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Tag "Donetsk Airport"

Novorussian forces take control of most of the new terminal of the Donetsk airport

It appears that the Novorussians have take control of the entire Donetsk airport with the exception of a few floors in the new terminal where the Ukrainians are surrounded from above and below. See this footage which shows how the Novorussians are finishing off the remaining Ukrainians with explosives and anti-tank weapons. No translation is really needed, it’s mostly combat footage and Novorussians soldiers explaining what they are doing.  

What the battle for the Donetsk airport reveals about the Ukrainian and Novorussian forces

I hear contradictory reports about the situation of Donetsk airport ranging from “airport 90% in Novorussian hands” to “airport taken”.  Whatever may be the case, I believe that there is a pretty good chance that the Novorussians are correct when they say that airport will be taken this week-end.  I took a quick look at the site to get the latest report and this is what I saw: There
