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Tag "Russia Today"

CrossTalk: Vault 7

    Mar 10, 2017 Wikileaks strikes again. On full display are the CIA’s spy tools and methods. Snowden provided a briefing book on U.S. surveillance, but the CIA leaks could provide the blueprints. And your Samsung TV and iPhone are a big part of this. CrossTalking with Larry Johnson, Suzanne Nossel, and Patrick Henningsen.

CrossTalk: Donald and Vladimir

Nov 18, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump says he wants to improve relations with Russia. The Russian President Vladimir Putin tells us he agrees. What does it mean to have better relations and will the American foreign policy establishment allow this to happen? CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams, an Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, and Andrew Langer, a President of the Institute for Liberty. Follow Scott

Victor Medvedchuk to RT : Ukraine is a colony of the West and ruled by foreign governments

Victor Medvedchuk: Kiev has done all it could to leave Crimea to Russia Translated by Scott Humor   Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the”Ukrainian Choice” political organization, Kiev’s special envoy for humanitarian issues. He has been instrumental in prisoner exchanges between Russia and the Kiev regime. Russian president Vladimir Putin is a godfather to Medvedchuk’s daughter Darina (born in 2004).  He is also the best candidate to become a president of the liberated Ukraine. 28

‘Yukos judgment marks true divorce between Russia and the West’

RT reports: The decision by the International Arbitration Court in the Netherlands is a political one and there is no mechanism that I am aware of for enforcing Russia to make the $50bn payment, energy asset manager Eric Kraus told RT. RT: The International Arbitration Court in the Netherlands has ended a decade long case against Russia brought by shareholders in the defunct Yukos oil company. Why after so many

John Kerry and the “last resort” rule as a cause for optimism

[First a small announcement: I will contact the “Saker correspondents” over the week-end with details about how we will get organized and the kind of stuff we will do.  Over 40 people have responded to my offer and I am happy to announce that we got all five continents covered.  Another seven candidates have not answered my request to confirm their desire to participate: “fsd”, “cc”, “sl”, “y”, “aa”, “ov”

Great interview with Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich on RT (must watch!)

 Soraya’s replies are, as always, fantastic, but what in the world is wrong with this anchor?! For the life of me I cannot imagine somebody working for RT not knowing and understanding what is really going on in the Ukraine. And yet, first Abby Martin, then Liz Wahl, now this clown?!  I can fully understand that a reporter for RT could disagree with a Russian policy – but all three

RT TV interviews Syrian President Bashar Assad

Comment: This is the first full-length interview of Bashar Assad I have seen and I have to admit that I am favorably impressed: while Assad does not strike me as particularly impressive, he is most definitely not a clown like Gaddafi or megalomaniac like Saddam. Sofiko Shevarnadze did an excellent job of asking him the right questions, and he did a rather good job answering them. What I miss most
