I just listened to Biden (here if you have the stomach). Oh he is pissed, badly. Putin totally and comprehensively ignored him or the USA (one sign of that is that Putin did warn Scholz and Macron but, apparently, nobody told the White House).
Scholz truly scared the Kremlin when he told that he pulled back the certification of NS2 “jetzt” that is “now”. Okay, he probably misspoke, he meant “no NS2 forever!”.
Scholz is one tough cookie!

After Hitler, Scholz? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
I love it when petty flaccid Eurognomes try to scare Russia. With sanctions, of all things.
Of all people, the Germans ought to know better. I guess they don’t. Fine, I wish the Germans lots of fun!
Speaking of NS2, two small factoids:
- gas prices are already up by 10% in the spot markets.
- Thanks to the increase of the energy prices Gazprom has already paid for the construction of NS2 with that extra windfall (that according to a senior Duma member, Petr Tolstoy).
Where do you think this is headed?
Exactly, me too!
Biden also said something two really interesting in his otherwise totally vapid speed.
First, he asked who the hell Putin thought he was to recognize states in other sovereign nations?
Second, he warned Russia: we shall judge you by your actions.
I think I can help Biden and give him two very simple replies:
- Putin is the President of Russia and he does not ask for anybody’s approval, least of all – the USA’s.
- You don’t get to judge Russia. That ship has sailed. If anything, the day will come when Zone B will judge you on a 21st century version of the Nuremberg Tribunal. As Putin said “we have all their names”.
But I also know this: in the minds of the leaders of Zone A both of these replies are literally *unthinkable*. Ok.
Hence, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.
Today the Russian Duma and Federation Council have ratified all the needed documents and given Putin the right to engage Russian forces abroad. Where exactly was not specified.
Putin was asked about where he would engage the Russian forces and he basically reply “wait and see, we will use them wherever needed and to comply with all our obligations”.
Putin loves to make the Western Tabaki-jackals guess his next move. He is now openly trolling them :-)

The modern Crusaders???
Western Crusaders attacking Russia is nothing new. But in the past, the Crusaders were at least a credible threat (at times, even a very credible one).
But the modern Crusaders are a joke. Their threats are a joke, their armed forces are a joke and their leaders are a joke. A good example is Biden sending more of this invincible military forces to the Baltic statelets.
I am sure the Russians are now truly terrified.
What we do know is the the good folks at Commentary Mag are bracing for impact.
Will the people of the USA find out, for the very first time, that the actions of their rulers can actually directly impact them personally?
God willing, they will learn fast and act accordingly.
What about the Ukros?
So far, they have mostly ignored Putin’s warnings to “immediately cease the attacks against the LDNR”.
I don’t know if they are amazingly courageous, very dumb or suicidal.
Either way, I would recommend they heed Putin’s warning, there shall be no more warnings.
True, they know that their Western masters don’t give a damn about Russian lives, mass graves, thousands of kidnapped “separatists”, numerous torture centers or open calls to murder. Fine. So for 8 years the Ukronazis have murdered the Russians by the tens of thousands.
But don’t they understand that their lives will be the next one?
Or do they really think that the Western “advisors” will protect them?
Oh well, I guest that, again, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.
By the way,
From a legal point of view, until now Russia has insisted that this was an internal Ukrainian civil war and not an international conflict. Now this has changed.
Now, from the point of view of the Kremlin, this is now an international conflict directly involving Russia.

Hey wannabe Crusaders, enjoy the talk!
Here I want to use the occasion to congratulate the United West and, especially, the Ukronazis. For seven years you dreamed about a war involving Russia. BRAVO! Congrats – now you got what you fought so hard for: the Russian bear has *officially* placed a paw on the LDNR.
Now I want to see who you all will volunteer to make move first to make him remove that paw :-)
Maybe the US forces in the Baltics?
Or the Poles?
Maybe the Czechs or even the Brits?
Something tells me that “super-pooper sanctions from hell” and hurricanes of hot air are more likely.
Crusaders are not like they used to be.
The sad fact of this is its not the German people or those elsewhere in EU UK US who are the crusaders but their corrupt leaders who are under the control of the secret elites who hide from everyone and have done so for the better part of 250-300 years.
German, French, Dutch people etc dont want this conflict with Russia but the elites do – to ultimately line their pockets.
It quite clear those elites have to go for the safety of everyone.
Any its only a matter of time before they do as there on their way out and current events the past 2 years is their last ditch grab for power.
And in US and Canada.
The Canadian military must move to arrest Trudeau and his people given whats going on there, and same in US with Biden, Obama, Rinos etc…
So this bear went “roarrrrr” he was awoken and became cranky because of bad stuff going on outside his den, something was trying to hurt his little baby brothers. The roar made all the american bald eagles and european squirrells soil their pants, and thats’ the news.
