Today was only day two of the Russian military operation. And yet, what a day it was!!!
First, a quick update on the progress of Russian forces. Here is a bulletpoint summary for today:
- Kherson: liberated
- Nikolaev: fighting taking place in outskirts
- Konotop: taken by Russians
- Chernigov: blocked by all sides by Russian forces
- Melitopol: surrounded
- Mariupol: is under attack, street fighting
- Severodonetsk: under attack
- Kharkov: very heavy mopping up operation
- Suma: mopping up operations
- Kiev: blocked from the West and under attack, the authorities are distributing weapons
- Gostomel airport has been captured by Russian forces
- Zaporozhie: Russian forces expected there tomorrow
- A land corridor from Crimea to Russia should be opened by tomorrow.
- Odessa: big question mark – so far, no Russian attacks reported (that I know of!)

Ukie Tochka-U intercepted by LDNR air defenses
Now about Donetsk and Lugansk:
- Both cities are still under fire, and that goes to show that the advance of the LDNR forces has been slow, which is hardly surprising considering that the Ukronazis had 7 years to prepare their defenses. Still, things ARE getting better. Not only that, but the LDNR air defenses shot down a Ukie Tochka-U missile aimed at Donetsk. So it sure looks like the long awaited A2/AA “protective cupola” is being extended over the LDNR.
- That being said, the LDNR forces did break through in at least two directions today, which means that the life left for the Ukie artillery shelling the LDNR will soon come to an end.
But that does not really tell the full story. So I will try to clarify things a little.
A typical battalion has about 400-600 men, depending on the type. Let’s also assume that that battalion has 3-4 companies with APCs, a mortar battery, an air defense platoon, an automatic grenade launcher platoon, a signal platoon, supply platoon, and a few smaller more specialized subunits. If that battalion loses its APCs it has basically lost its most important source of firepower. If its communications are down (destroyed or jammed), then that battalion cannot operate as part of a bigger force and if its supply routes are cut, then its ability to operate (more or fire) will rapidly dwindle down. So, on paper this battalion will remain combat capable, but in reality it will have broken up and cannot be considered a truly combat capable battalion anymore.
So, to destroy/incapacitate a battalion only a few precision strikes are needed. Such strikes though, will leave most of the soldiers alive and quite capable of resistance, but not as a battalion anymore, but more like a typical infantry company or even squads armed with small arms, machine guns, RPGs, mines, etc.. They cannot maneuver very much, but they can conduct small hit and run operations against the enemy force. Which means that specialized infantry/police forces must now be sent to find these small forces and deal with them in potentially bloody mopping up operations.
Of course, rather than a few precision strikes, it is much more effective to strike the entire battalion with, say, MLRS strikes which will not only destroy most of the hardware, but which will kill most of the soldiers, especially if they did not prepare and seek cover. But that means 400-500 dead in one single strike. That is if this battalion is somewhere in the steppe. But if it is in downtown Mariupol such a strike will inevitably result in even more scores of dead civilians, especially since the Ukies are very careful to always position their artillery near or even on top of buildings.
Does Russia want that?
Not if there is ANY other option left.
Please keep in mind that Russia has the reconnaissance-fire complexes needed obliterate an entire battalion anywhere in the eastern Ukraine in one single salvo. They have deliberately NOT done so today (with one possible exception during the very heavy battle for the Gostomel airport, which was taken by Russian special forces and is now secured as a safe bridgehead for Russian Military-Transport aviation right next to Kiev).
Something similar can be seen in urban offensive operations. It is one thing to get to a city or town’s outskirts, and quite another to penetrate inside the city or town. If the city is lightly defended by small arms fire, that is one thing, but if the city is well defended, in specially engineered defensive circles, with minefield, IEDs, very strong building used as command posts and if the city’s houses and basements have been prepared by combat engineers, then it is much harder to take. Again, one option is to send its dedicated urban combat groups while the other is flatten any building which is used by the defenders as a fortress.
The Russian forces have the means to flatten any building anywhere in the Ukraine, including by cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, MLRS with cluster or fuel-air munition or by using howitzers, heavy mortars and even the TOS-1/TOS-1A heavy flamethrower multi-barrel rocket launch systems.
But, again, that can only be done at a major cost in human lives. Russians won’t hesitate to obliterate some Nazi deathsquads, but to massacre hundreds of regular Ukrainians, irrespective of their personal views, is only and truly a last resort option.
There is a lot of evidence that the Russian forces have moved into the outskirts of many Ukrainian towns, including Kiev, Mariupol and others. Here is how Russian military practice works:
- First, approach and try to block or surrender the city
- Second, suppress the main enemy firing positions
- Third, make sure that the city is truly blocked (except for a few special corridors, see below)
- Fourth, hold your position and reconnoiter the outermost enemy lines (by fire when appropriate)
- Fifth, send in special reconnaissance groups inside the city to observe and coordinate attacks
- Sixth, once the city is surrounded/blocked and once you get a pretty decent picture of what is inside you take the next decisions which might include any of the following: open corridors for civilians to flee and for military personnel to surrender and cross over, determine the main axes of attack and begin slowly grinding down the opposition with heavy firepower (artillery, air, missiles).
- Seventh, once the city’s defenses have been sufficiently disorganized, begin a house to house mopping up operation by specialized forces.
Before I go further, I want to remind you that during WWII the Soviet Military freed a whopping 1’200 (one thousand two hundred!) cities from the Nazi forces. Russians know how to do this better than anybody else.
Furthermore, during both Chechen wars, the Russians always managed to take Grozny, which was extremely heavily fortified and defended by some of the toughest fighters on the planet in spite of the fact that at that time the Russian army was it its lowest and badly disorganized, especially during the first Chechen war! But even in the first Chechen, the Russians did seize Grozny, twice, admittedly a huge cost (on both sides), but they did.
That was almost three decades ago.
Speaking of the Chechen war, in the first one the Russian military lost a big part of an entire brigade which had quickly entered the city, moved into the city center only to find itself surrounded and cut off, with terrible communications, quasi-non existing reconnaissance capabilities. That debacle left a very painful memory in the Russian collective memory and if somebody was expecting Russian APCs to reach the Mariupol or Kharkov at full speed with flags and screams of “hurrah!” – they don’t understand what is taking place: the (truly criminal) mistake made by Eltsin’s generals during that first Chechen war will never be repeated by modern Russian commanders.
Any defeat is always a terrible tragedy, the only and best thing anybody can do after a defeat is to understand why and how it happened, and never repeat such a (criminal) mistake again.
That is the true reason why today Russians stopped on the outskirts of so many cities.
The bottom line is this. These are things which the Russians are trying to achieve
- Destroy the Ukie armed forces but kill the absolute minimum number of Ukrainian soldiers (real Nazis will probably be destroyed no questions asked). Why? Because these surviving Ukrainian soldiers and officers are the ones who will play the main role in finally cleaning the Ukraine from the Nazi scum.
- Get to the outskirts of as many major Ukrainian cities and gradually begin the steps I outlined above.
- Convince civilians to flee and convince Ukrainian solders to lay down arms
- Delay any Russian penetration inside the cities until the moment is “just right” (not too early, not too late)
Because Russia has ZERO intention of occupying or, even less so, rebuild or police the Ukraine, that’s why. The LDNR (in its legal borders) is as far as the Russians will go (with only a few possible exceptions).
The Kremlin decided that the goal of the operation was to 1) disarm and 2) to denazify the Ukraine. As soon as these goals are reached, the Russians want to get the hell out of the Ukraine and back into the LDNR and let the Ukrainians fight their own anti-Nazi civil war. That means that:
- The Russians now must identify reasonable Ukrainian commanders and/or politicians to negotiate with
- That Russia needs to offer the leftover Ukrainian ground forces the same deal which the Ukrainian forces which were tasked with the control of the Chernobyl nuclear plant were given today by the Russian forces: let’s secure this facility together and keep it secure together, with no combats of any kind. The Ukrainians gladly accepted, by the way, and now they are jointly patrolling area.
- The Russians might also try something which worked well in Chechnia: tell the local town/city authorities that if they guarantee that not a single bullet will be fired from that town/city not a single Russian bullet will fly back and not a single Russian soldier will enter the city, unless accompanied by locals and in order to ascertain the reality of the situation. But if a city is declared “open and peaceful” and then is used to attack Russian forces, it will be simply flattened with artillery. I call that the “Shamanov ultimatum” and, after a few false starts (and subsequently flattened towns) it worked very well.
The crucial factor is this: during the two Chechen wars or during 08.08.08 the Russians never saw the local people as their enemy and, if anything, they were hoping that the locals would start their own “housecleaning operation” which was a bad joke in the first Chechen war, but worked very well in the second Chechen war, and failed again during 08.08.08.
In military/combat terms the Ukies are much more similar to the Georgians than to the Chechens, so there is a good chance Russia might have to leave unconditionally and let the locals slug it at between each other for as much as they want (which is what Russia did in 08.08.08 even though Russian Airborne units were at the outskirts of Tbilisi).
Which brings me to THE QUESTION for tomorrow: how will the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians behave?
Right now, Ukrainian losses have been minimal (considering the undeniable fact that this is a fullscale strategic offensive), the Russian forces have reached their positions on the outskirts of many towns and tomorrow or the day after will be “decision time”.
I hope and pray that Russian and Ukrainian soldiers find a common language in as many locations as possible. Those who will choose a heroic stance (hardcore Nazis mostly) will be offered the possibility to die for their ideas.
In that context, “Ze” released a video in which he offered to negotiate directly and unconditionally, even about neutrality and any other topic. The Russian reply was simple and to the point:
- Russia is immediately ready to start negotiations after the Armed Forces of Ukraine lay down their arms.
- The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral.
- The Ukraine must be denazified.
- Russia will no longer allow the Nazis to rule in Ukraine. Ever.
After that reply, “Ze” and his aides stopped communicating.
I personally doubt that he has any control over anything. And the fact that a huge amount of weapons has been distributed to whomever wanted one today in Kiev shows that “Ze”‘s handlers have given him the order to make the biggest possible mess and bloodbath before he is evacuated.
