[This column was written for the Unz Review]
The COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is, by any measure, an immense planetary crisis which will probably change the world we live in forever. Still, there are other issues which are maybe not quite as dramatic and important, but which deserve not to be forgotten. Here are some of those
The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard:
it was pretty clear to most observers that Tulsi Gabbard, being the only real “peace candidate” would never be allowed to get the nomination, nevermind make it into the White House. It was also clear that Tulsi, for all her very real qualities, simply did not have what it takes to take on “The Swamp”. Still, in spite of this all, her candidacy and campaign were like a huge pitcher of cool water in the middle of an immense and dry desert. Her uniqueness amongst all the candidate is what make her betrayal even more painful for those who respected or even supported her. Once it became clear that she would never get the nomination, not only did she not run as an independent (something which Hillary seems to fear a lot), she endorse Uncle Joe, the clearly senile, totally corrupt and generally repugnant frontman for the Clinton gang. This endorsement of Biden is something which she did not have to do, but she did it.
When the DNC stole the nomination from Sanders, he did not lead a protest or run as an independent, he endorsed Hillary. I always considered him a fraud for this (and many other) reason. Now Tulsi Gabbard is doing the same thing, which probably is a good indicator that the Democratic Party is evil and corrupt to the core, which is hardly big news, but which is dramatically confirmed by Gabbard profoundly immoral decision. Why do I say that? because Biden is the ultimate “anti-Gabbard”, she should have endorsed either Bernie, or even Trump, but instead she endorse a morally corrupt warmonger, a total pawn for the MIC.
At the end of the day, she mostly betrayed herself, and that is the saddest aspect of this debacle.
The AngloZionist Empire – as clueless as ever
I have forced myself to listen to the daily COVID19 briefings from the White House and I have to say that Trump’s constant flag-waving and self-worshiping is almost physically painful to watch. The worst parts of these briefings are when Trump, or Pompeo, speak about the US “leadership” as if the entire planet was desperately expecting the USA to help. It does not. In fact, most of the planet is disgusted by US action, be it the denial of vitally needed meds to countries like Iran or Venezuela, to the attempts are buying off German vaccines, to the mantric repetition about how great the US private sector is and how Amazon and Walmart will help us weather this crisis.
The truth is that this worldwide pandemic will allow us all to compare how different political systems, countries and cultures have reacted to the threat. In a year or so, we shall all know whether free-market capitalism and libertarianism compare with social-democracies, socialist and even communist countries fared when their population needed protection and assistance.
True, other countries have responded with truly amazing incompetence (including several EU countries), so the inability to protect its citizens is not a purely US problem, it really affects all the countries currently subjugated by the Empire.
Finally, it appears that the China-bashing strategic PSYOP has largely failed. Most fake-news about China were quickly and rapidly debunked, and even the legacy corporate ziomedia could not completely obfuscate the fact that China is, so far, the only country on our planet which defeated COVID19.
Will there be an “ideological lessons learned” once the crisis subsides? I sure hope so!
For the time being, the Empire does what it always does, it plans to deny even more civil rights to its own people which has true patriots like Ron Paul extremely worried. What else is new?
Capitalism with a human face?
Nope, that sure ain’t gonna happen this time around.
Serbia betrayed by Europe (again!) while Russia provides vital aid to Serbia and Italy
Serbia has been betrayed by the Europeans, again. This time around, the Europeans did not bomb Serbian civilians, they simply refused to sell the meds needed to respond to the crisis. President Aleksandar Vucic has now officially declared that the EU solidarity “exists only on paper“. He then openly appealed for China to help, and help China did – the Chinese send aircraft filled with much needed medical equipment and doctors. Then Russia followed suit and sent 10 heavy transporters fill with gear and specialists.
Even more amazing (and appalling) is the fact that the Empire does not even help its own subjects – in Italy, it was Russia again which organized a major air bridge (over 15 heavy transporters!) and now we see Russian Army units deployed in northern Italy to help the struggling Italians. Check out these short videos reports by the Russian military. You don’t need to understand Russian to see the size of the air-bridge the Russian Aerospace Forces have established or to how grateful the Italian officials are!
Also, check the excellent article by Andrei Martyanov about this “Russian invasion of Italy“.
I have to say that the Serbs have been fantastically naive to trust the very same people who bombed them, in total illegality, for 78 days, murdering scores of innocent civilians (including those murdered in the TV tour). For example, the Serbs could have considered how the EU has been lying to Turkey, for decades. But no, the Serbian elites now seem to think that they will be able to fill their pockets with lucrative contracts with the EU.
Hopefully, what these events have demonstrated shall not be forgotten when the next elections take place in Serbia.
That also goes for Italy.
And, finally,
The situation in northern Syria and Iraq
The situation in northern Syria and Iraq had developed pretty much as expected. So far, the Turks have been unable to re-take full control of the M4 highway. As a result of that failure, the joint Russian-Turkish patrols have not been able to move along the full length of the highway as spelled out in the agreement between Russia and Turkey. Clearly, Turkey lacks either the will, or the capability, or both, to remove the Takfiri forces from the M4 highway. So far, the Russians and Syrians have very kindly agreed to wait a little longer, but the recent visit of Russian Defense Minister Shoigu to Damascus clearly shows that big decisions are being worked on:
As for Iraq, the various Shia militias are doing exactly what everybody had predicted, they are executing limited but very disruptive strikes against US forces in Iraq. Here is a good infographic by the Institute for the Study of War which sums it up very nicely:
What we have hear is a small trickle of attacks which do not yield any major victory to the Iraqi forces, but which over time will tremendously demoralize US forces. Finally, such “death by a thousand cuts” strategy also will severely limit the operational capabilities of the US forces in Iraq: when you are mostly busy protecting yourself, you have less time to murder locals.
Still, sooner or later the Shias will have to step up their attacks because forcing the occupation forces to hunker down and actually kick them out of your country are two very different propositions. These small strikes are very useful, not only because they demoralize the enemy, but because by forcing him to stay inside fortified “secure” areas only makes them better targets for a bigger missile strike.
This is a very sound strategy against which the US forces have no good option, other than throwing in the towel and leaving, which they will have to do anyway (exact that they call it “declare victory and leave”, but its the exact same thing).
The Saker
Apparently the U.S. military is have trouble controlling the virus in its ranks, it soldiers are coming down with fevers, a 60 day quarentine period of no new soldiers in or out of any country is in effect, including the U.S.
This should hamper any U.S. aggression especially in Syria giving the domestic country’s the leg up they need to fight domestic terrorists, plate, meet overflow.
Alabama, do you really think that this coronavirus is going to stop US deep state military actions against the Syrian government? I wish you were ight, but I doubt it.
Just look at this article by Saker, he never expected Tulsi Gabbard to endorse the corrupt and demented Biden, he was wrong and many of us warned him about Tulsi being part of the system. The deep state will just keep doubling down no matter how futile or even when they’re in a no win situation: blowing Tulsi’s cover or shafting her credibility with independents or continuing to lose in Syria against Russia or the Syrian government is another example of this doubling down.
They had people with mundane analytical skills believing that Reagan was a good guy (when he was nothing but an agent to pour ideological and economic poison into the US). They had the same people convinced that Thatcher was a representative of freedom and liberty against stifling communists and socialists (when instead she was a thoroughly corrupt woman that could act like a stoic conservative, but who was so petty for money that evidence shows that she was on the payroll of the Saudis). They also fooled the same group of people that NATO was justfied in it war against Serbia (to stop Slobodan and his communist wife aka the “Red Witch”). We all know that that war another big lie designed to simply allow the EU/NATO to bite up and digest all the non Orthodox portions of Yugoslavia and render them to serf status. Notice how Serbia has been left out despite their corrupt politicians deep bows and grovelling at the feet of the EU.
Now these same group of western liberal deep state propagandists will have us believe that China is trying to supplant the US, when anyone with any common sense can see China is not capable of doing so, certainly this pandemic has proven that. Unfortunately, many foolishly are hoping it’s true or allowed themselves to believe it. The MiC always needs their bogeyman and the chinese leadership foolishly, due to reasons of ego and insecurities, took the bait to directly confront the US and threaten supplies while Putin wisely skirted the same attempt on provoking Russia into a direct confrontational retort to become the MiC’s required bogeyman.
This virus isn’t going to stop the US deep state and banking establishment from continuing to maintain their path: the $6Trillion stimulus package just shows how far they’re willing to go.
Germany is not only blocking sales of medical supplies for Serbia, it is also stealing thousands of health professionals from Serbia further damaging its health system and economy after bombing even hospitals in 1999.
It may have been two days ago, that I read an article talking about Germany intercepting and stealing surplus masks sent by Czech Republic to Italy.
Hey Saker,
I had a feeling you would talk about Tulsi in your post. Well, here’s a little information which was shared by Tulsi’s brother on Facebook. Tulsi *tried* to endorse Bernie but he REJECTED her endorsement and basically told her not to endorse him. I guess she could have endorsed him anyway, but she chose to respect his wishes. That didn’t leave anyone for her to endorse other than Biden. She probably felt that she had no choice, since she’s trying to be re-elected to Congress.
Here is her brother’s exact comment: “Thank you for your kind words sir,” the comment reads. “Bernie has treated my sister like sh*t all the way through this. She has tried to endorse him again and he has refused her support. Whoever he’s getting his advice from has done a terrible job.”
“You go ahead keep talking about however you want, but know this,” the comment continues. “She is just going to continue being independent and keep fighting for us. Bernie isn’t the man me and Tulsi once supported 100 percent. I don’t know what happened to him. He’s refused to take the fight to the establishment like Tulsi continues to do.”
source: https://nationalfile.com/report-bernie-refused-tulsis-endorsement-brother-claims-he-treated-her-like-shit/
I would personally imagine that Tulsi probably felt betrayed by Bernie. His refusal to be endorsed by her was a total scumbag move that didn’t leave her with many options. Perhaps she felt like Biden was the only other option, or maybe she was pissed off and decided to go ahead and endorse Biden since Bernie screwed her over..
