search of herself. She is a project, a moving target, a nation desperately trying to re-gain her true and full sovereignty and to (finally!) get rid of a powerful 5th columnist gang inside the ruling and wealthy elites who simply want to make more money while aping the West. And yet, even that somewhat confused nation which is looking for her true roots and identity (which might take a very long time, Solzhenitsyn predicted that 200 years would be needed for Russia to truly recover) did not lose the very core of her true civilizational values.

Saint Alexander Nevsky
In the distant 13th century the Russian Prince and Saint Alexander Nevsky famously declared “Не в силе Бог, а в правде” which can be translated as “God is not in force/power, but in truth/justice“.
Many centuries later, in a year 2000 movie (the year Putin came to power) called “Brother 2” a very different kind of Russian hero, Danila Bagrov, has a (now famous) monologue with an American and rhetorically asks him “tell me American, where is strength/power found? In money?” and proceeds to answer himself and say “I think that strength/power is in the truth/justice, he who has the truth/justice is stronger“.
[Sidebar: I am translating the word “pravda” (yes, yes, that same word “pravda” as in the Soviet newspaper) as “truth/justice” as depending on the context it can have either one, or even both, of these meanings. And even more complex Slavic concept of truth would be “istina” which Father Pavel Florensky discussed in this famous book “The Pillar and Ground of the Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters” of which I posted a translated crucial passage here and which I *highly* recommend as a “must read” to anybody interested in understanding the Russian civilization, culture and history]
So one 13th century Russian said that God is in Truth and another 20th century Russian said that strength is in Truth. And both were facing a threat from the West when they made their statements; seven centuries later, and so little has changed… amazing, no?
Not a coincidence if you ask me.

Sergei Bodrov as “Danila Bagrov” in the movie Brother-2
I already hear the reply of those lobotomized by western materialism who will, no doubt, say something along the lines of “oh please! don’t give us this propaganda about “Holy Russia” again! One quick look at Russian history immediately shows that Russia was never so holy and that, in fact, amazing levels of evil, depravity, corruption and even pathological sadism could be found throughout her long and bloody history and also in our times!“.
And I can only admit that there is, alas, much truth to that statement. And there is still much evil, pathology and corruption in today’s Russia, no argument here!
But there is also much this statement is completely missing.
First, right next to an amazing degree of evil and depravity, Russian history is also filled with no less amazing cases of true holiness, from Saint Boris and Saint Gleb to the millions of saints and New Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th century.
But that is not even the main issue here. The main issue here is that the concept of “Holy Russia” is not primarily descriptive, but *prescriptive*. It is a call, an ideal, something which modern people with the crude consumerism and generally materialism-suppressed nous simply cannot understand or even imagine, but which inspired many generations over the 1000 years+ of Russian history to live a life maybe still in the world, but not “of this world” (John 15:19)!
This is why, in spite of three centuries of rule by foreign elites and 70+ years of materialism run amok, an otherwise very modern suspense movie hero like Danila Bagrov can still speak of what the truth is and where it can be found and why the Russian audience “gets it”, even the atheists.
Check out this dialog in this short, English subtitled, excerpt:
Notice something important here: Danila does not think that only the American is a money-worshiping and clueless idiot, he says “even my brother believes [that the truth] is in money“. So yes, there are plenty of nous-suppressed people in Russia too. And I won’t even go into what most Russians who live in the West think as so many of them need to justify their own voluntary exile from Russia by either advocating that Russians resume aping westerners or by declaring that Russia is really no different from any other western country. These are the folks who have rejected any form of true spirituality for a rather bizarre form of worship of consumerism. And yeah, a lot of them are Russian, at least by birth or by language (if not by culture or spirit).
[Sidebar: there was a time when the West was no different from the East in terms of spirituality, ethos, values and even holiness. But that all came to a gradual full stop with each passing century following the breakaway of the Frank-occupied Rome from the rest of the Christian world. Now all is left is either a post-modern wasteland à la Conchita Wurst (see “it” “pray” with Latin officials here – amazing sight to behold indeed!) or a rather nasty nationalist and even racist blow-back to this postmodernism degeneracy à la Alt-Right. What a crying shame after 1000 years of real western Christianity! There have been many western saints and martyrs like SS Boris and Gleb, but there is no “Danila Bagrov” on western TV screens today. All that is left of the once Christian West are thousands of holy relics of western saints nobody cares about, least of all the Pope and his minions at the Vatican…]
Back to our original topic:
And finally, what’s the deal with the “only democracy in the Middle-East“?
What is “Israel” really? It is a democracy only in the modern Russian sense of the word, meaning that “democracy is the power of the democrats“. In this case, these “democrats” happen to be racist nutcases who have a religious belief (literally, see here) in their racist uniqueness and their God-given right to massacre the semi-human goyim (again: literally, see here) and who don’t give a damn about “western values” (well, other than impunity, consumerism and violence). It is most certainly the country which is the only and last *official* racist state on the planet (see here, here, and here).
And contrary to the fantasies of various Jew-haters, this has absolutely nothing to do with “the Jews” or being Jewish, and everything to do with an exceptionally toxic interpretation of the Old Testament by Pharisaic rabbis who developed a God- and man-hating religion in response to the galut (the exile from Palestine of those Jews who rejected Christ) and to the tremendous success of Christianity. As for modern Zionism, it is nothing more than a transposition of the very same racist assumptions and implications of Pharisaic Judaism to a materialistic milieu, that’s all.
Does that make Israeli a part of the “western civilization”?
You tell me!
But if your reply is “yes”, don’t come whining when I point that out to you! And if your reply is “no” – then, tell me: how is it that no western politician can agree with you without risking his career and reputation?
Anyway, I think that it is high time for those who find the mote in Russia’s “eye” to look at the huge and densely populated forest of their own civilization’s “eye” and maybe try to imitate the beautiful example of those westerners who sailed for Gaza and still do all they can to help the oppressed Palestinians, no? And how about showing some gratitude to Iran for being pretty much the only country on the planet not only to support the Palestinians, but actually accept the sacrifice of a lot of lives (and resources) to help them?! Don’t they deserve our gratitude and admiration for their courage?
You really don’t like Putin? Fine. But rather than place your trust and hopes in the lies of Mr MAGA or the Clinton gang, maybe you ought to make Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei your true hero, no? Or, at least, “al-Sayyid Hassan” (Nasrallah)!
If the West persists on it’s current path, it will die like the “sad old man” in Roger Water’s superb title “Dogs”
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it’s going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older
And in the end you’ll pack up and fly down south
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer
And when you loose control, you’ll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it’s too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone
Dragged down by the stone
Time will tell, of course, but my own belief is that both Russia and the West can only be truly saved by a return to the values of repentance and self-limitation which Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote about while still in the Soviet Union in the distant year 1973 (full text in PDF format here). The same Alexander Solzhenitsyn, already in the West a full decade later, also warned us that only a return to true spirituality and God could save the world. Again, I can only agree with him no matter how ridiculous this may sound to western (and Russian!) materialists, “cultural Christians”, or any other nous-suppressed person nowadays.
But that’s only one simple guy’s opinion.
So you, tell me! Where do you think strength comes from? Israel?
The Saker
Remember, all that most people know about military affairs comes from Hollywood movies, where the brave pilots heroically fly through the defenses dodging and weaving until they get to the target and fire the missile that blows up the vitally important thing-a-ma-gig that is the key to victory of the whole battle.
In other words, in a movie, a pinprick is somehow magnified into the key to the great victory and the reason the heroine is presented with a medal and gets the man at the close of the movie. Thus, the audience is trained to accept a pinprick as a great victory.
For a while, they used to make a few movies that did try to capture the scope of a great battle. But they stopped making those movies when it became Morning In America and they put an actor into the White House.
And, of course, there have been a few real battles that turned out very much along the lines of the movies. The obvious example that occurs to me straight away is Midway. A huge Japanese fleet – so huge it was split up into a number of separate parts – sailed towards the island of Miday to occupy it. In spite of the many battleships, cruisers, destroyers and other warships, the core of the Japanese fleet’s strength – indeed, the core of the Japanese nation’s strength – lay in the four aircraft carriers at the centre of the main fleet.
And then, within a few hours, American aircraft suddenly appeared and sank all four carriers. Instead of an irresistible armada, the Japanese fleets were now revealed as a huge array of easy targets spread out thousands of miles from home and safety.
It’s quite ironic that Midway, celebrated by Americans as one of their greatest victories, is emblematic of what would happen today – on a far greater scale – if the USA tried its strength against China or Russia. The American airmen showed heroic bravery, and nevertheless most of them were shot down and died. Kinzhals and the like cannot suffer or be afraid, and they cannot be shot down either.
Tom, the question to ask is: was that huge Japanese armada for real or for show? The world war scenarios are full of make beliefs.
One of the things I have learned not to long ago, contrary to all the tens of books about the war in the Pacific, was that Imperial pre-war Japan was under Americal control. Having found this out, my immediate thought was: “is that for real”, hence another question: “why were the Japanese and American people subjected to war that could have been fake”.
If you believe some people’s assertions that it was essentially (Jewish) bankers’ money that more or less directly allowed Hitler to rise, you start to wonder how much exactly of the past century’s wars was “real”.
I suppose that as a part of this big conspiracy they went and put a bunch of metal on the floor of the pacific to ‘fake’ sunken aircraft carriers?
After the big deal and success of the people who went and found the Titanic on the sea floor, there were numerous other expeditions to go find famous sunken ships. Including the Japanese carriers northwest of the Midway island.
Funny, but a discussion of the real battle would be much more interesting than theories that everything is fake. The early American code breakers broke the Japanese codes, then Admiral Nimitz took a big gamble based on trusting that info, then the American Navy got really, really, really lucky in the resulting battle. I guess I am old fashioned, but I find that story to be far more interesting than discussions that say that Jewish bankers financed Hitler.
what appears decisive to me is that by 1939 western capitalism, like currently, was on its nose, the revolution out in the streets etc. CLR James the great west indian Marxist said they [Marxists circles in England at least] all expected war and post war revolutions..and this time expected that post war revolutions would hold.