This is very sad, and utterly immoral, but there is nothing Russia can do about that: the Ukraine will be flooded by well armed criminals, gangs and Nazi insurgents for years to come.
Putin today made a speech in which he suggested that Russia’s beef was only with the Nazis and their deathsquads but that Russia would seek to cooperate with the Ukrainian armed forces (well, what’s left of them, really) should they overthrow the Nazis. See his full message here.
So, today was “we get to our staging positions” day.
So what did not happen (yet)?
- The operational envelopment of the Ukrainian forces along the LOC with the LDNR forces has not happened yet, there is still a corridor by which these forces can withdraw. The Russians could have shut it down already “by maneuver by fire” but, apparently, they want to keep it open for a little longer.
- The Russian Black Sea fleet has not engaged in any major combat activities (that I know off, so take that with a grain of salt).
Will that happen tomorrow? Maybe, it all really depends on whether the regular Ukrainian units will agree to surrender or whether they will fight to their last soldier. It also depends on how the Ukrainian civilians will react at the sight of approaching Russian forces.
So what to look for tomorrow?
- A further penetration of Russian forces deeper inside Ukie territory, with cities bypassed.
- The gradual penetration of Russian forces into blocked/surrounded cities
- The intervention of the Black Sea Fleet in combat operations (with maybe Odessa as a strategic target, not necessarily to take, but at least to threaten and weaken).
- A Western false flag (some “Russian atrocity” no doubt)
One more thing:
Western PSYOPs are in “max attack mode” and they are being helped by Russian 5th columnist websites. For example, I was trying to find a halfway decent map of the combat operations today, and ALL the Russian websites which offered such maps were hardcore 5th element. Okay, I get it – 5th columnists don’t need any real facts to make their maps, while the real patriots are afraid of both getting it wrong and leaking info. Still, I remember during the first two wars in the Donbass, there were some pretty decent maps available out there.
Today I see such zero. If anybody can recommend semi-decent military maps of the combat operations I would be most grateful.
The fact that the Russian 5th column is allowed to continue to operate the way it does really frustrates me. Could the Kremlin not tell them to “zip it” at least during active combat operations?
I did not even bother checking the output of the 6th column today, I fully expect it to be indistinguishable from the output of the 5th, and so I have no interest in it.
What is certain are two things: the joint efforts 5th and 6th column efforts have had some success, especially in locations where Putin is hated and pro-Western views more common than in most of Russia. The best poll I have seen says “Three-quarters of the respondents rather support the decision of the President of Russia to recognize the independent Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (73%), rather do not support – 16%, and every tenth Russian found it difficult to answer (11%). The majority of Russians – 78% – expressed support for the President’s decision to sign an agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between Russia and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Rather, 14% of respondents do not support this decision“. Putin personal rating is at 67,2%.
My guesstimate that no more than 5% of Russian support the 5th column and not more than 15% support the 6th column. Toss in another 5-10% which is afraid and on the fence. This is only a guess following my readings of the Russian social media, not a precise figure or even one based on serious research!
Next, the main thesis of US PSYOPs today was “the Russian movement is very slow, much slower than expected” hinting at some formidable Ukrainian defense operations. I hope that while I did not post any maps today, the above will tell you all you need to know to identify this thesis for what it is: Western information operations, nothing more. The problem is that there is no “smartphone confirmation” of any of that, and by tomorrow I expect the main Western PSYOPs thesis to change from “no/slow advance” to “Russian atrocities” (the smartphone coverage for that will, of course, be provided by the Western press corps).
So, in conclusion, and once more – the “fog of war” is real, and to read through it takes both time and experience. By tomorrow, I only expect this “fog of war” (powerfully augmented by PSYOPs) to drown us all in all sorts of nonsense, rumors and wild claims. Again, please don’t post panicked questions such as “is it true that the Ukrainian forces are already on the Red Square in Moscow” or something equally insipid.
Two quick ones just in, then I need to crash (sorry, I am exhausted).
The US decided to impose personal sanctions personally on Putin (and others) which will result in a full termination of any diplomatic relations (as Russians warned the US many times). Note: such sanctions are entirely symbolic but maximally offensive, so a full break with Russia is what the US wants.
Twelve thousand Chechens will be sent to the LDNR if needed, so promised Ramzan Kadyrov, the President of Chechnia. Actually, I think that this is a very good idea, like in Syria, the Chechens should get involved in policing and public security operations. FYI – when the “toughest” and “NATO trained and equipped” Georgian brigade heard that the Chechen battalion Vostok was approaching, they all ran abandoning all their fancy (and secret) equipment. Russia then organized exhibits of all that NATO kit.
Today, the LDNR authorities report the seizure of large Ukie weapons depots including the famous Javelins and NLAWs. This is all very good news.
I am done for tonight barring some huge event.
I hope to “see you” all tomorrow.
And, again, thanks for all the help (see ADDENDUM in yesterday’s post if you have not yet)!!
You are simply the best :-)
PS: I don’t have the energy to proofread what I wrote, sorry. I have to prioritize info over form.
Joined your Patreon, thanks for the work you are doing to provide clarity in a cloudy world.
Andrei My Brother,
God bless you and your family. You need the rest. You have been working hard without a doubt.
I am saddened by the death and destruction I see in the pictures coming out of Ukraine. Saddened most of all because I know this could have been avoided back in 2013/2014 but my country, the United States, my wretched government made this war inivitable. Most Americans can’t grasp that. I don’t know why. Even when presented with all the facts it’s still the Evil Putin’s fault, the fault of the evil Russians. Even those taking an anti war stance make sure to condemn Putin and the Russians before they make their case for not going to war with the Russians.
I know there are plenty of intelligent Americans who see through this but the bombardment of misinformation, disinformation and outright lies in the Western Media is such that those who don’t know but suspect something is rotten with the Western take on Ukraine will never actually know the truth. I thank God I met Serbs before the Kosovo war and I was introduced to true Orthodoxy via monastics before that war. It gave me a whole different view of the world. I could see the world as a Serb and that would later lead to me being able to see the world as a Russian.
As you know I love America, I love my family, I love God. I sympathize with Americans most of the time, but now I side with the Russians. I understand them. I always have over the last 25 years. I got to know their religion. I got to know their history. I got to know them. Alexander Solzhenitsyn who I was raised to believe was a hero for freedom was instrumental in helping me see things through Russian Eyes.
I feel a disconnect with my fellow Americans right now. A disconnect I have not felt in a very long time. Last time I felt this George W. Bush was recognizing Kosovo’s independence from Serbia. Then as now I could not explain my sentiments to fellow Americans in a way they would understand but I understood Orthodox Serbs as now I understand Orthodox Russians. Much of Ukraine is to Russia what Kosovo is to Serbia.
I knew that Serbs we’re an ancient Christian people and I looked to Pope Benedict (I was Roman Catholic at the time) to speak out against this injustice that Washington and it’s allies had committed against the Serbian nation and people but it was not forthcoming. I knew then and there that I would convert to Orthodox Christianity and I followed through on that promise a year later while in the former Soviet Union.
Thank God for Father Seraphim Rose, St. John Maximovich, St. Herman of Alaska, St Seraphim Sarovsky, St. John of Kronstadt and St. Sergius of Rodonezh. These Russian Saints (except for Blessed Father Seraphim of course) we’re instrumental in my conversion from Roman Catholicism to Orthodoxy. Because of these Saints I understand what Holy Orthodox Russia was and should be. Because of my beloved Father in-law who was born and raised and loyal to the Soviet Union I came to understand that the USSR was much more complicated than USA and NATO allies good and Soviets and the Warsaw Pact the Evil Empire. Put it all together and I was left with a unique understanding of Russia and the USSR.
Most Americans don’t get it though. Half of them (or more) probably believe Russia is still the USSR (still Communist and Atheist). They don’t know the collaboration between Ukrainian Nationalists and Nazi Germany during WWII and they definitely don’t understand that like-minded Nationalists in Ukraine are still a force to be reckoned with in the country.
I read Metropolitan Tikhon (Orthodox Church of America) demanding Putin withdraw troops from Ukraine but I don’t recall him demanding the same of US/UK medling (including the Maidan Coup) in Ukraine beginning I’m 2013/2014. I don’t remember him condemning the seizure of UOCMP Churches, the assaults on the clergy and faithful and worst of all EP Bartholomew’s recognition of Ukrainian Schismatics as the legitimate Church if Ukraine. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to live by the truth, to know the truth and that the truth would set us free. What kind of Church do I belong too where our leader fundamentally denies the truth for political expediency?
All I can say is may the Almighty Lord grant victory to Right Believing Orthodox Christians over all their enemies and may His Truth shine through the lies and illuminate the West who are lost.
I’m no military expert, but it seems like Russian forces should concentrate on capturing Kiev, and just besiege other cities for now. Capturing the capital will demoralize everyone else, and they will either totally surrender, or flee.
This guy has some maps, and had rave reviews from listeners. My Russian is too weak to really keep up.
“The fact that the Russian 5th column is allowed to continue to operate the way it does really frustrates me. Could the Kremlin not tell them to “zip it” at least during active combat operations?”
No, they cannot and they should not. Whatever the seeming costs.
In the West official censorship is taking place as of now – website domains for sites which do not accept the official narrative are being cancelled (for no legal reason, effectively illegally). Russia must not do so. That is the only way to win the propaganda war.
You cannot win an argument by silencing the opponent. Doing so only weakens your argument. You can, of course, create a mono-culture of one narrative. But doing so makes the “one narrative” LESS believable than when opposition is heard.
It is much more effective to attempt to discredit the opposition as freaks, extremists etc. etc. But never do you silence them. That is the moment you lost and they won.
1) Above are universal rules of mass psychological manipulation. This is all a perception game. These things are work that way regardless of the reality relationship to the various narratives.
