It looks like the “no” vote has won in Greece by a landslide, something in the range of 61% vs 39%. This is most definitely good news for Greece, for Europe, for Russia and the rest of the world. No, I am under no illusions about the kind of pressure and blackmail Greece will now be subjected to, and I have no blind trust in either Tsipras or Varoufakis. I don’t even want to comment now about the economic issues. No, my point is different.
This is the fifth time the an Orthodox nation has said “no” to the dictatorship of the AngloZionist plutocracy which currently occupies the European continent on behalf of the USA. The first time was, of course, when the Bosnian Serbs refused to cave in to the US/NATO/EU threats and decided to take up arms rather than to submit to the transnational terrorist network demanding their subjugation. The second time was when the people of Crimea voted “yes” to break away from the Ukronazi Banderastan. The third time was when the people of Novorussia did rise up and voted “no” with the ballot and, eventually, with their guns. The fourth time was when the people of Russia decided to give their total backing to Putin and his categorical rejection of the US/EU/NATO hegemony. And today is the fifth time that an Orthodox nation, the people of Greece, decided to say no to the bankers, financiers, crooks and politicians who serve the 1% and their interest.
Не! Нет! Ні! Όχι!
The language might change, but the message is the same: we refuse to be conquered by you, we refuse to obey, we refuse to accept your hegemony. We chose to resist!

The monks of the Esphigmenou Monastery on Mount Athos: the ultimate resisters against the New World Order.
Let’s be honest here: the Orthodox world is a mess. Most nominally “Orthodox” people are acting like somebody who has had his light punched out by a crushing blow and who is trying to stand up. And yes, the Orthodox are barely standing up on very wobbly feet. But they are *trying* because their will is unbroken even if their minds are still cloudy and often confused.
Of course, there are the shameful counter-examples of Romania and Bulgaria who are showing the same abject subservience to the Empire as Poland or Lithuania. But when you think of those, always remember that just 20 years ago it was *Russia* which was the most abjectly subservient of all!
In truth, religion probably played no role at all in the vote of the Greek people (Syriza is actually rather anti-religious!). At least not directly. But indirectly, in the kind of ethos and mindset which any religions fosters amongst its members, it is not a coincidence that the five most determined rejections of the New World Order were delivered by Orthodox people.
Likewise, in the Middle-East, it is always the Shia that are at the forefront of the resistance to the AngloZionist Empire. Is that a coincidence too?
I don’t think so.
It was a true joy for me to listen to the EU politicians spew their venom and impotent rage at Greece, threatening them with fire and brimstone when, in reality, it is now the entire EU project which is threatened. Very tough times are ahead for Greece and, just like the people of Republika Srpska in Bosnia, of Crimea, of Novorussia and Russia, the people of Greece will be facing a long and difficult struggle.
But at least they chose to resist and their honor, dignity and liberty mean much more than just the empty words they have become in the post-Christian West.
I spent a lot of time in Greece, especially on the island of Aeghina, and I love the Greek people, their beautiful language, their warm and generous culture, their music and their food. I always felt at home in this beautiful Mediterranean country and today I am extremely proud of the Greek people who delivered a massive slap in the arrogant and ugly face of the Eurobureaucrats. Even though the entire Greek media is wall-to-wall controlled by the plutocrats and even though the EU officials made all sorts of threats against a “no” vote – the people of Greece did just that: they said NO! to the diktat of Merkel and her gang of bloodsuckers.
Today the Resistance to Empire has won a big victory.
Congratulations to you all.
The Saker
Greek people 1
Zio-bankster scum -1
An on 5 July, as well, one day after the pindo “Independence” Day holiday. :D
What is Pindo? That wierd-guy on Niqnac blog uses it all the time (I believe Saker banned him from commenting here over a year ago for being a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian sake). Now you (Bot tak) are also using it too, so what does it mean? What’s its etymology?
Nussimen do you know?
Its a common slang term used in some countries (Russia in particular) when talking about the US,”Pindostan,Pindo’s” . Similar to the terms “Yankee,yank,gringo” used in some others (Latin American in particular).
Pindo (pl pindos) is Russian slang, pindostan for the country.
I once read that it supposedly means “penguin” and is a reference to how US soldiers seem to waddle, loaded down with all that ridiculous amount of gear. However that is not the word for penguin in Russian.
It is more likely a corruption of the (Spanish loan-word) English word pinto meaning painted, a piebald horse, a reference to the mottled camouflage they get around in.
I heard that it has a connection to Greek mythology (maybe an evil character there?) and the Pindus mountains in Greece.But I’m not sure about its true origin.
I went to a greek wedding, orthodox, and 2 guys had to sing just ugly songs for a long time. I thought, well here is the signiture of the elites control of the orthodox, when you cant design wedding music and ceremonys to be beautiful sounding, it reminds me of the biggest signiture of elite control of greece, the damn fairy outfits they make the soldiers wear with little girl puff balls on the shoes and a damn DRESS instead of pants.
Anonymous on July 05, 2015 · at 9:50 pm UTC
What is Pindo? That wierd-guy on Niqnac blog uses it all the time
It has nothing to do with the niqnaq agent provocateur. I learned of the term reading a comment by Saker when he used it in a reply to an obnoxious American troll.
It’s usage appears to be not just slang for Americans:
A popular Russian mildly pejorative term for USA citizens, often imagined as a stereotypical fat American patriot. In the plural form it may mean the whole USA.
14 Words related to pindo
A person of small stature. May also be used to describe something that is small
1. used to describe something extremely lame
While not all of these definitions are strictly defining Americans per se… Also, I left off the last definition listed as it was pindo. ;D
As others have noted, the etymology of the term is obscure, but I found this Russian description that was interesting:
Пиндосы ( пендосы , пиндосцы , пиндостанцы , пиндосранцы , пиндосрань , пиндосины ) – typical inhabitants of the United States . Accordingly, the United States in this case is called Pindos Pindostana or UWB (United States Pindos). The word comes from the Greek Πίντος, which recently designated Pontic Greeks (analogue Chukchi folklore in Russian). [1] , [2] .
Also, there is a racially Spanish mot «pendejo», which translates as “a bad man, a radish.” Google also said that unhindered pendejo this asshole . And Google did right, for “pendejo” – this is the slang name for pubic hair.
Still there is a version that pindos – this penguin, which makes sense, since theirs are the peacemakers defying common sense, heavy equipment, impeding normal movement and turns them into clumsy clowns.
Finally, this version – a “Albany” mot, which was formed from the word “Pentagon” by typical Albany sound metamorphosis: the Pentagon – Pindagon – Pindostana – Pindos
Pindostana (Pindostun, Pindos, bridge the States Pindostana \ Pindos) – rather insulting name the United States. On the part of the “camp” I think it is clear – a sign of a backward country, but with the Pindos at interestnee. For the first time the word “Pindos” was in Russia through telreportazh from Belgrade, in which our soldiers called NATO troops – Pindos Pindos subsequently began to apply only to American soldiers and later to all residents of the United States. There are many versions of the origin of the word, but the most plausible – Serbian – the fact that in Serbian Pindos – it’s just a “penguin”. All ochne simple. If NATO soldiers wounded and it will not be any ammunition he does not pay the insurance, so that all NATO members in its 40-pound outfit anytime, anywhere. Well gait Given suitable =))))
The first appearance of the word “Pindos” in the media space noted in the report of Russian paratroopers from Kosovo, who called Pindos American military peacekeeping force (one of the paratroopers explained it this way: “bedroom are some”). As Lulzim at a meeting of the commander of the Russian peacekeepers in Kosovo, General Yevtukhovich said: “Comrades officers, I ask you not to call Pindos” Pindos “, they are a very offended” … What brought.
General Yevtukhovich said: “Comrades officers, I ask you not to call Pindos” Pindos “, they are a very offended” – :D
It appears the use of the word began around the time of the ZPC/NWO wars against Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the word is is possibly a corruption a Serbian term for penguin “pingvin”.
A very apt visual reference for “pindo”:
(Saker might want to use that image as the picture next to articles here describing American policies…hint, hint.) ;D
My translator gives Spanish pendejos as a**holes, don’t know if that mightn’t have fitted the sentiment better (and explain more why they didn’t like being called that). The source for a Spanish word to get into Serbian/Russian? the pindos themselves. It is a VERY common curse word with them; may have been using the Spanish version (well known to all USAians) to be not understood by the other nationalities they were working with/referring to. As the “j” in Spanish is just a breathed “h” it would sound pendeos, the “eo” sound doesn’t exist in Russian, so…..
