Dear friends,
Today is the day I was planning to reply to your *amazing* reaction to my appeal, but the likely terrorist attack in Saint Petersburg made me decide to begin with a short reminder which I feel is important. I will keep it short and to the point, and then turn to my main topic. One request: please don’t comment here about this attack, but do that in the café. Thank you.
Saint Petersburg bombing:
Russia is at war. With the Empire and with the Empire’s footsoldiers/cannon-fodder – the Takfiri crazies and Ukrainian Nazis. I usually say that this war is roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% kinetic. The Saint Petersburg bombing falls into the last category. Horrible as this may be, this is sadly “normal” and to be expected. I have a friend from Moscow visiting right now and her reaction was “yes, that figures, we are used to this”. The bombing of the Russian airliner in Egypt, the murder of the Russian ambassador and other instances always remind us that there is a price in blood, innocent blood, to be paid for confronting evil. When something like this happen, it is crucial to remain cool-headed, even if the heart suffers in compassion for the victims, and understand that with a person like Putin at the helm of the Russian state this kind of attack will not achieve either one of its three goals: to terrify the Russian people, to trigger an over-reaction by the authorities or a change in Russian policies. Neither of them will happen. Sad as this fact is, but Russians are used to live with terrorism. I don’t mean to say that they are not hurt and horrified – they are – but that they understand that the only response to that kind of attack is to remain firm on the correct course. For whatever this is worth, I am pretty confident that those who planted this bomb will be found and killed. Alas, those who ordered this bombing will remain out of reach. Again, this is a sad reality we have to accept and learn to live with. Memory eternal to all those who died!
Saker’s open letter to the Saker community
Introduction: a confession and an apology
I was gone for the past 10 days and this is explains my long silence. Thanks to the amazing generosity of two friends (thanks F. and A.!!!) I was able to accept an invitation of Sheikh Imran Hosein to visit him on the beautiful island of Tobago in the southern Caribbean, just north of Venezuela. This trip was absolutely amazing and very productive (much more about that later in this post). Also participating in the meeting was Stefan Karganovic, the head of the Serbian Saker blog and a friend of his, a neurosurgeon known for his work on the forensic investigation of the Srebrenica. Not to be totally paranoid, but considering the long list of enemies the four of us have, considering the location, the very high level of violence (on Trinidad) and prevalent police corruption we decided to keep our meeting, well, maybe not quite a secret, but a low-profile event. Tobago is nothing shot of a gem, more about that later, but the Internet connection in my location was either terrible or totally absent. All I could do is use my smartphone’s data plan to kind of pretend I was still here so I apologize for not replying to so many emails. This is also why I could not post my latest article “Searching for Russia” until my return. However, I will say that leaving my appeal for support up for 10 days resulted in a huge response. Let’s turn to that now and I will return to the topic of my trip further below.
The community’s response to my appeal
Dear friends, your reaction was nothing short of *amazing*. Not only did I get a lot of donations (more about that later too), but I also got a lot of very useful advice and an immense outpouring of moral support. To say that I am deeply touched does not even begin to cover it. I also received a lot of traditional “snail-mail” letters and packages. One of the most precious benefits of my appeal was the 270 comments I got including many suggestions, a lot of them very good ones. So what I propose to do next, is to reply to what I think are the most important ones one by one. Here they are no no specific order:
Accept advertisements: that will not happen for both ethical and technological reasons. First, I am morally opposed to the capitalist logic which says that I can get money for advertisements I do not control. If we are a community, then this blog is our “common space” our commons, our collective meeting place in cyberspace. The last thing I want is to pollute it with “commercial forcefeed” most of which I find offensive anyway. So while I fully understand the logic of those who say “dude, relax, the pragmatic a logical thing to do is to play by these rules and do like so many others“, I would not be me if I accepted to play by these rules. There is also a pragmatic technological reason: ads use up bandwidth on both sides – server and client – and they penalize those with slow machines or slow connections. And don’t even get me started on pop-ups which I always take as an “attempted mental rape”. No, friends, I don’t care what the rest of the world does or does not do, ads will never happen here.
Merchandising: I tried that in the past. Not really to make any money, but actually to help a person in needed. Still, I was immediately accused of trying to make money by selling trinkets even though I made no money on that at all. Also, this would require time, energy, creativity – all things which I don’t have. However, I would be willing to try out what the Debian community did. If not me, but somebody else, wants to merchandise Saker-related items and if that person pledges to pay me a little something for each sold item (as this is the original purpose to begin with) I would place a post somewhere on the blog indicating where these items could be purchased. Frankly, I doubt that I would make more then a few bucks on that, but that could have a very nice side-effect of creating a visible, tangible, sign of our community. So I like the idea, but I can’t do it myself nor do I expect that to yield any real benefits for me. But, if somebody is interested, please email me and we can discuss it.
Recognizing sponsors: that seems to be a very good idea. If an individual or a corporation would decide to support my work in a substantial way I would be delighted to let the community know about this. Herb, our webmaster, and I had already done some thinking about a “Saker supporters” page, but the persons/entities we wanted to list were not really interested. However, I think that we can resurrect that idea. These are the figures Herb collected last year about the number of visitors and pages served last year:
Keep in mind that these figures really mis-represent our visibility since a lot of our articles are re-published by many other websites and blogs and that these do not include the articles translated into French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Serbian, Portuguese, German and sometimes even in Polish and Hungarian. So our *real* visibility and reach is way bigger than what these figures, pretty good ones to begin with, suggest. So if somebody is interested in reaching the kind of public/audience/readership this blog attracts, I would be delighted to maybe not “advertise” them, but recognize them as dedicated members of our community.
I don’t have too big hopes here, to be honest, considering the political climate of the day, being a supporter of my work would definitely be considered as a liability for many, I understand that. But, if somebody is interested, I am not opposed to that idea.
Subscriptions, paywalls, 2-tiers, etc.: ain’t gonna happen :-) Let me explain why. First, any fixed system of payment penalizes the poor and favors the rich. Just read that 270 comments in reply to my appeal and count how many members of our community report that they are barely making ends meet, some are at minimal survival level. To tell them to pay a fixed figure for anything would be deeply immoral. These poor members of our community should not be treated as second-rate citizens here, quite to the contrary as they are already suffering difficult personal circumstances. The very *least* we all should be able to agree upon is that these members should at least be able to feel welcome here without having to pay for the privilege. So there is no way I am going to go down the subscription-only or paywall road. I have no problems with others doing that, I can understand the logic for it, but I, in my conscience cannot and will not do that. Just like with advertisements, I would simply not be me if I accepted any such fundraising methods. Having thought long and hard about this, I have come up with only *one* possible “kinda-exception” to this and this is what I have in mind:
I like what Peter Lavelle did at the Duran with his idea of a “Duran sponsor program” (check it out here). I won’t copy this model exactly, but I think that I could offer the following: a Skype/Hangouts/ call with me or a suggested topic for an article or podcast. Since the topic discussed in the Skype/Hangouts/ call would be whatever if of interest to this one the caller and since the article/podcast would be public, I don’t feel that this would penalize the poor. If, however, some person with little means would feel discriminated against on the basis of his/her low income, I would also offer to accept a Skype/Hangouts/ call or a topic suggestion free of charge if/when requested. I think that this is a civilized and ethical way to deal with that issue. Please let me know if you agree!
Reduce IT costs: here let me begin by clarifying that his is not my decision. For one thing, I don’t have the expertise. Second, I trust my webmaster Herb at 110%. Third, what he explained to me about why we do it this way and not another makes sense to me. Fourth, nobody has complained for a long long time. So, if you *really* feel that there is a better way and you also *really* believe that you know what you are talking about, please feel free to email Herb at and submit your suggestions to him. But I am not the right person to make those suggestions to.
Quarterly fundraising reminders: okay, I hate them, I always am so embarrassed and mortified about having to ask for money, but yeah, this works. Intellectually, I understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with reminding the community that I have costs and that I don’t just live from “love and fresh water” (as the French say), but in my gut I always am embarrassed. Still, this is the right thing to do and I will do it. Idea adopted. Also, while on the topic, I won’t do a quarterly blog “shut down” as some have suggested, but I will leave an appeal up for a full week in the most visible “analyses” section. If the reaction is flaccid, I might even decide to leave it up for two weeks. That would give me a much needed break and illustrate what happens when the usual flow of work stops.
Patreon, Gofundme, Paysafecard, Payoneer, Current, etc. I will consider every one of them because
PayPal sucks. I hear you! And I agree. Quite a lot of you are even reporting that the PP system is buggy and rejects attempts to transfer money. Give me some time to investigate them all and I will offer as much of them as I can. Idea adopted.
Thermometer or deficit chart. This is tricky. Let me explain. I don’t want to give out that kind of information for two main reasons: it can be used against me in many ways and that kind of information is by nature and by necessity subjective. Why? Because in reality such figures are *always* rather subjective. Say I declare that I miss $200. But the reality is that we have a small IT budget from where I could take them. Not only that, but I could use some of my own money. Or ask a friend. Or I could decide to change the definition of the budget item needing funding (like government do for inflation or unemployment figures). The bottom line is this: I believe that all such figures are fudged (not out of dishonesty, but out of necessity) and that the only correct why to present financial info is by means of a public made audit. That, I am not willing to do either because, first, nobody ought to be subject to that kind of scrutiny and, second, because whatever I say will say will inevitably my misrepresented (in case you did not know, there are a lot of “Saker-haters” out there: some for ideological reasons, others because their are envious of the success of this blog, others because they are simply batshit crazy. By now I have developed a healthy respect for the kind of damage the mix of hate and stupidity can heap upon an unsuspecting person). What I am willing to do is to share some more info about myself. Think of it as a “full disclosure sidebar”.

