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Tag "Salafi/Wahabi/Takfiri crazies"

Documentary: Takfiri Sedition

This film traces the roots of takfirism, an unorthodox school of thinking that attribute itself to pure Islam in modern history, but that in reality has nothing to do with real Islam. The documentary explains the history of the so-called “Arab Spring” or Islamic Awakening, and how it was infiltrated and derailed by the Global Arrogance “intelligence agencies”, and through the use of Takfiri “clerics” – such as those from

First thoughts on the Saudi-Iranian conflict: is an attack on Iranian forces in Syria next?

First and foremost, a disclaimer: I don’t normally comment on an event right after it has happened, if only because in most cases the key information needed to make an evaluation is missing.  In this case, however, I am confident that three things are already obvious: First, the murder by the Saudi Wahabis of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and 46 other Shia was a deliberately planned provocation.  The Saudis knew, knew

The truth about Islamic Fundamentalism

(cover photo above: Daesh thugs execute a group of children) by Noureddin Shami The author has written at least five different versions of this essay, all in an attempt to relay the same message at different levels of overtness targeting different audiences. Bits and pieces of it have been used here and there by some, even published, sometimes with good intentions and sometimes with devious intentions. In the wake of

Saudi Arabia, the mainspring of Islamic radicalism

by Nauman Sadiq If we look at the evolution of Islamic religion and culture throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, it hasn’t been natural. Some deleterious mutations have occurred somewhere which have negatively impacted the Islamic societies all over the world. Social selection (or social conditioning) plays the same role in the social sciences which the natural selection plays in the biological sciences: that is, it selects the traits, norms

Yemen – yet another example of mind-boggling hypocrisy

The recent events in Yemen are taking on an increasingly dangerous turn.  Rather than to paraphrase what others have written, I will refer you to the following articles: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya “The Geopolitics behind the War in Yemen” Ron Paul “Yemen Exploding: Is The Stage Set for the Big War?” Waqar Rizvi “In Yemen, old strategy for a new reality” What I propose to do is much more basic: I

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the biggest distortion of Islam in history

The horrible events in Pakistan immediately brought to my mind the barbaric attack by Wahabi Chechens against the school in Beslan.  It is amazing for me to see that, apparently, attacking schools and taking children hostage is a God-pleasing action in the sick minds of the human reptiles known as Wahabis.  They also love to slit throats, torture and, occasionally, eat livers.  Truly, this ideology which we can call Wahabism

Egypt being pushed into sectarian violence

by Crescent online Saudi preacher, Muhammad al-Arifi, has issued a fatwa saying prostitution by Muslim girls to service takfiri fighters in Syria is permissible.  Has the Ummah (Muslim world) fallen so low that such filthy fatwas can be issued and Muslims remain silent? At the same time, Arifi and Sheikh al-Qaradawi have launched an anti-Shia crusade leading to the lynching of four Shias in a village outside Cairo. Muhammad al-Arifi