Long and short of it is, the Serbian peacekeeping time origin sounds about right, either explanation is reasonable and possible, and would not be the first time some expression becomes internationally used with nobody knowing where it came from.
“Pindos” is not a serbian word and certainly does not mean penguin. It has no meaning in Serbian.
Thanks to all that responded to my question regarding what is Pindo and what is its etymology.
Until these responses I wasn’t even sure whether it was even a real term.
Much appreciated.
I am piggybacking at the front, because I want to say what the writing on the black flag means.
It says “Orthodoxy of death”
Otherwise, Saker it’s a very interesting take.
My apologies for my editor, it was supposed to be : “Orthodoxy or death”.
It is orthodoxy or death!!!!
Giorgi, my friend not need to yell “!!!!”
Blaming an editor was just a metaphor, for my bad typing. Look at your keyboard (Qwerty)
you will see “r and f” just above each other.
This is the best news I have heard for a long time.
A serious blow to the E.U dictators and their henchmen.
Italy, Spain and any other indebted nation will be doing this next………what a disaster for the creditors.
Even the zionazi reuters and ap propagandists are headlining articles with titles like “Greeks defy Europe with overwhelming referendum ‘No'”. I guess that means no last minute diebold shenanigans… ;D
Meanwhile, not wasting any time, the Greeks get down to business:
Greece to Request European Central Bank for Liquidity on Sunday
Greece will send a request to the European Central Bank (ECB) on Sunday to allocate cash for Greek banks, government spokesman Gavriil Sakellaridis said.
The ECB ceased liquidity allocation for Greek banks following last week’s announcement by Greece of a referendum on whether to accept the bailout terms offered by Greece’s international creditors.
“Tomorrow [on Monday], the ECB board of directors will assemble. The Bank of Greece today [on Sunday] will send a request for cash allocation,” Sakellaridis told ANT1 TV network.
On Friday, the Greek Finance Ministry said that banks had sufficient liquidity to last until Tuesday. The country’s authorities announced bank holiday between June 29 and July 6, pledging to make a decision on reopening banks on Sunday.
I think we will find out very soon if Syriza is really an alternate to the zio-establishment, or just another “good cop”.
Both Varoufakis and Tsipras just said Greece will stay in the eu and the euro and they want to get back to the negotiating table as soon as tomorrow.
To me, this was more theater. Why did they “allow” them to hold a referendum when Papandreou was forced to resign within 24 hours after proposing GIS referendum?
There’s more to this than meet the eyes and there’s no doubt in my mind this is another victory for the empire somehow. One way or another I guarantee this will no change anything for Russia.
But it seems our side keeps falling for the same tricks again and again and again.
It´s not theater. The thing is that Obama, this time, called his lacays, Merkel and Hollande to they make sure that Greece will remain inside EU and euro.
Obama do not want any country in the East of Europe falling in the influence area of Russia. There will be more elections in Europe this year. Others could follow.
Besides he wants his TTIP to be signed and EU at disintegration is not a good place to sell things advantageously.
Great analysis. The EU vassals will do as the Empire commands. Besides having the tapes on the likes of Frau Merkel and Mssr. Hollande assures their cooperation. Along with their partners in crime the useful idiots in Spain and Italy.
Why the difference between Tsipras and Papandreou ?
Simply Papandreou hadn’t the will to face the Evil and prefered to resign.
Tsipras takes his role as chief of government seriously, and as the will to defend his country.
That’s the difference.
It’s not that foreign powers “allowed” or not to hold a referendum; they will always oppose democracy. The real difference is not done by the attitude of the evil foreign masters, but about the attitude of the local people.
You are very badly mistaken by this opinion. These two very brave Greeks / prime minister and the finance minister /got a very smart advice and it will work, just wait.
just guessing but maybe Papandreou was one of them or…..
as is usual, they had something on him he did not want
good cop, i suspect.
Hard to ignore Varoufakis’s Soros connections – having worked for several Soros Organizationa over the years. His CV is publicly available.
How about you produce evidence for this please?
The man is an academic economist, has spent his life teaching, with only one job with a company (and that was software not finance). He has written books exposing the NWO banking system.
So where can you see a Soros connection?
Seriously I want to see evidence for what you said, otherwise I’ll have to apply to have you banned.
I read that before too.I don’t remember where.In some article when he first took office.Something about having a connection with one of Soros’s companies or foundations? That of course doesn’t mean he is Soros’s stooge.But it does give a cause to wonder a bit.Everything I’ve heard from him has been good so far, so maybe everything is fine.
Plenty of bloggers making claims of a direct Soros connection, but I’ve never come across hard evidence of it in any of them. Lots of heat, but little light.
However, there can be no doubt that Varoufakis has liked what George has to say for quite a while:
Not smoking gun proof of a “connection”, but iron-clad evidence of his sympathy for Soros’ program.
I’ve been looking for a split between Tsipras, who seems to be a real “leftist”, and Varoufakis for a while. The next few months will tell.
“Varoufakis” and “Soros” appear on one line? that does not mean Varoufakis supports, agrees with or works.worked for Soros.
Soros is an economist, and would not be a billionaire if he were a bad one. That he uses his knowledge for evil, or for his own greed, is a separate issue.
Varoufakis is an economist, and a very good one. Not a hack working in an investment bank, but an academic, Professor of Economics at several universities, and author of a number of books analysing the whole NWO problem.
Reading past the headings, in the first of the two links above, Varoufakis praises Soros’ assessment of the EU’s problems facing and dealing with the 2008 financial meltdown. In the second one, he tears to shreds Soros’ proposed fix for the problem. That solution was eventually adopted and is the cause of Greece’s problems today — it was an underhand way to make the State take over the debts of the criminal banks. Spain, Portugal etc are suffering from the same problem.
I am still waiting for evidence of a “connection” in any bad way.
Kat Kan,
We basically agree. I too see no direct connection, harmful or otherwise and frankly I’d be surprised to see one. The accusation at this point is breathless bloviating without substance.
We do differ on just how “shredded” Varoufakis leaves Soros’ plan. In his own words: “Soros’s plan is on the right track but suffers from three demerits…” My read of it was that, as an academic he has taken Soros’ core ideas and corrected them for real world implementation.
My bigger point was that there’s as little evidence of any “revolutionary program” against the debt system, as there is of any Soros connection.
in academic talk “but suffers from three demerits” is serious shredding. On a thesis, enough to fail the author.
He spots right away that it’s a transfer of the banks’ privatedebt to the State.
Varoufakis’s theory is debt swap, whereby States swap out their debts with each other, in a round robin, effectively cancelling may debts that way. A lovely theory in a fair world. So I think that rather indicates he doesn’t fully believe how evil the scheme is, how saddling the States with it is deliberate, not a mistake. They can’t stand him. They already refused to talk with him early in the piece, and now he’s even resigned because they won’t talk with him. (I think he still has Tspiras’ back in private, they’re just playing a game to calm the EU down a bit).
“in academic talk “but suffers from three demerits” is serious shredding”
OK, I’ll cede the point.
Again, read my comment above (maybe above) and apologize to Varoufakis.
Kat Kan, Wayne Madsen did an article (strategic culture) back in January I think on Varoufakas’ connections. Wm Engdahl just did one; it’s on journal-neo.
At any rate, seems no very great change for the Greek people was ever contemplated. Certainly there was no effort to persuade them to consider leaving the eurozone, far less EU.
Hi Penelope
I was working from bottom up. Someone else posted that Madsen article further down, and I posted a quite long analysis of it, if you’re interested to go have a look.
I do find Madsen is always long on opinion and short of backing for it though.
“I do find Madsen is always long on opinion and short of backing for it though.”
“(I think he still has Tspiras’ back in private, they’re just playing a game to calm the EU down a bit).”
A bit like yourself then.
Not at all like myself. I said I thinkone specific thing.
Madsen claims all sorts of things as FACT which are in reality just stuff he thinks, on no evidence. Or worse, mixes together irrelevant things trying to fool you one proves the other just by close placement. Sort of like saying Peter was once at a party John was also at, John next year robbed a bank so Peter must have criminal leanings too.
He’s using that type of argument to try and smear Varoufakis as a “tool of Soros” which a number of people here have fallen for.
The propaganda machine will get you every time, unless you develop some critical reading skills. and the FIRST thing to learn is, just because it is not MSM, it’s not necessarily free of propaganda or agenda. A lot of sites that scream loudest about being “against MSM”, are secret propaganda tools.
it ´s indeed the first Soros man object of euro-hate by all eurocrats and banksters in history…
And btw he has just resigned from Ministry and for a noble reason: avoiding obstacles (of the personal type relationship) to Tsipras negotiation. and further this courageous man said “I will proudly wear the loath from creditors”.
