Dear friends,

I know!  I know!  You want maps.  I will try to post one later tonight!

Right now I want to share a few things with you and ask a few questions.

First, accessing Russian websites.  I notice that in the US a lot of .ru and .su domains are blocked.  Today I had to use a VPN to go through Israel to access a page in Russia (  But my VPN does not offer any outlets in Russia.

Question: does anybody know of a strong, solid and quick VPN with Russian outlets?

Next, I am swamped with emails.  Forgive me, but I am physically totally exhausted (it’s not just work, it is also being the object of hate, that is quite exhausting and I don’t wish that feeling on anybody).  So I am sorry, but unless your email is marked “IMPORTANT AND URGENT” I might not reply to it.  I will READ them all, but that’s the most I can promise.

I recently discovered the website The Gateway Pundit (turns out they used an article of mine recently) and I found out that, according to TGP, Duckduckgo also deranks and censors.  As you might now, Google has massively deranked the Saker blog, and I don’t care since our traffic does not depend on search engines, but I do want to use a search engine which I could halfway trust when I need to look up something.  So my next question to you is:

Question: which is the least bad, the least corrupt, search engine out there?  It would have to be one physically and legally based outside Zone A.

Next, I was told by an IT friend that the messenger Signal is not truly free and open source (FOSS) software.  Here my questions do you are:

Question: do you know of a 100% FOSS messenger, including its internal encryption mechanisms?

That’s it on my end.

By later this afternoon, I hope to bring you an update and, yes, a map :-)

Hugs and cheers