2) There is a scenario where silencing the opposition is useful still – if you are seeking a short-term objective, convincing the people to go to war etc. and are relying on the emotional side of the people. But it is not for free as it will backfire mid-term. Essentially it is about burning your credibility for having a short-term information monopoly. It can work short term, but one should avoid it whenever possible as it destabilises the society.
Saker said: “Because Russia has ZERO intention of occupying or, even less so, rebuild or police the Ukraine, that’s why. The LDNR (in its legal borders) is as far as the Russians will go (with only a few possible exceptions).”
I am not so sure about this – Russia absolutely has no intention of “occupying” Ukraine in the way NATO propaganda likes to claim – but I do not think when this operation is complete, that Russia will leave Ukraine to its own devices they did, pretty much, with Georgia in 2008. This is very different. I actually believe that in some way Russia will actually seek to reclaim Ukraine for Russia but not in any conventional or obvious way. First of all, just to deal with just some of Russia’s interests in Ukraine past the obvious – Crimea, Russia must have a land bridge to Crimea, an actual land bridge, I’m not talking about the bridge they built over the sea. Russia must have a better connection with Pridniestrovlie (Trans-Dniestr). Russia must be able to fully secure Crimea & Pridniestrovlie (Trans-Dneistr) from land, as well as sea. This means that the oblasts (admin. regions) of Mauriopol, Nikolaiev, Herson & Odessa must, in some way, be secured for indirect or direct Russian state control. Russia must be able to push back NATO from a land base – meaning Ukraine. Which also means that Russia nay well have an interest in securing oblasts Lvov & Ivano-Frankovst – from a personal perspective, I would recommend Russia have nothing to do with the Galicia region, but I think military/security considerations will compel Russia to bring even this region to heel. Plus, can Russia, after a successful military operation to liberate Ukraine from Nazis/Banderistas, just leave Galicia to fester under NATO control, to become a total Nazi caliphate? I actually do not know, I would not claim to know. But I don’t think so. These are just some considerations, but there are plenty more, there is no need for me to write an essay, I’ve made my point. I haven’t even mentioned all the historical & cultural/spiritual reasons why Russia can not walk away from Ukraine when the military phase is over. I am genuinely not sure what to expect, but one thing that may take place is what would have happened had it not been for the Odessa massacre, which was carried out for this reason – & that is the beginning of local referendums to set up “peoples republics” to secede from Ukraine. Basically the formation of what will be Novorossia. I can actually see something along those lines taking place, with either covert or overt Russian government support – or something basically along the lines of the Crimea referendum to rejoin Russia. In fact, this is something I think we will definitely see, & if this was to happen en masse throughout Ukraine, it would serve to add legitimacy to what Russia is doing now. So no, Russia is not going to occupy Ukraine the way CNN/BBC et al. would have everyone believe, but I do not think for a minute Russia is going to totally withdraw either – I’m not saying that is what Saker/Andrei is suggesting either, I am not putting words in his mouth, but in response to what he said about Russia having no intention of occupying Ukraine – agreed, but I don’t think Russia will leave Ukraine ever again. Neither can it.
And Putin mentioned the idea of a referendum in Ukraine in his speech. They have that in mind.
“Russia wants all peoples of Ukraine to freely determine their destiny — Lavrov”
That is about (free) elections. Possibly first ones after more than a decade.
DNR and LNR are lost for Ukraine. That ship has sailed.
As for the rest, it would be stupid for Russia to try to run the things. For a start, the EU would try to starve and bankrupt the “new” Ukraine, if only to prove their point. Thre is no what Russia will accept a scenario where it will be expected to pay for the Ukraine bills.
No. They will arrange new elections – or arrange for Ukrainians to have them arranged – and, ideally, they would even want pro-EU politicians to win them. That way, the EU will have a much harder trying to sanction Ukraine into poverty. They will still try though.
Either way, Ukraine as a non-dirt-poor country is done for. It was already in 2014, they just did not know it as were propped up by loans.
In Moon of Alabama are two maps, which show that the Russian troops haven’t go deep to Ukraine.
The apparently very competent Nightvision has already pointed out that they have gone very deep into Ukraine considering that it’s a military operation that’s being actively resisted by opposing forces.
The bulk of Russia forces HAS NOT BEEN ENGAGED SO FAR.
Keeping your intentions unclear is paramount in today case.
2 days only and they are inside Kiev.
All the while Killing very little people even among those who fight them.
They sure could choose the nazi way or the NATO way but …
For machine translation
S-300 missile hit that building. I’d guess that is what took down the Ukrainian S-27 over Kiev, too.
S-300’s are really good anti-aircraft weapons. There is a reason the West is so wary of them. They are hard to knock out, especially in urban environs where they can be easily hidden. They also can be prone to friendly fire incidents if the operators aren’t top notch.
I’d venture to guess Russia is having some issues dealing with them.
We all know from before, as Saker once said, the Russians in negotiations are offering the first offer as the best. Each subsequent offer is worse. It seems to me that Russia’s political strategy in Ukraine is to reach a position militarily in which it will offer Ukraine the best offer for Ukraine. It seems to me because of the “restrained” use of force against the Ukrainian army. If the Ukrainian authorities misinterpret Russia’s strategy, the percentage of Russian military forces could increase significantly and the goals of military action could turn into something else.
Russia is apparently still holding back on the damage it could do to the Ukr military as doing max damage would make negotiations with them harder/unlikely.
> will offer Ukraine the best offer for Ukraine.
It won’t be “the best” offer, that already was lost several years ago.
First offer was in 2013. It allowed Ukraine to retain full territory (including Crimea) and nazi forces still intact. Only counterpart was to negotiate politically with legal government and use legal elections as only valid platform. It was signed, but renegated less than 24hours later.
As conséquence Ukraine Lost Crimea, forever. And suffered a still ongoing civil War and economic decay.
Next offer came in the Minsk format. In this second offer Kiev government loses absolute power and must accept fédération, but Ukraine retained formal sovereignty over Donbass.
Ukraine accepted, the renegated again.
After several years, Russia recognized LNR and DNR independence, and launched military operations with objective of denazification.
When third offer will come we know it will include at the very least those items:
1. Ukraine must accept legally that Crimea, LNR and DNR do not make any longer part of Ukraine.
2. Ukraine must be a non miliary (that is, cannot posses heavy weapons) and neutral (that is cannot become NATO member) nation.
3. Ukraine must be denazified (that is ALL individuals and organizations in a list provided by Russia must be disbanded, arrested, and put on trial).
If that third offer is rejected again, maybe there won’t be a fourth one.
western “christian” media claim that putin is lying about a nazi regime. there is no nazi regime because zelensky is a jew is the reasoning. how do jews and nazis work together in ukraine that is a question.
The same way the Judenrate (Jewish Councils) worked with the SS in WWII.
Only that they were tools for the nazis, while now nazis are tools for the zionists…
It seems that nazis are nothing more than those whom want to control you with your own resources, (until someone comes along to relieve them of their burden), strange as this may sound, it may be truth.
A lots of pictures/small videos from Ukraine.
I didn’t spot propaganda on this Telegram channel.
Soory again. It so important. Off-topic. But anybody should see that.
US Embassy just removed all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents from the website
just in the last day they removed all the PDF files from the embassy website here
The good news is they are still archived
These labs are co-run by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia’s entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.
Thank you for this I copied it and will use it for all those so called liberal anti war people who. Think Putin is Dangerous. Lol
many cowardly Ukrainians now afraid of the Russian military. They realize that they cannot escape, and that judgment is coming. the russian military is in ukraine with a list of condemned nazis, and also ukrainian artists, politicians, youtubers, etc.
I’m seeing youtubers, bloggers crying. They’re all scared of the Russian list. Certainly the Russians will arrest many Ukrainians who contributed to the Maidan, to the coup.
The pro-Western Ukrainians are desperate and are not sleeping at night, very afraid. Russian justice is coming!
How can Putin claim that Kiev is ruled by “drug addicts and neo-Nazis” when President Zelensky himself is Jewish?
Dear Brother, briefly, ’cause it’s rather off topic…examine zionism and nazism and make a list of the characteristics of both and then make a list of the differences…and read >
Eichmann was a nazi Jew.
Judaism is an entirely respectable religion…make a list of how Judaism and zionism compare and you’ll be puzzled as to how a Jew could be a zionist, or a nazi. Then read Maccabees… You may conclude that Judaism is in civil war. Many Rabbis understand this, and are deeply troubled.
Here is one interpretation. You choose one ethnicity as a scapegoat, in this case everything Russian is bad, they are guilty for everything in the country.
In Croatia, when the war was starting that role went to Serbians, and they did all the nasty things to get rid of them. Who did not want to leave became a Croat. As the late Tudjman president, obviously a fascist, later explained: “We solved the Serbian question.” There is a lot of parallels with the events in Croatia.
In Ukraine all the minorities still can pass as good, but not the Russians. If anyone would ask me how to explain that, I would reply that I don’t have a clue, I don’t have that kind of brain.
It all boils down to the question: To what extent does Zelensky rule?
The fact that he was elected at all says nothing about who rules the country. All it tells us is that Ukrainians in the main are either not terribly anti-Semitic, or that they were so desperate for peace with Russia — and so desperate to rid themselves of Poroshenko — that they were willing to vote for a Jew. Central to Zelensky’s platform was improved relations with Russia, after all.
My suspicion is that sometime shortly after his election, the country’s real power brokers — which includes the neo-Nazis — had a little “come to Jesus” talk with him along the lines of “If you wish to continue enjoy the perks of office in our kleptocracy, or for that matter if you wish to keep on living, you will continue the anti-Russian policies and give us neo-Nazis full rein.” In which case Zelensky’s situation is not at all that dissimilar to Pu Yi’s back when he was emperor of Manchukuo.
Do you reqlly think that comedian has any say?
Jews are committing genocide against the Palestinians. Jews are not above genocide. Nothing holy about the Jews.
Is he a ‘good Jew’, or a ‘bad Jew’. Because in the recent past we’ve had ‘good Muslims-bad Muslims’, ‘good dictators-bad dictators’, ‘he’s a sonofabitch, but he’s our sonofabitch’. Is Ze actually in charge or has he been turned into just another Guaido (with votes)?