James argued that the western powers also anticipated post war revolutions and moved fast to pre empt them post war. yet that same 1939 revolutionary serge was not available after the war. the revolution had been disbursed into nationalist world war, and 6 years older was badly damaged and wasted, worn out.
western capitalism, ripe by the first decades of the 20-century was no longer so threatened by 1945, and proceed to rejuvenate itself by rebuilding massive war damage with its skam banking tricks, constructing massive western military structures at huge interest/profits by the same financial means
so the capitalists came out of the period 1905 to 1945 fresh, smelling like financial roses, began its cycle again, and here we are curently, once again with very ripe capitalism and nowhere to go but to war again..or some horrific reorganization of society to pre-empt the revolution out in the streets again, making society in effort to make society safe once again for capitalism
the way those 40 years went, its end in total capitalist benefit suggests to me massive manipulation of western society to produce the very end that benefit the capitalists, set the capitalist cycle back on line.
the Japanese may have been played as well but more like the Russians who had to fight once they were attacked. the Khazars wanted war but they did not have to tell the Japanese or the Russians that they wanted war..but to create the situation in which they had to fight the massive war brought to them
the British French and Germans were surely in the game and knew that world war was the point of it all and worked for that end with the Khazar bankers, who by 1945 had achieved all they could possibly have wanted..the best of all capitalist worlds
Strength is the by-product of moral values, ethics and righteous action.
These qualities flow from spirituality and self-disciplined behavior.
Agreed, and the basic Christian values of kindness and being gentle and polite come from inner strength, not weakness.
Strenght to me is helping other people and not abusing your power. Even turning the other cheek often. Talking to your advesaries and see if you can create a win win situation. During this period you talk to your family, friends, collegues and other loved ones about it. This in an honest and transparant way. Showing that you care and hate to destroy. But once the limit is reached by actions of the other. You leash out in the strongest way possible when you know it is (very) likely you can achieve victory. Ideally to totally destroy that entity.
Once you did that, you again talk a lot with your loved ones and talk more. Let them know why you did what you did and how you truely disliked that but had to be done for self preservation. Ofcourse with emphasis on that you hated it (the few times I did it I truely hated it even though they deserved it) and prefer win win situations. That will make one strong. That is why I think president Putin is a winner but there is more to why he is.
Another thing to be strong (espeically if combined with the above) is offer solutions to problems others (and maybe you included as well). When you offer a solution to someone that cannot contribute. Do it anyway even if it costs you in the short term. In the long term, you will reap the rewards together with the one you helped. After all, life is messy and sooner or later you will get into issues and need help one day.
To summarise it, be kind, helpful and turn the other cheeck often but have your boundries and utterly destroy someone that has betrayed you again and again. Share your experiences and you will be strong Being strong is a gift that others grant you. It is not something you can demand. When you demand it you are a bully and bullies are obeyed. That is not being strong.
Compaired to the Saker I am a super optimist (smile) and what I see is a world moving into that direction. Compaired to the Yugoslavia times the Syria times are much, much better. Ofcourse it is not perfect, far from that but for the first time in ages you see help from one country to the other. Ofcourse I know there are many countries helping Syria but it is Russia who was decisive. The Syrian people will, because of this, never ever want to do business with the west for the forseeable future (their oil and gas counts).
It is natural that one does business with friends and one with Strenght to protect it all. Out with the enemies. Even if the enemy offers a better deal. So dont forget the importance of loyalty on both sides.
Thanks for reading!
Aus, actually as some people allege, Christ never said “turn the other cheek”. The same people allege, that this was inserted in the later versions of the Bible, just like many other fake stuffs.
Sorry, but the Bible is the inerrant word of God. End of. Those ‘some people’ were enemies. From the Cross till the Second Coming Christ and His Church have been and will be attacked. When the Jews committed deicide they became those ‘some people’ doing satan’s work, along with whomever they corrupted. What is happening is no less the second crucifixion of Christ , His Church, (with it being led from within, nay from the pope), which is prefigured in the Catechism. That means the total loss and abandonment of any sense of Christianity, as happened the first time when the apostles fled (bar one). Then will come the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In these dire times which will get far worse, it is those who hold onto the three theological virtues – Faith, Hope and Charity – who will earn themselves a golden crown in heaven.
Religious fanaticism is SO ennobling. Whether Wahhabist, Opus Dei, Talmudic Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox, Hindutva fascists, murderous Buddhist ‘monks’, Pentecostal lunatics like Bolsanaro and Morrison, Shinto xenophobes like Abe, Free Market Fundamentalists etc, they do vastly more harm then good.
Truth as truth is revealed to me by my affirmation of it.
(from the Saker article link above of Saint Pavel Florensky)
Without truth there is nothing.
Pavel Florensky was certainly an ‘interesting’ religious philosopher, mathematician and scientist. But despite persistent rumors, he was not ‘glorified’ either by the MP or by the ROCOR, although he was executed in Stalin’s purges (not ‘for the faith’) in 1937 and probably led a ‘saintly’ life.
From an Orthodox point of view he got to close to the heresies of Sophianism and Imiaslavie (‘praising the name’ – dogmatic movement which asserts that the Name of God is God Himself, condemned both by Constantinople and by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1912-13). But the attempts of the LGBT ‘theologians’ to make him an advocate of ‘same-sex’ marriage illustrate only their own mental derangement.
What is truth? Is Florensky a saint or not, did he sacrifice his life for the truth and die as a martyr? Did he hide his rational service to Christ from the godless oppressor, did he waiver in the conviction to compromise what he believed for the sake of postponing his life? Or rather, did this man boldly proclaim the faith and die for it— even the godless westerners can not deny that he lived for the truth.
Pavel Florensky is known to be a saint by those Christians and truth-seekers who understand and apply the “truth formula” Florensky himself outlined above: truth is revelation, it is revealed and not known by another way.
Thanks, Saker for your heart-felt views. I feel similarly about Israel and the Jewish “chosen people of god” thing.
However, unless human beings “evolve” beyond their 5 senses and intellectual mind to “integrate” spirituality and “god” in their daily life, truth/justice will remain an intellectual understanding.
One cannot have an “intellectual” understanding of spirituality and god. And to create morals and ethics on belief systems based on “intellectual” understanding of “what is invisible and so beyond our comprehension” will remain “man made” like all religions are, including Orthodox Christianity or whatever religion you want to discuss and dissect.
Excuse me for quoting the bible which I don’t believe in, but for many christian readers, it might resonate:
John 4:23-24 records Jesus saying, “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” What did He mean?
The question remains: What is spirit and truth?
My point is that we cannot “know” spirit with intellectual mind and 5 senses. What then?
The Jewish people are no more “chosen by god” than Islamic, Buddhist, Christians etc…
Light, Love, Beauty and Joy,
the seagull
The mind is not the Intellect.
One has to differentialte between Faith and religion or religious spirituality on one hand and, lets called it modern, spirituality on the other. It is true, that religion contains, as part of its whole, what is called spirituality, it is after all the original source of it, but it is far from the esoteric spirituality wich, can even manifest it self as DEVILWORSHIP, wich it does!
You also postulate, that 2one can not spirit with ones senses2! Nothing could be far from the truth. Your eyes were not created for you to see the road while driving, You have learned to see, the way you see, and if you had learned differently, you would be able to see differently.
Ask yourself a simple question: What is the difference between you and a saint?
My hat is off for you Saker!
With regards
This is a test!
Anyone ever bother to study some Rastafari history……………Idi Amin, last living traceable decendant from the house of Daved. Assassinated. Wonder by who? From the depths of Rastafari history, oral history, that which is passed from generation to generation (old school) before the advent of scribbles. They tell the history of how long nosed pale faces from the East came and appropreated (stole, without compensation, they can’t even imigrate to Occupied Palestine because they are black) the oral traditions of God’s true choosen. Yes, the theft of Palestine by Aparthied Occupiers is based on stealing someone else’s history and making it your own. Would ‘jews’ do that?
The question of what ‘spirit and truth’ is was abundantly answered in the Gospel you quote, but don’t believe in (actually reject). What the passage really said?
” Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. 7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.) 9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew (σὺ Ἰουδαῖος ὢν), askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. 10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. 11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? 12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? 13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. 16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. 17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: 18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. 19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he”.
“32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. 34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God (John 1:32-34)
“Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. ” (John 14:5-11).
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you” (John 14: 16-19).
” He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me. 25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:24-26).
We humans receive the Spirit through Baptism:
“18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Finally ….. The essence of spirituality. Not man made philosphers or saints or great writters or saints
…… whatever…
Born again Christianity has no club house or denomination. Just the “living” Bible and in it all we ever need to know.
It is a person bowing to the All Mighty and admitting that he/she is nothing without His inner dwelling power Spirit. Giving All over to Him to guide. Even our best intentions are zilch next to His Divine guidance which essentially is a one on one relationship. No middle person involved, or hand books…
That position of acceptance is superior to any man made … even very …. to excellent… intentions…
Thankyou for the above
War comes.
Strength will be found and lost.
Then the carbon dollar will come and enslave the remainder except one hopes a few who will resist until then.
Strength is a mercy.
The only truth that pervades the Western World and its people is the truth of their beliefs in hypocrisy and contradictions.
The West’s fate has been decided and it is collapsing fast, yes, because of a lack of spiritual values, but these are not primarily consumerism and in a narrow sense materialism but from cultural marxism, Sarcastically and ironically speaking one could say this is Germany’s fault once again
@Ken Meyer
That the West is collapsing fast in its full-blown rot, greed, and incompetence is irrefutable, but it seems to me that you have a few things backwards. For starters, Cultural Marxism is but the intended spawn of the CIA‘s ”Congress for Cultural Freedom” in the 1950s. The fairy-tales about the treasonous Frankfurt School successfully undermining Western society comes across as little more than two-bit Western victimology rubbish. Rather, Cultural Marxism stands out as a most genuine ideological expression of what was already present. To wit: Decadent, parasitic societies express themselves accordingly. Faggotry, feminism, minority rights etc. used as rallying calls among ”progressives” for continued imperialist violence and oppression make this point abundantly clear.
And if we also include ”real” (classical, ossified) Marxism, the fact of the matter is that it’s Euro-chauvinist and Russophobic to boot. Marxism can be said to be parroting the 19th century ruling European bourgeoisie minus the pure racist depravities passing for ”science” at the time. And with the additional contention that it’s Europe’s and North America’s ”advanced workers” that make capitalism go ’round.
