Today let’s begin with this news item today:
Seven-in-Ten Americans Now See Russia as an Enemy Attitudes toward NATO increasingly positive.
You got to love the “logic” of these folks!
Russia intervenes in a country which neighbors Russia, thousands of miles away, and the US Americans see that as a threat to the USA. And nevermind that the USA is the country which forced Russia into this war which the Kremlin spent eight years trying to avoid.
How is such a result even possible? Here are a few options:
- A majority of US Americans are simply stupid and cannot think
- A majority of US Americans are unbelievably ignorant
- A majority of US Americans are brainwashed by their media and schools
- A majority of US Americans have been trained/conditioned to fear and hate whomever their rulers designate for demonization
- A majority of US Americans sincerely believe that the USA ought to be the planet’s cop and no matter where a conflict starts, even when that conflict started by the USA, they believe that it is Uncle Shmuel business to deal with it. In their tiny minds, the USA has a God given right to intervene anywhere and attack anyone.
- A majority of US Americans perceive any truly sovereign country as a direct threat to their way of life.
- The PYSOP campaign to demonize Russia has been a resounding success.
A mix of all of the above is probably the most accurate cause for such a result.
Next, I bumped into a Fox News propaganda piece featuring a clown which, apparently, in some very distant past was a US Lt. General in the USA military, his last name is Kellogg. I decided to give it a try and I have to say that I sat absolutely *transfixed* listening to him: according to him, Russia has already suffered a huge defeat at the hands of the Ukronazis and with NATO’s help the Ukraine can, and probably will, win this war.
And both that “general” and the presstitute “interviewing” him delivered that crock of shit with great gravitas and appropriate facial expressions (angled eyebrows, the way the journos try to look very sincere). I was expecting at least one of them to burst out laughing but, no, of course not.
These two simply lack both the brain and the humor to realize how terminally stupid and ridiculous they both sound.
As I have written many times in the past, US generals are much more “corporate CEO in combat fatigues” than real combat officers. By Russian standards this guy would not even be allowed to clean latrines in a construction battalion. A man who says with a straight face that delivering 20 Soviet era aircraft or S-300 to the Ukrainians will make a difference in this war is either a clueless civilian or a deliberate liar prostituting his (putative and now former) officer’s honor for a few bucks.
No wonder the Russians have stopped taking telephone calls from these clowns.
Does anybody still wonder why “Kabul” happened or why the USA cannot win a war against anybody except Grenada (and that one barely, they had to bring the 82nd to fix the usual SNAFU created by US “special” operation forces)?
As for the German Eurolemmings, they have truly lost any sense of decency or even basic common sense: they are now seriously thinking about sending old Leopard 1 tanks to the Ukraine!
Let me explain something really basic here:
- You cannot just send weapons to the Ukraine and have that make a difference. I mean, yes, if you send AKs, bullet and clubs, they might get used. But modern weapon systems require training. They also require maintenance. Then they need to be integrated into the rest of the armed forces. Then your forces need to train and practice a lot to perfect their combat coordination. Then you need a supply/maintenance/repairs network to maintain/repair your systems. Advanced air defense systems require crews with sometimes many years of training. Considering that the reinforcements sent by Kiev to the Donbass even include their Volkssturm, you can imagine how utterly useless the operators of the few weapons systems surviving the trip from Lvov to the Donbass will be. And the interval between the moment this ancient S-300 goes live and the moment a Russian ARM hit it will be counted in minutes at most.
- Next, old weapons (ex-Soviet or ex-NATO) are just fat targets. In almost all cases, Russian equivalents are one or even two generations ahead, so why are all the EU sending them? Well, for a couple of reasons, the main one is to get rid of them, since storage or recycling of such systems is rather costly. The next reason is that it makes NATO politicians look “tough” – after all, if Zelenskii wants old tanks, artillery or air defense systems (he ain’t exactly a military genius either!) then, by all means, we give it to him and look like we are doing *something*. By the way, the four S-300 sent by the Slovaks were, apparently, already destroyed in a strike yesterday. And the Slovak taxpayers did not spend a penny on this. How is that not a good deal for Slovakia? Oh sure, this is an act of war, a casus belli, as are ALL but UNSC approved “sanctions”, but the Euroemmings Master Race are so superior in every sense to the accursed Rooskies that, screw that! The only thing which can bring the Eurolemmings back to reality is a Russian strike on such a weapons convoy INSIDE a NATO member country because, as I have already explained, when the Eurolemmings try to hide behind Uncle Shmuel’s back, all he will offer them are statements of support, outrage, freshly printed fiat money and the usual mix of threats, fear and hate Western politicians always spew about Russia. But the US won’t allow NATO to go to war with Russia over one such strike, especially if the Russians clearly explain what they did and why (I actually expect that quite a few “old-time” Western officers will get a good kick out of their newfound NATO “allies” hysterics once that happens).
- As I have mentioned in the past, weapons convoys in the western Ukraine (and, possibly, even inside Poland) make for easy and lucrative targets for the Russians. Just mix in enough civilians and, voilà!, sooner or later you will have a “Russian atrocity”, something like “the Russians kill scores of innocent feeling Ukrainian civilians” or “the Russians attacked trucks clearly marked with red crosses” (FYI – the SBU and Azov uses red crosses on its vans and ammo/supply trucks!). This is likely one of the reasons the Russians have, so far, chosen not to attack early on but to wait for solid intelligence and then strike the NATO forces/hardware when it is nicely concentrated somewhere. Still, we know that Azov ALWAYS used civilians (especially those perceived as “not sufficiently patriotic”!) as human shields. By the way, NATO taught them this technique. Anyway, to expect NATO weapon convoys NOT to be protected by human shields would be simply stupid. The Russians simply have to ASSUME that NATO/SBU/Azov will ALWAYS be surrounded by captive civilians.
Which brings us to the issue of false flags. Here are a few headlines about this topic:
- CNN: ““All options are on the table” for the West’s response if Russia uses chemical weapons“
- Vesti: “French gendarmes arrived in Lvov” (to investigate Russian war crimes and atrocities)
- Sputnik: “US Cannot Confirm Use of Chemical Agents in Mariupol, Senior Defense Official Says“
Need I say anything more?
Even by British standards, this is the most pre-announced pre-publicized false flag in history, I am amazed I don’t see ads and previews for it on Amazon and Netflix…
I guess, I will just say that if the public opinion is being prepared for a Russian chemical attack (maybe even with the – apparently harmless – “Novichok”) then we know for sure which side is winning and which side is not winning.

Medvechuk, one of the main leaders of the opposition at held in the SBU offices, according to Zelenskii who is very proud of that “capture”
There are also a few other reasons why the Empire of Hate and Lies badly and urgently needs a false flag:
- Mariupol has fallen and all the rescue or escape attempts have failed. Yes, there are probably several hundred, possibly around 1000 Nazis still left in the deep and many underground facilities under the industrial complex, but they have become militarily irrelevant so the Russian National Guard forces are taking their sweet time to avoid any unnecessary losses on the Russian side.
- Reports of Nazi atrocities are literally all over the place, especially on Telegram. A few of these have leaked into the legacy corporate ziomedia thereby creating the first, still tiny, cracks in the official narrative.
- Nobody knows what/who exactly is hidden deep in the bowels of Azovstal, but considering the immense efforts to get “it/him/them” out of there, the inevitable takeover of the underground floors by the Russians will result in some major embarrassment for the Empire, unless the Kremlin decides to show “goodwill” again and mistakenly believe that any such goodwill will be appreciated in the West. IF there is a deal made, it will have to offer the Russians something really substantive and very quickly verifiable since just promises won’t do, not even with the Atlantic Integrationists (who are now busy rebranding themselves as “patriotic Russians”).
- There are also lots of reports of atrocities in the Nazi-controlled Ukraine, including public floggings and executions. Again, Telegram is flooded with such reports and footage and the Bucha false flag petered out without providing the needed “distraction” and return to the “correct” narrative. The Ukronazis even reportedly told the Brits that they have no intention of abiding by the Geneva Conventions (what a surprise!).
On the photo above and on the closeup, check out the face and expression of Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the Ukrainian opposition. If that is how the SBU OFFICIALLY – the photo is from ‘Ze’ himself – treats a top political figure, just imagine what they have done to the thousands of people they have “disappeared” over 8 years now!
Over the past week or so, the Western PSYOPs have begun to lose control of the narrative, which means that they need to seize the initiative and regain control of the narrative. Not exactly a difficult task when dealing with a terminally stupidified public in Zone A.
In the meantime, the Eurolemmings are continuing their acts of highway robbery. European “values” at work, from the Crusades to the modern age :-)
A few weeks back I wrote that while the immediate objective of the SMO in the Ukraine was to denazify and disarm the Nazi-occupied Ukraine, the real end goal was to change the European collective security architecture which, itself, is the cornerstone of our entire, worldwide, international order. I called that “denazify the planet” and I am pretty sure that many readers reading these words thought “what’s Andrei smoking?”.
Well, how about we now listen to both Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Karaganov?
The first one, Lavrov, called the “end of the course for US hegemony as the goal of the operation in Ukraine“. As for Karaganov, he declared that “we are at war with the West. The European security order is illegitimate“.
Still, for the time being, the big event will be the initiation of the 2nd phase of the war: the elimination of the Ukrainian forces inside the Donbass cauldron. Very few people know how long such an operation would last, it depends on so many things that it makes no sense to try to guess it, but the outcome itself is not in doubt.
Only God, and Satan, know what kind of demented scheme the likes of Nuland or Blinken will come up next.
All we can say is that a rabid dog is cornered, it makes it even more dangerous.
And we have to keep in mind that they REALLY and SINCERELY thought they would (finally!) break the will of the Russian people and that they know this long awaited and oh-so-sweet revenge-victory is slipping away from them – just imagine the rage they must feel. After eight years of endless provocations, insults and “negotiations” the Neocons have FINALLY forced Russia to intervene openly, which was always the dream of the Neocons. But what they did not expect (and neither did anybody else, myself included) was that instead of “just” liberating the LDNR from constant Ukronazi strikes, Putin chose to liberate the entire Ukraine and change the entire collective security architecture of Europe. Even better, Putin has confirmed this openly in his ultimatum and many times since.