I think Moscow wants to keep Odessa a nice holiday destination.
But I dont think there are any rebels down there.
Moscow is loosing the pr. game big time. Sorry Russia but it seems to me that this one is going to be a loosing game, whatever happens on the ground in Ukraine.
Confirmation Russian MOD that it was Ukie Buk missile
That is why the Serbian forces hesitated using rockets over Belgrade.
Generally speaking i’m very skeptical to any reports coming from both sides. Enemy losses have always been exaggerated in war. And own losses are not public material. Besides those loss numbers are lagging. One thing really puzzeles me: the time table of mobilization of Kiev.
Marko Marjanovik at “Anti-Empire” on Feb. 26 early AM says the Russians have committed only around 30,000 soldiers and the result is unimpressive. That Russia is conducting more of a police action. That large portions of the Ukrainian forces are regrouping and being allowed to gain their second wing. The Russians are being spooked and lack the nerve for the job.
Send in the Chechens. By all means avoid assaults on urban areas but Stop Trying To Be So Tricky. This is handing the initiative back to the Nazis and the West. They will see this as a lack of resolve.
”Anti”-Empire has gone over to the dark side. Marjanovic has been writing a lot of anti-Russian trash for a long time already.
Moreover he has been abusive towards the Saker, calling him birdman and other insults.
Please refrain from referencing that site.
I did not know what you say about this site. Appreciate your information.
However, the point about the Russians seeming to be pulling their punches or seeming to be not deploying in strength is now widely reported. And this is a grave political mistake. I see western bloviators who were wobbling that now are fired up, saying the mighty Russkies have the Feebs and that the Ukie military has a fresh chance of resistance. If it was the USA, you can bet they would steamroller the opposition without mercy. So, better to stop being so reasonable. This is for the long game.
Send in the Chechens!
Standard propaganda.
When diplomatic – They are naive.
When negotiating – They are cowards.
When restrained – They are indecisive.
When offering peaceful terms – They are scared.
When decisive – They are murderers.
When overwhelming – Well then. There is nobody left to pontificate now, is there?
Here’s a map which includes the general deployment of Ukrainian formations (mostly brigade level), at least as it was prior to the ‘special military operation’. The website hosting it seems rather pro-ukrianian, to put it mildly. Still, it gives some context regarding the opposition the Russian fores face.
As you can see, there were no armored or mechanized brigades deployed at Kiev. The first tank brigade deployed to the NE of Kiev seems to be pinned down around Chernihiv.
It also helps explain what happened at the Antonovsky bridge near Kherson:
In the comments you can see an incomplete listing of the composition of the wrecks/abandoned vehicles. Putting it all together, this seems to be most of the vehicles of a reinforced motorized infantry battalion, likely from the 124th defense brigade.
They either retreated towards Kherson not knowing that a Russian force had already crossed the bridge ahead of them, or they were ordered to advance to the bridge to cut of those Russians.
This would explain why the Russian force quickly retreated (there are videos of them racing across the bridge in both directions). It’s not clear if those two forces collided head on (both would have been moving/retreating towards each other!). Most of the Ukrainians were hit well before they got to the bridge, probably from the air, but there are wrecks from both sides around the northern side of the bridge. Might not have been from one engagement though.
Time will tell exactly what went down here (including the tale of the abandoned Russian 125mm towed antitank guns), but it looks like it it was a thoroughly ‘confused’ series of battles/skirmishes.
Sorry, forgot to include the map. Duhhh!!!
Russia has to understand that they are hated in western Ukraine. Many videos now on twitter showing destroyed columns of military trucks in Khersos area with “Z” on them.
it´s not going too well for the ruskies at the moment it seem.
Some trucks were destroyed there, which have belonged to rear engineering units, but that’s it. Kherson frontline has fallen really quickly and tanks went by quite smoothly. So you are saying that isn’t going well for them, but Russian war machine is moving anyway. At the same I have seen ten times more pics and videos with destroyed Ukie equipment, multiple columns of tanks, trucks, artillery and anti air pieces. But fans of the Kiev regime refuse to post them.
Great update, thank you.
China Global Times, News:
Russian State Duma chairman says Ukrainian president has left Kiev
Global Times 2022-02-26 11:44
Russian State Duma Chairman Volodin said on social media platforms on 26 February that Ukrainian President Zelensky had left Kiev on 25 local time and that all his appeals from the Ukrainian capital were taken in advance.
Volodin said this information he learned from a member of the Verkhovna Rada who tried to meet with Zelensky in Kiev.
Serious delusions all around here – this whole operation is uniting NATO, the West etc. I read here for weeks and weeks that RUS would not invade – that this was a US setup – and now what. Pathetic
Russia don’t care if the west or NATO is united or not. This thing is about national security.
The west can go to hell.
They know now that Putin was not bluffing and Russia has the means to kick their asses if they don’t actually take her red lines seriously. NATO is actually afraid right now, everything they are doing is showing their frustration.
The west population are a bunch of hypocrites that don’t really care about what their criminals do around the world and are crying crocodile tears right now because is viral. Don’t make me laugh.
vulgar removed … mod spot on! Us westerns, Americans are pathetic hypocrites. We have our own rogue, criminal govs to be concerned with. And most rally around said criminals at the end of the day. F em all!
Instead, we owe Pres. Putin and RF a debt of gratitude for holding the line and being measured as humanly possible in regards to NATO, US, UK, et al. trappings, for being restrained (up until now; Russia wasn’t ready yet, is my understanding). Not acting haphazardly and giving these psychopaths what they want, somehow having a death wish it seems, US, et al.
Russia understands the consequences of war, what to speak of nuclear war. For standing resolute against the psycho PTB of the West. Most have no idea how dark this world would be without Russia! Shame on all of these Russophobic fools I sadly have to coexist with.
I know who my real mortal enemy is. We declared independence from them in the past (lasted only a short while anyway). British, Zionists, US elites and most importantly European elites, banking families, Davos, WEF, etc. These forces have ruined the West, not Russia!
You are pathetic. Avoiding it was contingent on certain things.
Such a big operation is a shock however you see it – everyone naturally wanted it not to happen.
Stein: ” – everyone naturally wanted it not to happen.”
Well, everyone in Atlanticist Anglo-American empire circles did not want it to happen – Russia asserting itself militarily? Worse thing that ever happened to the Anglo empire. We, Russophiles, very much wanted it to happen, from 2014, we want to see Ukraine liberated from Nazi filth, & then the rest.
Haha, “united”? Yeah sure, the mainstream media and various leaders of the west are united in their hypocrisy, arrogance and stupidity – but that’s about it. Meanwhile said western leaders continue to oppress their own citizens and said citizens hate their leaders. Deep cracks run in western society. I know because I live here. I’m sure the major hit the world economy is going to take in the aftermath of this will surely help stabilize matters.
NATO is a joke, it’s ran by the US more or less and the vast majority of Americans don’t want to go to war with Russia because even they understand what it would mean for them.
I look forward to a De-Nazified Ukraine.
Pathetic? Not so fast. But to give you credit, etc. I would say this:
1. Russia has planned this course of action for year or years. (Plans and toilets, ala Bismark.)
2. The warnings, imploring, draft treaties, etc., were not just distractions. Russia really, really wanted to solve this diplomatically. (Really!)
3. And they did a, “No, really. We want peace!” just a week ago.
4. Zele the Clown and Olof the Even Bigger Clown hurled weapons grade insults at the bear.
5. Putin said, “Hold my kvas!”
6. Release the Shoigu.
So, no. I don’t believe Russia insisting that there would be no invasion was completely a lie. More like wishful thinking.
A very poignant article
to view site in english:
1. goto
2. select site translate
3. copy and paste the above site url
Site translate is flawed at yandex.
Better copyright and paste as text: usually gives much better translation from russian.
Any news on the Chechens heading for Mariupol?
Chechens are in the Gostomel airport according to the
Seems the strategy maybe, according to a post on ZH :
time tested military tactic – send cannon fodder first to soften the enemy and see what he has
this is what Russkies did here
massive army was brought by Russia for todays attack, and it knows what is where
West would not use this tactic…
Time will tell…
time tested military tactic – send cannon fodder first to soften the enemy and see what he has
this is what Russkies did here
That’s a very dumb tactic.
‘Russkies’ are not dumb: they use missiles and artillery to soften the enemy. They don’t use ‘cannon fodder.’
West would not use this tactic
Wrong. The Ukrainians are the West’s cannon fodder. The West are world champions at using others as cannon fodder — in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Georgia (the country, not Dixie), in Syria, in Libya, in sub-Saharan west Africa, in Ethiopia, and now in the Ukraine.
Can anyone please tell me what happened to the paratroopers who landed on Gostomel airport?
The Ukie snd Anglozionist sources say that they were defeated before the airport was recaptured by Russian ground forces.
Is it true the chechens are assigned for this operation? is this a message to the US (you wanted to use the checens against Russia and now we bring them to you in Ukraine)?
Thank you again for all your hard work.
I have a question.
Constantly on MSM all members of NATO are citing an attack on one is an attack on all’ and are moving lots of extra troops into the Baltic’s etc. Do you think this is where the false flag will happen and then NATO declares war on Russia?
Many thanks
These guys made the best military maps during the fighting in Syria. They are making maps for this conflict too:
And in Russian, this gentleman is following the battlefields very closely, and in his video, he produces many detailed maps of the battles
His latest map
Война на Украине (26.02.22 на 15:00): Обзор хода боёв, сражение под Василёвкой, почему оно так важно
They say that a Russian freighter has been seized in the English Channel…and of course Brother Medvedev also said> Moscow may nationalize assets of foreigners – former Russian president
Dmitry Medvedev has called for tit-for-tat measures over the freezing of Russian assets abroad (RT)
Taking ships at sea…somebody wants a fight…this is a dire development. (So was “sanctioning” heads of state…S Ritter said that’s an act of war,,,so is seizing ships)
I wonder when the ruling class of zone A will realize what “denazification” really means for them.
