By Unorthodox Black Sheep VN for The Saker Blog

Analysis On Vietnam Relationship with The Super Power Countries (With My Own Theory)

(Title Image is Created By Me)

[1. Public Apologize To Saker Readers: Before beginning the article, I want to admit that I am truly wrong on the part “China and US mess up Soviet Support to Vietnam during 1960s” when I response to comment Richard Spratly in my reports “Let Be Honest About Paracel Islands And Spratly Islands” and I horribly apologized for confused you guys on the 1960s part. This is a part I heard from my history teacher about 9 to 10 years ago. I just noticed when I have a conversation with my acquaintances, and they point the 1960s part is wrong. However, I also learn more from my mistake that they tell me that the teacher who tell me about the 1960s part is possible confused the Vung Ro Incident with Ping-Pong Diplomacy. According to Vietnamese Intelligence information from 1973, they tell me that the Ping-Pong Diplomacy did not only ties the relationship between US and China but also it was a secret deals. First, China will stop the Soviet support to Vietnam in the land and US will stop Soviet support in the sea. Second and finally, China would claim a large area of Pacific from China to Midway island (about half of Pacific if I calculate correct). Now, let begin with my report.]

2. I am truly grateful on Mr. Saker for putting my reports on the blog, and you guys the readers for reading my reports despite the fact that my grammar skills is horrible. I am really grateful on the Greanville Post for their attention on my late report “The Hidden Power of Pro-US Facion In Vietnam” and their effort on editing and fixing my super horrible grammar. Please if my grammar is highly hard to understand, just ask me at the comment section and I will do my best to help you guys understand what I try to says.

3. You guys can freely posted my reports whenever you want. If you guys find my reports have so much grammar errors, so I discourage you guys to use my reports because I know no one want waste their precious time to figure out what I say, edit and fix my grammar (LOL).

4. If you guys don’t mind, I decide to quote the information from any source I found because I find out my bad grammar skills can give some people headache if I write with my own words.]

Vietnam-China Relationship:

We already know that Vietnam and China is hostile to each other right now on the South China Sea. However, two countries still try their best to maintain peace in the land especially the border between two countries. According to “Vietnam, as next ASEAN chair, urges China to behave in S. China Sea”, Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung said:

“”You have seen what China has done a couple of months before in Vietnam’s EEZ. Of course, it’s a blatant violation of our sovereignty. But Vietnam…did exercise self-restraint and finally China withdrew from the EEZ, but I am not sure if such kind of thing will not happen again,” Dung said.

“What China did was very alarming and also a kind of threatening. Not only Vietnam but also other countries see the potential of being threatened in the future,” he said.

Dung said China has almost completed its reclamations of artificial islands and has militarized those features.”

From this information, we can noticed how dangerous China is in the South China Sea by their actions in the EEZ. Moreover, there are some proof to prove that Vietnam and China are clashing at each other right now in the South China Sea. According to “As coastguard boats circle, Vietnam prepares for bigger challenge in South China Sea”:

“This week in Ho Chi Minh City, Nguyen Minh Hoang, a major general in the People’s Army of Vietnam and member of the National Assembly, gave details of the months-long stand-off during a community meeting.

In response to questions about Vanguard Reef, Hoang said the Rosneft rig was operating as usual although there were more than 40 Chinese and 50 Vietnamese ships in the area.

While finding a diplomatic solution to the stand-off was Vietnam’s top priority, Hoang did not rule out taking the Vanguard Reef case, and Vietnam’s other South China Sea disputes, to the United Nations or the international courts.

Vietnam has repeatedly clashed with China, which claims more than 80 per cent of the resource-rich waterway as its own.”

Look like some Vietnamese is pissed off right now they decide to “bring it on” with China. Some acquaintances tell me that Vietnam Coast Guards are currently ramming with China Coast Guard right now. MOFA Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang had responsed to Haiyang Dizhi 8 so directly to demand them withdraw from Vietnam water territory.

China is currently building the border wall or the border fence or the border barrier exactly between the two countries in case that the war can be triggered between two countries for some reason only god know. You guy can view the video about the border wall:

See Directly Vietnam-China Border Wall-LangSon Travel (CẬN CẢNH BỨC TƯỜNG BIÊN GIỚI VIỆT NAM TRUNG QUỐC – LANG SON TRAVEL)

Border Walll Seperate Vietnam And China And Bac Xa Binh Lieu Border Road (Bức Tường Biến Giới Ngăn Cách Việt Nam Trung Quốc Và Đường Vành Đai Biên Giới Bắc Xa Bình Liêu)

I know the fence also has the gate or door but I still think this is the sign of incoming war between Vietnam and China but I am not being paranoid about this. Vietnamese is paranoid so much about the war is coming thank for the border wall.