The obsolence of ”Left” and ”Right” as political concepts today testifies to the West having lost the narrative. Quite entertaining in a sense.
The ”Congress for Cultural Freedom” was the spawn of the anti-‘totalitarian’ ‘Committee for Cultural Freedom (1939-1951 – revamped in 1951 as the ‘American Committee for Cultural Freedom), itself a spawn of ‘Cultural Marxism’ flourishing at the American Universities. They were not creations of the CIA. On the contrary they offered their services to the newly created ‘Office of Policy Coordination (OPC)’ in charge with psychological/political warfare.
Deeply regret to inform you that Thomas Braden has already spoken on the subject (search his name and ”ccf”). Braden was even selected as the executive secretary of the New York Museum of Modern Art, which neatly proves my point regarding the origins of Cultural Marxism (”Frankfurt School” is pure hogwash).
Of course ‘Cultural Marxism’ is more than simply the ‘Frankfurt School’. Gramsci, anyone? The ‘anti-fascist’ ‘anti-totalitarian’ Left?
But the FS collaboration with the OSS dates from 1942, when “three neo-Marxist intellectuals* from the Frankfurt School offered “some of the most brilliant analysis of Nazi Germany ever written and a valuable lesson in postwar planning”.
Thomas Bradden “Believing that the cultural milieu of postwar Europe at the time was favorable toward left-wing views, and understanding that The Establishment of Western Allies was rigidly conservative and nationalistic as well as determined to maintain its colonial dominions, it was estimated that American supremacy would be best served by supporting the Democratic left. Thus the program was begun by which more moderate and especially anti-Soviet leftists would be supported, thereby helping to purge the social democratic left of Soviet sympathizers”.
Now the so-called ‘anti-Soviet’ leftists were anti-Stalinists, ‘cultural marxists’.
My hat is off for the Saker!
Greate article, thanks!
Thanks for your words. The West, including here in Australia (another vassal state) drowns in a zombified bingefest of consumerist hedonism; me me me, and more me. And of course acquiring a new ‘lifestyle’. Which costs money. And boasting to anyone who will listen about their next overseas holiday. While the slaughter in Palestine and Yemen and Congo and Syria and Libya and elsewhere continues. While many in the ‘civilised’ West close their eyes and know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing. They just want to go shopping for more…. ‘stuff’. You’re right Saker, much of the West has become a dystopian wasteland full of atomised, alienated, helpless individuals. Just the banality and vaccuosness of Western society. And mental illness increases ever more. This is what the warped cancer of Neoliberalism has inflicted on the World. Pathological greed of the few, while the many are screwed into the dust. As someone who went through 20 years of addiction, I know how important it is too cultivate a spirituality, to have a Faith. Without that we are like rudderless peices of flotsam – lost in a vast ocean. I also find inspiration in eastern philosophies like Taoism. Its shameful how so many in the West wilfully ignore what is being done by their Govts. And the mind numbing hypocrisy of countries like Australia who fully grovel at Israel’s feet, yet repeatedly bleat about human rights and ‘international based values’ while Apartheid Israel gets away with war crimes and mass murder. That says it all. And yes, I’m completely clueless about military things.
There is no Western ‘society’. That’s the whole problem.
The West has cut its own throat. There’s no saving it now.
But that defies the three theological virtues – Faith, Hope and Charity in God, not man.
One of the oldest prophecies is the Return of the King – specifically the King of France. France was the instigation of modern history by killing their king. He will return and claim the French crown, and he will be from the line of Louis XVI. The Return of the King, one of the books that form the Lord of the Rings, was written by a devout Catholic who attended Mass every day. Tolkien was well aware of this prophecy. Thus will the West return to God. We have to go through a sacrifice, to loss of everything (as happened to Christ on the Cross) before we can be brought to our senses and return to Christ. This will be the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The Zionazi elites simply buy Western politicians by the gross-in quantity and quality. It is quite open, and the effects in total subservience and groveling to Israel and the Zionazi elites and in vicious antipathy to the victims of Zionazism and indifferent contempt for their suffering, are blatant. But to open ones eyes and see them in action and speak the Truth to power brings instant and hysterical vilification as that mythical pariah, the ‘antisemite’. Just see the utterly fraudulent, vicious, hate-crazed and hysterical campaign against Corbyn and UK Labour for a recent example.
The antisemitism industry operates as if it speaks for ALL Jews, who are ALL Likudnik type Zionazis and goy-haters. That in itself is Judeophobic, in my opinion, as Jews are as various a group as any other, but the dissident Jews who do not support Zionazism are written out of existence or themselves vilified as ‘self-hating’. Meanwhile, in the latest, and probably final, example of the almost pathological drive of the worst of the Jews towards self-destruction, the Zionazis are making Israel ever more racist, aggressive, terroristic and demanding of their Western Sabbat Goy stooges. Israel demands and gets from its US puppet and sundry other stooges like Austfailure, one genocide after another of its neighbours, as per the Oded Yinon Plan, with Iran the latest target. Furthermore Zionazi elements and the Bibi regime fund a vast network of Islamophobic groups, and have set out to destroy Freedom of Opinion and Speech in the West through the attacks on the BDS movement and ALL critics of Israeli apartheid on the utterly fraudulent basis that these are ‘antisemitic’ crimes. While they operate by buying the servility of Western elites, the broad mass of global humanity grows ever more antipathetic towards Israel, but that suits the Zionazis, because it justifies their own innate hatred of the goyim, the true ‘Oldest Hatred’. It all can only end tragically and disastrously, for Israel, the Jews, Israel’s direct victims and the world, but a psychopath like Bibi, like Hitler,will glory in his own Gotterdamerung, just so long as he takes the rest of us down with him. And he has the nukes, and the hatred, to do just that.
@Jews are as various a group as any other
This is a discussion that will never end, because what defines ALL Jews, as adherents of ‘Judaism’, is not their internal squabbles (Jews who support Zionism vs. Jews who do not support Zionism). This is a false problem. ALL Jews in block ‘do not accept’ Christ because He did not ‘fulfill’ outright the expectations of the Jews that they believe were promised by the prophets: 1. Build the Third Temple, 2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel, 3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease, 3. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one (“God will be King over all the world – on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One”).
Those who call themselves ‘Jews’ range from the Talmudic atavists of the Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox and other tendencies, to those atheists or agnostics who see themselves as ‘Jewish’ for family, cultural and social regions. In ideology they range from Leftists of every type eg Marxists, anarchists etc, to the fascistic, racist, types who control Israel, and who, in my opinion,have created one of the most Evil and dangerous regimes on Earth, one fueled by a tripled-headed hatred of non-Jews. This triple hatred derives, I believe, from Talmudic, Pharisaical, Judaism, with its innate detestation (no other word really fits) of the goyim, the typical European settler racist hatred of the indigenous who must be expelled or exterminated so that the Western Herrenvolk can seize their God-ordained lebensraum (and hatred of any, including Jews, who dare support them in ANY way), and the intense fear and hatred of the goyim that flowed, understandably, from the Nazi Judeocide.
To imagine that ‘the Jews’ are one great undifferentiated mass of Likudnik or Talmudic racists and fascists is, in my opinion, gravely mistaken. It not only follows the diktat of the ‘antisemitism’ industry that implies just such a state with its equating anti-Zionism with ‘antisemitism’, but plays into the hands of the hate-crazed Jewish Right, because their hatred of the goyim and of the Arabs, Moslems, Palestinians etc, flows from and feeds off the antipathy of decent and informed world opinion.
The only possible path to peace in the Near East is through the repudiation by Israelis of the barbaric racism, aggression and religiously based genocide of the Zionazi elites, in Israel and in the Diaspora. Israel, with its nukes, surveillance industries, chemical and bio-warfare forces and current genocidal ideology, cannot be defeated militarily. It and its crazed elites are quite prepared to ‘take the world down with us’, through nuclear war and a consequent nuclear winter if they ever feel threatened. With luck movements like BDS, which is being attacked with typically hate-crazed fury by the Zionazis, will lead more and more Diaspora Jews to put pressure on the Israeli terror-state to come to a real accommodation with their Palestinian victims. The chances of that are still remote, given that Zionazism and its religious fanatic wing in particular, still dream of a Jews-only Eretz Yisrael, ‘..from the Nile to the Euphrates’, with Likudniks like Smotrich, the deputy Speaker of the Knesset declaring that ‘Damascus belongs to the Jews’, only a few years ago. Unfortunately no other route but internal change in Israel, possibly driven by Diaspora revolt and global opposition, is at all conceivable. In any case anthropogenic climate destabilisation and the general ecological Holocaust looks almost certain to make the whole region more or less uninhabitable by 2050, probably earlier.
Whilst I somewhat understand the delicate balance that Russia has to maintain between the varying forces operating in Syria, the following headline does not look good :
“Iran Slams Russia for Deactivating S-300 during Israeli Airstrikes on Syria”
To my knowledge, Iran is in Syria, because its a case of fight them in Syria, or fight them in Iran.
Thats why just like as was the case with Iraq, Iran with the first country to offer assistance to Syria in confronting the Western backed terrorists who sought to topple the government and destroy the country.
There is no getting around the fact that in Syria, both Iran and Russia are working to stabilize and secure the country, whilst Israel is diametrically opposed to this course of action.
Israel wants to see Syria dismembered.
Israel knows full well that it cannot overtly challenge Russia militarily, so it has sought to attack and harrass Russia’s defacto allies in Syria instead, namely Iran, Hezbollah and the SAA.
I also do understand that Russia has no desire to confront Israel militarily, however it could do more as a member of the UNSC to highlight the daily crimes that Israel is perpetrating.
Why has Russia not raised Israel’s reckless behavior – like endagering civilian aircraft – in the forums of the UNSC?
I know that Israel has the vetos of Western members – US, UK and France – in its back pocket, but at least by Russia raising the matter at this level, it would serve to undermine the seeming impunity accorded to Israel, and remove the complicity charges being levelled at Russia.
(Just one point, the film clip from Brother-2 which says it is English subtitled, has no subtitles!)