Anyway, I’ll leave you to be the judge of that, but I just wanted to share this information with you. I don’t think it’s as black and white as it seems. Either way, Bernie is a total scumbag who stabbed Tulsi in the back and put her in a difficult position when it came time for her to (inevitably) pull out of the race. Shame on him. I feel bad for anyone who ever thought that Bernie was authentic.
So if she endorsed no-one then she’d have broken a DNC rule that could’ve sabotaged her candidacy in Congress?
Bernie is a disappointment, but maybe rumours from 2016 are true – the DNC or oligarchic interests behind it threaten his family if he were to succeed. So he can push his views, just not win the nomination or presidency.
Maybe he was leant upon by the Deep State oligarchy that he must never team up with Tulsi? The Powers That Be feared such a combination.
Peter fromOz
“Maybe he was leant upon by the Deep State oligarchy that he must never team up with Tulsi? The Powers That Be feared such a combination.”
There was a thing in Counterpunch at the time(previous election) which detailed how his wife could be leant on over something that happened at the college where she worked. I’ll never find it again.
Bernie has shown one of his multiple faces already in 1999 when he, as a self-proclaimed progressive socialist, voted to bomb Serbia and Crna Gora ( part of what remained after destroyed Yugoslavia), a country which had a record of being among the most progressive and socialist in the world at the time. Perhaps there is some Karma in 2nd Bernie’s self-destruction.
Regards, Spiral
U just can’t let the Serbian bombing go can you spiral. I understand. Tulsa didn’t commit an act of betrayal. She is a half way decent politician who actually says intelligent and meaningful things when she speaks. That is better then 90% of Amerikan politicians. What she did was an act of self preservation. If she didn’t endorse who the DNC decided was nominee (Biden) then they would do everything in their power to totally discredit and destroy her career. The DNC works for Wall Street and big finance nobody else. I hope Bernie runs as an independent and totally blows the Party up because it has become useless. Now they are still far better then the GOP not much but better. After this last theft I hope the Party blows up with Bernie supporters creating a viable 3rd party. I still think Gabbard is a decent person and wouldn’t want to lose her input in Congress. The world is not black and white, good vs evil it’s a messy collage sometime people have to get in where they fit in. I remember in 2016 the majority of this site was stumping hard for Trump and of course walked it back when it became clear he was what he always has been; a con man. We are now worse off then ever before and possibly on the verge of total civic collapse. We can’t know yet only speculate. My advice to everyone is don’t trap yourself in a bubble do as much research as you can. You hear a interesting or provocative piece of news, look around see if any other outlets corroborate what you heard. So few people in the U.S. do this nowadays it’s created an environment where nothing is a fact people will debate whether the sky is blue. That’s just my humble opinion.
She may say intelligent and meaningful things, but decent politician she is not, if she doesn’t stand behind those intelligent and meaningful things she says!Words are cheap!And if you are disappointed in someone, you don’t endorse someone else, just because of it!
She supports abortion.
That’s all you need to know about how much she values anyone’s lives.
She’s a mass-murderer just like the rest of them.
Abortion is not important…we have bigger fish to fry …Religions are all HATED by GOD-take that to the bank!
Why is it necessary to endorse any candidate?
Could she not have stayed quiet?
When it comes to Tulsi Gabbard, I wrote a number of times that she was a major in the US military and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. I expressed my personal opinion that she was a replacement for Hillary, using Donald Trumps tactics of appealing to the working man in the US. She received some public support, but apparently not enough. She drops out of the presidential race and ends up supporting Joe Biden. What a ‘big’ surprise. This is additional proof to what extend most American politicians are remote controlled by the elite.
When it comes to Serbia, I don’t think the word “naive” can be used. Most people in the country have given up on the EU. The only ones who have not are the Serbian ‘Europeans’, the Serbian version of Western liberals. However, their popularity is falling, even among the young people. This latest gesture of the EU, refusing to provide the necessary medications and equipment, has been an eye opener. It just reminded the people of what happened in 1999, when NATO bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). It also strengthened the position of President Aleksandar Vucic (Alexander Vuchich), not to mention the popularity of Russia and China.
Can anyone recommend a non-Borg history of the Serbian operation in English?
Saker wrote this long post about Srebrenica about 5 years ago .. it is a good starting point … mod
Yes. I propose you read the following two articles written by Stephen Lendman, the well known analyst:
The so called “genocide” of Srebrenica is a myth, as not a single woman or child was killed. The monument in Srebrenica is a gigantic piece of fraud. More than 8.000 names are listed. The Serbian authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina ascertained that of the 8.000 + names, at least 6.000 pertain to people who either never existed, or who are very much alive.
“… I wrote a number of times that she was a major in the US military…”
To be more precise, a medic. Someone who saves lives rather than taking them.
Tom Walsh
A medic who is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations ? A little bit strange, don’t you think ?
Photos of her show her wearing Military Police brass, crossed pistols.
There is nothing wrong with being pragmatic. She has obviously turned against the MIC interests. Just because she was once upon a time a member of the CFR does not mean she is some evil illuminati-connected witch. For crying out loud. Also, how crude of you to compare her to Hillary… Tulsi is in a league of her own compared to that satanist.
no anon, she is not.
She is a cfr vetted and approved imperial politician, iow she is in the rentier class and an enemy off mankind.
No politician in the west is independent and/or on the side off the people, this you can observe with your own eyes if you bother to read/see what they do instead of what they say.(From their fruits ye shall know them)
This worship and blind faith in the system is the thing that holds humanity captured in this rotten usury system.
TINA is a lie and only by watering the tree of patriotism and humanism with their blood will free us, this is proven trough history again and again.
To actually believe a billionaire, millionaire or politician is on our side is pure cognitive dissonans.
When Tulsi began her presidential campaign, her name was still on the Roster of the Council on Foreign Relations. It was removed only after people noticed this. And yes, I do believe she was a replacement for Hillary. She drops out of the race and whom does she endorse ?
Say what you want, but Tulsi is legit. I suggest you watch the videos she has posted about Covid-19 and the bill they have passed through Congress. You can clearly tell that her compassion, caring, love, and understanding for her fellow humans is very, very real. And that’s why the powers that be hate her. So say what you want, but those of us who still have a heart will always know the truth.
Tulsi could and should have, at that point, distanced herself from the DNC and thrown her hat into the race for Congress in her district as an Independent. Bernie himself, remember, has nominally held his seat as an Independent all these years. Assuming Tulsi has enough credibility in her district to be able to carry it as an Independent, that would have been her cleanest path forward. If she cannot carry her district as an Independent, she needs to find another line of work. I say this as someone who had high hopes for the influence her candidacy was bringing to public discourse. She fouled her nest by endorsing Biden, in my opinion.
Please don’t underestimate the difficulty (actually the near impossibility) of running for major office in the USA while continuing to behave morally.
Any would-be candidate has to establish priorities right at the start. If the only priority is to behave morally, the only option is not to seek office.
It has always been true that “politics is the art of the possible”; and perhaps more so in today’s USA than anywhere else. That means steering a middle course between sheer amoral cynicism – a characteristic that distinguishes all the winners down through history – and the maximum of moral behaviour that’s compatible with avoiding political suicide.
My guess is that Mr Sanders refused Major Gabbard’s endorsement because he felt it would hurt his chances. She has been branded as a Russian apologist, and that will rub off on anyone associated with her.
Hey, it’s just struck me: there is the answer staring us in the face all along! She is endorsing Biden because that will hurt him!
What you are asking her to do would most likely cost her her seat at Congress. You lose a ton of financial and political support when you just decide to go independent like that. Most of Hawaii is heavily democratic leaning. You’re basically asking her to throw everything away and get nothing in return, and then she won’t be able to help anyone as a normal citizen, she won’t even have a vote at Congress. All so that she can satisfy your personal Ego. That is not how the world works… You need to be in a position of strength to fight evil, you can’t fight it from a position of weakness. All you people judging and talking about what she should have done.. none of you are thinking strategically. She did what she had to do to keep surviving and maintain her position so that she can continue to fight for all of us. Jesus. Utterly ridiculous how so many, with no real idea of what it’s actually like to be in her shoes, think that she should cater to their every whim. Luckily God gave us free will for a reason.
Dude, it’s the “United States of All insanity”, don’t expect any outcome that will benefit the 99%
I thought I read that she wasn’t seeking re-election to Congress to focus on her (don’t laugh) Presidential run. I could be wrong.
Haven’t seen it commented on, except maybe by EJ Magnier, but the nomination of a suspected CIA stooge Adnan al-Zurfi to the post of Iraqi PM has to be one of the better tactical “twists” of the Iraqi anti-American opposition. He has not yet been approved by the Iraqi Parliament but if al-Zurfi is approved, then anything that happens will be blamed on the Americans. I can’t see the Agency running “popular street demonstrations” like they did last fall, with their man in the PM position. Was wondering if anyone else might have interpreted events this way? I could picture him hanging on to a rung of the last helicopter leaving from the roof of the U.S. Embassy.
This is an excellent analysis, on all points. I have to agree with all of your assesments.
I hope that you and your loved ones are, and remain, well.
Thank You.
Tonight’s report from Baghdad: three rockets hit the Green Zone, not close to the embassy.
Just a nightly reminder that there are a thousand rockets to come, and no one has forgotten General Soleimani.
Iraq is the US lynchpin in the Middle East conflict zone. It looks like the challenge to drive the US out of the ME as an occupying force will be decided in Iraq. Shorter logistics for Iran to supply militias.
And Iraqi Shiite militias are part of the national military.
So, the irony is sweet to watch, however bitter for the Hegemon. The US will be defeated by a military it developed and trained. Initially it will look like only an Iranian force, but it will be an integral national force that drives the US out.
Once the US is really under siege in Iraq, then the Syrians can begin their drive to reclaim their oil wells and fields in the East. The US will have no option, unless they want a very wide war with lots of casualties, but to abandon Syria.
