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Tag "SARS-CoV-2"

Saker appeal: please help me get a better picture about this! (UPDATED)

Dear friends, As I expected, today Russia has registered the first vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  I took a quick look at CNN and BBC, and did not find that reported (maybe they have added it since, I only scanned the headlines). As most of you know, I don’t follow the legacy corporate ziomedia, but in this case, maybe I could ask all of you to let me know here

NWO, globalism and US “leadership” – RIP (UPDATED!)

[this analysis has been written for the Unz Review] “And the unbelievers plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God” Quran, Sura Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) – 3:54 It has been pretty obvious for many years already that the AngloZionist Empire was not viable, that it had to tank sooner or later.  There were two main scenarios which were typically considered for this

Covid-19 Derangement Syndrome: A World Gone Mad

Note by the Saker: today I am posting an article written by a good and trusted friend of mine.  That does *not* mean that I agree with the logic of his argument.  For one thing, I am wholly incompetent to even have much of an opinion on this topic.  The little I do think about what is taking place disagrees with the conclusions of my friend.  But since I don’t

Pedro Aznar asks a CRUCIAL question

Dear friends, Pedro Aznar is probably my favorite living Argentinian composer, musician and vocalist.  I recently came across this short message which he posted on the Internet and I asked my friend Ana (thanks Ana!) from the LatinAmerican Saker blog to provide a quick translation.  Here is the original video in Spanish followed by the transcript! Pedro Aznar reflects about Corona Virus The question remains. I watch the empty streets

A few recent political developments which should not go unnoticed

[This column was written for the Unz Review] The COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is, by any measure, an immense planetary crisis which will probably change the world we live in forever.  Still, there are other issues which are maybe not quite as dramatic and important, but which deserve not to be forgotten.  Here are some of those The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard: it was pretty clear to most observers that Tulsi

Putin visits SARS-CoV-2 patients in biggest COVID19 center in Russia

Today President Putin visited the patients which are currently hospitalized in the biggest COVID19 center in Russia. After putting on a full biowarfare suit he, along with his Press Attaché, he entered to “hot zone” and saw for himself in what condition the patients were were kept and asked them directly if they had any complaints (they did not). And not once did he, or his aides, engage in mantric

Interview with Professor Didier Raoult in the Parisien newspaper 22 March 2020

Professor Raoult is a leading expert on infectious diseases. He is confident he has a cure for Covid 19, which he is using in his Marseille hospital. He is having trouble getting the French health authorities to take him seriously. Despite his international renown he does not get on too well with the Parisian medical establishment. And he has long hair. Oh dear… Read on: — [Translation Robert Harneis –

There is a ticking time bomb in the Ukraine

[this column was written for the Unz Review] Between the fallout of the murder of General Soleimani and the coronovirus, the Ukraine has been somewhat forgotten, which is understandable, but also potentially dangerous.  The “young and dynamic” President Zelenskii has more or less been forgotten, especially by the legacy corporate ziomedia.  This does not, however, mean that the situation there did not evolve or, in fact, that it is not

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, on SARS-CoV-2

The command to the Armed Forces to establish a Medical Base to fight Coronavirus The Commander-in-Chief’s order to the Armed Forces due to the increased likelihood of the Coronavirus being a biological attack The Decree of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces on the fight against Corona: Establish a health and treatment base to organize services for people Imam Khamenei, the Commander-in-Chief of

Looking at the military aspects of biological warfare (UPDATED!)

[This commentary was written for the Unz Review] The 20th century has seen a seemingly countless number of military conflicts, ranging from small local clashes, to at least two world wars.  The same 20th century saw a huge efforts by major powers to develop three types of so-called “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD): Atomic, Bacteriological and Chemical (ABC).  All of these WMD were initially seen as very effective and very

Letter from “Locked Down” Lombardy

by Rachana Raizada for The Saker Blog A few days ago, I walked down the street to the supermarket to buy food past glittering skyscrapers, the seat of Lombardy’s regional government. According to an interview in the New York Times [1] with the region’s President Attilio Fontana, on the sixth floor, “two dozen epidemiologists and public health experts form the nerve center of the effort to contain a coronavirus outbreak