When storage runs out it doesn’t matter what the price is.
Not until the sheeple quit moaning and get out on the street will the elite parasitical class stand to attention.
Germans are like Russians, pragmatic but without a soul, well, since 1944 anyways.
I say this as someone who’s spent copious amounts of time with both, in love and business.
Did I ever relay to you the story of one business trip to Romania when one braindead Rom-conman attempted to sell me a gold/copper mine that was owned independently by another party who had no knowledge of this joker.
I must have had idiot pinned to my back. Thing is, like all cab drivers you meet, they all with few exception think they’re men of the world smart with an opinion on most matters. Without looking down on someone looking to keep their family afloat; hey dude you’re driving a car from A-B for a living. This is it, the working class and middle-class, well what’s left of them, look up to these reptile creatures like they’re something; you can take the chains off the great unwashed but they’re still slaves to the Man. In Africa it’s even worse, the curse of the white man still envelopes them. Looking around the daily turbulence of the market place, the squalor, the heat as you depart your air-conned vehicle and feel like you’ve been beamed up to the sun’s core, desperate to get back to the confines of your hotel room. One lady asked me, where are you from, UK I replied, with her retort, our President is richer than yours. Handily, every so often when the President would like some barbecued langoustine at his favourite private beach/resort means they clear the road for his 14 vehicle cavalcade. Yes, I think to myself, she’s correct, but at what cost to the her and the 50k miserable souls, with begging bowls, in every town/village?
there seems still to be shelling by ukrops killing citizens in the Donbass….is it internal sabotage against the tv station or infiltrating groups …will Ukrops send or inspire sabotage groups to Russia… any details of the recent 2 APC incursion incident…..will there be any upticks in Syria against Russia.. any increased communications or illicit finance movements that indicate USA is re-motivating its partners and covert associates for actions against Russia… .
This is an existential crisis….where the west needs to realise the position it is in or it will crumble apart as it truly deserves to punish itself .
FSB arrested a group of sabateurs in Crimea. At what level of these kind of actions would Russia decide to take more responsive action against their masters?
Yes these degenerates are reduced to sabotaging soft targets that hurt citizens, play on their fear.
Wiping out US/UK hardware in Ukraine, then threatening unless removed similar in Poland/Romania/Baltics will halt all such activities.
Andrei went off at me, talking nuclear war should such actions be taken.
No chance, these people are cowards, with self enrichment and preservation their only goals.
What do you mean by that? I think Putin is doing everything he can given the circumstances. He knows that USA had set a trap for Russia in Ukraine.
Some people really think Russia has all the cards on his side and IMO that’s not the case. USA is a very sneaky empire. This thing was planned for decades in USA, so Putin needs to move with nerves of steel.
If this is the US’s decades in the making plan I’m gonna say that they’re pretty piss poor planners. Not much of a trap.
Much more likely is that this is a half asses on the fly plan as per usual. Gnats can’t think decades in the future.
I hope you are right.
The corrupt UN Secretary General has stepped outside his remit and the Charter to support the “West’s” narrative – even if it was under pressure – he could have stayed neutral:
“…Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claims Antonio Guterres has made statements outside his remit under the UN charter…Lavrov told Geir Pedersen, that, much to Moscow’s regret, it has turned out that the UN secretary-general “has yielded to Western pressure, and, in recent days, made several remarks regarding the situation in eastern Ukraine that are unbecoming to his status and fall outside his remit under the UN charter…”
The West is a minority at the UN and personally, I think Guterres should resign – if he can’t follow his job description and the Charter how can he remain Secretary General?
Time to move the UN from New York.
“Time to move the UN from New York”
I totally agree and nominate the Palestinian city of Gaza on the Mediterranean Sea.
The little exceptionals would see and live on a daily basis what their so called effort amounts too on the ground.
And while they are there they could check on a daily basis, looking out their windows, how their “1967” Border resolutions are going after all these years etc.
What role does the World Economic Forum play in all this?