Besides, history will tell.
Well, …, here is the answer to your comment: Varoufakis just quit.
I am not privy to the real reason, but it seems like the EU doesn’t want to talk to him, and Tsipras is OK with it.
Obviously Varoufakis is a man of integrity, and not a sellout as you suggest.
Hence I suggest that you eat your words, and apologize to Varoufakis for your underhanded comment.
“ [..] In truth, religion probably played no role at all in the vote of the Greek people (Syriza is actually rather anti-religious!). At least not directly. But indirectly, in the kind of ethos and mindset which any religions fosters amongst its members, it is not a coincidence that the five most determined rejections of the New World Order were delivered by Orthodox people.”
As an atheist: I like to keep Church and State well apart, but even to my atheist eyes, it’s hard to miss that the latest ‘wins’ we had against the evil Hegemon came mostly for the Orthodox Christian countries and/or regions.
“[..] Likewise, in the Middle-East, it is always the Shia that are at the forefront of the resistance to the AngloZionist Empire. Is that a coincidence too?”
Not a chance in hell it’s a coincidence, hence, now we have a Zionist Israel and the Sunni Sauds getting even cozier with each other…
Prince Talal of Saudi Arabia: My Visit to Israel Shall Mark the New Age of Peace and Fraternity
^ Well! That’s a surprise! NOT! :/
Yes, indeedy. No surprise about the coziness between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Wayne Madsen wrote a 2-part article about that connection. He makes the argument that the royal family is actually Jewish.
He also explains much that I didn’t know about Turkey. You may not know that the “schism” between Turkey & Israel due to the Israelis killing people aboard the Aquille Lauro was phoney. In fact, the last day before the Aquille Lauro left port Turkey asked to add two passengers. It was these two who identified for the Israelis those who were to be killed. One later became a prominent terrorist.
I’m sure you remember how quickly Turkey & Israel “made up” when it was convenient for them to work together against Syria.
The current battle field against the Empire is in Orthodox lands and so the victories (and defeats) occur there. But lets not forget that it was Hugo Chavez and Venezuela that launched this era of resistance against the Empire. The first resounding victory for the resistance in this century was the defeat of the coup against Chavez in April 2002. The Bolivarian revolution then proceeded to hand the Empire defeat after defeat in South America: The rise of the Kirchners in Argentina, the return of Ortega to Nicaragua, Correa in Ecuador, Morales in Bolivia, Lula in Brazil and the defeat of the FTAA at Mar del Plata in 2005.
At the same time in Africa, Zimbabwe handed the Empire a resounding defeat by carrying out its program of land reform in the face of a tsunami of lies, propaganda and economic sabotage while in the horn, Eritrea stood and continues to stand.
From there the fire, smoke and heat of battle passed to the middle east where the partisans of Iraq handed the Empire a massive defeat from which it has yet to recover. Then the Islamic Republic of Iran stood up and despite blow after blow it has continued to stand. And because of the rise of Iran we had the great defeat handed to the Empire by Hezbollah, in its defeat of Israel in 2006.
It is the resistance of all these countries that enabled Russia to stand, starting tentatively in 2007 with Putin’s speech in Munich and then more decisively in 2008 in the Georgian war. Then we have the incredibly heroic resistance of the Syrian people against a massive and multi pronged attack by the Empire. It is this resistance by the Syrian people that finally drew Russia fully into the battle against the Empire and thus made Russia itself a target via Ukraine.
Many peoples from diverse regions and religions have brought the fight to the Empire. The resistance has also suffered defeats: the deposing of Aristide in Haiti, the removal of Fernando Lugo in Paraguay, the destruction of Libya and the killing of Gaddafi, the loss (assassination?) of Chavez etc etc.
The third time may well be the charm, and it looks very likely that the global intifada, against the Empire of the West, that was launched by Hugo Chavez at the beginning of this century will finally defeat the Empire.
Well said. When the history books about the 21st century are written, Hugo Chavez will be in there as the man who brought down the Monroe Doctrine and helped put the first big cracks in the American facade.
I understand that after a rocky start (it takes a while to learn to make a farm productive) Zimbabwean land reform is bearing fruit.
Yes the land reform is bearing fruit. But it was never a matter of “learning” to make a farm productive on the part of the black farmers. They were already very productive farmers on the colonial era reservations onto which they had been forced when the European colonialists seized their land.
The issue was that the land they received from the massive white owned estates had little to no farming infrastructure on it. They had to build houses, schools for their kids as well as obtain farm equipment etc. This meant that many of them could not immediately move to their allocations but had to commute from the reservations. As this infrastructure was built out productivity and output increased as well.
At the same time Zimbabwe was subject to a massive economic attack by the west that was designed to make its economy scream. This attack, along with the propaganda, bullshit and lies attack, has done real damage to the country. But the country is recovering well due to Mugabe’s look east policy which is centered on relations with China Russia and other Asian countries.
The Monroe doctrine was pierced by Chavas in April 2002. There is possibly the best anti US documentary ever made on Youtube at
I think I forgot to give the link to the Wayne Madsen article on Saudi Royal family being Jewish, etc.
Penelope, please… don’t believe anything until you’ve read it at least 2 preferably 3 separate sites. Last thing I read went on about how the Royal family was all Nazis. Can’t both be right. So you read and check and cross-check and balance, and decide. But I’m afraid Wayne Madsen won’t help you much, he seems to say a lot without giving any evidence for it.
That the Saudi royals (some leading ones of them) are from Iraqi (IIRC) jewish background is an old theory/rumour. I´ve seen it it on Strategic-Culture and many other online publications.
Ye-es, but up until the last couple of years most of the resistance to the neoliberal/imperial/AngloZionist project was in Latin America. Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, to some extent Argentina, currents in Brazil, Uruguay, lately even Chile. I’m pretty sure Latin America isn’t dominated by Orthodoxy . . . rather, the religious influence in struggles there has been mostly grassroots Catholic Liberation Theology, and (particularly in Bolivia) indigenous spiritual ideas around reverence for nature and so forth. Mind you, one should note that Liberation Theology has generally found itself at odds with the Catholic hierarchy.
Meanwhile, I’d actually claim that, given our low numbers, atheists contribute disproportionately to resistance struggles and ideas. I couldn’t prove it though.
I’m thinking the one religious group that has been most conspicuously not involved in positive struggles would be Protestantism.
Well, at any rate, Orthodox cultures have been stepping up of late and that’s a dashed good thing, and congratulations to the Greeks for their resounding victory. This is a good day. Now fingers crossed that Tsipras will have the guts to represent those people, hold to the mandate he sought, and not cave in to the blackmail which will certainly not be letting up.
“I’d actually claim that, given our low numbers, atheists contribute disproportionately to resistance struggles and ideas. I couldn’t prove it though.”
But atheism is a religion in all but name. So we can say that religion is leading the fight against the Empire ;)
You forgot to finish your article:
” And now the work begins “
Marine Le Pen in France is ecstatic:
The Greek victory is beginning of the end for the EU experiment and immediately turbocharges Le Pen’s bid for the coming French Presidential election and a consequent French exit from the EU, along with Spain, Portugal and Italy. It throws a monkey wrench too in Obama’s anglozionist TTIP, the dark and secretive conspiracy to make all of Europe a US multinational corporate colony designed to enslave Europeans to the US, while keeping out China and Russia.
Note the resistance in South America, much of it connected with liberation theology. I can guess that it is not the religion as such which makes the difference so much as presenting the idea that there IS indeed an alternative, and it has human values attached to it — in opposition to the machine like technocracy and capitalism of fascists and neoliberals.
It is worth remembering that Greece and Yugoslavia were the only occupied places that were liberated by their own partisans, rather than the allies.
That’s very true.That period was very murky at the time and still is (most that write on it have their own agenda).But one thing is pretty clear.Not to demean the others fighting the nazis.But still, the liberators mostly represented fighting forces aligned with the communist parties in those countries (true also in France and Italy).Those parties, in those days, had a total commitment to the defeat of fascism.I think it had a lot to do with,if they lost they were beyond question dead.With the others the fascists might have spared them,(that was always a thought at least),hoping to co-opt them in the future.But with the communists, the fascists had only one policy,to kill them.You see that today in Ukraine.The most anti-fascists are the left.And the parties the fascists are most out to destroy there are on the left.During the coup,and after the coup.The communist party in Ukraine was/is target number one for the junta.