You could say that Putin’s message to NATO was short: “We are coming for you”. I think of it as the modern equivalent of the ancient words “хочу на вы идти” (pronounced “khochu na vy idti”) spoken to his enemies by the famous commander of ancient Russia, the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich (955-972) and which can be loosely translated as “my intention is to attack you”.
I don’t believe that NATO has fully understood this or, to the extent they did, they will dismiss it as “bluff” (as if Putin ever bluffed, which is really something Russians very rarely do).
But by the time the 2nd phase is over, this reality will have trickled into the delusional minds of the likes of Borrell or Stoltenberg and you can be sure they will run to their beloved Uncle Shmuel for protection. At which point the Empire of Lies will have exactly two options left:
- Admit a total political defeat of NATO in Europe or
- Commit suicide and try to attack Russia. And since the US/NATO/EU/etc do not have anywhere near the force levels to take on the Russian military through a direct US military intervention, this would be utterly pointless and bring the leaders of the USA to the same choice (to nuke or not to nuke?), except that a really embarrassing military defeat will be added on top of an already really embarrassing political defeat
So, apparently, the Eurolemmings are totally willing to die for the Ukraine, as long as the fighting is done by the Ukrainians themselves.
The same Eurolemmings are also willing to eviscerate their own economies only for the privilege to brown-nose Uncle Shmuel and get a “certificate of democratic credentials” as a reward.
But will US soldiers be willing to die for either the Ukraine or the Eurolemmings? Will the Neocons have enough influence and power to force the US military to execute a civilization-ending order? Or will there appear some personality/group which would do, but this time REALLY DO, what Trump promised and “drain the swamp” and get rid of the likes of Bliken or Nuland?
I very much doubt it. But I can still hope for it.
And then there is China which clearly supports Russia, and which is clearly preparing for a war against the USA. Even their minister of defense said so quite openly. And here are two things the Chinese know for sure:
- If the Empire defeats Russia, China will be next, thus China cannot afford a Russian defeat under ANY circumstances (and neither can Russia afford a hypothetical Chinese defeat at the hands of the Empire).
- If the US and Russia go at each other in earnest, this will be the perfect time to not only solve the Taiwan issue, but to boot the US out of the Far East just as Iran booted the USA out of the Middle-East. From the Chinese point of view, “just” liberating Taiwan is not enough – the US must be removed from Taiwan, Japan and even the ROK. So yes, China also wants to denazify the planet, they are less blunt about it than the Russians, but it is clear to me that this world denazification plan was agreed to by both Putin and Xi.
The folks at the Pentagon must realize that – at least a sufficient critical mass must do so. Yes, I agree with Andrei Martyanov, the former US generals on TV sound like ignorant infantiles, but I will never believe that all US military commanders are that stupid. I studied in Washington DC from 1986 to 1991 and most of my teachers were active-duty military, and none of them were stupid. I also had a lot of fellow students who were from the US military, in the “lieutenant to major” range, and, again, these were smart men, very well educated and, I believe, honorable men. By now some of them must hold very senior ranks and they could make the difference.
Again, I don’t expect that to happen, but I get to still hope that it will.
I did not study with either General Mattis or General Milley and I know very little about them except this: Mattis seems to be the person who deliberately botched the US missile strike on Syria to avoid a possible Russian reaction leading to war and General Milley called his Chinese counterpart to tell him that the US has no intention of striking at China thereby telling the Chinese that they are NOT in a “use them or lose them” situation, which would have put the entire USA in the very real danger of getting nuked by a desperate China. In both of these cases, these generals appear to have contravened direct orders for the greater good of service to their country and protection of the US population of the imbecilic orders given by imbecilic US Presidents. Mattis was “let go” pretty soon by The Donald while Milley was subjected to a vicious smear campaign.
So if “Biden” (meaning Nuland, Sullivan, Blinken or any other demented psychopath) gives the order to attack Russian forces I still want to believe that there will be a critical mass at the Pentagon to tell the “crazies in the basement” to finally shut up and get back to where they belong: the basement they crawled out of.
Is there enough true and real patriotism left in the USA? Or is patriotism just waving (Chinese made!) US flags, vote for the “lesser evil” from either branch of the Uniparty, and remain an Israeli colony forever?
If it wasn’t for the US nuclear triad (old, but still formidable and capable!), I truly wouldn’t give a damn, but alas that is a luxury nobody can afford, at least until the USA is finally denazified and disarmed too. But until all of Zone A is absorbed and re-civilized by Zone B, that danger will threaten every human being on the planet (and now even in the southern hemisphere courtesy of the comprador leaders of the US colony in Australia which have decided to paint a big Chinese nuclear crosshairs on their brainless heads!).
Okay, I will end with some major good news: the entire 36th Marine Infantry Brigade in Mariupol has surrendered! That is over 1000 soldiers, including 300 wounded and 90 seriously injured.
Now, careful here, these are NOT the Azov forces hiding in the underground floors of Azovstal. First, they are not Azov but regular Ukrainian military and, second, they were barricaded in the Illich industrial complex, near the Azovstal, but already cut off from Azovstal.

The Ukrainian 36th Naval Infantry Brigade has surrendered
It is important to note that unlike the Azov Nazis, the Naval Infantry forces are NOT considered as Nazis by the Russians and that they will all get full POW protection under the Geneva Convention.
The very best the Azov people can expect is to be identified and arrested on suspicion of war crimes, crimes against humanity and all kinds of atrocities. If some of them are clearly clueless idiots who made some bad choices, they might return home one day after either being found innocent (a minority) or after serving their time in Russian jails.
Those found with tattooed swastikas or those who are already on the FSB wanted list will get harsh sentences in equally harsh high-security prisons.
As for Azov commanders, they have already been told by everybody that they will get no mercy. Which means that they will get interrogated and executed.
[Sidebar: Russia has had a moratorium on the death penalty to appease the Eurolemmings. Now that Russia has quit all EU institutions, you can expect the death penalty to be reinstated under popular pressure. Besides, the LDNR republics DO have the death penalty. As does every single Chechen subunit :-)]
The bottom line is this: while the surrender of the 36th Naval Infantry Brigade is absolutely wonderful news – just think of the saved lives – it is very unlikely to set a precedent to the Azov forces in Mariupol or elsewhere. Worse, I strongly suspect that the two reasons why the 36th Naval Infantry Brigade could surrender were that:
- They were cut off (by the Russian National Guard units) from the Azov forces in Azovstal
- They were considered an elite unit that the Nazis of Azov could not simply and safely massacre
In the Donbass, the situation is, reportedly, much worse: the ratio of Nazi to normal soldier seems to be close to 1:10 which means that the Nazis can act as “barrage forces” and shoot anybody refusing to advance or trying to retreat – a technique which the West loves to blame on Stalin, but which was invented by the Nazis on the Eastern Front. They can also act as “political commissars”, a category invented by Leon Trotsky himself to force former officers of the imperial Russian military to obey orders given by these commissars or face execution. And those who will say that 1:10 is a great ratio for the Ukrainians to dispose of their “Nazi commissars” miss the point as any such conspiracy will be detected long before it materializes.
Yet again, I am not expecting this to happen, but I will keep hoping with all my heart that a huge massacre (because that is exactly what this is shaping up to be) can still be avoided. I really hope that the Russian PSYOPs are doing all they can to reach out to the Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbass cauldron and that the RU+LDNR forces will do everything short of taking serious losses to spare the lives of the 60-70 thousand or so Ukrainians who are now waiting to be obliterated by heavy Russian strikes.
One of my favorite Russian poets, Maksimilian Voloshin, wrote a poem entitled “Civil War” which I love and which I will share with you, in Russian and in a somewhat corrected machine translation:
Одни восстали из подполий, Из ссылок, фабрик, рудников, Отравленные темной волей И горьким дымом городов. Другие из рядов военных, Дворянских разоренных гнезд, Где проводили на погост Отцов и братьев убиенных. В одних доселе не потух Хмель незапамятных пожаров, И жив степной, разгульный дух И Разиных, и Кудеяров. В других – лишенных всех корней – Тлетворный дух столицы Невской: Толстой и Чехов, Достоевский – Надрыв и смута наших дней. Одни возносят на плакатах Свой бред о буржуазном зле, О светлых пролетариатах, Мещанском рае на земле…В других весь цвет, вся гниль империй, Все золото, весь тлен идей, Блеск всех великих фетишей И всех научных суеверий. Одни идут освобождать В тех и в других война вдохнула А вслед героям и вождям Сгноить ее пшеницы груды, И не смолкает грохот битв И там и здесь между рядами А я стою один меж них |
Some have risen from the underground, From exiles, factories, mines, Poisoned by the dark will And the bitter smoke of cities. Others from the ranks of the military, Nobles from now ruined nests, Where they would accompany to the graveyard The fathers and brothers of those murdered. In some the flame of ancient fires has not been snuffed out yet And in the steppes, rebellious spirit of Razins and Kudeyars remains alive. In others – devoid of all roots – The corrupting spirit of the capital on the Neva: Tolstoy and Chekhov, Dostoevsky – The anguish and turmoil of our days. Some are posting slogans about Their nonsense and bourgeois evil, About the bright proletarians, A petty-bourgeois paradise on earth…In others, all the color, all the rot of empires, All the gold, all the decay of ideas, The brilliance of all the great fetishes And all scientific superstitions. Some go to liberate In both, the war breathed in And following the heroes and leaders Rot her wheat piles, And the roar of battles does not cease And there and here between the rows And I stand alone between them |
These verses were written in November of 1919 and they refer to the Russian Civil War.
Today, the situation is radically different in too many ways to list, but on a spiritual level, I think that this is again yet another Russian civil war. I have exactly ZERO sympathy or, even less so, empathy for the Ukrainian Nazis, but when I see the young faces of Ukrainian POWs I can’t help it – I see *my* people. Yes, confused, mistaken, misguided, possibly stupid and even deeply sinful. And I would not hesitate for 1 second to fight them with more than a keyboard. But as long as they don’t embrace the Ukronazi/Baderista/Azov/SBU/NATO/EU/US ideology I will always see them as my people and I will never rejoice in their suffering or demise.