This may take into 2021. There is no optional outcome. The fate in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan is on a fast track to end in three defeats for the Americans.
All true, however there is an observation which might be initially overlooked. Nobody is taking into consideration the Iraqi nation’s official armed forces (by which I mean the internationally and UN recognized military of the Iraqi nation), which officially includes all of the People’s Militia groups. These dudes actually do have radars, aircraft (mid range fighter/bomber) F-16? (not entirely sure on compliment size/strength), modern (T-90, export) medium battle tanks (batallion sized, several), joint operations centers and intelligence coordination nodes with not only western, but eastern eurasian powers. The Eastern Alliance clearly does not, and will not, oppose whatever decision they come to regarding ‘the Americans’ occupying their country.
I wrote: And Iraqi Shiite militias are part of the national military.
You wrote: Nobody is taking into consideration the Iraqi nation’s official armed forces (by which I mean the internationally and UN recognized military of the Iraqi nation), which officially includes all of the People’s Militia groups.
I hope you didn’t mean to include me in the “Nobody” you address.
There are more than 40 Shiite-dominate Popular Mobilization Forces, or Popular Mobilization Units. They have enormous hard battle experience, significantly the spearhead that attacked the massive rings of defenses of Mosul. The US knows their capabilities. And the CENTCOM will rue the day they killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, alongside General Soleimani.
True, and I apologize, I did not mean to insinuate that you had overlooked the fact that PMU is an official part of the Iraqi military.
Also, you are right when you say that CENTCOM will rue the day that they commited these murders. I am sure that they will.
I wish the saker swallows his pride and admits he was wrong about Tulsi. I understand that he highlighted her previous antiwar statements, just to spread them. This is part of the information war he is engaged in. But, the negative side effect is that ppl start to put hope in Tulsi. And no real solution is discussed or sought. That’s why I fought against PCR articles, and Tulsi articles, because you reach a point were it is just too much and contra-productive.
Maybe the saker will find a better way to distance himself away from personalities but still be able to spread their ideas/statements.
We all invest a penny in these “leaders and candidates”.
All we have is hope, and penny’s worth of hope in the beginning is better than nothing.
Trump was this way. We knew Hillary was poison. We hoped Trump would not be as bad.
Tulsi was the only one to hope for. A very long shot.
She seemed to have a spine.
So, Saker lost his penny.
As did a lot of others who tossed a penny her way.
What alternative is there for a penny’s worth of hope?
Do you want Biden as stalking horse for Clinton/Obama or Trump again?
My penny is on Trump. But I have no illusions he’s worth two cents worth of hope. (an Italian film in the early ’50’s, in Italian: “Due soldi di speranza”.
The film was scored by Nino Rota, later very famous for the Godfather Trilogy music, but more importantly in the world of cinema for Fellini’s musical scores.
But I digress . . .
The very fact that the presidential contest lies between mr Trump and Mr Biden is sufficient proof that the president of the USA has very little power or control over events.
If he did, no one would allow such incompetent, clapped-out old buffoons to hold the office.
“The purpose of the Office of the President is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it”.
– Douglas Adams
Nobody is all good or all bad. And I suspect that it is virtually impossible for anyone who grew up and has lived in the USA to have an impartial view of world affairs.
there could be an ulterior motive in Tulsi’s thinking. many people -democrats- will feel very disturbed and so will vote for trump in this way she underhands supports trump without outwardly supporting him just speculating
as an independent she has no chance next time will be her moment
This question is directed to Saker specifically but of course I would appreciate the opinions of all others on this forum. My question is if it is discovered that the coronavirus is in fact a biological attack would Putin and/or Xi have the guts to proclaim to the world that it was indeed so and name who done it? Or would it all be hushed up so as to prevent a conflict with unimaginable consequences?
I am counting on Russia and China to bring in a new era for the world but all I see is diplomatic rambling that seems never ending while world-wide injustices continue. Isn’t it time now that the cards are now laid flat on the table for the whole world to see once and for all.
The Chinese lockdown is analog to burning Moscow down before Napoleon reaches it. Self-inflicted pain that will hurt/destroy the enemy more. It is a pre-calculated step-back before making a bigger thrust forwards. Moscow plays along with China. The oil war with Saudi Arabia is part of it. Suffer lower oil prices to destroy US shale fracking.
Double helix and all.
A really astute, thoughtful, thought-awakening and history-consious insight, tavarish RATM!
Mr Makedonia The leaders of China & Russia are grown men.They wont point finger’s at other leaders as a matter of “protocol”. Understanding this epidemic requires common sense and an impartial mind. Let us assume Covid 19 to be an experiment. For now let us leave the question of its originator (natural or artificial) . At best we can arrive at a reasonable estimation as opposed to full understanding of this ongoing experiment.
We shall start by information gathering. We shall arbitrarily divide the information into macro & micro aspects of the epidemic. We shall raise some points to guide us in our endeavor. Let us consider the following :- (a)What is at stake? (b)What / who are the various stakeholders involved (variables)? (c) How do various stakeholders interact ? (d) What constitutes, gain, loss & cost for stakeholders as in individually and collectively ? (e) What are the possible outcomes? (f) It has to borne in mind that, we are dealing with a process (ongoing activity), that is bound by time factor and human well being is the subject.
The micro (scientific) aspect has to simultaneously looked at as well.Here we start with the Antigen (virus) itself. We look at its method of attack and progression in the host. We look at the mutations. We look transfer from host to host (i,e epidemic). We look at various treatments (effects & side-effects) .Impact on families, societies , etc. The Idea is to consider all the known scientific knowledge about the disease.
Having the macro & micro in place we can now consider the historical body of information available in the world about past epidemic for guidance. I personally think that in modern times AIDS is a prototype model of all subsequent epidemics. The pattern is this;- (i) low key starting at a one geographic area (ii) sudden unexplained sharp rise (exponential) at a different location ,(iii) Pseudoscience pushed by Politicians ,so called ‘expects’ & media, (iv) Pseudo-statistics pushed by W.H.O, (v) Mass panic and inevitable surrender by society, (vi) Big Pharma steps in to provide solution, accompanied by new drugs , new equipment, new terminologies & a certain new way of doing things is imposed on society (liberties lost).
Finally we have to consider the dominant powers that currently rule the world. The most prominent is called “Corporate interest”. This power always emerge victorious at the end any epidemic.
Interesting insight Daniel. Much appreciated
I don’t know whether the twit of the Italian Luca Rigoni has been noticed:
“Finalmente sono arrivati i militari russi. Un altro centinaio di mezzi per attraversare una nazione spettrale, e i cavalli cossachi si abbevereanno in una San Pietro vuota. Sono momenti (“The Russian military has finally arrived. Another hundred vehicles to cross a ghostly nation, and the Cossack horses will water in an empty San Pietro. These are moments).
I immediately remembered the famous phrase of the French Catholic writer Leon Bloy: “Quant à moi, j’attends les Cosaques et le Saint-Esprit ! Tout le reste n’est qu’ordure (“As for me, I am waiting for the Cossacks and the Holy Spirit! Everything else is trash”).
Would we see the Cossacks watering again their horses in the Seine?
A fine comment – on an equally refined comment.
Unfortunately, high culture is being erase in Europe…
It has begun:
In Alcalá del Valle, Spain the locals threw stones @ ambulances that were transferring corona elderly patients.
It on: the pitchforks are coming out. You can keep ppl only for so long under arrest before they snap. And snap they did.
Don’t blame Tulsi. She had to do what she did for re-election purposes. At the end of the day it’s more about the party than anything else. If she hadn’t, you’d never her from her again. No news interviews, no articles from her or about her and probably never get re-elected. As if she never existed. Political parties have the capability of doing just that.
Jose Garcia
” Political parties have the capability of doing just that.”
Which is why the Democrats are a waste of your time.
Ballot access, third party.
Jose Garcia
She isn’t running for re-election in Congress. She gave up her political career.
The next time you hear from her will be on a podcast singing with her husband.
She made herself unelectable even as a third party outlier or write-in.
Tulsi Gabbard is what we can call “flash in the pan”. Sparkling eyes, charming deep voice, seductive affect, but gone, like a spark.
You cannot win a national election with one issue as narrowly presented as “no more regime change wars”.
She was the Ralph Nader of “special ops foreign wars”.
Do yourself a favor and forget her as a player or voice in politics.
She’ll be running an Air B & B in the future.
Tulsi made herself an ‘*’ in political history.
Larchmonter, my friend and comrade. Best comment of the day, and a truth laced nutshell.
However, my fear, actually not much of a fear, more like a tiny distant alarm bell ringing in the back regions of my cranial vacuum, is Biden is basically walking dead, which is true, so kankles, aka Hillary Diane Rodham, will be his vice prez running mate and, God forbid, if they win she will be prez by June of next year if not before.
Thank you, sir.
– Poland refused to allow Russian aid for Italy to fly over its territory. Google translate:
The expert of the Polish “Center for Oriental Studies” Andrzej Wilk indirectly confirmed the version that Poland was the one that did not allow military transport aircraft IL-76 of the Russian air force to reach Italy faster and easier, forcing them to fly across the Black Sea and the Balkans .
Recall, earlier in the blogosphere, footage from a page tracking Flyradar24 routes was distributed, showing that the Russian IL-76s do not fly directly to Italy, but make an impressive “bypass”. Bloggers suggest that Poland has closed the air corridor for Russian planes. There is no official confirmation of this version to this day, but the day before the chief internal security expert in Eastern Europe from the Polish “Center for Oriental Studies” Andrzej Wilk made a statement suggesting that Warsaw banned Russian planes from flying over Polish national territory. …
– Czech Republic stole hundreds of thousands of masks and thousands of respirators, which China sent to Italy as humanitarian aid. Google translate:
…Unexpectedly, without any resistance or debate, the EU has re-divided itself into separate countries, each of which has begun to decide how to deal with the epidemic, which must be combated despite all the “unlimited” European principles. However, although it was covered up in the media, the Italians could not remain silent on the big scandal.