No mystery here. Greece had two types of groups: royalists/right wing and the communists (ELLAS was their army and EAM was their movement). Sadly enough they fought each other bitterly, as the royalists were often accused of being in cahoots with Bulgarians and Germans. Kind of like Ustashe in Yugoslavia.
The Ustashe went far beyond being simply in cahoots with the Germans.
The atrocities they committed against Serbian civilians sickened even the German SS.
In Yugoslavia the resistance to the occupying Germans and their allies the Croatian Ustashe, Bosnian Muslim Handjar SS and Kosovo Albanian Skenderbeg SS was also divided and consisted of Royalist Chetniks and Communist Partisans who as well as fighting the Germans sadly also fought each other.
After the German defeat at Stalingrad when it became increasingly apparent that the Germans would lose the war both sides of the resistance sometimes worked in cahoots with the Germans against the other in a struggle to establish dominance of the coming post war political landscape.
. . . I don’t want to know what someone would have had to do to sicken the SS.
Google NKVD.
Here is one: An Italian reporter visited the Ustasa leader and saw a basket on a table full of marble’s.He looked closer at them and saw they weren’t marbles.But were human eyes instead. Presented to him as a gift by his men.
Here are a few other reasons:
Historian Jonathan Steiberg describes Ustaša crimes against Serbian and Jewish civilians: “Serbian and Jewish man woman and children were literally hacked to death”. Reflecting on the photos of Ustaša crimes taken by Italians, Steinberg writes: “There are photographs of Serbian woman with breasts hacked off by kitchen knives, man [sic] with eyes gouged out, emasculated and mutilated”.[47]
A Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated 17 February 1942, stated:
Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.[48]
And from pictures shown:
An entire Serb family lies slaughtered in their home following a raid by the Ustaša militia, 1941.
Ustaše soldiers sawing off the head of Branko Jungić, an ethnic Serb from the village of Grabovac.
Ustaše militia execute prisoners near the Jasenovac concentration camp
A knife nicknamed “Srbosjek” or “Serbcutter”, strapped to the hand, which was used by the Ustaše militia for the speedy killing of inmates in Jasenovac.
Sorry but your info is a bit “redacted”. The communists only hijacked the resistance after it already had traction. A they used their new position to get rid if the monarchist serbian resistance, with “allies” as their airforce.
The resistance was genuine, the communism never was.
Who’s communists are your talking about? Yugoslavia’s or Greece’s. As far as Greece is concerned, I suggest to do some reading. Right after Greek army defeated Italians in Albania, Greek military men after the discharge from the army were joining ELAS en-mass. Even though they were not communists, but they truly believed that communists were serious about fighting the Germans.
Again I suggest that you simply discard English literature about the war because it’s full of crap. On the first sight of German planes English dropped everything and buggered off to Egypt together with the so called “Greek” king. After the Greece was freed of Germans, KKE (Greek Communist Party) was forced (based on the Yalta agreement) to let the British contingent with “Greek” king waltz to Athens and the rest is modern history.
It was when the Russians/Ukrainians/etc. got into Yugoslavia that the Germans were actually kicked out and retreated – they were both heavily bombing and fighting each other with Belgrade civilians being collateral damage. The Partisans mostly focused on the Serbian royalists – they were given 10s of thousands of tons of weapons and they mostly used it to kill Serb resistors.
The allies acted as their air force (similar as they did to the KLA taking over Kosovo) and bombed Serbian villages, factories, apartments, etc.
The allies bombed Belgrade (and other cities/towns/villages) worse than the Germans (but the Germans did more on-the-ground killings).
So Serbia was actually defeated and put under communist Tito (a Slovene-Croat) who ruled over them in Belgrade. Tito had been with the Austrian forces in WWI and they attempted to capture Belgrade.
Serbia wasn’t liberated by anyone – it suffered both fascist and communist takeovers, with the Allies heavily helping the communist takeover rather than Serbs be free and the fascist peoples (such as Croats) from being punished and losing any land – land which only became part of Croatia when they joined up with Serbs after WWI (despite being on the opposite side during WWI).
As I said that time is very murky.You just gave one side’s view of it (I said those that write on it have their agenda’s).While its true that almost all the Chetniks (maybe all actually) were Serbs.Its also true that the majority on the Partisan side were ethnic Serb.Tito was half-Croat and half-Slovene.And he did serve in the Austro-Hungarian army.But he was captured by the Russians during the war and became a communist during that period.And while the actual final pushing out of the Germans (actually them running out) was after the Red Army entered Yugoslavia.The Partisan’s and some Chetniks as well.Put such a beating on the fascists that huge areas were cleared of them before the Soviets arrived.The inner Yugoslav civil war between Chetniks and Partisans was very ugly in that period.But it doesn’t change the facts that the Germans were hurt badly by the resistance in that country.
Yes, the terrible “dictator” Tito who managed to repair all that was destroyed by the Nazi Germany and the national traitors who were fighting together with the German forces.
And don’t forget that when Tito spoke, whole world stopped and listened.
Tito didn’t repair – he STOLE. The homes and property of the wealthy Serbs was confiscated and used by him and his government (mostly non-Serbs, and some Jews too). (Yugoslavia secretly helped Israel in some wars later on.)
He also murdered 250,000 Serbs AFTER he won – that according to Michael Lees, former British Intelligence agent, who was there during WWII and who got access to mistakenly declassified British archives on WWII. He wrote a book called “The Rape of Serbia: The British Role in Tito’s Grab for Power 1943-1944”.
He could see from the archive his own messages during WWII. A Jewish communist mole, James Klugmann was given Tito credit for Chetnik attacks and successes against the Germans. Ironically it was Klugmann apparently trying to hide the files/documents and putting them in a different place than where they were supposed to go, which got them mistakenly released.
Britain, U.S., and German haven’t released their full records of what they did and what they know about WWII Yugoslavia. They are all still protecting the myths and lies which serve them and Serbs’ enemies.
Tito and the communists also built such UGLY EYESORE “ARCHITECTURE” in Belgrade and all over. That socrealistic crap is cold, not energy efficient and depressing.
During Tito’s time so many peoples were working in Germany as guest workers there wasn’t enough jobs for the people.
And Tito himself did not expect Yugoslavia to exist after his death – he stated that for western journalist and spies, because an old Funk-Wagnall’s (U.S.) encyclopedia from my grandmother’s house from the early ’70s about Yugoslavia – a VERY long article, said that.
When I read that – and that’s when I was getting into what was going on since the 1999 bombing got me interested in the area – it helped me understand, along with other things Tito and the government was doing in the late ’60s to early ’70s, was setting Yugoslavia up to break-up – EVEN THEN – at Serbs’ expense.
For example the 1974 constitution change carved out autonomous areas from Serbia – without any vote from Serbia nor Serbs.
No other Republic had any areas carved out: Dalmatia, Slavonia, Istria, Hercegovina, etc. were not carved out of Croatia, Slovenia, BiH.
Tito and commies were there to SIT on Serbia and oppress it! And they were put in by the west, who wanted to keep that region on ICE for the time being since Soviets/Russia/U.S.S.R. was too strong for them to directly interfere and hold that area.
Tito was also used to keep the Russians out – he was held up as a good communist/ally and therefore did not need to be babysat/occupied – and it worked.
After sufficient time passed, the west got Yugoslavia to break away.
Meanwhile and after, the Yugoslav government was dismantling enterprises and industries started in Serbia and moving them to Slovenia, Croatia and BiH.
The excuse was “in case of attack from the East” (meaning the Soviets), and perhaps that was their main concern, but I think it also could have been an excuse to weaken Serbia and strengthen the others.
Workers in Serbia had a special tax applied – that many didn’t know – and it sent that money down for a developmental fund for Kosovo.
Albanians would use that money to buy up Serbian property.
Tito did many other things to help set up the divisions and promote a future breakaway of the republics.
Not true. Tito spared Stepinac etc. in Croatia after the war, as well as the albanian nazi gangs. Who then came back a few decades later to start a new war.
And of course he was a dictator, even if we view him as comparably benevolent.
Also “he” repaired nothing, it was the people who did it all – mostly working entirely for free in all those “radne akcije” (“work actions”). Talk about slave trading and he didn’t even need violence to make it happen.
I also liked the movies he made in Italy.
@ Anonymous on July 05, 2015 · at 11:03 pm UTC
“Yes, the terrible “dictator” Tito who managed to repair all that was destroyed by the Nazi Germany”
20 years after the war,large number of our people were going into that same Germany to find work. Beacuse there was none to be found in Tito’s paradise. It was actually a state policy to encourage emigration. Less population,less trouble and relatives will always send money.
He should have done more! After all, he was in a position to do so.
