Lot’s of good stuff to share with you today. So let’s begin
First, the misunderstandings resulting from an absolutely terrible public information policy explaining the reality of what is being negotiated between the Ukraine and Russia has resulted in a massive “NIET!” from the Russian public opinion. There is a Russian saying “нет худа без добра” which can roughly be translated as “even a bad situation can have a silver lining”, in this case, the truly tremendous pressure put upon the Kremlin has resulted in a lot of damage control which, in turn, has strengthened the position of those who want to prosecute this war till its end and weakened those who dream about some kind of Minsk 3.0.
Second, General Shamanov, the former commander of the operation in Chechnia, Hero of Russia and Duma member has announced that Russian special forces have successfully snatched away the two Ukronazi soldiers which filmed themselves torturing Russian prisoners. Yes, that is only two out of many thousands, but this still sends a chilling message to the Nazis. The Russians have also publicly shown the photos and name of the Ukronazi who stuck a bayonet into a Russian POW eye to kill him. Here I want to remind everybody that the Russians ended up killing almost all the Wahabi terrorists which ruled over Chechnia during the civil war. It is now clear that the Russians will summarily execute any Nazis they find unless they present a public interest, in which case they will send in their special forces to capture them and judge them, à la Eichmann. Finally, some will simply be executed where found. Either way, the message here is clear: “we will not forget or forgive, we are coming for you“. God willing, this message will save the lives and limbs of the Russian POWs currently held in Nazi captivity.
Third, Scott Ritter wrote a good piece explaining the basic nature of the Special Military Operation (SMO) which you can read here: https://mobile.twitter.com/realscottritter/status/1508816667098423296.
Fourth, maps. Here are two maps showing the exact same thing:
Remember the Russian “gesture of good will”? The idea was that Russia would dramatically DECREASE her combat activities around Kiev and Chernigov?
Okay, now read Ritter above and please understand that Russia had no intention of occupying either city or, at least, no intention of taking the city in street-to-street fighting.
Both Kiev and Chernigov are blocked, but evacuation corridors are opened on a regular basis, utilities all work and besides Ukie hallucinations about Russian reconnaissance-diversionary groups all over the city resulting in innumerable cases of Ukies security forces shooting each other, no Russians are to be found inside these cities. In fact, the point for the Russians is not to take Kiev or Chernigov, but only to prevent the Ukronazi forces from using these cities to resupply, rotate, reinforce or otherwise support other Nazi forces. Which ones? We will come to that in a second.
Here is the 2nd map I would like you to take a look at:
This maps shows the same area, but from a wider perspective. The most important thing here is that Mariupol has now been taken, at least from a purely military point of view. There STILL is an ongoing “mopping up” operation in and around the Azovstal industrial facilities, but this operation is executed by the Russian National Guard and not the military. So look at the 2nd map. What you will see is that forces from the north and the south are now moving to encircle the large Ukronazi force, which has already been cauldroned-off (see first map) into an even bigger cauldron.
So translated from diplomatese into plain English “we will dramatically reduce our military operations around Kiev and Chernigov as a sign of good will” would be “we are liberating a large force to go and finish off the Ukrainian military in the Donbass“.
Hopefully, this explanation will reassure those who assumed that what the Russians offered was a ceasefire. It was not. It was ONLY a REDUCTION of military activities around two cities which the Russians never planned to invade in the first place.
You might wonder what the Eurolemmings are up to these days. Simple! They are still waging a glorious and heroic battle against the letter “Z”: “Samsung drops letter ‘Z’ after Ukraine’s request“. This just makes me wonder what these hate-filled infantiles will come up next…

The hyena of Europe smells blood
As for our Polak friends, they have just made russophobia “mainstream”. What a surprise! Who would have ever thought…. They are also planning to attack, sorry, liberate the western Ukraine as soon as it looks like a safe thing to do, with minimal risk and maximal pomp.
Will they do it?
It all depends on one thing: will the Kremlin be able to convince them that Russia means business and that, if needed, Iskanders can also be landed on the other side of the Polish-Ukrainian border.
When I look at freaks like Morawiecki, Duda or Sksipchak, I see the, shall we call it, “more extreme version” of the garden variety hate-filled infantiles I see in most European capitals. That such people expect anybody to treat them with sincere respect absolutely amazes me.
