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Tag "moderation"

We need urgently moderators, please help!

Dear friend, We need your help.  One of our moderator had to reduce his moderation time for medical reasons while another had to leave for personal reasons.  Yet in the same time, the current crisis in the Ukraine has resulted in a major spike of visitors and, therefore, having moderators available 24/7 is really becoming crucial. Specifically, we need moderators for the following time slots: Sunday 9am – 4pm EST

Request for help: moderators needed!!

Dear friends, I would like to appeal to all the members of our community to ask for volunteer moderators, especially for the following time: between the hours of 16:00 GMT and 24:00 GMT. Our moderators are exhausted and need some time off, so if you can help, please let us know and contact our webmaster, at either one of the following email addresses: (please do not email me