“And don’t forget that when Tito spoke, whole world stopped and listened.”
We should ask ourselves why we,as victors,must go to find work abroad, instead in our own country for which we bled and dyed?
“destroyed by the Nazi Germany and the national traitors who were fighting together with the German forces.”
Meaning after he destroyed a possibility for a legitimate government in exile to return,so that he can now be king? And left almost all of those who killed Serbs to get free?
Wasn’t it also Tito who encouraged Albanian immigration into Kosovo?
Many people made baseless accusations of Syriza’s leaders that they were going to break and throw Greece under the bus in a slew of scenarios, including Engdahl, your guest analyst, whose made a great many mistakes, particularly his latest accusing Varoufakis of being a secret agent for the EU and ECB.
Syriza’s been steadfast in their rhetoric and actions, and they are the type of leaders a few of us knew they’d be. I’d like to say with assurance that the Greeks finally won their war for freedom from Fascist Tyranny, but too many events need to occur to solidify the victory. Now, if I just had a bit of Raki to properly toast the victory.
A non-entity using anonymous for a moniker–how original. And what facts do you present? None, as usual. The EC threatened to not recognize the referendum as being “proper”, but has just issued a PR saying it “respects” the outcome.
A Revolutionary event finally occurs, yet so many who called for such an event now try to dismiss it by denying it was the sort of Revolutionary event required. What a load of crap!
@ Outlaw Historian,
Q; A Revolutionary event finally occurs,
R; Suffice to say, the day the [final] French Revolution popped up, France’s right-wing tabloids announced a slight ripple effect taking place, a simple correction of a disillusioned democracy bubble… nothing to worry about.
Greece should turn to the east, the place where the sun rises.
The US is like your drunk, obese uncle, best tied down to his chair and shoved into a corner or adjacent room; a total embarrassment, with his soaking depends and rusty walker.
Dear Saker,
There was one big NO you left out. The election of Bashar al Assad. That was a great event for our time. Crossed all religious lines too didn’t it? Even included those who had opposed him in the beginning.
Thanks for your article
And add the resounding NO forcing Cameron to rule out bombing Syria in 2013
I used to like Engdahl’s articles, but reading the one about Varoufakis, makes me wonder.
The article was a pure mouthpiece in protection of EU.
I also have read some/a lot of dirt on Varoufakis, since I do not know the guy, I can’t say much about him. I can say one thing, “west” is extremely good at throwing “dirt” at people they hate because they are assumed to be dangerous to the establishement.
I thought the timing of Engdahl’s article – right before the vote – very suspicious in itself. Thank you for your input about him.
Anonius & Sharon, There IS no input about Wm Engdahl in either of your comments. Anonius, you simply assume that because Engdahl makes factual observations and a judgement about a person you like, Varoufakis, that Engdahl must be pro-EU.
This is a non sequitur. I have read four of Wm Engdahl’s books. He has written about the full dimensions of the New World Order– the bankers, the UK, the GMOs & much more. At this moment Saker has an Engdahl video above.
You are actually quoting such flowers like Madsen or Engdahl as some sort of a credible source?
ROFLMAO xD That’s all I can say.
Greece current gov. doesn´t care about polls, so Greece hasn´t won anything. The country is currently being privatized and sold out to banks & corporations by the government (which is subordinated to the trojka…or should I say transnational corporization mafia).
***excuse me, but if you write horrors like this, provide links – mod.
The Saker,
This is a beautifully written tribute to the Greek nation. I hope many in Greece will be able to read this missive. Is there a Saker website in Greece?
The beginning of Greece’s move toward Liberty is done, and well done. Now comes the hard part, the part of marching to Thermopylae, and defending the Greek people from the aggression of the Imperialist Bankers.
The top Syriza leaders are not up to the challenge, but under the pressure of events, and of their people, some of the Syriza coalition might stand and fight. The rest of the Greek political forces will define themselves by three things they must do.
1. Will they drop sectarianism and join those at the barricades? At the same time, they must keep an eye on the Greek Armed Forces, and insist that they come over to side of the people.
2. Will they offer clear programmatic solutions designed to liberate Greece from Debt slavery?
3. Will they hold a World View (a VISION) of where our human race must go in order that it all may achieve Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
The top Syriza leadership will treat the NO vote, not as the revolutionary surge forward it represents, but as a negotiating tool for them to use with the imperialist usurers. These misleaders will delay, tamper the Greek revolutionary impetus, and attempt to douse the fire. The slightly sympathetic coverage of these earthshaking events in the land of the birth of Democracy by the imperialist and furiously anti Russian Huffington Post, (founded by Greek born Arianna Huffington), represents an attempt by her/them (whom they serve), to retain some controlling connections on the Greek leaders, and through them, the Greek people, and through them, the coming events in Greece.
Who saw this coming: – the children of Leonidas and his 300, in 2015, exposing the moral and physical feet of clay of the tyrannical Anglo/American/Zionist New World Order?
For the Democratic Republics!
Well said. Greek military must always be watched as they were always “royalists”. Royalists means exactly it, and they have strong ties with US military.
As for the Leonidas, Spartans get the glory but there few thousand hoplites from Thessaly who always seem to get the brush off. According to one Russian (Soviet then) historian Persia had 5 mln people in their invading army (it does not mean warriors only, it included all the serves and others) while Leonidas was commanding about 20 thousand people in total. But as far as Hollywood is concerned 300 against 100 thousand sounds better.
Also, the battle of Platea, which never gets mentioned is the real reason, why Persia lost it’s appetite for Greece. This battle is famous within military circles, because Greeks killed 70000 Persian soldiers (in one day?). An ordeal never ever repeated in the history of warfare.
In any case, lest we forget the Greeks, Spartans and all, lost at Thermopylae. Yes, yes, gloriously and bravely and all that, but they lost. Who knows what might have happened if the Athenian navy hadn’t then led the Greeks to victory at Salamis?
Now I’m as romantic as the next guy, but I do like to draw inspiration when I can from victory rather than defeat.
They were always going to ‘lose’ if by lose you mean die. They marched there knowing they were going to die. The whole purpose was to hold of the Persians as long as possible to give the rest of Greece time to prepare.
They held three days and then the Persian armies overran Boeotia and Attica. Whatever time the rest of Greece had to prepare didn’t I think help them all that much. The Athenian-dominated allied navy under the Athenian Themistocles trounced the Persians despite Athens itself having been torched.
Mind you, it might have worked. If the Persians hadn’t found a way to flank them, the folks at Thermopylae might have held for quite a long time. But then, unless you’re actually in a castle a determined, numerous enemy will very often find some way to flank you given time.
Purply, you oversimplify things. Let me throw some real history at you and I’ll be very snappy:
First the father comes he goes down to Marathon and gets slaughtered. The ratio was 1 Greek for every 10 Persians (not like the Hollywood tells). Runs back to mummy and starts building bigger and better army as now he knows what he is up against. It takes his son 10 years to do it, now he comes to Thermopylae, Leonidas (his name means the son of lion thw) pins his huge army down for a while. Next the Persians come down to Athens to find it epty, as the Greeks went to Piraeus behind huge wall. Persian king sends his armada of 1200 ships to conquer the Athenians, but here he finds Themistocles with his 240 ships wipe out hes armada in Salamis (Salamina in Greek). He puts his fancy tail between his legs and runs back to Persia crying, but not before he leaves Mardonios (this is his Greek name) with an army of 100 thousand strong. It took Greeks about a year to collect an army to fight Mardonios, they wipe him almost clean in Platea. Ten (10) years later Alexander the Great goes to Persia with 25thousand of hoplites and 5thousand horsemen from Thessaly (he also had some horsemen of his own). He wipes the Persians clean and Greeks rule the middle east and Mesopotamia until Turks ganged up with Mongols and started to come down in XII century. This was the beginning of the decline of the Byzantium.
This Greek empire, which continues through Byzantium, lasted 1500 years that nobody wants to talk about. This was Alexander’s payback for the shame that his grandfather, also Alexander (II), had to suffer to provide hospitality the Persians.
Go and read up on the subject (but from historical sources not from Wikipedia).
Not to drag this subject forever. Here is an interesting link at one of the universities:
This is for the doubters, or the ones who insist on proving it.
I wouldn’t dispute any of that, but I don’t think it actually contradicts anything I said.
Peter, don’t forget the other bastion of democracy, Iceland! Look what those people (less than a million!) have done to their criminal bankers in the past few years. They even sent some to jail. Let’s hear it for democracy, not that we have much in the corporate states of america any more….
Correct. I sort of remember Tsipras mentioning Iceland and Argentina (few years ago but not to long ago).