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed is an admirable attempt to unravel the threads of the Jewish soul and the psychopathic hatred arising from the Pharisees. For some reason, the author avoids the whole cult of usury, a financial system which almost defines the Jew, a financial system which is also one of the definitions for Satanism!
Click ‘CC’ on the bottom right of the video screen to activate subtitles. A red line under the “CC” indicates the subtitles are on or off when you click it.
Saker, you keep downplaying the significance of the Jews’ rejection of Christ. It is the turning point of human history. Confusedly you say Jewish racism has “nothing to do with ‘the Jews'”, then you point instead to their “interpretation” of the Torah post-Christ as an alternative explanation. Well, duh, that’s what the Jews *are* as a people and have been for two thousand years: rejectors of Christ. They rejected Him because He wouldn’t play by their own racist terms.
Their access to the Torah is now through the Talmud. And it is not “Jew hatred” to identify talmudic Judaism with rejection of Christ. On the contrary, it is the only truthful, and loving and humane approach, for it highlights the necessity for the Church to re-engage a mission of conversion amongst the Jews, instead of pretending they can be saved without Christ.
I am a great lover of Russia and her religious ‘Soul’ and I know that Russia is fulfilling a divine role in our current human drama, but I must admit that I wish she was not a Christian nation. The cult of the ‘sacrificed God’ is surely only a religion for the psyche of slaves, especially when seen in the context of sublime teachings such as Taoism and India’s Kashmir Shaivism.
However, perhaps this is also why she is the only nation who can fulfill the role she must perform!
A lot of words trying to escape facts.
Going back to previous articles and sentimental 1300 history, Orthodox faith, films and Roger Waters, do not change the facts that people incl Russians have been unnecessary killed directly and indirectly in the hundreds, maybe thousands, in Israel´s attacks, and these killings and destruction could easily have been avoided by due Russian diligence.
The facts are that Russia has been pussyfooting around Assad´s aplly for S-300 to defend Syria since the 1980´s, because Russia wanted to please Israel and “our equal partners”.
Iran contracted and paid for S-300 in 2007 which were delivered in 2016, only after they were obsolete because Iran had developed their own.
Assad contracted the S-300 in 2010 and paid 30% advance in 2013 and have today in 2019 still not received the supply, “because of training issues”, which Lavrov also used as excuses in 2013-2014.
Nobody blame Russia for all the admirable actions and supports taken during this tough period.
But 9 years supply time of an important weapon to defend the guys doing the hard job in Syria, to please Israel,…….. is not admirable, and words are not enough to compensate for it.
Something is hidden and ugly around this issue in Kremlin.
There are many grim assumptions in this article that test the edge. For example, I don’t know of any Americans who gleefully watched the demise of Iraq on their TV screens. Some perhaps did, but many were skeptical from the outset. Today, many more reject the manifest-destiny-exceptionalism shit that is served up from their screens and monitors. There is more work to be done, but the pendulum is swinging in the right direction. Do not discount that the global uprising of populism or nationalism is a rejection of global corporatism’s cult of (fiat) greed.
Which brings us to a point well made: “Where does strength come from?” … and of course, rhetorically we ask, “from money?” Saker, my friend, you have the needle of truth in hand, you have but to plunge it into the bloodstream of your narrative. When money is based in debt, it is thus based in bondage – the obligations of the working class to the banking class. The obligation of one man to earn what another man creates from thin air (or more accurately, fractionalizes from existing debts).
That is where true power comes from in this day and age. It is the ability of one class (1%) to hold the entire world (99%) in bondage, and the 99% not only accept this fate, they revel in it, even worship it. Herein lies the power your bizarre cult of modern materialism. As for racism, is it only the “zionists” who rise to this priesthood? After all, any family can be of generational wealth gained from the banking class advantage of “compounding”.
As for Russia, it is the last chance for the salvation of Western values. They, along with China do see gold as the money which has no class advantage – the true money not based in the bondage of the working man to the priests of fiat.
All debt based currencies must burn. The curse of modern fiat money is where the false money draws it’s evil power, today’s greatest power, of bondage over one’s fellow man. The power of gold is it’s only match. Will gold bring “true money” back to the minds of the decadent “progressives”? Who can say? Such is the great tragedy of mankind.
“Today, many more reject the manifest-destiny-exceptionalism ”
How ? How did you reject it ? How are you rejecting it? Are there antiwar protests ? Are you making a fuss Everytime your media or politicians is caught lying about the unimaginable pain you have been inflicting ? Remember
George Bush i Will never apologize for murdering millions of civilians or Madeleine Albright Massacring 500 000 children was worth it or Clinton we came we saw we died.
The fact of the matter is that you can create a 5 hour traffic jam over a dog but you don’t care about the daily genocide you are inflicting on the people of Yemen Syria Iraq Afghanistan Libya and Pakistan
Try telling these lame excuses to one of them.
The only thing I can do that does not risk my own life and limb is to publish the posts that hundreds of thousands see (and there are others doing same). The trap is well set. To do more is ineffective, otherwise you will serve the 1% behind bars as it’s cheapest labor in worse bondage, with a raped ass to boot for your troubles.
To do as the 1% does, influence the mind – for until every single one of 99% realizes they must repudiate their debts and run the banks, nothing happens but a few people getting jailed and going deeper into debt bondage. The war for your mind is how it is fought today. And when many minds withdraw their debt paper from the banking system and run on Comex gold, that will have more impact than a few people getting jailed by the debt backed police state.
I am amazed at some of the best economic minds in the world, that either see the forest and not the trees or the other way around!
It is not about paper money or gold. It doesn´t make any difference. They have been doing fractional banking for thousands of years. long before paper money and dollar monopoly!
It is all about usury. That is the core of the problem.
I have recently come back from a visit to Iran. While there I encountered a banking system, which is close to the spirit of the original islamic banking system, which could be translated as “Good Borrowing”. A few families come together and create a pool of money, then they borrow from the pool, when they need money. I has become necessary!
The iranian banking system is out of controy and is destroying the country. It is a truely preditory banking system, which is destroying the country from within. That is one of the reasons, people themselves are returning to Islamic banking!
Perhaps you do not understand the relatively recent advent of derivatives my friend? When a fiat money is separated from gold, it becomes truly fiat … and when that becomes a global reserve asset, the price of gold is controlled and derivatives control the price of everything. Yes, even Russian oil today priced in derivative dollars.
Fractionalization becomes hypothecation, far different than the original 10-1 ratio of many hundreds of years (not thousands) ago. Dark fiat compounds this, and gold on Comex is easily 100-1.
Yes, Shari’a banking is of great interest to the BIS, the role of gold in Basel III compliments such.
But I am no great economic mind, just a simple man who extrapolates the dissonant information which is out there, to attempt to formulate some measure of truth not seen in the public fishbowl which informs the speculators that are being fleeced.
The thing is, that usury has existed longer than a few hundred years. But the secret is, that the price of gold is constant. When the price of gold rises, it is because the value and the perchase power of the fiat money has fallen through for example inflation…. The paper money is fiat! I dont know about the new advents of derivatives, but I have heared of “the too big to fail” and their advents of derivatives.
What you are suggesting is a dual system of money, that changes nothing. The problem is, that there is not enough gold to cover the existing financial assets. Who know, maybe taxation will take care of that. On the other hand it is almost all based on 1´s and 0´s. If you read “the brotherhood of darkness”, you will know, that while still riding horses, the bankers of the world were discussing the cards, that are in every mans pockets today, in 18.. something that is!
Was it up to me, I would burn down all the banks. I actually suggested that to people, while I was in Iran!
Sharia means The law, nothing else.
Exchanging ideas is what it is all about.
With regards
Let me support you both. A graph showing gold purchasing power since year 1600 to 2019. https://www.bullionstar.com/blogs/koos-jansen/how-constant-is-golds-purchasing-power/ Gold has become more volatile but is still expecting to maintain its purchase power power in the reversal of global finance to Eastern gold based currencies.
From my view, the wealth is in so few hands today that it is almost impossible to make an investment they cant manipulate out of you again whatever you call it usury, fees, schemes or logaritmo.
But physical gold in your hand is one of the few tools every man have, with the most constant purchase value, secured from bankers, governments, schemes, robbers, from family members, notwithstanding Roosevelt´s sophisticated sucking up and banning everybody from owning a little gold :-D.
Gold is more volatile because of major manipulations by BIG banks and financial institutions. These manipulations have been going on for years now and the perpetrators have been punished, but so minimally and lightly that they keep doing it.
Since this thread also includes discussion of Syrian air defense, overseen by the Russians who built it, who are training crews of Syrians and will always hold Master control of the integrated network of layered systems, I chime in with this to ruminate.
The IDF and US can overwhelm any air defense system, even if the Russians triple the units of all the layers of S-400, S-300, Pantsir-1s, 2s, BUKs, and radars. They have hundred of planes in Israel, Qatar and Turkey, much less those air bases more distant that they can employ in such a swarm. Add to it hundreds of UAVs they could use in early waves of the swarm attack.
So, missile defense has its limits. Russia understands this better than any nation because they have thought it out for many decades of SAM developments since the 50s and the Viet Nam war.
Iran knows diddly squat about missile defense compared to Russia.
Iran has not a clue how to win the war in Syria. It begged Russia to come save its ass and Assad’s government because it could not handle the war.
The Russian MOD understands the threats and the defense system required to protect its assets inside Syria.
Iran’s actions create problems for Russia. The Iranians continue to bait the IDF to attack Syria. Russia understands that Iran and Assad want to continue with this activity. Russia, maybe, is sending a signal to Tehran that Russia’s defenses (which include the S-300 sold to Syria) will not be wasted in this war fought over Syrian and Russian assets that Iran risks.
There are limits to everything in war. Russia has limited production capacity to produce sophisticated systems of missile defense. These are complex units, not .50 caliber anti-aircraft guns on the back of Toyotas.
Iran is putting at risk much more than their shipments and caches of weapons stored in Syrian warehouses and depots.
Tehran is being sent a message from Russia. They should heed it. Their behavior already cost the Russians the IL-20 and 15 highly skilled technicians and pilots. Just like the Israeli’s hiding behind the Russian aircraft, the Iranians are hiding behind the Syrians manning the missiles defenses and the Russians nearby, as well as Russians flying in the sky at the time of attacks, and based at Latakia and Tartus.
