Dear friends,
As I expected, today Russia has registered the first vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I took a quick look at CNN and BBC, and did not find that reported (maybe they have added it since, I only scanned the headlines).
As most of you know, I don’t follow the legacy corporate ziomedia, but in this case, maybe I could ask all of you to let me know here IF the western media covers the registration of this first vaccine and HOW they cover it.
So here is my request:
If you come across any article discussing the fact that Russia was the first country on the planet to register a vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, please post a link to it in the comments section. If you want, please include a key excerpt and a personal commentary.
I am really interested to see if ANY western media outlets will honestly cover this or not (I think not).
Finally, this is not an English language blog, only a MOSTLY English. So please feel free to include articles in any language, but please also add a translated summary.
Many thanks and hugs and cheers to all,
The Saker
Russia approves coronavirus vaccine before final clinical trials are completed
Scientists uneasy as Russia approves first coronavirus vaccine
It was mentioned on breakfast television this morning, but with a sneer.
These headlines seem to be typical of the way it’s being covered. I haven’t read the articles.
all the while, here is Bobby Kennedy’s take on the US vaccine protocols. ALL US vaccine protocols and schedules:
From New Zealand
Chanel 9 TV Australia reported it. 5am early news. Watched it. Reasonably fair with usual suspicion, disbeliefs and doubts.
In Australia all news we receive about Russia is to tell us what mischief is Russia up to now. Bad Russia !
W.H.O is very concerned that Russia is using an untested Vaccine on its population.
French news in french
The french newspapers report the Russian vaccine breaktrough, and express skepticism.
Lots of commentary on bbc radio now, all day really. Plenty of skeptics trotted out to say mainly phase 3 trials not completed, no peer reviewed articles on it, complaints that the name is a PR gimmick, surprise Putin talked about his daughter, etc. Some few mentioned Russia’s competent vaccine development industry, some said “wait and see”.
Hi Saker.
Here in Brazil infortunatly the Ziomidia is totaly tô service of Empire Anglonazisionistawahhabi…
Actually, Brasil247 a “progressive” journal published an interview to former president Lula da Silva expressing happiness for the news, plus several articles sneering the “Czar-Putin” for the vaccine’s origin. In Argentina it was widely published with the usual suspicion for all things Russian and the health minister saying that has enquired for information and got none. He is wholly in the hands of the Gates Foundation and plays “progressive”. So is the case of the “progressive” media, Pagina12
A quick search with Qwant here in France gave me too many results to name.
I know you speak French and anyone who doesn’t but is seriously interested can use an online translator.
@JC I put your query to duckduckgo. In addition to all the usual suspects (libé, l’immonde, etc.), also returned by qwant, it returned this hit on a gazette I didn’t know:
It’s pretty neutral. It does mention that “some Western researchers” are “concerned” that some milestones “might” be skipped because of the pressure for fast results. Apart from that, it quotes a Russian banker (of all people…) who explains the choice of the name, Sputnik.
It might not be good enough but try this anyway
Here’s from today’s Zerohedge:
Very important ‘registers’ and NOT ‘approved’, the registering opens now the way to large scale testing. The focus for the Russians is to first the vaccine for free to it’s citizens and possibly later also to third countries.
En France la Russie est très critiquée. Les principaux medias critiquent ouvertement les autorités russes qu’ils accusent d’utiliser le vaccin comme un outil de propagande. Des pseudo “experts” experiment le sceptisisme concernant l’efficacité et la sécurité du vaccin russe. Evidemment l’idée que la Russie puisse se démontrer plus efficace que les Etats Unis ou les pays européens est totalement rejetée mais ceci était totalement prévisible (je ne suis absolument pas surpris). Le covid 19 n’a absolument pas créé une coopération mondiale au contrarie il a exacerbé les différences.
Je vous mets le lien ci-après (LCI est une chaine francaise d’informations mainstream) :
Google translation,MOD:
In France, Russia is very much criticized. The mainstream media are openly critical of the Russian authorities, accusing them of using the vaccine as a propaganda tool. Pseudo “experts” are experimenting with skepticism about the efficacy and safety of the Russian vaccine. Obviously the idea that Russia could prove to be more efficient than the United States or the European countries is totally rejected but this was totally predictable (I am absolutely not surprised). Covid 19 has by no means created global cooperation, rather it has exacerbated the differences.
I put the link below (LCI is a French mainstream news channel):
In Argentina our pathetic, useless, good for nothing elites, are always aligned with the US, and they own our local corporate media outlets, so, you can figure out the outcome. (owner of more than 400 media licenses, associated with foreign pals as Brazilian Rede Globo, etc.) (historic right-wing conservative outlet)
one potential exception:
one sure exception:
So when they say that Russia and China are the enemy to be aware of, they end up being that, because our media owns the reality, as it does in most of the world.
Here is what was published on Sputnik News and RT
The West attacking Russia over Vaccine:
A composite of Vaccine News:
An Irish journalist who addresses this breaking news:
Most reputable presstitutes in Italy about the Russian vaccine (of course with a negative tone):
Corriere della Sera
La Repubblica
Il Sole24ore (video)
What is that mysterious virus anyways?
Ok, roast me
A thumbs up for S75! That “mysterious virus” is a Confidence trick (I call it Con-19) masquerading as the genuine virus. Chinese scientists sequenced extracts from a flu patient at Wuhan and called it “novel virus Covid-19”. Readers can roast me too if I’m wrong, but China lost interest in Covid-19 as a public health hazard after clinical results showed a death rate rather lower than average for seasonal flu. Low death rate in China, and Lockdown largely abandoned.
Russian people are following the Western sheeple. This mad scramble for _a_ vaccine against an ill defined virus is senseless.
… many yearn to know, and how many strains exactly … so far ?
S75, just as many said it: it’s a bioweapon that actually failed. Fouci (the creator as far as I know) himself said it “I was wrong the virus was not as deadly as I expected”. The work on this virus is known to be in effect on or before 2005, with SARS-Chimera being the main culprit. This is basically a modified SARS.
Engdahl on Fauci in April: The Remarkable Doctor A. Fauci
Fauci says wear goggles not masks:
Here is what this Greek politician said in April: The virus infects you by attaching itself to your eyeballs, hence the name corona. He talks about world conspiracy regarding this virus.
