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Tag "Unorthodox Black Sheep VN"

Analysis On Vietnam Relationship with The Super Power Countries (With My Own Theory)

By Unorthodox Black Sheep VN for The Saker Blog Analysis On Vietnam Relationship with The Super Power Countries (With My Own Theory) (Title Image is Created By Me) [1. Public Apologize To Saker Readers: Before beginning the article, I want to admit that I am truly wrong on the part “China and US mess up Soviet Support to Vietnam during 1960s” when I response to comment Richard Spratly in my

Let Be Honest About Paracel Islands And Spratly Islands

by Unorthodox Black Sheep VN for The Saker Blog (Credit: ) I use the image for title By Unorthodox Black Sheep VN Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands are the most controversial in the Asia. What I will say here, if my prediction is correct, will causes many Vietnamese and possible Chinese readers angry so much, and I’m not so surprise that Vietnamese readers will call me traitor. The truth,

Corruption in Vietnam

By Unorthodox Black Sheep VN (aka A Vietnamese Reader) for The Saker Blog I find out that my late article “What Wrong With Vietnam Today?” is too general about the corruption in Vietnam in both so I decide to go more details on the problems. The corruption stories is what I heard from the Vietnamese who was experiences in the painful ways, including me also get experiences from it. When
