The Russian Duma has ratified with recognition of the LDNR UNANIMOUSLY!
The Parliaments from the LDNR did likewise.

Example: the shape of the DPR Russia recognized
Putin has confirmed that Russia recognizes the LDNR within the borders defined in their (the LDNR’s) constitutions. In other words, the full size of the LNR and DNR republics.
There were a few terrorist attacks overnight, with a few casualties, but so far no full-scale invasion attempt by the Ukies. Let’s hope that they don’t try a last, glorious and suicidal attack.
There are various reports of Russian forces already inside the LDNR. I have not seen any official confirmation, but the legal basis for such a move now exists, so I don’t see any reasons for the Russians not to send in some forces, including engineers, communications specialists, EW, operators of specialized equipment (air defenses, combat management, counter-battery operators, etc.).
So far, this is not a significant move of ground forces into the LDNR, but it could happen very quickly if needed. Which is exactly what the people of the LDNR need to most because the Russians have made it abundantly clear that should anybody attack Russian military personnel or facilities there will be an immediate and devastating response.
Here is an opinion poll from Russia showing the level of popular support in Russia for that decision:
Totally support: 68.4%
Mostly support: 15.6%
Mostly do not support: 3.9%
Not sure: 4.2%
In my opinion, this directly indicates two things:
- The Russian people understand that there will be sanctions/consequences/risks
- The Russians people accept these sanctions/consequences/risks as inevitable/acceptable
Of course, both the 5th column and the 6th column solemnly affirm that:
- Russian elections are all fake, most people hate Putin
- Russian opinion polls are fake, most people hate Putin
However, the members of the 5th and 6th columns know what the real Russian public believes. How do they know? Because they know, after all, they live in Russia and most of their friends and acquaintances totally agree with them. Ergo – all these elections and opinion polls are fakes, the truth is… … that the US/UK PSYOPs are correct: Putin is a dictator, he commands a small clique of his pals (the “family”) and they are destroying Russia on behalf of some kind of international conspiracy. Sanctions are about to deliver the final headshot to the Russian economy and usher in a period of poverty and destitution. At the end, the US/NATO will invade or nuke Russia.
Again, a simple cui bono tells you all you need to know about whose objective interests are promoted by these people. I expect them to get much MUCH louder in the next days/week – so please be forewarned!
For the time being, I will stop here and catch up on all the incoming info.
Stay tuned.
PS: as always, here are the two websites I recommend you turn to for facts and analyses:
Let us wait for the next developments. But I am curious to see future steps about two points, if anyone has some guess: firstly, will Russia politely suggest to the Ukies to retreat outside the former territories provinces or face consequences? If yes, in which time scale? Secondly, all of this is not solving the security concerns for US/NATO expansion eastward. There is no need for the Ukraine to be formal NATO member to host US bases and missiles. So the question is if the LDNR recognition will lead also to some agreement on this, or if Russia must continue with the technical-military measures.
Overall, experts and journos on the tv here in the colonies seem stunned. They don’t know how to react, but also the most Russophobic ones are counting how many Euros will cost these sanctions to Europe.
Russia issues ultimatum to Ukrainian occupiers; “Get out of Donbass in 48 hours or we’ll kick you out.”
Within hours the first deserters are leaving the trenches along the LOC. Hardcore elements try to stop them at first, but there’s no stopping the flood. Just about every soldier knows they wouldn’t stand a chance against the untied LDNR/Russian forces. Fewer still are willing to die for it.
After the first 24 hours, the Ukrainian defenses begin to collapse. When the 48 hours are over, they’re like Swiss cheese offering little challenge.
Disgusted by the turn of events, Ukrainian hardcore elements commit all sorts of atrocities against locals before retreating, which leads to the death of a significant amount of civilians.
Upon reaching the borders of the two republics, the LDNR/Russian forces don’t stop. Now they’re pursuing the ‘terrorists’ to apprehend them and bring them to justice. All the way to Kiev, Lviv and Odessa.
I don’t know if something like this will happen, but it would allow the Russians to minimize the amount of actual fighting that needs to be done. Let the house of cards that is 404 collapse on is own. It only needs a little push. As Sun Tzu said, first you defeat your enemy, then you fight him.
