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Tag "Ollie Richardson"

Police Suicide in France: the whistle was blown, but the Macron regime pretends to be deaf

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Dear reader, if you enjoy my Yellow Vests reporting and want it to continue, then please consider becoming my Patron and helping me give the movement the fair English-language coverage it deserves. More information can be found here. (Photo taken by me on June 29th in Paris during a Yellow Vests demonstration) I think by now most people who are interested in geopolitics

Yellow Vests: The undercover cop scandal that the Macron regime tries to cover up

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog During the near 8 months (at the time of writing) that the French Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) have been demonstrating nationwide I have written two articles (part 1 is here, part 2 is here) based on my own primary research that aimed to offer an insight into what is actually going on, since the mainstream, neoliberal media is either deliberately boycotting the topic

Ukraine: the presidents change, but the oligarchical system remains the same

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog A lot of people are asking “what happens now?” in relation to the topic of Ukraine. Zelensky is now in power, Trump will most likely win a 2nd term, and the EU elections resulted in a win for EU-skeptics. I will try to provide an adequate yet relatively laconic answer. The purpose of this article is not to explain what Russia will specifically

Understanding America’s “regime change” strategy in Russia

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog In what is a very timely admission taking into account the topic of my last article – 21st century international relations and decision-making, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (Служба внешней разведки Российской Федерации), Sergey Naryshkin, pointed to a low risk method of “hybrid” warfare and named a specific example where it is being implemented. RT reported the following on June 18th

“Nuclear Armageddon” and Geopolitical Simulacrum

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog As I have now come to expect, some of the comments posted beneath my last article (and if to be honest, beneath any geopolitical article published on a so-called “pro-Russian” website) refer to an imagined scenario where human beings are just doomed – completely doomed. In context, the comments I speak of go along the lines of “Yeah, the Russian leadership might be

Explaining Russia’s Position on Idlib

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Over the past five years my work in the information space has been consciously aimed at explaining why the Russian military does and doesn’t do certain things, whether it be in relation to Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Venezuela, etc, and why demanding that Putin bombs everything in sight is exactly what the CIA wants so-called “pro-Russians” to say. Yet I haven’t exhausted (maybe

“White Helmets”, gas attacks, & evil Russians: The new “Call of Duty” video game is CIA propaganda?

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog We’re in the Middle East, and after a big explosion caused by an aerial bombing, a female child is stuck under all of the rubble, people come to remove the remaining rubble and pull the girl out. Then toxic gas is deployed. Does this description sound familiar? No, it’s not the contents of the latest script dispatched by the US State Department to

The British Army and the “Extreme Right Wing”

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Buzzfeed, whose reputation can hardly be described as trustworthy, reported on May 29th that a genuine document – the British Army’s guide for spotting the “Extreme Right Wing” – has been leaked online. According to Buzzfeed, the MOD told the agency that “the document was produced in late 2017 after the arrest of four soldiers who were accused of being affiliated with the banned neo-Nazi

Inside the Yellow Vests: What the Western media will not report (Part 2)

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Background When the words “Yellow Vests”/“Yellow Jackets”/“Gilets Jaunes” are heard or read by someone who is more inclined to read sources of information that cannot be described as mainstream/corporate media, they most likely will say “Ah yes, I know who they are/what it is!” and recount what they heard or saw in the past when this topic was popular… for about a month.

Report: Yellow Vests Act 20 (media heavy – loads slowly!)

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Act 20 of the Yellow Vests took place on March 30th nationwide in France and happened against the background of last week’s brutal beating of a female protestor in Nice. My reports on Acts 18 and 19 can be read here and here respectively. Paris The demonstration in Paris was focused on housing expulsions, energy cuts, and expensive accommodation. It should be noted

How electoral fraud became the cornerstone of Ukraine’s 2019 presidential election

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Of course, it comes as no surprise that both state and independent media are currently interested in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election, scheduled to take place on March 31st. But if we are to be honest, this interest isn’t so much caused by an eager anticipation vis-a-vis the result. After all, nothing will change much in Ukraine after the election, or rather –

Yellow Vests: “A Torrent of Hope Cannot Be Stopped by Police Blocks”

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog The following text was written (and translated by me) by the “Cerveaux non disponibles” Yellow Vests group after March 23rd’s protest event, which I reported about here. Of course, in many respects there is a chess game ongoing here. Macron thought that by sealing off the Champs-Elysees he would prevent the Yellow Vests from repeating what they did on March 16th – firing

Yellow Vests Act 19 (Paris): Report

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog   March 23rd in France marked the 19th consecutive weekend of nationwide Yellow Vests protests, the most noteworthy of which happened in Nice, Lille, Montpellier, Toulouse, Caen, and Paris. An estimated 127,000 Yellow Vests took to the streets of France on this day to protest against the Macron regime. Firstly, let’s state some facts: there was NOT military troops everywhere in Paris. Near

Inside the Yellow Vests: What the Western media will not report

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Disclaimer: if you think that Soros/Russia/America/Illuminati is behind the Yellow Vests or some other batsh*t nonsense, then please stop here. This article isn’t for you. Cat videos on YouTube are maybe more appropriate. While the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) protests actually began on 17.11.18, I think most are aware that frustration with the government has been building for many, many years. Sarkozy certainly

Why Israel’s Airstrikes in Syria Are a Sign of Weakness, Not Strength

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Why does Russia behave the way it does in relation to Israeli airstrikes in Syria? I will proceed from what seems to be an established fact (SANA confirmed) that on the night of January 11th Israel hit one depot at Damascus international airport. I.e., material damage. 12 projectiles were fired in total. Syrian air defences worked, and by all accounts they were as

“Maidan” in France, or a national uprising?

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Before diving into the topic of this article I would like to pay a special tribute to the late William Blum. For those who are unaware why, he passed away on December 9th at the age of 85 due to illness. For those who don’t really know who he is, I recommended reading his books – especially “Killing Hope”. It is an encyclopaedia

European Union Corruption Case Study: Ukraine

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Over the past 4 years, since the coup d’etat in Kiev in 2014 orchestrated by the “civilised” West, a “team of reformers” has been at work in Ukraine. They promised to implement so-called “anti-corruption reforms” in cooperation with European countries, such as France and Germany, who, by the way, both placed a stake on installing project “anti-Russia” aka Euromaidan. But here is where

“World War III” and the American Switcheroo

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog The person reading this article has most likely seen some form of re-enactment of a Roman trireme navigating some waters and being surrounded by fog, not being able to see further than 1km around them and thus possessing limited knowledge about what lies beyond the “draw distance” provided by their cerebrum. It is this fear (and handicap when it comes to survival) that

On the topic of the Russia-Israel-Syria affair

On the topic of the Russia-Israel-Syria affair, which has culminated in the downing of a Russian Il-20 on September 17th just off the coast of Latakia… by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog I will first start this article by saying that I have read, both intentionally and unintentionally (stumbled upon), lots and lots of opinions about this specific topic. The main bulk of these opinions recycle the usual blaming of

The “Yalta European Strategy” Three Years on Since Putin’s Geopolitical Checkmate

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog On September 30th, 2015 Russia drove (or flew!) the definitive nail into the coffin of what is known as “Sykes-Picot”. I.e., it marked an end to the era of “incidentally” drifting into this or that Middle Eastern country because of this or that so-called “dictator”, which, of course, must be removed for “democracy” to prosper in the region. No more mandates, no more
