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Tag "VDV rebellion"

Rather lame demo of Paratroopers took place in Moscow

According to the Russia media, about 1000 Paratroopers took part in a protest demonstration in Moscow.  Two well-know figures of the political opposition, Col (Ret.) Viktor Alksnis (a Latvian supporter of the old Soviet Union) and Col (Ret.) Vladimir Kvachkov (former GRU Brigade commander) took the podium for a speech. One factor which probably greatly contributed to “deflate” this event was the letter sent by General Shamanov from his hospital

The City of Moscow has authorized a protest march by Russian Paratroopers

It has been announced by the Russian media that that the authorities of the city of Moscow have given their authorization to a protest march by Russian Paratroopers demanding the dismissal of Defense Minister Serdiukov. The rally will take place on November 7th at noon. According to the organizer of the march, General Achalov, Chairman of the All-Russian Аssociations of Veterans of “Union of Russian paratroopers” and himself a former

Two more Russian Generals have recently died in mysterious circumstances

That’s right. Besides Shamanov, who survived his car crash only thanks to the self-sacrifice of his driver who moved his side of the car towards the incoming truck, two more Russian Generals known to oppose the so-called “reforms” of Serdiukov have recently died in mysterious circumstances: Lieutenant-General Dubrov, chairman of Russian Council of Senior Officers was killed on October 28 while returning home from a meeting of the organizers of

The C-in-C of the Russian Airborne Forces is the object of a “full-spectrum attack”

Remember the crisis which opposed the Russian Airborne Forces to the Minister of Defense Serdiukov (see here, here, here and here)?  Well, the counter attack from Serdiukov did not take long and it was really a case of a “full-spectrum” strike. First, a “leak” was published in a Russian tabloid accusing Shamanov of using two Spetsnaz units from the 45th Special Forces Reconnaissance Regiment in Kubinka to defend the interests

Russian newspaper reports Putin wants Serdiukov sacked

According to reports in the Russian media, Prime Minister Putin has demanded in a very harsh manner that the Minister Of Defense Serdiukov present him with a detailed report about the scandal at the training center at Ryazan Airbone School. According to rumors, the current Chief of General Staff, General, Nikolai Makarov, is likely to replace Serdiukov. If true, Makarov would be a strange choice since it appears that he

Revelation: Russian Navy officers demanded the dismissial of Serdiukov already FOUR times!

According to information published in the Russian press, it has now appeared that the union of Professional Navy Officers has written to President Medvedev no less than 4 (four!) times to demand the dismissal of Defense Minister Serdiukov. “It would be wrong to say that we supported the paratroopers. Even before the incident with the Airborne Forces, 14 September, we sent a fourth letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, to

Colonel Andrei Krasov describes his conversation with Defense Minister Serdiukov as “business-like”

The Colonel of the Airborne forces who was allegedly insulted by Defense Minister Serdiukov has made a few very short comments in the Russian media saying the following: “Serdyukov expressed its displeasure with incomplete repair the dining room and engineering networks. “The conversation has been very emotional on the part Krasov, – said the colonel about himself in third person – and by Serdyukov. “But it was a business communication,

Russian Paratroopers rebellion update – Shamanov denies the severity of the crisis

The Commander in Chief of the Russian Airborne Forces has officially distanced himself from the outrage of his subordinates by describing the situation in the Airborne Forces as “normal” and by saying that the recent incident with Defense Minister Serdiukov mostly fictional. This is either a case of CYA or, more likely, a move to prevent the Kremlin to have a pretext to fire him. I will keep you posted