Italy has over fifty thousand infected, and the epidemic has not yet reached its peak and the country is almost collapsing. There are less than a thousand of them in the Czech Republic. China sends humanitarian aid to Italy. It is about 680 thousand masks and respirators needed by the Italians as air or bread. The cargo passes through the Czech Republic and what’s going on? Is is shamelessly stripped. Czechs need it too. Or they will need it.
Italian newspaper La Republica said helplessly that this was “a very serious case of a lack of solidarity in European politics”. But to be honest, it’s just plain robbery. Like jackals….
It might have gone under the radar if the “robbery” had not been confirmed by Lukas Lev Cervinko, a member of the opposition Pirate Party, but in power at the Prague City Hall. But it is alleged that local authorities arbitrarily seized a huge load of 110,000 masks, while Italians speak of 680,000 and thousands of respirators sent by China to help Italy. The Czech has reportedly pledged to return 110 thousand masks, according to an Italian newspaper. And another half a million and respirators? Be that as it may, this is an unprecedented scandal.
Then, you must be informed also about Czech sending Italy for the first two weeks all the mask from stock they had. Also you should be informed that Germany stoled a mask transport to Czech Rep beffore they decide to take one from China. Big picture
And they’re vindicated. Now they stole back the masks they had already sent to Italy in the first few weeks.
Hard to believe, but Russia’s aid to Italy went (and still go) unnoticed by most MSM. Exception ‘La Stampa’ which said that “Eighty percent of Russian supplies are totally useless or of little use to Italy. In short, this is little more than a pretext… La Stampa’s sources claimed that Putin is pursuing geopolitical and diplomatic opportunities with the aid package dubbed “From Russia With Love,” while Conte accepted the aid in order to secure a good personal relationship with Moscow”.
“The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard”
Better: The scripted betrayal of Tulsi Gabbert. Mafia assets – all A-list actors, musician, lawyers, virologist, politicians, religious figures, and so on – are under lifelong ‘house arrest’. The Mafia makes it an essential ritual not only to put them on the pedestal, from where they perform their rehearsed and scripted tasks, but tearing them down – often, in the most brutal and shocking fashion. Tulsi was forced to back Joe Biden. She is forever compromised and soul-broken now, and thus a potential vehicle for one or the other future Mafia missions.
“When a hero lets you down, the betrayal lasts forever”.
When Gabbard endorsed Biden, ironically this was the person I was thinking of: Richard Goldstone, whose betrayal was far more severe, but a total shock to the system. With both cases, it felt like something had died within me. Both fought the good fight but at the end both made the capitulate. Unlike Goldstone though, who was either blackmailed or under a great deal of pressure, Gabbard’s betrayal reeks of political opportunism and that hurts much more.
The only positive thing out of this is both Goldstone and Gabbard will be remembered for their weakness and their lack of integrity and legitmacy. Their places in history are forever sealed.
Julian Assange will be remembered for his integrity, but even with his failing health and an outbreak of CV in Belmarsh prison, the judge refused his request for bail. He will be remembered, I fear, as a martyr.
Don’t be too hard on Tulsi. Waking up with bloody horse head in your bed can be rather traumatic.she has family to protect.
Then she should have stayed out of politics. Its as simple as that.
Yeah cause when reforming politics becomes your main goal, who cant use a few moore political bloody horse heads in your beds.
As for Serbia’s quisling-in-charge aka President Vucic, the very same day he dramatised in front of cameras he had a video conference with crazy Merkel of Deutschland after which he again started to spew EU bile in the form of false EU solidarity and other BS. So his sobriety lasted a couple of hours only. It is also worth mentioning that Russia has been helping Serbia well before China ever got involved. In fact Russia has its emergency centre in Nis, southern Serbia. It is worth mentioning that President Vucic with his group of gender fluids and with an open lesbian (I have nothing against normal gays but she is an open Soros and CIA asset) as Prime Minister, refuse to grant diplomatic status to the Russians manning this emergency centre in Nis. NATO got not only that through the MAP and IPAP agreements, but NATO is an official adviser of, listen to this, “privatisation of Serbia’s economic assets”. Imagine that! That pretty much means that only NATO countries are allowed to snap up (and run into ground) factories that have managed to stay afloat during 30 decades of NATO aggression on Serbs everywhere. Serbia’s economy is based on the neo-liberal model. Thousands of employees are being laid off as we speak with little or no safety net as the bosses from the Western Europe and the US withdraw the liquidity in order to be able to meet obligations in their economies. This crisis will mark the end of this model not only in Serbia, but elsewhere too. But first there is going to be a lot of suffering everywhere.
We should judge the man based on what he does, not his personality. While his economic policy is, to put it mildly, devastating for the country (and his internal policies in general) the way he built a friendship with the Chinese is to be commended. Let’s hope the partnership with China will continue after this crisis and that it won’t be the same old Eurofanatical story as before.
well the matrix is breaking down,somethings are not being told,they won’t ever lockdown the globe &employ helicopter $, unless there is something BIG on the way, which the central controllers are engineering or they are not able to stop.
moneychangers comes to mind ,and also empires which have overextended their tentacles ,what goes around comes around ,that the ultimate universal law.Even the moneychangers good book says ,”the poor will inherit the world”who are the poor?-africans,asians,syrians,libyians,iranians,cubans,serbians,ukies,iraqis,afghanistans,mexicans,south americans,palestinians,yemenis…but not definitely the anglo saxon neocons,saudis and their useful cretins.
like the cherokee says,”make peace with your enemies, hug whom you are with, ensure the place where you draw the your water from the stream is safe, plant your food and not hunt what is not yours”,”there are two wolves in you, black and white the one you feed will rule you”….not yet ,not yet, but very near.
Jesus Christ said “the meek will inherit the earth,” and Jesus opposed the money changers, one of the reasons He was put to death.
I wonder about Tulsi’s volte face. She had absolutely nothing to gain so why should she fall in line behind Biden, of all people! Could it be that pressures were put on her by persons unknown? Although I think we can make an educated guess at who these might be. Maybe went she writes her memoirs we shall know, if she is still around by then.
She might have something to gain after all. You scratch my back now, and I’ll scratch yours later. She’s young, promising with not much chance of winning the nomination. If she plays along, then some day, she may get the endorsement of the political elites she’s still, yes she is still, a part of. As I said, she might.
The current Serbian elites (and some segments of the population) have always sincerely believed that joining the European Union will somehow open the gates of Heaven and that they will suddenly become awash in lucrative jobs. It is particularly irksome to talk with people who believe in this delusion, because they are fanatic in their conviction and refuse to engage in any sort of reasoned conversation.
Will some of these Euro-fanatics become disillusioned with the EU after they refused to send aid? I honestly doubt that a majority of them will change their beliefs overnight. It will take many more such betrayals by the EU for their to be a significant change in their convictions.
Saker, this time I must take a little exception to you about the reality of what happened to Serbia. I in no way understand or agree with the current leadership in Serbia and their quest for NATO membership, I can not fathom such foolishness, but then many things in this day and age make no sense.
The NATO attack against Serbia was supposedly to save Kosovo from ‘ethnic cleansing’ Reality is the Serb government would not do what CehSha and Brussels demanded. When the dust settled, over 200,000 ethnic Serbs had to leave Kosovo. I have no estimate of the casualties in that trek but they were substantial, the smallest estimate I have seen and/or heard is 10-15%.
The attack, ‘Operation Noble Anvil’, commenced 24 March, 1999 and lasted for 79 days. NATO aircraft delivered well over 2,000 attacks against almost 1,000 Serb ‘targets’. 27,000 tons of ordinance were expended in these attacks including missiles, bombs and other ordinance including cluster bombs and missiles and depleted uranium ordinance. NATO’s aircraft losses were 6 choppers and 9 aircraft including an F-117 ‘stealth’ fighter, the 117 shot down by a 35 year old Soviet air defense system.
The targets included, in addition to ‘military’ targets, over 21,000 civilian structures including many private houses and flats buildings in addition to infrastructure. Over 500 kilometers of roads were interdicted with in excess of 400 civilian bridges destroyed, over 600 kilometers of railways interdicted including the infamous, read war crime, bombing of a patently civilian train crossing a bridge. Every aerodrome large and small was attacked. Over 50 health structures including civilian hospitals and clinics were bombed. Well in excess of 110 education facilities, schools and kindergartens, universities and other educational centers, were bombed and destroyed. Civilian infrastructure, read water purification plants, electric generation and supply and waste treatment plants, received special attention and were mauled.
While the exact total will never be known, the figure of civilian deaths is in excess of 6,700 dead and in excess of 14,500 civilian wounded. Military casualties were in excess of 1,000 dead and missing with in excess of 2,500 wounded, a bit more than ‘scores’.
So here we are today and nato and eu are in essence telling Serbia ‘let’s let bygones be bygones and by the by, screw you, we won’t give you any help on the virus mess we created’. An estimate of the mental capacities of eu, nato and Serb ‘government’ functionaries rivals that of a single amoeba crawling through protozoan slime.
Never The Last One, a novel of Spetznaz. ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK
An Incident On Simonka. ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU NATO is invited to leave Sevastopol
My friend, Auslander,
You punch hard and crisp with your comment, loaded with the bloody, tragic facts.
It is perplexing to see any Serb leader considering associating his nation with NATO. Especially, that today, the Russian Federation is prepared for insertion of some geopolitical brotherhood in the national psyche. This was not possible in 1999. Though Serbia is landlocked and facing the largest US base in the world in Kosovo, Putin and the Russian Military have shown in Syria and Italy (as well, as Saker reported, in Serbia most recently) that the airlift capabilities of the Russian Aerospace is second to none. Help is a phone call away.
Larchmonter, my comrade,
Russia had not the strength in ’99 that she has today. I will only say that Serbia was for me and many, very many, of my comrades was an epiphany although the handwriting was on the wall a decade before.
