I am getting a flood of emails asking me about the article Putin’s Head – Who will remove the head of Russian President Putin and offer it on a platter to the U.S.? (also here) I normally don’t comment any of the nonsense which circulates on the Internet, but this one seems to have a lot of people worried.

Friends, the key to the entire article is right at the beginning: “It seems that Russian authorities have found a way towards accommodation with the West. Liberals have become more powerful and are leading the talks“.  Every word in these two sentences is utterly false.  For one thing, Putin is “the Russian authorities”.  His power stems from three sources:

1) He was elected by the Russian people
2) He is solidly backed by the “power ministries” (Internal, Security, Military, Police, Intelligence, Emergencies)
3) His current popularity is somewhere in the high 80%

In other words, removing him would be legally impossible, physically impossible and politically impossible.

Second, if anybody seriously believes that Putin is seeking an accommodation with the West then he/she simply needs to listen to his latest speech at the Valdai club to come to realize that far from seeking any accommodation, Putin is fully ready for a long confrontation with the AngloZionist Empire.

Finally, because of their failure to overthrow Putin during the Presidential elections and, even more so, because of the civil war in the Ukraine, the Russian liberals have never been weaker then before: they are associated with the nightmarish 1990s and they are seen as allies of any and all Russia-hating forces be it Wahabi Chechens or Ukrainian Nazis and as tool of the US/EU/NATO.

Finally, when the authors write “Russian “patriots” dream stubbornly of convincing today’s President to imitate Stalin or Ivan The Terrible” they are completely misrepresenting the ideology and wordview of the Russian patriotic movement.

This worthless article is a typical example of the kind of anti-Putin propaganda organized by the US: if they cannot demonize him, they at least show him as weak and about to be sacrificed.  There will be much more of that nonsense in the future and I urge you all to simply ignore it.

The Saker