Finally, when Voloshin wrote “I pray for both sides” it was not a political statement. It was a recognition of our common humanity. Even if the core of the Ukronazi/Baderista/Azov/SBU/NATO/EU/US ideology and even IDENTITY is to deny us, Russians, that common humanity (other than in vapid words, of course).
To the demons in Washington DC we need to oppose our saints, both living and long dead.
Our most formidable weapon is not a nuke or any “Tsar-Bomba” but our modest prayer ropes.
Let’s use that most formidable weapon of ours which only we have (there is no real hesychasm in the West, and there has not been for many centuries now),
And strictly in that sense, I do the same, I also pray for our people on both sides.
Or how about this… instead of saying that most Americans are stupid, how about saying that 98% of all statistics are made up unless it comes from MSM, in which case, it is totally BS.
I feel for Medvechuk’s wellbeing. The Ukros are trying to leverage him for s prisoner exchange for the US General.
Glad to see you finally woke up!
Operation Bagration II… the Russians are going to Berlin!
The UkroNazis holding the Ilyich Plant surrendered… enmasse..!
1 down 2 to go…
“Neocons have FINALLY forced Russia to intervene openly, which was always the dream of the Neocons. But what they did not expect (and neither did anybody else, myself included) was that instead of “just” liberating the LDNR from constant Ukronazi strikes, Putin chose to liberate the entire Ukraine and change the entire collective security architecture of Europe. ”
Neoliberals back in the 90s – 30 years ago – anticipated that Europe will be „Kriegsmüde“ (tired of war) when their plan against Russia will be executed. They anticipated it will happen in Ukraine. And they anticipated, Europe will hesitate to go to war in the beginning, be unwilling to spend money for military and only start to change when France is about to fall.
The plan was to let all this happen just to show who’s the enemy. As soon as the very last peacenik understood about this, it was intended to send in an army of autonomeous flying war robots, so numerous that they will spread over hundreds of miles and take days to cross any place they will pass. They are to create a death zone all through Russia no living being will be able to cross alive. This is to seperate Russia into two parts somewhere west of the Urals. After this, intention was to finish off the assaulting troops in Europe.
A variation of that plan included an alliance of Russia and China, bringing in huge masses of troops from China to Europe which occasionally will conquer Russia. In this variation, Russia will even be unable to oppose this assault.
Last date for execution was announced for the 2020s tp 25s.
Back then I thought: Well, they’ll need to find a bunch of criminals in Russia executing their will that start a war. And their autonomeous flying masses and that noone will be able to pass alive thing with the rest of the story sounds like fiction ir rather a fairy tale.
They got their criminals, and, like frequently before in history, most of them are uniformed.
Maybe the other seemingly fiction part wasn’t that fictious, too.
Maybe Neoconia isn’t sad or shocked at all. This plan might be well-laid. Up to now, “everything is according to plan.“ Maybe this was the case with WWI and WWII, too?
Well, as for the autonomous war robots, the joke is on the neocons. Russia already started building theirrs, so neocons won’t be the only ones with them.
Doubt China will double cross Russia.
Not so according to plan I guess.
Andrei – do you think this could go nuclear?
The US has done several studies of preemptive strikes and survivability and calculated that they would prevail. But I’m not sure that they’ve included China in their deliberations?
What is the source of that?
This is what happens when Nazis actually get caught red handed firing missiles at their own people who are trying to escape so that they can’t be used as human shields by them.
The official narrative starts to break down just like in Syria and Iraq.
The first time the BBC has told the truth since the war started.
Sleepy Joe’s psychopathic days are numbered.
Censored here in UK
And because they told the truth ONCE, the vid was removed INSTANTLY (at least here in good old Germany)…Wir sind Alle im Eimer, just unbelievable.
NATO will not get involved directly, as it knows it is suicidal. Russia would have to attack them first. I doubt a false flag will even be attempted by NATO, as the risk is too serious. The ukies have exhausted their false flag possibilities. What did this do up to now? Sanctions that hurt US and EU interests? This is something Russia will handle. Only other option is for NATO to get their lickspittle 3rd rate vassals like the Poles to fall on their sword for ukraine, but outside of NATO auspices. But without NATO protection, I see the Poles take a drubbing the likes of which they have not seen since WW2, with the inevitable collapse of the army and their state. Are they ready to do this?
It also doesn’t help NATO that Turkey isn’t on board.
I commend your attitude Andrei.
As to why people are so easily manipulated by the media, let me say that first, there is a lot of insularity.
People in New York don’t even regard the rest of the country as human, let alone foreigners.
The second reason is related. Limited sources of information. A crippled episteme, as Cass Sunstein said of conspiracy theorists. Well, it takes a very crippled episteme to keep believing the government’s lies and refusing to believe facts and logic.
The third reason is that lots of people here don’t really care about anything because it doesn’t affect them directly. When bombs start falling on their heads, then they will change. When they starve and their children starve and their homes and churches are blown up, then they will repent of their enthusiasm for destroying other people’s countries.
Nothing else will change them.
Well said Lila. As an American citizen I would also like to add a 4th reason. Most of us are stuck on the debt hamster wheel/consumer whore life prison and don’t have time to follow .gov’s action in detail. Even if we do have time to follow, all we get are lies.
Colin Powells vial of yellowcake anyone? Damn. Looked real to a lot of people, everyone was talking about it.
After the 2014 Maidan, the US MSM never reported on what was happening in Eastern Ukraine. Before 2022 you could ask 100 random Americans where is the Donbas and you would get a vast majority of empty stares back at you.
It’s a good thing we have the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans separating us from “enemies”.
Our citizens can’t even see the forest for the trees when it comes to Russia. What security concerns???
The only hope I have is that I know the vast majority don’t buy the bullshit, but have no voice because of our current cancel culture/censoring campaigns.
A challenge to the petro dollar and what that means might open a lot of American eyes. I would hope it comes to that before bombs are falling in North America.
May God watch over us all in these perilous times.
Just picked this up when visiting Pepe Escobar’s twitter feed:
Account Suspended.
They really do not like it up ’em do they!
Elon Musk declined a Board seat at Twitter.
For a trifling $31 billion, he can buy Twitter now, free-speech again?
And there was I thinking the 1st Amendment was already free?
Will surrendered soldiers be kept in Russia, or disarmed and sent home? If the latter, what happens next?
Ukrainian POWs cleaning Mariupol streets
courtesy of Wargonzo
here’s some scenes with nazis POWs
I think many of them will be able to redeem themselves. Even some of the “nazis”.
If the surrenderred are released and they go home, the nazis will definitely kill them for surrendering. They should be kept for rebuilding the liberated country and once all is set, they can be re inducted in different areas of governmental works. That’s just my guess.
Baderista/Azov/SBU/OTAN/UE/EUA/Ukronazi. De acordo. Mas esse levantamento só estará completo depois de incluir os zionazis.
Alto diplomata russo explica ao subsecretário de Estado dos EUA onde o nazismo está na Ucrânia
O vice-representante da Rússia na ONU falou com o vice-secretário de Estado dos EUA sobre como o nazismo se manifesta abertamente na Ucrânia. Este último tentou negar que a Ucrânia estava em um estado pró-nazista, alegando que seu presidente, Volodymyr Zelensky, é judeu.
Em 29 de março, o Conselho de Segurança da ONU realizou uma reunião sobre a situação humanitária na Ucrânia. O representante da Rússia, Dmitri Polianski, voltou a apontar os crimes dos nacionalistas ucranianos.
Enquanto isso, a subsecretária de Estado dos EUA, Wendy Sherman, decidiu questionar a tese sobre as manifestações do nazismo na Ucrânia. A diplomata disse que “como judia e cidadã norte-americana” não pode deixar de dizer que “o que está acontecendo na Ucrânia não é sobre nazistas”. Ao mesmo tempo, ele lembrou que “o presidente judeu da Ucrânia definitivamente não é um nazista”.
Em resposta, Polianski destacou que as referências à origem judaica de Zelensky já se tornaram uma desculpa comum. Depois disso, ele citou algumas das manifestações do nazismo na Ucrânia.
“Você sabe quem são Stepán Bandera e Román Shujevich? Você sabe quantas coisas ruins essas pessoas fizeram à humanidade? São pessoas que colaboraram com os nazistas, que estiveram envolvidos nos assassinatos de judeus, poloneses, russos, ucranianos”, argumentou o diplomata russo.
Até hoje, Bandera e Shukhevich – colaboradores e aliados da Alemanha nazista que lideraram as forças ultranacionalistas ucranianas a seu serviço durante a invasão da URSS – são considerados heróis nacionais na Ucrânia hoje. Ele também lembrou a simbologia nazista amplamente utilizada entre os grupos paramilitares integrados às Forças Armadas Ucranianas e que até a OTAN teve que retirar o retrato de um soldado ucraniano de sua página oficial por ela estar usando um símbolo nazista.
“Claro, do seu ponto de vista, não é sério se você usar um símbolo nazista na manga. Claro, se seus combatentes torturarem prisioneiros e queimarem suásticas no peito, isso também não significa nada para você (… ) Mas pensamos diferente”, concluiu Polianski.
—–Sherman não respondeu à declaração do diplomata russo.——
Grupos ultranacionalistas e neonazistas desempenharam um papel crucial na mudança de poder em Kiev em 2014. Seus membros encenaram lutas violentas contra os então guardiões da ordem e seus parentes e ocuparam prédios administrativos. Eles então reprimiram os protestos no leste da Ucrânia, precipitando o conflito armado na região.
Até hoje, muitos dos chamados batalhões voluntários compõem as fileiras das Forças Armadas da Ucrânia.”””””””
👆👆👆👆vejam o cinismo cavalar da subsecretária de estado dos eua. Isso é nada menos do que uma confissão pública de uma alta funcionária dos eua que se intitula judia e que admite para todos os efeitos num fórum internacional que tanto ela como o país que representa apoiam o regime nazista ucraniano.
“Is there enough true and real patriotism left in the USA? Or is patriotism just waving (Chinese made!) US flags, vote for the “lesser evil” from either branch of the Uniparty, and remain an Israeli colony forever?”
I live in the USA. It’s not going to happen. Obedience to authority is the value of the day. It is a nation of cowards. And China is evil. Look at what’s going on in Shanghai.
