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Tag "western Ukraine"

Is peace in the Ukraine possible?

by M.Khazin translation by “G’ of М.Хазин, “Может ли быть мир на Украине?” The devaluation of the Ruble and the Yevtushenkov affair have so saturated our mass media that it would seem desirable to stand aside and address a more substantial theme. Namely; under what conditions can the Ukraine know peace? Not just any ‘peace’ but a peace without wholesale disintegration of the country into petty fiefdoms, without a bloodstained

All is Quiet on the Western Front?

Note: today I am happy to share with you a report written by a friend and reader, ‘Y’, who asked that I convey to you his words that “I am not presenting myself as an expert on the involved history and politics of Transcarpathia. My intention is just to point out the importance of this under-reported region and that not all Ukrainians are fascist supporters“.  I am immensely grateful to