Κασιδιάρης-2η εκπομπή για κορωνοϊό:η Αλήθεια ενάντια στην παραπληροφόρηση
World conspiracy about world depopulation interestingly enough he says that Smolensk catastrophe is tied to this? Η ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ ΠΟΥ ΜΑΣ ΚΡΥΒΟΥΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΚΟΡΩΝΑΪΟ
Couple more things (no conspiracies this time):
From American doctors. Look at the case fatality rate graph.
Preliminary Injunction Sought to Release Hydroxychloroquine to the Public.
While you are there look at Hydroxychloroquine Case Is Filed in the Sixth Circuit by AAPS
Finally this French video (has english subtitles) from ~four month’s ago.
Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize Winner Says Virus “Bio-engineered” in Lab 黄艳玲 17/04/20
Keep in mind that fatality rates are manipulated to cause the “psychosis of fear intended to control the plebs”
The Covid death rates are manipulated both upward and downward, depending on what’s fashionable or what the public needs to be told.
I personally know of two deaths from coronavirus which were not listed as coronavirus because the tests, taken over only a 24 hour interval, never came back positive. However, the full stories of these two non-related people leave a well-informed person convinced those death certificates are wrong. In both cases, there was extremely rapid onset of multiple organ failures – which best match coronavirus, not what was written on the death certificates. For example, the doctors attributed massive sudden kidney failure to menningitis when that’s very rare, but it’s common for coronavirus. That person had been exposed to a co-worker who had tested positive. America being what it is, the co-worker remains anonymous by law, so he and his family can’t know if that infected co-worker had close contact with the deceased or not. Contact tracing ? Not in the USA.
Okay, few things. Duran had this interesting article titled:
Doctor who cured 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success rate speaks out passionately in Washington D.C.
Just in case you will not bother to read this article, I’ll quote:
“Dr. Anthony Fauci trying to suppress effective treatments to force experimental vaccines on people
In what appears to be a matter of corruption, Dr. Fauci is currently trying to convince the world population to stay confined in their homes and to comply to contact tracing, restricted gathering, and indefinite mask wearing until a DNA-altering vaccine is available for population control. Fauci’s guidance has left countless men and women to die from a respiratory infection that could be cured using a simple antiviral, immune system modulating protocol.”
The video with passionate speeches:
BREAKING: American Doctors Address COVID-19 Misinformation. Hydroxychloroquine Works!!
I suggest watching this video from the America’s Front Line Doctors. I won’t bore you with more links.
You said you had some personal experience with this virus, so have I:
Right after the Christmas my first cousin (now in her mid sixties) came down with some mysterious
cold. Three times she ended up going to the hospital for treatments as she had severe breathing problems,
only to recover at the end of January. Later on, after the $hit hit the fan, we concluded that her ailment was nothing but this virus.
We (me and my wife after the discussions with her friends) concluded that five of her friends 30+ to 40+ had the same problem starting at the end of November, all recovered.
Second case, my mother’s cousin passed away few weeks ago at the age of 92. Official story
is “she died of the virus”. But I say, while she may have been exposed to the virus, she was suffering from Alzheimer’s for about 20 years, and we know that Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are terminal ilnesses. So you can figure it out what killed her.
Just recently I read an article saying that GB decided to half it’s official virus death toll.
This is not a conspiracy theory, this is Global Conspiracy.
S75ponny, no problem with your comment.
Thanks for feed back Antonius,
May I respectfully disagree, “It’s a bioweapon that actually failed” better described “it’s a bioweapon that actually was miss-calibrated”
Ps: once again I apologize for skinny reply as I am under wraps of thumb-ing on phone sreeen
Typical narrative of “Putin not trustworthy…”
Spain, El Pais with a negative touch
Here is a scathing piece in Nature magazine.
A fairly reasonable report by Bloomberg. They seem to be skeptical, but at least they gave the Russians a chance to present their side of the argument:
« Russia skips COVID-19 vaccine trial, says millions to be vaccinated this month »
The article is written in a technical site, by Dr. Beth Mole, a professor of microbiology (and a talented writer). Her main concern is that Russia has skipped the Phase III trial (and, most likely, Phase II). In the US, most promising drugs fail Phase III which often involves trials among tens of thousands of people, to ensure both efficacy and safety.
Russian scientists explained that they are piggy-backing on earliers SARS research. Which is that this virus is.
Is it not one tenth as novel as the Gates/Fauci/Tam conspiracy would have you believe.
In fact, it is not even need now. Herd immunity has been attained in most nations and will soon be attained by the rest.
All else is money-grubbing and in service of the neo-Bolshevik grab for power.
It used to be all about ‘whites’ now it is all about the novel coronavirus.
hi saker community,
here is a taste of the german media with some translations
Berliner Morgenpost [the least nasty I came across]
“Russia calls first Corona-Vaccine ‘Sputnik V’ “
In the race for a vaccine against the Corona-Virus Russia surges ahead and authorizes a Vaccine. Experts criticize this fiercely.
As the first country in the world, Russia authorized tuesday a vaccine against the corona virus. As the russian president Vladimir Putin proclaimed in a video-conference that was broadcasted on TV, the vaccine is to garantees a permanent immunity against the virus. His own daughter is supposed to be already vaccinated.
The president of the Bundesärztekammer (national board of doctors?), Klaus Reinhardt, criticized the authorization of the corona vaccine fiercely. “The authorization of a vaccine without the critical third series of tests is in my opinion a highly risky experiment on the human.” …
“Putin runs nasty propaganda”
Russia authorized the first vaccine against the new virus. There was neither a thorough verification, if the vaccine acts, nor what damages it could do. The president is playing with the health of its people.
“Would not be conceivable in Germany like this”: Infektiologe (? never heard this) criticizes Putin’s vaccine
“The Vaccine-botch from Moscow”
Putin might have his Sputnik-moment with the authorization of the worldwide first Corona-Vaccine, but there is no Champagne-plop [my version of the german ‘Sektkorken knallen’]
The irresponsible political manoeuvre can seriously damage the worldwide Vaccine development.
“The Wanna-be Vaccine”
Vladimir Putin announces, Russia has supposedly a Corona-Vaccine. Is nationalism or Zugzwang behind this? This is always risky: The vaccine is insufficiently verified.
“The world wonders about Putins “Sputnik”-Moment”
Russia has authorized, according to the words of Vladimir Putin, the worldwide first Corona-Vaccine. His own daughter apparently is already vaccinated, continues the president. International experts have serious doubts.
For the sake of completeness, let me add a link to a much read news site of n-tv (of the Bertelsmann-Gruppe):
The tone is rather the same as I heard yesterday on news (WDR 2) on my car radio, a mixture of admiration mixed with some doubt according to experts. In German news you have to read or hear between the lines, it even borders to disbelief.
