As always, the Western “free and democratic” media has proven two things:

  1. It will parrot whatever “message” the US PSYOPs want it to parrot
  2. It lies with a quasi perfect record

I suppose, now we are going to hear about how the “western resolve” stopped Putin in his tracks.

We need to remember that the window for a false flag attack has not closed yet.

So while we can all rejoice that the date, and even time, of the long promised Russian invasion passed, we also need to remember that nothing has been solved yet.

But yes, the western corporate media looks stupid.

May I suggest that those taking it seriously look even dumber than the talking heads they are listening to?

I stop here and leave you with an open thread on the topic of what might happen next and where all this might lead us too.  After all, since nothing is going on, we can take some time off and try to discern what might happen next.