EU is a lost cause at this time, but this disaster may also be a turning point of major proportions. It won’t happen overnight by any stretch of the imagination, but the not so very solid foundations of ‘eu’ are shaking, however little it may be at this moment. Never forget, even an avalanche starts with but one flake of snow.
Aus, while you are totally correct, Russian take over the airport was a jaw dropping event which totally shocked nato as they did not expect Eltsin to make any moves, yet he did. This was probably the only good thing he did during his days.
Also, just because some people speak Serbian does not make them Serbs, just saying. Just like it was said in the comment below, Balkans are full of those.
Thank you mentioning this sad anniversary of 24 March 1999.
NATO won that war. They replaced our ruling clique with a colour revolution. In spite of the bombs, sanctions and subversive infiltrations our capitualtion is not complete, but it’s hanging by a thread.
Trust in Russia is going to take time as many see what happened in 1999 as a betrayal, but here is an opportunity right now. The chokehold of the EU has loosened, due to their complete abdication of their role in this virus crisis. Russia and China have now stepped in and taken the initiative. They have sent in their supplies and their experts and Vucic, thankfully, is listening to them.
I wonder how long it will take for him to understand on which side our collective bread is buttered…
Auslander, it is not so much the mental capacity of our leaders, but rather their moral fibre that worries me.
My dear lady, Russia at that time was on the ropes, a shadow of what she once was, and nato/us knew this. I do remember when the Russians took the aerodrome under the very noses of the Americans, and even then the Americans would not fight the Russians, let alone today. The Russian soldiers did not leave, they were ordered out by the doddering and drunk old fools in power in Moskau at that time.
President Putin has incredible patience plus a talent for both national and international relations. He knows it is but a matter of time before your country and mine welcome each other again with a warm embrace.
Here is something for both you and B.F., a small apology and hope things continue to improve between our two countries.
With kindest regards
Yes the Pristina airport, that was some incident. NATO was scared of Russia even back then.
I know this song. Thank you very much Auslander!
Yes, it was Pristina aerodrome. It’s a bit humorous to watch the Americans driving up and finding Russians blocking the road.
My pleasure on the song, I know that one too.
@ Ѕеrbian girl
… ” nato won that war … ” …
No. Nato did not win that war.
Altough nato gave their maximum effort to enter kosmet from south , from albania , they could not pass. Serbian defence was too strong for them.
Nato wanted to conquer kosmet with their soldiers , but failed miseràbly.
If they achieved infantry overtake over kosmet , they would set other rules.
When nato realised they could not win with infantry units they activated spies network. Cia and mi6 had plenty of spies infiltrated in highest army and police generals , among politicians , positions of milosevic ” advisers “. Advisers_enemies.
And those generals , cia and mi6 spies strongly advised milosevic to cancel defence and ask for negotiations for truce. And then serbian army left kosmet as winner.
But , unfortunately , later , nato activated another network of their cia and mi6 spies among government team , all those trained by soros , and they accepted and performed capitulation of serbia in form of privatisations , mmf orders , destruction of native bank system , destruction of industry… and so on ,
All and everything by the book of colonisation of resources countries.
So nato won with use of spy network , effects they could not achieve with soldiers.
But it was not military victory. As war won by army. Just effect of traitors.
@ Larchmonter445
… ” … largest us base in world in kosmet ” …
That base is very large , but now it is almost empty. Several hundred personnel.
Only psyop operation teams that observe political and economical situation. Teams to coordinate work of nato spies in serbia. Teams to post troll texts in various blogs , to increaese confusion ,…
But , when usa years ago built that base , on serbian land , without asking , without paying for land use , they had earlier war plans for it. Geoplolitical position plans.
From this base usa can control south of europe , and from another above , north.
So , from those two bases all teritory of europe is miltarily covered and controled.
And then , rusian introduction oh hiper sonic warheads , zykron , avangard , and position of that base became useless. And pentagon realised it. So base is almost empty. Except those intelligence teams.
Name of that serbian teritory is not kosovo. Name is shortened and modified to cover fact that large part of those land belong to serbian church. Not serbian government. That is content of other part ” met ” . Metohija. Land of church.
Present puppet serbian governmet would gladly give kosmet to albanians (shiptars)
but how to give land that is church land , not government land ?
Serbian Church has papers declaring them as owners. Present from ancient serbian kings , and counts and dukes , and churches built on those lands as gifts.
What if in some day italian government decide to sell vatican city ? But vatican has ownerhip papers ! Private land inside territory of italy. Complicated to sell…
My compliments on your comment. I would like to add the following, including a few corrections:
The NATO campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) had a double motive. First of all, we had the question of geopolitics, NATO establishing it’s presence in south-eastern Europe, in the Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija. This was in par with NATO’s strategy of encircling Russia. The second motive was good old fashioned plundering, as Kosovo and Metohija is one of the richest provinces in Europe when it comes to raw materials, which are now plundered by Western corporations. After 2001, a third motive ensued. The Province was used as a conduit for the shipment of Afghan heroin into Western Europe via the US military base in Camp Bondsteel. The Province, now known as “The Republic of Kosova”, is run by the Albanian narco-mafia. This so-called “republic” is the first narco-state in Europe.
When it came to NATO’s air campaign, it was a tactical disaster, NATO grossly overestimating it’s efficiency and military technology. The Serbs shot down 137 NATO aircraft and 25 helicopters, including one F-117 stealth bomber (shown on TV) and one B-2 stealth bomber (never shown on TV). The US Air Force always denied it lost a B-2 over Serbia. However, the name of the downed B-2 was “Spirit of Missouri”. The US Air Force claimed it crashed in the US due to “technical” problems. Laughable.
What was even worse for NATO was the fact that it’s air campaign was observed by Russian intelligence officers, who were given a free show of NATO’s “capabilities”. In fact they received priceless intelligence data, bearing in mind the Serbs shot down an F-117 and a B-2 using old Russian radar and relatively old Russian missile systems. By the end of the air campaign, only Turkish and American pilots were flying, the others having given up. This too was noted by the Russians.
To this day there is great controversy in Serbia why President Milosevic gave up, bearing in mind most NATO countries retired from the air campaign. The general consensus is that had President Milosevic stayed on course, then NATO would have given up entirely. However, one point needs to be clarified. When the air campaign began, NATO demanded that Serbia relinquish Kosovo and Metohija. The Serbs refused. When the air campaign finished, NATO withdrew it’s demand that Serbia relinquish Kosovo and Metohija, the demand being transformed into a demand that the Yugoslav (ie.Serbian) military withdraw from Kosovo and Metohija. The UN never recognized the independence of the so-called “Republic of Kosovo”. In fact, Serbian diplomacy has been very successful. So far 18 countries have cancelled their recognition of “The Republic of Kosova”, with the result that today there are more countries in the UN who do not recognize “the Republic of Kosova” than those that do recognize it. Since I live in Serbia, I can assure you that the Albanian narco-mafia is terrified that President Donald Trump will close down Camp Bondsteel, the US military base in Kosovo and Metohija.
What will the future bring ? Well, in the same way that Russia reunited Crimea with Russia, so will Serbia reunite Kosovo and Metohija with Serbia. This, of course, will require time, but Serbs have plenty of it.
B.F. my friend, I am well aware that I reported the nato losses far below reality. Some years ago when I was researching this tragedy, I counted only those downed aircraft that had verifiable and visible crash locations that I could find. I never saw a location for the site of the B 2 loss, but too many sources say it is true regardless of what CehSha says. I am also well aware, as is nato and CehSha, of the numbers of Russian ‘observers’ in the area of hostilities. I’m also 2000% certain that the vast majority of that F 117 and B 2, plus every other aircraft they could find, ended up in Russia.
The civilian and military casualties are pretty close to the mark, tragic that they are.
Time will tell what will happen in the end, but I think, as I’ve posted earlier, that in the not too distant future a united Europe will be but another failed, and senseless, dream, all the tragedies inflicted to ‘achieve’ that dream notwithstanding.
… ” … location for site b2 … ” …
That plane was hit , damaged , but was able to reach croatia where it crashed.
Then came usa engeenering corps machinery and removed 2 meters depth of soil and moved it somewhere , so not even small parts of plane could be found.
… ” … other aircraft they could find , ended up in rusia … ” …
Well , f117 was hit by rusian weapon , so rusians took some parts as hunter prize,
and parts of that plane are in some factory museum of that weapon,
But chinese officers were also interested in those parts ,
especialy paint that minimizes radar reflection ,
so later , chinese started coating their planes with similar examined paint.
That was one of reasons why usa bombed chinese ambassy in belgrade.
Usaf was angry because chinese specialists came in posession of secret paint cover.
History does not stop despite what Fukuyama or his followers and NATO fans in Serbia say. NATO sort of won the last round although Serbian traitors won more for NATO than NATO weapons did. Struggle for freedom is perpetual. It never stops. Russia did not betray Serbia. Serbia, through Yugoslavia, was a de-facto NATO member and a big fan of anything cowboy. For one Soviet movie we as kids had to swallow hundreds of cowboy rubbish movies staring Nazi John Wayne. One has to help themselves before God, or for that matter, Russia will help. It took 4 bloody years of Syrian war before Russians saw enough resolve in the Syrians allowing the Russians to interfere.
Great article, Saker, thank you!
Who knows what really happened with Tulsi. On one hand, don’t underestimate the appeal of duffle bags full of Benjamins ($100 bills) and secret accounts. On the other hand, the political system is irreparable, hopelessly corrupt. It needs to come to an end, not be modified or improved. Maybe Tulsi saw the hopeless nature of reform and endorsed Biden as a kick in the head to the corrupt system, since Biden is the worst choice for president (if a president actually made a difference, which we all know, doesn’t). If it’s true that she left politics, then she’s smarter today than she was yesterday. I wish her well in her regular life, but won’t thank her for her service (don’t thank me for mine), since the military now serves US terrorism in the world.