Germans are not necessarily negative about Russia as I experience. We’re close to shaking hands at the coast with Nordstream 2.
(couldn’t get the article through a translator, my company blocks that for some strange reason).
Cheers, Rob
Thanks to you for all the links, this is very useful!
Kind regards
The Saker
They have reported it, all with the same tone:
Moscow: Russia has become the first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine for use in tens of thousands of its citizens despite international scepticism about injections that have not completed clinical trials and were studied in only dozens of people for less than two months… However, scientists in Russia and other countries sounded an alarm, saying that rushing to offer the vaccine before phase 3 trials — which normally last for months and involve tens of thousands of people — could backfire… Amid Russia’s rush to become the first to create a vaccine, the US, Britain and Canada last month accused Russia of using hackers to steal vaccine research from Western labs…
“A declaration in Russia that Moscow has formally approved the world’s first coronavirus vaccine, after less than two months of human trials, is causing some alarm…”
“Russia’s coronavirus vaccine: will it work, and is it safe?:
The race to find a vaccine against Covid-19 has not always been particularly edifying, driven at times by so-called “vaccine nationalism”, much cautioned against by the World Health Organization, which has itself been accused of being invested as much in self-interest and prestige as global public health…As Russia’s Association of Clinical Trials Organizations put it in late May – after the head of the Gamaleya Institute said he and his colleagues had tried the vaccine on themselves – early testing was a “crude violation” of research norms by scientists under immense pressure to “please those [in] power”….“The problem with any Russian vaccine is that the way it was tested undermines public faith in it. Even if it works it’s unlikely to be widely adopted in the rest of the world. The fears that it’s unsafe could even stoke the anti-vaccine movement and drive up the number of people who refuse to be inoculated because it will feed conspiracy theories, in the US and elsewhere.”
“This Is All Beyond Stupid.’ Experts Worry About Russia’s Rushed Vaccine”
“Russia’s fast-track coronavirus vaccine draws outrage over safety”:
‘Russia’s president Vladimir Putin announced on 11 August that the country’s health regulator had become the world’s first to approve a coronavirus vaccine for widespread use — but scientists worldwide have condemned the decision as dangerously rushed. Russia hasn’t completed large trials to test its safety and efficacy, and rolling out an inadequately vetted vaccine could put at risk people who receive it, researchers say. It could also impede global efforts to develop quality COVID-19 immunizations, they suggest.
“That the Russians may be skipping such measures and steps is what worries our community of vaccine scientists. If they get it wrong it could undermine the entire global enterprise,” says Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
‘This is a reckless and foolish decision. Mass vaccination with an improperly tested vaccine is unethical. Any problem with the Russian vaccination campaign would be disastrous both through its negative effects on health, but also because it would further set back the acceptance of vaccines in the population,” Francois Balloux, a geneticist at University College London, said in a statement distributed by the UK Science Media Centre….’
En Colombia, sudamerica, el principal periódico a nivel nacional, El Espectador, dio a conocer la noticia sobre la vacuna rusa con este título: Rusos registran una vacuna contra el coronavirus sin realizar las pruebas necesarias.
Por supuesto la prensa en latinoamérica sigue las indicaciones de lo que digan o exijan los gringos.
Google translation,MOD:
In Colombia, South America, the main national newspaper, El Espectador, released the news about the Russian vaccine with this title: Russians register a coronavirus vaccine without performing the necessary tests.
Of course the press in Latin America follows the indications of what the gringos say or demand.
Japan Times seems to have given the news a full and fair presentation.
Thank you for that, Larchmonter. I have to save up my two free article views a month at Japan Times for work-related purposes. NHK is similarly neutral.
Well covered in the UK press. I read articles in The Independent and The Guardian, both infantile, usual accusatory drivel …’ Evil Putin experiments on own population’ type of thing. I refuse to link to any UK press, I don’t want to give them the hits. If it’s a success you won’t hear about it in the UK, they’ll be a press blackout. In the medical sphere I believe there is genuine interest because the British have followed a similar route of research but they think it’s too early to be successful. If you look at Russias history on vaccines it’s very good and right now they’re not hampered by having to work for big pharma to earn the megabucks like Western states are. I hope it’s a success story
Russia approves Sputnik V Covid vaccine despite testing safety concerns
Drug, given to one of Putin’s daughters, to skip large-scale safety trials before rollout
Coronavirus – latest updates
See all our coronavirus coverage
Peter Beaumont and Luke Harding
Tue 11 Aug 2020 16.59 BSTFirst published on Tue 11 Aug 2020 11.18 BST
guardian sorry i can’t do links, 84 years old…
” Russia approves Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine despite testing safety concerns – video
Russia has approved a controversial Covid-19 vaccine for widespread use after less than two months of human testing, including a dose administered to one of Vladimir Putin’s daughters.
The announcement that Russia was pushing ahead with large-scale manufacture and mass immunisation before so-called “phase 3” testing was greeted with criticism from experts who described the Russian approach as reckless and unethical, saying it risked exacerbating rather than helping manage the pandemic. The WHO said the vaccine should not be produced until it had completed phase 3 trials.”
The other big catalyst comes from Russia. President Vladimir Putin said the first novel coronavirus vaccine has received approval in Russia, after going through human trials in less than two months. The vaccine has since been registered, although Phase 3 trials are just kicking off. The kicker? Putin said his daughter was one of the participants in early trials.
Although it is highly unlikely the Russian vaccine will make its way to Americans — U.S. health officials are already cautioning against it — investors like the idea that one country does have a fully registered vaccine. Perhaps it seems more likely now that Operation Warp Speed will pay off, or that the virus can one day be eradicated on a global scale.
It is not MSM, but it often transmits to Americans what RT or other press from outside the American bubble of disinformation say:
“August 11, 2020 · 4:45 pm
(From RT) “One Billion Orders For Sputnik V Coronavirus Vaccine From Putin’s Russia!”:
‘Russia receives orders from 20 countries for ONE BILLION doses of world’s first Covid-19 vaccine’:
“A total of 20 nations from Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia have already requested doses of Russia’s breakthrough coronavirus vaccine, which was confirmed to be registered on Tuesday by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
At a conference dedicated to the announcement of the vaccine’s registration, the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) explained that it had already received orders for a billion doses.
“Together with our foreign partners, we are ready to produce more than 500 million doses of the vaccine per year,” Kirill Dmitriev explained. Everything produced in Russia will be used domestically, and doses for use in other countries will be made abroad.
