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Tag "short message"

This and that from Andrei

Dear friends, I know!  I know!  You want maps.  I will try to post one later tonight! Right now I want to share a few things with you and ask a few questions. First, accessing Russian websites.  I notice that in the US a lot of .ru and .su domains are blocked.  Today I had to use a VPN to go through Israel to access a page in Russia ( 

Moderation issues: we have added a “red flag” warning

Dear friends, Thanks to the work of our webmaster Herb, we have now activated a new feature.  We call it a “red flag” warning.  Here is how this will work: If I see a comment which should not have been allowed (in my opinion) by the moderators (that is pretty rare) or if I see a comment which *technically* does not violate any rules, but which is either typical of

Small Saker announcement (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I have LOTS of news for you, all of them good. I am writing a detailed open letter to you, the readers, to inform you of the coming changes to how this blog operates and spelling out things which in the past I only alluded to or rarely mentioned. But I am also still tired, but off my antibiotics and better rested. Please give me a day or