I would like to see the Azov Battalion, Rights Sector and other Nazis on the Russian hit lists eliminated but I think it is too early for that just yet. The Nazis in Ukraine are like ISIS in Syria, to be used by whoever pays them. Since Nazis are presently in an alliance with the Jews running Ukraine eliminating them would hand Ukraine completely into the hands of the Jews. At present the Nazis are being used by the Jews against the Russians and to terrorise the Russophone population but it would be desirable to foment conflict between the Jews and Nazis and get the Nazis to turn on the Jews and, well, do what they’re best known for doing. This could then give an excuse for the Russian peacekeepers to move into other areas of Ukraine to save the Jews. NATO too could move in peacekeepers into the western part, also ostensibly to save the Jews, and the two could meet at the Dnieper, shake hands, and decide if it’s worth saving the Ukraine or breaking it up. Israel could benefit too with some more Jewish settlers escaping Nazi terror, if it could be orchestrated and directed against them rather than against the Russians as is being done at present. And then, after they have dealt with the Jews, the Nazis could get their just punishment for crimes against humanity and war crimes. And then, the pro-Russian Ukrainians, of whom I think there should be many considering election results prior to Maidan, who are presently silent because of the ZioNazi terror against them, could raise their voices and contribute to shaping a new Ukraine free from both the Jews and the Nazis. And it would be a great public relations exercise for both Russia and NATO, jointly acting to save whoever they can save of the poor Jews from the vicious anti-semitic Nazis and punishing the Nazis for their actions. That’s what the Nazis are there for – to be used, so why not use them properly to play out their role in full?
Strange that the ISIS cult never attach Zionists/Jews.
Still, your communal garden Christian, Muslim or Jew are all prawns, sorry pawns on the grand chessboard.
Thank God : I found the truth from this, I will call it Gospel. Here is what I have to say : The sun goes up i the east and the sun goes down in west. Good bye West : morning always starts in the east. Thank you SAKER: FOR THE TRUTH. LONG LIVE RUSSIA AND CHINA !!!
I believe Vladimir Putin will go down in history as one of the greatest. He worked tirelessly to integrate with Europe, but from a Eurasian point of view. I hope that he captures most of those Neo-Nazis/Azov battalion, but Ukraine is only a part of what Putin stated. They have to withdraw their missiles/troops from Eastern Europe or face the consequences. It is my belief (unknown to this point), that China has backed Russia economically, and nothing the west will do will only hurt the EU. Zion America is doomed to self implode; why? you can see it on their MSM even though the coverage is scant. p.s. I hope, if allowed, to say more things. Thanks.
Finaly find inner strength to listen Biden.
It is pile-of-manure speech. Old Boy had to say something, anything – irrelevant.
What he didn’t say is important. It is announced that US will raise interest rates in ’22. Something they avoided for a decade in fear of (hyper)inflation and depression. Now, after 30 trillion dollars of New goverment debt, and 400 trillions of all other debts they will raise interests on THAT?
Whatever US do, whoever is President, they are done. They wouldn’t be on their feet for years, more likely decades. If they want to start war in that shape – good luck.
In any case, they will lose much much more than Donbas and Ukraine. This is just an opening move.
It is not about Putin or Russians. It is all about Anglos Empire, historicaly demented more than their representative Biden.
22.2.’22. Birthday of New World.
Time of death of New World Order.
If diplomatic relations end between the two nations, as it appears they might, it will be something that did not happen even when Stalin was said to have killed millions. But I write this to say: There’s a worm on the wall.
It is possible if not right now De facto. LAVROV has mentioned one side does not actually have Diplomats.
17 lipca 1959 roku Stany Zjednoczone PRAWNIE przyznaly niepodleglosc Doniecka i Luganska. I PRAWNIE uznaja do tej pory – juz ponad 60 lat
USA przyznaje wolność Donbasowi od 1959
Szkoda tylko, ze ukrainscy badacze nie umieja czytac prawdziwych dokumentow sprzed 60 lat.
Mianowicie w roku 1959 w tzw. Rezolucji O Podbitych Narodach, Stany Zjednoczone PRAWNIE przyznaly niepodleglosc Doniecka i Luganska.
Public Law (prawo statutowe) 86-90 17 Lipiec 1959
Wspólne oswiadczenie:
Ta ustawa, która została zatwierdzona zarówno przez Senat jak i Kongres USA w 1959 roku, uznaje terytorium Donbasu łącznie z terenami, na których znajduje sie Donieck i Lugansk a także Zaporoże – jako Państwo Kozackie (Cossakia – Kozacja?)
Ponieważ polityka Komunistycznej Rosji zniewolila przy pomocy pośredniej i bezpośredniej agresji kraje takie jak Polska, Węgry, Litwa , Ukraina, Kozacja.. (Public Law 86-90)
Nazwa Kozacja jest czysto zachodnim terminem. Określa tereny, na których tradycyjnie mieszkali Kozacy zarówno w czasach Rosyjskiego Imperium jak i ZSRR czy obecnej Rosji.
Nazwa ta obejmuje rozległe tereny wzdłuż dolnego Donu, ziemie na północ i wschód od Morza Azowskiego, obecnego Krasnodaru i Rostowa a także terytorium Stawropola.