For those living in the USA I’d like to clarify some points of what happened in Ukraine in 2014 from the point of view of Russia…
Imagine that Russia organized a coup in Canada and brought (let’s say) supporters of Napoleon to power …
The first decision of new Canada’s government was to declare English language as the language of occupants and English speaking people as separatists.
Then this “Napoleonic” government started to slaughter thousands of US Americans living in Canada, and etc.
What would be the reaction of the USA to all this?
You see?
This is how Russians saw Nazi coup in Kiev organized by the USA in 2014.
Add to this that in reality Ukraine was a chimera (artificial construct), consisting of the following parts:
a) regions of Velikorussia (Great Russia) in the East,
b) regions of Byelorussia (White Russia) in the North,
c) regions of Novorussia (New Russia) in the South-East,
d) regions of Malorussia (Small Russia) in the middle,
e) regions of Chervonnorussia (Scarlet Russia) in the West.
So, how come that these Russian regions, where Russians were living then all of sudden became so called Ukraine? – Easy, because Bolsheviks (mostly Jews), who hated Russians and who feared Russians (i. e. who were Russophobes) decided to create this chimera from Russian regions and from Russians…
P. S. By the way, from the point of view of Russians this so called “Ukrainian language” is not a language at all, but just a rural (or southern) dialect of Russian language, which is 1) easily understood by Russians and 2) widely spoken in rural parts of south-western regions of the Russian Federation…
The Ukies are handing out molotov cocktails to civilians, this is very dangerous, we could be in a situation where Russian soldiers will have to shoot at rioters.
Im sure CNN would love this
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️⚡️Putin the day before, in connection with the expected negotiations with Kiev, gave the order to suspend the movement of the main Russian troops. Ukrainian side refuses to negotiate – Peskov
🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️⚡️Putin the day before, in connection with the expected negotiations with Kiev, gave the order to suspend the movement of the main Russian troops. Ukrainian side refuses to negotiate . Peskov
Intel Slava Z
when you set ideological drones for ministers – what can possibly go wrong?
vice-MO of Ukraine (Gallina Malyar, woman, all european and politicalyl correct) rocks…
she tweeted how evil russians captured UkrArmy vehicles, took on UkrArmy uniform and now are rushing right into the center of Kiev.
she somehow illustrated it with photos not of Kiev but of Gostomel (adjacent but different city) center junction,. Like, perhaps, someone in USA would publish breaking news from LA illustrating them with iconic HOLLYWOOD letters. Did it was intended like a hint: kidding? Whatever.
so, she did a bit of fearmongering and probably thought herself smart cunning propagandist.
sadly, UkrArmy was reading their vice-MO (surprise, mfs!) and set themselves onhigh alert. As they saw a column approaching from the said direction – they ambushed it. Ambush was well prepared and total success, unlucky UkrArmy column was totally destroyed by UkrArmy.
well done, idiot!
You mean Hanna Malyar? Do you have a source for that?
The Gyre churns and widens:
RT headlines:
– After UK starts process, “Australia suspends RT broadcast” [Zone B media being memory-holed and sanitized. RT should stop its soft-porn and get serious now]
– “Moscow may nationalize assets of foreigners – former Russian president” [I read weeks ago that Russia has about same [$0.5 trillion?] foreign assets in Russia as held by enemies on their territory. So a direct exchange appears in process..]
– “UK bans all Russian private jets from UK airspace” [Yes!]
– “Russia shuts airspace to Polish, Czech, Bulgarian planes” [Estonia and Latvia also announced, can expect retaliation soon. All limitrophes leap into Abyss after USUK.. whither France-Germany-Italy?]
– “Russian sports minister reacts to IOC banning call” [we need to dispose of 5th columns in Russian Sports Ministry. We need stronger response to Kultur-warfare] sub-points to follow:
▪︎ UEFA switched the Champions League final in May from St. Petersburg to Paris
▪︎ European football said Russian national and club teams required to play home games in neutral settings
OK, here comes hell for the ukronazis
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a temporary halt to the Russian military operation in Ukraine on Friday afternoon in connection with the expectation of negotiations with Kiev, but the operation was resumed Saturday afternoon after the Ukrainian leadership refused to talk, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.
The same stop-go-stop tactic was used on Yugoslav army in ’90ies. Hope Russians learned the lesson.
‘Fool me once, shame on you- fool me twice’…..
There will be no twice.
So, exactly how is all this western wilitary ‘aid’ going to get to the Ukranians?
It is my understanding that the airspace is under total Russian control, and I doubt you are just going to drive $600 million dollars worth of weapons across the border in a few SUVs.
I wish the west would make sense even 1% of the time, the western media is incapable of truth or objectivity, it is staggeringly pathetic.
“aid” means creating new money which fertilizes loyalists inside and outside various governments. Making many wealthy. It is bribery to assure loyalty, not aid. Eventually some modest amount might be spent on weapons. If/when such countries fail, the loyalists fly their wealth to London or NYC. We are dealing with a massive international organized crime syndicate.
The NS2 pipeline is done for the long run. The german business association is moving on.
The germans are going to reduce their gas imports from Russia in the medium to long term. The decision is made.
Russia is beginning to answer to EU/US sanctions, starting with the moves by Roscosmos to suspend cooperation with US and EU on different projects.
Russia should start the promotion of the replacement of the SWIFT platform by their own version or the chinese one. We should see an increase in participation by european financial institutions in the next months, specially if they want to do business in China. Trade between Europe and Russia will be reduced to a minimum and payments will be made in ruble or yuan, as gas payments in euro should be terminated, imho.
Why couldn’t the German Business Association simply have stopped the sanctions?
Propaganda is too strong atm.
Turkey has apparently closed the Bosphorous to Russian ships, blocking the Black Sea.
Don’t panic it’s a fake news. Already debunked. Check Pepe Escobar profile on Tweeter.
The initial contact is over. The cities are surrounded. Now comes the hard part. Needless the general staff was hoping that most of the cities would just surrender and the occupation would be bloodless. The magic three words….we will see. Just an FYI, I cannot read Cyrillic and machine translation is problematic. Therefore, my sources are mostly western based.
In general Mariupol, will be a good test case. Why? Well…the Russians will now be engaging in MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) even under the best conditions these operations are manpower intensive.
Mr. Saker pointed out that the Russian army has experience in these operations from their Grozny. You can only hope. But that was over 20 years ago. The young soldiers, NCOs and Officers (which make up most of the fighting men) will not have this experience. You can only hope that they put a lot of time in the shoot houses and mock combat towns and they were taught these lessons. Simple example…. establish a foot hold, surround/seal off target, fast rope on to roof and take target down from top clearing to bottom. Go to the next target and do same. Over and over until zone of operations is cleared. It is the most effective way.
To take a city with a high rate of resistance is very bloody/destructive work.
Mariupol is significant because of where it is at, its recent past history, who is defending it and who is attacking it. As I understand it….This used to be a fairly Russian friendly city. It was divided in 2014. The Ukrainians won. The Russian friendly folks were, killed, jailed , exiled or just got the hell out. The Ukrainian national government installed a crony government for the last 8 years. They have had 8 years to shape that city into their own mold. So don’t count on the local government to surrender or ask their people to surrender. Like any ideologue, western or eastern, they will fight to the last drop of someone else’s blood.
Now the ugly part. From what open sources say it is the Azov Bn who is defending the city. Anyone reading this blog knows what this means. Razors, hardcore, fanatics, true believers….. these people will not give up. They will see the whole city burn, before they give up. Why? well…. A. They are wired that way. B. They know what is going to happen to them if they do give up.
The last thing I read was this. The Russians have assigned the Chechen units to take the city. It is what I read. If you can confirm this information that would be great. Most of you know the Chechen reputation. Very tough fellows, who know how to fight.
So, if all of the above is true, what does it mean? You probably have guessed it already.
A bloody, high casualty battle. Parts of the city destroyed/rubbled.
And on the ground…. a fight no infantryman wants……a fight without quarter….where none is asked…… and none is given.
As always… the Magic three words…..we shall see.
England is asleep, France is asleep, Germany is asleep, Christians are asleep, Sunnis are asleep, Shias are asleep, American zios ie nuland are awake and planning, BUT SURAH 5:82 CHRISTIANS (ie Russian Orthodox Church with monasteries) ARE AWAKE TOO – all this is simply satans first steps towards new khazar state in Ukraine, their apartheid israel has reached sell-by date in Palestine, AND PUTIN & CO ARE TAKING THE FIRST STEPS TOWARDS STOPPING IT, ie THE FORMATION OF AN ISRAELI KHAZAR KHANATE NEXT TO RUSSIA, the ukrop concentration campguards and azov polish ethnics allied with the zelensky noveaukapos ruling in ukraine now are too dumb to realise.
Anon/Anonymous is banned here please have a name – you have been given 9876. Mod.
o we know if Russia in fact actually requested troops?
“Kazakhstan, one of Russia’s closest allies, has turned down a request for its troops to join the offensive in Ukraine, officials said on Friday.
In addition, official Kazakhstan has stated that it does not recognize the breakaway republics created by Russia…”
Please put links and stop trolling this site with dis-information. Mod.
The convention:
In time of war, Turkey not being belligerent, warships shall enjoy complete freedom of transit and
navigation through the Straits under the same conditions as those laid down in Articles 10 to 18.”
this is fake news.
Please don’t rush to accept news, even in Zone B which has many fools or can be hacked/misquoted, etc..
Turkey is VERY unlikely to close straits.. (1) it is declaration of a senseless war they cannot win, (2) especially after the current ongoing Blitzwar demilitarization/ denazification which is causing ALL Natzo to crap its pants.
All the hyenas have is the hysterical PsyOps media-card in their tool kit..
Former UK Ambassador to Turkey and current Head of Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) Richard Moore made some time out of his busy schedule to go on twitter and inject LGBT plus rights into his criticism of Russian military action in the Ukraine.