According to Dmitriev, the RDIF is also working on a humanitarian aid program for developing countries, with the aim of making the Covid-19 vaccine available in states that can’t afford to make or buy their own.
Explaining that vaccination is an acute problem in the world’s poorest countries, Dmitriev said that the fund believes “people around the world should have equal access to a vaccine, regardless of their financial situation.”
On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the country had registered the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine. Named “Sputnik V,” the vaccine is due to enter mass production soon, and will be available to the general public from January 2021. Despite being registered, the vaccine will still go through more clinical trials in Russia and the Middle East”.–diz-Putin/
“Scientists” worry whether blah blah. The article doesn’t mention which scientists until the fifth paragraph.
If the vaccine works, even if only 50% effective, it would reduce Ro greatly and help stop the epidemic in the country where it is used.
My take is as follows from reading RT.
Yes, Russia made an announcement registering an approval for a vaccine and did some preening and CNN and the others pounced on this as being irresponsible but they got the story wrong. The Russians are not going to make the vaccine generally available until Jan 1, so in effect, they are announcing phase 3 trials.
They are going for a limited distribution for a limited group of professionals that will amount in the 10’s of thousands which .. ahem, is the size of a phase 3 trial. CNN and the doctors on CNN are having a fit saying that you should never release a vaccine without a phase 3 trial. Putin / Russia kind of oversold what they were doing and thus allowed the flying monkeys to stick the shiv into their ribs.
It was reported on the CBC in Canada, but the report made it sound somewhat unsafe due
to an alleged missing clinical trial.
Dear Saker,
It is presented here in a relatively long article published by Radio-Canada (French).
Overall, the article has a negative, yet condescending tone.
For example: “Les doutes de la Dre Quach” is a subsection of the article, in which Dre Caroline Quach is interviewed. Briefly, Quach is a doctor from the Centre Hospitalier St-Justine in Montreal (, whose work focuses heavily on the effective control of infectious diseases.
In the interview, she mentions the term ‘dubitative’, which in the French language, means that there is a strong doubt or hesitation regarding a particular subject matter (i.e. the Russian vaccine). More specifically, her doubts stem from the fact that there are currently no pre-publications on the safety of the vaccine that is being proposed by Russia. Moreover, she mentions that the vaccine has not been properly tested on larger groups, and that no scientific data has been made available to other scientists (which is all a cause for concern to her).
For now, this is the message that is being presented to the Canadian public via the French media, regarding the vaccine. I am assuming that the same message is being published in the English media in Canada.
Martial D. Dufour
Sorry for such a lengthy response below!
From Portugal, I give you an excerpt of the article on Public TV broadcaster RTP
This news article is divided in two halves; first half is classic objective journalism – let us call it “reporting” – more precisely, a summary transcription of the statements of the entity presenting the news to the world (VVP); second half is a set of references to third parties – let us call it “commenting”. There is nothing wrong about make comments, of course; the problem is that the comments were not made by the journalist (reporter) himself, but were instead ready-made – notice in particular the first paragraph of the second half.
In the old world were I was raised and learned what journalism was, second half would be similar to the first, but with very precise sources – the OMS speaker – and never the opinions of unnamed people. The piece would be authored by a specific journalist. This one is signed “por RTP” (“by RTP”).
Let us remember what the real problem is: no criticisms were made about the validity of the hurried COVID test that caused such an global economic lock-down and an unaccounted number of deaths due to loss of access to healthcare and loss of human contact, plus the resulting despair.
First half beginning:
Vladimir Putin anunciou nesta terça-feira que a Rússia registou a primeira vacina do mundo contra o novo coronavírus. O Presidente russo garantiu que a sua filha já a tomou e que estará disponível a partir de janeiro. A decisão está a ser questionada e a OMS e as autoridades russas deabtem uma possível pré-qualificação desta vacina.
A Rússia tornou-se esta terça-feira o primeiro país do mundo a registar uma vacina contra o novo coronavírus, segundo anunciou o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin.
O Ministério da Saúde russo deu aprovação regulatória para a primeira vacina Covid-19 do mundo, desenvolvida pelo Instituto Gamaleya de Moscovo, após menos de dois meses de terem iniciado os testes em humanos.
Translation of the above:
“Vladimir Putin announced on Tuesday that Russia had registered the world’s first vaccine against the new coronavirus. The Russian President assured that his daughter has already taken it and that it will be available from January. The decision is being questioned and WHO and the Russian authorities have yet to pre-qualify this vaccine.
Russia this Tuesday became the first country in the world to register a vaccine against the new coronavirus, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Russian Ministry of Health has given regulatory approval for the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine, developed by the Gamaleya Institute in Moscow, after less than two months of starting human testing.
Second half beginning, including section title:
Decisão questionada
No entanto, muitos cientistas no país e no estrangeiro questionaram a decisão de registar a vacina antes de os cientistas completarem a chamada Fase 3 do estudo – esta fase por norma demora vários meses e envolve milhares de pessoas e é a única forma de se provar que a vacina experimental é segura e funciona.
De facto, nas últimas semanas, muitos cientistas expressaram preocupação com a velocidade a que se estava a desenvolver esta vacina, e a Organização Mundial de Saúde pediu “diretrizes claras” para o desenvolvimento do tratamento.
A OMS já reagiu apelando ao cumprimento dos protocolos e dos regulamentos em vigor para o desenvolvimento de uma vacina contra a Covid-19.
Translation from second half beginning, including section title:
Decision challenged
However, many scientists at home and abroad questioned the decision to register the vaccine before scientists completed the so-called Phase 3 study – this phase typically takes several months and involves thousands of people and is the only way to prove that the experimental vaccine is safe and works.
In fact, in recent weeks, many scientists have expressed concern about the speed at which this vaccine was being developed, and the World Health Organization has asked for “clear guidelines” for the development of treatment.
WHO has already responded by calling for compliance with the protocols and regulations in force for the development of a vaccine against Covid-19.”
From the Australian version of the Daily Mail about the Russian vaccine: zero. Nothing.
However, it DOES carry this”
Instructions on how to perform sex!!
And also”
In the UK version of the DM about the Russian vaccine:
From the heart of the empire:
Repeats what is in the RT release about the vaccine and adds concern about sufficient testing from “experts”, including concern from “The Moscow-based Association of Clinical Trials Organizations (ACTO), a trade body representing the world’s top drugmakers in Russia, this week urged the Health Ministry to postpone approval until that final trial had been successfully completed”
Sufficient testing is of course a valid concern for any vaccine.