Rezolucja w sprawie państw zniewolonych definiuje Ukraine i Ziemie Kozacką jako dwa niezależne państwa zamieszkałe przez różne narody
Stany Zjednoczone uznały Donieck i Lugansk jako zupełnie niezależne regiony.”
A oto caly tekst tej Rezolucji, którą sobie można sprawdzic w sieci
July 17, 1959 [s. J.Res. Ill]
PUBLIC LAW 86-90-JULY 17, 1969 [73 STAT.
Public Law 86-90
On July 17, 1959, the United States LEGALLY granted independence to Donetsk and Lugansk. And LEGALLY recognized until now – more than 60 years
The USA has been granting freedom to Donbass since 1959
It’s just a pity that Ukrainian researchers don’t know how to read real documents from 60 years ago.
Namely, in 1959 in the so-called Resolution on Conquered Peoples, the United States LEGALLY granted independence to Donetsk and Lugansk.
Public Law 86-90 17 July 1959
Joint Statement:
This law, which was approved by both the U.S. Senate and Congress in 1959, recognizes the territory of Donbass-including the areas on which Donetsk and Lugansk are located as well as Zaporozhye-as a Cossack State (Cossakia – Cossation?)
The reason?
Because the policy of Communist Russia enslaved, by means of direct and indirect aggression, such countries as Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Kozatia. (Public Law 86-90)
The name Kozacja is a purely Western term. It defines the areas where Cossacks traditionally lived both during the Russian Empire and the USSR or present-day Russia.
The name includes vast areas along the lower Don, lands north and east of the Sea of Azov, present-day Krasnodar and Rostov, and the territory of Stavropol.
The Resolution on Enslaved States defines Ukraine and Cossack Territory as two independent states inhabited by different peoples
The United States has recognized Donetsk and Lugansk as completely independent regions.”
And here is the entire text of this Resolution, which you can check for yourself online
July 17, 1959 [s. J.Res. Ill].
PUBLIC LAW 86-90-JULY 17, 1969 [73 STAT.
The Russian Empire LEGALLY created the United States, not recognizing the independence of the Confederation in 1863. And sending two squadrons (12) of ships to protect the North, etc.
And such “gifts of freedom” in psychiatric hospitals are sent daily by patients to distant planets to aliens.
Shitty job, return the money to the employer the flunky, F-minus loser student!
As I see it, they themselves did not read this Nazi nonsense, otherwise they would not have posted it here. In addition, this bull does not contain a word about the Donbass, especially about Donetsk and Luhansk, and even more so about the Donetsk and Lugansk republics born in 2014!
It mentions, among others, Ukraine along with North Korea, Albania, Tibet, North Viet-Nam, and others.
Public Law 86-90
[s. J. Res. Ill] Providing for the designation of the third week of July as “Captive Nations Week”.
Whereas the greatness of the United States is in large part attributable to its having been able, through the democratic process, to achieve a harmonious national unity of its people, even though they
stem from the most diverse of racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds; and Whereas this harmonious unification of the diverse elements of our free society has led the people of the United States to possess a warm understanding and sympathy for the aspirations of peoples everyw^here and to recognize the natural interdependency of the peoples and nations of the world ; and Whereas the enslavement of a substantial part of the world’s population by Communist imperialism makes a mockery of the idea of peaceful coexistence between nations and constitutes a detriment to the natural bonds of understanding between the people of the United States and other peoples; and Whereas since 1918 the imperialistic and aggressive policies of Russian communism have resulted in the creation of a vast empire which poses a dire threat to the security of the United States and of all the free peoples of the w^orld; and
Whereas the imperialistic policies of Communist Russia have led, through direct and indirect aggression, to the subjugation of the
national independence of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Estonia, White Ruthenia, Rumania, East Germany, Bulgaria, mainland China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, North Korea, Albania, Idel-Ural, Tibet, Cossackia, Turkestan , North Viet Nam, and others; and
Whereas these submerged nations look to the United States, as the
citadel of human freedom, for leadership in bringing about their
liberation and independence and in restoring to them the enjoyment
of their Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, or other religious
freedoms, and of their individual liberties;
and Whereas it is vital to the national security of the United States that
the desire for liberty and independence on the part of the peoples of
these conquered nations should be steadfastly kept alive; and
Whereas the desire for liberty and independence by the overwhelming
majority of the people of these submerged nations constitutes a
powerful deterrent to w^ar and one of the best hopes for a just and
lasting peace; and
Whereas it is fitting that we clearly manifest to such peoples through
an appropriate and official means the historic fact that the people
of the United States share with them their aspirations for the recovery of their freedom and independence: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate arid House of Representatives of the United
we^k”*^^* Nations States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the
United States is authorized and requested to issue a third proclamation designating the week in July 1959 as “Captive Nations Week” and
inviting the people of the United States to observe such a week with
appropriate ceremonies and activities. The President is further
authorized and requested to issue a similar proclamation each year
until such time as freedom and independence shall have been achieved
for all the captive nations of the world.