In conclusion, Vietnam and China hostile to each other on South China Sea.

Vietnam-US Relationship:

US-China trade war had many great impact to Vietnam economic, there are many countries, that includes China, had moved or considered to move their factories to Vietnam. This is Savills report:

The list of large groups relocating factories from China to Vietnam

US have began to move many factories from China to Vietnam. According to “U.S. Imports From Vietnam Soar As Chinese Factories Simply Move Countries”:

“Imports from China, however, declined 13.9 percent.

In 2018, Vietnam’s largest export to the United States was electrical machinery. The U.S. imported $11 billion worth, plus $7.2 billion of knit apparel and $6.2 billion of footwear, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Amid rising trade tensions between Beijing and Washington, the Trump administration has said that tariffs will force companies producing in China to relocate factories to nearby countries.

“My expectation is a lot of this business will be moved from China to other places in the region,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said while speaking before the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday.

And that appears to be what’s happening. News reports have noted anecdotal evidence of the shift, with business owners and analysts saying they’ve seen the relocation of companies’ manufacturing facilities to Vietnam.

Zhejiang Hailide New Material, which makes industrial yarns, told investors last year it would set up a factory in Vietnam to avoid tariff hikes. Hl Corp, which makes bike parts, also said last year that it was moving production to Vietnam in hopes of evading tariffs. And GoerTek, a producer of Apple’s AirPods, also plans to move production to Vietnam.”

From this, we can find out that US and its lackeys are try to turn Vietnam into new factory. This is not good in long term if my understand on economic is right. According to “Vietnam gains ground in shift from China”, Vietnam also gains some profits when Google and Apple, and other ones move to their factories from China to Vietnam:

“The magnitude of the shift from China to Vietnam is hard to measure, in part because multinationals are keeping their moves discreet to avoid upsetting delicate government and supplier relationships in China.

But Vietnam’s trade numbers, not least its record $39.5bn surplus with the US last year, suggest a significant realignment is under way, as do anecdotes from companies, consultants and suppliers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Apple recently began trial production of its AirPods in Vietnam, according to Nikkei. Amazon and Home Depot are among the retailers that have stepped up sourcing in Vietnam recently, according to Vu Ngoc Khiem, country director for Global Sources, a consultancy that links global suppliers to buyers.

But trade experts said Vietnam is limited in how quickly it can lure manufacturing orders from China.

“Global supply chains are complicated,” said Adam Sitkoff, executive director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hanoi. “There are a lot of players and a lot of workers involved, and you can’t just pick up and move from one day to the next because of tariffs.”

Bac Ninh, a densely settled region of factories, malls, chain restaurants, housing for migrant workers, and other ex-urban sprawl, is the country’s smallest province but has attracted $18.2bn of foreign investment in recent years from Samsung, Canon and Nokia, according to Mr Quat.”

Many Vietnamese, especially the unemployment about this, were happy about this because the factory can give them jobs to make money. According to “All the reasons ExxonMobil may leave Vietnam”, there are rumors that China are pressuring ExxonMobil and Vietnam Government stop working on Ca Voi Xanh project, also known as Blue Whale:

“First, ExxonMobil is an American oil major with the power of the US government behind it. The logic was that China may have pushed Spanish energy exploration and production company Repsol out of Vietnamese waters, twice in the last two years, but to do so to an American oil major would be unthinkable.

Second, the Blue Whale project is situated just outside of China’s notorious nine-dash line map. Though ExxonMobil and its partners would likely tap a certain amount of gas inside China’s self-proclaimed jurisdiction due to its proximity, its location nonetheless would purportedly offer the project another level of protection.

Third, it also seemed that China would not want to upset an American oil major that is integral to the global oil and gas sector, particularly since China is increasingly dependent on energy imports to drive its manufacturing-driven economy.”

The rumors had caused so much outrage in the Vietnam social medias. However, the rumor is true when Vietnam successfully invited Russia come to harvest.