Do you have any source to confirm that Russia demanded from Ukrainian military units to leave Donbass in 48h??
Sorry, I should have been clearer. This is a hypothetical scenario, dealing with the question of getting the Ukrainians out of the rest of the LDNR republics.
It’s based on the assumption that Russia will want to gain its objectives at the lowest possible cost. I’m fairly certain that at some point in the near future Russia will issue an ultimatum to the Ukrainian forces. What form it will take is guess work of course.
Normally, the last thing you’d do is tell the enemy exactly when you’ll attack. But this is not a normal situation. With the ultimatum, they’d essentially be telling the Ukrainian soldiers, in 48 hours (or however long it will be), you will die.
How many will stay along the contact line and await their fate? Very few I’d gather. And once some of them start to flee, it will spread. Panic and rout is contagious and very hard to stop from spreading and even harder to reverse.
As the Saker himself pointed out, what happened so far is part of a much larger carefully choreographed whole and more is to follow. I can’t help but speculate on what that might be.
I have some of the same questions you do Gianluca. I did see an article on Tass that Ze is considering breaking off diplomatic relations with Russia. I think he should do the opposite and start a diplomatic process with Russia immediately!
Has far as the facts on the ground, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of information out there. If I were to guess I would think elements of the 8th guards army probably make up the bulk of the Russian peacekeeping force and would have come from the direction of Rostov. That leaves a rather sizable force to the North and an amphibious force in the Black Sea. Russia still has many options militarily and if Ze were wise he would be negotiating a withdrawal from the two new Republic. Russia has air superiority so keeping the Ukrainian force on the LOC is a waste and any attack would be suicidal. Russia can destroy the UAF right now but they haven’t moved in that direction. I think Russia is looking for a diplomatic settlement and an orderly withdrawal of Ukrainian forces. Maybe a week and then the pain dial again.
Thank you Saker
I would be surprised if Russian Duma failed to recognise the the twin republics in their original administrative boundaries. Well done!
As the saying goes ‘whom the gods want to destroy, they first make mad’. This unfortunate orphaned Bolshevik creature, infested with hate mongering ants, mollycoddled by the purfidious West finally implodes.
No more Ukraine as we know it after the collapse of the USSR.
No more NATO expansion.
New World Order born: 22-02-22
I hope Biden will consider well what Putin told him about sanctions on the phone some weeks ago, that more sanctions would lead to breaking all diplomatic relations. If that were to happen, it should not be another surprise. He was told that it would affect more than one generation (if I recall this too).
Prices for natural gas, oil, coal are rising partialy due to situation in the Ukraine. It is again a serious gain for Russia. It appears that EU has plenty of money to spare for these resources.
Hello Saker,
My sister did send me the following message about the constitutionality and the borders of the Ukraine, could you please check whether true and correct? Here it is:
DAS IST BOOM!! Wichtig, interessant, spannend!!!!
Der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen hat erklärt, dass die Ukraine seit 1991 keinen Antrag auf Registrierung der Grenzen gestellt hat, so dass der Staat Ukraine nicht existiert….
Und wir wissen nichts davon!!!
:07.04.2014 UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon gab eine erstaunliche Erklärung ab, deren Verbreitung in ukrainischen Medien und im Internet verboten ist. In der Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates wurde der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Staaten zur Sprache gebracht. Daraus wurde die folgende Schlussfolgerung gezogen:
Die Ukraine hat ihre Grenzen seit dem 25.12.1991 nicht mehr registriert. Die Registrierung der Grenzen der Ukraine als souveräner Staat ist in der UNO nicht erfolgt.
Daher kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass Russland in Bezug auf die Ukraine keine Rechtsverletzungen begeht.
Nach dem GUS-Vertrag ist das Gebiet der Ukraine ein Verwaltungsbezirk der UdSSR. Daher kann niemandem die Schuld am Separatismus und der gewaltsamen Veränderung der Grenzen der Ukraine gegeben werden.
Nach internationalem Recht hat das Land einfach keine offiziell anerkannten Grenzen.