Approved July 17, 1959.
thank you very much for providing these clear-eyed and candid analyses.
It might interest you that the (stupid) Austrian FM has compared the entire situation to “1938” last Sunday, irrespective of the real Neo-Nazis standing on the Ukrainian side of the LoC and not “with the new Hitler”.
FM Schallenberg compares the Anschluss of Austria 1938 with Russian “aggression” against Ukraine today. History fact: there was betrayal in 1938, but it was Czechoslovakia who was “left alone”.
Implications may include that “neutral” Austria might join NATO
Having changed the domestic post-1945 régime via the emergency measures put in place to ostensibly “fight Sars-Cov-2 and Covid-19”, the Austrian gov’t may now turn to foreign affairs. Long the proverbial poor relation of Austrian politics, at least since the decision to apply for EEC (later EU) membership in the late 1980s, it is appropriate to ask:
Will this belligerent and, frankly, outright unfriendly act towards Russia—which is very much in line with the shrill agit-prop emanating from Washington, NATO, and “Western” legacy media—result in Austria formally joining NATO?
Finland is already considering doing so, with perhaps Sweden only a moment behind.
I should certainly hope this isn’t the case, but after the domestic Covid Coup, I wouldn’t be surprised a bit if the putschists would try to “revolutionise” foreign affairs as well.
That this would come about with the more or less active support of the Greens should tell everyone about their true nature, too.
I know Austria is peripheral to these matters, but I thought that you’d might find this interesting.
Here’s the rest of my (long) piece: https://fackel.substack.com/p/covidistan-annals-xxv-foreign-policy
Best wishes!
Ukrainian government has approved a resolution to withdraw from agreement on commemoration of WWII heroes.
Ukraine is withdrawing from the agreement “On perpetuating the memory of the courage and heroism of the peoples of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” The relevant government resolution was approved by members of the Cabinet of Ministers, TASS reports.
The agreement, signed in September 2011, stipulates, in particular, that its participants take coordinated measures to further develop humanitarian cooperation in terms of perpetuating the memory of the courage and heroism of the CIS member states’ peoples in the Great Patriotic War and to preserve the memory of fallen servicemen, maintain and arrange of military graves and monuments. In addition, the signatories pledged to continue search operations in order to ensure burial of fallen servicemen with military honors, as well as to organize coverage of the CIS member states’ peoples’ immortal feat.
As always, Kiev’s efforts towards decommunization only manifest in utterly appalling, inhumane actions. Another proof that time has come to show them how real decommunization is done.
useful reading a reminder and summary
According to the above source, Zelensky actually prefers the current Russian position, because Russia’s recognising the Donbas’ republics gives Zelensky an excuse to abandon the Minsk Agreements, bring a “rump” Ukraine into NATO, and/or station intermediate-range ballistic missiles, possibly nuclear, on Ukrainian soil.
The key is whether Russia’s move is predicated on the likelihood that Ukraine will disintegrate into rival ethnic entities and thus preclude the likelihood of a stable NATO member emerging in the near future.
What will Russia do further to eliminate the threat of missiles and/or nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory?
Unfortunately, I think that Ukraine, however fragmented as a result of recent events, will remain a threat to Russia, barring Russia’s decision to reimpose the Russian Empire on the whole of Ukraine.
At this point Russia needs to reclaim not just Donetsk and Lugansk, but also the whole of “Novorossiya” and left-bank Ukraine, extending from Donbas’ to Transnistria, inclusive of Kiev, while living a “rump” Ukrainian NATO proxy in Lviv/Lemberg, perhaps under de facto Polish sponsorship/control.
When will this occur?
The morons at “Commentary” seem to think high oil and gas prices will “punish” Russia. More likely they aren’t morons, but cleverly seeding the high prices/inflation meme to help Klaus with his “reset”.
The oligarchs need a war, or at least the appearance of one, to pursue their impoverishment plan begun with “two weeks”, now two years, and from the start intended to “flatten the people”.
The so-called U.S. elites have been crushing the workers of their own country for 40 odd years. I am one of those workers.
Simultaneously, they have been crushing resource-rich, militarily weak countries, across the globe. Nothing new to the crowd here.
I also “served” (forcibly conscripted) is my favorite term, in one of those campaigns to destroy and claim resources. One on the list of failed attempts thankfully.
Now, pretty damned old, and not giving a rat-ass about much, I say pound sand chump, you’ve brought it on yourself. You ain’t getting any rah-rah, sis-boom-bah, flag waving from me you pecker heads.