According to “U.S. Security Cooperation With Vietnam”, Vietnam also receive fund on military from US:

“In March 2018, the U.S.S. Carl Vinson visited Da Nang, Vietnam for a historic four-day port call. Sailors participated in cultural and professional exchanges during community service events, sports competitions, ship tours, and a formal reception aboard the aircraft carrier. This visit was the first by a U.S. aircraft carrier in more than 40 years.

The Department has also authorized $22.5 million in Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) to Vietnam from CY2014 – CY2018, with nearly $11 million of that total coming in the last two years.

From FY2013 – FY2018, Vietnam received over $56 million in bilateral State Department-funded security assistance under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program. FMF funded the transfer and refurbishment of a former U.S. Coast Guard cutter to Vietnam under the Excess Defense Article program. This was the first major defense transfer between the United States and Vietnam, and is currently the largest vessel in Vietnam’s military inventory. FMF has also funded the acquisition of 24 45-ft Metal Shark fast patrol boats, the first 12 of which have been delivered as of April 2018.

From FY2015 – FY2018, Vietnam has also received $26.25 million in FMF funds under the Department’s Southeast Asia Maritime Security Initiative (SAMSI) regional FMF account which is designed to enhance maritime domain awareness, increase the presence of partner countries in their own territorial waters, and help them to maintain the rights and freedoms specified under the international law of the sea.

The Department of Defense also provided Vietnam with over $16 million in additional assistance in FY2017 and FY2018 to assist Vietnam in enhancing its maritime capacity.”

However, Vietnam still maintain its policy “Four Nos”, and they don’t let US set any military barracks in their country. Vietnam stills try to main their neutral position in the world.

According to “U.S. Seeks Stronger Defense Relationship With Vietnam”, Randall G. Schriver explained:

“Schriver said the U.S. and Vietnam share a common interest “in promoting a rules-based order, protection of sovereignty, individual rights of countries, no matter their size and our shared concern that there’s a potential erosion of a rules-based order, one that has allowed all nations in the Indo-Pacific to rise and prosper.

“We share a view that for the Indo-Pacific to continue to flourish, each nation in the region must be free to determine its own course within a system of values that ensures opportunities for even the smallest countries to thrive and be free from the predations of strong countries,” he continued. “In short, for Vietnam, what we want is a strong, prosperous, independent Vietnam, nothing else.”

The predation to which Schriver referred is by China.

“The region is increasingly confronted with a more assertive, confident China that is willing to accept friction in the pursuit of its interests,” he said, citing China’s militarization of islands in the South China Sea as an example.”

Let me correct here little bit, the reason US want to have military cooperate with the Vietnam because US does not have any experiences on fighting China like Vietnam. In my own conclusion, US just wait and watch with popcorn and soda two countries kill each other then they will finished the survive one.

From my observation, look like Vietnam-US relationship same to Vietnam-EU relationship or relationships with any first world countries is mostly on economic because Vietnam government does not have ability to create jobs for their people so the foreign factories is the only way can save Vietnamese from being unemployment. We already know that US, same to other first world countries, has very low blue-collar workers with the good skills. However, the thing will bring to Vietnam the long term or short term, bad or good result, I don’t know because there is no discussion on the topic, and majority of Vietnamese believes this is good for them because they need jobs but I am being skeptical about this.

Vietnam-Israel relationship:

You guys can review more the history of Vietnam-Israel relationship in the link:

In my own opinion, Vietnam-Israel relationship is pretty secret, and both countries seem don’t want anyone take notices on their relationship so much so they keep the topic “low profile” as much as they can. Majority of Vietnamese media (almost 100%, I think so) never report any single news about the genocidal war crimes of Israeli military to Palestine. According to “Israel Said 32 Countries Confirmed They’d Attend U.S. Embassy Gala. Here’s Who Really Came”, Vietnam also secret vote open U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, also means accepting Jerusalem is capital city of Israel, and Vietnam make excuse that “they did not have plan to come yet”. This is the proof:


According to “Vietnam: Israel’s closest ASEAN partner”:

“The most important development in Israeli-Vietnamese military cooperation was the 2012 visit by Israel’s Ministry of Defense general director Udi Shani and representatives from SIBAT Defense Export and Defense Cooperation to see potential prospects in Vietnam.

A plan was subsequently made by Israel Weapon Industries Ltd to open a light-arms plant with an investment of over $100 million. The plant helps to manufacture and to supply Israel’s AS advanced version of the Galil infantry rifle.