My oh so secret mug, don’t tell anybody!
[Full disclosure sidebar: First, and especially for newcomers: my real identity has been a pseudo-secret for a long while already (you can read about it here and here). My real name is Andrei Raevsky and while in the past I used “the Saker” is a way to remain anonymous, now I consider “The Saker” as my nom de plume, or pen name. I want to keep it for three reasons: that is a way to show that those who dishonorably betrayed my trust achieved nothing with their betrayal, that is still a way to keep the blog focused on issues rather than individuals and, frankly, I simply came to love that bird :-). So please, respect my wish and do not use my real name. Next, I do have a full-time job. My wife is a veterinarian and we have a mobile clinic where she is the brains and I am the dumb brute force: driver, boxes carrier, bodyguard (we carry controlled substances) and occasional pet handler. We have a decent house we love, 2 cars – one work one private – and we are making ends meet. But barely. We also have three kids (all young adults, two in college), plenty of medical costs, no pension fund to speak of, plenty of credit card debt and a lot of expenses. Since we home schooled all our three kids for the past 21 years we always had to live on one income, never two. That was a very deliberate sacrifice which we made with our eyes open and which we do not regret. The money I get from the blog just about plugs enough wholes to keep us “one nostril above water” as I say. So no, I am not making a lot of money from this blog, but it is crucial money for me: either I do that or I go back to work as a translator or the credit card debt goes further up. I do work very hard on this blog, often many long hours even before I begin to write something which will be posted, and I do feel that a minimal amount of compensation for that work is simply fair. I wanted to share all that with whose who might might have illusions about me becoming some millionaire blogger or something equally silly].
Writing individual thank you letters. The vast majority of donations are under ten dollars. And there is a lot of them. I simply don’t have time to write individual thank you letters to everybody. How about individual thank you letters for bigger donations? Here we run in the same problem as above: this penalizes the poor, who are already penalized, and this privileges the rich, who are already privileged. To some this will sound silly, but that I how I am: these ethical issues mean a lot to me. I am who I am. I rather thank everybody by a post, or reply only to some emails or donations for a unique reason, than to create a money-based multi-tier system.
Now, there two more issues which are not directly connected, but since they have been mentioned, I will react to the comments.
Moderation. Moderation stays. First, all the mods are volunteers. Second, I feel that they provide an absolutely crucial service. When I see what the non-moderated comment threads look like I get horrified and I never, ever, post on them on principle. Oh yes, I know, moderators make mistakes, they have their own biases, prejudices and weaknesses. Guess what? That means that they are just like the rest of us: human. And it is naive to expect perfection from any human being (except maybe my wife). But these moderators are the “thin line” standing between us and a torrent of insults, stupidity, trolling, ad hominens and all the other filth that you see in the mental sewer which non-moderated comments section are. Initially, when my blog was tiny, I never ever banned a comment on the basis of my strong libertarian leanings and out of respect for freedom of speech. But now that we serve well over a million of pages each month this is not an option. Shutting down all comments is an option, but a bad one which I will not accept either: what kind of community are we if we can’t even talk to each other somewhere? Yes, there will always be problems with moderation, but I do believe that with time a specific kind of person stays while others leave. For one thing, all the “pure” ideologues who come here on a basis of one article mostly run in disgust when they see an apparently opposite point of view posted. Then the trolls who eventually are always spotted, banned, fight the ban and then give up. What is left is a unique and diverse mix of high-IQ adults with a strong appreciation for free, intelligent and non-ideological discourse. That is exactly whom I feel that I write for. So moderation stays.
Facebook/Twitter: Scott, who is a real person in spite of what some dummies have suggested, is currently running the official Saker FB account. I personally absolutely loathe the social media, especially “tweets” and “hashtags” so I ain’t touching this stuff. Besides, I have no time for that either.
Here is our official Facebook page Scott runs for me:
This is our official Twitter account, also run by Scott.
(There is another Saker account on Twitter,, but we don’t control it)
If you want to contact Scott, you can write to him at:
My articles for the Unz Review. Ron Unz has been a terrific supporter and he has offered me a wonderful deal: I would write a weekly column for his review and I would be able to post it on the blog. The very least I could do was to indicate that the article in question was written for the Unz Review. Why that bothers somebody is beyond me. Also, I consider Ramin Mazaheri an absolutely brilliant analyst and I personally recommended him to Ron. I sure hope that Ramin’s brilliant analyses will get posted on my blog and on the Unz Review. Why that would bother anybody is also beyond me. Is it not the single most important thing of all to get the Truth out there? I am personally absolutely delighted with my collaboration with Ron and with the fact that Ramin has had an article of his posted on the Unz Review. Let me add a very important thing here, please pay close attention:
There are those out there, I shall not name them but you can easily guess who they are, who seek a monopoly on the ‘alternative news market’. These are the folks who see everybody else in their own camp not as allies, but as competitors. Let me be blunt here: these guys are only in this business for the money. Period. All their so-called “values” are crap. Money is all they want and that is why thy badmouth everybody else and see every “ally” as a competitor which has to be shut down or otherwise pushed aside. I loathe this crowd. In total contrast, I see everybody out there who is fighting for truth, justice, freedom and against Empire as an ally and I rejoice when an ally does well or has a success. The perfect example of such allies are Ron Unz and Ramin Mazaheri. Ron is most definitely an ally of freedom as for Ramin, he is not a resource I am going to hoard and try to keep just for myself! Not only that, but even those whom I might have disagreements with but who are on the right side of the barricade I see as precious allies too. This is one reason I strenuously avoid getting involved in exchanges of insults, ideological fights or why I don’t rejoice is somebody else’s failures. Augustin of Hippo wrote “in necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas” which I like to freely translate as “unity in the essential, freedom in the debatable and love in everything”. This is the principle which I see at the center of my collaboration with others and not some kind of competition for clicks or dollars. As for those “professional revolutionaries”, I want nothing to do with them, that was already the case when I started the blog in 2007 and that still is the case today: let them stew in their petty universe of copyright protections, DMCA complaints and avarice. Eventually everybody will recognize them for the fakes they are.
Results from the appeal for support
I am fully funded for at least the next quarter, possibly further!!! Not only that, by one person has offered to cover my IT costs! To say that I am deeply grateful would be an understatement. After the (frankly) completely failed previous two attempts, this time around the response was much stronger. I explain that by my failure to previously present the real costs underlying such a community of websites. Now that I gave you all the numbers, your response was nothing short of “explosive”. Thanks, friends, consider that your “dues” have been paid in full: I will now pay the bills and the blog will run at full capacity with no service reduction of any kind.
Upcoming goodies!!
Good stuff planned for this year.
First, there will soon be a Saker Android app. I have seen the beta version and it look great. It basically pumps 50 or 100 latest articles, including media, and stores them for convenient offline reading. Not the comments (at least so far). The developer wants no money for it, but I disagree. So I need some way to get him paid. My solution? Make the app available on the Google Android Market in two versions, one free and one for a couple of bucks. The developer promised me that the code will be fully free and open source software (FOSS) and “copylefted” so I will *beg* everybody to get the paid version. I need to contact the FSF lawyers for a few technical details and then talk some more with the developer before we release. I will keep you posted.
Second, a Saker audiobook. I am not sure yet exactly if that will happen and when that will happen. But things look good. I was contacted by a professional book reader/recorder and the samples he sent me look excellent.
Third, Sheikh Imran and myself have agreed on the outline of a book we will write together. It will center on the comparison on Orthodox Christian and Islamic eschatology and on the issue of Russia and Islam.
Fourth, speaking of Islam, I plan to record of full podcast on the topic “my views on Islam” since I get a lot of questions about this and even a lot of silly accusations.
Next, I think that the proper title for the next section ought to be
A few possibly goofy ideas
First, what do you think of organizing a Saker community get together/conference? Of course, this begs the question where. I can think of three locations: southern Virginia (because I know an ideal hotel for that there), Tobago (more about that later) or on the Playa Girón (aka “Bay of Pigs”) in Cuba (the symbolism here would be just sweet!). Of course, if we do that we would have to create a travel fund for those who could not afford the trip. The goal? To spend a couple of days together, get to know each other, listen to a few interesting presentations (I can invite some interesting friends) and just celebrate our community. I have to tell you that I met so many wonderful people through this blog that I want to share that wealth with the rest of you. Another way to maybe make that happen is my 2nd idea:
What about creating a Saker community member contact service? I know, some of you want (or even need!) to remain anonymous. For some this is even crucial. But others don’t care. So what about offering to create some kind of way for you all to meet each other. Only for those who don’t care about anonymity, of course, and who would ask for such a service. Say somebody travels to location X where there happens to be another member of our community. If they both want that, I could link them up? I used to be a member of the IISS (The International Institute for Strategic Studies in London) before resigning in disgust over their dumb knee-jerk support for anything NATO. Well, the IISS offers each member a little booklet with the info about all the other members, individuals, corporate or government representatives. That is, I think, I neat idea. Anywhere you go, any region or topic you want to look into, you get somebody who can help. Now, the IISS is your typical pompous think tank with a lot of “world elite” names. My idea would be far more modest: to introduce good people to each other as a way to fight the feeling of being alone, a “submarine in the desert” on a world gone crazy. The truth is that there is A LOT of us out there. Why should I be the only one benefiting from our amazing community?
Okay, I think I have covered it all. Now, for those interested,
A short report about my trip to Tobago
Sheikh Imran Hosein and I have been corresponding for a long time already and I introduced him to some members of our community. Eventually the Sheikh decided that we had to meet face to face to first, spend some time together and, second, to prepare a book on a topic which is dear to both of us: Orthodoxy, Russia. eschatology and Islam. He invited me last year, but I had to decline simply because I could not pay for the trip (locally, thanks to the Sheikh’s amazing hospitality, I had no costs). However, two dear friends insisted to pay for the flight so two weeks ago I boarded a Jet Blue flight to Trinidad and then a small island hopper aircraft from Caribbean Airways which brought me to the small airfield on the south end of Tobago.