Speaking of hating Russia, I want to share with you an example of the kind of things which now have been canceled by the Empire of Lies:
Okay, that’s it from me for right now.
I will “see you” later, God willing :-)
A question for the Saker community:
Might Russia actually prefer to–at the time and under the conditions of its choosing–have West Ukraine carved up by Poland, Romania, Hungary & Belarus(?)?. This would put immense strain on NATO / EU cohesion, the Nazi remnants might be dispersed and detached from their Ukrainian hatchery.
Wondering how the Sakerians might see this.
It’s hard to follow what’s going on militarily in this war. There are so many conflicting sources of information. On the whole it appears to be a tough, costly campaign for the Russian army. But there’s potential for a decisive turn around. That will happen if the Russians clinch control of the Izyum-Slavyansk-Bakhmut highway.
If Russia achieves that position, it will have encircled 30,000 to 50,000 Nazi troops in the area of Severdonetsk. Russia could then choose to starve the Nazis out, or incinerate their entrenchments and bunkers by using FOAB bombs. Either way the Nazis will have to capitulate. Zelensky’s position at the negotiating table will melt.
The situation reminds me of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, which I know in detail. Anyone here a student of Russian military history during tsarist times? I am. In that war, Russia struggled for six months of very costly, grueling combat. The Turks did well in combat, partly because England and the US supplied them with the latest technology rifles, including rapid fire-and-reload Remingtons. Russia did not have rifles as good as those used by the Turks.
But in January 1878, the Russian army made a quick, stunning, brilliant maneuver at Shipka Pass. Consequently 40,000 Turkish troops were trapped in a cauldron. The Turkish commander surrendered early, rather than needlessly sending his troops to their death beneath a ring of Russian artillery positions. All of Europe – which was intensely Russophobic and expecting a Turkish victory of some sort – was shocked by the Shipka Pass news. Weeks later the Ottomans capitulated and the war was over.
Poland taking Lviv would actually be great for Russia. Because instead of having a failed states of rabid dogs funded by all the NATO money in the world to attack Russia with plausible deniability for NATO, those rabid dogs would actually be from a NATO country hence needed to be on a leash as NATO don’t want to give any pretense to Russia to start a war.
And if you think “but wasn’t it what Ukrain was becoming” – only in its dream it was.
Poland taking not just Lviv but Galicia entirely would be a most welcome, amazing feat.
Firstly: No matter how inspiring, great, and glorious Russophobia is, it is not able by a very long shot to quench old passions targeting other ’undesirables’. Poland will have the pleasure of hosting a sizable minority of totally rabid animals that Poland won’t be able to get rid of. White-hot hatred for all things Polish, including most amusingly a common letter in ordinary Polish writing — seems like a most promising prospect, methinks.
Secondly: As if the erratic Erdogan regime in Turkey wasn’t stirring up enough s••t already, the chaos erupting in a possible Banderite-infested Poland would make NATO’s cosmic incompetence and malodorous Nazi squalor plain for all zone B to grasp (as well as a limited number of people in zone A as well).
Bring it on. Galicia belongs to Poland!
Is anyone surprised that we have not seen more of a collapse from the Ukrainian Army yet? We had the mass surrender of 62 Troops the other day but only a trickle since then. I am told that Nationalist leaders are embedded with each unit preventing surrender at the point of a gun. Still, in that scenario, there is always more of you then them.
I guess you also have to give credit to the propaganda of the regime. I am sure they are telling them to expect the worse treatment possible if captured and perhaps death if they try and return.
Some videos for today.
Strike takes out Kiev-regime Buk-M1 system:
Iskander destroys Kiev-regime military infrastructure and equipment:
Shows a position of destroyed Kiev-regime S-300s:
Russian military engineers remove Kiev-regime mines:
Russian Pantsir system shoots down Kiev-regime drone:
in soviet russia, poland invades nazis!
i actually assumed the western NATOtards might just balkanize anything within arms’ reach. ironically they’ll treat it the way russia treated the LPR…but cynically and without any fraternal respect. by the way, google still shows results for “lugansk” as “a city in ukraine”. guess they didn’t get the memo.
So Ukraine is determined to be welcomed into the democratic bosom of the EU & NATO, so much so, that the authorities are ready to shoot anyone who questions this in the face.