Absolute nonsense .The US has been evil.Look at what it has done in Ukraine and the numerous countries it has bombed and invaded around the world. Whilst China continues to make its citizens even more wealthier! That is all China has done.
I said this already in an earlier comment: I don’t understand this obsession with public opinion in the West. First, American surveys are heavily manipulated. Remember how Hillary was supposed to walz to a thundering victory? We can probably add at least 6-7 percentage points to the column “competitor”, so that we get at least 30% in that category. But what is more important is the question who are the people who respond “enemy” and who says “competitor”. Remember that about 60-70% of the population in the West has VOLUNTARILY taken Pfizer’s poison shots. And not only that. They have even given the poison shot to their children. In every population there is a large majority of people who have no independent moral feelings; they don’t judge according to fixed moral standards. The majority of the people outsources every moral judgement to the group; put differently, they freeride when it comes to moral issues. The immediate implication of this is that a statement like “70% consider Russia an enemy” is almost completely uninformative. It just tells you that the elite wants people to consider Russia as an enemy and 70% do exactly as they are told. This is no different in any other country. The percentages might differ from country to country. But these kind of people are in the majority everywhere. In the West we probably have more of them, because these moral freeriders prosper in good and stable times (which we have enjoyed for several generations since WWII) when you don’t suffer any cost from not being able to make moral judgements but you only enjoy the advantage of not wasting energies on worrying about moral issues.
In my view the more remarkable take away from the PEW numbers is that the still have to admit that there is a large share of the population which rejects the “Russia bad”-narrative. 27% according to the publication. And if we correct for the bias they have certainly introduced we get over a third of the population. And that is the relevant part of the population. They are the people who are able to judge independently. As long as this block is so large, I would actually draw the conclusion that the entire propaganda narrative is failing pretty miserably. 24/7 bombardment by propaganda on all news channels and still only the morally blind follow you, i.e. only those follow who always follow at first. They will not follow you for very long though when they are constantly mocked by the morally able third of the population. We see this with the poison jabs. With each round of poison shots the percentage of those who are willing to do as they are told has shrunken. Soon you will be left with only the women who are taking the shots and the husbands who are dominated by their wives. And the same applies to the Russiaphobia that is pushed in the media. My impression is that its effects are rather superficial. I wouldn’t build a war campaign on such kind of support. I actually have the impression that the hysteria of the media has been subsiding in the past few days. Despite all the effort Bucha did not have the effect they expected. The stories about the Russians using chemical weapons in the Azov steel factory hardly raised any attention at all. Just as the side effects of the poison jabs and their total ineffectiveness ate away at the support of the morally blind NPCs for the health dictatorship, so is the inflation and the food and energy shortages eating away at the NPCs support for the “Russia bad”-narrative.
Don’t people realize, the main reason why twitter feeds and youtube channels, etc, of late are getting terminated/suspended. Is ‘NOT’ for censorship for us in the ‘WEST’ but rather from the Ukrainians in their country.
The ‘truth’ that they are loosing, surrendering and Russia winning decisively is not revealed.
The evil and dispecible media and western governments have ‘WEAPONIZED’ the internets flow of information.
That is the real reason.
It could be both.They are not mutually exclusive.
I understand what your saying.
The difference being though, in the west, you and I can not react as decisively to the immediate situation. But if the ‘media’ withholds ‘purposely’ information in the country where the conflict is, in which could save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians, the media is an excessory to the killings.
So in essence the ‘information’ has been weaponized to inflict as much loss of human life.
Where is the accountability and justice in that?
Good morning Andrei, I have read what you write above and, I’m sorry, but I think you are wrong. When you say that the western masses are “terminally stupidified”, and when, at the beginning, you list the reasons why the American public believes the propaganda of their own media, concluding that the answer is a mix of options, you are giving an ideological and acquittal answer (the same goes for the responsibilities of Ukrainian soldiers in the Donbass massacres).
THE RIGHT ANSWER IS UNDOUBTEDLY NUMBER 6 (and applying transitive ownership it also applies to the public opinion of NATO vassal countries).
We could write entire books on the substantial failure of the acculturation processes of the western masses and quarrel over the reasons for this phenomenon (it would be an interesting topic to deal with in a sociology study), but the elementary fact remains THAT IGNORANT IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH STUPID. The explanations given by western governments and the western press are not incredible, they are simply STUPID (and, in fact, most of the rest of the world other than what you call Zone A does not believe it).
In zone A we believe in it (I’m Italian) simply because it’s better to believe it: as a dog knows that it is better to avoid a man armed with a stick, western public opinion understands (because people can be ignorant but, I repeat, they are not stupid ) that any nation contesting the world order (and, above all, the economic power relations that emerged from the outcomes of the Second World War) represents a very serious danger for the maintenance of its high (compared to the rest of the world) standard of living. So if a Ukrainian child dies, hit (perhaps) by a Russian bomb, we tear our clothes, if a child from Belgrade dies we shrug our shoulders.
I assure you that in Italian television there are examples, albeit very rare, of journalists or political scientists who do not agree with the Russians but, at least, ask questions about the possibility that the news coming from Ukraine is the result of propaganda: they are immediately labeled as Putin’s agents and the public is very happy to hear the reassuring explanation that the cause of it all is that Putin is bad.
I would like to point out to you that the reasons for the war are economic: military operations are only a means (that Russia wins on the battlefield is quite irrelevant if it doesn’t win in the economic dimension). The real reason for it all is to maintain the dollar’s role as a universally accepted paynent method and to prevent that a financially based system is being replaced with a commodity finance (according to me this is a very interesting read: .
Returning, however, to the question of Ukrainian soldiers, it is evident that the violent repression of the Donbass secessionists is not attributable solely to the neo-Nazi movements, the Ukrainian regular military units obviously have many responsibilities and for this reason they are more afraid than to surrender to the Russian army as to the Donbass militiamen who have several reasons to make them pay.
In this first phase of the war, a will clearly emerged from the majority of Ukrainians (not only from the western part who has always seen the Russians as historical enemies) not to be attracted to the Russian orbit: they probably believe in the possibility of joining the western world and sharing (at least in part) its advantages: once again, if you settle on the sidelines of a rich table set to collect crumbs you deserve to be called mean but not stupid.
Ameen!! Ooo Lord!!
sadly AFU fired large numbers of grads against Donbass. Wonder if they have been resupplied….or eeking them out…… hope there is a massive response asap. Peoples are hanging just about out there?
This just arrived in the inbox.
108 pages.
But at least this is something like official for these gentlemen and these crybabies in the mainstream media have to stick to standards and not emotions.
The very final Putz of Azov rats going on in Mariupol underground tunnel network.
At one time 70% of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.
Propaganda works.
According an op-ed in my state media is Pentagon already pointing towards China. Russia isn’t a worthy opponent- anymore.
The whole story is based on some Pentagon papers
I’m not sure I able to read it, because they write worse than Bloomberg.
Andrei, thanks for your article.
In it, you say, in part:
“Today let’s begin with this news item today:
Seven-in-Ten Americans Now See Russia as an enemy.”
And then you conitnue:
“You got to love the “logic” of these folks!
Russia intervenes in a country which neighbors Russia, thousands of miles away, and the US Americans see that as a threat to the USA. And never mind that the USA is the country which forced Russia into this war which the Kremlin spent eight years trying to avoid.
How is such a result even possible? Here are a few options:”
And then you list them. In short, unfortunatley, none of the possible options you list, or a combination of them all, answers your question. The options you list are the results of the real answer — a systemic answer.
Back on October 19, 2020 a person named Katarina wrote an article for your site entitled “The Great Reset. Our way”. It is still very relevant to today’s situation and I recommend everyone reading it. In it, she asked a very similar question to yours:
”Most imperative is to stop this deranged, insane and extremely dangerous “POWER PROJECTION” all around the globe. Tell us what is that all about, for Christ’s sake?!”
I anwered her question then, and I believe that that answer answers your question about recent polls How is such a result even possible?
I hope that what I commented way back in ancient history, reaching down into the practical memory hole created “naturally” on what is essentially a moving ticker-tape of articles and comments since then, can assist in understanding the behavior of average Americans today.
About a month prior to Katarina’s article above, she wrote another article that is also very relevant to today entitled “Presidents That Play Chess”. (I recommend reading that one again, too.) I commented the following.
As you can read for yourself, Katarina’s and other commenters disagreed with my recommendations about how VIP VVP and other VIPs in the Russian government should, in short, “speak to The West”. I believe that the way that Russian VIPs speak to the West today is noticeably different than it was back in late 2020. Today I would give the exact same advice to Russian leaders that I did back in late 2020.
We can easily now compare Red Army of Winter War 1939-40 to modern RF forces. During Winter War SU finally needed staggering 950,000 soldiers to force Finnish forces (of 370,000) to ask peace. But in Ukraine the RF forces with Chenchens and Donbas Allies had hardly more than 200,000 compared to Ukie forces of 500,000 or even 600,000. And still being succesful.
In Winter War SU first tried with less than 500,000 men break the neck of Finnish forces. After first 40 days blunders SU finally find the right balanced strategy of Karelian Isthmus. Last 30 days of 105 day war were steady chain of losses and withdraw for Finns how ever bravely they fought. In Ukraine we are now in turn point, similar to that of 10 – 15 Feb 1940. The next 30 days will prove either Ukie crawling to world of reality or then US forcing poor Ukies to die for Hollywood. In March 1940 UK and France did everything to lure Finns to fight to last man. All promises were just smoke in air (targeting Swedish iron ore, westeners didn’t give a shit of poor Finns). It’s not realistic to dream that Ukrainians have learnt these lessons when even modern Finns have forgotten them totally, 40 years ago we undestood them far better.
So can history teach us anything? Yes but most people including politicians are too boneheaded to understand facts. I’m very pessimistic. It seems to be that only effective scholar is the catastrophe coz it forces nation to face grim reality.
Polls are quite useless if they don’t ask the right question.
The right questions would be:
1) Would you or someone in your family go fight in Ukraine against Russia?
2) Would you personally donate 5% of your income to help Ukraine fight against Russia?
3) Does a war with Russia help the United States or you personally in any way?
One could add a fourth, historical question to these excellent questions?
