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Tag "anti-Putin propaganda"

Bad times for Putin bashers

(co-posted on Russia Insider) I don’t know if you have noticed this, but the usual crowd of Putin bashers is being uncharacteristically quiet these days, especially the ones I call the “hurray patriots”.  Some of their blogs have simply been closed, others are apparently frozen, and those still minimally active are getting very few visitors (nope, I shall not name them here, both on principle and in order not to

Latest Putin-bashing invention: Putin about to be sacrificed

I am getting a flood of emails asking me about the article Putin’s Head – Who will remove the head of Russian President Putin and offer it on a platter to the U.S.? (also here) I normally don’t comment any of the nonsense which circulates on the Internet, but this one seems to have a lot of people worried. Friends, the key to the entire article is right at the