Um dieses Problem zu lösen, muss die Ukraine die Grenzziehung mit den Nachbarstaaten abschließen und die Zustimmung der Nachbarländer, einschließlich Russlands, zu ihrer gemeinsamen Grenze einholen. Es ist erforderlich, alles zu dokumentieren und Verträge mit allen Nachbarstaaten zu unterzeichnen.
Die Europäische Union hat der Ukraine ihre Unterstützung in dieser wichtigen Frage zugesagt und beschlossen, die gesamte technische Hilfe zu leisten.
Aber wird Russland einen Grenzvertrag mit der Ukraine unterzeichnen? Nein, natürlich nicht!
Da Russland der Rechtsnachfolger der UdSSR ist (dies wird durch die Entscheidungen internationaler Gerichte zu Eigentumsstreitigkeiten zwischen der ehemaligen UdSSR und dem Ausland bestätigt), gehören die Gebiete, auf denen die Ukraine, Belarus und Noworossija liegen, Russland, und niemand hat das Recht, ohne Russlands Zustimmung über dieses Gebiet zu verfügen.
Im Grunde genommen muss Russland jetzt nur noch erklären, dass dieses Gebiet russisch ist und dass alles, was in diesem Gebiet geschieht, eine innere Angelegenheit Russlands ist.
Jede Einmischung wird als Maßnahme gegen Russland betrachtet. Auf dieser Grundlage können sie die Wahlen vom 25. Mai 2014 annullieren und tun, was das Volk will!
Gemäß dem Budapester Memorandum und anderen Abkommen gibt es keine Grenzen der Ukraine. Der Staat Ukraine existiert nicht (und hat nie existiert!).
Alexander Panin,
Zentrale Nachrichten
Google-translate from mid:-
The Secretary-General of the United Nations declared that Ukraine has not applied for registering the boundaries since 1991, so that the state of Ukraine does not exist ….
And we do not know about it !!!
: 07.04.2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon issued an amazing statement whose dissemination is prohibited in Ukrainian media and on the Internet. At the meeting of the UN Security Council, the conflict between the two states was brought to language. From this, the following conclusion was drawn:
Ukraine has no longer registered its limits since 25.12.1991. The registration of the limits of Ukraine as a sovereign state is not done in the UNO.
Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia does not commit infringements with regard to Ukraine.
According to the CIS Treaty, the area of Ukraine is an administrative district of the USSR. Therefore, anyone can be given the blame for separatism and the violent change of the limits of Ukraine.
According to international law, the country simply has no officially recognized limits.
In order to solve this problem, Ukraine must conclude the border education with the neighboring states and seek the approval of neighboring countries, including Russia, to their common border. It is necessary to document everything and sign contracts with all neighboring countries.
The European Union has promised Ukraine’s support in this important issue and decided to make the entire technical assistance.
But Russia will sign a border agreement with Ukraine? No of course not!
Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international dishes on property disputes between the former USSR and abroad), belong to the areas where Ukraine, Belarus and Noworossija are, Russia, and nobody has the right, without Russia’s approval of this area.
Basically, Russia now only has to explain that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an inner matter of Russia.
Any interference is considered as a measure against Russia. On this basis you can cancel the elections of 25 May 2014 and do what the people want!
According to the Budapest memorandum and other agreements, there are no limits of Ukraine. The state of Ukraine does not exist (and has never existed!).
Alexander Panin,
Central news
hello, do you have a source or link/URL for the 07.04.2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon statement that you reference in your post? thanks
Never believe anything till it’s been denied by a ‘fact checker’ ;-)
Seriously, I don’t think there’s enough supporting documentation either way but generally the Ukraine boundaries have been followed by the international community giving a de facto border.
But, I have no degree in international law.
This affirms what i have long understood – the Union State was not dissolved after the collapse of the USSR. Whilst de-facto the new Russian state agreed that the Ukraine was now sovereign, the actual de-jure basis was that the Ukraine was still part of the Union State…so as Russia is the direct legal successor to the USSR, ALL former USSR territory does indeed legally still belong to Russia.
Good to have this ‘smoking gun’ openly exposed and recorded.