Maybe the S-300 was turned off by Russia in order to save it.
Maybe Russian MOD saw the big picture (a subsequent larger wave of attacking drones and planes the Israelis and US had prepared) and knew they’d lose the S-300 and much more.
Iran is a junior partner in Syria compared to Russia. It played a huge role, but it was low-level combat work compared to what Russia brought to Syria. In fact, it used mostly Shiite militias from Afghanistan, not even Iranians.
As the political phase of the war comes into focus, it would be best if Iran did nothing more to bait the warmongers of Tel Aviv and Washington to attack Syrian defenses.
That’s the message from Russia.
First of all, the russians decided to take part in the war in Syria after General Soleimani visited Moscow and convinced them to take part in the situation. Second of all it is the Iranians fighting on the ground and as the saying goes the iranians do the dying and the russians do the flying! Not that it diminishes the role the russians have played in the war, which has been to support the fight on the ground and act as a shield againt direct western interference.
True that there are lebanese fighting side by side the iranians. True the afghani are fighting side by side the iranians. True that pakistanis are fighting side by side the iranians. That is the bigger gift of this war, because now the pakistani and afghani Shia, whom are being slaughtered daily in their own countries will be able to defend themselves againt Al-Qaeda and isis, when the time comes, and it will come! The shia afghani in Syria have shown such a courage, that even the irgc fighters are amazed by it! I actually spoke with a Guard colonel fighting in Syria, that told me, they were begging people not to volunteer. In worse cases people travel to Lebanon by them selves and are captured by isis in the country resulting in a bunch of problems for Iran.
Did I mention, that the iranians are there with the rest to fight side by side the syrians againt the entire western world including israhell.
The kool-aid drinker will naturally repeat the msm serenades, it is the syrians fault, that they are being bomned by the israhelli and the goal is to counter iranian influence. As if there is a low in the world, that permits an other country to bomb a nation, because they don´t like their guest. What right do they have to bomb anybody in Syria? Obviously it is not the goal of these bombings to weakent the syrian forces or to help the isis. I guess the israhelli really are humanitarians caring for isis wounded in their hospitals. Some israhelli had the audacity to say so!
But when it comes to Russia, it is a disgrace, regardless of how one looks at it, to be there on the ground on the soil of an ally and just sit and watch them being bombed! You can try to justify it any way you like, but it will not cut it! I guess all the future allies of Russia must take note, that they will be bombed and the russians will just sit there and count the missiles! Who knows maybe one day Russia will have all her ducks in a row.
With regards to iranian provocations, I guess being there is enough and Kool-aid is the cure! Not to mention being bombed 200 times. And what are the provocations other than being bombed!
When the british and the americans were bombing the iraqi cities, their generals on a few occsions also said, that the iraqi were to blame, because Saddam after all was their president!
Where did all the talk about justice and truth go with all that jazz!
Sorry Larchmonter445. Respect for your normal postings but this comment here is far out.
Russia was about to loose their Latakia port and base when Brzezinski suggested Washington bombed and took over Russia´s property in Latakia, Syria.
Soleimani travelled to Moskow and kicked Kremlin in their arses, that it was now or never or else they would lose Syria, and he presented a plan that could work out.
Remember a cooperation between Iran and Russia were necessary for Russia´s arrival and defense in Syria.
Its difficult and sad to hear all these hypocritic bad excuses for Russia´s 9 year supply time of some duly signed, contracted and pre-paid for S-300´s to Syria and Iran, when we see Moscow wagging, jumping and dancing, selling S-400 to Turkey, Saudi, India, China and Qatar under the sharpest conditions.
Come on Saker and Larchmonter. The hypocrisy are embarrassing.
“The IDF and US can overwhelm any air defense system, even if the Russians triple the units of all the layers of S-400, S-300, Pantsir-1s, 2s, BUKs, and radars”. Are you sure about this ? In 1973 Egypt shot down more than 100 Israeli planes, while the Serbs in 1999 shot down 137 NATO combat planes and 25 choppers. A rocket launcher fires missiles. When you fire one or more, you put new ones in. During the last US/UK/French attack against Syria, the Syrians shot down most of the incoming cruise missiles and aerial bombs. Also, you need pilots to fly combat planes. If you lose a plane, you lose the pilots. Can the US and Israel really afford to lose too many pilots in a local conflict ? Yes, a combined US/Israeli attack would inflict damage, but at what cost ?
I go along with your argument. It is said that Americans lost about 10,000 planes in Vietnam. Thanks to Russian SAMs. I am pretty sure that Russians did not saturate Vietnamese Airspace with millions of SAMs. Just think what will happen in Syria if Russians get serious in that department, as they seem to sit on the fence. Even 1000 planes that Israel is said to have will not do the job. Besides they can’t fly them all at once, many of them are probably grounded for various reasons. The hundreds of NATO planes will find cozy resting place at the bottom of the sea before they even leave the decks.
Dear Saker:
Many thanks for your article, for remind me these marvelous movies again and for the link to the Solzhenitsyn´ text, that I did not know.
As usual, you put a bit of light in this dark present.
King regards..!
Have you read RJ Rushdoony, Otto Scott, Gary North?
They came to the same conclusion very eloquently.
GaryNorth.com posts all the books he published online for free download as .pdf file.
No I have not
Can you provide links please?
The Saker
psalm 91 “For He (HU) will deliver you from the ensnaring trap, from devastating pestilence. With his pinions He will cover you, and beneath his wings you will be protected;
Shield and armour is his Truth (‘emeto’)”
The way to experience what some folks call the divine is to ‘push the envelope’. Ask for it and establish a relationship with it. Try to imagine the time/space continuum ,if you will , called ‘Elion’ or as it is translated into English in the 91 st song-(yes these were meant to be sung!) ‘The Most High”.
And ignore all those fainhearted or uncomprehending ones who call you “crazy”. And run like wind from those who try to manipulate this like magic. It is not. With ego that believes itself inherent one will merely crash and burn.
Massive US military convoy enters eastern Syria from Iraq (video)
By News Desk – 2019-01-25
A video which allegedly shows the US deploying trucks loaded with weapons and logistical equipment
to Syria has emerged on the Internet. The authenticity of the footage has yet to be confirmed.
Iran’s Press TV reported that in the video, a column of more than 100 vehicles ostensibly coming from
Iraq’s Kurdistan Region enters Syria to the east of the Euphrates.
According to Press TV, the weapons were deployed to US military bases in the cities of Hasakah,
Raqqa and Aleppo.
The alleged deployment comes after President Donald Trump tweeted in mid-January that US troops
in Syria are starting their pullout “while hitting the little remaining ISIS [Daesh] terrorists from many
In December 2018, Trump announced plans to withdraw roughly 2,000 US troops from Syria within
the next several months, in a move that he claimed can be explained by the fact that American forces
had implemented their task of obliterating Daesh in the Arab country.
At the same time, the White House pledged that the US-led international coalition’s fight against
terrorism would continue.
The troop withdrawal decision was slammed by some US officials and prompted two resignations —
US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis, who announced that his views were no longer aligned with
Trump’s, and Brett McGurk, special presidential envoy for the US coalition in Syria.
A US-led coalition of over 70 member-nations has been conducting military operations against the
Daesh terror group in Syria and Iraq. Coalition strikes in Syria are neither authorized by the govern-
ment of President Bashar Assad nor by the United Nations Security Council.
Source: Sputnik
Relatively low-level continuous war suits both US & Russian MIC right down to the last dead Syrian.
Typical Western Left Earth-is-flat conclusion. Instantly reminds one of the Spanish Civil War and the accompanying slanders of the USSR.
When the trigger is right, a person can grow in awareness very quickly.
For me, it was during the US election of 2016. One evening I was talking to a Canadian veteran and commented that it was exciting that Hillary Clinton was going to win the election.
He said to me, are you crazy, she is a war criminal!!!!
And so I started digging and reading, finding sites like this one here, and reading a lot more.
I witnessed here that letters to the editor in the local newspaper, which criticized Israel, were answered by national Jewish organizations which slandered the writer, and the newspaper would not publish the original letter writer’s response… this in a small city on the fringe of Canada. And sadly, Canada IS a vassal of the US and Israel. (Canada now has a “free trade” agreement with Israel….. why did I not hear of this before when it was in process?)
I have continued to educate myself. At the age of 65 I am still learning. But now I see through so much the Empire has been involved in. What can I do? At the very least, I pass on what I am learning, and what I have learned, to others, as articles and conversation, and that DOES make a difference slowly, and awaken others.
I once saw the US and Israel as benign powers in the world….. powerful propaganda. Now I see through their lies and propaganda. If this awakening can occur in a “non-political” old fart like me, then it will grow in many other parts of the world…. and quickly.
That’s what we do and can do….. they can’t act in secret any longer, hidden in the shadows… it will all come out and be revealed.
SallysDad, thank you for such a nice statement. In part, it is very similar to my own experience. I have always been very political, but when Libya was attacked, I became more involved, started reading more from websites whose views were against wars. Slowly, I became more aware, like you, and started sending messages to friends. I also wish there were ways to get more involved…
Oh boy, here we go again.
Hasn’t standing for God made enough damages already, that we have to rely on Him once again?
Can’t you just imagine something different from the ol’ same God shit and stuff? Unless you believe that the western degeneration is a direct consequence of atheism, which is just ludicrous (not even Martin Heidegger went so far, and his thoughts were profound on this, and his alarming words were about Techne and aristotelian interpretations upon de-humanization turned to modern times, not about silly religious beliefs… and he was christian, for Christ’s sake! Didn’t even Nietzsche teach you anything?).
No matter how many people truly support this argument: it is a delusional one.
So, in this article’s views it appears that the solution would be implementing once again those instances whose belief demonstrated to have generated exactly a big part of the nowadays problems. Turning these problems into a mainly religious/ethical one is completely missing the point, even though there are lot of ethical questions involved.
Or maybe I just misinterpreted the article due to my bad english… in that case I apologise.
