So, the SCOTUS rejected the lawsuit brought be the State of Texas, many other states, over 100 House Republicans and, if I am not mistaken here, by President Trump.

Now the pro-Trump media claims that it was a “long shot” to begin with.  Maybe.  I am not a lawyer.

But what does that mean?  What happens next?

Is there still a chance that other lawsuits, or maybe some revolt in the Electoral College, or even a Congress action – is there ANYTHING at all left which could still prevent the Dem gang from stealing this election?

And, if not, what will be the venues open to those who still care about the Constitution to resist this coup?

I ask for your insights in an open thread (but the moderation rules still apply).

The Saker

UPDATE: this is a screenshot of the protest march in DC in support for Trump:

Looks like a *tiny* crowd to me.  Couple of hundred, maybe?

Not very encouraging!