He also spoke of how relieved he was that there was a LGBT plus network when he took up his post at MI6. So we have a man who is easily distracted from the goal of attaining professionalism for his spy outfit.
I guess that partly explains why the FSB easily destroyed a large ring of MI6 spies operating in Russia back in the early 2000s and how China’s Ministry of State Security was able to eliminate most of the Chinese traitors spying for MI6/CIA in 2010
Tweet 1:
Tweet 2:
Its been interesting to note that Zelensky has now snubbed the chance to sitdown with Russia to thrash out terms, this is a change of attitude from yesterday where Zelensky wanted to meet in Warsaw to discuss terms.
I get the feeling that Zelensky is no longer in charge, and that Washington is calling the shots, if that is the case I’m pretty sure that Washington will be willing to sacrifice as many Ukrainians as it takes to blacken Russia’s name, unless of course non Neo-Nazi military commanders seize power and put a halt to this, a route to peace that Putin has already touted.
For those who think Washington wouldn’t dare sacrifice every last drop of Ukrainian blood in the goal to somehow weaken or break up Russia, they’d do well to remember that Madeline Albright thought it okay to kill half a million Iraqi children to achieve US goals in Iraq.
Connecting the dots…
What’s the link between this news,
Zelensky agreed to talks with Kremlin, venue being discussed – Kiev
Ukrainian officials are already discussing terms of potential negotiations with Russia, Kiev claimed
this one,
Volodin said that Zelensky left Kiev
The speaker of the State Duma added that the videos of the Ukrainian leader published in social networks were recorded in advance
“…He also noted that the videos of the Ukrainian leader published in social networks were recorded in advance. “Information from deputies of the Verkhovna Rada who tried to meet with him in Kyiv. They were invited to Lviv for a meeting. Zelensky is under the protection of neo-Nazis,” he added.
and this one?
Ukraine’s leadership has rejected negotiations – Kremlin
Russia says it has resumed the military operation in Ukraine after Kiev refused to negotiate
Key sentence, “…Zelensky is under the protection of neo-Nazis…”
Do you think the neo-Nazis would “protect” Zelensky, or would they hold him hostage to their whims?
Food for thought.
Lone Wolf
“Russia says it has resumed military operation in Ukraine after Kyiv refused to negotiate.”
Not “Russia declares”, but the press secretary of the President “Navka’s husband” (Peskov) saves the “Chief Liberal” (according to Putin’s own public confessions), the humanist-peacemaker “Bloody dictator”, cutie Vlad Putin.
D. Peskov – “Yesterday afternoon, in connection with the expected negotiations with the Ukrainian leadership, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and President of Russia issued an order to suspend the advance of the main forces of the Russian troops.
In fact, the Ukrainian side refused to negotiate, today the main Russian forces have resumed their advance in accordance with the plan of the operation.
There were clashes with mobile groups of nationalists and Bandera, who used light cars and trucks, where they installed shock weapons – according to the principle of “jihad-mobiles”, only there they are now called “bander-mobiles”.
Let him explain the ban on the use of combat strike systems – air, ground, sea, … Where are the strike UAVs, where are the loitering ammunition like the Lancet-1; 3 complex?
Russian aviation will break the wings
Sanctions threaten Russian airlines with the loss of half of the fleet
The EU has adopted unprecedented sanctions against the Russian aviation industry, which in practice deprive Russian airlines of the opportunity to use European aircraft. New deliveries, as well as maintenance and insurance of all aircraft are prohibited, and aircraft already leased under old contracts must be returned to the lessor within a month. The ban on repairs and insurance will block even those aircraft that airlines own directly. Taking into account the likely similar measures by the United States, the Russian market may lose more than half of all civil aircraft.
It is possible that the Russian authorities will prohibit airlines from returning aircraft to lessors, but such a confiscation will put an end to any further relationships.
Russian aviation will break the wings
Sanctions threaten Russian airlines with the loss of half of the fleet
The EU has adopted unprecedented sanctions against the Russian aviation industry, which in practice deprive Russian airlines of the opportunity to use European aircraft. New deliveries, as well as maintenance and insurance of all aircraft are prohibited, and aircraft already leased under old contracts must be returned to the lessor within a month. The ban on repairs and insurance will block even those aircraft that airlines own directly. Taking into account the likely similar measures by the United States, the Russian market may lose more than half of all civil aircraft.
It is possible that the Russian authorities will prohibit airlines from returning aircraft to lessors, but such a confiscation will put an end to any further relationships.
You only become clearer when you’re happy, “Navalny.”
Please provide some good news for Russia. Everything I hear on MSN is bad for Russia. I know better than to believe the western outlets, but even Russian outlets are doing a terrible job posting any positives for Russia.
Here’s some good news:
“Russian troops blew up a dam that blocked the water from the Dnieper to the Crimea”
“The Russian army occupied Berdyansk airport.”
“The Ukrainian side confirms the loss of Berdyansk airport”
Chechens get captured Ukrainian equipment –
“Ramzan Kadyrov: Evaluate the captured equipment that our fighters got. Guess its production!)) Bandera people get such special vehicles, and we take them away.))”
“Ukrainian recruits who laid down their arms talk about how they ended up on the front lines after a month of service WITHOUT undergoing initial training.
And also about the fact that the first to flee from positions to the rear were the “fathers-commanders”, who knew what their orders to shell the peaceful cities of Donbass would come back to. For the fighters, such an attitude of the Russian army was unexpected.
They are simply treated like people.”
It’s only day 3 mate and this is a marathon not a sprint. As for the Globo corporate Mockinbird media…..did you really expect anything less? Mass disinformation and Russophobic hysteria is part of the war. It’s early days, sit tight, and as we say in the east end: “don’t let the b*stards get you down”.
All this ‘Russia losing the pr war’, the ‘optics’ aren’t looking good….please, the truth will come out in the end.
Russian gun ship takes out tank and others on a busy hiway.
“There are fundamental relations between the Ministers of Transport and Communications of all the Baltic States. What we’ve been doing since morning is agreeing on the wording of our government decisions and so on. The goal is a similar step for all three at once,” – Minister of Transport and Communications of Lithuania Marius Skuodis
Latvia and Estonia announced this afternoon that they have decided to close their airspace to Russian airlines due to the military operation of Russian troops in Ukraine. Also, the airspace for Russia was closed by the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine.
We will fly over the Baltic.
Direct (through Estonia), flight St. Petersburg – Kaliningrad: 820 km, bypassing through the Baltic – 970 km.
Directly (through Lithuania), flight Moscow – Kaliningrad: 1100 km, detour through the Baltic – 1500 km.
Now the British also fly to Tokyo with a stop in Anchorage from 19 hours to a day or more (net time – 17 hours to Tokyo, plus refueling and / or changing board with baggage reloading).
Through Delhi is an optimistic option. Russia may close the airspace over the Caspian Sea. Then you will have to go around Afghanistan or Iran from the south.
The United States did not impose a ban on the sale / leasing of civil aircraft. Congratulations, flying into the abyss, the EU economy!
What to think of this map?
Many Thanks in advance Saker & Others of course!!
I would like you to change your user name and not use this one again.
You would know why. For me, I don’t like complaints in my inbox, so please, do not use this again.
Saker Assistant
savvy !
Really worries me as there is a nuclear reactor close by, afaik.
In the words of Moltke the Elder:
”No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main enemy force.”
True enough. And I think this extends to both sides in the current position. I would say, however, that in 1962, during the Cuba Crisis when I was 16 years old, the US had the edge since they were in the own sphere of influence. This time around, however, it is Russia which is in its own sphere of influence and it cannot afford to compromise. In the words of Martin Luther. ”Here I stand and I cannot do other.” So the ball is back in NATO’s court. This is geopolitics 101. Amateurs and do-gooders beware.
FWLIW, some commentators elsewhere, the Duran for instance, have stated the primary reason for the Russian attack was the Ukraine’s threat to go nuclear, which Zelinski repeated ad nauseam at the Munich conference without any Western refutation. It explains the Russian’s heavy attack on Chernobyl, the only reactor in the Ukraine capable of producing U235 and Plutonium, even though now encased in a heavy concrete shell; which could be removed. Also the Ukraine’s fierce defense of it.
They also say after Munich it was clear the Germans would halt NS-2 whenever the U.S. demanded it; so that was no longer a factor. They say what triggered the Russian attack at 6 AM Moscow time Thursday was the massive Ukrainian barrage on the Donbas beginning at 4:35, indicating a Ukrainian invasion was likely.
[My apologies if previously reported: Haven’t read through all the comments.]
Why haven’t German, French, and Italian businessmen launched a campaign to reestablish full relations with Russia, including the resumption of North Stream II?
Why can’t they launch their own media outlets or finance opposition factions to eliminate the globalists?
He is not subjective and not sovereign. There are only 2.5 sovereign states in the world – two superpowers and China. They are all empires and de facto civilizations.
By the way, if Italy 5 years ago agreed to the construction of an underwater section of the South, now the Turkish Stream ….
Good you are asking this important question. Because everyone’s in on it both sides of this divide and conquer game, but this is not finding a lot of resonance in this blog. So I will not elaborate further.
In what sense is “everyone in it on both sides”? Are you implying that there is some sort of agreement between the “unipolar” Western financial dictatorship and the “multipolar” Eurasian alliance? How can there be an alliance if the West is disconnecting itself from the East?
Do you think just because the two systems disconnect from a technical stance (financial i.e. or different 5G systems etc?) that they cannot be in agreement on several other aspects if it helps to maintain/increase domestic control? Of course this perspective does not work with the notion of a benevolent government but that isn’t my baseline.
Even the Saker has admitted that NATO needs an enemy to justify its existence and all its military spending. So you can have governments do something that may seem intrinsically opposed to their own interest on the surface of it. And they all seem to agree on how to fight a certain invisible enemy circulating the airwaves or another one changing our climate. Everyone seems to agree that digital money is the future too. If the unipolar-vs.-multipolar world were so diametrically opposed, I wonder why they all agree on so many of these fundamental issues? Issues that will determine how the world’s society will be run and organized in the coming decades. Just something to contemplate over between watching the news on Ukraine and awaiting the looming cyberattacks on either side of this “divide” we’ve been hearing so much about by pundits in the past days.