How much money did you receive from the US Gov from the successful theft of Iraqi Oil?
After all, its been long enough since Wolfowitz told us all that the Iraq War was going to not only pay for itself but be a big success because of that valuable Iraqi Oil. By now, the books have been settled. So, have you gotten your cut of that profit? At what point did the US Gov issue taxpayers a further refund of past taxes paid because of the profits made from the Iraq War?
Of course, America does not work that way. The expenses are born by the taxpayers, but the profits only go to the elite. Its a strange form of reverse socialism, take from the poor to give to the rich. Also known as “The American Way.”
As General Smedley Butler once wrote …. War Is A Racket!
To Andrei, personally, if I might.
Heartbroken as you are, mon ami. A Slav soul grown up by Yugoslav civil war you are. No regrets, no excuses. War it is, but it doesn’t implicate that a soul doesn’t cry over any and all victories. The cost is so, too huge. (For non self aware Slavic folks and others, a short explanation. Language in present Russian sources is deliberately differentiated: for the most part, “противник” (opponent), contrary to Azov and similar junk: in that case “враг” (Devil in direct translation) or an “enemy” in regular language, with all implications to the thinking folks around.)
As is with all these rebyata who saved their (an many opponent’s) lives by reasonable and honorable surrender (out of ammo, out of food, meds, out of command, what else?), reminds me that similar happened with all these Moslems at Bihach front back in 1993 or 1994, captured by operational skills of general Manojlovich, and immediately shown on cameras in Manjacha POW detention camp. Deliberate stuff. You remember, for sure.
These Ukraine marine force grunts have done their duty to the final military wise limit. Nothing to be ashamed of: A closer look at these Chechen warriors around them in these videos circling the web shows serious respect for POW stamina. What is missing is the name of commanding officer: in case there were any, he deserves the highest decoration from both sides.
Maybe all these folks commenting and being so smart, triumphant or whatever about this Mariuopol of elsewhere similar situations and cass to come these days, might learn something from this desperate FAMILY post on Телеграм:
You Andrei know it all, you know the drill. Others, think about it, many times before posting your strategy games hardwired … whatever.
Slav lives matter. Keep on Andrei.
“Russia intervenes in a country which neighbors Russia, thousands of miles away, and the US Americans see that as a threat to the USA. And nevermind that the USA is the country which forced Russia into this war which the Kremlin spent eight years trying to avoid.
How is such a result even possible?”
It’s because Americans instinctively project their own malevolence onto a foreign bogeyman/enemy. This type of Psychological Projection is fundamental to America’s national DNA.
During the Cold War, America vilified the Soviet Union as the evil empire.
Today, America similarly vilifies other nations as “evil” such as the Axis of Evil, Evil-Doers Who Hate Our Freedoms, evil Authoritarian nations, etc.
But what Americans don’t have the balls to face is that their precious America is the true Evil Empire.
Indeed, it has always been.
Because America as a nation represents the perversion and manipulation of The Good as a principle, which is the ultimate evil.
Americans as a nation specialize in manipulating and perverting “noble principles” like Freedom, Democracy, Liberty, Individual Rights, or other fake American values … as a propaganda mask to disguise their true national character–which is rapacious American Imperialism.
That is who the hell Americans are.
A nation like America–founded upon Black chattel slavery and Native Indian genocide and the fawning worship of Founding Slaveowners/Ethnic Cleansers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson–ain’t about freedom.
A nation like America–which is waging multiple wars of aggression around the world for decades to this very day, yet self-righteously accuses Russia of war crimes–ain’t about peace.
A nation like America–which perpetrates terrorism by arming Al-Queda/ISIS jihadists or covertly launching bioterrorist attacks such as (likely) Covid-19–ain’t about fighting terrorism.
A nation like America–which routinely “regime changes” dozens of sovereign nations throughout the globe since the 19th Century and its overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom–ain’t about democracy.
A nation like America–which murders millions of people around the world through bombing, invasions, economic sanctions, and Hybrid War as well as killing over a million of its *own* people through its Covid-19 Herd Immunity/Culling policy–ain’t about the “right to life.”
No, America is about the perversion and weaponization of all these ideals.
America was founded as an Empire–an Evil Empire–since 1776.
And the United States will continue to be an evil empire until the day that America at long last meets its Day of Reckoning and is ended as a nation state….
No geostrategy or moralizing
End line: we were fucked, hungry, no ammo, but doing our duty. Someone up there ordered to surrender. I’ve complied. We are the army.
Right or wrong, Ukraine regular units are what they were expected to be, just like Russian.
Here is the evidence for israelsupplyi arms to Myanmar.
It was known in the time of the WarLord Rumsfeld, that all “military pundits” on American TV are ‘briefed’ by the Pentagon as to what to say on TV.
In the 15 years since, nothing in America says that America has undergone a ‘Revolution of Values’ that would tell the world that this has ended and that America would not do such a thing again. America does not suddenly believe in openness, democracy and transparency. Instead, everything that was true during the era of the WarLord Rumsfeld is still equally true or has been ‘doubled-down’ upon in the intervening years.
For an equally long time, the American military has spoken openly of ‘Information War’ and ‘controlling the information battlespace’. IIRC, such comments from the Pentagon go back at least as far as the WarLord Rumsfeld, and quite likely longer. I would not be surprised to find them back in the material from the Cheney/Kagan/Nuland PNAC crowd.
So, we have all known for quite some time now that a) The Pentagon deliberately lies to ‘control the information battlespace’, and b) all military pundits on American TV are a part of this effort.
As such, there is very little to learn by watching such fake-Patriots who are willing to sell their titles and uniforms to be a set prop to the mind-control machine. But we do learn a little, beyond the fact that the content of these people’s character is severely lacking.
One thing we learn is about the corruption of the media channels that present these people. They know what’s going on. We know there have been no public ‘reforms’ since this corruption was first revealed during the Cheney/Bush regime decades ago. We can see that they do not even try to present alternate points of view to the lying Pentagon stage props. That is something that has changed in America during my lifetime. They never presented alternate view ‘fairly’, but they in the past they did not cancel them completely.
We also learn quite a bit about the people who watch this. Not the people who are doing ‘research’ like Mr. Saker, but the audience that regularly consumes this drivel. They are stupid. They can not see that what they were told yesterday was a lie, so today’s lies can not be trusted. This is a failure to observe and think. This stupidity is deliberate. The American elites have been attacking public schools during my entire lifetime. When a society makes teachers out to be the enemy, then you can bet that a stupid population will exist a few decades later.
An old bumper sticker sums up that situation.
“Wouldn’t it be great is the schools had all the money they needed, but the Air Force has to hold a ‘Bake Sale’ to buy a new bomber.”
Me, I’m the sort of anti-American who has been trying to vote for candidates who want more education and less military. Too bad so very few have joined me, we needed to elect more of those ‘Weak’ candidates. These days, not only do we fail to see the US Air Force holding Bake Sales, but we don’t even see this bumper sticker any longer.
Someone has chosen to speak the truth about modern day America which runs on the time proven maxim: “The essence of a lie is in its deception not its words” when are Americans going to decipher this?
“By the way, the four S-300 sent by the Slovaks were, apparently, already destroyed in a strike yesterday. And the Slovak taxpayer did not spend a penny on this.”
Since The Saker is an American Taxpayer, The Saker paid for this …. along with the rest of the suckers around here.
The Slovaks gave the old, non-updated S-300 to Ukraine only after GiveAway Joe Biden promised the Slovaks a replacement Patriot battery. And you can bet that GiveAway Joe did not demand cash in advance before shipping. Nope, this one, like so much more, falls on the shoulders of the American Tax Payer.
Hope everyone has their taxes paid, its April 13, and the War Machine needs money!
Slovaks still believe S-300 was not destroyed……hmmmm
The usual suspects also supplied weapons to split of Sudan.
A bird just offered an editorial comment on President Biden blaming Putin and Russia for the inflation in the United States.
The train fire that started the roots of Gujrat riot.
Sorry saner that deluged your site with my posts but I was accuse of making things up
Also at the border of Myanmar and bangladesh a lot of Israeli made weapons were found
From the moderator:
Please take any further discussion on this matter to the MFC.
Thank you.
The problem was never between ordinary news, Muslims Christians Buddhists or Hindus or aethists. The problem has always been that of the application of ruthless of political power and propaganda to divide us by those who profit from our misery while sipping pina colada on their super yachts
A new name for 60% of the Americans ( PZ,s ) programed zombies
Thanks Saker for this very touching article es-ecially the end. I have two comments.
1. The cooperation between Rissia and China has been a reality for almost a decade now. All the US moves since the Obama administration (naval exercises, military expansion, diplomatic maneuvering, sanctions) have contributed to reinforce the integration of both countries into a strong alliance. Are the people in the State Department stupid enough not to see they are creating themselves their ennemy out of two would be friend countries? Amazing!
2. I have realized 45 years ago why we in the West have lost our competitive hedge and why the generals and the people in the administrations make the bad decisions more often than not. The answer is that the people who get the promotions in the large organizations don’t have the technical expertise needed to act as leaders. They are apparently selected based on their compliant and docile nature. They won’t make waves in the organization but they will play as they are expected to. The successful businesses of the period have been started by the technically competent: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Google, etc. On the other hand there are billionaires using their money to undertake social engineering tasks for which they have no technical understanding of their own: Soros doing regime change, Bill Gates getting in the humanitarian business while his expertise is selling computer software, some others who want to harness Artificial ÙIntelligence for social use without really knowing the subject. The result is the emergence of fads and poor decision making leading to the weakening of our countries.
So there is no mystery why the generals say stupid things on the Ukraine situation. Those generals got their job for the wrong reasons in the first place.
Thanks for another impressive update, Andrei.
Just a few humble notes. First, the honourable “praying for both sides”. This is the counterpart of the usual dehumanification. The painful truth is that the others are not ‘Untermenschen’ or ‘demons’ but just as human as we are.
Secondly, from ground zero of political correctness (Germany) I can tell you that cracks are coming in the tale. You cannot read that in the MSM texts, but you could hear that in the MSM radio voices when reading the prefab texts of ‘probable sarin attacks’ by the Russians. In the tone of the voices there was already audible that they themselves did not believe it, but they couldn’t say it publicly.