My hope is the people of the Donbass will see the end to their suffering soon. Because for me it is about the little people.
Like me.
And now for something completely different! Almost Monty Pythonesque… they’ll bite your legs off!
British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that London is always ready to strike at Russian interests anywhere in the world if necessary
“The Scots Guards kicked Tsar Nicholas I in 1853 in the Crimea. We can always do it again,” Wallace says.
“The Crusaders are very, very angry. Who cares?”
“…The ministry also reiterated that it’s open for diplomacy but warned that the US will receive a response from Russia.
“We are open to diplomacy based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and consideration of each other’s interests,” the statement read. “There should be no doubt that sanctions will receive a strong response, not necessarily symmetrical, but finely tuned and painful to the American side.””
For one, Lavrov doesn’t care, “…sanctions will receive a strong response, not necessarily symmetrical, but finely tuned and painful to the American side.” The pain-dial is in forward motion.
Lone Wolf
Many recall that anger clouds the mind. Once the decision to engage is made by the party under attack it is highly desirable that the attacker’s mind be clouded with emotion. In the present example the attacker’s mind was already feeble, ignorant, and stuffed with his own false ideas – and thus one may expect that anger will make attacker’s mind quite blind. I’m not sure, but I think Master Sun Tsu speaks to this matter. Anyway the attacker in this case knows not himself nor his enemy – which the Master advises is fatal.
As to the mind of attacked party, see Dances with Bears’ analysis of VVP speech…
The dumb empire more than meets its match.
I cannot wait for Greater Rus and a full return to the multipolar world.
This blog is absolutely the first place I go to when Russia is in the news.
I can’t speak for anybody but the British media is in full meltdown mode. But it’s all so much hot-air signifying nothing substantial. A once famous British cynic put the print media in full view – not a pretty site.
I little epigram says it all.
”You cannot bribe or hope to twist
the erstwhile British journalist
But seeing what the man will do unbribed
At least there’s no occasion to.”
Humbert Wolfe
Growing up during “The Cold War” as an American, I never fathomed the day that I would respect Putin more than the current President of the United States, Brandon. America is in a steep decline and I am glad that the “Bear” had been angered because it may be the only way for vast numbers of Americans to vote these buffoons out of office.
It looks like long term attempts to suck Russia into a war on East European plain starts to succeed. Pity
I’m glad I met sensible people here. I apologize in advance for my poor English. But after reading the Russian liberal media and blogs, I want to write. They write that this is a diversionary war to divert people’s attention from internal problems. I do not agree that Putin has such a goal.
In Russia, as in any other country, not all geniuses. There are people who simply work, are not very interested in and do not understand politics. There are people fooled by liberal propaganda. There are people fooled by primitive nationalistic propaganda. And finally, there are just stupid people.
The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung is credited with the expression: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”. This means that if a person is annoyed, then you have encroached on his values. On what is vitally important to him. Liberal Russian media, bloggers, and political scientists are irritated by Putin’s decisive and large-scale actions to recognize the DPR-LPR. This allows us to understand the values of liberals.
That’s what I noticed. Liberal commentators diligently in the spirit of doublethink from “1984” do not mention that Putin was forced to do so. After all, Poroshenko and Zelensky have been ordering their troops to fire at people in the DPR-LPR for eight years. What else was there to do? Sit and watch how in Europe in the XXI century, 90 miles from the border of Russia, Ukrainian Nazis kill Russian and Ukrainian people? They endured for eight years, tried to negotiate. Although, many in Russia were waiting for Putin to send peacekeeping forces back in May 2014 after the monster Ukrainian Nazi Bandera burned people in Odessa. And then there’s German Chancellor Scholz with his wolfish look, killing people makes you laugh. This showed that it would not be possible to agree on the cessation of shelling by the Ukrainian Nazis.
The liberal media talk about anything but the cause of the crisis – killing people by shelling Ukrainian Nazis. They bypass this topic. And if you can ask them a question about long-term shelling, then their reaction is inadequate. Like Scholz.
Biden also said something two really interesting in his otherwise totally vapid speed.
First, he asked who the hell Putin thought he was to recognize states in other sovereign nations?
Second, he warned Russia: we shall judge you by your actions.
I think I can help Biden and give him two very simple replies:
1. Putin is the President of Russia and he does ask for anybody’s approval, least of all – the USA’s.
2. You don’t get to judge Russia. That ship has sailed. If anything, the day will come when Zone B will judge you on a 21st century of the Nuremberg Tribunal. As Putin said “we have all their names”.
But I also know this: in the minds of the leaders of Zone A both of these replies are literally *unthinkable*. Ok.
Hence, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.
The nations of the collective West indeed are crusaders—the Anglo Americans and Europeans all the same.