Here where I live (the country with Vatican inside) there is plenty of God believers. Did this help in any way? Not at all. Ah, but I guess it’s because they don’t have “true” faith… (“faith”, “beliefs”, “justice”, “truth” and all this sort of crappy unimaginative silly nonsenses for delusional retards).
Oh boy, here we go again…
“Here where I live (the country with Vatican inside) there is plenty of God believers. Did this help in any way? Not at all. Ah, but I guess it’s because they don’t have “true” faith… (“faith”, “beliefs”, “justice”, “truth” and all this sort of crappy unimaginative silly nonsenses for delusional retards”
And there in lies the problem, dear sir. Your little Vatican, Throughout its history, has represented the ANTI-Christ. A geopolitical weapon used against Orthodox Christianity. Gleefully using fanatical muslims to aid in the plunder, rape and genocide of true Christian peoples..
Your nation’s creatian, has spent its existence, dedicated to the destruction of true faith, of true Christianity. You ancestors weaponized the faith, from the beginning of the Middle Ages, to exterminate Orthodox Christianity, murdering 100’s of millions of Christians. You equate Christianity, with Catholicism. Wrong!
Now you come to the victims of your country’s Vatican, to spit on their faith ? A faith which has endured, in spite centuries of Catholic savagery. Sorry, no dice.
I agree, You should be ashamed of your countries “Christianity” and the centuries of misery and murder it brought to real Christians.
Ahahah… so what?
I despise Catholicism as much as you do.
I exterminated noone, so I’m not responsible for that.
Nonetheless, any religion is utter delusional nonsense. snide remark removed … mod.
So, you don’t think the Catholic Church was infiltrated by quislings and traitors? Corrupted beyond belief; should one happen to be a true believer. The ‘muslims’ run amuck in the ME, they are not chopping heads of ‘jews’ nor are they chopping heads of fellow ‘muslims’? Are they? Theft of pressious arifacts from the craddle of civilization, stolen, destroyed, because it does not fit the narritive………The Chosen, is the biggest ficticious lie foisted upon humanity; brought the death of Tzar and family. Holomodor, WW2, and the Genocidal Settler Occupation of Palestine (appologies Nussiminen no theft intended, it just has a nice ring, it must enter the lexicon).
Sean, you’ll get no argument from me, regarding the Turkic tribe, masquerading as the chosen. Unfortunately, you’ve failed to notice there’s been quite the symbiotic relationship between the Vatican, the Zionists and Sunni extremists. And it’s been going on for at least several centuries. They’re all on the same team and no one knows it better than the Slavs, unfortunately.
My condemnation is for the Vatican and their Weaponization of Catholism, not the believers. I should have made the distinction clear. If they were unable to forcibly convert other Christians, they opted for their exterminaton.
Ive been fortunate to have many Irish Catholics, in my extended family. Wonderful people, devout Christians, who’ve lived for family and the good of the community.
Since you specifically mentioned WWII, I’m surprised that you are unaware of the Vatican’s complicity in the WWII massacres. While one WWII genocide has been endlessly propagated and exaggerated, the other has been appropriated by and the real victims purposefully forgotten.
The WWII massacre of Orthodox Slavs, was just a recent episode of an extermination campaign that goes back to the great schism. There’s plenty of quotes from Popes, which one can find with a little searching, that go back 800 years. Check out what Torquemada had to say. As they say, the truth is out there. If your interested In the WWII story, check out Vatican Ratlines. includes an interview with an official Vatican historian. Let him tell you about their role in WWII.
Its a bit difficult to select the “true christians” as they all claim it. The Samaritans bible which is also born out of the bible is called “the Truth” and other religions and versions for bs.
Then we could go back to Sumerians and ancient Egypt. The end story is the free choice between evil and good. We know how we should live. We only have to choose it.
Finding God or whatever envisions that one to be might be a good thing for the whole of humanity.
However my belief is that organized religions in the form they have taken the last 1000 years or so have been some of the most detestable and corrupt organizations known to man. There is gradients of differnation and some religious movement have done enormous works of good for their fellow man but on the whole it’s been a money making enterprise. Nothing more or nothing less.
Spirituality and understanding of ones self and ones interaction with others and with nature and how each fits into a greater bigger picture is something most Americans would benefit from enormously.
”Spirituality and understanding of ones self and ones interaction with others and with nature and how each fits into a greater bigger picture is something most Americans would benefit from enormously.”
It has a certain something but, judging by the Americans’ very, ahem, national character it would be like trying to offer carrot juice to proud, committed alcoholics!
Amusing. Within the past year one of my e-pals confessed to me that he was struggling with alcohol addiction. I advised him to drink carrot juice whenever he had the urge to drink alcohol. He went to the store and bought a bunch of organic carrot juice and drank it. He wrote to me: “It’s delicious!”
@Richard Sauder
I’m certainly pleased to hear you recount that. The difference to be noted here is that your friend wasn’t a proud, committed alcoholic; that’s the stage reached when only alcohol remains worth living for — to be consumed in equally proud, committed company. You will most certainly not find a receptive audience to carrot juice among such constituencies: vile, stinking slobs taking pride in their absence of dignity.
Religion is nothing, if not organized. It is the power of unity under the same banner, that has moved the human history. There have been many attempts for the last couple of hundreds years to casterate the power of religion in the name fighting organized religion. If I may suggest, you read a book called “fire in the minds of men”. You will understand the source of many of these things!
Sure there has been done damage in the name of God and religion. In my archive I have a lecture by a former devil worshiper, where he explains, that after finishing his studies at the satanic seminary, he was told, that they would rather have their satanic graduates enter christian seminaries to destroy christianity from within.
I actually had a discussion with a few clerics in Iran and told them the story. My suggestion to them was, that this also has been happening within Islam throughout our history. Their response was, that they not only know, but also have captured a few devil worshipers, whom had occupied high ranking positions within the clergy.
When that said, all the crimes committed in the name of religion throughout history is nothing but a drop in the wast ocean of murder, genocide and world wars committed in the age of Godless science.
With regards
Minute by Minute – i agree that many criminals have hid themselves in various churches in order to
a) protect themselves
b) continue their sins and crimes without consequences.
in a similar vein, gay men and women became priests and nuns so that they were the safe within the church establishment.
Money making enterprise…………Jesus wasn’t big on money, was he? The opposite, right? Who persicuted Jesus? It’s quite a take on how the Philistines in cahoots with the Romans enjoyed the spoils of the day. How he wanted the Hebrew traders to stop supporting the Roman ‘occupation’ (thems be quislings). I know, not the ‘he died for our sins’ faerie tale……..but few people kown that Jesus was an elected official. Suppressed history works like that.
Should one take the time to study that period, there where three ‘hebrew’ rebellions against the Romans, Jesus’ happened to be the first….
So, where did Jesus and the Apostles had the money to buy food from? Falling from heaven?
You didn’t take any time to study that period.
Re words that can be translated from old time Hebrew regarding justice
Mishpat. Fair ruling as in law
Tzadek. Setting things right in balance as in “just desserts “ or Divine retribution
Emet Higher truth the Tao. If you will
Q: ”First, what’s the deal with this obsession about bombing entire nations back into the ’stone age’ ?”
A: My take is that it’s a matter of consummate narcissistic rage. Especially true of Exceptional, Indispensable populations with a genocidal settler complex being a key part of their very national ego.
Fair enough?
Better than fair. Spot on, Nuss.
Saker, perhaps you could mention красный – and use in such as Красная площадь and красный угол. The point is that ‘red’ doesn’t mean red – it means honor.
Actually, красный means “beautiful” like a “krasnaia devushka” does not mean a female political commissar but a beautiful lady :-)
The Saker
And this sense and meaning difference shows up in other Russian words and meanings. Russians think differently than what people in the west think, as the words have meanings that people in the west don’t know, don’t use.
And so when it comes to strength and truth – the correct way and what is appropriate are things that cannot be arbitrarily dictated, as they are in the west. Strength comes from the true way, what is appropriate, what is correct. Without the core of truth, apparent strength is a mirage. The truth cannot be taken out of Russia, even though corruption infiltrates. Thus the holiness persists, despite the corruption.
Strength comes from truth and truth comes from God.
Well written article.
Gen. Curtiss R LeMay advocated bombing North Vietnam back to the Stone Age in 1965 in an op-ed in the NYT in 1965 shortly after he retired. The phrase reveals the disintegration of Western Civilization in that it relies on brute power and force to achieve policy and focuses on the materiel side. As if Civilization is merely technological progress. It is in fact barbaric policy.
Israel is a mix of Western Civilization and a frozen remnant of Syriac Civilization . Just as the West has descended into the Occult, Sadism and brute force, so has Israel. Just as USA ignores International law in its coup in Venezuela, Israel ignores it in the ME.American politicians routinely lie and none of the “Christian” leaders call them out on it. AIPAC gives campaign contributions and ADL won’t denounce politicos that are pro-Israel, anti-Zionists too weak to worry about. Symptom of West, no morality only crude calculations of power.
Well, as the old Russian saying goes, “you cannot rule Russia without God and the Tsar”. Yes, it will take time for Russia to recover spiritually from the communist period, but I think that Solzhenitsyn made an exaggerated claim that it will take her 200 years to do so. Christianity is making a revival in the East, while in the West we are getting a bizarre liberal philosophy which is destroying the Christian base of Western Europe. This fact alone will rejunevate the Christian revival in the East.
Israel’s Sophisticated Tactics vs Non-existent Strategy
The Israeli leadership both political and military, and most politicians were in the military, continue to exhibit arrogant and superior attitude when dealing with and addressing their geostrategic policies. Most obvious is Benny Gantz’s recent slogan for his PM election bid, which is his claim of responsibility in killing a couple of thousands of Palestinians in exchange of getting 3.5 years of “quiet” for the Israel. Notice he said “quiet” not peace. There is no mention of helping solve the Israel’s most imperative strategic issue, which is the Palestinian question.
This “quiet” which he is referring to is the relative peace that Israel enjoys between major confrontations with the Palestinians or Hezbollah in south of Lebanon or Syria. Benny is telling Israel electorate that he is able to bring a lot more years of “quiet” for Israel if he is elected. Obviously, by killing more and more Palestinians. At least, that is the calculus in the minds of most of Israel’s leadership. If force cannot solve a problem, then more force is needed.