Meanwhile……..while Orthodox Christian Putin/ Russia helps Italians, some Italians politicians threatened to murder their own people using flame throwers.
Second video in link provided.
Italian Mayor Threatens To Send “Police With Flamethrowers” To Graduation Parties
FYI…… According to my Italian friend ( quarantined in Livorno) Mr. De Luca is not a mayor but a governor of the Province of Campania. Not that it matters, all these politicians are deranged and during these times they are really proving it.
I await in weeks that Cuba makes an offer of doctors ,nurses and equipment to NY DiBlasio.
In sequence let’s see whether he refuses , just like the way that G Bush declined cuban help in the Katrina catastrophe.
Still in sequence see how they proceed with the economic blockade.
Because the peoples voices in Italy are getting louder and louder to finish off the EU (and Italy’s) sanctions against Russia.
The long line of russian trucks with equipment and 100 doctors, plus 15 big cargo planes are eloquent enough to the average italian.
On the streets they are giving this shame the loud sonority of well know italian four letter words.
I am sure that most people have heard of The Scorpion and the Frog fable.
The Scorpion and the Frog
In this case, the collective West–led by America–is the Scorpion.
And the moral of this cautionary tale is: Help these Western scorpions at your own peril.
They will stab you in the back at the first opportunity.
Tulsi is a sad and silly episode. she actualy gave up her political career..then why on earth would she endorse Biden if she was goning anyway..if she is or was progressive?
the only reason I can think of is setting herself up for future prospects..if Biden wins.. some sort of reward she wants, has set herself in line for.
no doubt about that I think. Tulsi was fake..and even if she began in sincerity that sincerity is gone..a quick evolution for her from sincerity all the way to utter cynicism and sell out.
the poliical process cannot possibly produce a sincere leader..and I say this bearing V Putin in mind.
Putin is no joke, a personality of real strength and class, obviously a real nationalist and utterly capable of carrying through his intent..of fighting all the way with skill power and great success
I do not see the western political process propducing any such quality of leadership at any level.
and Putin could quite well be an aberration…a development that will not repeat itself in Russian politics. which is why I had been hopeful for a Putin emphasis on symtematic democratic expansion and popular inclusion in governance in Russia..making the process collective, ending forever the one man superman paradigm.
I am never looking to politicans/political parties for answers, the parasitic factors they are. I mean they can be organized whole by big money for sectarian purposes. any public organzation can be so oranized by big money for socially deleterious purpose.
spontaneous popular response and organization is the way. but is that even possible? is any society advanced enough, experienced enough, socially facile enough to have produced a people capable of spontaneuus and collective social response, in the popular movement and interest..to carry through revolutionary change that takes over the nation and sets up forms of governance by themselves, and through which they can govern the nation forward?
I never said much about Gabbard but I did see that she had no real grass roots involvement and support, little popular participation in the peoples activities..never fought any real popular battle.
Gabbard was an unknown in the crunch. and if you are popular, progressive, you would understand the literal impossibility of bringing about change from the inside. she was anti war but could she even stop war as president..without the necessary congressional support?
I thought and still do that sincerity in leadership would lead in other directions..primarily by organizing people around the truth, the reality of the situation to fight their battles from the ground up, with sophistication..creating a process of educating the people in the struggle, to an awarness that would magnify with sucess, ramify into the society and become social force and resource from the ground up to deploy for the progressive program she chose to represent.
Gabbard did not have to win political power to do all that. she could have done that to great effect outside the official political process. and if she chose to mobilize such and enter official politics she would be a truly independent force capable of getting at least part of a progressive program over had she won
Gabbard wasn’t going to get far inside the beltway with a progressive program on her own, by herself, up in there
I wrote to Tulsi Gabbard. I told her Biden was the epitome of everything that was wrong with America. I also told her endorsement of Biden was a betrayal of the trust placed in her by the American people. Finally, I told her that she destroyed the last shred of faith that I had that the system could reform itself.
There was no other way to put it.
Mike from New Jersey,
I am sincerely sorry your trust was shredded. Mine was a long time ago, this is why I never trusted her.
I understand fully how you feel though. All these candidates (except Dr. Ron Paul) are the same. Not in a million years will the US get a leader like Putin. Yes, I admit it, I’ve become very cynical. I expect, to become more so.
It brings me no joy for when one is cynical one harbors no hope nor trust.
Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) wrote in 1811: “Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle merite.” (“Every nation has the government it deserves.”) De Maistre was credited with the saying in the 19th century, but it became popular in the United States in the 20th century, frequently ( no surprise there) without credit to De Maistre.
God speed to everyone.
Carmel by the Sea
She might try again and offer her services as a V.P.
Looks, as well as actions, can be deceiving.
Pepe Escobar has written a massive scoop about huge malfeasance in the French government that demands to be read and spread far and wide, https://asiatimes.com/2020/03/why-france-is-hiding-a-cheap-and-tested-virus-cure/
I trust Saker will republish it ASAP, but don’t wait until then!!
do not use these two drugs unless hospitalized, because both of them prolong QT on EKG, which leads to arrhythmias, caused several deaths already
I replied to a comment and posted it. It said it was submitted to moderation. Does that mean it won’t be posted or the mods just review it. I’m a longtime reader this is my first time commenting so forgive my ignorance.
It means I read it and if all’s okay I put it up. If it’s off-topic or breaks the rules (see home page bottom) – or offends even my tolerance for nonsense – then I pass it on to the Saker to review it himself. Your post was approved and is up.
The Mod.
In italy none maintream media , until today , said something about the Russian help and their 15 aircraft of medical aid, despite the official thanksgiving of minister di maio.
In italy the real crisis isn’t SARS CoV-2 ,but the curruption of the mainstream media
I believe Tulsi Gabbard’s decision was entirely because of the coronavirus epidemic and concern for voters’ health in upcoming primaries. The DNC had actively opposed continuing either the primaries or the convention and there were reports of long lines of voters jammed into close quarters for hours in the last round of primaries. Had it not been for the epidemic, she would surely have stayed in as she was entirely grass roots supported and had enough support from her base to continue. I don’t believe she got anything for supporting Biden and she says she never contacted his campaign.
The rationale for supporting Biden would have been an attempt to end the need for further primaries and danger to voters’ health by confirming him as the presumptive nominee.
As a member of the military, she might not be able to disclose all of the reasons for her decisions. But reading between the lines, I suspect that she got word that the Guard was going to be activated nationally within the near future to deal with the epidemic, which suggests that she also learned that the epidemic would become more severe. She did hint at this, saying that if the Guard was called out, she would volunteer to serve.
I do not consider Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement of Biden as a betrayal. I expect the DNC made her an offer she could not refuse.
Live to fight another day.
Finally a voice of reason.. Thank you.
What offer would the DNC make to Gabbard that she could not refuse?
in those circumsnatces ‘live to fight another day’ does not compute. if Gabbard is dangerous enough now to threaten so seriously that Gabbard behaves totally out of character, then she is dangerous enough to dispose of now so that she cant ‘live to fight another day’. that would be precluded all entirely
but Gabbard lives on and is fine..but endorsing Biden is indeed out of characther period.
and that endorsment is indded again.. the issue: that is the most incomprehensible and opposite and disastrous political decision and action I have seen in a long time.
Joe Biden as he is now..a perfect but degarded example of how he has always been but aged to perfection… without any more emotional strength to hide himself, so the pefect devil he is has now fully emerged, straight though all his emotional inabilities and aged inconsistentencies that no longer permit him disguise himself as anything but a devil, an old fool, now aged to perfection
as such Biden is clearly a front for an even greater evil behind him because he can run nothing anymore, not his own offce, home, manage his grocery budget…nothing! certainly not the white house.
there is the evil that sent Biden forward that is worse than he is, to emerge at some point from under the Biden cover to assume the mantle they hope Biden will bring home to them
and for Gabbard to endorse that evil as she is walking out the door into regular lifestyle, is triple-head-scratching. she is leaving, no longer fighting for anything in the political realm, gone. no threat is relevant at all in the circumstances. she is done!
but Gabbard leaves endorsing Biden she does indeed kill any subsequent political future she may have had in some little corner of her mind. is that the threat then, to kill any such lurking and little possibility of a ‘future fight’ by forcing her to endorse Biden.. an act few progressives will forget or forgive?
would they have killed her had she not endorsed Biden as is the implication here?
my impression is that if Gabbard is dangerous enough to be threatened so seriously she is dangerous enough to be killed outright.. as is the way. I think this Biden outrage of an endorsement is all Gabbard’s..and why she did it is a serious headscratcher indeed
Gabbard’s decision isn’t a head-scratcher at all. Her campaign was based on town halls, which have been shut down by coronavirus. The primary was essentially over when she suspended her campaign. Endorsing Bernie at that point would have just been a gesture. Bernie isn’t really campaigning anymore.
You folks all seem to be assuming that Biden’s nomination is meaningful and that there’s actually going to be a general election this year. It will be interesting to see how that is that supposed to happen in the middle of a mass coronavirus epidemic. Typically, these elections involve political gamesmanship with long lines to polling stations in areas where they want the vote suppressed. Most people still go to polling stations to vote.
And don’t say that the entire country can just convert to voting by mail by November. What about the states where you have to have an ID to vote? And not everyone has mail delivery. Some people are transient. Others have to go to some town with a post office to pick the mail up. I live in an apartment building, but even now, at the beginning of the epidemic, the letter carrier has been recently refusing to put mail in individual mail boxes and has just left it loose on top of the boxes. Once, she left the package of mail just inside the security gate tied up with string and I had to bring it inside. The one time I tried to vote by mail, during normal, non-epidemic times, there was a labor dispute with the letter carriers and the carrier refused to deliver my ballot, leaving a nasty note that I had to pick it up at the substation.
