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Tag "Lavrov"

Sergey Lavrov Interview for Film on Extremism in Europe – November 2022 – English Subtitles

Note from Michael Rossi Poli Sci who subtitled that video: Dear Patreon Supporters, First off, thank you once again for your pledged support and votes of confidence on my work. Unfortunately, YouTube decided to remove the latest video I uploaded today (Sunday November 27) of Sergey Lavrov giving an interview on political extremism in Europe AS “hate speech”. How they came to that conclusion is beyond me, but I suppose

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine, New York

Esteemed Ms Chairperson, Your Excellencies, Colleagues, As I understand it, today’s meeting was motivated by a striving to discuss the issue of “impunity” in Ukraine. I consider this to be timely. This term fully reflects what has been taking place in that country since 2014. At that time, nationalist radical forces, overt Russophobes and neo-Nazis came to power there because of an armed coup, with direct support from the Western

Russia’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, talks with RT’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan in an exclusive interview about the challenges Russia faces amid the Ukraine conflict

Highlights as seen by Pepe Escobar: 🇷🇺The highlights of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Sputnik and RT: 🔹The EU is forced to make amendments to sanctions against Russia as they have exceeded their potential; 🔹Russia is not happy about energy issues that Europe is currently facing, but “will not worry about it too much”; 🔹Western countries are trying to drag UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres into their “games” around

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the BBC TV channel, St Petersburg, June 16, 2022

Update:  This transcript is now complete. Ed Note:  This transcript is not complete and we will issue an update when it is completed.  We post it now because of the renewed DDoS attacks on Russian infrastructure. In addition, Mr Lavrov had two more quite serious interviews.  They are available here: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the NTV network, St Petersburg, June 16, 2022 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with

Lavrov x two

Introduction by Amarynth for the Saker Blog This posting contains one recent interview and one recent address by Mr Lavrov.  One is extensive and the second contains a few comments not included in the first.  One is directed to an international audience (more specifically the Arab world) and the other to a domestic audience.  Why should we look at these very carefully, and why do we post them on the

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during a meeting with the New Horizons educational marathon participants

Moscow, May 17, 2022 Friends, I’m delighted to attend the marathon again, as I was delighted to speak before you in the spring and autumn of 2021. I believe recreating the Knowledge Society in a new format without any formalities was a great decision. A format without formalities is important. It’s wordy, but it carries a deep meaning. I was asked to talk about multipolarity. In one context or another,

FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 30th Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy

Moscow, May 14, 2022 Mr Lukyanov, Mr Karaganov, Colleagues, I am glad to be here again, at this anniversary assembly. Last time, we met in this room on October 2, 2021. But I have an impression that this was in a totally different historical epoch. I would like to congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy. Its activities are a fine example of Russian expert involvement in the foreign

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Mediaset, Italian television network, Moscow, May 1, 2022 (it is a Hot one!) Ed Note:  This transcript will be completed as it becomes available. Ed Note update:  This transcript is now complete. Question: After your statement about the possibility of a nuclear war, of the third world war, the whole world is asking: is there a real risk of that happening? Sergey Lavrov: It looks like by the whole world you mean Western media and politicians. This is not the first time

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with India Today television channel, Moscow, April 19, 2022 Question: The big question that most are asking is the reason for this operation, the reason for President Putin to take the country to war at a time when we have seen negotiations and talks taking place. What was the reason? We know that America said that Russia was going to carry out operations. New Delhi certainly was not aware of it. Many countries said that it is not

Sitrep: A few of Mr Lavrov’s comments

While we wait for a video and transcript to be available, I’ve gathered these quotes from Mr Lavrov’s interview with Rossiya 24 – Amarynth “Our special military operation is designed to put an end to the reckless expansion and reckless course towards complete domination by the United States and, under them, the remainder of Western countries on the world stage. “This domination is built on gross violations of international law

FM Sergey Lavrov’s presser after talks with India’s Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, New Delhi, April 1, 2022

Ed Note:  Mr Lavrov held various pressers in his travels to China, India and the meetings between Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries (Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan).  If you are interested, that speech contains the rebuilding of Afghanistan and the progress being made.  It is here: The main take-away (and there are many) from Mr Lavrov’s visits, is of course this: A new reality is taking shape: the

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with TV channels RT, NBC News, ABC News, ITN, France 24 and the PRC Media Corporation, Moscow, March 3, 2022

The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Question: Unprecedented sanctions pressure is being exerted on the Russian Federation due to the recent events, primarily “on the ground.” Has Russia changed its position? Does the world hear what Russia is saying? What do you think about the ongoing talks in Belarus? What should we expect from the next round? Sergey Lavrov: This is a comprehensive question. You have

Lavrov gives interview to Russian and foreign media

This video may not stay up long.   Following is an alternative link that is not opening at all because of continual DDoS attacks on the Russia Foreign Ministry, but perhaps later in the day.   Foreign Minister Lavrov gave an interview to Al-Jazeera TV channel, Moscow, March 2, 2022 Major topics: 🔹 Ukraine after 2014 🔹 #RussiaNATO relations 🔹 Special military operation in Ukraine 🔹 Ukraine and nuclear

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions from RT television channel Moscow, February 18, 2022 Question: Western media and politicians continue to whip up tensions over the alleged Russian “invasion” of Ukraine, although it seems fewer and fewer people trust their statements as time goes by. This has become a bad joke even in the UK and the United States. Why do they go on with this? What do they want to achieve? Sergey Lavrov: I am sure that even people who are halfway

Vladimir Putin: Working meetings with Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Shoigu.

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. February 14, 2022 15:30 The Kremlin, Moscow At a meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Lavrov, we agreed today that the Foreign Ministry would present its views on the responses we received to our proposals sent to our US colleagues in Washington and our NATO colleagues in Brussels regarding security issues in Europe and their response to our concerns, primarily NATO’s endless and, in our view, most dangerous eastward expansion,

LIVE: Lavrov, Truss give press conference after talks in Moscow

This presser is particularly lacking in intelligence.  What an incredibly poor show.  Mr Lavrov is visibly and in his words affected by this.  The video itself is still the live version, so kindly forward to time marker 1:20 at this moment.  There are short parts of the video where Ms Truss cannot be heard, but not to worry, we are not missing a thing as she was simply telling Russia