Pretty soon, I realized that I was in heaven. For one thing, the kindness and hospitality of Shiekh Imran was amazing. Second, Tobago is really a pearl. Now I understand why he always writes about “my enchanting Tobago” or “my beloved Tobago”. The place is simply beautiful. Not only that, but the people there are wonderful, amongst the kindest and friendliest people I have ever met. Make no mistake, the island of Tobago is rather poor. Not abject poverty, no, but still pretty poor. While Trinidad lives of its oil sales, Tobago lives mainly of tourism but the amazing levels of violence and general criminality on Trinidad (mostly due to drugs and gang warfare) seem to deter a lot of tourists from visiting Tobago even though Tobago is much safer. For me, however, this was a blessing since I don’t really like the presence of (frankly often dumb) tourists anywhere. On Tobago about 99% of the people I met were either locals or people from Trinidad who seek the peace and beauty of Tobago.

The “Nylon Pool” just off the coast of Tobago
Most Tobagonians are of African extraction, descendants of slaves. But you also meet a lot of Indians, mostly Muslims, and Arabs. There are also Chinese, Hispanics and a few White expats. All in all, a very nice mix which produces some very nice local dishes including my favorite the “Roti“, an Indian dish adapted to local spices (basically a mix of curries wrapped in Indian bread). Great stuff, mouth watering and very healthy too. As I said, Tobagonians are extremely friendly, joyful and kind and many times a day I was greeting with big, kindness-beaming smiles.
Nature on Tobago is amazing too. Beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, hills covered with a dense rain forest. And some totally unique locations like the amazing Nylon Pool.
Do I need to say that I enthusiastically recommend Tobago (but not Trinidad!) for anybody wanting to visit a little peace of paradise on earth?
I had to admit that before leaving for Tobago I was pretty close to a burnout. After this trip, I feel like I am 10 years younger and my batteries are full again. I will be forever in debt to Sheikh Imran and my friends for making this trip possible for me!
The main purpose of the trip was still work. As I said, I worked on the structure of our upcoming book with Sheikh Imran while I also worked with Stefan on issues related to the History of the Orthodox People project. I am very satisfied with the results of this trip and I feel like now I can go back to work with renewed enthusiasm and energy.
*YOUR* turn now!
I want to hear your reactions to my replies today. I think that I have really tried to go out of my way to be as candid as possible with you and I would like to keep this an ongoing dialog between us. My personal preference would be if you could post your comments/reactions here, in the comments section, but if you prefer, you can, of course, email me. But please keep in mind that right now I have 80 unanswered emails in my inbox :-((
So, please let me know what you think.
In conclusion, I will add a cautionary note: 2018 will be a tough year. First, all he hopes we might have had for Trump are now pretty much gone. At best, he will do very little or nothing at all, at worst the Neocons and the ‘deep state’ will force him to comply with their all their demented demands. He sure looks pretty beat to me and when I hear that Flynn is now offering to testify against immunity I fear that Flynn will now make Trump pay for having betrayed him. What is sure is that the Trump plan to create some kind of Kurdistan is totally idiotic and will end in abject failure (my next analysis will probably be about that). As for Russia, the Russians are pretty much fed up with waiting for some sign from Trump, they are now basically pursuing their own policies and have unofficially given up any hopes of actually getting a real partnership going between the USA and Russia. I cannot blame them. How long can they continue to pretend that Nikki Haley does not exist or that NATO is not hiring Russian-speakers to play the role of civilians in military exercises where NATO soldiers will practice the occupation of “Russian villages” (in the Baltic or the Ukraine?). The Ukraine is breaking apart on all her seams, even if Poroshenko might hold on to power for quite a while longer. Serbia and Montenegro are under tremendous pressure to accept US demands ranging from homosexual parades to the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state. A civil war is now a real possibility. While the war in Syria is slowly winding down, Trump is now considering triggering a civil war in Turkey. Iraq is a total mess and Iran is in the USA’s crosshairs. Israel might be arrogant enough to force Russia to shoot down an Israeli aircraft over Syria while the Saudi Wahabis are planning a further escalation of violence in Yemen. Last but not least, I think that there is a very real risk of violent civil unrest inside the USA (expect an analysis combined with a book review on that topic in the near future). So all in all, tough times. Maybe not nuclear WWIII as would have been the case with Hillary, but most definitely not a period of peace thanks to a draining of a swamp in Washington, DC.
So when the bovine excreta hits the fan (it will) and things get ugly (they will), don’t get discouraged, don’t lose heart, remain focused and calm and, most importantly, don’t listen to the naysayers! We are winning. The struggle is far from over. But we are most definitely winning!!
Thanks, hugs and cheers to all,
The Saker
Welcome back. Nice tan!
thanks, but that pic was taken 2 years ago, it’s the best I have, sorry :-(
The Saker
I support the quarterly call for donations. Please keep the moderation. And do try to pay yourself for your work!
This post really made me smile, on many different levels. I was worried my donation wouldn’t count/be enough, I am happy to see it did. Thank you for your mind and heart. sincerely Davi….
Looking at your photo I would have thought someone of Greek origin . Don’t get me wrong I like Greek history .
Cheers Saker and Sto Lat.
“Serbia and Montenegro are under tremendous pressure to accept US demands ranging from homosexual parades to the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state..”
This statement should include Macedonia as well, since Macedonia has been under asymmetric attack from the US Deep State structures, not only since its independence from Yugoslavia in the early 90’s, but has now entered it’s third year under full “hybrid war alert” with countless Macedonians – its said up to 200,000 citizens, having taken to the streets throughout all Macedonian cities and towns every day for 35 days without let up – to protest the attempts of US “ambassador” Bailey and his lapdogs, the whole rotten caboodle of EU/Great Britain ambassadors/diplomatic cor to install a puppet government led by Soros marionette Zoran Zaev, and a coalition of 4 secessionist Albanian parties who, despite having lost at the recent elections believe themselves poised to take government. The elections were heavily “engineered” by Bailey and Soros to a “stalemate” situation in order to manipulate a disfunctional parlament toward the US goal of division of Macedonia between Albania and its neighbors, the plan being to “compensate” Albania with Western Macedonia for the intended separation of northern Kosovo unto Serbia.
The aim of the coup de’tat if successful, will have dire consequences not only for Serbia, as Macedonia, if dissolved and divided between its neigbours will mean an open border for the next wave of migrants and economic refugees from the middle east wars, hell bent on reaching Europe. As proof of Soros’ aims there is currently a drive on his behalf underway in Macedonia in order for the installed “NGO’s” to assist the refugees in any way possible in order to realise their goal of reaching the heart of Europe. Macedonia has been one of the top news stories in Serbia for many weeks, with Serbs being aware that should Macedonia fall and be pushed into NATO, Serbia, with her southern flank occupied by NATO, would be defacto surrounded by the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation, and all efforts to bring Serbia to heel would accelerate with new intensity. Indeed, with Vujčić’ victory in the Presidential elections this weekend, attacks by hooligans have already begun on the Serbian parliament, similar to those realised by CIA/Soros in Macedonia last year.
Behind apparent events however, a power struggle is underway between the old Obama/Clinton entity working to the beat of the CIA/Soros drum of war – for example, proceedings have begun in the US for legal action against ambassador Bailey for misappropriation of US taxpayers money in bringing down foreign governments, in this case, Macedonia at the behest of the US State Dept. under Trump loyalists. President Ivanov has denied opposition leader Zaev and his Albanian secessionist cronies a mandate to form government, because after the elections, Albanian leaders were herded off to Tirana, where, under the auspices of Albanian Premier, Soros tool Edi Rama and open advocate of Greater Albania, the Albanian parties from Macedonia presented Zaev with the so-called Tirana Platform which blackmails all future Macedonian political unions with accepting Greater Albania as a political fait accompli ie, they must facillitate its manifestation at the expense of the Macedonian state. Ivanov and the Macedonian people have said, enough, however, and have proven to be an effective shield against Soros/CIA! I can guarantee too, that the putch will not succeed!!
Despite appeals from the Macedonian President and the leaders of the current authentic protests to condemn the so-called Tirana Platform, the only country that has done so to date, is Russia!! Apologies for the extended essay, however, I do feel a responsibility to complete the gaps in the picture. Although Macedonia may be a small part of the jigsaw puzzle, it is definitely an exceedingly important part.
Best to the Saker community.
“Ivanov and the Macedonian people have said, enough, however, and have proven to be an effective shield against Soros/CIA! I can guarantee too, that the putch will not succeed!!”
If only the Serbs had genuine patriotic protesters in large numbers and not ones under control of CIA/Soros. Macedonians aren’t such fools.
Macedonia endured the slings and arrows of Soros’ minions last year at outragous cost.The masses of patriotic Macedonians were discouraged from reacting – the aim of the “colour revolutionaries” was to provoke bloodshed thereby inviting NATO intervention and imposition of a “solution” of their choice, ie; further concessions to the “Sorosoids” and Albanians which would irreversably lead to federalisation and eventual dissolution of Macedonia. The county’s archille’s heel is the two major political parties, and, as a result of their failings, endless rivers of people have at last come out onto the streets and the Putchists have finally come to a standstill. What we’re seeing in Serbia, is by all accounts the beginning of that which occurred in Macedonia last year. So, there’s probably a ways to go before the genuine revolution begins. That is, if the paid “revolution” is allowed to continue and they inch toward their goals. In Macedonia, this was achieved by pressuring the major political parties to concessions which facillitated the US’ political agenda step by step.Vujčić has said he will not allow a “Macedonian scenario” to occur in Serbia, as Gruevski also said, he would not allow an “Ukrainian Scenario” to occur in Macedonia, etc.