From the South China Morning Post:
A pretty fair sum up, but carries a few technology errors, at least compared to the release from the Moscow University which constructed the vaccine. Only quotes some of the Wests put downs, but adds none of it’s own.
Here is CBC (Corona Broadcasting Corporation): extreme criticism and skepticism:
Russia approves coronavirus vaccine before final clinical trials are completed
F.S. – Calgary, Alberta.
The potential pay-off for Russia if this is successful is huge.
There is also a big risk if there should prove to be problems with the vaccine (significant side effects, extra risk for older demographic, etc), or if it is not as effective as hoped.
That said, the economic impact on the world economy has been and continues to be severe, and this includes Russia. If they have a truly effective vaccine and get get their economy fully functioning again ‘ahead of the pack’ this will give Russia a very practical advantage in the current situation. If it is effective there will be customers for hundreds of millions of doses. If it is effective Russia’s scientific prowess will be noted and will help them in the current geopolitical climate.
They should be pretty confident to accept the risk.
Clearly Putin is angling for wide acceptance domestically with the vaccination of his daughter which will undoubtedly help boost participation in a nation-wide program.
The Russian medical authorities are claiming that extensive prior work with other viruses has given them a leg up in this effort, and Russia’s ability to focus state resources on a problem is probably matched only by China and Russia has a more mature scientific research community than China I believe.
The stakes are very high and we should wish them success.
As a side note – some people are very much better than others at this work. Resources alone are not sufficient to guarantee success, although they are essential:
Published on Serbian „Политика”
Putin announced that a Russian vaccine against coronavirus has been registered
The President of Russia said that one of his daughters, who is feeling well and whose body has already developed antibodies, also received the vaccine.
MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin announced today that the first Russian coronavirus vaccine has been registered.
“This morning, the coronavirus vaccine was registered for the first time in the world,” Putin said at a meeting with members of the government, Russian agencies reported, reports Tanjug.
Putin stated that one of his daughters also received the vaccine.
“After the first vaccination, she had a temperature of 38, the next day 37, and that was all,” Putin said.
He added that his daughter is feeling well and has a high level of antibodies, reports the TASS agency.
The President of Russia expressed hope that more vaccines against coronavirus will appear in time.
The first Russian coronavirus vaccine was jointly developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute and the Russian Ministry of Defense.
First reaction to the announcement of the vaccine by the UK, Daily Mail:
filled with errors, lies, etc etc. Another hatchet job.
Austrian statemedia is reporting – and , as you said, predictively in a BAD and dirt-spiting way……such a shame, burt sadly no surprise , as all of our bloody statemedia-suckers have LOTS of BLOOD on their hands !
Russische CoV-Impfung in der Kritik
Russland hat als erstes Land der Welt einen Impfstoff gegen das Coronavirus für die breite Anwendung in der Bevölkerung zugelassen. Während man in Russland von einem großen Erfolg und historischen Moment sprach, zeigten sich Experten und Expertinnen weltweit besorgt. Denn weder gibt es fundierte Daten zu Wirksamkeit und Nebenwirkungen, noch wurden entscheidende Tests durchgeführt……
Title in “Nature”:
Russia’s fast-track coronavirus vaccine draws outrage over safety
— The immunization is the first approved for widespread use but could be dangerous because it hasn’t been tested in large trials, say researchers.
My translation: This grapes are sour
Serbian state TV station reported this:Коронавирус/story/3135/koronavirus-u-svetu/4046232/vakcina-rusija-odobrenje-reakcije-amerika-koronavirus.html
Whole article is just what westerners said about vaccine – various sources. Not a single russian source used.
Title: Russian vaccine made world experts mad, lavish and careless move
In short:
World expert for public health alarmed – hard to believe in vaccine no one knows anything about and without relevant data published.
Third phase of testing skipped – Russia performs third phase testing on large population instead.
Fast vaccine approval might cause side-effect that were not discovered at early stages of testing.
Lavish and stupid decision was made.
Mass vaccination on large population non-ethical with not-well-tested vaccine.
It’s not the point to be first.(this came from Alex Azar – United States Secretary of Health and Human Services)
Patient safety is top priority. No info on quality, efficiency and safety. – PR for german health department.
All in all, serbian state TV station did not say a single good word about russian vaccine. They did not even bother to cite any russian source. Not a singe one!
That is not a report about vaccine. It is a report about western reactions.
Here is an earlier Serbian state TV report using Russian sources:
I believe I read it first on Al-jazeera:
Lots of very positive comment on WhatsApp chats all over Latin America, for whatever’s worth, man. So don’t go just for the media. We need to reach to people directly. I have read many comments in the ‘yeah, of course yankees are not going to like, the Russians beat them to it’ style.
So this is a triumph for Russia, regardless.
In Mexico, at a press conference followed by tens of millions of people, the anti-Covid-19 Czar expressly responds about the vaccine announced by Russia: “this phenomenon is going to happen constantly (announcements about new vaccines). We were surprised to learn about the Russian vaccine (…) you definitely cannot use a vaccine that has not been tested in its third phase of evaluation (human response to the component generated to allocate acquired immunity against a disease), for ethical and biosafety reasons”.
The subject who said the above is Hugo López-Gatell, trained in Johns Hopkins University, an institution that has acquired a suspicious centrality in the midst of the health emergency.
Basically skepticism, like World Health Organization.
Footnote: those of us who have followed the evolution of the Russian vaccine a little more closely, were not surprised by its responsiveness to get the scoop. For example, in the article “Does Russia win the ‘geopolitical war’ of vaccines against Covid-19?”, published last Sunday -in Spanish-, the author says that “(…) In 11 years Big Pharma panorama changed dramatically: today with its vaccines, both Russia, withs its ‘Sputnik moment’, and Chinese, with its inventiveness, are about to oust the Anglo-Saxon pharmacological quasi-monopoly.”
[ ]
Sorry Saker, this answer is not strictly in line with your question, but reading these main stream media treatments of the Russian vaccine is enraging me.
The gold standard of pharmaceutical verification includes double blind tests and a “longitudinal” — long time line — series of tests over a large population of people being tested. Children are now mandated to receive an obscene number of vaccines before they are five years old. We have an epidemic of autism.
Now guess how many of these vaccines mandated for children have been subjected to the gold standard of verification. Answer: ZERO. There is a huge literature of information about this in the anti-vaccination community. Try to find and watch the movie: “Vaxxed”.