What happens if the election is postponed a year and by the time the campaign resumes, Biden has no mind left? Are they just going to run him as the Democratic candidate anyway, like the Algerian president Bouteflika, who was practically mindless in his last election? I don’t think the average Biden voter thought they were voting for a ceremonial figure who would just sit in the oval office while his underlings run the country. That didn’t even work in Algeria.
… ” Serbs betrayed by europe ( again ! ) … ” …
As always , and …
… again … again … again … again …
… and in neàr and in far future.
Repeated as many times as needed to eliminate those most hated serbs.
How one could expect from those unfortunate countries now by force gathered
( … one ring to bind them all … ) to simulate eu , when those countries in last several hundred years only tought and dreamed how to destroy serbs.
They were wery glad serbia did not have enough stuff to defend virus.
One should not forget that in ” Big War ” ( ww 1 ) , in 1915 when austrian army temporarily had to leave serbian front , austrians INTENTIONALY left their wounded soldiers , together with those with tiphus. Extremly dangerous , bioweapon as we would say nowdays , and those austrian soldiers spread their disease over serbia already under pressure of superior equiped and far outnumbering austrian army.
And tiphus took its victims among serbs. Army soldiers , as well as civilians.
400.000 serbs died from tiphus that year.
And at first , nobody recognised that disease.
Does not it look similar to covirus19 ?
From scotland came groups of nurses and doctors , and from some other states , and they somehow stopped disease. Many nurses and doctors died also.
Tiphus made more deaths than all military operations serbian army performed.
And after tiphus , next year came hunger. And life under occupation.
Bulgarian terror, Austrian terror , hanging civilians , women , children , old men.
Another 200.000 dead civilians , killed , tortured , innocent victims by evil force.
There were diseases more dangerous than corona19. But that is forgotten.
Nobody cared about several hundred thousand dead serbs , in couple of months.
… they simply refused to sell meds needed … ” …
So , we know they did not want to sell meds ,
but they would gladly send poisons not needed. Bayer could supply poisons.
And several hundred thousands suitable ropes , so serbs could hang themselves , before joining eu that is like titanic sinking.
Serbs , come and join sinking eu , as british ambassador advised serbs many times.
But , since serbia did not join eu , yet ,
and so is not member of eu , one could understand it. No member , no help.
But why did not eu countries sell , or exchange meds , in beetween them , as sign of solidarity ? Instead their customs hold everithing found.
Example , poland and czesh holding medcal help aimed to italy.
… ” … serbs have been fantastically naive to trust … ” …
One should make difference between serbs , people , folks ,
and so called ” government “. Two different species. Mistakenly under one name.
Before serbs were bombed by private multinational mercenary army often called nato , serbia was under economic sanctions for almost decade . ( recognize pattern , economic sanctions , and if not enough , than bombing ). People suffered.
While , in meantime , so called ” government ” was subjected to speedy , weekend courses , by soros ngo in hungary. And future goverment listened soros ngo how to destroy serbia economy , finance , how to destroy factories , native banks , …
And those former pupils of soros ngo are now government in serbia.
Those at higher level of government were on special brain_washing seanses performed by mi6 , and specialized by being brain_washed by cia.
So that is content of naive serbs. Brain_washed serbs ( also like others in balkan ).
Thank you for this informative report.
There is a lot in here that I knew nothing about.
Of course Serbia was a nation/kingdom pre-WWI.
I cannot see any advantage to any smaller country of being in the EU.
Look what happened to Greece.
Since I am half German I don’t like to see Germany getting the bum rap for everything that occurred in the 20th C, while the string pullers and bomb droppers are portrayed as moral and ethical actors. .
Again, one must distinguish between a country and its people.
Germany also suffered from terrible leadership and stupidity in the runup to WW1.
This is patently obvious if one reads memoirs of diplomats such as Count Bernstorff.
To put it simply, if Wilhelm II had not “fired” Bismarck, things would have turned out very differently in Germany and elsewhere. Wilhelm II, Queen Victoria’s grandson, was a fool with too much power.
I suppose this is OT in this thread, which is about now and the future, not the past.
But we still suffer from this “crisis of leadership.” That is, the people suffer. Electronic surveillance significantly reduces anyone’s room for positive political action. Not to mention now various levels of lockdown and immiseration of large swaths of citizens already under survival pressure. How convenient is that? Will this epidemic radicalize anyone who was not already radicalized?
In this environment, what do “acts of courage” entail? See what is being done to Julian Assange. It is a miracle he is clinging to life.
The final take-away always seems to come down to the personal, not the political: Stay as healthy as you can.
The board is set and the pieces are moving. COVID-19 pandemic has already revealed a lot about the countries and not only their health systems but the overall strength of their institutions as well as their preparedness to make sacrifices and deal with a crisis of this magnitude. Then, of course, it showed the solidarity of nations.
We already knew that China had a system that was prepared, highly competent, and experienced in dealing with epidemics, so it’s not a surprise for me that China has passed this test. Though we also have to mention that other Asian countries, South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, have all responded to the epidemic in an effective manner.
While the West was, as we have expected, busy trying to pin the blame of China, and while the US was ramping up its anti-Chinese propaganda, China and Russia were busy sending aid to Italy, Serbia, and other countries, without the usual fanfare that Western countries use to announce their help. The EU remains the biggest loser, most people here (Serbia) are totally disgusted by them but then again, it’s nothing new, save for the constant effort of pro-Western media, NGO’s, and fifth columnists to represent EU as our biggest friend, the Serbian people, at least a great majority, know full well that the EU sees us as beggars at their doors and nothing more.
China and Russia are winning this symbolic – war for people’s hearts of minds, we may call it – war, which gives me a bit of hope that the a different kind of world is possible, the one where the money is not the ultimate value and where selfishness is not an accepted, and even desired form of behavior. Perhaps this is our big chance to make a dent in the Beast’s armor and weaken it even further. The more people wake up to the reality of the daily worship of Mammon everywhere around us, the bigger the chance for change to happen, no matter how small.
Bog ti pomogao Sakeru brate.
You can’t imagine how much we love you here in Serbia.
Stay well brother
Tulsi Gabbard said from the beginning that she would not run a Third party campaign and would endorse the democratic nominee. She is not running for reelection as the DNC funded a primary oppenent. She will be out of a job next January. Her campaign revealed how fanatically undemocratic the DNC is, and how much imperialism and militarism dominates the whole party.No democrat politician can go against the LGBT lobby and it wants to force special privileges for LGBt people the world over. The Dems now want to make the world safe for perversions and bring SJW PC madness to all aspects of American life.
I am thinking a lot about changes in world that will be ignited by this pandemia. Saker also wrote “which will probably change the world we live in forever” …I would like if he can write something about his view of changes that he sees. Thanks for all your work
We all knew Tulsi would get the Ron Paul treatment.
It’s getting tiring trying to counter the attacks against Tulsi. This is not the first time that Tulsi Gabbard has been accused of selling out. There was her vote on the anti-BDS Bill. And now there is this. And despite her actions and words after the vote contradicted her accusers, the cynics never stopped with their cynicism.
For those who are interested and open-minded (growing fewer and fewer by the day) here is some understanding of Tulsi’s “endorsement” of Biden
No, Tulsi did not “betray” Bernie
BREAKING: Did Bernie Sanders Really Refuse Tulsi Gabbard’s Endorsement?!
Even if you accept the allegations of Tulsi’s “endorsement” of Biden and “betrayal”, were true, she is still by far the most progressive and left-wing, anti-imperialist candidate in all of US politics. Unless you believe sincerely that Tulsi’s “endorsement” of Biden somehow, suddenly, cancels everything that went before it. It makes her right-wing and imperialist and part of the Democratic Party Establishment. The damage she did during the Democratic Primary to the Establishment and the Corporate Media is second to none: including Bernie Sanders, and all the political pundits on here and the Social Media combined. Even a cursory examination of how the Establishment and Media tried to shut her out should make that obvious to anyone than a cynic.
Do you really think that this “endorsement” is suddenly going to make the Establishment in either the Republican Party and Democratic Party embrace her? Do you really believe that? Do you?
If you do then basically there is little hope for you. You are either cynical or credulous beyond belief!
If Tulsi “sold out”, what did she “sell out” for? What did she get in return?
Having sued the Federal Reserve, [FED], RICO, when once again the Racket did what has been ongoing since Louis Brandeis penned IT into existence (Brandeis SCOTUS, appointee via World Zionist Congress, 1897), I learned about “Five Ws and a H”. Who, What, When, Where, Why, How ~~ Cui bono “Cicero”. The USA is a vassal and Israel is the decider in chief, after a fashion. COVID19, is an exercise as Pompeo has admitted. How broken is the USA? Clearly it has fallen and cannot get back up. Time is the element to prove the power structure as Far, Middle, Near East, Et Al, standing against a nuclear holocaust. Vanga the Seer did not give other than a dire vision ~USA’s future. WE must Do Our Very Best in honoring the Saker, Et Al, to soothe our collective sacrificial lamb tragedy.
Saker your genius is recognized globally! Thank You into infinity!
Well Bernie and Tulsi didn’t find the stress of running for POTUS so overwhelming that they committed “suicide” !!
Re Tulsi’s betrayal:
Is it possible that with her “betrayal” Tulsi was positioning herself to be named as Biden’s VP?
And hence less than a breath from the presidency?
I can’t help wondering whether the “betrayal” wasn’t actually a tactical move.
Otherwise it does seem to be totally out of character.
I still can’t believe that this endorsement is sincere.
Are any others making such speculations?
if as is assumed Hillary is the glowingly red, pitchfork-loaded force underpinning Biden, Gabbard has no chance to be veep. she is young and loaded for a long stay around, ideologically opposed to the Hillary entity.
Gabbard cant be another cover for Hillary I dont think..so the Biden VP is surely out by such considerations
if however, the evil factor underpining Biden is not Hillary..or even if it is a cabal in which she is involved but not decisive, then maybe.
but oh man! angling for the Biden VP? would that not make of Gabbard an absolutely emotionless, without scruples, and a most psychologically capable ambitious factor, for whom there would be no tactical limits at all to the achievement of her political goal?