The most recent development took place early this year when the Vietnamese government purchased an air defense missile system to enhance its air defense capacity. What is also remarkable is that Israel’s Air Defense and Air Force Service conducted an English course for its units assigned to receive, manage, and exploit these new weapons and equipment in Hanoi in April this year.

Given Vietnam’s large military and obsolete weapons systems, Israel could be expected to play a considerable role in upgrading the country’s defense systems and its technologies. Thus it is not surprising that last year the two countries signed an MoU on defense cooperation and Israel has opened a defense attaché in Vietnam.”

The video from report above is got deleted. This is the dailymotion link:

Vietnamese girls in Israel Army (Deleted) (Still Work)

I truly don’t know how many Vietnamese immigrant from my country come to serve Israeli army because there is no document about this. I also heard that Israel also allows US citizen to join the Israel military.

During the 2018, there is the booming of news that describe how relationship Vietnam-Israel is so suddenly without reasons, and right now there are not so much news about this. You guys can google “vietnam-israel military cooperation” and you will see that most of news about Vietnam-Israel is around 2018. According to “What’s in the New Vietnam-Israel Defense Dialogue?”:

“During the meeting, both sides took stock of where defense ties were and also considered areas for further development, while also discussing a range of regional and international issues of interest. The range of topics covered during the dialogue included cybersecurity, defense industry, and personnel training and education, according to official Vietnamese accounts.

Commenting on the significance of the dialogue following his separate meeting with Adam, Vietnam’s Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich said the results of the meeting would help both strengthen trust and understanding between the two sides and also open up more opportunities for defense collaboration in new fields. He also underscored that Vietnam’s defense ministry would help facilitate the implementation of agreements already signed as well as propose initiatives and new aspects of cooperation as well.”

According to “Israel Aerospace Industries closes $160m drone deal with Vietnam”:

“The Heron UAVs being supplied to the Vietnamese will be able to operate up to a range of about 350 kilometers over periods of up to 50 hours and be able to carry payloads of up to a quarter of a ton – all according to the mission on which it has been sent.

The deal has finally been agreed after a protracted period of uncertainty and delays. According to one of the reports, the deal has been achieved after the personal intervention of Ministry of Defense director general General (res) Udi Adam.

IAI declined to comment on the reports.”

Look like both Vietnam and Israel don’t want anyone get attention on the deal. However, not all Israel weapon made is good like Vietnamese military officer expect. According to “Vietnam Has Buyer’s Remorse after Purchasing “Israeli” Anti-Air Missiles”:

“An unnamed Vietnamese military source told the well-regarded Russian international media outlet TASS that his country was considering abandoning its plans to purchase more of “Israel’s” SPYDER surface-to-air missiles after they reportedly malfunctioned in the country’s tropical environment, which comes just days after India voiced similar concerns about its newfound military-strategic partner’s anti-tank Spike missiles for the exact same reason. In the course of half a decade, “Israel” rose to become the world’s tenth-largest weapons exporter during the five-year period between 2012-2016 according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which noted that 41% of the self-proclaimed “Jewish State’s” sales were to India.”

Look like Israel’s weapons work only in Israel not in Vietnam. However, according to my acquaintances, the problem had been solve right now, and Vietnam still purchase Israeli weapons as much as they can. Vietnamese today from high to low positions have very high opinion to Israel due to their help on Vietnamese military like how Soviet helped Vietnam in the past, according to my acquaintances, and thank to the “Jews is smart” propaganda.

During the December 2019, there is a news that Israel also help Vietnam on airline development. According to “Isralis Ambassador To Vietnam: I Was Impressed By Bamboo Airway’s Services”:

“The Vietnam – Israel direct route is being researched and promoted by some Vietnamese airlines.

“The Middle East market including Israel is one of the potential markets but it hasn’t been exploited because of several reasons. Currently, Bamboo Airways is seriously researching, exploring and deploying the first steps of preparation to actualize the idea of the first direct route connecting Vietnam – Israel”, Deputy General Director of Bamboo Airways Nguyen Ngoc Trong said.

The Deputy General said that the Airline is aggressively promoting the negotiation and cooperation with the Embassy of Israel in Vietnam, the Vietnamese Embassy in Israel, the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam, and airports in Israel, etc. to quickly exploit the operation of a direct route connecting Hanoi – Tel Aviv, a city in Israel having a lot of Vietnamese residents, with a wide-body Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, as early as QII/2020.

