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Tag "history"

Most interesting video discussion about key historical facts

Dear friends, I am posting a video sent to me by a friend.  Sadly, I don’t know anything about the two gentlemen talking, but I can say that everything they say does fully match with my own understanding of these events. I can’t endorse everything these two gentlemen say, and I sure disagree with their early 20th century views of Socialism (or, by implication what they apparently believe in the

The Other Ukraine

by arras for The Saker blog Ukraine is a country in the Eastern Europe, which doesn’t require introduction to most readers as it was and still is filling pages of the newspapers and screens of a TVs. Courtesy of ongoing geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Russian Federation there. Some say, this is a conflict between East and West and thus suggesting that it is not just a

World SITREP June 09 2017

by Baaz   Regional armed conflicts Information Terror Political Economic Religions   regional armed conflicts / regime changes The Middle East Last three days in Russia On June 8 – Bogdanov,a Deputy Foreign Minister, met with an ambassador of Lebanon On June 8 Bogdanov met with an Ambassador of Bahrain Same day he met with the Ambassador of the Saudi Arabia Same day de Mistura came to Moscow to meet

Non-political interlude: reply to two posts (religions haters please skip this one!!)

Today is a beautiful day in Florida.  Yesterday we “survived” not one, but two tornadoes (they mostly hit a national wildlife refuge south of us, there never was any real danger, but this sounds better) and today we get one of those perfect Florida days: blue skies with a few white clouds, beautiful warm sunshine (26C/79F), a cool breeze from the northeast and which brings in the always refreshing smell

Latest Gilad Atzmon article: “The Wandering Who?”

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Tel Aviv University historian, Professor Shlomo Sand, opens his remarkable study of Jewish nationalism quoting Karl W. Deutsch: A nation is a group of people united by a common mistake regarding its origin and a collective hostility towards its neighbours” [1] As simple or even simplistic as it may sound, the quote above eloquently summarises the figment of reality entangled with modern Jewish

American-style history lesson about Kosovo

Kosovo: The Brave Tribes Are Doomed By Gary Brecher for the eXile FRESNO, CALIFORNIA — Hey, you want to hear the New World whining at Old Europe? Here it is, from a press conference Condi Rice gave about Kosovo: “I mean after all, we’re talking about something from 1389. 1389! It’s time to move forward. And Serbia needs to move forward. Kosovo needs to move forward. Well, I think we
