As I mentioned it yesterday, Biden said something rather weird yesterday.  He said:

Quote: “Russia will be held accountable if it invades and it depends on what it does – it’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having to fight about what to do and what not to do, but if they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the force amassed on the border it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine,” Biden said, adding that Russia has overwhelming superiority over Ukraine

What in the world is a “minor incursion” anyway???

This was Ze’s reply:

Of course, hearing Ze refer to country 404 as a “great power” is cute and hilarious as it gets.

But the real question is this: did Biden just not understand the possible implication of what he said, is this just a case of dementia, or did he inadvertently reveal something which is being worked on behind the scenes?

After sounding about as negative as possible yesterday, today Bliken has just suggested that his scheduled meeting with Lavrov tomorrow in Geneva will show how things really stand.

Wait!  I thought that there was nothing to discuss, but it turns out there might be??

Could Lavrov and Biden try to find a common definition of “minor” (as in “minor intrusion”)?

I don’t think so.  Here is why:

  • Russia has no need or desire for ANY type of incursion
  • Russia can totally defang the Ukronazis without moving a single soldier across the border (according to specialists, this would take less than a week)
  • The Empire has waged a total but “short of kinetic” war against Russia since at least 2013 and that all happened while Russia did not move into the Ukraine.  If no incursion results in such a sustained campaign by the West against Russia, how would a “minor incursion” make things better and placate the crazies?
  • And if Russia decides that the united West is already maxed out on its anti-Russian policies, why limit yourself to a minor incursion?  If, say, Russia liberated the LDNR, the rest of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, and all the Ukrainian coastline on the Black Sea, something the West would surely describe as a “major invasion”, would the consequences for Russia by the same as those following a “minor invasion”?  The point is that the US has expanded all of its sanction options, any further escalation would threaten the entire international economic system and strongly increase the risks of a fullscale war.

What most observers are missing is this: the current tensions are not at all about the Ukraine, or even about NATO.  They are about a new, different, new world order.  The US wants to hear nothing about it.  Neither does the EU.  The West is absolutely and categorically opposed to any new international order.  What they want is a “rules based order” in which, of course, they alone get to make all the rules.

But for countries like Russia (or China) the current world (dis)order is categorically unacceptable.

So what is really at stake are two world views:

  • Western world view: the West is the the crown of creation, the shining city on the hill, created by the Master Race before which all the “inferior” human societies need to bow and accept their dominion.  Furthermore, what is allowed for that Master Civilization is not allowed to anybody else and if/when any country begins to act in way which shows that it thinks that what is allowed to the West is also allowed to everybody else – then this country/nation needs to be taught a lesson and crushed.  You could call this model a “Kindergarten model” in which one adult teacher (the West) is tasked with supervising and educating a classroom of ignorant, immature and rowdy kids (the rest of the planet).
  • Zone B worldview: the same rules apply to everybody, there is no “exceptional country” with special rights out there.  Furthermore, all security must be collective, that is to say that if you point a gun at me and I am disarmed, not only am I threatened by you, but you also expose yourself to my desperate actions to survive, which just might include killing you before you can pull the trigger.  Finally, a legal/moral rule only deserves respect if it is equally applied to all parties (if it is not, it is, by definition, hypocritical).  You could call this model a “fraternal model” in which children from the same Father (God) act in a brotherly way towards each other because they recognize their common humanity (fraternity).

Those two models are, of course, totally and categorically mutually exclusive, hence the Zone A and Zone B we see today.

By the way, in the fraternal model, which is horizontal, all countries ARE equal in rights and obligations, being equal in their nature and essence, while the Kindergarten model is highly hierarchical and absolutely implies that “some are more equal than others”.  For the true believers in this Kindergarten model any discussion of equality is a dangerous road to chaos and anarchy.  So yes, while they speak a lot about freedom, in reality they both hate and fear it like a very dangerous thing (God forbid the slaves would revolt and decide to kill the plantation owner!).