(Privately among friends I joked that Assad must have been involved, while Russians only use Novichok weapons grade, which makes you definitely sit dizzy on a bench after a couple of hours).
Thirdly, don’t worry too much about the tsunami of weapons going east. A serious lot of it may not even arrive, many rumours are around that weapon dealers are running late hours to buy and redistribute it, and it may even be without shady weapon dealers – many coups to go around the world in a new struggle for needy raw materials, isn’t it? And that’s a nice laundry machine since Afghanistan is gone.
At last I want to make clear that our ‘Eurolemmings’ are in fact not from us. From heritage yes, but from their wallet and schooling not.
In the normal working world it is a known phenomenon that the department manager is not the department representative towards the higher management, it is exactly the reverse. Many workers still don’t understand that.
Are we supposed to believe that ‘the Smeagol-%’ will wait and see what the new bloke in this country will mean for them? Come on, most of them are breeded and selected and will dance. They are even prepared to devastate their economies in order to get their dance money (And those who won’t will be taken care of in one or the other way).
I have such an idea, that when an Empire bloke will be asked in private, whether he would decide to nuke Russia and China when that would cost the USA only some 100 million deaths, he would say ‘yes, definitely’. And that also frightens me.
Cheers, Rob
One thing about America, that should be obvious to observers, but which is rarely admitted.
In the USA, civilian control of the military does not exist.
We have seen this multiple times over what has by now been decades. We saw this quite clearly during the Trump regime. Often we do not see it, because civilian Presidents usually walk along in lock-step with the military, but when there are differences, it is there to see.
For instance, when then President Trump ordered aircraft carriers to threaten North Korea, one of the carriers was sited sailing the other direction a few days later. This is not the actions of a military jumping to attention to follow the orders of its Commander In Chief. There was a lame excuse later saying that the President had not filled out the proper forms to give an order ….. but seriously, in a real military, try that one with your commander … tell your commander that you did not follow the order because the commander did not give the order in the proper format? Depending on the military in which you serve, you will either be shot or find yourself digging latrines. It is path towards retirement, not career advancement.
Trump eventually learned to go along with what the military wanted, and then present himself as Red-White-and-Blue alongside them, just like the rest of the post-ww2 civilian leaders before him.
The concept of civilian control of the military is an important one in any state that claims to be a democracy. If the military is not under the control of the civilian government, then there is little point in holding elections. The whole idea of democracy is that the people decide. ‘Power to the People’ is a short description of a democracy in action. A situation where the military does not follow the orders of the civilian winners of elections is not a democracy by any measure.
America does not seem to have had civilian control of the military for at least several decades.
Last time a civilian leader seriously disputed the military? Was it JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis when General LeMay wanted to launch a nuclear first strike at Russia, and JFK said No? JFK later gave a famous “Peace Speech” (still available on Youtub). JFK was then assassinated with strong evidence pointing back to the American Deep State, and the American corporate media collaborating in the cover-up known as ‘The Warren Report’.
Look at the condition today of the US, probably also Europe.
Again on RT comes the warning from the deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov that arms supply convoys are legitimate targets for destruction. I think this is about the 5th warning, so no one will be able to say that they were not warned. Recall in Syria, after Turkey shot down the Russian jet and was stealing oil from Northern Syria, Russia threatened to bomb the gas tankers carrying the oil. A lot of people claimed that Russia would not do it. We saw the result.
I think if the US keeps this escalation they are quickly going to have a problem in Syria. That base they have in Al-Tanf can be overrun pretty easily using the usual cut outs were direct Russian involvement can easily be denied.
The Regime in Kiev is getting uglier by the day and it is becoming increasingly harder for them to hide their crimes. Here they kidnap the leader of the political opposition, torture him, and then offer his as a barter for Nazi trash.
I am more and more convinced that Denazification cannot succeed unless all the present government figures are put on trial. If that means going to Kiev, Lvov, or the four corners of the earth, so be it. There has to be a public trial and all of their crimes exposed. Justice demands it.
In case you have not noticed there are now 3 “garrisons” stepping northward from the Iraq border and well inside Syria on the eastern side of the Eurphrates River …….these were not there under the previous administration. In fact I believe Prez Trump was lied to by the JCS when he order them to cut back their Syrian presence. These “new” garrisons are in addition to the long standing one at Al-Tanf……….escalation anyone????
I have become compelled to make a second post and would ask my low level observations and small comments be included here
As a Midwesterner, (small town west of Saint louis), I find there to be little support for the war in this area.
No Uki blue/yellow stickers, flags, etc around here and plenty of older folk who hate war in any form.
While no enclaves are flying Russian flags (visibly), There is little to no anti Russian sentiment amongst the folk around me.
I will add that opinions in this region are decidedly against the current US regime and view it as illegitimate.
Which brings me full circle to a point I made in my first post some time ago.
We are divorced from making changes to our government by those forces using the US as a weapon against Russia, et al.
We are removed to terroristic options that are frankly distasteful even at this point where we are becoming fully aware of the Lies and Crimes of those inhabitants of our government and the hardships they create.
I also have become aware that my government is splitting in two. The actual sane insiders have been forced to act in hopes of stopping WW3. The proof is easy, just study those conflicting statements and it is possible to locate who is really the wild aggressors and who is trying to rein them in.
Unfortunately, the sane enclave is bound by formality and procedure while the “Usurpers” are not..consider the bio lab matter and the contrite attentive manner Vicky Nudelmann admitted to Marco Rubio about the labs. She knew a lie would land her in jail so she opened pandoras box defending her freedom…in my opinion.
But my true impulse to post comes from the confusion here and at other sites as each group tries to make sense of ongoing details.. This is all done without an important proviso. American politics have broken and the chance a majority of the aggressor puppets will remain close to the levers of power is slipping away..
Thus creating a rushed timeframe and forcing obvious operational errors as these agents flail about attempting to work the Plan before they are removed from office or at least face more oversight impeding the final acts of the Plan…
My opinion is these agents and handlers knew that well before January 6th ever occured.
So in a final push they are using anything to make the goal..
This apparently includes ThermoNuclear War…it is survivable according to many opinions and I suspect most agitators we currently suffer under all have a pass card and map to a cushy, safe bunker from which to reemerge upon the land.
So the real question becomes “Who inside the US government will be the final word on this conflict?”
The fact there is sane pushback gives hope but can they Win against dual citizen traitors and western “money folk”.
So with that short summary I offer the two real options…
1. Russia manages to create conditions allowing the sane enclave to regain some control from the “Usurpers”. This may come in many forms but would achieve the same end where the insane are driven out.
2. ThermoNuclear War.
currently, that is the only option as the Plan is to destroy or severly curtail Russia in the world….period..
We all keep reading and hoping, but the fact is the US/UK/nato enclave wants Russia at leash, or destroyed. period.
President Putin will be forced to make the final decision as the agressors will not stop until removed.
One small conspiracy theory that haunts me is this is all a plan from China to bring Russia close as an ally against the “west”.
I say that due to the evidence that biden et al are under direction from China as part of the illegal money they sought and now are following a Plan to reduce the “west” from the inside..
while a bit “out there”, many facts remain unchallenged and many hard questions unanswered.
In closing, I would like to say thank you to all who have helped keep information lifelines open.
The Saker, MoA, zerohedge seem to be the only consistent english language outlets with real information.. Pools of clear intellectual water in the info desert. I personally cling to truth and to find others as passionate yet more skilled than I gives great respite against the specter of destruction.
Thanks again, and to all Russians please know there are Americans who support you and we fully understand this is a moral act by Russia in response to Us/UK/nato aggression.
Thank you +Saker. for updating us.
I relation to the “crazies in the Basement” I caught this video exposing Zelensky and what they call “Ucranian Zionists” and their “New jerusalem” project for Ucraine.
The ‘crazies” are not the exposers (make it clear. Well meaning anti zionist protestans). but the “craxies” are whom they expose. What I disagree on is their proposition and hypothetical posibility that Putin and Russia are in on it. Rest are a total eye opener.
Could you do a vignette on the “crazies” and crazy agenda they are exposing.
EuroUkraine regime abruptly closes Irpen’ town
Optimistic option: to wipe out evidence of their war crimes.
Pessimistic option: that and also stage Bucha Hoax 2.0: repaint their crimes victims into Russia’s victims.
I thank you sincerely for your great work.
In my experience, Americans are great people. The balanced political systems that have held this country together for over 200 years are amazing and Americans are rightly proud of it. Sadly, those systems have been subverted by extremely wicked people who care nothing for the well-being of their countrymen.
The talking heads are just that. Propaganda mouthpieces trained to peddle obvious lies to a distracted public. You will never hear opinions that counter these narratives because US media- in the broadest sense – won’t allow it. Social pressure – really the fear of exclusion from jobs – is extremely powerful in the US. Nobody wants to discuss these topics openly. So, the topics are avoided or are shut down with the sound bites supplied by media.
Despite that, these media/government types are losing hearts and minds. Military recruitment now depends on relaxing entry requirements to the point of admitting the barely conscious and promising big sign up bonuses (up to $50k for the army). Retention is a problem too. Some Air Force pilots are being offered up to $300k to re-enlist. These are not the problems a popular government with a credulous population should expect to face.
Андрей. “Or is patriotism just waving (Chinese made!) US flags, vote for the “lesser evil” from either branch of the Uniparty, and remain an Israeli colony forever”? This sentence hits the nail on the head. Why? Because most Americans believe anything they see on the tv news, read in the newspapers, or the garbage that comes out of Hollywoke.
The speech by Biden on the “State of the Union” , so full of venom, cruelty and delight in the hatred and planned destruction of Russia and all it stands for made me realize how lacking in any humanity is the “elite of the USA and also, it seems, “our leaders” in the EU. How can allegedly good, fair, even religious people behave like this towards their fellow humans?
Since the Far Eastern spiritual practices took root and grew in the so called West, thousands have had deep hesychastic experiences. ‘The Three Pillars of Zen’ by Kapleau is an example.
“I don’t believe that NATO has fully understood this or, to the extent they did, they will dismiss it as “bluff” (as if Putin ever bluffed, which is really something Russians very rarely do).”
