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Tag "southfront article"

A new war began on October 31…

by SouthFront The most up-to-date information indicates the October 31 tragedy was the result of a terrorist act on board the Airbus A321. If that supposition is confirmed, and considering the reaction by the Russian authorities, one might say that Qatar finally got what it wanted—a war. Incidentally, Qatar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Khaled al-Atyya publicly threatened Russia with “World War Three”. We can’t speak for Russia, but as far

ISIS increases capabilities in Aleppo province. Reasons & Conditions

by SouthFront source: According to American experts citing certain Syrian humanitarian groups, the Islamic State in recent days has achieved several significant successes in the South Aleppo province and has infiltrated and established control over several districts of the strategically important town of al Safira. As a result of the offensive the ISIS was able to capture about 10 checkpoints on the strategically important highway from Hama via Salmiya,

What You Need to Know about the Russia’s Air/Space Defense System Concept

Foreword by SouthFront: Russia has merged several branches of its military into the Aerospace Forces (VKO). The new branch will include the nation’s air force, air defense, anti-missile and space forces. But what is the VKO? Which tasks do they solve and how? SouthFront offers the exclusive translation of article answering the questions. The article was initially published in 2008, two years after confirming the Air/Space Defense Concept in 2006.