In the initial stage, Bamboo Airways plans to exploit Hanoi – Tel Aviv direct flights with the frequency of 3 round trips/week, which will be gradually increased according to the number of passengers. After the flight route is put into operation, the flight time from Vietnam to Israel is expected to reduce by 40% – 80% – a reduction of to 9 hours.

Appreciating the efforts of Vietnamese airlines, Ambassador Nadav Eshcar affirmed that he would fairly and greatly support all carriers in operating the direct flight.

“In my opinion, Bamboo Airways is currently the most suitable Vietnamese airline for exploiting a direct route between Vietnam and Israel,” he said and explained that the biggest obstacle that all Vietnamese airlines currently facing is the complicated procedures which take a lot of time and money.

The Ambassador believed that Bamboo Airways is an airline with an impressive development. In particular, the Carrier has successfully exploited 30 domestic and international routes within 10 months of operation, while still ensuring the quality of service at every stage.

Especially, the model of a private airline allows Bamboo Airways to be autonomous in mobilizing resources, developing business plans, thereby significantly reducing procedural issues for new flight routes.

“I have flown with Bamboo Airways when I was on my business trips or traveling with my family, and I was impressed by its 5-star-oriented service. Bamboo Airways is currently one of my favorite airlines. I hope the Carrier will keep maintaining and promoting this strength in the future,” said the Ambassador.”

About the Bamboo Airway, some people tell me that Bamboo Airway is in fact was a Chinese Company that is working in Vietnam under the coverage of FLC Group, Vietnam Company. I don’t think they have any reasons to lied to me about this so I will said that the Ambassador Nadav Eshcar use the double talk, praise both Vietnam and China for some political reason.

Unfortunately, I cannot find more anymore information on Vietnam-Israel relationships (At least right now). Let me tell you one of the most insane thing I heard from some people who had ton of knowledge on Vietnam-Israel relationship: “Israel sells and helps Vietnam on military today like how Soviet Union sold and helped Vietnam on military in the past.” I look like WTF!!!!????? They will not be confident to say the thing like that if they understand their Talmudist ideology. Most of the Vietnamese I know for some reason, they praise Israeli so much like they praised Russian in the Cold War. They are confident enough to tell that the Jewish Elites considers Chinese Elites a threat that need to be eliminated soon as possible, and Vietnam is the best partner in the war against China.

Vietnam-Russia Relationship:

Thank gods, there are still many Vietnamese officials in the Vietnamese military who are sane enough to recognize how cheap and high quality Russia weapons are. Despite the fact Vietnamese medias have throw Russia under bus whenever they since the 2014 until now, especially the 2016 US election, Russia, for some reasons, still trust Vietnam in some contents. I have to thank “Anaam” for providing me two link on my latest report.

According to “Gazprom approved to develop 340MW gas-to-power plant in Quang Tri”:

“The prime minister assigned the MoIT, the MPI, and other relevant authorities to guide Gazprom EP International B.V to complete administration procedures for being granted the investment certificate.

Previously, Gazprom exploited gas reserves at two fields namely Bao Vang and Bao Den. As a result, the total gas reserves exploited by the company amounted to 57.88 billion cubic metres. The company decided to invest $1.32 billion to develop rigs and an oil pipeline system to transport oil to the mainland and generate 500 million cubic metres of gas per year. However, after consideration, the investor saw that the investment capital is too high, thus, it switched from gas to electricity sales.”

According to “Vietnam wants to step up cooperation with Gazprom: Party official”:

“Binh, who is also Secretary of the Party Central Committee, spoke highly of Gazprom’s strategic cooperative agreement and long-term investment in Vietnam.

Markelov said Gazprom wants to become a prestigious partner of Vietnamese oil and gas companies.

Bilateral partnerships will further develop as Gazprom and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) are scheduled to soon sign a new strategic cooperative deal for the next 10 years, he said.”

Gazprom is not only company that come to work in Vietnam but also Rosneft too. Vietnam also let Russia Rosneft state company come to South China Sea to harvest oil and gas, and that made China angry but Russia ignore China.

According to “China warns Russian firm against drilling oil off Vietnam”:

“BEIJING: China today warned Russian oil firm Rosneft and Vietnam against conducting oil exploration in the disputed South China Sea, also claimed by Beijing, without Chinese government permission, saying any such move would affect bilateral ties, regional peace and stability.

