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Tag "Alexei Mozgovoi"

Yet another version of Mozgovoi’s murder.

by Colonel Cassad (Boris Pozhin) Source: Translated by Seva Journalist Roman Skomorokhov proposed yet another version of the murder of Alexey Mozgovoi. It sometimes happens that the story is over, and it makes no sense to return to it. One cannot revive the dead, whereas issues of honor and memory in some places do not matter, to put it mildly. But as far as this story goes, I could

A few thoughts about the murder of Mozgovoi

Friends, I will be honest with you: the murder of Mozgovoi hit me like a punch in the stomach,  just as had happened with Buzina my first thought upon hearing the news was “Oh God – not him!”.  I did not always agree with everything these two man said, but they were dear to my heart for their immense, truly shining, honesty and courage.  At a time when the world

Open letter to Alexei Mozgovoi from an American activist

Dear Alexey, I deeply resonate with what you’re saying. If yours is indeed the position of Novorussia’s fighters and activists, largely shared by the people, if indeed you stand united behind it, then I will be cheering you on and speaking out in your defense. If you stumble and make mistakes, even terrible ones, I will be sharing your pain and rooting for you to survive, pick yourselves up and

Alexey Mozgovoi: I Will Continue to the End!

from Gleb Bazov’s Slaviangrad website:Against the Oligarchs and False Politicians. For the People. Novorossiya shall be! Oligarchs out! Power to the real, common people! This is our [first] chance in many decades to build an equitable, human and humane society. WITH RESPECT TO STRELKOV HAVING BEEN BETRAYED AND BETRAYAL IN GENERAL. There are so many who did not like what was begun and do not want to push it to