The UK media is currently throwing fits over ‘evil Russia recreating the old Soviet Union’ ;oP
Haha…the truculent Baltic States in particular will be deeply upset to hear this…
The Stans will have learnt valuable lessons from their own engagement with US and UK interests, so they will be more accommodating of the legal principle….
Biden is now 45 minutes late for his briefing at The White House.
They might have some difficulties in getting him online and upright?
As I understand Putin’s statement, Russia recognizes the entire Donetsk and Lugansk regions. If this is so, Mariupol is now no longer part of Ukraine.
Germany/ Scholz has suspended Nord Stream certification. This is evidence that Germany is stiil USA’s poodle.
Russia’ recognition of these 2 republics will make it easier for Russia to continue it’s military technical response.
Methinks Bidens advisors are in more serious trouble in this moment than the Old Boy.
What to say to the public and not being refuted in the matter of hours?
At least, Biden has excuse of dementia.
One hour and twenty minutes late. Is he dead for real, or is it just the usual?
Just the usual. I did watch the very late Biden speech. Stumbling and mumbling as he always is. The upshot was sanctions and the promise of a paltry force being sent to the Baltic states I presume. Biden wasn’t quite clear.
It is possible ‘muricans expel Russian diplomats? I wouldn’t be surprised.
Obama’s point man on Ukraine, Joe Biden, is lying his ass off now.
The EU intends to introduce new sanctions that will also sanction 351 members of the Russian Parliament who voted for recognition of the Donbass republics:
I am now waiting to see what the individual reactions of EU members are going to be. Just to point out once again that after the introduction of the first sanctions in 2014, EU countries lost, by the second half of 2016, 100 billion euros in trade. How many are prepared to lose even more ? The chief catalyst for “rebellion” inside the EU are going to be German industrialists, who risk losing the most. After 2014, some 500 of them went to Russia to sign new trade deals and open subsidiaries which are now employing more than 140.000 Russians.
By last week some 20 of them have stated that they will oppose the cancellation of NS2. The number must have risen since then.
During the past 24 hours the price of crude oil is beginning to reach 100 dollars per barrel:
I presume the EU will be “pleased”, as it has contributed to this. Russia is indeed going to be pleased.
Presumably the EU is vehemently opposed to the basic principle that a Parliamentarian’s duty is to their electorate, and the interests of their Country. The Parliamentarians did their duty and they should not be sanctioned for it.
It would be the end of the World if actual democracy came to those Countries who verbally espouse democracy whilst trampling it underfoot and hoping that no one notices. (EU, US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ.)
Two can play at the sanctions game.
One thing I understand is Ukraine and US used LDNR to hurt Russia by killing or harming Russian speaking majority living in that region. Actually this had hurt Russian people and that is indicated in poll results referenced by Saker. So by recognizing LDNR as independent regions and moving Russian military I think as the president of RF Putin did the correct thing.
Another less important point of this move is Russia showed to the word that they do not afraid of US/NATO and their sanctions.
Other than that I really do not understand how recognizing of LDNR will help Russia to achieve its security guarantees from US or NATO ?
This is just a stage in the process…there is more to come…
Gov. Mike Huckabee just said that at least Hunter Biden should have been sent to Ukraine instead of V.P. Harris, because he at least has some contacts in Ukraine (made me laugh).
Over at Moon of Alabama there is discussion that suddenly Minsk 2 may not be dead–and it’s claimed that it is the Ukrainians themselves who are saying so. Assuming Ze actually *were* in control, it could be sold as either losing that territory to independence or giving autonomy while preserving the territory. Ultra-nationalists will hate it; but realists might not.
The purpose of the agreements was to stop two Ukranian regions from fighting each other, so it would make sense for Ukraine to support them now; maybe now the agreements look good to them.
A question: Have we heard anything further from Faina Savenkova? Do we know if she’s ok?
The British are officially seeking support for an “extra NATO Expeditionary Force” (a UK led EU force outside of NATO) to face Russia in the the Baltic states, and also the immediate supply of weapons and support to Ukraine as requested by the Ukrainian Government.
UK defence minister has said “”I am a soldier and I was always taught that the best part of defence is offence.”