“I noted the report,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said here while responding to a question about reports that Rosneft Vietnam BV – a unit of Russian state oil firm Rosneft – was drilling oil in an area of the South China Sea(SCS) also claimed by China.

The report said Rosneft Vietnam BV is drilling at LD-3P well about 370 kms from Vietnam which reportedly is located “within the area outlined by China’s nine-dash line” of the SCS.

Lu said, “I would like reiterate that any country, organisation, enterprise or individual should not conduct exploration or development activities in waters in China’s jurisdiction without the permission of the Chinese government”.”

According to “Exclusive: As Rosneft’s Vietnam unit drills in disputed area of South China Sea, Beijing issues warning”:

“In March, Vietnam halted an oil drilling project in the nearby “Red Emperor” block following pressure from China, sources told Reuters.

That block is licensed to Spanish energy firm Repsol, which has asked Vietnam to pay compensation over the issue.

The Vietnamese foreign ministry did not respond to a request from Reuters for comment.

Rosneft had no consultations with the Kremlin on drilling in the South China Sea, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

“As far as we know, the company has already made a statement that it works exactly in line with the obtained licenses,” Peskov told a regular conference call with reporters.

Fearing repercussions and pressure from China, Rosneft Vietnam had wanted to begin drilling with as little attention as possible, despite the statement by its parent company on Tuesday, the sources said.

On Thursday, its parent company said its drilling in the block was within Vietnam’s territorial waters, and in accordance with Vietnamese legislation.”

For some reason, Russia still keep helping Vietnam on harvesting oil and gas and Russia even ignore China complain. We don’t know how long Russia can help Vietnam when China keep rambling about this. According to “Vietnam’s Strange Ally in Its Fight With China”:

“While no one expects Russia to deploy an armada from Vladivostok to challenge the People’s Liberation Army Navy, China has plenty to lose if it plays its hand too strongly against Rosneft. China’s Belt and Road Initiative, with its lofty plans to connect Eurasia, must carefully thread routes through what Russia considers to be its backyard. Some $7 billion of Chinese wealth has already been strategically placed in Ukraine, which remains locked in an undeclared war against Russian forces in its east. Georgia, whose ties with Russia have long been poisoned, has also flirted with the Belt and Road. China is also spreading its largesse among Russia’s friends in the Eurasian Economic Union, and an ambitious project to link Kazakhstan with Belarus is already underway.

Keeping the peace between two powers requires substantial give and take and inevitable conflicts that must be addressed quietly as spheres of influence are established and reinforced. As a result, joint Russian-Vietnamese oil drilling off the southern Vietnamese coast is almost definitely on the negotiating table.”

From the information above, we can understand that Russia oil and gas companies are helping Vietnam so quietly, like Vietnam-Israel relationship, they don’t want to be get attention so much. Russia keep rejecting China pressure. Moreover, “Vietnam-Russia Bilateral Ties Deepen, Boost Investment” also describe more on how Vietnam-Russia relationship work:

Russia’s main exports to Vietnam include grain crops, food products, mineral raw materials, and metals. Russia is also the largest supplier of military arms and equipment to Vietnam – equipping the country with modern high-tech weapons for security and defense.

Vietnam’s main export to Russia includes electrical engineering products, mobile phones, textiles, food and beverage, and coffee. Of the most important pillars of Russia-Vietnam economic ties is the energy (oil and gas) sector. The agriculture and food, and tourism industries are also becoming increasingly important in the bilateral trade and economic relationship of the two countries.

Vietnam has 22 investment projects in Russia which are worth nearly US$3 billion. One of the biggest and most notable Vietnamese investment include TH Groups’ US$2.7 billion in dairy farms in the Primorye region.

According to “Deputy Defense Minister Visit Spotlights Russia-Vietnam Military Ties”:

“That has been evident over the past year or so as well, whether it be developments on orders of Russian equipment or visits and exchanges. Indeed, the official count by the Vietnamese defense ministry is that both sides have so far been carrying out more than 70 defense activities, including 12 as part of Vietnam Year in Russia and Russia Year in Vietnam.

Last week, the defense relationship has been in the headlines again with the visit of a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation to Russia. The delegation, led by Phan Van Giang, who serves as deputy defense minister and the chief of the general staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, was on an official visit to Russia that lasted from August 13 to August 19.