Sounds like a match made in heaven . . . . . . with the only option , the destruction of all 3 Evil Entities.
I see some confusion about Mariupol around. Mariupol is a full part of the DPR. It was always a part of Donetsk Oblast. And voted to separate from Ukraine in 2014 with the rest of Donetsk Oblast. It was seized by the neo-nazis in a surprise attack and has been held as occupied territory for 8 years now. But the city, as a part of the DPR will now be free from Ukraine. It isn’t an added area,it’s simply a now liberated city of the DPR.
None of those three guys the Russians are after got caught. They all released videos saying they were alive and well.
Good they voluntarily handed over their own mugshots
Every day that Zelensky ( & his US handlers ) delays the inevitable ( accepting Russia’s conditions for an end to the conflict ) will translate into the needless deaths of young Ukrainian soldiers. Continuation of this ‘futile gesture’ is now entirely for Western propoganda value & distracting European citizens from increasing economic / financial hardships. Dying for a worthy cause is hard to bear – dying for self-interested politicians is tragic beyond words.
Beautiful! What’s it called and is there A download link?
I am English. There’s only one thing you do wrong in Russia.
You prize the ability to not speak the worlds universal language.
My country is not the centre of innovation that it once was, but our language is perhaps our greatest legacy.
It is not beautiful on the ear or to the eye, it does not follow it’s own rules, yet basic fluency can be gained by the most simple people very quickly. It is the international language of air traffic control. It has become a world language not so much by conquest or dictat, but by useage…
On a more practical note, how can you compete in the world propaganda arena without mastery of it’s very language?
Britain (or at least a large but very quiet segment of it’s people) is just WAITING to pivot to Russia. If we are not to lose our Identity completely we must eventually come to realise that your values, are the same values that we finally worked out as being right, then immediately abandoned!
But for now we British are in the thrall of people weaving “mass formation psychological magic” at a down trodden people who are all focussed on paying their HUGE mortgages…
What a mess. We built Concorde with the French! Who knows what a proper Anglo Russian project would be like? I reckon we ought to buddy up and do Anglo Russian (or Russo Anglo) “field propulsion spacecraft”. Yeah, that would be way more interesting than THIS.
Quite right!
Destruction of a brigade or so of Polish military plus attendant hardware might be a good idea.
It will prove once and for all that NATO/US are not interested in protecting post 1990 NATO members.
‘Samsung drops letter Z from phones…’
How absurd. I am so glad I recently switched from a Samsung to a (superb) Xiaomi phone.
Would they take issue if the meme ZamZung gains traction?
At any rate, given the intellectual capacity of a Ukronazi, I wouldn’t be surprised if this unheard of act of ”fraternal solidarity” and ”respect” from the heights of corporatocracy beats Jamala winning the ESC in 2016 with a horrendous political ditty.
What nice, nice music! Thank you for that spell of sunshine in a cloudy day.
Poland, same as Lituhania, is on the path of self destruction. Breaking ties with Russia is stupid to begin with. Morawiecki is a thief. There were multiple pending cases against him in prosecutor’s office, but thanks to his budy Zbigniew Ziobro, who is both Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor, all of them were annuled without proper investigation. Kaczynski’s Law and Justice party controls prosecutors offices, so they can break the law any time they want. The truth is that even instigating rusophobia like this is illegal. You can’t instigate hatred toward another nationality.
But nothing can be done. Poland is a sinking ship and corrupted crook Morawiecki is openly bragging about it as if it was some great achievment.
”Poland is a sinking ship and corrupted crook Morawiecki is openly bragging about it as if it was some great achievement.”
Trashing Poland is actually something to be proud of. One source of completely unnecessary troubles less.
Yep. He has milions of dollars from his shady deals and he doesn’t care. He can skip to Isreal anytime he wants. Russians and Poles could benefit from mutual bussinesses operations? No, Washington decided already that it is better for Poles to remain poor and stay on the brink of bancruptcy. We already have debts, which we can’t repay and prices for commodities are surging like crazy. I would really like to ask these all these rusophobes, why they belive that Russia is their enemy, when at the same time they will be starving and freezing all thanks to our goverment? They place their anger on the wrong target.