The answer with a question to the question – “Why does the EU for the sake of the” Green Dream “refuses from gas with a peaceful atom and heats it with coal?”.
To do so now would be silky. Keep their heads below the parapet gir now and then normalise once combat ends.
I don’t know how you didn’t notice that China was against Russia in the UN, that could have been expected from India, and that China is laying the financial foundations that make sanctions against Russia more difficult.
This is incorrect – China abstained and didn’t vote for the resolution. Mod.
Зина – не лей бензина !
China, India and the United Arab Emirates – held
For “eternal” General Secretary Xi, the fateful 20th Congress of the CCP will be held in the second half of 2022. He is now not up to exacerbations and conflicts.
Turns out that none of the “defenders of Snake Island” that Ukraine said were “all killed” and were “posthumous heros” died at all.
Western media even had stories of how it went down, that a Russian ship requested they surrender and they replied “Fvck you!” and after that they were killed.
There are photos of them on a bus, like this one.
They look unhappy but unscathed. Russian sources claim there are 82.
I have seen three videos of destroyed Russian columns. Here is one of the videos
Russian military vehicles shot down on the way to Kharkov. Some sources report that Bayraktar TB2s were hit.
One was on the bridge crossing the Ipren river west of Kiev. One was somewhere in Kherson.
What is notable that none of these three destroyed columns contain any armor. Only trucks and other supply vehicles. Soft targets. Looks almost like all were destroyed in ambushes using guerrilla tactics.
Does this mean Ukrainians have stopped offering hard resistance?
Bayraktar was a fake propaganda. The Kherson highway rear engineering trucks were hit by 2 Ukies Su-25 in opening day of the war before Ukie airpower was fully destroyed
Z will soon meet V
Chechen units heading to Ukraine ( videos).
The Vostok battalion has been there since the very beginning, and the Borz presidential regiment arrived yesterday.
Can’t connect to “”
More internet shenanigans?
I believe that the West will try to drag out this conflict as long as possible. Macron has already stated that it will be a “long” crisis. The West believes the war will weaken the Russians and drag them into a quagmire, as in Afghanistan. Also, Biden needs the distraction and the “credit” for the war during the upcoming election campaign. The US media are in full hysterics, predicting that Russia will be coming after NATO and Europe next. They have completely ignored the actual reasons, as well as the history of the crisis. This is not surprising, since “context” isn’t something the US media knows how to do, and it isn’t something needed when the goal is propaganda rather than information. Zelenskyy’s abrupt refusal to negotiate was no doubt ordered by the Nazis and Americans. This will be a proxy war between Russia and the US.
“The US media are in full hysterics, predicting that Russia will be coming after NATO and Europe next.”
That’s the whole idea. Until NATO comply with Russian non-ultimatum and retreat on the 1997. positions.
I’ve just been totally confused for 3 days. I have great difficulty in understanding everything and slowly I really doubt whether Putin has not fallen into the trap here with his eyes wide open, risking the whole future of Russia and has really made a very big and devastating mistake.
I admire Putin since he is in power. What he has made of Russia, how wisely he has always proceeded, weighed everything and made the right decisions. It’s incredible what he has achieved in 20 years. I have been an extremely big opponent of NATO since my youth. I was in the Swiss army in the 80s during the cold war. There I always had trouble playing through scenarios the Russians come. I served for a long time and thus also gained some tactical experience.
Well, I was fully on the line of Saker that Putin must act imperatively, but not invade this shithole. There the price is simply far too high and outweighs it with nothing. I would have expected him to destroy the Azov battalion with long-range weapons without invading and give the new republics all the equipment they need to defend themselves. But then I see a total invasion of Ukraine.
I wonder if he has calculated the price. I wonder if this is agreed with the partner China. They’ve been acting remarkably quiet the last few days. Today I read that China banks are also cutting credit limits to Russia for fear of sanctions. I wonder if he will get the economic support there that he will need so that Russia is not totally ruined financially. The economic blow from the West is devastating, and so is the EU. Was it planned that way, or did he even stab China in the back with it and they knew nothing about it? Without support, Russia and China are finished. Think China is not comfortable in this role, to give the decisions out of hand.
I don’t know, I find many answers but nothing that answers the main question. You read Putin is losing the support of his people because they don’t agree at all with bombs falling on Kiev. They also expected only material help for Donbass. One reads that the close leadership circle around Putin is very worried and even the word coup has been mentioned. There are reports that Putin, fearing Corona, has been living only in the bunker for 2 years and has somehow become paranoid. I know, can be of course pure propaganda, there one must not give much on it.
What worries me is China. Today Ze reports that Turkey closes the Bosporus for Russian warships. This would cause a conflict with Turkey. Slowly I ask myself whether that ends in a nuclear war the whole, if he is driven then so in the narrowness. Hope for a good discussion on this and I would be very interested in Saker’s opinion on this.
Good luck to all, greetings from Switzerland.
Bro, thing is that what the US and EU/NATO are throwing at Russia, all these sanctions, would have been imposed anyway, although over a longer span of time. It’s crystal clear. The main US objective here, given the impossibility to overthrow Putin, is to completely separate Russia and Europe. I think Russia simply realized she had to allow it to happen, but at her terms.
@Chris (Swiss)
This is total nonsense! China and Russia have even more than a partnership agreement signed, 4/2/22 manifesto and published publication. You should read it. China supports Russia 100%. They both declared many times that the fight back on back.
New trade agreements were signed with Russia on 24/2/22, including wheat.
China, India and Saudi Arabia continued to show full support for Russia, UN vote Friday.
Chinese media reports non-stop on the situation in Ukraine. With direct intel from Russia.
The Chinese people fully support Russia, although the Chinese would rather prefer peace, but the Chinese understand very well that the USA has made Ukraine a pawn in the fight to crush Russia. China has a similar problem with the aggressor, but a different story with Taiwan, there the Americans are trying the same game.
China and Russia are 100% strategic and economic partners!
I share some of the same worries, but I cannot believe they started this huge operation without planning an aftermath. But we are really clueless: there will be a new government? Who will lead? How will react the Ukrainian population to a new government imposed by Russia? And after this mayhem, and how will they eradicate the Ukie toxic nationalism that likely will be strengthened by war?
I am sure of only one thing, US achieved all they wanted: detach Europe, isolate the collective West from Eurasia, and possibly with a not so short involvement in Ukraine for Russia, keep NATO alive with the fear. I hope and pray that they haven’t miscalculated.
OMG you are falling for every bit of western propaganda. The china news is fake, the Bosphorous news is fake and has been disproven already as Turkey officials stated they are not closing anything. Stop falling for western psyops and agitprops, 90% of things you’re reading from western sources during a wartime scenario is fake and designed to cripple the morale of the enemy.
Chinese banks going along with US sanctions was reported by RT. As our host has patiently explained before, RT and other Russian media outlets are filled with 5th Columnists. If you go to Global Times, People’s Daily, etc. there is nothing in the Chinese media confirming this–rather Chinese media is having a field day pointing out US hypocrisy and otherwise supportive of Russia. It is quite obvious China has to play it’s cards close to vest as they have the opposite problem as Russia–they have a separatist, foreign controlled government holding their territory. Thankfully for them the stupid US Navy stunt this morning sailing the Taiwan straights give China Article 51 ammunition.
And Turkey has already confirmed they aren’t going to close the straights–firstly, because they can’t, secondly, because they don’t want to be on the receiving end of the Russian Navy.
Remember you saw the new world order last night when China, India and UAE signaled they are not on team Empire. United Eurasia is happening, and this operation is just phase 1. This goes to the finish, which means unconditional surrender by Zone A or Zone B. No one ought to expect this is going to stop at Ukraine, or stop this year. This is an existential crisis for both sides.
Russia called the West on decades of attacks and asymmetrical warfare, and we are now witnessing the showdown. We can be sure that Russia has prepared for the worst in this confrontation, in which no quarter will be given. The West is now working up its plans to destroy Russia, once and for all, forever.
A new phase of that confrontation is being defined as I write, once the Ukraine file has been ironed out, we will be looking at a different border with Russia, teeming with hostile entities, armed to the teeth, ready to finish up Russia at the call of their puppet masters.
Hopefully they will heed Putin’s warning, “To anyone who would consider interfering from outside: If you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history.”
Iron Curtain 2.0
february 26, 15:35
Today, something I’ve written about a long time ago has already reached the dumbest.
We are witnessing the formation of Iron Curtain 2.0 as part of the long-running Cold War, which began in 2014 with a coup d’état in Kiev and a civil war unleashed in Ukraine.
Its borders in Europe have already been largely defined – there is still uncertainty with Ukraine. The borders of the Iron Curtain south of Belarus up to the Black Sea depend on how and how successfully the Russian Armed Forces will solve the problems in Ukraine.
The rupture of relations with the West is complete and, accordingly, this is the end of the campaign to the West (but the people who went there for 30 years have not gone anywhere, this is especially noticeable in the domestic “intelligentsia” and part of the Russian “economic elites”), which began in Perestroika. It remains only SWIFT to disable (they will disable, do not worry). It was a very conscious choice and it was made. Today’s response of Medvedev to the imposed sanctions, in short, sounded like “We don’t care about you and your sanctions” and “Europe – go to the ass.”
In view of this, the events are of epochal importance and they will determine the future of Russia and Europe for decades to come.
One way or another, Russia is facing major changes. As well as Europe. Like the rest of the world. The severance of Russia’s current ties with the West is another step in the coffin of globalism and another important step in the fragmentation of the Washington world order. Fortunately for Russia, it will not be alone on this path – there are a number of countries that are subjective and go in the same direction, albeit in their own way. So there will be no isolation from the “world community”, since the real world community is much wider than the grouping of the United States and its satellites. The main question for the near future is how successfully the Russian Federation will be able to withstand the economic consequences of the current severance of ties with the West.