This matter is as close to religion as the irreligious pharmaceutical industry can come.
They cannot tolerate a narrative of vaccine development and deployment outside their total control, since nearly everything they do is fraudulent.
Here’s another problem not totally under their control: the covid-19 virus has never been isolated, identified, and demonstrated to cause the disease (this is another gold standard of medical procedure). This means that any vaccine can only target other proteins or other cell debris that is merely “thought” to be correlated with Covid-19. This also applies to the Russians, but they have chosen not to fight that battle.
The point I am trying to make is that the attacks on Russian virus research is not just standard Russia-bashing. This story threatens to uncover enormous and very dangerous fraud, that is world wide in effect.
Understanding that vaccines are likely fraudulent, you might ask why would Russia get involved in manufacturing vaccines? It’s simple really. To prevent the substance that will be injected into the Russian population being manufactured by groups hostile to Russia, it was necessary to manufacture the vaccines themselves.
Elegant solution!
No wonder the western media is apoplectic.
Spot on.
Pity we’re all forbidden from travelling to Russia to get it.
Very good observation. I also see this as a possible move by Russia to highlight the very dirty nature of a profit-driven racket that is key to the western power structure–forget about the opium fields in Afghanistan, that’s piddling in comparison.
This one is from Popular Mechanics web site:
Please read the following link first (in Russian). It is a very detailed interview with one of the creators. I don’t think an unqualified ‘registered’ is the right word for it, i am no sure why Putin declared it as such.
Thank you for posting this informative link!
Here is one from switzerland (bluewin, my internet provider):
They start with general info about the number of vaccines (candidates) in the world (26). They talk about phase I (safety) and phase II (start examining efficacy) trials before mentioning that there are only 5 in the world which have gone to phase III (where efficacy is measured with 1’000s of people).
Then they say the russian vaccine is listed as phase I in the WHO database. And they say that the russian spokesmen indicate that phase III trials start wednesday. According to russian medical authorities, teachers and medical personnel will be vaccinated starting in August. The vaccine would be available by the first of January 2021.
They mention that the russian health minister says that the vaccine could form longer term immuity, capable to be protective for 2 years. And they mention (as a problem) that the results have not been published yet.
so somewhat skeptical, including (at the end) they bring up the (real) possibility that it might not be possible to generate an efficacious vaccine. But not dismissive, the point that the results have not been published is valid. I am always skeptical of anyone who says “trust me”. And it is clear we are still waiting for an AIDS vaccine, so the point about not every infectious agent will get their vaccine is reasonable.
CBC (Canadian Boadcasting Corporation)
Thomson Reuters · Posted: Aug 11, 2020 9:51 AM ET | Last Updated: 5 hours ago
Saker, I’m not exactly sure what “registered” means, but some time ago, perhaps a month, the Chinese announced that they had deployed a vaccine and were giving it to everyone in their military. As I recall, at the same time they also had entered into an agreement with Brazil to give it to people there (probably because of the greater prevalence in Brazil). Although they did not call either of these a phase 3 trial, it seems that it was essentially that. Phase 3 trials necessarily take time. It’s difficult to shortcut that process without a direct challenge trial, which most would consider to be unethical. And even with a challenge trial there is no information about long term immunity. It seems likely that the Russians are essentially conducting a phase 3 trial, not a mass deployment. If that’s correct, then the Chinese beat them to it by more than a month.
This is being reported fairly widely, with predictable negative spin. Social media commentary is almost entirely negative, slandering Putin’s motives, transparency, etc.
In this UN/WHO briefing
at around 32:30 Christiane Oelrich asked WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier about the Russian vaccine announcement. He says they have not seen anything official and generally said that countries should follow procedures. This was twisted in many news stories as “WHO cautions Russia”.
This has been followed by the standard US medical spokesmen such as Fauci, Gottleib, Gupta all stating flatly that they wouldn’t take it, or in Fauci’s case, expressing “serious doubts”. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains why he is skeptical about Russian vaccine
Scientists uneasy as Russia approves 1st coronavirus vaccine Daily briefing: Russia approves ‘reckless’ coronavirus vaccine
The usual spin of Putin “boasting” and this kind of thing: “Becoming the first country in the world to approve a vaccine was a matter of national prestige for the Kremlin as it tries to assert the image of Russia as a global power.”
But really there is very little information out there in any of the articles beyond the Russian announcement, any content is really the metadata of spin that the various outlets have put on the same few nuggets of data.
German SPIEGEL also has an Article on this:
It is comparatively accurate in terms of factual information, although they stress that due to the short timeframe, the vaccine might not actually be safe. Guess they would not talk of risks so much of it was a US vaccine, or a German one. But they reported it, so they did their job on this one.
From Honduras. The mainstream media reported by it citing RT’s reporting of it. Not very original but they mentioned it though.
Zio CANADA “global news”
Personal Comment:
Congratulations MR Alexei for the 1st corona virus vaccine in the world😊
Here the media is pretty skeptical … they are saying that “the scientists are sounding the alarm” 😂 they claim only dozens of people have been inoculated …
They failed to mention that Mr Putin’s daughter has also been inoculated not to mention that it was tried both on military and civilian Russian volunteers …
If Bill Gates&company had invented it first then I am sure we will be hearing a sales story instead… not to mention that they might make it mandatory unlike Russia which chose freedom for its own people to get or not to get vaccinated …
The Russophobic propaganda in Canadian media is preposterous!
The first link is to the Swiss newspaper NZZ; the title is
“Corona-Impfstoff: Was nach einer russischen Sensation klingt, löst bei westlichen Wissenschaftern Augenreiben aus”
Google translation: “Corona vaccine: What sounds like a Russian sensation triggers eye rubbing among Western scientists”
(Personal comment: NZZ is the leading Swiss newspaper openly and vehemently defending Western hegemonism. The title shows that scientists are not considered as neutral; Western scientists are considered as integral part of the Western system.)
The second link is to the Syrian news agency SANA. The third is to the Lebanese alahednews (Hezbollah)
I am of firm believe that Russia coming up with a vaccine and Putin announcing could be calling the bluff.
The vaccine has helped hide the US economic collapse and helped in super control of people in USA.
Russia says we have the vaccine end this bullshit…
However some unseen forces want this to continue.
So this is another master stroke from Putin…!
Headline from local provincial rag makes big claims “US hoses down Russian vaccine, says it will have millions of doses ready year’s end”.