How about a conference in The Great White North.
What would make the most sense for me, and I hope I infer correctly from what you have just said that this might deal with your moral objections to charging those who cannot afford it, would be to have a Patreon icon that people could click and make one-time or recurring payments. In return for doing this, the donors would get Good Karma Points™ (not redeemable) and could feel good. But the content would be available to all, whether they donated or not.
I like this plan! Onward and upward!
You are a good man, Saker. And wise, and courageous! Thank you for all you do!
Gratitude too for the moderators and webmaster. From what I see, and that’s almost daily, they do suburb work.
And the financial contributors… Thank you! You make this possible.
I regret that my only contribution was to refrain from putting “good man” above in all caps out of respect for the forum rules.
Your wife must be an awesome human being as well. Respect!
God bless you and the cause of Good.
“Also participating in the meeting was Stefan Karganovic, the head of the Serbian Saker blog and a friend of his, a neurosurgeon known for his work on the forensic investigation of the Srebrenica.”
And so did Stefan’s friend have any important information or breakthroughs in the investigation? Does he ever mention any autopsy evidence and why no actual autopsy evidence was ever presented at the ICTY?
I’ve read reports that most of the died died BEFORE the fall and most died in battles/skirmishes and things like mines. A Serbian woman doctor who had access to the remains said the majority died from explosives which points to battle deaths NOT being shot like the propaganda says.
“And so did Stefan’s friend have any important information or breakthroughs in the investigation?”
Yes, most definitely. A max of 1000-1200 people shot in executions. The other ones were killed during the retreat to Tuzla. THere is a lot of info on Srebrenica here: /special-report-the-truth-about-srebrenica-20-years-later/
but most of the evidence is still in the files of the Tribunal, alas.
but yes, you are correct, the vast majority were not executed.
however, 1000+ murdered civilians nor “hors de combat” people is an atrocity and a major crime. So this is not all black and white. This is too complicated for me to go into the details here. But stay tuned, more will be published about this on this blog in the future.
Kind regards,
The Saker
“however, 1000+ murdered civilians”
But do you know for sure they are in fact civilians? You can prove that they were not members of the Bosnian Muslim military units?
Glad the appeal was a success …. I agree with quarterly reminders
Trump is obviously out of his depth. That comes as no surprise. The real power in America is still in charge and pursuing its agenda.
I was hoping Trump would put a good team around him, obviously not.
Fortunately the leaders in Russia and China are both strong and wise.
I do not follow Russia closely. I do follow China. China has made it clear that ‘all options’ are on the table if America keeps fucking them around in areas of national security like the South China Sea, Xinjiang, the Korean peninsular +++ (Uncle Sam still thinks he is king, not a sad wastrel sinking in his own shit)
In terms of trade, they just shake their head ….
All this will make for an interesting year (s)
Welcome back, Saker, and thank you for all you do !
Hi Saker,
Sheikh Imran hmmm! I find your ideas about Islam more logical and scientific than his! So will eagerly wait to see your combined work.
I am all in for Bay of Pigs! Great idea!
PS.Sorry couldn’t donate except my suggestion and you have explained well why they won’t work. But I will donate my word.
I second the Bay of Pigs. Great idea!
With love from France to all vineyard visitors and its marvellous gardener and keeper.
I want to ask the Saker about the conclusion of the linked article on V Putin by he eminent commentators who so concluded
I am a first time poster and the character of V Putin has been of great concern to me for sometime. Putin seems suspect by his over weaning interest in developing a relationship with the elitist west…an impossibility really, as long as the west remains Zionist dominated.
the Zionist west will not deal with Russia save as completely subordinated to their will..which means the destruction of Russia’s as we have know it since its inception
there is also a small matter of the Russian collusion with the Byzantines in the destruction of the Jewish Khazarian state a thousand years ago that I don’t think the Ashkanaze Jews have forgotten or have forgiven the ‘Rus’ for. all Jewish behavior towards Russia since 1917 for eg., appears to be utterly destructive and driven by that historical matter… in my estimation.
if that is true then only the utter destruction of Russia will satisfy Zion. so why does Putin behave as he does towards a Zionist dominated culture that may have Russia’s destruction as their ultimate aim and goal?
@ Navin Namervich: Putin is handing the US/NATO/Zionists/Saudis all the rope they need to hang themselves in the court of public opinion. I expect Xi will do similar in his upcoming summit with Trump. Do not mistake this for any weakness or misunderstanding on the part of Putin of the venal, violent character of the leaders he faces and the 0.001% psychopaths who back those leaders.
Roberts is at the extreme edge of the “permissible dissent” section of the US online media. Never seems to step over the patriotic line, still believing that the US is “exceptional” and has the moral right to enforce its “interests” where ever it sees fit. Roberts thinks the US is only poorly led (politically and economically) and involved in bad alliances. Somehow the heinous fact the US has been involved in expansionist/colonialist/regime-change war almost continuously since before 1776 escapes most US punditry. Wave the flag, quote “We the People” and invoke whatever Amendments fit the latest US public hoohaw and hope the next POTUS will not be a tool of the 0.001%/Deep State/MIC.
That this article keeps on getting linked here is quite interesting… decrying Putin/Russia for not reacting aggressively in kind to all the US-led provocations is standard fare for the Atlanticist/5th Columnists in Russia. As Putn says, anti-corruption YES, colour revolutions NO.
When Nutty-yahoo tried to play the same ancient history game with Putin you mention, Putin told Bibi to get into the current century.
The topic of American patriotism doesn’t lead anywhere useful when facts are deliberately left unspoken and even concealed. If you play cards, I’m talking about the cards that are left “face down” on the table. I am going to turn “face up” all the important cards. If I miss any cards, anyone else can step and turn them face up.
1. America was created in an exceptionally evil era, and this nation was a major product of that era. Extermination of natives to steal their land, slavery, rapacious plunder of rich new-found environments, etc. It was also when the Western European Christian religions had lost all their moral vigor. Truly, an extremely evil era. And the USA was the epitome of the era, even while it had the most progressive and the most thoughtful patriots of that era.
2. Because the US never suffered from its history, it has not learned a great deal and this nation carries the stupidities of this earlier evil era more so than almost any other nation. Except Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
3. America has also been taken over by an assortment of “special interests” and this happened over a long period. Zionists yes, but also the medical industry (AMA, Big Pharma), many corporation lobbys, etc. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” – Cicero, 42 B.C. Mostly, not one of these special interests ever had to fight hard to acquire their particular dominance, so the American public doesn’t have a tradition of opposing them.
4. Anyone who tries to be a public figure must deal with the consequences of facts 1,2 and 3. It is career-ending to speak about certain obvious truths. Even hinting at these truths will bring down the wrath of the guardians of the special interests, and at the least, lose an election. At the other end, hundreds of inconvenient Americans have been suicided since 1945 – even the famous and well-connected, such as James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense (1949).
5. So the real art of turning America around, is to convince a public with is very ill-informed, partly due to intentionally dumbed-down systems of “education”, and partly due to the public having swallowed the hoax that all this stuff doesn’t concern them personally. Anyone who wants to win an election at the insane asylum, must make appeals to their insanity.
6. But in this disgusting mess, it’s vital to have American flag-waving and strong nationalism. Not to deceive a bunch of rubes, a dysfunctional electorate, but for a basic and absolutely unavoidable reason: Nationalism is the only force that can successfully oppose globalization. Repeat, the only force – at least for now. The fight with the globalists is going on right now. So even if an American detests absolutely everything the US ever did or ever stood for, if you have any sense of the historic challenge of our era, then you have to very sincerely wave the flag and promote the American nation, if you are an American, or whatever nation you belong to. People in other nations have their own flags they need to wave, too. If the world loses this fight, it’s never-ending slavery and worse.
A few brave people have written all this in great detail, but successful politicians keep many of their cards lying face down. As do many propagandists of all stripes. So how do you discern which people are sincere and which are not ? I think it’s not so hard. You must put yourself in the shoes of the person(s) you are watching and ask yourself why did they do that ? If it doesn’t make sense, then you don’t have enough pieces to the puzzle, and you need the facts that are concealed. This “not so hard” process can take a few years, but any diligent person with an average IQ can figure it out. And if you miss watching the action for a while, you can get a trusted friend to fill you in. The biggest secret is simply that there is a serious struggle, and that it’s for everything, including all of humanity.
@nice try…
‘…Roberts is at the extreme edge of the “permissible dissent” section of the US online media. Never seems to step over the patriotic line, still believing that the US is “exceptional” and has the moral right to enforce its “interests” where ever it sees fit. Roberts thinks the US is only poorly led (politically and economically) and involved in bad alliances…’
Well…I have to really wonder where this is coming from…This is not the Paul Craig Roberts that I know…
I have to wonder whether you have read Roberts much…if at all…
For one thing…he has railed against the ‘exceptional’ idea in the most vehement way almost continuously…with sardonic mockery of the most biting kind…anyone can find literally hundreds of references to his deprecations of ‘exceptionalism…’
To say that PCR is on board with the ‘exceptionalism’ bandwagon is simply fantasy…and in fact a grievous insult to PCR…[and his readers…]
As for America’s historical sins…here again you are completely off-base…PCR has often derided the fairy-tale nature of American ‘history’…and has often noted that the country has shown signs of being rotten right from the mythical founding fathers…
It takes great courage to question the national myths of one’s own country…[how many of us really do that…?]…this is deserving of respect…
How many people talk about the genocide of the natives…?…well PCR is one of the very few who regularly include this completely buried topic in any historical discussion of the US…
PCR to me is nothing less than the Jeremiah of our time…calling a spade a spade…every time…and letting the chips fall where they may…
Yes…I do believe PCR is a Patriot…one of the few who deserves that title…he loves his country as anyone should love their country…he loves his people despite the fact that he blasts them as being ‘insouciant’…
He is attacking the cancer and the rot that has set hold in his country because he is a Patriot…he wants his country to be good…not evil…
Many of his criticisms of Russia are spot on…I remember him saying at one point several years ago that if VVP would grant him citizenship and put him in charge of the country’s finances that he would ‘bury the West’…I honestly believe he would…Russia is in many ways its own worst enemy…
I find your characterization of PCR woefully ill-informed…I hope you try to dig deeper…I have seen some very good comments from you here and am very surprised at this attack on one of the foremost truth-seekers of our time…
Maybe you don’t mean overweening ( ) except in the sense of excessive, but Russia is still tied to the west in some areas and not become independent enough to withdraw completely without taking some damage, so even if that’s the intention it’s better to delay it.
