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Tag "Ukronazi offensive against the LDNR"

Donbass war – quick update

The intelligence service of the Donetsk People’s Republic have released the following map and claim that this is the Ukrainian plan of attack against the LDNR: The Colonel Cassad website has posted a summary of what this plan includes. Here is a machine translation of this text: The secret service intelligence of the People’s Militia of the DPR has obtained a plan for a Ukrainian offensive operation against Independent Republics,

The Ukronazis are on the offensive (OPEN THREAD)

Dear friends, The civilians of the LDNR are being evacuated from the towns near the LOC (line of contact). The Ukies are bombing the LDNR with artillery and mortar fire along the full LOC. The city of Gorlovka has lost power.  The city is under tank fire.  The only road between Donetsk and Gorlovka is under Ukronazi fire. The cities of Dokuchaevsk,  Staromikhailovka and Belaia Kamenka are under mortar attack.