Dear Antonius,
I like your thoughts and here is my answer.
At the top right corner of the first picture you will see an OXI and a writing that says ” and yes they are frightened” meaning we put the fear of the Greek People into them.
That is EPAM=United Peoples Front. What is it comprised of? I will explain.
EPAM has all the Fresh and genuine Greeks that yearn for FREEDOM. Their members are old VOTERS not Party Apparachics of all the previous Political Parties.
They range from Communists, (Like the General Secretary Dimitris Kazakis, Economist by TRADE) He actually worked for his bread.
Also Old PASOK voters , I personally know some , who want to cut off their hand that voted them into Office.
New Democracy voters like the Doctor and his Brothers that I met, same story for their old voting habits.
People like me, laid back and let things be as they were, that did not give a damn about Greece or politics, till my Homeland actually came under fire. LIKE NOW.
Most of the hard core of the movement keep their own beliefs about the world but realised they were mostly an ilusion. Now they form their own opinion how things should be run and they intend to make them DEMOCRATIC. A note here, Democracy is NOT to give a BLANK CHEQUE or Power of Attorney to some devious individual and hope for the best. NO IT WILL NOT DO.
WE ARE GOING TO DO IT OURSELVES. There will be DEMOCRACY in the core of things, with no Mercinaries running it for us.
Also in the full time running the movement we have RETIRED MILITARY OFFICERS. Also in the lower teams far away from the centre. There are teachers, musicians, you name it.
There are 5 TARGETS
1st) Declare the DEBT odious and Illegal, therefore cancel it.
2nd) GET OUT of the EURO
3rd) Getting a national Currency ( A new Drachma but in the form of the OLD CYPRUS POUND) very important. to understand that the Bank of Greece, WAS NOT A GREEK BANK. The Greek Government had 6% shares in that beast. That also That Bank had IMMUNITY and could not be Audited. Therefore we have to Nationalise that Bank.
4th) Put in the Dock all the perpetrators (Politicians, Media Moguls and their reporters, and Oligarchs) of the Crimes commited against the People of Greece.
And finally
5th) Democracy, with a constitutions made by the People of Greece in the spirit of Old and a recent example, that of the ICELANDERS.
The ordinary members are AWARE of all the Geopolitical and cultural goings on in the world.
EPAM is connected to other similar movements of the World. There are in the ranks of ordinary members foreign Citizens. I know personally a Italian from Sicily also English supporters.
Also we have thanks to Dimitris Kazakis the Economic Model OUT OF THIS NIGHTMARE.
We shall fight on till The End.
@Ακαρναν Καππα,
I agree with you all the way. The only way is to free Greece from the slavery,
which is the EU. Euro is only it’s tool of enslavement. Greece has to return to draxmi, nationalize banks, etc, etc…
Hmm, in the old days Greece had EAM now there is EPAM. That’s the way to go.
I am afraid it won’t come easy: “Freedom or Death”?
I do believe that this day will be celebrated in my life as a victory for all humanity. In celebrating Independence Day here in America I had a sense that the fight for freedom is approaching at an accelerated speed. With possibility of being a fight for our very lives as well. We all know the plans of the depopulation freaks. Sad, frightening and then here today we have a No vote from across the sea. A smile is across my face, my soul is somehow given peace in knowing that it may be a slow movement here in America but the AWAKENING is happening and the evil ones dead set on controlling, killing and enslaving humanity were stood up to this day, and freedom is the most difficult battle in which this world will fight against possibly for our very survival. The empire is wounded, thier pride can’t handle being told NO especially by their slaves!! Stay vigilant!! Also be prepared to be retaliated against in a way that only their bloodlusting heart, mind, and souls could design. Blessings!
You remind me of all those extremely emotional people (some were even crying) the night Obama was elected.
Hope and change!
Yes we can!
Had Tsipas really been an issue for the system he would have gotten the Yanukovic treatment.
Yet sometimes a cigar really is a cigar.
How about you just wait and see what happens, hm?
A few years ago I was thinking that maybe my country (Sweden) could become the first EU country joining the BRICS, but since the crisis in Ukraine the swedish power elite has certainly shown us their hysterical anti-russian/pro-NATO stance (we seem to be at the front line, with our terrible msm and politicians, together with the poles and the “collapsing baltic states”, and “we” see russian submarines everywhere by now…). Maybe Greece will now be the first one to join the BRICS: I mean, the EU, and the US-empire, will probably go down no matter what, and a “normal” intelligent and long-/medium term looking country would probably, at least, try to position itself in a “good way” in relation to the major risks and possibilities it identifies? But maybe the “western hegemony” is in such hybris by now, in the middle of its major crises, that it just deals with these major problems as minor problems, and doesn’t really realize that suddenly “large things will start to move fast too” (or change even faster than they already are)?
A country like Sweden should, in its own self-interest develop strong trade links with Russia (Finland even more so).The location of Sweden,the technology available in Sweden.Are great reasons for strong trade relations.But the 300 year old Russophobia in Sweden is the block to that.For Poland even more so.The most economically advancing part of Poland (for ethnic Polish people that is) during the 19th and early 20th century was what was called “Russian Poland”.Overall the Prussian area was better off.But the benefits there went mostly to the large ethnic German minority.While in Russian Poland,Poles benefited from access to the huge Russian market.An independent Poland today could as well.But they and the Swedes (among others) prefer to “cut their nose off to spite their face”.
@ Roxe,
Q; …the swedish power elite…
R; Who runs MSM in Sweden?
Here’s your answer; Jewish Media Influence in Scandinavia
Nuff said.
Yes – I fear you have hit the nail on the head !!!
So what is Finlands problem?
The media here is as patheticly Russophobic as elsewhere in Northern Europe with commercial media being hysterically anti Russian.
Least gov media seems a little more calm but it is so tedious to see and counter.
The Sanomat Group are by far the worst.
I know that in Sweden there is an active program by outsiders to destroy the ethnic and cultural makeup of the population there and since IMF aid, their economy has been savaged for the interests of outsiders. Also so sad to see McDonalds everywhere there.
May they find their way. As we all.
I join in congratulations to the Greek people with all my heart. I studied your ancient culture in college and fell in love with classical greek, its fluid and supple nuances. It was a short hop from there to the Orthodox faith, and I have never looked back.
I’ve never visited either Russia or Greece and probably never will, but I see both countries as the hope of the world. There have been many suppositions about what happened between Putin and Tsipras – my thought always was the latter was counseled that he must have the needs of his people foremost in his decision making, not closing any doors in the process. This he has done.
Yes, congratulations, Greece – and the middle part of that is heartfelt gratitude.
You might be interested in a book called, The Lost Empire of Atlantis by Gavin Menzies, an ex-RN naval officer and submarine captain. It is about the Bronze Age Minoan global maritime trading empire, which was largely peaceful yet very very prosperous. The Minoans show us that you can be very wealthy and live the good life and conduct trade all over the world and keep pirates in check without going to war against everybody on the planet. What an excellent model. Yes, their relatively peaceful sea trading empire was completely wiped out by a volcano and 100 foot Tsunami, but that’s neither here nor there, they were peaceful and rich, dammit.
Oh, and as an added thought, the ancient Minoan Linear A script features cats!
I’m not quite shure about the real motives on both sides – EU and Greece.
Is it possible, that the Greece government and the EU (headed by Merkel’s Germany) simply played a bad game with separated roles? Guess this:
Merkel and the EU – in reality – always wanted this “NO” to happen, because in the background the lenders (mostly Banks & big Funds) quietly already have agreed for a 30% haircut. But this couuld not be presented to the german (and others) people, if there would not be a greek referendum.
Now, Merkel can simply say: I respect the greek vote, lets make a deal.
The deal will be the same as the one of Friday (but including the 30% haircut). Of couse, the germans will understand, not knowing what it will cost.
Background: The IWF – for the first time – re-evaluated the greek situation and came to the conclusion that there were even 50 Billions more debt as calculated before, which would make it impossible for Greece to pay back their dept. So they proposed a hair cut.
This scenario could go on theoretically with Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, which in parts already invited the IWF for recalculating their financial situation. This would then be the perfect nightmare for the EU.
I might be totally wrong with my thoughts, but I saw many hints in this direction over the last days.
We’ll see, but nevertheless, the vote itself was a profiund victory for the current greek govenrment, and especially the youth – for the first time in Europe – participated greatly in this victory, which itself might make some of the big criminals neveous.
Two Syriza representatives have already announced (after the referendum) that a deal with the troika is imminent, probably within 48 hours.
I believe your scenario is dead on. I came up with the same thesis last week.