But aside from that, the west may indeed change for the better to some extent, for some nations, and there is a history of cooperative efforts, especially in trade and business that can be recalled. The west continues to weaken and there will come a point when it simply cannot continue trying to be a bully. In any case, Some of those enemies may virtually disappear from their own internal weaknesses and contradictions — Israel comes to mind, as do the Kiev fascists. As ‘nice try’ mentions, it’s good politics, public relations, and strategy, and there is mounting pressure from various sectors to get past the sanctions nonsense since they are so damaging to the EU.
There is also the ‘Russian’ philosophy that it doesn’t hurt to talk and be diplomatic — that it’s the ‘professional’ thing to do, and it’s easy enough to end that if needed, but hard to resume it once ended, and then the world is torn apart, which is not good for anyone. Still, import substitution, self defense measures, and other countering actions continue n the meantime. There is a big advantage in Russia maintaining as much political space and as many options as possible, especially for playing the ‘long game’.
Russia and friends are winning, so why change strategies now?
Hi Saker, I liked the idea about info on other people here, as it is kind of weird to not know how to talk to anyone except via the threads, and then the moderators tell us to stay on topic etc…
So yeah, for any people who would like to get to know each other a bit better, that would be super nice.
Its seems so friendly, until one realizes that the only way to know each other is through this site…and not any other way – none –
“In conclusion, I will add a cautionary note: 2018 will be a tough year. First, all he hopes we might have had for Trump are now pretty much gone. At best, he will do very little or nothing at all, at worst the Neocons and the ‘deep state’ will force him to comply with their all their demented demands. He sure looks pretty beat to me and when I hear that Flynn is now offering to testify against immunity I fear that Flynn will now make Trump pay for having betrayed him. What is sure is that the Trump plan to create some kind of Kurdistan is totally idiotic and will end in abject failure (my next analysis will probably be about that). As for Russia, the Russians are pretty much fed up with waiting for some sign from Trump, they are now basically pursuing their own policies and have unofficially given up any hopes of actually getting a real partnership going between the USA and Russia. I cannot blame them. How long can they continue to pretend that Nikki Haley does not exist or that NATO is not hiring Russian-speakers to play the role of civilians in military exercises where NATO soldiers will practice the occupation of “Russian villages” (in the Baltic or the Ukraine?). The Ukraine is breaking apart on all her seams, even if Poroshenko might hold on to power for quite a while longer. Serbia and Montenegro are under tremendous pressure to accept US demands ranging from homosexual parades to the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state. A civil war is now a real possibility. While the war in Syria is slowly winding down, Trump is now considering triggering a civil war in Turkey. Iraq is a total mess and Iran is in the USA’s crosshairs. Israel might be arrogant enough to force Russia to shoot down an Israeli aircraft over Syria while the Saudi Wahabis are planning a further escalation of violence in Yemen. Last but not least, I think that there is a very real risk of violent civil unrest inside the USA (expect an analysis combined with a book review on that topic in the near future). So all in all, tough times. Maybe not nuclear WWIII as would have been the case with Hillary, but most definitely not a period of peace thanks to a draining of a swamp in Washington, DC.”
Don’t forget about North Korea as well. The US policy of not talking with them (I don’t consider countless threats as “talking”),is now coupled with possible military aggression. That could lead to serious problems ,even war. And I’m not sure whether Russia and China (especially China) can,or will tolerate a US occupation army on their land borders. The last time that was attempted we saw the “Korean War” with China actively involved.While it is true that neither China nor Russia want a war. There is such a thing as being “forced” ,for the sake of survival ,into one.The insanity of the US could very well lead to that.
Thanks Saker for this beautiful essay and for keeping this site free. It really does matter and I am grateful.
…or that NATO is hiring Russian-speakers to play the role of civilians in military exercises where NATO soldiers will practice the occupation of “Russian villages” (in the Baltic or the Ukraine?)…
If I remember correctly it was “Russian villages in Afghanistan”. That should be read as planning provocation in Central Asia I think.
You’ve managed to collect really good ideas on how to advance this online community of ideas and dialogue. Very appreciative of all your work that you do. I believe the stronger this site becomes the stronger our general community of active critical thinking and resistance to imperialism will become. Like a tree that is taken care of that can bear fruit for further trees in the vineyard. In any regard I look forward to making a reoccurring donation and continuing my learning. Thanks Saker
Not even my family members write letters this nice.
Thank you and thanks to all who make the blog what it is.
All I can say is thank you. Your work is beyond any price. Health, wisdom, wealth, happiness and joy to you and your family. And a prayer to those who lost family in St. Petersburg.
Oh! Saker say…
Please give us some pointers on the vision that “We are most definitely winning!”
I’m a little lost, here… with powers-that-be and people still not involved enough to hit the streets in a POSITIVE co-operational way.
Hitting the streets to protest is not my vision of change…
People co-operating together to THINK, VISUALIZE, talk about, and do something to make this a better world is my vision of a growing, evolving humanity.
The truth for me remains: “Be the change that you want to see in the world”… and that starts with being AWARE of each thought I have… and how I spread them around.
Becoming AWARE that thoughts are building blocks of tomorrow…
and that “a belief is just a thought I keep thinking…”.
Integration of the knowledge of Quantum Physics in our daily life would be a great thing too!!! Because it points to the possibility that everything in the Universe is a “probability”… and that the probable future depends on what I CHOOSE TO CONCENTRATE on…
What is the TRUTH then?
We are still killing each other for things, beliefs … which are only “accepted fictions”.
Oh! Saker can you say… how we are winning if we do not become aware of how we think and what we think about???
Gabriel, here is one way I think we are winning. What was so desperately needed when first we saw matters coming to a violent head in Ukraine, and I remember Saker saying this at length, was for Russia to counteract western media propaganda more rapidly and more decisively. A very big tipping point came when everyone (and by everyone I mean the general public) saw Lavrov adroitly handle the suggestion by Kerry for an ‘if only’ on chemical weapons in Syria immediately and with bold dexterity, negating the force of intention to bomb which could well have made Syria another Libya. Horrors have happened there, but not the chaotic horror that would have been unleashed. And even as the battle continues there, that ongoing diplomatic presence has become more and more a rational counterpoint in the constant appeal to the appropriate observance of international law.
A choir leader once told me, the secret of a successful choir practice is to always leave them wanting more. I think that is the secret of this blog’s success as well, so bravo, Saker. And it goes along with the speeches being made by Lavrov and Putin that are treasures of diplomacy. While the fight is so dangerous and so bitter at times, these masterpieces of common sense soothe the soul and speak to the better angels of our natures, imperfect though we be. They, and Saker too, lead by example, and they do lead, and others do follow. And that’s the winning strategy.
I too, am most disheartened by the presence of Nikki Haley in the US UN team. A point of disclosure, my father, who had been a soldier, spent a few years with the UN as a peace observer in the India/Pakistan partition that was so traumatic for everyone involved. I think, I hope, he did his best to help in that agony time. To have such a spokesperson as Nikki Haley in such an important position – it is mindbendingly shameful and abhorrent. May her term of office be brief; that would be most merciful, for her and for everyone. She’s crafting an image of herself that exactly mimics that of Samantha Powers – who would truly want such a burden?
I am one choirmember who always wants more. I want more Sakers, more Putins, more Lavrovs – to hear their voices. And among this community I do hear them. Thank you all, for your contributions here and to the world at large. Be well!
Thanks Juliana, and I second, third, and … compliments for all who contribute and speak up.
Yes, the choir is a start…
Even if that chemical bombing yesterday leaves us perplex!
What then, of Russia dismantling Assad’s chemical arsenal… Or is it another false CIA or ISIS trick?
I’m a supporter of The Saker… and the truth!!
Could you tell me what a Skype/hangout would cost and how it would be structured? Also, if you don’t generally send email replies, could you do it this one time and tell me where to find your responses in the future? I’m on chemotherapy right now and I can’t figure out how to get around your site (like how to get to your cafe).
First thing is to try
where you can see all the articles, first page for most recent, in chronological order.
‘latest articles’ link is always at bottom of page to the right and is easier to navigat from than the home page.
You can just page down to the latest cafe, for instance.
I find RSS comments feed very handy with Firefox, but Yandex browser doesn’t find the ofrmatting information. It too is in chronological order, and I can use the browser search function to find words in comments and the poster’s handle.
Wow, Saker, what an essay!
Thank you. Thank you for your ethics, such as the “equalities” of who can pay for content and who cannot. I myself thought a sort of two-tiered system with mostly open content, and a “subscriber” pay walled section….. But that does of course, as you highlight, “privilege the already privileged”.
Thank you for the moderation.