It is exactly the same with Zelensky. He threats Ukrainians just as a piece of meat, which he can throw at Russians and Ukraine under his regin, despite all praises he gets, was already failed country with dying economy even before Russia has stepped in.
Look I have no idea about the accuracy of the following post. Just putting it here… sourced from Gonzo Lira’s Telegram channel who sourced it from a website. Linking both below.
Mass media and Telegram channels report that on 03/31/2022 2 Ukrainian helicopters were shot down near Mariupol. Before that, another 1 Ukrainian helicopter was shot down in the same area, and another 1 helicopter was detected by air defense, but changed course and left. It is assumed that the helicopters were sent to evacuate Ukrainian military leaders from Mariupol.
But there are also suggestions that some other important person from a foreign state was subject to evacuation. For example, Bernard-Henri Levy. He visited Odessa on 03/15/2022, and in 2020 he already visited the Mariupol area – https://asd.news/articles/persony/kto-takoy-anri-levi/
But these, I repeat, are just rumors and assumptions based on persistent and risky attempts to take someone out of Mariupol by helicopter. And also on the information about the dismissal of the head of French intelligence and the previously strange statements of France that she wants to take part in the evacuation of people from Mariupol – https://russian.rt.com/world/article/981488-makron-mariupol-evakuaciya-putin
Although, Bernard-Henri Levy publishes articles on his website and it does not look like he is stuck in an environment in Mariupol. So – speculation. Military folklore. But all the same, someday it will become known who the Banderites tried so hard to pull out. What a big shot.
I have a humble suggestion for this indefatigable promoter of world top-class philosophy, BHL:
Substitute ”Bandera” for ”Bernard” and you’ll beat Victoria Nuland’s rather trivial stunt with cookies at the Maidan by several orders of magnitude. And don’t let the Russians get their hands on you, OK?
Continuation of the news on the downed Ukrainian helicopters. 17 people were flying on one of the helicopters, 15 were killed, 2 were captured alive. It was as if the “insidious” Russians deliberately let the helicopter fly into Mariupol for half an hour, and then on the way back they shot it down. These are the assumptions on the Internet. We will wait for official messages from the Russian military.
We first see Ukraine in the history books in 1918.
Bulgaria (Old Great) 630
Great Moravia 631
Carantania (Slovenia) 631
Serbia 780
Novgorod 862
Kievan Rus 882
Bohemia 870
Croatia 925
Poland 1025
Bosnia 1150
All torturers and Sadists deserve to be liquidated. God bless the Ruskies for taking them out from existence.
Please post the name/song of the choir… magnificent
Meanwhile, on the Kremlin’s website on 03/31/2022 at 16:05 Moscow time, Putin’s decree appeared that buyers from unfriendly countries from 04/01/2022 are obliged to pay for the purchase of gas in rubles – http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/68094
At a meeting on the same day, Putin said: “We have supplied European consumers with our resources, in this case gas. They received it, paid us in euros, which they then froze themselves. In this regard, there is every reason to believe that we delivered part of the gas supplied to Europe virtually free of charge. Naturally, this cannot continue. Moreover, in the case of further gas supplies and their payment according to the traditional scheme, new financial receipts in euros or dollars may also be blocked. Such a development of the situation is quite expected, especially since some politicians in the West are talking about it, talking publicly. Moreover, it is in this vein that the heads of government of the EU countries speak. The risks of the current state of affairs are, of course, unacceptable for us.”
And added: “If such payments are not made, we will consider it a default on the part of buyers – with all the ensuing consequences. Nobody sells us anything for free, and we are not going to do charity work either. That is, the existing contracts will be stopped.”
The link to the transcript of the meeting is worth reading, since it talks about the destructive policy of European leaders towards the people – http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/68097
The letter Z has been sanctioned by our intellectual superiors. From now on please refer to the man in charge of Ukraine as Elensky. Thank you.
Living in Poland, I am terrified by the state of mind of people around me. Rabid russophobia is now the appreciated social behaviour. Most of the people around me reject any discussion, their minds are already governed by the mass media shit stream which they buy without even the slightest criticism.
This has become a huge stress for me personally however I still have this unfounded hope that one day if not humanity then sanity will prevail among Polish.
Let me dedicate this song to the Saker and all contributors and readers. From the times we had more dignity then now. Thank you for your wonderful efforts.