Israel is reduced to using these kinds of fruitless tactics, with no major strategic vision. These tactics do not help in solving the major problem that is the fair and just settlement with their Palestinian population that is living amongst them. Not a lot of people realize that the Palestinian Arab population in Israel are split in three geographic locations. There are Palestinian Arabs that live in Israel proper that was formed back in 1948. These are called “Arabs of the 48”. These Arabs hold Israeli citizenship and are considered somewhat like second class citizens. Then there are the Palestinians in the West Bank. Finally, there are the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Additionally, there are the Palestinians in the refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and then there are the Palestinians in the diaspora in the rest of the world. In other words, the Palestinian population riddle the Israeli state like air bubbles in swiss cheese from within and surround Israel all over from without.
The Palestinian population is increasing in numbers and within a couple of decades if not less, will become the majority in what is now considered Israel including the West Bank and Gaza.
This eventuality will constitute an unmitigated disaster for the state of Israel, if it insists on being a Jewish state. Add to the above, the increasingly powerful Hezbollah in Lebanon, the resurgent Syria, and the patient but strong Iran that is behind them. All bent on confronting Israel. Nothing short of major strategic vision can help Israel in dealing with this situation. Yet, what we see, is continued pin prick strike tactics that appear to be sophisticated, and bellicose statements about killing Palestinians in exchange for “quiet” but all this do not help change any geostrategic standing or tip the balance.
Israel’s continued use of these failed tactics will only help in sinking it faster and faster in the quick sand of the region.
Il really don’t know what to Say. Il didn’t think that Russia was un such a precarious situation. As you’ve written in the past Russia has’nt completed it’s révolution and that us where the problème may be. But tout have Also written that a profound nationalism was on the rise so maybe that’s where the solution resides on the long terme.I’m quitte confident Russia will.find the leaders IT needs.
I love it Saker. Tell it like it is! The “Godless communism” he West accused Russia of, has found it’s true home in the boundless egotism and materialism of America, so lavishly displayed in Donald Trump.
And you truly state Saker that unless the world finds true spirituality to base it’s future on, it will destroy itself in a fury of egotism gone mad.
Truth is that there in many ways still isn’t too much truth and justice in half-occupied Russia, but there’s certainly none – never was either – in Solzhenitsyn’s fascist make-believe “beloved America.”
Whether the first is even though Russia just had the “Year of Solzhenitsyn” or rather because of the latter.
The publications of Solzhenitsyn are forbidden in China from now on (since 2019). Now why would the leader of the free world China – and that’s definitely what they are (along with Iran) – want to do that? Because they hate truth and justice? I don’t think so.
Putin has used this phrase – “Сила в правде” (pronounced “Seela v pravdye”), “strength is in Truth” multiple times. It is very a powerful phrase, which every Russian immediately understands, no explanation necessary – Saker is right..
Here is one of the examples of Putin using this statement, unfortunately the link is in Russian (a short video).
Comments are disabled on that video. Biscuits looked great. Very interesting body language, take away the language comprehension, listen and watch.
1. bomb back to the Stone Age. Wasn’t Nixon the first one to issue this threat, in reference to Laos? Or North Vietnam? No, I gues it was one of his generals:
“North Vietnam may yet be bombed “back to the Stone Age,” as an Air Force general once suggested. In the process, the United States itself is in danger of being reduced to a kind of Slone Age barbarism that could destroy some of what is most worth preserving in Ameri can civilization.” This was in 1972.
2. Russia/Israel: Surely a complicating factor is the number of Russian Israelis in Israel and of Israeli Russians in Russia. Lots of dual citizens in bo th countries, as well as in the USA, and descendants of Russian emigrants in Israel. Maybe the USA never should have paid the relocation costs of most of these!
What a great article dear Saker! Bravo – I like how you do not hold back criticizing any modern people, and I enjoy the term “nous-suppressed”.
I think what Saker writes can be applied to every western Country including my beloved Greece. There are many true, genuine pious people in Greece but they are being swallowed up in number by materialistist and atheists. Saint Paisios predicted this!! He warned it would happen but he also gave hope for the future. That we would repent and change!
I thank God I can come to this website and commune with all of you my fellow-seekers of justice and Truth!
Unfortunately Saker, the Russian schismatics glory rests upon the actions of the Pope and his minions. The current maybe-Pope? and minions who, by the way, are looking to adopt the Russian schismatic model, and the Russian schismatics’ immorality, specifically regarding adulterous remarriages and reception of Christ’s Body. And from this all the remainder of the other sexual depravities flow.
Russia has already been assigned its place in history by God almighty. For it have the errors of communism spread to the west, and heretical errors into the Western Church as well, built upon the so-called liberation theology. And this as a punishment for the West. And just as the Russian Orthodox are seeing schism with the Ukranian side, the Roman Church will also inevitably go into schism over the precise issues of doctrine and morality, unlike the Schismatic Orthodox who have always been in division over politics, despite the claims and counter-claims they accuse the West of committing as regards orthodox doctrine.
As prophecy dictates – France will fall into civil war, followed by Italy. Then Britain. Then due to some circumstances not revealed, Russia will destroy and occupy Europe. (And frankly I’d say that Russia today has plenty of good reason to, at the way things are going…) The Pope (whoever that’ll be) will flee Rome, which will also be destroyed. Then he will be killed. One of his successors will finally be a holy orthodox man, who will finally obey the commands of God sent by the Queen of Heaven to Consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The age of stupid democracies will end and Holy Catholic Monarchies will return. The entire Church will be reunified. A new council will be convened. A true age of Peace will follow on the heels of secularism’s pathetic and painful death.
Somewhere in this interim there are the conditional warnings of major world cataclysms that’ll make the climate change hysteria look like a fun time at the beach. Will North America still exist after all this? I mean, physically? It would do North Americans good to presume it won’t and set their lives accordingly and prepare to die.
Meanwhile, the Jews will still persist, and they’ll do so right up to the end when Anti-Christ comes. And contrary to the heretical Protestant’s blind bungling of Scripture to make Rome out to be the bad guy and America to be their beacon of utopia, the actual one will be setting up shop in Jerusalem.
Yes, yes, for many all this sounds crazy… but I believe that you, Saker, know that the future of the world is not going to be subject to diplomatic channels and worldly thinking, but will unfold as God Himself desires (and with every step, it is in fact following the script). And He’s not one to be ecumenistic, nor subscribes to ideals of liberal tolerance. He wiped the world clean once, and He has no issue doing it again. And every single one of us deserves it.
”As prophecy dictates – France will fall into civil war, followed by Italy. Then Britain. Then due to some circumstances not revealed, Russia will destroy and occupy Europe. (And frankly I’d say that Russia today has plenty of good reason to, at the way things are going…)”
Seriously, the above passage is what I call beautiful and truly inspiring literature; no irony whatsoever. The God-awful (sic) Euro-trash getting their cherished ’European values’ served hot indeed. Resonates perfectly with my own humble proposition to the effect that Russia should just unceremoniously drop some well-deserved nukes upon aforesaid Euro-trash.
As we all know, our poor little sheeple have to put up with all kinds of injustice and evil. On this basis, the thrill of it all will be to see who/what comes out as the supreme evil-doer when they find themselves at the receiving end of humanitarian interventionism:
a) Coudenhove-Kalergi
b) Communism
c) Frankfurt school/Cultural Marxism
d) Russia/Moscow/The Kremlin/The President of the Russian Federation
e) China
f) ISIS/Islam
g) George Soros
h) Aliens from outer space
i) Some other culprit not included above
They will destroy themselves like the rest of the empires
Russia is under the Protection of the Mother of God from its very beginnings.
It is for the Catholics to acknowledge the fact and renounce the silly idea that the Pope must ‘consecrate’ Russia to her ‘Immaculate Heart’. So far the Popes showed some good sense and refrained from such an open provocation.
CIA Transcription Dept.
Phone tap on Deputy Secretary Of State Richard Armitage
September 12th 2001. 4.17pm ET
Operator: Deputy-Secretary Armitage – I have the Pakistani Head of Intelligence on Line 3 sir
Armitage: Ok put the guy through…
Pakistani voice: Most humble felicitations from Islamabad! May your days be plentiful and most blessed with joy. May your loins be fruitful and…
Armitage: Cut the crap! Here’s the deal. Sonofbitches from Afghanistan attacked us and we’re comin’ after them…
Pakistani voice: Our deepest condolences on the distressing disturbances in …
Armitage: If any of those fuckers are in your li’l poky country we’re gonna bomb the…
Pakistani voice: There are no fakirs in Pakistan! Very clean country!
Armitage: We’re not playing cowboys ‘n’ Indians here! This is serious…
Pakistani voice: Please not to bringing Indians into this picture! Not good sir!
Armitage: Am I makin’ myself clear Tonto?
Pakistani voice: Who is Tonto?
Armitage: You’re either with or us or against us on this…
Pakistani voice: But our relationship with Afghanistan is most deeply complicated and…
Armitage: I don’t give a rat’s ass about complications boy…
Pakistani voice: But… there are thousands of years of history and…
Armitage: This is a clear choice. Black or white…
Pakistani voice: But we are brown!
Armitage: Don’t give me that shit!
Pakistani voice: This is getting most scatological sahib!
Armitage: Either you’re with us or against us…
Pakistani voice: But…
Armitage: And if you’re against us – we’re gonna bomb your little tinpot country back into the stone age – capiche?
Pakistani voice: What do you mean by “Stone Age”?
Armitage: Did you ever see “The Flintstones”? Well like that – but without the mod cons…
Pakistani voice: Goodness gracious me!
Operator: Mr. Deputy Secretary – I have Robert Novak on Line 1 and Ambassador Wilson on Line 2…
Armitage: Gotta go Tonto! So pass the message on to your big boy… oh whatsisname? Yoo know – the Sheriff…
Pakistani voice: President Musharraf?
Armitage: Yuh that’s the guy – Mushroom Sheriff. Either he makes a public declaration of support for us tonight or say hello to Barney Rubble…
Pakistani voice: And by the way – what means “capiche”? Hello…? Hello…?