Another interesting aspect of the current crisis is this: both the US and the UK have publicly admitted that they have sent “advisors” to the Ukraine and both the US and UK have admitted sending weapons to the Ukraine.  Problem: the Minsk Agreements‘ point #10 specifically states mandates “to withdraw illegal armed groups and military equipment as well as fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine” while the additional memorandum states that “all foreign mercenaries” must be withdrawn from the conflict zone.  Now, OF COURSE, the noble defenders of democracy, freedom and peace worldwide (aka US/NATO “Axis of Kindness” forces) are not “mercenaries” (even though they are paid killers who do not defend their own country), only Russian volunteers in the LDNR are, at least that is the West’s position on this issue.  But for any mentally sane person it is pretty clear that the West is in clear violation of both the letter and spirit of the Minsk Agreements.  So what does that mean for Russia?

It means that both the Nazi-run Ukraine and the collective West don’t have (and never had) any real desire to abide by the Minsk Agreements, in spite of the fact that the latter are backed by a UNSC Resolution (making them legally binding and mandatory).  Again, under the Kindergarten worldview, even the UN is just one more “small, rowdy kid” which can be totally ignored or told to shut up and behave.


Tomorrow Bliken and Lavrov are supposed to meet.

Blinken would have made a terrific tailor or small shop owner.  But as a diplomat he is truly sub-zero.  And that is true for ALL US diplomats and officials.  Yesterday a former Russian negotiator was describing his impression of Viki Nuland as a “dumb broad” who was completely ignorant of the world affairs she was in charge of dealing with on behalf of the USA.  Here is what Andrei Martyanov wrote about “US experts” from the USA: “bar some few exceptions, US academe, including those who specialize in Russia are not experts. They are narrative-mongers, majority of who have no serious skills, background nor experience in anything they try to “analyze” about Russia–this problem is systemic and is due to a complete corruption of the America’s education, especially history and military history and over-saturation of the American body-politic by people without any serious education or lawyers. It is literally the situation of auto-mechanic with vocational school performing an open heart surgery and thinking that he knows what he is doing. You can easily predict the result, for a patient“.  I can only fully agree with this opinion.

I think that the intense stupidity, arrogance and crass ignorance (not to mention a major delusional narcissistic and messianic sense of invulnerability) will play a key role in what happens next.  The AngloZionist propaganda machine has been spewing such a hate-filled and totally paranoid propaganda against Russia and Putin that this propaganda has become a foundational principle of the West’s foreign policy.  Even if Biden gives Putin a tiny little mini-concession (say using transponders of NATO aircraft) the Neocons and Neolibs of the War Party in Congress will absolutely crucify Biden for being “weak” and “caving in to Putin”.  Considering that Biden has been an absolutely awful president which has only failures to show for (not even a single semi-success) and that there will be a Congressional election the USA later this year, any mentally sane agreement, however unlikely, between Russia and the USA will be declared a “capitulation” which will bring all the flag-waving idiots to vote for the GOP which, right now, looks even more insane than the Dems.

Yes, a miracle can happen.  But what I am observing in the past two weeks or so, and today, are not at all signs of something reasonable being worked on but, rather, a hysterical attempt by the rulers of the Empire (and their minions in the EU) to defeat reality by pretending not to notice it.

That never works and it won’t work this time.

I hope tomorrow will prove me wrong, I REALLY do.

But in my strictly personal opinion, I don’t even see the point of Lavrov flying to Geneva.  I think Russia needs to stop talking to the West the same way she stopped talking to Ze and his bloody clowns, and only act unilaterally (towards the West, of course, not towards Zone B!).  There is nothing military or economic or political which the US/NATO/EU can do to Russia, so why not simply ignore them.

I would nicely and politely close the Russian diplomatic representations in the West, ditch idiotic or toxic organizations (like the COE or the WTO), and focus on collaborating with the sovereign nations in Zone B.

As for the West, Russia can let it self-destruct, which it is already doing at a maniacal pace anyway.

Sooner or later (probably the latter), the collapse of the West will generate new leaders who will have to rebuild the West on a new basis.  Then will be the time to talk to the West again.  But until non-entities like Blinken, Borrell, Stoltenberg or Baerbock remain in power, I see no point in talking to them.

Finally, the Communist Party in Russia has filed a law to be voted on by the Duma which asks the President to recognize the LDNR.  I think that the chances of this proposal are very high.  Interesting stuff.
