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Tag "Russian role in Syria"

Russia Squeezed Israel Out of Syria (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and subtitled by Leo. Russia started to give a rebuff to Israel for their constant dragging into Syrian affairs. Russian electronic warfare capabilities being located in the Middle Eastern country is hindering the work of the Tel Aviv airport, claims one of the Israeli TV channels. The stated Israeli media is also mentioning that the Russian military has taken control of the Latakia port, depriving in these ways the

On Russian military interventions (or lack thereof)

My recent article about a possible Russian military intervention in the Syrian conflict triggered, amongst mostly rational reactions, a few angry and frustrated one from folks who were apparently disgusted with the Russian refusal to get militarily involved in Novorussia and Syria.  Since such angry protests are also often echoed on other supposedly pro-Russian blogs and websites I think that it is worthwhile to address the substance of these criticisms