The visit consisted of a series of interactions. In terms of meetings, the delegation met with a range of top Russian officials including V. Gerasimov, the chief of the Russian general staff. Per the official account by Vietnam’s defense ministry, during the meeting between Giang and Gerasimov, the two sides reviewed the state of their bilateral ties to date, including aspects such as education, training, exchanges, and military technical cooperation.”

Vietnam also try to buy Russia submarine as much as they can to build and modern their navy with the tactics hit and run. According to “Vietnam tests hi-tech submarines as navy expansion gives China food for thought”:

“Vietnam will soon have a credible naval deterrent to China in the South China Sea in the form of Kilo-class submarines from Russia, which experts say could make Beijing think twice before pushing its much smaller neighbour around in disputed waters.

A master of guerrilla warfare, Vietnam has taken possession of two of the submarines and will get a third in November under a US$2.6 billion deal agreed with Moscow in 2009. A final three are scheduled to be delivered within two years.

While communist parties rule both Vietnam and China and annual trade has risen to US$50 billion, Hanoi has long been wary of China, especially over Beijing’s claims to most of the potentially energy-rich South China Sea. Beijing’s placement of an oil rig in waters claimed by Vietnam earlier this year infuriated Hanoi but the coastguard vessels it dispatched to the platform were always chased off by larger Chinese boats.

The Vietnamese are likely to run so-called area denial operations off its coast and around its military bases in the Spratly island chain of the South China Sea once the submarines are fully operational, experts said.

That would complicate Chinese calculations over any military move against Vietnamese holdings in the Spratlys or in the event of an armed clash over disputed oil fields, even though China has a much larger navy, including a fleet of 70 submarines, they added.”

According to some people I know, Vietnam is currently have the powerful submarine army that good enough to scare China navy away from Vietnam sea territory. From this, we can understand that Russia is the only country that Vietnam can ask for helping in building navy military to against China Imperialism, and the only country that don’t fear China. In conclusion, Vietnam and Russia still have good relationship to each other especially in military (look like more on Navy) and economic (look like more on oil and gas).

This is my own craziest theory: US, and Israel want Vietnam become A WATCHDOG on China and Russia helps Vietnam in order to give a hidden warning to China. From my own knowledge, I will explain with each country:

US wants to turn Vietnam into their new factory that can make US products to them. Vietnamese today trust US so blindly, and they always think that US will protect Vietnam from China. I am not surprised that Vietnamese want their own country become a vassal state of US due to the myth “US’s vassal state always rich and have happy life than anti-imperialist countries.” US need to weak China first so they can destroy China because China will be weakness in both economic and military after the war with Vietnam even if they win Vietnam. US also does not want to lose their new cheap labors, and a new place that willing import trashed every year for money, of course.

I think Russia help Vietnam because they want to give a warning sign to China: WE ARE WATCHING YOU AND DON’T TRUST YOU ENTIRELY, CHINA. China is just best ally to China because they have strong border to each other not friendship. I theorize that Putin will never forget China betrayal on Soviet Union when China Invaded Soviet Union in 1969 (they accused Soviet invaded China but I believe that China invaded Soviet), China funded Mujahideen during 1980s. I mean how can Russian military officers can forget China crime against Russia. I believe Russian will not forget China betrayal and they must being skeptical on China. China may possible so some potential in South China Sea so they entrust Vietnam more than China. Helping Vietnam is also message to China from Russia that China should know how to behave and Russia is not fool.

Israel secretly considers Vietnam a useful animal that need to be feed and train to die for their master due to their Talmudist Ideology. Jewish Elites is considering Chinese Elite a thorn in their eyes. China and Israel are playing double faces to each other right now so they need a slave or animal that has experiences to fight China: Vietnam. This is reason why Israel secret help Vietnam like Soviet helped Vietnam, seduced Vietnam in emotional way so Vietnamese will become good Goys that will die for their new Jewish Master.

I also (try to) believe that Vietnam right now try to maintain their neutral position as much as they can like what they have done before 2013. With the neutral position, Vietnam don’t give US, Russia, and Israel other reasons to hate, but cannot tell the country trust Vietnam entirely, of course. Vietnam can use the relationship with three countries above to pressure China to know how to behave in South China Sea (I hope I’m right this time).

I hope my analysis help you guys understand about Vietnam relationship with the superpower country and I hope you guys can give me feedback as much as you can.