The UK Defence Secretary has held an emergency meeting in the UK with x10 NATO and European Union member Defence Ministers and issued an official “Joint statement by Defence Ministers of the Joint Expeditionary Force”.
Details of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF):
UK also warns of a “Cyber War” with Russia if Russia uses Cyber Warfare against the UK or UK interests (including EWS ships in the Baltics or the Black Sea) – quote, “we will hack them back”:
British also supplying small arms to help Ukraine defend key sites and infrastructure. This is to include an unknown number of H&K MP7 weapons as used by British nuclear power station Police guards (a signal the British will act to prevent Russia from seizing Ukrainian nuclear sites) with body armour defeating ammo – please note that this gun and ammo was specifically designed to defeat Russian body armour – so the supply of this gun is another message to those who understand these things:
The British have also stated that they have hardly begun with the sanctions and will work with the US and EU to “punish Putin”.
We are not even 24 hours into this and it appears the British are overtly seeking direct confrontation, but noticable “outside” of NATO yet involving NATO members (trip wire to get the US weight behind the UK mission?).
The British have forgotten Putin’s promise.
If Russia is attacked, we will target the decision centres responsible; the war will not be fought on Russian territory.
The `British Government is clearly insane
This is getting serious now –
The US has just announced that it will provide support to the UK led effort (with the JEF) in the Baltic region and support NATO’s eastern flank with ground attack helicopters and additional fighter jet deployments. The Us, following the UK’s lead, will also provide defensive weapons and systems to Ukraine:
Quote from US.
“None of the new forces were coming from the US.”
The UK is going to rope European soldiers into a new “Charge of the Light Brigade”, whilst the US eats popcorn and rakes in the dollars for armament sales.
Are the Europeans that stupid?
Yes, They are.
UK hackers “hacking back” against Russian hackers. Good luck with that. Russia undoubtedly has far more and probably far better hackers. It’s just a matter of population and technological literacy. Last estimate I heard for China, for instance, was over 300,000 hackers.
H&K MP7’s cartridge is designed to defeat “soft” (Kevlar-based) body armor. Russian troops will probably be wearing “hard” metal or ceramic plate armor, although there is some ambiguity as to which Russian body armor has which and how it compares to US military body armor.
In any event, small arms of this sort aren’t going to do anything to stop a military assault by serious forces.
I just read a comment at one Serbian site regarding approval of Putin’s request for the deployment of the Russian forces abroad:
“Brothers, we (meaning Serbia) is abroad too”
@ Saker
“…Putin has confirmed that Russia recognizes the LDNR within the borders defined in their (the LDNR’s) constitutions. In other words, the full size of the LNR and DNR republics…”
Thank you, Saker, for all your work keeping us informed and on the right track.
It is left to see how Russia is going to get to those boundaries defined by the constitution of the new twins, about 2/3 of both republics.
Putin concluded his presser with, “…further actions will depend “on the specific situation that is developing on the ground,” while “it is impossible to predict any specific outline of possible actions at all.””
Lone Wolf
PS: About to post this comment, Biden came live to deliver his response to Putin. Same old, same old, sanctimonius West, nothing new, sanctions from hell, first tranche, more to come.
Hello Andrei, for what it’s worth, this is also my opinion (let’s hope for the best).
“By one of my top Deep State moles:
If Russia wants to win it has to stop talking and prepare for total war. You know what the response would be: total Western capitulation. The US wants what is happening as they see Putin as a coward.
The US gave the orders to Zelensky to threaten the development of nuclear missiles. That is what brought this to a head. The US knew that was going to happen and wanted it to happen. They are leading Putin around as in a dog collar.
The US wanted Putin to do this and Germany now stopped Nord Stream 2. This is a total victory for the US.”
Pepe Escobar
I think Putin does what he can. He is not the savior of the world and total war means nukes.This the real world we are talking about, not a playstation game,
Dear Pepe,
Thanks for this insight.
If your deep state mole truly stated this – then they are just as delusional as the collective Biden.
“…leading Putin around as in a dog collar…” – that said it all for me – if anyone is being led around it is the Americans.
