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Tag "Middle East Observer"

Lebanese writer explains why ‘Westerners have no remorse when killing others’

Middle East Observer Description: Lebanese writer and researcher of Islamic Studies, Sayed Abbas Noureddine, gives two reasons why he thinks the ‘West can continue oppressing other nations without any empathy or remorse’. Source: Islamona (YouTube) Date: Mar 7, 2020 Transcript: In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful. A close look at the Western psyche, the Western man’s personality, and the way he deals with matters related to us,

Hezbollah vs Israel 2006: Who has upper hand 14 years on?

Original links: Part 1: Part 2: Description: Senior Lebanese political analyst Nasser Qandil explores what has changed between Hezbollah and Israel over the last 14 years since the ‘July War’ or ‘The Second Lebanon War’ in 2006. After tracing the major changes and transformations in the military balance of power between the two sides over the last 14 years, Qandil then explores the current challenges facing Hezbollah inside Lebanon, particularly

The rise of International Axis challenging US power: TV Report

From Description: A short segment on Al Mayadeen TV illustrating the most important strategic agreements between states increasingly being targeted by American sanctions. Source: Al Mayadeen News (YouTube) Date: 21 July, 2020 (Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here: Transcript: Every time Washington tries to tighten the screws on states by imposing sanctions on them, these states in turn come together

Iraqi PM’s visit to Washington will fail if he is not ‘obedient’: Iraqi politician

Video link: Description: In an interview with Afaq TV, Sa’ad al-Muttalibi, a senior member of the Iraqi State of Law Coalition says that Iraq’s prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi will fail on his imminent state visit to Washington, as US officials never treat Iraqi officials as equal counterparts and al-Kadhimi won’t be an exception. This is especially true as al-Kadhimi is tasked by the Iraqi parliament with pulling US military forces

Lebanon-Israel border fire: Scandal or victory for Tel Aviv? Description: Senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash provides his analysis of the recent flareup on the Lebanese-Israeli border, an incident which is becoming the subject of many questions, theories and debates. In this interview on Al-Manar TV, Naqqash says something ‘very strange and major’ occurred in this incident, and perhaps the ambiguity will be removed in the future. However, the senior analyst, who is closely-tied to Hezbollah, affirmed that

Interview: Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari on 25-year historic agreement with China.

Interview with the Al-Alam News channel, Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari, revealed his thoughts and important details about the comprehensive 25-year historic agreement currently being finalised between Iran and China. From: Description: In an in-depth interview with the Al-Alam News channel, Iran’s former ambassador to China, Mehdi Safari, revealed his thoughts and important details about the comprehensive 25-year historic agreement currently being finalised between Iran and China.

(Photos): Russian delegation presents Iraqi PMF’s al-Muhandis with medal of honour

From Middle East Observer Description: During a political analysis show marking three years since the liberation of the Iraqi city of Mosul, a city which Daesh (ISIS) had made the capital of its caliphate, the instrumental role of Iran’s General Qasim Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were highlighted. More specifically, Al Mayadeen’s Baghdad Bureau Chief, Abdullah al-Badran, presented what he called ‘never-before-seen’ photographs of a Russian military delegation presenting

US should know ‘Resistance’ now controls all of West Asia: Naqqash

from Middle East Observer Description: Senior Lebanese political analyst Anees Naqqash says that the United States should know that the ‘Resistance Axis’ is the one that now controls the entire West Asia region, and that Washington is in no position to impose conditions on Lebanon (such as closing the Lebanese-Syrian border) in return for easing its economic pressure on the country. Naqqash, who is closely-linked to Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, is

Iraqi Hezbollah: Iraq’s PM sought to prove US loyalty by raiding our HQ

From Middle East Observer Description: The military spokesman of the Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Brigades), Ja’far al-Husseini, said in a recent interview that Iraq’s prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi unmasked his real intentions by raiding one of the group’s logistical headquarters in Baghdad. Al-Husseini said that the Iraqi prime minister’s real intention is to confront the Hezbollah Brigades and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) as a whole, and to protect the presence of

Fmr Iraqi PM: US refused to sell us arms, Russia opened its own stockpiles

From Middleeastobserver Description: In an interview with Iraqi TV, former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says that Washington’s weapons deals with Iraq and world states are based on its political and commercial interests, and not on good-will. Al-Maliki goes on to explain that Russia’s treatment of Iraqi requests for Russian weapons at critical times during Iraq’s war with ISIS was completely different. Source: Afaq TV Read transcript: Important note: Please

Listen to a Saudi analyst explaining why the KSA and Israel are cozying up to each other

Saudi analyst Abdul Hamid al-Hakeem has defended the appearance of Saudi and Arab leaders alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a recent conference in Warsaw, asserting that Saudi normalisation of ties with Israel was no cause for embarrassment. The two-day US-organised Warsaw conference on “peace and security” in the Middle East was widely seen as another major step by certain Arab and Israeli leaders to achieve a normalisation of

Saudi/Bahraini FM’s dodge reporters after first-ever public meeting with Israeli PM – English subs

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Nasrallah on ‘real reason’ why US continues ’40 years of war on Iran’ – English Subs

Note by the Saker: Middle East Observer (MEO) is now also uploading video content on its new channel on the, partly due to YouTube’s increasing intolerance for alternative viewpoints and voices. Below is MEO’s latest video, which can currently only be found on its Daily Motion channel. Description: Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah reveals the ‘real reason’ why the United States has been ‘waging war on Iran for the

Bahrain opposition begins armed resistance against ‘Saudi occupation’ – English Subs

Note: this is the first time I am posting a video by the Middle-East Observer which has now joined the Saker Community (translations) and who will be providing us Arab-language videos translated and subtitled in English.  Please see under this video how to support the Middle-East Observer and stay in contact.  Please support this work generously! The Saker ——- Original description:  A prominent Bahraini opposition leader says his al-Wefaq movement

Nasrallah to Yemenis: ‘US/Saudis have failed, victory closer than ever before’

Note: Subscribe to our mailing list, we’ll notify you when we publish text translations like the one below. Note: You can help our work continue and grow with as little as $1/month through our Patreon page. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has urged Yemenis to remain steadfast and hold firm to their battle fronts and positions,  as the Saudi-Emirati-American coalition has “failed” in the country, and that ‘victory was closer