(tape ends)
[blockquote]… racist nutcases who have a religious belief (literally, see here) in their racist uniqueness and their God-given right to massacre the semi-human goyim (again: literally, see here) and who don’t give a damn about “western values” (well, other than impunity, consumerism and violence). It is most certainly the country which is the only and last *official* racist state on the planet (see here, here, and here).
And contrary to the fantasies of various Jew-haters, this has absolutely nothing to do with “the Jews” or being Jewish, and everything to do with an exceptionally toxic interpretation of the Old Testament by Pharisaic rabbis who developed a God- and man-hating religion in response to the galut (the exile from Palestine of those Jews who rejected Christ) and to the tremendous success of Christianity. As for modern Zionism, it is nothing more than a transposition of the very same racist assumptions and implications of Pharisaic Judaism to a materialistic milieu, that’s all. …
I still don’t understand how you can have these two paragraphs, which seem to be contradictory?!
When one boils downs, and strips off the layers to get to the definitive attribute/believe/value for people who assigns themselves the identification moniker, “jew“, one finds, despite the majority not being ‘religious‘ at all, at the root of the differentiation between “jew“, and … (the rest of) humanity, is a dedicated, systemic discrimination against all who are not in the in-group!
This is the defining characteristic, even if it is deep-down, the existence (and insistence) buried in the psychy, without which, no one would identify with this group.
This, of course, applies to all those self-identifying with the Rabbanical Pharseeism cult, regardless of where they choose to live.
‘Citizens of Israel‘ (actually a nonsensical statement) just have a layer of hubris laid on top of this seminal discriminatory imperative; but it’s spreading, and can be noticed everywhere in the empire, if one is so brainwashed by the non-stop perception-management campaign, censoring any meaningful public discussion of how this ‘extra-national‘ affiliation interfaces with nationstates?!
Ultimately, you find a systemic ‘gaming‘ of societal contracts, by which citizens of nationstates voluntarily forgo making the best short-term decisions favouring themselves, to gain a greater, overall advantage for everyone.
The invading ‘gaming‘ cultures, therefore systemically undermine and breakdown these co-operative strategies, for ‘extra-normal‘ accrual of money/power to those doing the gaming.
Until the heavy-handed censorship of open discussion of this topic is lifted, a bitter hatred will continue to foment, which will ultimately certainly result in a real, ugly, utterly intolerant reaction against the ongoing ‘crimes-against-societies‘.
I submit this comment in complete respect of our courageous Commodore of the worldwide fleet of beached submarines, and the little oasis of intelligent discussions, which he shepherds.
Thank you.
What about those enlightened Jews who do recognize the Christ consciousness and the universal teachings of Jesus?
They remain stuck in the darkness of Judaism, just moderating their offensive language towards Christians. They do not recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
I trained capoeira every day for a good while and can say I reached a reasonable level. Capoeira is a interesting example, because even being very physical and energetic sport, it involves a lot of thinking, values and principles. In capoeira force is nothing. Strength comes from knowledge and respect of the principles of the art. I have to say that I observe this pattern every where, from inter-personal relations to organizations of every kind.
I am quite convinced that showing off force and power is really a symptom of weakness, because the only way to really show it off is against the weaker. And see my point: which principles has an individual, an organization or even a “country” that practices aggression against (almost) defenseless ones? It is most of the time for self affirmation…
If one has values and principles, can even practice prostitution (if constrained to) but will never become a prostitute.
As Father Stephen Freeman says, Christianity is not reducible to morality. The West is ‘moral’ – people are ‘civilized’. Why? Enlightened self-interest. Russians see this, compare with Russia, and worship the West. Same reaction by elites especially in many countries. But Christianity is sacrificial Love, not enlightened self interest! It is better to try to Love and fail than not to and just follow self interest.
Father Arseny in one all chapter blamed the Russian revolution on the Church (and himself). It is the repentance you are talking about. So long as we Christians do not repent, so long as we are hypocrites, we will drive people away to secularism and other forms of idolatry etc. It’s been the same way for 2000 years.
It seems that the author worships The Almighty, but says that his god is instead truth. “God is not in force/power, but in truth/justice.” He says that the knower of truth holds power, more than does the holder of wealth. But that’s not true: Throughout history, the aristocracy have held power, the public have merely been their subjects. Is The Saker here engaging in wishful thinking? The historical record is clear that he is.
Furthermore, “God” is defined as “the All Mighty” — the personification of power — and NOT as “the All True” (which is instead found by science, not by faith of any sort). My ‘god’ is truth, as that can be found by adhering to the meta-methodology that is meant by the term “science.” Unfortunately, money brings power far more than truth does. I rarely disagree with The Saker, but here I do. I don’t worship The Almighty, but only the meta-methodology that leads toward (but can never reach) the All-True. The path to the God that’s the All True is science, in any and all fields, not just the physical sciences, and not just the biological sciences, but also the social sciences, which haven’t yet really even started yet. But that, alone, is the way, the truth, and the light, even unto the arts, and everything else. Saker, you are blessed, but even blessed people are wrong about some things, and this here is, I think, an example of that.
I used to travel a lot on business in the USA. Which meant that this scene repeated itself fairly regularly. This was shortly after 9-11.
You fly in the early evening. You get to a hotel, hopefully ‘early’ which would be 9 or 10 pm. If its a nice hotel, it has a bar included. You wouldn’t normally go to these bars, but after a 12 hour plus day and airports and plane travel, a shot of something is almost a requirement.
In the bar, there is another fellow traveler. A businessman, perhaps in sales, perhaps in management, also on the road and sitting at the bar. So, you sit down next to him (it was always male) and order your one bourbon, one scotch and one beer. Something about the wars is on the TV, and you are then treated to a long rant about how America should ‘nuke them back to the stone age’.
This was unfortunately rather common.
I tried to be good on my corporate job to survive it as long as possible. So, I just got my drinks, moved to a quieter end of the bar, and didn’t bother to tell the guy that what he was so casually describing was a horrible crime against humanity that would kill hundreds of thousands of people, most of who were quite innocent and didn’t really have much of a say in what Saddam was doing in Iraq, and would also cause many more casualties and illnesses immediately in the region among those who didn’t go up in the initial flash, and that this would also mean increased numbers of cancers and lukemias for decades to come. (being good didn’t save me in the end, as I was booted out of that job, despite doing it rather well, a few years later. But, I don’t think getting into a fight with a corporate fascist in a hotel bar would have changed the course of history either.)
At the time, I figured there was a group of about 20% of Americans who were all in favor of horrible war crimes. I don’t know if that was accurate, or just a reflection of regularly traveling on business and thus staying in the business type hotels and sitting in bars with other American businessmen (these were always men in my experience), but there was in the early part of the last decade a group that were very, very, very nasty about what they’d do to people or countries that the Two-Minute-Hate on cable TV news told them were their enemies.
Strength comes from the Israel of God, i.e. the Church of Christ (Gal 6:16).
Incidentally, the word righteousness is a pretty good rendering of the religious use of the word правда.
There they go again! Democrats in America gave started a new Israel lobby, as if J Street and AIPAC are not enough! I’m pretty sure that if I were to even attempt to orchestrate such an massively funded, heavily advertised, coercive organization for The Russa, as The Saker calls it, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, or the Paestinians, I would be called a useful idiot, treadonous, and would be subjected to the FBI raiding my home for being a traitor and treason!
As another poster once said, if it wasn’t for double standards, there would be no standards at all!
Israeli Blood and Soil is not a religion! It is an ideology! As a Catholic, should I demand that over $30 billion be sent to the Vatican every year, so that Vatican City can fight Italy for more land, and that we must send U.S. troops to help Vatican City fight Italy? Or so that the Vatican can puchase more artwork, and buy a new Pope mobile every year? Or should protestants demand $30 billion sent to Great Britain every year, to support the Church of England? Or, maybe the U.S. government ought to start paying U.S. Muslims to visit Mecca every year since that is part of their religion to make the pilgramage to Mecca!
Any religion that supports genocide, concentration camps, torture, and other human rights violations, by its quintessential nature can only be that of Satanism, because no God serving religion would ever support those reprehensible acts which defy the basic tenents of every religion other than Satanism that has ever been practiced.
Unfortunately, Donald Trump does not even posess the basic intelligence to comprehend what a double standard is, calling for the rsignation for Representative Omar to resign from the House intelligence committee, for calling Israel evil ( for enacting the same policies against Palestinians used against the Jews by German Nazis ( which is a double standard) ), and referring to AIPAC and money in the same sentence, which is now evidently prohibited, amd comparing Israel to Iran, ( since they are both theocracies ( which is a double standard and Iran is not engaging in genocide, concentration camps, and land theft like Israel is) ) because the Democrats called for the resignation of Senator King, after he asked what was wrong with white nationalism and supremacy.
Poor Donald Trump. A double standard would have been if Representative Omar asked what is wtong with Islamic nationalism and Islamic supremacy.
The Siberian recluse Anastasia claims that the Earth is a playground for the ‘Dimensions of light’ and the ‘Dark Forces’. Also that that there are no human beings on the Earth[Godlike beings]. We are the end product of Human Devolution[Godlike beings into monkeys]. She claims that our Creator is a complex of energies both positive and negative which he took from other energy beings [but didn’t destroy] and bound them together in the greatest energy[Love]. So this Supreme energy complex made a copy of itself [Original Man] which was a held in balance and then Man chose to enter the materialized thought[matter] knowing the consequences of forgetting his true origins. The other energy beings saw this and tried to copy Matter based beings [aliens] but cannot figure out reproduction[cloning only]. There interference with us over millions of years has resulted in Mans dumbing down to a mental spiritual and physical slave. but a reawakening is happening in Russia and that is why Russia must be taken down. it is the birthplace of man re-awakening to his true nature. The prime Creation.
I’m sure that this will be met with the usual sarcasm, but honestly, western civilization is an extremely traumatic and abusive experience, and I will start with Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
Despite what anyone says, I still maintain that it is psychologically devastating and destructive to have a world wide conspiracy of lying to children. I realize people say oh get over it, we were all lied to. That is exactly my point. Look at how messed up, corrupt, and dysfunctional all of western civilization is.
It’s kind of like slave traders telling people that they would be sent to the promised land. Now the slaves are debt and tax slaves to banks and governments, and devoured like prey by the surveillance state and tech sector.