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Tag "Urkonazi crazies"

What are the Ukronazis up to in Crimea?

This article was written for the Unz Review: First, it appeared to be a fluke: this summer the Ukronazi regime sent a small terrorist unit into Crimea tasked with blowing up several targets in the Crimea (see here for details). They were arrested by the Russian security services. In November, another two saboteurs were caught by the FSB (see here). And now something really remarkable happened. The Ukronazi security

Interesting footage of the hand grenade attack in Kiev

Check out this interesting footage of the hand grenade attack against the security forces guarding the Rada in Kiev: I would like to add a couple of comments here: First, notice that the guy throwing the grenade is not wearing any combat fatigues or Right Sector or Svoboda uniform. Second, he carefully checks the movement of another rioter to his right who is picking up a smoke grenade to toss