I only post here, because I don’t have to “register”, and because the moderation ensures “moderation” in contributions. I read a large number of sites – I only “spend” my time on ones with “value” in terms of unmasking the Demons and their lies. On these sites the comments can be as educational – or more – than the original article. But – like you – some of the comments are just a waste of the trolls time and a waste of bandwidth and storage. Bytes are opnot really “free”. So moderation on your site reduces the “trash”.
Please look to other options for payment as I don’t have PayPal (for the same reason I don’t have farcebook or twits,). With a secure, non intrusive way, I could contribute quarterly.
Thanks again for having this blog.
I know from my wide reading it is influential as I note ideas and comments originating here are replicated later elsewhere. You (and we) ARE creating a (positive) disturbance in the NOOsphere.
Meanwhilte, the Britizes may have plunged to new depths of delusions with their ambitions of recreating the British Empire as an Anglophone Empire or “Commonwealth.”
And perhaps, Brexit was secretly encouraged by elements of the British establishment as a first step in creating this 21st century version of Oceania.
Brexit: Securing a New English-speaking Union?
welcome back
Dear Saker,
I’m happy to hear of the positive response to the appeal. And also happy to hear you’ve met with Sheikh Imran Hosein and are planning to write a book about what is clearly a very important topic.
I’d also like to say thank you for continuing to educate and share with us the importance of having moral standards in every decision in one’s life. I agree with everything you said in regards to the donations part and pray by the grace of Allah your (our community’s) financial problems will be overcome soon the right way. The way which brings the weak and the strong; the poor and the rich; the less knowledgeable and those with more knowledge together to fight for the right cause.
I’m also looking forward to downloading theSaker app and I definitely endorse the idea of community contacts list and community conference. I think it’d be something truly beautiful to witness. I’m 100% sure we’ll find people from every corner of the globe with their own ideas, religions, walks of life
Lastly… glad to hear you’ve come back refreshed, reinvigorated and well rested. You needed it brother! :-)
It was such a good read filled with so much good news… I really needed that. It’s gulp of fresh air.
Thank you!
Two things.
1. I think you should reframe the way you think about having “Subscriptions, paywalls, 2-tiers, etc”.
Firstly, this added content could be viewed as “bonus” in the sense that non-payers still receive the same amount of content they are getting now, with the only difference being that the payers get a little bit extra. I don’t think the non-payers should be bothered by this at all. In fact, they should be happy because it will allow you to run your site more smoothly, with less stress, and even devote more time to it overall! Win, win and win.
Secondly, if let’s say even *half* of your regular readers signed up for a recurring donation of $2/month, think of what that would do for this community and how many more people could be reached with more “red pills”. $2/month is not going to be the difference between someone eating or not so if the “poor” don’t want to donate even that then that’s entirely up to them.
2. Social media and Patreon
I know you expressed contempt for social media but like it or not, this is where the future of media is. 100% of my media intake comes from social media and I follow many of what I call the “alt media channels” and I have a pretty solid idea of how they support themselves. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are all essential. You mentioned having Scott run your Facebook and twitter, that is a good start. I would suggest a greater presence on Youtube however. It does not have to be much, you can start small. Try something like this: record yourself narrating your analyses, slap on some picture for the “video”, boom upload to Youtube plain and simple like that. Better yet, send out a call for volunteer video editors that can take the audio file you recorded, create a slide show of pictures that follow what you are talking about, maybe you can even find a volunteer willing to create a fully edited custom video complete with relevant clips, pictures, text etc. Now what is the point of all this? Youtube doesn’t actually generate any significant money, but what it does is drive people towards your other channels such as this site and most importantly it’s an opportunity to ask for monthly Patreon support. It is up to you whether you want to provide “gifts” (e.g. free copy of your book) or “perks” (e.g. monthly hangout times). Regardless, I have personally seen the monetary success that these new media personalities have generated with audiences that are a fraction of the size of yours. As you are well aware, people want to support those who they feel are giving them the truth and fighting a righteous fight.
I hope you consider what I have said here and I hope I speak for everyone when I say we want to see you remove the burden of finance in order to concentrate more on providing your extremely unique and invaluable insight.
Many thanks for this update – and I’m very envious of your trip to “Heaven” !
However, I’m lucky enough to have met Sheikh Imran Hosein myself, and I’d like to remind people that he was the first person in the world to publish a book explaining that 911 was a fraud – within just months of the event.
No slouch!!
Dear The Saker,
Welcome back and glad you had such a fruitful trip – Tobago looks beautiful and glad to hear you have recharged your batteries. A lot of wonderful things that will come out of this meeting are waited for with anticipation.
Glad you have made your desicion to go for seasonal/quarterly fund raising and thank you to the one reader who will fund your IT costs. I think through the Saker community we could all put our thinking caps on to find a sponsor/s for the site too.
What is so important about you and the site was explained here:
“…There are those out there, I shall not name them but you can easily guess who they are, who seek a monopoly on the ‘alternative news market’. These are the folks who see everybody else in their own camp not as allies, but as competitors. Let me be blunt here: these guys are only in this business for the money. Period. All their so-called “values” are crap. Money is all they want and that is why thy badmouth everybody else and see every “ally” as a competitor which has to be shut down or otherwise pushed aside. I loathe this crowd. In total contrast, I see everybody out there who is fighting for truth, justice, freedom and against Empire as an ally and I rejoice when an ally does well or has a success. ….”
We are the many – they are the few. Divide and conquer is their tool.
Thank you for everything you, Scott, Baaz, Herb, moderators and all the guest contributors do to bring us so much valuable information and keep the site functioning. As you say 2018 will be a tough year.
“PayPal sucks”
I have had zero problems with PayPal. I use it all the times on a lot of places
Maybe it is the bank you are using that is the problem. Check out on their homepage if they have restrictions for foreign transactions.
Well, I used a few ‘taboo’ words in a normal comment to someone I was then paying a few small occasional donations to keep him afloat in Cambodia and found myself being given the 10th degree inquisition and the transaction held up. I basically told PP it was one of their business and answered their inane question to a very basic degree. They persisted demanding more information and so I requested them to close my account which they refused to do until I answered their ‘interrogation’ to their satisfaction. I told them to shove it and haven’t use them ever since. They are far more than a banking transfer service. User beware. These days, I donate via Patreon or not at all. Period.
The PayPal credit card user interface can be functionally hit-and-miss. For me, the country-specific address options don’t always kick in as they should, leaving potential contributors wondering how to input a Canadian province/postal code into the pre-determined US state/zip code spaces. I have found simply closing the Paypal page, re-opening a new one and being sure to enter the $amount before proceeding to the rest of the info entry works. A minor glitch that is probably nothing Saker’s IT boffins can fix.
And then there’s the fact the PayPal customer-info database has been hacked at least a couple times.. that should not affect those of us just using the credit card interface without an actual PayPal account.
An interesting and refreshed Saker is on a roll. I am a 70-year old and really am not up to Moderator duties. If a poster is not sane, logical and rational he would get seriously clobbered everytime. This is, IMO, rather an extreme side of my personality and shows little mercy.
As for funding, this is not something I can personally help with. The Government of my country sees The Saker as a dangerous radical similar to Ron Unz, Thierry Messan, etc. I personally feel specifically-targeted (my pension cut by $100 Aus) for just Commenting and in other ways trying to show support for alt-media sites. I believe I am watched by some kind of Orwellian outfit staffed with nutjobs who are ‘mainstream’. They are of the “What’s the problem with mainstream?” psychology. Thus threatening ‘good people’ are the bane of my life.
I wish you the best. Regards.
Dear Saker,
What a great post!
I am thrilled you had such s wonderful trip and that your latest appeal came up trumps.
As a long time reader, your blog has become an essential part of my life in making sense of the madness we are now living through.
Its been a ‘ lifesaver’, mentally- speaking for being a beacon of intellectual integrity and truth- telling in an ocean of lies.
Due to difficult personal circumstances, I have been unable to make the contributions I would otherwise gladly make for your vital service – not least, its remarkable educational aspect. I’ve probably learned more true history on this blog in two years than in my entire life!!
That goes for the often amazingly erudite commentators too.
I’ve recently had some good news on the financial front, but it will be late autumn before the benefits are in my ‘ hot’ little fist :-)
As one who tends not to count chickens before they are hatched, I refrained from comment re your latest appeal.
But – touch wood! – I plan to contribute when the legal aspects are sorted.
Thank God so many readers did respond in whatever capacity they could – the urgency of your appeal was not lost on me, and my own current inability to respond likewise was a source of anxiety for me.
Please make it easier for people outside of the US to contribute without using Pay Pal – I think this will improve your cash- flow.
I did try last year but my account does not handle Pay Pal.
As for your response to ads, subscription – exactly as I expected :-)
You wouldn’t be ‘ you’ otherwise !
So please try not to worry about the blog’s survival, unexpected help can come just when you need it.
It will be a very happy day for me when I finally get to ‘pay my dues.’ :-)
Big hugs to you and family in the meantime, and so glad you are all doing good.
Wonderful ideas about Saker community get together and/or member contact services! One of the big burdens of life in our time is isolation, loneliness. I love the idea of meeting other members of the Saker community. God bless– and I am happy to hear the fundraising went well!
Peace Be Upon You Brother Saker,
God Bless you and those around you.
I am absolutely looking forward to the Book project you and Sheikh Imran are working on. May the Almighty make your plans easy and not hard.
Good to see your face.
I like the idea of a network of sakers. You can ask for donations every quarter and it would not offend. I will even donate next time I see – it helps to know you are a real person, with a family and bills like a real person, and not..well…who knows who are running some of the blogs I read.
You should do merchandising. Or someone should do merchandising. If you get no other offers to do this you can contact me.