Detlef Reimers, The real motives of EU & Wall St, according to MICHAEL HUDSON:
In 2010 right after the PASOK party came to power in Greece, they revealed the fact that their figures had been fudged all along, and that the debt was so large that Greece couldn’t pay. So the International Monetary Fund, which hadn’t been making loans–almost had no customers in the world, had its European staff calculate. And the staff unanimously said, Greece can’t pay these debts. These are fraudulent debts that are all way beyond the ability to pay. They’ve got to be written down. And the board of directors agreed.
But Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was the head of the IMF when he wasn’t going to the sex parties, wanted to run for president of France. And he talked to Sarkozy, and Sarkozy said, wait a minute, French banks are the largest holders of Greek debt. If Greece doesn’t pay and writes them down, the French banks will go under. And German banks are the second largest. But then at the G8 blackbankmeetings in 2011, President Obama went over along with Tim Geithner and said, our big campaign contributors are on Wall Street, and they’ve made huge bets that Greece can pay. If Greece doesn’t pay, then all these gamblers and derivative players are going to lose their bets. You’ve got to sacrifice Greece and you’ve got to drive it into poverty, and lend the Greek government the money to pay the bond holders so that our Wall Street banks won’t lose money.
So the European Central Bank told the IMF if you want to be a player, you’ve got to ignore what the stats said, and they did. And the European Central Bank and the IMF paid over 100 billion Euros to the bond holders. So Greece, instead of owing private bond holders, owed the IMF and the European Central Bank.
Now the European Central Bank wants to get paid, but the debts can’t be paid. So the central bank says, okay Greece: Sell us your islands. Sell us your ports. Sell us your lands. Sell us your raw materials. This is foreclosure time. And if you can’t pay, we want everything in the public domain. And you also have to impose austerity.
Smart thinking. But even a debt relief by 30% won’t help the Greeks. The Euro will kill them anyway. What Greece needs is the Drachma. devalued against the Euro by 30%.
But i agree that the Greeks Oxi was a moral and spiritual victory for humanity’s love of freedom, sovereignty and self-determination that will remembered for a long time to come.
The fight against the real Troika (Fascism, Zionism & the Central Banks cartel) is on.
I”m i Greece now, happy to enjoy the OXI (no) with the greek people. Still worried about Tsipraz will negotiation with The Euronazis. This “case” is far from over. It’s not over until we, the greek people, are having The same feelings as Victoria “Fuck The EU” Nuland!
I hope you Greeks do just that!
Of course then there’s the other theory that everything is running to the script. The so called New World Order saviours will be running from the East after the evil old system is allowed to collapse, naturally as always the same shadow leaders will still be in charge. Seems there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support that. BIS now criticising central banks, their boss setting itself up as the voice of reason. Seems some familiar faces from IMF and World Bank popping up to run their replacements. All the Brics still have parasitic central banks do they not?
Could be we will still have the Zionists running things minus the Anglo component, all with a brand new façade of more centralised control, new reserve currency etc, food for thought if salivating for real change.
That’s the argument of the “Redefining God” blog.
I don’t entirely agree with him. I don’t think Putin is an NWO supporter. Also, there’s a lot of resistance to the NWO within India. However, I think the NWO has, to a large extent, been behind the rise of Maoist China.
In any event, I’m an Orthodox Christian. By the grace of God, I will resist evil to the end, regardless of who is behind it.
You ask, “All the Brics still have parasitic central banks do they not?”
Only 3 countries don’t belong to IMF– Iran, Cuba & N Korea. However, China has separated internal & external currency (or something similar; can’t say I’m informed).
Countries which are categorized as “developing” may not issue their own currency or other credit instruments. Issuance of their own currency is permitted only when they obtain dollars either by exporting or borrowing.
Because of membership in IMF central banks continue to be controlled by IMF and not local govts. I think all countries are categorized as “developing” except US, UK & some EU countries.
I have not yet seen any sign that Russia and China wish to dismantle the IMF system in order to return all nations to economic sovereignty. So far they’ve only suggested more “multipolar” governance of the IMF’s centralized (undemocratic) system.
The BIS has been calling for de-emphasis of the dollar. In fact,BIS was the immediate trigger to the bursting of the dollar/derivative speculative bubble in 2008 by its raising of the reserve requirements.
I feel great disquiet that people seem to be totally distracted by the proxy wars and confrontations. Everyone seems to be mesmerized like the bull by the waving red cape. And totally forgetful of the power behind it. They even persist in identifying the neo-cons as the decision-makers. It’s as if they’ve never heard of the banksters.
Exactly Penelope.
This isn’t the empire’s war against Russia.
It is the war of 1 in 10,000 against the 9,999.
No matter how weak, the one thing anyone can always do is resist evil!
Like I said once SYRIZA rose to power, we must be patient with them. Greece is a small and relatively poor country drowning under the AZ debt. Moreover, Greece has been under the heel of the “Western Alliance” for ages now, and this is the first time in history that a genuinely left-wing anti-imperialist government rules Greece.
The venomous Eurocrats and their slavish media launched a hideous anti-Syriza campaign spewing all kinds of nonsense, slander and lies so as to frighten the people of Greece into voting for the “YES” campaign. They threatened Greeks with poverty, hunger and untold horrors. They even claimed (to poorly educated people, of which there are many in any country) that Greek islands and landmarks would be taken away by the creditors. They were certain that the mighty EU, led by the mighty Merkel would just brush Tsipras aside and install another government of technocrats to carry out the EU diktat.
All the pop-culture celebrities (like Sakis Rouvas and Despina Vandi) came out vehemently in favor of the treasonous “Yes” vote. All the former Prime Ministers, and above all, all the private TV channels (as in Venezuela) came out with extreme force, lies, propaganda and scaremongering in favor of the EU and the “YES” vote. It was Ukrop-style propaganda, I kid you not.
The glorious EU for its part also came out with warnings, threats, and lots of BS so as to coerce the people to voting the right way. Both Yuncker and Schulz came out with their arrogant threats. The fitly ECB cut Greece’s liquidity lifeline once the referendum was announced so as to pummel the Greek people into submission.
The polls were all “cooked” in a way so as to give the impression that the “Yes” vote was gaining momentum extremely rapidly and that is victory was at hand, if only its supporters pushed a little bit more. Their panic and vileness was such, that even the exit polls were badly distorted so as to allow the politicians of the “YES” vote to remain on TV for an hour longer before the real results came flying in.
Even the British bookmakers were in on the Act. They were giving extremely long odds for the “NO” vote even a few hours before the polls were to close. This is totally unprecedented and is also indicative of the panic and horror that the Eurocrats are now experiencing. Expect the AZ “markets” to experience a rocky ride tomorrow.
Yes, all kinds of dirty tactics will be utilized against the SYRIZA government, but the fact of the matter is that the EU/US alliance is now facing a serious conundrum. What are they to do? Push for a Grexit and risk a serious domino effect while at the same time admitting the ultimate failure of their Euro-project? This will also mean the loss of hundreds of billions and the loss of Greece as a NATO puppet (with all its ramifications) This will also mean that anti-EU parties of both the left and the right have now been further emboldened. Podemos in Spain, the Five Stars in Italy and Le Pen in France. If the Eurocrats make concessions to Greece, then that will encourage the same anti-EU political forces again, and other debtor nations will ask for more concessions. If concessions are made, then the more prosperous countries of the north will be seriously riled. The EU edifice may well crack under the extreme pressures from countervailing forces.
This whole crisis also threatens to create serious tensions between Germany and the US. The release of the IMF report in Friday was definitely the work of Washington against the vehement resistance of the Germans. It seems that the US will now be pushing the Germans to make concessions to Greece so as to preserve the unity of their cracking alliance. Further rifts between the Germans and the Americans is excellent news for Russia (and China)
Finally, this is obviously very good news for Russia (which is the most important thing in the grand scheme of things) and very bad news for the little Ukro-Nazis in Kiev. The EU resources for that operation just got even more limited.
And yes, while the Orthodox Christians are fighting the good fight in Europe (let’s not kid ourselves, above all, Russia) and the Shia are doing the brutal anti-imperialist work in the M.E. we must never forget the other Tower of anti-AZ resistance, a country without whose economic and industrial might nothing of this would have been possible: The People’s Republic of China.
I totally agree with your well written summary. This Greek government was and is very careful with their statements as they cannot be to “controversial”. The waters are full of sharks and more coming just itching to devour them.
I was amazed to see the Kriti (Crete) voted 70% “OXI’, while Peloponisos (Peloponnese) barely over 50%, which was hard to believe and very disappointing.