But instead of waging wars of aggression behind a false “Christian” flag as in the past, these crusader nations now hide behind the flag of their false secular religion, Western capitalist Democracy and Freedom™.
And there is no greater crusader nation on this planet than the American Empire.
This American Crusader Empire is one that routinely wages wars of aggression around the world; bankrolls regime change operations to overthrow foreign governments; and attempts to balkanize other nations behind the lie of promoting “independence.”
Yet, the Americans hypocritically squeal and point their finger accusing their enemies of waging aggressive wars; recognizing independent states in other sovereign nations; or attempting to influence American elections and its (fake) democracy.
Accusing other nations of its own sins is a defining trait of the United States of America.
Since it was spawned over 240 years ago, the American Empire has suffered from a messianic delusion that it represents a “New Jerusalem” which was uniquely chosen by God to be a shining Beacon of Liberty for all of humanity.
America as New Jerusalem
As such, America has a divine right to be moral judge, jury, and executioner for the entire world—or so it believes.
The Messianic Character of American Foreign Policy
But the New Jerusalem of America in reality is the New Rome.
And as such, Americans cannot fathom that they will find themselves on the receiving end of judgement in the not-so-distant future.
New updates from the battle for Free Donbass:
“Donetsk celebrates recognition by Russia and honors a fallen leader”
“Journalists Targeted With IED In Center Donetsk”
IED explodes at the Television media center In #Donetsk. Employees there say #Ukrainian saboteurs placed the IED.
Notwithstanding her swiftness in Crimea, Russia has waited eight years to act and even indirectly financed Ukraine’s NATO-backed military buildup via gas-derived revenues. I don’t know why, for the most part, the Russian leadership was so reluctant to seize Novorossiya in 2014–15, when Ukrainian military strength was weakest. Now Russia faces a far more detrimental scenario. Do some Russian elites still think that they will be accepted among the NWO elites in the DUMBs in the Southern Hemisphere, should the West and Co. station and fire nuclear missiles on Ukrainian territory?
Ben Wallace is a psychopathic Mason.
The respond to that guy was nasty. He deserved it.
The DPR and the PRC exist regardless of whether the United States, Germany, etc. recognizes them or does not recognize them.
A State is a political entity represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographical area.
Diplomatic recognition is a unilateral declarative political act of a State recognizing the status of another State.
The keyword is declarative. That is, solemnly announced. Because Biden and Scholz did not solemnly declare that the DR and the PRC exist, they do not cease to exist.
Both the DPR and the LPR did not begin to exist from Putin’s solemn announcement. Putin stated the fact that, according to the laws of Russia, he would be able to stop the long-term shelling of Bandera Nazis.
The DPR and LPR have had independent governments since 2014. These states have their own laws. Its armed forces. Its own customs. Their courts and police. Own medicine and social services. Even though these states are small in territory and population. I am writing this reliably, since I know the situation in the DPR and the LPR personally. I talked to people from Donetsk.
It is wrong to call the DPR and the LPR subordinates of Russia. Yes, these countries interact closely, but each of them is independent. It is impossible to come quite freely from one side to the other bypassing the border guards.
For example, Pakistan does not recognize Armenia diplomatically. But of course, Pakistan and Armenia did not cease to exist because of this.
The one that talks about recognition is by and large propaganda demagoguery. You need to recognize it. And to understand who the speaker of the recognition phrases is. Is he cheating?
The DPR and LPR did not exist in the Western disinformation bubble. Until this week they did not even exist on Wikipedia’s List of unrecognized states. The West is mad because Russia forced them to face reality.
I believe the US will lift sanctions on Iran to reduce oil prices, they are talking now.
Its probably their new tactic to play / use one side against the other.
NATO can have bases and missiles on the Russian doorstep with ballistic missiles 5 minutes flying time from Moscow, but if Russia or anyone else dares put bases or missiles anywhere in the western hemisphere including Cuba [the Munroe doctrine] we [the US] will act decisively. There is only one response any self respecting nation can have to this arrogance i.e. GFYourselves.
