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Tag "Saker rant clarification"

About the East Europeans whom I have “expelled” from Europe

Oh boy, I should not have mentioned that.  Now it is distracting from the main topic.  So, I guess, I might as well clarify. My dear East Europeans, Some of you are, apparently, quite offended and appalled by my words about you not being European at all.  What you are missing is that I don’t consider myself European either, nor do I consider Russia as part of Europe.  Had you

One more attempt at clarifying my position on Russian options

The pitfalls and risks of expressing feelings in a blog My recent rant “Please tell me my worst fears will not come true” was clearly very poorly written and my subsequent attempt to clarify what I meant did little to improve the mess I apparently had created. To be honest, I never went to “blogger school” and I am painfully learning this trade by trial and error including a lot

My rant tonight – okay, I will try to clarify further

Okay, predictably some has misunderstood my rant as a change in heart.  Others wonder what has changed over the past 24 hours.  So let me clarify:1) No change of heart?  No – Putin did the right thing by waiting as long as was possible.  I just don’t believe that waiting is possible any more.  Why not?2) What has changed?  Not just words, but actions by Poroshenko.  I, along with many