The bottom line amounts to: “We believe that it is highly credible that we will have in the high tens of millions of doses of [Food and Drug Administration] gold safety standard vaccine by the end of this year and many hundreds of millions of doses as we go into the beginning of next year.”
Well, as with most contemporary media, the actual ‘truth’ topic is “we believe” — which has the veracity of flat earther’s believing whatever they wish.
However, at least 50% of the article rabbits on about Taiwan and China conflict (as the location where the above was announced).
One we-are-always-first analogy is made to US “moon shot” whereas the initial sputnik into space would be more appropriate, imo: “Speaking in Taiwan on Wednesday morning, Azar likened America’s own vaccine development to the Apollo moon mission and said he believed the US would have hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine ready by the beginning of next year.”
In sum: No evidence of interest in Russian C-19 research developments, only anxiety of “me too” America coming in second place in some imaginary game …. oh, and a focus on benefit for USA (with a by line for the ‘people of the world’ … who can afford to pay for it one assumes).
“This is not a race to be first,” Azar said in a teleconference briefing. “This is using every power of the US government, its economy and its biopharmaceuticals, and harnessing that to deliver a vaccine as quickly as we can for the benefit of the United States citizens but also for the people of the world.”“
From Melbourne, Australia.
… clever disclosure here …
The Apollo moon mission is a hoax and Psychological operations (PSYOP)
( “is” because many people continue to believe the official narrative)
From Iceland.
Russia First.
26 Vaccines on final tests.
Use Google translate :-)
Sorry for the slight OT, but can onyone tell us if it’s a mRNA vaccine or not.
It is adenoviral vaccine. See link in a comment
Thank you.
From ABC news in Australia
Tucked away in the news updates on Covid-19, the following articles can be found in the Hindustan Times:
No mention of the fact that Russia was the first country to develop a vaccine, but they report that experts and the world have been “stunned and startled.”
Token treatment by b92 in Serbia:
There is more than enough repetition of the same and similar facts here to keep anyone very busy and distracted for weeks. Let the show begin !
A very astute, cunning and insidious move by the evil principalities in control. It’s clear as daylight.
I often thought, OK, why has the attention on Russian propaganda outlets gone quiet, right from the beginning.
They will attempt to use this to further destroy Russia in the next months. Of course it is a hoax, but deadly !
Translations from swiss newspapers in german and french, translated by Deepl (PDF 90kb)
Naturally, everything is described and said in a negative way about the Russian vaccine. This is obvious. No one anywhere wants to give a part of their market to a potential competitor. Pharma is the most corrupt and thuggish sector of the economy. Therefore, the Russian vaccine will not be allowed to enter the Western market in all possible and impossible ways. I am almost sure that the British media will say that Putin will supply Novichok to the world market under the guise of a vaccine.
The imaginary virus Con-19 is a hoax. The real virus Covid-19 described by Chinese at Wuhan turned out to be no more dangerous than average seasonal flu; certainly not an “existential threat”. Shame that Putin fell for it.
There is no such thing as “a” vaccine against flu.The Corona virus family, popularly known as bird flu, mutates so rapidly that the WHO hands out a different “flu shot” every year. These WHO “flu shots” have never prevented an epidemic of flu sweeping across the world every winter season. Neither will any Russian vaccine — especially one prepared in haste and without thorough testing.
It takes years to test a vaccine. Have sellers of “the Russian vaccine” been given the same extra-Legal privilege as the sellers of “the Western vaccines” ie, have they been granted the same non-Legal Immunity to Prosecution if their vaccine proves to be harmful? Such immunity is unheard of outside a despotic state.
Putin has fallen for a trap: already his well deserved reputation for political astuteness coupled with fundamental honesty is being questioned by the Truther fraternity. Already AZC trolls are seizing this opportunity to question Putin’s judgment.
Yes, the Corona virus story is a scam, a hoax, a lie – a psychovirus affecting or infecting the gullible masses of sheeple worldwide. Very sad.
I don’t know why Russia is going along with this, but do not doubt that Putin has Russia’s interest in mind as always. I do not think he has fallen into a trap.
Stalin going along with Uncle Sam’s atomic bomb narrative (another hoax) is a direct parallel.
“Le monde politique, c’est quand mesme le monde du mensonge permanent.” — Alain Soral in one of his videos
Saker this is the wider context as increasing numbers of people see it:
I don’t really trust any vaccine for coronaviruses, particularly any made in a rush and by any company linked to Bill (digital microdot tattoo passports for everybody patent WO2020060606 ID2020 Event 201) Gates or Western Big Pharma. Messenger RNA viruses are being touted which are used in GMO technology and vaccines based on this risk altering the human genome for generations. Further, previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines led to autoimmune cytokine storms and deaths in lab animals.
That said, the RT report indicates Russia has been working for many years on a synthetic technique for creating vaccines that is a new technology. Putin (who I trust far above any other world leader) says his daughter was a volunteer for it.
So if a vaccine is needed in months to come (Russia’s vaccine going to general public in January & many essential health workers to have it from now so side-effects might become apparent by January) then I would take the Russian one. That’s probably unlikely unfortunately as I live in Australia where prime ministers threaten to ‘shirt front’ Russian presidents – but then meekly shake VVP’s hand at the G20.
Of course this Russian scientific break through may be upsetting a NWO plan to vaccinate us all with something nefarious. That may be why there’s a Western news downplay and criticism.
Some adjunct could be inserted like the anti-hCG added to neonatal tetanus vaccine in Kenya to 500,000 women rendering many infertile without their consent. This was proven when the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association sent 6 random tetanus vax vials to labs in Johannesburg & Cape Town that found all had anti-hCG. Gates Foundation & the WHO were responsible. The CIA ‘fact-checker Snopes ‘debunks’ this story by claiming no labs in Kenya could test for anti-hCG. But typical solipsism – the Kenyan doctors sent the samples to two labs in South Africa which Snopes failed to mention.
Today the Gates Foundation has essentially privatised the WHO. Since Trump withdrew funding, Bill & Melinda are the number 1 funder of WHO, followed by China, then other nations. Director-General Tedros worked for a Gates funded company before heading the WHO, like Gates he’s not a medical professional either. And by the way Gates effectively stole DOS operating system from its inventor Gary Kildall who died penniless. So the computer whizz kid Bill was a whizz at swindle not so much at programming.
I think the Western Media coverage is as ominous as Event 201 on 18 October that simulated a SARS coronavirus pandemic we are living through.