Americans’ favorite high stakes game is poker. Poker is a game built around hidden information, and therefore bluffing is a key strategy.
Russians’ favorite high stakes game is chess. In chess, there is no hidden information. For that reason, a chess player NEVER bluffs. He builds a gambit (a situation in which if the opponent protects A, then he attacks opponent’s piece B, but if the opponent protects B, then A is attacked). This creates a win-win situation for the person who set up the gambit.
A perfect example is what has happened with SWIFT bank transactions — always mediated in U.S. dollars, even if the countries involved are two third-world countries who are hostile to the U.S., such as, say, North Korea and Venezueal. Either the western banks did nothing (no harm to Russia), or SWIFT cuts off Russia, and Russia demands payment for petroleum (which is ALWAYS in high demand) in Rubles, blowing up the dollar as the de facto international unit of trade, monetary exchange and settlement.
For years, I have told friends that most popular religion in the world, by far, is the belief in the strength of the U.S. dollar. Sadly, events are proving me correct.
Dangerous and at the same time hopefully moments for our world. We in Mexico and in Latinamerica for the reason of being closer have suffered the most the violence coming from the Empire of Lies. Russia again like in WWII fighting the Nazi beast nurtured and unleashed against the world. A new world is being born, will it survive?
I remember hearing about this when it happened. After 8 years of nazi rule their rule there must end:
8 years have passed since the event, which shocked and touched everyone not only in Ukraine.
300 Cossacks, 6 hours stood in the ring of raging ukrofascists.
The brave Zaporizhzhya “Anti-Maidanists” were surrounded by armed Nazis of the “Right Sector”, who demanded to abandon the support of Russia, remove the St. George ribbons and kneel.
They demanded to sing the anthem of Ukraine.
Activists were pelted with stones, sticks, eggs, bags of flour and milk.
For six hours they stood, did not give up, sang: “Get up, the country is huge.”
300 Cossacks have become a symbol of inflexibility and courage for all “Anti-Maidanists” and adherents of the Russian World.
UK and US special forces are already in Ukraine. Check the following:
Georges Malbrunot
La visite de Boris Johnson à Kiev confirme la place de Londres comme premier allié de l’Ukraine. “Les unités d’élite des forces spéciales SAS sont présentes en Ukraine depuis le début de la guerre, de même que les Delta américaines”, confie une source française du renseignement.
George Malbrunot
Boris Johnson’s visit to Kyiv confirms London’s place as Ukraine’s first ally. “Elite SAS special forces units have been present in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, as have the American Deltas,” confides a French intelligence source.
It seems that Finland and Sweden have decided to join NATO… Quite amazing that they have decided to do this without even attempting a legitimizing snap referendum considering their longstanding neutrality.
How do you think Russia will react to this move Andrei?
Shooting soldiers for cowardice without trial was not “invented by the Nazis on the Eastern Front.”
I can cite instances of this policy on both sides of the US Civil War. People more familiar with contemporaneous or earlier conflicts in other parts of the world can help me, I’m sure.
Note you probably can’t go back much further that that in time because of firearms technology. Single shot, too long to reload, makes you vulnerable to the enemy, ineffective outside close range, etc.
I do too, Andrei. And there are others too who praying, without any illusions about what is at stake. Next week is Passion Weekand on Sunday we will sing “Christ is Risen; Christos voscries; Christos Anesti
There are monasteries in the U.S. Real ones. Take care
IIRC the majority of an population is suceptible for hypnosis, some real high number like 90 %. This is for voluntaire subjects. Only a minority is unable to be hypnoticed, even if they desire to be.
I think that explains the numbers, as well as the main objectives of the mass media.
That test sobered the West up quite a lot. It was just as much a reality check meant for the West as it was a weapons test. Does Russia need to live stream and tweet another reality check to sober the West up a second time?
I am not sure about how the fallout would go, both politically and radiologically. Perhaps it is worth considering the implications. The West certainly needs to sober up and remember what nuclear war is.
I’m an older American. Have always been in favor of American power. The image I have are the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima. But slowly, reluctantly I’ve been forced to recognize that the American empire is no longer a force for good in the world. Even the current American woke definition of good that controls the empire, seems remarkably close to evil.
The revelations of the corruption in our institutions brought to us by Trump, the great illuminator lit the fuse and final straw has been the last 2 years of obvious lies. Now everything must be questioned.
I think the reality is that most Americans don’t really care. Most don’t even really know where Ukraine is. The ignorance they have embraced does not excuse them, but it does mean they are not committed.
I am sorry for the people of Ukraine – whose homes are smashed and who are forced out into the cold, wondering where their next meal will come from and mourning their dead. I am sorry for the soldiers on both sides, but must say, I hope Russia prevails and that US forces do not become involved any more than they already are. I think there is clear evidence that within the factions of our government, the Pentagon at least wants nothing to do with an actual fight.
I don’t see Russian or Putin as our enemy. The greatest blunder since the fall of the Soviet Union has been our failure to embrace Russia as, if not a friend, then at least as a neighbor.
“the American empire is no longer a force for good in the world.”
News flash pal; it never has been so. That is your brainwashed induced bias causing that misguided belief.
Andrei Martyanov is a cogent analyst. He is not lacking in humanity either.
You are much too harsh on the American people, Andrei. They are no better or worse than the Russian people. I have lived under 15 US Presidents now. And I know what I am talking about. I wish I could attach a photo of American and Soviet soldiers meeting on the Elbe. They were all good men. I remember them. I remember when America was a relatively free-speaking country. I remember Edward R. Murrow grilling Senator Joe McCarthy on CBS Radio in 1953. I remember Walter Cronkite denouncing the Vietnam War on CBS TV in 1968. And after watching him, Lyndon Johnson announced: “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost America.” And decided not to run for reelection. He suppressed evidence that the Nixon campaign was having secret dealings with Hanoi to delay a peace treaty till after the election–a treasonous offense. And so Nixon won. In 1971, soon-to-be Associate Supreme Court Justice, wrote his famous “Powell Memorandum” to the [Hitler boosting in the 1930’s] US Chamber of Commerce, in which he declared that America suffered from “an excess of democracy.” And he laid out a detailed road as to how to impoverish most Americans and burden them with so much debt and job instability that only the rich would have the time and the money to be political. Then Reagan came to power. And in 1987 the Fairness Doctrine was repealed under which broadcasters were required “to give equal time to opposing points of view.” And now with the rise of the internet and a few high tech companies controlling what Americans can say to each other and what “facts” they get as news, freedom of speech is effectively dead. As private companies, they are currently exempted from First Amendment requirements. Thus Twitter can rule that “hate speech” against Russia is allowed, while assessing Russia as winning the Ukrainian war is banned. You are as American as apple pie, Andrei. It’s just that you came to America too late to see how much like good Russians we once were.
Allahu Aqbar!
Fire in the hole!
Chechen brothers getting the nazi rats out of the holes and tunnels they are using in their final hours.
Lone Wolf
The Black Sea Fleet cruiser Moskva was seriously damaged as a result of a munition detonation caused by a fire; the crew has been evacuated. This was reported by the Russian Defense Ministry.
The Ukraine states they shot it with anti-ship missiles.
‘They did not provide any evidence for their claims, however. One Ukrainian Telegram channel reportedly posted – then deleted – a photo of an Iranian vessel that caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Oman last year.’
What caused the damage and how extensive (it maybe exaggerated), only the MOD knows.
I worked as an officer at sea for 12 years. The TASS report indicates an uncontrollable fire if the entire crew did evacuate. This could be a major disaster, because when things get to that stage the fire can jump bulkheads due to the sheer etc. Especially concerning if nukes are onboard. It may have to be scuttled.
Looks like it may have been an accident, cause of fire still not fully confirmed, but it didn’t sink, it is from 1979 – Soviet era, time to ditch it, I think for more advanced, efficient, safer, robust class type destroyer.
Russian Defense Ministry:
The source of the fire on the cruiser “Moscow” is localized. There is no open gorenje. Ammunition explosions have stopped.
▪️ The cruiser “Moscow” retains buoyancy. The main missile armament is not damaged.
The crew was evacuated to the ships of the Black Sea Fleet located in the area.
Measures are being taken to tow the cruiser to the port.
▪️ The causes of the fire are being established.
Chechen brothers cleaning up Mariupol.
“Isa Taymaskhanov “Hamas” offers the enemy to surrender several times. But the soldiers, frightened by Ukrainian propaganda, are even afraid to lean out of the hole. Hamas is not accustomed to holding lengthy negotiations.”
Chechen brothers are salt of the earth, Mariupol has catapulted them to the crossroads of history, frontline warriors in the denazification of the planet.
Lone Wolf
Some videos for today.
Battle for Mariupol | Around 1,000 Kiev-regime marines surrender:
Journalist captures POV footage of the battle for Mariupol:
Russian Army helicopters in action:
Kalibr missiles launched from the Black Sea:
The Saker should know, more than anybody, not to believe anything put out by the Biden regime’s state-run media apparatus. There are more and more Americans who are starting to see Zelensky, the “Nationalists”, and “Ukraine” for what they are: a corrupt money laundering operation run by American political and financial insiders beneath a veneer of Russophobic Deep Staters who see their domestic enemies reflected in Putin and the Russians. If you wonder why the Biden regime has such a pathological hatred of Russia, it’s because they see Red State America in the Red, White, and Blue tricolor.
I was very moved by and appreciated the poem. I too pray for the Ukrainian soldiers. Any slaughter of them would be in vain for them and is absolutely unnecessary. I hope they lay down their arms and are treated like brothers by the Russian side.
What the world really needs is the direct understanding of God. There are many paths to this direct connection. The desert fathers knew of a way. Hesychasm is a way. It is a practice and it isn’t easy but for those that make the tremendous effort required they find what they seek. For the rest of us caught up in the mundane world, we should have absolute respect and listen to those who make this effort. You should know them by their fruit. They should be full of love and compassion for all without differentiation. Saints are real and they live amongst us in this very day and age.
