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Tag "Moscow’s response"

Moscow property that Putin could close for Washington, by Scott

Front running a steadily moving train of Russian foreign politic, the Western corporate media announced the possibility of 35 American diplomats being expelled from Russia and barring all who remain from using two properties, one is an industrial size warehouse, and another referred to as a “wooded picnic area.” If you think that a “wooded picnic area” means a couple of tables and a barbecue grill in a park,  you

The Kremlin’s response to the events in the Ukraine gradually becomes more apparent

Русские долго запрягают, но быстро едут (“Russians take a lot of time to saddle up, but then they ride fast”)  Russian adage Over the past few days the events in the Ukraine have seen a fantastic acceleration and many important events have simultaneously taken place.  I will try to look at them one by one. In Kiev, the leaders of the insurgency have taken full control of the Parliament and