October is now thought the month that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from an animal or more likely a lab. as Prof Francis Boyle who wrote the US Congress law in bioweapons says it was made infectious to humans from a bat coronavirus by ‘gain of function’ research in labs in Fort Dettrick Maryland, Uni North Carolina, Winnipeg Canada, & Wuhan Institute of Virology. Boyle points out the published peer-reviewed paper trail of this endeavour. When virologists published opinion articles denouncing this research as insanity, the US government banned it in 2014 but restarted it in 2017. In the intervening ban years, Dr Fauci oversaw two $multimillion grants to WIV to continue the research. Director of WIV Dr Shi Jengli have lecture that she was doing this gain of function on bat coronaviruses which they had sourced from caves in Yunnan, 1,000 miles away. One WIV lab was 300 metres from the ‘wet market’ where the mainstream narrative claims the ‘bat soup’ virus came from. But even the official Chinese report is that there were never bats on sale or menu in Wuhan market and 14 of first group of patients had no contacts to connect them to the market.
See this well referenced science news report:
The point is admitting accidental or deliberate lab release would help vaccine development if cure is the aim, but the WHO investigation terms of reference specifically exclude considering lab origin. Despite long record of microbes escaping biolabs around world.
As you can see there is fertile grounds for conspiracy theory. Is this a biological 9/11 unleashed on humanity. Some comments on social media along lines of “knew they’d spring something worse on us if we couldn’t expose them for 9/11”.
Bill Gates’ Microsoft patent for a (to paraphrase) ‘biometric movement monitoring device that will enable the wearer to earn digital currency’ was listed this year. The patent number just by sheer luck happens to be: WO2020060606. In Roman Empire and ancient Judaism and Greece when St John wrote his Book of the Apocalypse on the island of Patmos, there was no zero in numerical system, thus this equates to patent for year 2020 number 666.
Google patent search and there it is.
Read Revelations 13:16-18:
Luciferians laughing in our sheeple faces perhaps?
Peter Koenig who is often guest author here at Vineyard of the Saker has written more on this and how it will likely tie in to a controlled economic collapse, reset, global digital currency, the 666 ‘device’ as your ‘digital passport’ to be fined or paid on your daily behaviour like a Chinese ‘social credit’ system, as per whether you J-walk or cross on the green light or whether you read The Saker or CNN.
As Aaron Russo said Nick Rockefeller told him after Rockefeller had prewarned him of 9/11 to allow capture of Middle East “what’s the end game for you rich elite?” that Rockefeller replied “it’s to get humanity chipped, to control everyone”.
If you go to ‘Lockdown TV’ there are interviews with many epidemiologists who say the lockdowns are wrong and will cause more deaths and misery than they’ll save. They also point out the fear mongering by WHO etc is exaggerated beyond the evidence and the media is burying good news stories like almost herd immunity in Sweden, definite herd immunity in Mumbai slums (and now seems the Russian vaccine) and death rates are being wildly exaggerated by forcing coroners/doctors to label Covid as cause if ever tested positive even if other cause.
See excellent interviews with epidemiologists:
See the German expert panel report that was suppressed by government and then leaked but censored by media:
Now UNICEF reports extra 6.7 million children under age-5 malnourished due to global lockdowns and 10,000 extra children dying a month of starvation.
These numbers will escalate the longer the lockdowns continue.
A tsunami of ‘deaths of despair’ from increased drug & alcohol use, suicide, domestic violence has already begun in developed nations as unemployment hits levels above the Great Depression and again this is early days.
If the WHO was a World HEALTH Organisation then the public health advice would be more balanced. The lockdown ‘cure’ is way beyond ‘flattering the curve’ to now be worse than the Covid ‘disease’.
The mainstream narrative is full of holes. Like it was for 9/11. We don’t have years to ‘wake up’ this time.
Russia’s vaccine breakthrough could end all this horror show sooner rather than later. Maybe that’s why there’s crickets from Western media Saker? The news will get out and expect howls cog the Russian vaccine being dangerous – just like hydroxychloroquine. For the 2 billion people in mainly developing countries and Russia where widespread HCQ use is first line early treatment the survival rate from Covid19 is 79% higher than for the 663million in mainly Western nations where HCQ is restricted or banned according to data amassed by other epidemiologists here:
As an MD I know one thing for certain – the demonisation of a 65-year old WHO ‘essential medicine’ reported as generally safe by the WHO for years until they removed it is way over the top. Many highly advertised psychiatric drugs are far worse for side effects and QTc prolongation especially in the short low dose use of HCQ & Zinc for Covid. It’s absurd what’s being said. And the WHO banned further research on HCQ stopping dozens of studies on basis of the fraudulent Mehra et al study in The Lancet that said HCQ didn’t work but had to be retracted when whistleblower doctors around the world pointed out the study patients didn’t exist!
As usual you’re more likely to know the truth by assuming the mainstream propaganda is wrong. But facts and data are out there in the independent media from voices of epidemiologists and investigative journalists.
Thanks for the excellent write-up and collection of sources. In addition I may point attention to the article
for anyone interested in a more elaborate discussion about the nature of SARS-CoV-2 and so called Gain-of-function research. Its very readable for persons without scientific background imo, although the topic is a scientific one. also showcases interesting CoV-2 articles frequently.
Thanks Celeste and Azra,
The Medium article on the virus origins is incredibly detailed. I think the most telling part was the analysis of the Nature opinion article in March of Anderson et al that was hailed by the media as why the virus didn’t have a lab origin. The Medium article points out sufficient flaws in the Nature article to raise the possibility it was deliberate misinformation or incredibly stupid authors and peer reviewers. Like with the fraudulent Lancet article of Mehra et al. we seem to be dealing with propaganda masquerading as science in the world’s top science journal as well as a leading medical journal. Money can buy a lot of influence.
This interview from off-Guardian but two courageous investigative journalists is a must:
It would be great if the Saker would interview James Corbett or give him a platform for an article.
And if people want an understanding of how the pandemic and lockdowns are being used for the global economic reset, here’s a succinct article by a German Professor of Economics:
Thank you so much for such an excellent, thoughtful and knowledgeable analysis. One of the best posts I have read recently on the Saker
Fpr The Saker, I will just add that in Croatian msm media the news have appeared, but with a usual anti-Russian slant ( irresponsible ‘zeevil’ Russians who want to kill us all and take from us our wonderful ‘sovereignty’ ).
Here, they plan to subject us to a zioangloversion of the plandemics by Oxford, Bill Gates etc….
Disgusting, but completely unsurprising…