As a footnote to current affairs, General Flynn was acting as a consultant for the Turkish government while holding a high secrer clearance. This leaves him open to prosecution to charges which are a felony. This is possibly why he was looking for immunity. One may also recall General Flynn was proposing an aggressive approach to Iran, which fits if he is or was in Turkish pay. The fact that President Trump removed him may be a sign of hope that this administration can achieve some good despite its enemies.
Not for the Turkish government, but for a Turkish businessman Here’s part of an email I sent to someone on 3/18 with information:
Flynn was not precisely lobbying for Turkey but his company worked for European-based Inovo BV, owned by Kamil Alptekin, involved an investigation into Gulen — who is not a part of the Turkish government, although he has ties with it. It’s interesting that Pence just said he only just now learned about it, which appears very doubtful. This is more complicated than the sound bite of ‘Flynn worked as a Turkish agent’, and doesn’t seem that atypical for what all of these political characters do (Clinton, for a prominent example, accepted many millions for her foundation while doing things for the donors as Sec.State, or ties with McCain, etc. with MIC while supporting terrorists in Syria and Ukraine).
Many thanks for your informative links, Blue. Whether General Flynn was adopting his position toward Iran when acting either as a consultant of the Turkish government itself, or as an agent of a Turkish businessman (and the distinction should not be casually discarded), his policy preferences were likely prematurely representing the Trump administration foreign policy in the Middle East to outsiders. For that reason, he had to go. It gives me hope that President Trump may still be able to form a foreign policy some distance from the neocon vision.
I was never overjoyed with Flynn — or most of the military crowd, for that matter. I heard him speaking in som interview and it was , OK… OK…. good…. OK…. WRF!!?!!… OK…. That’s nuts! ……
He a man with ‘ideas’ and ‘beliefs’, I think, but some horrible blind spots and flaws — again, like most of the military.
But Trump is somewhat like too, and inconsistent not just in what he says but seemingly within his own cognitive structures as well, and lacking intellectual consistency or integrity — which is common among capitalists, who try to justify capitalism’s internal contradictions, including the inherent drive towards imperialism and fascism. There is a ‘woof’ of freedom and democracy, and also a ‘warp’ of greed, lust for power, and continual expansionism, including some kind of colonialism, with the authoritarianism underlying it. And That’s what is found in Flynn, Trump, and the rest of the ruling class who are not out and out psychopaths.
Flynn’s acting as a consultant or lobbyist for the Turkish guy was ‘doing business’ and making money, which is what ever American is supposedly supposed to do. Nothing personal — just business — as the gangsters and hit men in the movies say.
Welcome back Saker! I must say, I was a bit worried and started thinking the worst. Really glad you are well. Do not hesitate to raise the flag when funds are critical. We will always help, as much as we can.
I am 100% with idea of get-together in Cuba, or US, doesn’t matter. Creating a network of Saker’s blog followers is again something that is already happening organically, and it needs a little push, to make it easier. Perhaps, allowing user registration is a way to go?
I don’t really know how to put in words the poignancy of your communications. I am so thrilled and relieved!!!! that everyone rallied but I have not yet because PayPal rejected me three times. I presume that directly through a credit card is the best way.
II would really like to thank you for all your efforts. There simply is no other comparable site as far as I am concerned.
Hello again Saker,
Thanks so much for providing this light in the darkness.
You have more of an effect on the world than maybe you will ever know.
A meetup/conference would be great, we should get one going.
Thank you for everything that you do,
I wonder if there are any followers of the Saker blog living in Alberta, Canada as I do? I don’t meet very many likeminded people around here.
You are living in Banderastan. Brave soul.
Yes, I sometimes feel like one of those submarines in the desert Saker talks about.
Dear Saker,
I’m glad that major changes will not be applied on this blog, I’m glad that you’re OK and everything is fine. It’s a great honor to be here and contribute with my humble thoughts, opinion and some poems in a great community with open mind and great knowledge. Thank you, Herb and moderators for your great work !
Welcome back!
I am very pleased the integrity of this blog will remain unchanged and the response has been enough to refill some coffers. I will be sending in my dues shortly via snail mail.
The suggestions regarding community-building are excellent!
to the Saker
( from the twelfth hymn to Agni)
” o conscious seer of the Truth, the Truth alone perceive in my consciousness, cleave out many flowing streams of the Truth ….. .
I also pray that my Pc will not give trouble again and that my internet connection improves……
(if that is not asking to much)
“Quarterly fundraising reminders…Idea adopted”
Fantastic! Only please, Saker, don’t hate them; because you are great at it!
Hi Saker.
You hate writing the appeals.
Here’s a karma exchange idea that may appeal to you.
Why don’t allow/auction/invite some of us from your/”our” community to write them for you once a month?
Some people may even feel comfortable writing and posting a pic.
Like I am……. My country is…… I discovered Skaker (how/when)…. And then the genuine endorsement from a reader as to why others should support with $1- $10,000,000 (!!!! ).
Others (like me) would be happy to write in a more anonymous capacity (but as a wonderful political cartoonist- First Dog On The Moon – says: ASIO eggplants are in my/your computer anyway).
Some of the best contributions on the site come from people who say they are low-cash individuals.
But they are rich in appreciation for this site, and they have time and a command of writing that others lack.
So. My suggestion, allow the community to “advertise/endorse/appeal” each quarter for you?.
Dear Saker,
I am glad you are doing fine. Thanks for your reply and for keeping this site up as it is. Many times it provides me with an inspiration and new ways of looking at things. I really appreciate that.
I would not bother to be named as a contributor to this site. However, if a majority of contributors would like to stay anonymous, I would feel a bit embarrassed being raised to undeserved fame in a short-list. Regarding the potential liability: happily accepting it. If somebody rejects my exercise of free speech, I prefer to know this asap and stay clear of these people.
Best regards,
You wrote, “I am the dumb brute force: driver, boxes carrier, bodyguard (we carry controlled substances) …”
You may not want to mention ‘we carry controlled substances’ too much. Why? You never know.
Yes, I flinched when I read that.
There are some things you just don’t need to share with 7billion people – some of whom, as you yourself say, Saker, are “batshit crazy”…
guys, everybody knows that veterinarians have those. especially the drug addicts. there is really no point, and no risk, in admitting this. Also, I doubt that we have a lot of drug addicts reading this blog. But, if they do, let them be warned: I am a fast and accurate shot :-)
Thanks for your concern though!
The Saker
I’d be more afraid that in your truck, with your fondness for ….
well, here’s the story…
An old man and his little yellow dog were walking down the street when out of a house comes a snarling and barking giant mastiff replete with spike collar. Just in time, the mastiff’s owner catches the dog and tells the man he sure was lucky that Butch here didn’t get at that little yellow dog. The owner of the little yellow dog opines that he would have made out just fine. Well, if you want, I’ll let Butch go and we can see! So, he lets the mastiff go and he and the little yellow dog go at it hammer and tongs. Soon, the mastiff races into the house, missing an ear, bleeding from numerous cuts and whining horribly. Criminy, the mastiff’s owner exclaims, what kind of dog IS that? Well, says the old man, before I cut off his tail and painted him yellow, he was an alligator.
I think this is SouthFront’s problem (compared to yours): They are very informative and important, but noboody knows how they are – there is no face, or personality that shines through.
I wish I could support them, but there is always a nagging concern I am being suckered – they seem to have privileged information, and their support links include the .ru domain. I am sure it all seems a bit shaddowy.
I would love to support them in return for the interesting ideas and timely information they provide, and I always wish they would say more about who they are in order to give me that reassurance.
I’d wager that with a human face or a story, their support would explode upwards. I know they want to stay anonymous. Obviously there are very good reasons for this. But it just doesn’t work when asking for support.
– Shyaku.
Suggest accepting donations in Bitcoin as well as the other means. Some people might like more anonymity or convenience than the other methods allow. Just a thought.
If you look to the right on the Saker site under “Saker support” – it already has bitcoin. Mod
Dear, Delightful SakerAndrei in the Vineyard – Thank you for YOU!
Saker, thank you for all you do!
My minimal contribution and purchase of the Essential Saker last year are both based on your wonderful effort to uplift the mentality of the American masses. Best to you going forward.
Best to you and yours, keep up the good work as they say here in the belly of the beast.
Thanks so much,
Please consider putting links to your favorite alternative media on a side drop down menu: this will increase the choice and variety, give alternative but still independent views and increase the traffic to their site and by default to your site. Also please consider a reciprocity clause by requesting that those sites that are tagged by you, tag you back and put y you on their drop down menu or at least a separate menu of the sites that refers to them. This is a way to built an independent nodal alternative news web, literally a web, that can oppose the MSM.
Dear Saker:
I was really moved by your appeal and by your response to the amazing support from the Saker Community. I have been a faithful reader for three years. I don’t mean to sound corny but I am one of the poor among you and feel really bad for not contributing even under $10.00 dlls.
Please accept my gratitude and my commitment to be a part of your community. As a community member I’d like to say that I have been out of work I like due to my commitment to the Christ of the New Testament. I have alienated many people by sharing analyses with roots in my conception of Christ which by the way resonates with your writing and values. Until recently, I worked with in a closet factory where I found myself basically being a slave but God who moves the forces of the universe enabled me to walk out into freedom.
Even though I presently don’t have a job, I see myself endowed with peace and well being and I am sure I will be doing something I like (something that benefits my neighbor specially the poor).
Peace to you and the Saker Community.
This one has offer of help on HOP … you may want to respond … herb
Happy this all sorted out so nicely!
First, from the heart:
I found your work very inspirational/educating/critically needed and in many cases I could get “confirmation” of my thoughts and predictions (as before, mostly nobody would consider I’m telling valid stuff, except for the wife) OR find the missing pieces for some really big puzzles that were circling in my head, looking for a way to be whole! THANK YOU!!!