It’s been very entertaining and not a little worrying to see the UK Parliament’s total detachment from reality. All singing from the same sheet, both sides of the House, handing down sanctions like they really matter,and bloviating like crazy. A fact they may like to chew over. The UK fought fascism for six years and was present at the defeat of Nazi Germany. Russians were allies then – but now we openly support a regime shot through with Nazi sympathisers and Einsatzgruppen wannabes, and nobody thinks to mention this. The UK has a visceral hatred of Russia at the political level, but Russia is the other side of Europe and has never attacked us. I was in the Cold War and we regarded our Russian counterparts with a great deal more respect than I see today because we knew them to be very technically competent in a military sense. Now we go out of our way to lecture and insult them by sending a dilettante Foreign Minister to discuss business with Lavrov. I feel for the man. I think that the current visceral hatred comes from the fact that expelled oligarchs are big donors to the UK political class and the man who stopped their looting of Russia’s resources was one V.V.Putin. Hence the bought toadies are carrying out their master’s instructions. None of them would have ben capable of making the speech to the people that Putin made on 21st February. It was history being made, and he was the man for it. Ben Wallace seems to think that the Scots Guards can kick Russian ass like they did in the Crimea 170 odd years ago. Another delusional bloviator…..try that and there may be a hypersonic thermobaric gift heading your way….their detachment from reality saddens me because I in part, am paying for these idiots, in more ways than one…..
Brilliant, Andrei. That picture of the “modern crusaders” raising the gay pride flag, says it all.
That is what U$ military forces have become. That, and the fact that most of them think that
war will be like the video games that they grew up with. I was kind of hoping that Uncle $hmuel would send in his woke lgbtq troops to halt “Russian Aggression.” They would immediately discover that “this ain’t no video game.”
What would happen if Ukraine join NATO now?
I’m seeing disturbing reports that the Ukrainian army are now going on the offensive.
There are troops advancing backed by heavy artillery.
Hopefully these are just probing attacks and do not amount to anything serious. Ukraine is really asking for it. Russia will totally obliterate them in the coming days if they keep this up.
May God protect this world. We need love and light now more than ever.
It won’t be long for those troops to do a U-turn… or perish.
Give Russia time and all will soon quiet down over Nova Russia.
Fake news, preparing public opinion for the deployment of Russian peacekeepers to protect the Russian civilian population of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.
Check the first(!)sources/primary source – actual photo and video online with authorship required as confirmation.
Previously popular in Russia, the author of teenage scary books Stephen King, also discovered the talent of a political scientist. He tweeted: “Mr. Putin has made a serious miscalculation. He forgot he’s no longer dealing with Trump”. Showed who he is.
As a Russian, I can say that I like USA and Americans. I don’t want the Russian government to make plans to conquer or harm the USA in any way. And I don’t want the American government to harm Russia. There are no contradictions between Russians and Americans. And we can live peacefully without interfering with each other. Why do Russians need giant USA with a population almost 3 times larger and with a more powerful and complex economy? What will they do with them? For the sake of “power over the world”? These are empty propaganda words.
Russia 30 years ago finally abandoned the wrong outdated ideology. And before that, it had not actually competed with America for 10 years.
So, Stephen King has absolutely no reason to fear Russia. Russia has not entered Canada, is not preparing Nazi terrorist detachments there, the French have not separated from the British and have not been shooting them out of guns for 8 years.
The official entry of Russian troops into the territory of the LDNR
The president has the right to send in troops by his order, but he will go a long way – through the Parliament (State Duma and the Federation Council)
Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov:
Letters of appeal were addressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin from the head of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, and the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, he said. – The heads of the aforementioned republics, on their own behalf and on behalf of their peoples, once again express their gratitude to the President of Russia for the recognition of their states.
The heads of the two republics, in connection with the current situation, and also in order to prevent civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe, on the basis of Articles 3 and 4 of the treaties on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between the Russian Federation and the republics, ask the President of Russia to assist in repelling the aggression of the armed forces and formations of Ukraine.
The appeals emphasize that at present, due to the aggravation of the situation and threats from Kiev, the citizens of the republics are forced to leave their homes, their evacuation to Russia continues. In the context of ongoing military aggression by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the republics, the destruction of civilian and industrial infrastructure, schools, hospitals, kindergartens and, worst of all, the death of civilians, including children.
“Kyiv continues to build up its military presence on the line of contact, while receiving comprehensive support, including military support, from the United States and other Western states. The Kiev regime is focused on resolving the conflict by force,” the appeals addressed to the Supreme Commander of the RF Armed Forces V. IN. Putin.
I had the dinstinct displeasure of watching Michéal Martin, Irish Taoiseach claim that Ireland stands with Ukraine. If I were to assume he speaks for the entire country and I don’t imagine he does, he in actual fact is standing with two of the most bloodthirsty regimes to ever blight the earth; one of which slaughtered, starved and robbed the Irish people over a thousand years.
With Eamon DeValera’s words of warning still ringing loudly in my ears, I can categorically state that this puffed up blowfish does not speak for me and given his performance in the polls, he doesn’t speak for too many others. Certainly not Ireland that’s for sure. I heard one commentator say in defence of the people of the LDNR “God protect the innocent and may the rest get what they deserve”. I couldn’t agree more. By the way, Russia, nice to see the bear! God bless to all of good will, and to hell with the rest.