NS2 has no impact on Russia – it hurts the Germans and it was obvious the weak and pathetic Scholz (his traffic light coalition won’t last long when industry/unions react – its stuck at red) had been given his orders by Biden. Good luck to Germany – its industry will be destroyed. The Americans can’t even replace the Russian supply to Europe. Let them have what they think is a victory.
Russia doesn’t want war – not because they are cowards but because they fully understand what war is and that this one will be hot.
The American thinking is so exceptional and narrow – they see everything thing as a zero-sum game. They play checkers not chess. The Russians and Putin are many steps ahead.
Hello Pepe,
It’s how they’re trying to present things, not how things actually are. They’re feeding this narrative primarily to their collaborators and lackeys in other european countries and relevant organizations (NGO’s, influencial businesses etc.)
Keep in mind that for these people image is everything. Outward appearance is essential to them. Control the outer appearance – that’s their standard modus operandi.
They believe that if they manage to alter the perception from reality to the fake reality, then they will get the psychological upper hand.
It’s an illusionist’s trick. It worked with most of their own people, eventually and after a lot of effort over decades.
However they have misjudged now, as they believe themselves to be as influencial outside of their bubble/sphere of influence, as they are inside it.
They REALLY don’t understand other perceptions, other viewpoints, or the plain fact that other peoples actually do think differently than them.
However this trick is still something to watch out for, and shatter immediately the attempted projection anywhere it may appear to spread.
Dear Saker,
FYI, there is only Donetsk region shown on the map, no Lugansk region
Yeah, I am getting tired :-)
Thank you
I corrected the caption under the map
Today’s announcement of new sanctions by Biden is a true sign of impotency. It’s meant for the USA/ WEST public but they’re not paying attention.
For sure, now that the West is going for sanctions against Russia, they must be counting on the Arab sheikhdoms to cover any shortfalls caused by an eventual cuts by Russian energy exports to the EU. Well, the west will be surprised to find out that this time around it will not be going as smoothly as they wish.
Pardon my ignorance. Who are members of the 5th and 6th columns and why do they hate Putin?
5th Column – Atlanticist liberals who always disapprove of actual RF policies
6th Column – super nationalists who always disapprove of actual RF policies
Question: Are you sure that is the map as described in the LDR Constitution?
OK, don’t laugh lol, but Wikipedia illustrates the map of Novorossiya, and states that this configuration was officially recognized by Russia.
Of course, Novorossiya includes a land bridge Crimean, going past Odessa, and also includes all of the Sea of Avov.
The problem with Western politicians is that they consume their own propaganda to the exclusion of all other sources of information, leading to a complete departure from reality.
Informational coprophagy, leading to actions which are foolhardy and positively dangerous.
What International Law did Putin break when he recognised the two Republics?
What are the legal grounds for sanctions?
Will our politicians in the West tell us the reason for declaring war on Russia, for that is what Britain has done?
If the Russian government wants to de-dollarize the economy, then Western sanctions have a positive side, too.
Blinken cancels meeting Lavrov Surely the latter will be rather prefering to write his poetry.
US and EU officials announce they may stop using Russian diplomats preferred pronouns over Russian possible refusal to mask up and social distance on the battlefield.
Good new article on RT recounting the birth of this crisis with the coup to overthrow Yanukovich,and the Ukie assault against Donbass:
“How Ukraine’s ‘Revolution of Dignity’ led to war, poverty and the rise of the far right”
A motley crew of militant Ukrainian nationalists and pro-Western activists wanted to change their democratically elected government. Eight years on, the results look disappointing.
This morning Australian news/politicians jumped the shark and made that standard shift in language. We have moved from Russian Government yesterday, to the Russian Regime today. This change was pretty much going to come the minute the Russian Government refused to roll over for the West.
“It is a terrible tragedy for the Ukranian people” but let’s not kid ourselves. The conservative, ‘strong on security’, gubbinment doesn’t just get to beat the drum on China in the hopes of a re-election (in 2 months). Now they can beat the Russian drum too. We’re sanctioning eight, yes eight, Russian individuals. Funnily enough there has been no mention of the revenue they’re hoping will come when the LNG flows into Europe at absolute top dollar.
Disclose tv : Russia has closed air space over north east Ukraine or better LDNR.