About your (not so) goofy ideas:
They are great, both of them!) The meeting would offer so much, and live presentation with some discussion forum would be immensely productive for both – the individuals and the community as a whole! Please, please do! No idea (yet) how to fund the trip, but I’d go, and if possible, would offer and active role to help organising “on the ground” (studied the event organisation) or maybe a presentation – if needed, Ofc.
Having a contact with someone when you travel to different places – is also a great way to connect for discussions or even in case if some assistance is required!
The offer:
This was ripening for more than half a year now, mostly troubled by hard times I was going through in many aspects, but here goes…
I can offer my knowledge of Russian and Latvian languages (Russian is my mother tongue, fluent in eng/lv) for the purpose of translation of your articles, maybe something I could do for your Orthodox people project locally (Latvia), or some other form of help that might cross your mind. It is a hard time for us, getting on our feet, so I can’t offer any money, but might be able to help in raising funds. Also, the time I could spare will be limited for now, but hopefully that will be enough.
As you have too many unanswered emails, I’ve decided to post this as a comment. Looking forward to hearing from you if you find anything mentioned above interesting! =)
PS – there are many sensible people here in my country with less “frankly psychotic” individuals as you might imagine (contrary to our southern neighbors, even though sensible folk can be found there as well) – but the main media sources here are very much like CNN, while the rest are pushed out or banned, without a hint of so called “democracy” (like Sputnik)… so people are in the mental darkness. Alas, you can rarely find a true nazi attitude among people, as it’s often frowned upon as limited, counter productive or even backward thinking. And it’s sad to see good people wondering in the darkness as they’re being sucked dry by shadowy Masters from the Hill.
okay, thanks, I will email you :-)
Kind regards,
The Saker
Saker community get together/conference
I love this idea. It needs some thinking how to start and how to evolve such a thing. While I am not an expert conference organizer I volunteer to help etc. But first of all some “structured” thinking process should get started.
coming together is a dream idea.but is it realizable ?
Crimea would be the ultimate place.
Just imagen the costs involved ? ( air fares etc)Could all this money not be better spent on the blog? In any case for me here in India an impossibility
The quarterly reminder sounds like a good compromise. Candor and transparency are important. After I saw the details of your expenses, my donation went up from original intention.
Well…it was good to read the report of The Сокол journey to Carib…and his meeting with the esteemed Sheikh…
I like this guy…it was through this website that I learned of this man…and even though I have sampled only a small taste of his articulate youtube presentations…I have to say that here is a kindred spirit…a truth-seeker…a man who illuminates…even…in our struggle against the darkness…
So I had to scramble for the dictionary to find out what ‘eschatology’ means…funny thing…turns out it’s the ‘theology concerned with the final events of history…’
Apparently every religion has one…which only seems logical…since ‘the end’ is certainly a universal question that each of us surely ponders at some point or another…
Now quickly scanning through this…I found the Islamic eschatology particularly interesting in that its central theme seems to be about the concept of ‘justice’…which is a subject more timely than ever…for all the obvious reasons…
I especially like this one…
‘…Muhammad said, “When honesty is lost, then wait for the Day of Judgment.” It was asked, “How will honesty be lost, O Messenger of God?” He said, “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Day of Judgment…’
And this…
‘…”When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Day of Judgment…’
And my favorite…
So we have reached the end of times…?…well…judging by today’s hysteria at the UNSC by the usual FUKUS liars and ‘unworthy leaders’…it seems we are inching ever closer to some massive outpouring of godly wrath…
It is absolutely stunning just how quickly this latest ‘Assad-chemical weapons’ baloney has come together…mere hours after unverified reports from Al Qaeda’s first responders [white helmets] and other various terrorist PR sources…in no less than terrorist-governed Idlib province…and already the so-called world leaders are screaming for Assad’s head on a platter…
Also stunning is the total lack of smarts on the part of these so-called ‘leaders’…not realizing that people are not going to keep falling for exactly the same old trick over and over and over…i mean really…come up with a new shtick already…
I have to single out one odoriferous stink-bomb in particular…I had thought that no ‘woman’ alive could approach the stench factor of Sam Power…but Nik Haley is not to be underestimated…I can now barely look at her grimacing visage without starting to fell actual pain…
As for the Drumpfstick…that’s really all he’s turned out to be…he’s been roasted with BBQ sauce and now ready to be scarfed down by the real Big Boys on the block…for shame…and here I thought he had a pair…
Pretty hard to argue with ‘ol Muhammad now ain’t it…?
Saker community get together/conference? Agree.
Saker community member contact service? Agree.
Let’s have a try to better organize ourselves. And have some fun. I am not totally convinced “we” are winning. However we cannot achieve victory in isolation. That’s for sure.
Did you mean 2017 or 2018? Though I hope both years are good.
Thanks for your fine sharing. Your integrity shines through.
Saker, you’re a treasure. You’re even getting a lot of press in this ridiculous(but deadly Russia blame game – just for reporting the truth. – see The Daily Mail. The whole scandal symbolizes the death throes of a stinking, putrefying dying Empire desperately trying to survive. Very dangerous. Resembles one of those collapsing dynasties of old China.
Dear Saker, thanks so much for this essay. I love the idea of a Saker conference and the community contact possibilities. I would love to attend a conference but I reckon I’ll have to wait until you plan one for Europe :) . I will set up a monthly payment schedule once you have one of the mentioned possibilities up and running. I am looking forward to the app too. Somebody suggested that you outsource your quarterly fundraising appeals to members of the community. I agree and think that is a great idea. I would be happy to write the next fundraising appeal for you (or get in the queue to do it at later date).
I like the idea of an audio book – I listen to audiobooks/podcasts a lot. I have also thought it would be great to have an audio version of the blog because I am sometimes too busy/lazy to keep up, but I don’t suppose that is what was meant. I was thinking of suggesting making audio recordings of your posts for you myself but hesitated because a British female voice is totally not you. However if that would be useful do let me know.
Building a community takes work, and dedication. So thanks Saker, for the site. I ‘m from LA, where the hatred for all things Russia is palpable. I really believe a big part of the dump trump campaign had more to do with Russia than building walls or women and gay rights. Maybe people thought trump was telling the truth when he said he wanted to start talking to Russia, and were afraid of losing the boogeyman responsible for all their ills. Haha. So yeah, happy to know about the cafe. Cause it’s lonely out there, and I think it’s only gonna get worse.
I ‘m a portuguese fan/reader/follower of this blog for about 3 years.
I would suggest that on the saker app, it could have an option for readers to make optional donations. No need for paypal, just through google play (as if it was a renewal license?).
Keep up the good work.
Your blog is not “just a blog” or extra cash, it is re-education for russophobes that Russia is is not the real problem. Eisenhower tried to warn the American people against the military industrial complex. The neocons deserve what they handed out to Justice Scalia, or maybe it was the dems.
Have you considered a YouTube channel. The MSM needs some balance.
Margaret from Australia which blindly follows the Empire wherever it makes war, because we are faithful to our promises.
What a great idea about community get togethers!
Unfortunately I live in Athens, Greece, so meeting in Virginia is out of the question.
However please DO start a register of international members wiling to meet and to act as contacts locally – and please put me first on that list ! I know from the experience of the last 6-7 years how vitally important this is.
Хорошая борода! :)
Dear Saker,
I’m a great supporter of what you do. Basically because you search the truth and explain what you know, what are your hypothesis and what are your thoughts without mixing them, and because you know a lot, you analyze as a professional you are and you think with a clear mind, your blog is wonderful. No need to comment the high level of the comments of the community. It’s just a pleasure to read a lot of them.
When you plan a common research on eschatology between Christian Orthodoxy and Islam, it means that you want to go deep in anthropology; and it is an absolute necessity for me to maintain crystal clear our understanding of what is a human being, why is a human being and for what is made a human being; therefore I’m very please you start this work. And as you said, we have not to give our assent on something we don’t agree with, but we have to maintain the fact as far something is not clearly and completely demonstrated as illogical / irrational, then it is legitimately an idea somebody can maintain as a basis of its thoughts.
There is a problem with Islam regarding that point: they believe in “a” god, but they do not accept to submit their “knowledge” about “that” god to the filter of a rational analysis, which leads those knowledge never to leave the level of “thoughts” to reach the level of actual knowledge. I hope your attempt will not lead to a disagreement.
Saker community member contact service? Agree.
Saker community get together/conference? Agree. However, I suggest you form a core “Saker community group” (6 to 12 persons?) and this core group to have one year a conference in the Americas, the next one in Europe (for instance in Slovakia or in Greece), one year a conference in Australia etc. by that way you optimize the investment in travel costs!
Thanks for al what you do.
Hi saker community,
I woukd like to add that Americas policy in the middle east is to make sure that Israel is at peace so it can keep planning its NwO Agenda.
The only thing standing in the way of the NWO taking a strong foothold in the middle east is of course the alliance of Iran, Syria & Hezbollah.
They tried in 2006 on Hezbollah but failed they have tried from 2011 till now on syria but thanks to Putin and Mother Russia that has and will keep failing, & now they turning their sights onto Iran & we will see how that plays out.
Russia and Putin have been very wise and show strong foresight by identifying the importance of Syria and it’s stability for the region, if the Zionist Elite get a foothold their will be chaos for the Israeli Zionist will strengthen and also be strengthened by the Zionist Wahabist regime.
The believers of god will never stand for oppression of the children of god and as god states “ never fear a man that fears god”
Inshallah the alliance of the god fearing muslims and Orthodox Christians will be an alliance from god that has been prophsised by the all mighty.
And when the blessed Jesus returns peace and the truth will reign supreme once again, but for now we have President Putin and the will of the true believers of our creator.