Pheeeeew! but interesting indeed.
of course.. Gabbard’s endorsement of Biden, taken as an entirely Gabbard creation and response, does suggest that Gabbard is indeed an unscrupolous, unlimitedly ambitious character
anyway my interest is the utter retrograde nature of the polilitacial factor in the western countries..indeed wherever such politics are played… expressed as it is in parasitic and hierarchical political parties, bought out and subsumed, taken over and formed… for the purpose of social control of the people…
and of course the the qualaity an nature of the characters,personalities.. attracted to this form of feeding off the people. during my time and historically we have seen some truly ‘beautiful factors’ come through, especially the most reverred ones..like Roosevelt, Churchill and the like.
within such parameters may be found an explanation for Gabbard I am sure. Gabbard is after all a politician..and there may be one or 2 quality exceptions among the current American political actors. but thats it!
in the world there is Putin..but there is also Macron, far more representative of the general political class than is Putin.
I am also more concerned really on the organization of the social life that permits and supports this class of parasites..indeed all classes of human parasites.. with a view to its destruction and the elimination of such tragic human functions
Vulture Capitalism is showing it’s true colours now in all the worst ways possible. China, Russia, New Zealand, are 3 countries that are looking after there population first and the business that need nurture are also being nurtured. As I see it the worst countries that are not doing enough, or doing some and late yet all are operating without a clue, or in discord with each other lead by the MSM, this despite the 4 to 6 week lead time they had to learn from the China experience. Once the tide of this episode in our history recedes, we will see the exposed failings of both who and what is left in the exposed sand of the shallows. Personally I think we are seeing the final grasping greed of the few at the expense of the many. It will be the many that takes its revenge on those who exposed them without a care in their hour of need. Lets hope a more socialist caring batch of politicians and corporate leaders emerge from the, what will be an emence destruction of what we have been used to over the last 40 years of Austerity economics. There is a better way that allows all to prosper with a shared part in the game. No one section is more important than the other. All have a share in the game and all need to share in the rewards, not just a few.
Minsk not looking good either….Ukraine*****up the latest contact group meeting according to Donetsk News Agency….. am I correct that Putin was going to review whether and if progress had been made in order to continue any Normandy Format meetings late March April? And now what? ……”business”as usual?
Thank you Saker and mods.
I respectfully disagree on betrayal.
perhaps Tulsi is in this with a bit of a longer window, i.e. 2024; who knows, but clearly a strategic decision was made, and her team’s choice was to endorse the anointed creepy-sleepy-decrepit, even though he’s creepy, sleepy and decrepit war-mongering to 0.1 percenter.
Empire – as clueless as ever
Not just the clown-in-chief, his antics actually make it more palatable watching his side-show comedy. The other buffoon first ministers (of the 0.1 percenters) with their grave, fact-less proclamations of necessity of fear and panic and…martial law are also irritatingly boring, as well as utterly unbelievable.
You are of course right when you say (paraphrase) “what did they expect?” But as you likely know, and have alluded to, this was the elite 0.1 percenters of Serbia, smelling a killing so to speak, and they will continue to get actually that, and probably get their bags of gold too.
Syria and Iraq
As predicted, especially in concert with the trend towards complete collapse, clearly on the horizon, at least, the ME adventures of the pimping empire are cming to a close, and the Afghanistan adventure continues the long established trend… of killing empires.
COVID – false flag and the negative interest rate feudalism
I noticed that they dropped the interest rate in Canada, again, now down to 0.50%, while inflation on the street, due to real estate (financialization-inflation) price shock, filtering down to all expenses in society, is more like 10%; so we while we have been in actual negative interest rates (i.e. the governments/banks stealing on behalf of the 0.1%), we are approaching nominal negative interest rates.
There is undoubtedly a really good reason for these emergency actions, which will be presented shortly, to go into this, what can only be described as feudalistic societal model, and the sheeple will lap it up under the emergency measures (for our own good).
Bleak is the outlook for the herd.
The Bank of Canada dropped the interest rate to 0.25%. Here’s the BNN coverage for further detail:
I can’t believe there was still people in this world that actually thought that Tulsi Gabbard was “the real thing”. and not just another helpful phony, or an useful idiot at least. Probably the same people who think, like Putin, that any friendly and helpful gesture of Russia towards her European neighbors will be met with warm thanks and frank recognition and not with even more demonizing and mud slinging if not with more military threats and provocations. Some people never learn.
Phonies that have come out pretending they are “the real thing” and who promise they will take the Washington establishment head on we have had practically every decade during the last Century and we should be aware by now that anyone who reaches the position Gabbard has in Washington has already sold out to the powers that be to either be their openly declared puppet and servant (as Obama was) or one simply concealed behind empty words. That is not how real political alternatives are treated by the Washington elite. Rather than being allowed to grow and get national influence and recognition (heard this, Ocasio Cortez) they are simply taken down much earlier in the game. And if you don’t believe this you should start reading about real Amerikan History and about how REAL political alternatives are dealt with. And start your education reading about Huey Long.
Tulsi Gabbard is a disappointment. Bernie Sanders was elected to Congress in Vermont with the support of the NRA who worked on the ground to get him elected. Little by little he went from that to a gun-grabber who recently reversed himself on suing lawful firearm manufacturers for guns misused by criminals! So he was a fraud from the beginning and, perhaps, so was Tulsi Gabbard.
The Saker is one of the best minds writing today. This is not some casual thought, it is through reading him over the last year. I many agree with him 100% of the time but on those rare times I may have a different interpretation about something I still can see that his view could be correct, that is a thoughtful man that Saker.
It was the martyr, Qassem Suleimani, who went to Moscow to ask Putin to come to the aid of Syria.
He was a brilliant and honorable man.
“The AngloZionist Empire – as clueless as ever”
It does appear to be foolish and stupid yet this is by DESIGN. It may appear foolish to us but they have done pretty well for themselves. A single example is the demographic changes in white nations. They accomplished what no others have.
The best major world leader is Putin. In shall we say small nations Assad is the best.
He has spoken BLUNTLY on the force behind the hell of today.
He is a rare man.
The Saker is #1 I will say that.
Hi Saker,
Sadly I agree with your assessment of Tulsi, I supported her too. I appreciate your work, blog and all those who blog and post here
regarding Tulsi Gabbard – I think you’re coming down too hard on her (or maybe you shouldn’t have been quite so enthusiastic from the beginning) – she always said, from the very beginning, that she would endorse whoever would be the democratic party nominee. So, she simply did what she always said she was going to do. As for whether she should have endorsed Bernie Sanders instead: there’s a lot of stuff out there (including a tweeted note from her brother) indicating that the Sanders campaign didn’t welcome her endorsement. Personally, I don’t share her feeling that a vote for Biden is better than voting for Trump (or better than not voting for either of them), but I don’t regard her endorsement decision as unprincipled.
Dear Saker,
You are quite harsh with Tulsi Gabbard.
Once she chose to run the democratic nomination process and lose.
Then she simply cannot run as independent. She must respect the process decision making and result.
By endorsing the Bidden she simpmy endorse the result of the nomination process.
She never should have run in the democratic congress in the first as I concurr that she never had what it takes to win or really change the situation.
My opinion is that she is a lost case from the very start. And provide seemingly legitimacy to the democratic process.
The point is the democrats have to collapse.
Neither Gabbard or Sanders should have run for nomination. By doing so they only provide the democratic Feankenstein and new breath : “IT IS (still) ALIVE !”
Election in Serbia? After all of this expect a shitstorm here, not the election.
‘Serbs naive to trust…’ Oh, come on, Vucic and his guys are western stooges, brought to power by the west, which is in total control of the media, finances and economy of the country. How much Vucic believes the west I do not know, but he fears them a lot, am sure about that. That is why he has been chosen.
There are a number of people in Serbia, just like in Russia, who think of west as a rich paradise, in contrast to their poor living standards. They do not get that it was the west who plundered their country and turned it into a colony, and they do not get that the west is rich partly because the others are poor. I suppose there are less and less people harboring such illusions, seeing ever better that the west is really good at taking, not giving.
‘The Serbs’, that is an abstract noun. Who is it meant to represent, the governing elite? I do not think they trust the EU. They fear the west/ US/ Deep State/ Anglozionists, name them to your liking, and keep repeating EU as a mantra for that reason.
The people? Yes, there have been such that trust the EU, I think mostly among the political opposition and the supporters. They hope to get to power with their help and do a little plundering of their own, some of them again. The supporters would be plundered as well, together with the rest.
And this rest is getting desperate slowly. They may see or not the west is plundering them; at least this is not very discernible in the western held media. But they see their governing elite plundering them, and opposition trying their best to replace them; as the plunderers, what else. Not a nice prospect for anyone’s taste.
The support for the country’s EU membership is slowly but constantly falling. Almost no one believes Serbia is going to be accepted ever. The majority of the young people wants it, though. Not because they expect a bright future for their country there – no, that would simply make them the emigration to the west easy.
Dear Saker,
regarding Serbia, believe me people are aware of who are our allays and who are our enemies. I believe that our Serbian enemies are also enemies of all free world. We have fight as small nation big fights, against many big imperies like Turkish, Austrian, German, American…Russia helped us many times and we consider Russian as our orthodox Slavic brothers and civilization on their own, but unfortunately during NATO bombing, Russia were weak and couldn’t help us. Serbian war against NATO and albanian terorist were also clue for Russia what west are able to do. So, after 1999 Serbia is 100% occupied country. Our politicians, our media, our “elites”…they are all in service of globalist liberal imperialism and against Serbian heritage and spirit of free and independent Orthodox people. So, we are not naive we are occupied (Vucic is absolute Soros puppet) and there are no strength to liberate ourselves after decades of quiet occupation. But Serbian patriotic and souveren forces are getting stronger day by day and as world geopolitics moves toward multi polar world it will be better day by day for Serbs as well. I wish you good health and all the best.