Overall, I’m satisfied, a lot of what I’ve been writing about for a few years comes true literally every day. I will return to this topic in more detail after the completion of the main phase of the operation in Ukraine.
Broadcast of events in Telegram continues (for those who are interested, subscribe)
Lone Wolf
“The West is now working up its plans to destroy Russia, once and for all, forever. ”
NOW?! West is hell-bound to destroy Russia and grab Siberian riches since forever. They just can’t do it. Meanwhile, Russian influence is hopping two steps forward-one step back to the west. For Centuries.
Present situation is nothing new. Western intrinsic delusion of grandeur broth them to another round of decline and retreat, and Euro-Asia will fill the void that is left after inevitable collapse of Anglos Empire.
What do you think, who is more prepared to endure fall of living standard that is in front of us? Russians or Westerners? Who will have more severe domestic turmoil? Who is more prepared to defend its own states in case of open conflict? Who has enough domestic resources for survival?
In times of war especially, there is much disinformation being peddled.
Keep that in mind at all times.
Pepe Escobar, for instance, says that contrary to some “news” reports, Turkey denies that it is closing the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits to Russian naval vessels:
“Turkey DENIES closing Dardanelles and Bosphorus to Russian vessels.
So the Comedian, once again, LIED. In public – Empire of Lies-style.”
Escobar’s tweet *appears* to be confirmed by this article posted on Feb. 25th (yesterday) from a shipping news website:
Turkey set to reject Ukraine’s call to close Bosphorus to Russia
I found very interesting what Paul Craigt R mentions about the weakness of Russia
Dr. Roberts has good ideas for the most part, imo. But he seems to have a blind spot when it comes to Russia. He has been saying for years that Putin should show a strong hand to the west, even if it is not prepared to do so. Threatening without the ability to back it up is empty. Now that Putin is able to put his army where his mouth is, Dr. Roberts is still not satisfied. Putin is not being hard enough. He’s too concentrated on International Law, etc. With respect to Dr. Roberts, Putin is not done yet. I am starting to get the nagging feeling that he may not have even started. It has been noted that 30,000 troops is not an invasion, it’s more of a policing force. Where is the rest of the army? Keeping at 100% preparedness behind the lines. The Ukrainian army has been all but neutralized and reduced to a terrorist organization more than a well-supplied army. With each passing day they run lower on food, fuel, bombs, and bullets. If nothing new happens this has to end and end soon.
Which brings me to my real worry. I suspect that NATO is going to try something massively stupid, like air bombing. That seems to be their calling card. Or at least attempt to place a no-fly zone over Ukraine. We may make jokes about NATO being the Charge of the Woke Brigade, but don’t underestimate what they might be capable of. A cornered beast is the most dangerous and right now the Empire is cowering in a corner.
I’ve been reading PCR for years on ICH and GlobalResearch and agree with your assessment. Regarding your last paragraph I’ve had similar concerns but come to the conclusion that not even the Pentagon HQ mob would be that stupid. Would they realise (care?) about the ramifications on EuNatoland if they decided to launch air strikes on Russians in eastern Azovstan?
very quiet today. Are the russians doing any progress today? I have only heard and seen pictures of blown out russian truck and the like, near kherson Allegedly.
And russian troops under fire from civilians throwing molotow cocktails att mechs. However it is hard to tell if avery video is from Ukraine or old despite the videos showing trucks with a “Z” on.
The molotovs video everyone was posting has been identified as from 2014 Euromaidan in Kiev. Be wary of what you’re watching, 90% of the disinfo from Ukrainian side is fake.
Here’s some translated news about what happened after the Snake Island takeover. Ukraine kept saying the soldiers all died when none of them died:
On the evening of February 25, during the evacuation of 82 Ukrainian servicemen who voluntarily laid down their arms from Zmeiny Island, 16 boats of the Ukrainian Navy, using the “swarm tactics”, tried to attack the ships of the Black Sea Fleet.
I emphasize that part of the attacking Ukrainian boats operated under the cover of civilian ships.
The purpose of this attack was, first of all, revenge on the Ukrainian servicemen who laid down their arms and accusations of the Russian army in the destruction of prisoners. As a result of the sea battle, 6 boats of the Ukrainian Navy were destroyed. None of the 82 Ukrainian servicemen from Serpents’ Island was injured .
During the attack by Ukrainian boats, US strategic unmanned aerial vehicles RQ-4 “Global Hawk” and MQ-9A “Ripper” patrolled the area of provocation . It is highly likely that it was American UAVs that directed Ukrainian boats at the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
Russia will find out now the worth of the Chinese words.
Chinese banks restrict lending for commodities.
As Saker warned, please be cautious with mainstream sources, mod
Truly – Bloomberg news agency reported on Saturday, citing unidentified sources.
There is no sign of this in Chinese sources.
What more do you want to know?
the new age mini-kissingers are desperate to drive a wedge between Russia/China. Do not believe anything regarding China/Russia from western sources. China/Russia talk to each other strategically only, they do not share valuable information first with western media.
This is likely true, but it is not a problem and not a sign of Chinese duplicity.
All do it, even Russian companies and banks who avoid Crimea and Iran and other western-sanctioned targets in order to maintain connections with the demented West. The rest of the world is still controlled by Western banking and business system. So you compartmentalize, deliberately exposing just a few companies to Western sanctions, thus protecting the overall Homeland until gain enough sovereignty and wherewithal to separate from the Pirates.
And this way, by playing this game, you also create civil-war between Western oligarchs; many are bitter about lost access and $$ and those who understand the stupidity and futility of sanctions and that ultimately it is the West who pays. Everyone else works around it and isolates them.
This is just one among the un-stated solutions on handling Western sanctions.
And the West knows it.
Zone B powers have moved on beyond their sanctions limitations.
The West continues the nonsense for internal and vassal consumption at this point.. Narcissists need to have their own egos stroked and keep cowards in line.
What I understand is happening is that China’s banks are restricting lending in US dollars only. This is acceleration of de-dollarisation.
Madness and Separation spreads.
The nuclear option which will collapse USD and post-post-Bretton Woods is now in motion – with UK spear-heading & prevailing on cutting off of SWIFT and forcing Russia & Zone B to end all trade in USD/EU.
– weasel German leaders on-board with suicide
– French (like Mistral!) take back this time a RUSSIAN cargo-ship in English Channel carrying French cars.. Insanity. (A) This is an end to need for EU automobiles and what is left of EU industry (B) reciprocal or equivalent seizing & pirating in offing, like Iran commandeering oil tankers comes to mind..
– India & China in urgent process of establishing Rupee-Ruble, Ruble-Yuan exchanges in lieu of Swift. New system to be tested for real soon if current trajectory holds.
– Medvedev promised “the most interesting stuff only begins…” (1) to seize Western holdings if Russian holdings or PERSONS seized in West (no more hostages will be tolerated; and perhaps 5th Columns will have traditional ending with a noose? See below RT piece)
(2) to consider restore death penalty in Russia AND “Sanctions could be an excellent reason for the final review of all relations with those states that have introduced them”
– Authorities threaten to withhold stock dividends to Westerners as another measure of retaliation
The West and its dwindling vassal-hostages may soon be isolated in every respect..
De-nazification is 1 of the 2 stated war objectives. Russia will not leave it to chance but will make it happen, because there will be no security for Russia without it.
This includes
* hunting down the Odessa murderers
* securing all nazi leaders
* intelligence/police coop to destroy their gangs
* arranging free and fair elections.
That ‘Putin does not want a permanent occupation’ mantra plays second fiddle as long as de-nazification is a stated war objective.
Who can justify fallen Russia soldiers if that ugly Nazi monster is back on stage in 5 years?
Just noting here that a lot of the GOP/Jaffaite blogs (Eg Instapundit) are really pushing the “Ukrainians defeating the Russians” theme, as well as repeating the “muh Sudetenland” / Putin attacking democracy ideas. This will of course surprise no one here, but the stupidity and arrogance is truly vile. The Yankee treasury of virtue is empty but my God, how that pernicious ideology has stupefied
Interesting to see Russia calling out the possible involvement of the US in providing intel & co-ordination of attacks,
It’s undoubly true that the US/UK/NATO have a number of aircraft in the area as looking at flight radar there is a RQ-4B Global Hawk operating in the Black Sea more or less 24/7 and between 2 to 3 tankers in hold patterns.
(Currently KC-135T Stratotanker over Poland, KC-10A Extender & KC-135R Stratotanker over Romania, with another Douglas KC-10A Extender heading to the general area).
This suggests there is a number of aircraft that need refuelling. No doubt all flying with out transponders on, as they do not appear to show up, something i seem to remember that NATO/EU have got very upset about in the past as being ‘very dangerous and irresponsible’
I wonder how accurate this map is?
It’s in Finnish/English.
This actually looks like the most accurate and up to date map I’ve seen so far. It covers all the newest massive advances Russia made today after its resumption of operations following a halt in combat as per orders from Putin.
Watching the Zone A news, yes, I do feel compassion for the Ukrainian kids in Kiev who are scared by the sound of explosions. I do note that for the last 8 years, we didn’t receive hourly coverage of Ukrainian kids in Donbass who were scared by the sound of explosions.
German sanctions have begun what may be a protracted suicide. Too weak militarily to scare the Russians, and likely to remain so for several years, Germany will find the loss of Russian raw materials, its market, and the erosion of its ability to use its land sea and air corridors devastating for its industries’ competitiveness, particularly in the Chinese market. Indeed, Germany is being set up for China and other Asian countries to take over much of its business worldwide, including markets it has been a major player in for decades, to the point of crippling its economy. My hope is that sooner rather than later Germany will cry Uncle! and come to the table.
My optimistic take is that it will become more and more widely known in Germany and the rest of Europe that the only thing Russia is asking of the West is to agree to its December security guarantee proposals, which constitute the basis for a lasting detente, and even eventual peace (i.e. genuinely friendly, mutually beneficial relations). Of course, that means standing up to the Americans, and that won’t happen until the comprador class who currently run things are replaced. It will all take time to play itself out.