Dear Andrei, you are not a common man, nor are those who are reading your analyses. Unfortunately however, the common man, the sheeple, makes up the majority of our populations, Western , Russian, Chinese, etc, and he does not care about seeking the truth unless there is a clear and immediate personal advantage in it for him. He takes the info fed to him, and swallows it, and then goes on with his normal daily activities. He is after all not at the elite level where he could play elite power games…he’s just a worker ant. In the US, he may have a choice of his food source, liberal or conservative, but both favoring the power position of the USA-West from which the elites (liberal and conservative) who own the mass media, have their power. He will tune into whichever fits his basic personality, his nature and nurture programming…he is “sold” on one or the other. In Russia or China, I guess his food sources may be a little more limited, but as in the US, if he really cared, in theory, he could do some digging to get a better idea of what’s true, or at least to realize that what he’s being fed may not be the truth, whole and nothing-but. There are elites in all nations who control what’s fed to the sheeple, and control it in their, the elites’, best interests and want the sheeple to believe what they feed them. This is the way we humans operate under our current way of modernity, techno-industrial society, and you can’t change human nature. You can only hope for a change in conditions that might inhibit the formation of the social organisms, super-hierarchical states, that enable the existence, indeed require the existence of sheeple doing their jobs and following their elite’s policies cooperatively. Meanwhile the global power “mafias” (none really good, none really evil, just human, and amoral) are now entered into a time of power struggle, struggle for critical resources, as their economies, and hence their own power positions, stand in grave danger over the next one-two generations due to the nearness of our exhaustion of the earth resources and sinks needed to support modern economics. Under this situation, stresses will likely grow, and the elites on both sides will continue making every effort to keep their sheeple properly “informed” as they seek to fulfill the best interests of their respective mafias, to secure their own power positions, and to prevent a universal sense of common humanity from arising.
In a way, this is a good situation, as it means we do not have a single hegemonic superpower that would also inevitably be super corrupt and decadent, even worse than amoral. In a way though, of course it is very bad in that it places a sword of Damocles over our heads in the form of global war that could get out of control. It is our technological ability, a part of our nature, that has brought us to this point by enabling us to form the techno-industrial type of socio-economy. Were we better off back in hunting and gathering days? Well, there were no “sheeple” then, but even then we also had our tribes, our usses-vs-thems, and we had our leaders, our power struggles, struggles for resources, etc. On it goes today, but our ability to destroy the earth and extinct ourselves and other lifeforms has never been greater. I fear that there will be a very high price to be paid for our “progress”. In the Old Testament we have the stories of the Flood and the Tower of Babel…ancient wise men warning us against going down this very road, but we’ve done it anyway…how could we not, being what we are? It’s going to take a miracle or two from God to keep us from self-destruction, or maybe that’s God’s plan…to let us self-destruct from our own excessive technological ability-dependence and our hubris??
Just passing along this link to a new one by Glenn Greenwald:
There needs to be something done about the West supplying weapons to Ukraine.So what can be done about that?
1. Cut off all trade with countries that supply weapons to Ukraine. Don’t be like the USSR in 1941 that supplied nazi Germany supplies until the actual day Germany attacked.Countries that supply weapons to kill Russians don’t deserve to have Russian gas,oil,food,coal,metals sold to them.
2.Let the West suffer their own wars.Use money and weapons supplies to rebel groups fighting the West to give them the pain they are giving Russia. Give them something else to worry about instead of attacking Russia.All of the major Western states have groups inside their countries that could use covert Russian aid to cause them pain,use them.
feel horrible to heard Russian flagship `sunk’ or heavily damaged.. wtf… guided missile cruiser…dont they have anti missile system? how it is happened? ukrain still has those firepower? southfront suggest Nato may directly involved this attack. and russia still thinking to attack kyib administrative building? what is in their mind? are they decided to loose? wtf is going there….
Andrei My Brother,
I don’t trust any poll these people come up with, but even if those numbers are true you must understand the American People have completely lost the ability to think critically about anything. I know a few who can and only one of them is college educated. The rest are Blue Collar like me. One spent time in prison where he finally completed his high school education.
By and large the American People and the West Collectively have lost the skills necessary for critical thinking.they don’t know their own history, culture, traditions or religion let alone anyone else’s.
I thank the Saker for his fiery heartfelt analysis that ends with a call to pray for both sides.
I would like to raise a question with regard to the near future. Today I read that in Russia the 9th of May, Victory Day, will be celebrated again as in pre-covid years with the ‘eternal regiment’ festively taking to the steets carrying the photos of their beloved. Also Orthodox Easter (24th of April) is coming closer. The anti-Russian Ukrainian leaders have banned the 9th of May celebrations and are showing their true ‘shaitan’ face with attacking the Orthodox clergy. When the SMO began I never thought that it would last up to these holy events. I read that the National Guard is restoring the Victory (over Nazi Germany) in Kherson. I’m just wondering what will happen there and elsewhere in the Ukraine when people are able to celebrate May the 9th under RF protection…
via rt
14 Apr, 2022 09:53
HomeRussia & Former Soviet Union
US to give Ukraine intelligence to attack targets in Crimea – media
The reported policy shift comes along with a package of heavier American weapons for Kiev
As the US ramped up its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis by supplying heavier weapons to Kiev, it also decided to provide intelligence reports that the Ukrainian forces would need to attack targets in Crimea, US media reported on Wednesday. Russia considers the peninsula part of its territory.
“As the conflict evolves, we continue to adjust to ensure that operators have the flexibility to share detailed, timely intelligence with the Ukrainians,” a US intelligence official told the Wall Street Journal about the policy change.
The newspaper said Washington is moving to “significantly expand” intelligence-sharing with Ukraine, but “will refrain from providing intelligence that would enable the Ukrainians to strike targets on Russian territory”. The report, which was confirmed by the New York Times, specifically mentioned Crimea as covered by the new policy.
well I am not so sure about that their word is trustworthy…,sounds like Russia needs to target the Kiev recieving end urgently.
Well, as an American, I’ve never believed in any polls.. Also, pertaining to the poll in question, assuming for conversation it is somewhat accurate. Well, I’m definitely one of the 3/10 as I support Russia in this, I’ve always hated NATO and the UN for what they are, and maybe, due to my background and fighting at all costs to this day, For The People, I also know about The Satanic/etc Agenda, what they are into, above and below ground – etc.
I do believe, most Americans are repugnant, stupid, in denial-projecting or cognitive dissonance or psychosis etc., and obsessed with material things, self absorbed – etc. But it’s not all of us.
So, please consider that fact. Even with my background, & sharing indisputable evidence, before COVID “begun,” I’ve lost my entire family (don’t want pity – just stating facts), they have killed themselves, are dying, vaxxed the kids & everything. Big time racist upper income white liberals living in their bubbles, or RINO loving ones. Albeit, I’ve been done with both parties for a long time, it is the Uniparty in all Western Countries.
So just remember, there are many Americans fighting at all costs. We do it legally – use their own weapons against them. You can call me a former “Insider.” No, I was not deep state, I fought against them, in the same Departments, Agencies, completed Investigations, fixed things -etc. They took me out – I’ll let you figure that out, it was about 13 years ago. I’m dying – but am still fighting. Been threatened in all ways, its a way of life.
Never got married or had kids, because I took Oaths. I also educate people, whom do not have my background, just regular folks, whom are stepping up and joining the fight everywhere.
So, for any Americans who read this, this is my question to you; “What are you doing to fight for God, Country, Rule of Law, our fellow citizens around the world, and the kids globally?” For me, I have the receipts, past to present. There are many me’s. I’m not special, or better than anyone else. I made a choice, I’ve complied and will to my last breath. Like so many Men & Women, around the world for centuries, to fight evil and corruption. Most of us do not get to experience the fruits of our sacrifice, so yet again, history repeats itself.
In conclusion, I’d rather die fighting/am doing that, than live in a World a few years from now, if we don’t win, that will be much worse than it already is. God Bless and take care.
Zelensky’s Ukraine already saw itself at war prior to February 24, and “victory” already consisted of recovering the Donbass and Crimea; anyone who saw Zelensky’s recent “60 Minutes” interview should know that the “victory” he refused to spell out when asked what it was, is this one. On February 19, he spoke at the Munich Security Conference. I quote statements from Zelensky in Munich that show this meaning of victory for him, and also why Russia’s leaders concluded that a “Special Military Operation” was called for:
“has the world forgotten its mistakes of the XX century?
“What do attempts at appeasement lead to?”
“how did it happen that in the XXI century, Europe is at war again and people are dying?”
“And this is not a war in Ukraine, but a war in Europe.”
“…Doesn’t Ukraine deserve direct and honest answers? This also applies to NATO. We are told: the door is open. But so far authorized access only.”
“Ukraine consistently implements the Normandy agreements and the Minsk agreements.”
“We are ready to look for the key to the end of the war in all possible formats and platforms”
“Peace and restoration of territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. This is the only way. And I hope no one thinks of Ukraine as a convenient and eternal buffer zone between the West and Russia. This will never happen. Nobody will allow that. Otherwise – who’s next?…”
“We also do not have part of the territory of our state that is larger in area than Switzerland, the Netherlands or Belgium. And most importantly – we don’t have millions of our citizens.”
“Continue to effectively support Ukraine and its defense capabilities. Provide Ukraine with a clear European perspective, the tools of support available to candidate countries, and clear and comprehensive timeframes for joining the Alliance.”
“Establish a Stability and Reconstruction Fund for Ukraine, a land-lease program, the supply of the latest weapons, machinery and equipment for our army – an army that protects the whole of Europe.”
– Quotes from February 19 in Munich.
I can tell you the average person here around my neck of the woods central Pennsylvania, are bored with the Ukraine narrative and hardly no one even comments on it. I for one love it. Seeing people shutting their mouths becuase deep down they know they were played for the fool or they’re just typical weak scared humans that dont know what to believe.
And I support Russia in word, my everyday conversation, on that social media site called Facebook Russian flag and yes very much support Russia on there. You know I just thought I need to find a Russian flag a d fly it on my property. And I nearly everywhere I go lay or drop a homemade flyer of a message in support of Russia.
Do your part people. Stay focused and engaged. Remember what the jewish bolsheviks did in Russia a century ago they would do to the world if tbey could. Remember it was sodomite jewish bolsheviks that. Murdered the czar and his family. Just think about that. That’s the evil Russia is fighting against. Pure filth evil.
God bless and never yeild.