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Tag "Ukrocrazies"

Ukropatriot vs Coca-Cola

Note: to be really really honest, I think that this is a fake.  But a very funny one.  The true story is that Coke in Russia did not include the Crimea on its initial map, and then decided to add it, which, of course, might have made some Urkopatriots angry.  But still, I cannot imagine Coke making a map of the Ukraine for the Ukraine without Crimea, so I think

Listening to the crazies gunning for Poroshenko (and the USA?)

I sat down and listened to the full four hours of the infamous “Shuster Live” show of September 4th.  This was not easy (if only because to a Russian ear Ukrainian sounds roughly like Klingon to a English speaker.  Except that Ukrainian is really easy to understand, as it is basically a mix of rural Russian, Polish and some old Slavic words).  But it was also very interesting (if you