Pelopponiso leans toward sellout conservatives ( and south towards Mani and Sparta there are many pockets of followers of the colonels of 1967-73 ) so unfortunately they follow jerk wads like Samaras et al.
Crete leans more communist, but there is a fierce independent streak to the people so the EU yoke was not going to fly for any extended period of time, given an actual choice.
What’s interesting is that Χρυσή Αυγή ( the boogie man of the Greek political situation, often accused of being full of neo nazis ) is in full lockstep with the ultra leftist Syriza with the OXI vote. Why am I optimistic?
Greeks uniting ( they haven’t YET ) have tended to surprise some folks: Xerxes, Mussolini, even Hitler for a while.
Of course, they now face true evil with these smiling winking bespoke-suited forerunners to the antichrist. One thing is for sure: things will now start to roll much faster.
Greece votes no.
I should be pleased. Why can’t I stop thinking the more things change the more they stay the same?
Never forget us, Serbian people, who struggled for 10 years (1990’s) as a front line of defense of Slav & orthodox world.
Our war was lost in advance – we played the role of the wounded bird, but we made a time and arguments for Russian people (especially with the bombing of Belgrade) – to awaken from theirs West-dream and looser’s weakness.
We earned 10 yrs of peace for The Mother-Russia. We didn’t have plan-B, there wasn’t such a thing: we could have done what we did, or to collapse as a nation and a state – this first seemed to be a better solution.
Actually our defence was ordered, organized and assisted by Russian secret services.
I am pretty sure that there were many tears in Greece and Russia for your fate in those days. Unfortunately for Serbian people Russia was in deep trouble in those days, thus had to let you go.
I listed the Bosnian Serbs as the first of the list, no?
The Saker
Yeah…..and interestingly enough, every single move and step they made in those 90’s played perfectly in the overall plan of the West – care to proove me wrong? All others just hated the “orthodox” Serbs for no reason whatsoever – or just because they are orthodox?! Saker, you are more intelligent then that!
Situation in Greece has nothing in common with Serbia or Republica “Srpska”. Do you really believe that Putin would have played the same with Slobodan Milosevic, as Eltsin and then establishment in RF did? Do you really?
What do you believe people living alongside the Serbs should act like? Celebrate and praise the Serbs for their “achievements”? Commit collective suicide in consideration of serbian wish to label even the air as “serbian”?
What should the Bosniaks do – spitt on UK for their proposal of the UN resolution condemning the serbian attrocities and genocidal urges, while the very Serbs advertise to the whole world that the most normal thing is to kill those “muslims” and deny them even the basic human rights?
Is UK doing this in the interest of Bosniaks? OF COURSE NOT! They don’t give a damn about Bosniaks! But, what alternative does the Serbs offer to Bosniaks? Nothing but: DIE! You must admit, not much of a choice.
So Boris, by the same token, what was the choice that the Bosniaks under Nasir Oric offered the villagers around Srebenica?
Boris, you din’ t give any fact, but tears and West mantras. If you hadn’t been so influenced with west propaganda, you could have noticed that the wars in ex-Yu were directed from NATO-headquarters, and we/you were only a gun-meet. Haven’t Franjo said “Croatia has needed the war, a it had the war” – those were his words, not mine; didn’t Alija (former Nazi soldier) say: I shall sacrifice the peace for the freedom? And he did it!
Hm, everybody influenced by some propaganda, except you……… convenient. I’ll tell you this: if any collectivity in todays world is brainwashed, then it is the Serbs. And that in exactly the same manner as Zionists in Israel (and other parts of “judeo-christian” sphere) are brainwashed.
“Tears and West mantras…..” say you……..ha, ha, in whole honesty – in my six decades of life I almost drowned in continual flow of serbian tears about injustice forced upon them by the rest of the world. The world which can not recognize their historical importance for the destiny of mankind. Not even Russians could recognize that. Nor Bulgarians, Montenegrinians, Macedonians…nobody. All of them influenced by propaganda and conspiracy against Serbs. Whoever doesn’t accept the “truth” coming out of masonic-riddled SANU (serbian academy of sciences and arts) and serbian church (riddled by the members of The Order of Malta) – he is an enemy! Jovan Raskovic: “We, the Serbs, we are an insane nation”!
still no facts?
As I can see – Slo, Cro & Mosl havent done some great job by destroying SFRJ?
I didn’t say my truth was the only one – these are your words.
You may admit you’ve lived for six decades under unisonic propaganda. You may live for more (so be it), but you will not be able to hear different opinion, or – truth?
I was bombed away of Bosnia, and punished through 25 years for being Russian ally. That is why I didn’t hear well my name in the list )))
The biggest, and ultimately most dangerous “NO” of all comes from the least religious country of all, China.
I don’t think religion is where the fault lines lie. Or, rather, that the fault lines mark civilizational differences (which include religion). In its hubris, the Hegemon thought itself capable of overcoming fault lines that countless millennia of human history put in place. We’re just watching its Globalization Program tripping over ancient tripwires.
“Público´s cover:
Juan Carlos Monedero congratulates the Greeks:
“Greece abandons Plato’s cave “When we came to a dead end, there are only two solutions:.. Authoritarian and democratic Tsipras dared to what the left did not dare during the twentieth century, trust the people. Today begins a new phase in Europe and corresponds to all of us require the eurozone, the Troika, the European Commission, the IMF, respect the democracy that is at the heart of the European project and that we started to recover thanks to the courage of the Greek people”..
Just love the way you put it Saker Q..I have no blind trust …. thats the worry i felt yesterday will they the beautiful Greek People become all loved up with these two guys after this victory and where they maybe lead in the after glow I hope word’s of warning will go out to them to stay on pivot,and to start the process of redefining this ravaged nation.To not fear what evil actions that may be thrown at them.
From some very twisted mindset’s who are counting their future never expected losses ouch.
Funny thing, I’ve seen a lot of Anonymous trolls on other sites about this issue too. It’s not just here. Obviously some vested interest in spreading confusion – always an encouraging sign when they try to DIS-courage you. It means they’re running scared.
By the way, I’ve been wanting to say for some time that even though Greece is in for a rough ride, etc, I’m quite sure the outcome will be far better and far sooner than people suppose. Just like Russia after it was supposed to be collapsing from the sanctions, oil prices and fall in Ruble. When you adjust the fundamentals, which Russia did and hopefully Greece is about to do, then the bounty that flows out of the working economy is truly impressive. Maybe Greece will have some moments, but Greece will be alright.
How does this fit in Saker: In reality the Greek church, or at least its administration, has advocated a vote for peonage of the Greek people – in which they were disappointed – please see:
Also do you have a reference for Syriza being “anti-religious”? Perhaps they are rightly suspicious of aspects of the powerful chuch in Greece whose. Or is just that they name themselves of the left and have Marxist influence? I don’t think that’s enough myself.
Best wishes.
The final ballot results are in. A 62.5% turnout for the referendum,and a 61.31% no vote.
I take umbridge with the way that you have formatted your post .There are many amongst various Religious groupings that DO support the Greek Citizens . Are you not cognizant to this reality . You probably won’t post this objection .
Zito Ellas!
Zito I elefteria!!
I agree that the Orthodox are well represented among the resistors, and I suppose their mental codes are about the opposite of Westerners.
However, today I was watching cable news from different countries, including Germany, France and Italy. I noticed that the French and German stations just paid a minimum of lip service to the Greek event, while the Italian channel, RAI, spent the entire afternoon discussing it. Most of the panelists were obvously sympathetic to the Greeks and their OXI vote. In fact, there were video flashbacks of Renzi and Tsipras together, and at the end of the discussion, footage of the triumphant Varoufakis and Tsipras appeared in various post-referendum scenes with the score of Zorba the Greek playing in the background. So why would the Italian Catholics feels such sympathy with the Orthodox Greeks?
It occurred to me that the trade and cultural links between Rome and Greece go back millennia.
So it is still culture that dominates. And that is precisely why the EU will fail, because the euro-elites despise culture and ignore its implications. The Eurasians are just the opposite. They respect culture and sovereignty, and that is the winning formula in the long run.
Hi Saker
Yes a great result, however I wonder if you ever saw that very famous movie or read the book it came from; Catch 22. What is Catch 22? You may know of it:
Why would I bring up “Catch 22”?:
I take my leave from this site
Varoufakis and Tspiras knew the people better than all the rest of the world experts did.
They bet their futures on it. And they empowered the people of Greece directly.
This is genius politics.
Not a theory, but a strategy that worked.
Now, how they finish will determine their historic value.
I would immediately turn to the Russians and Chinese and sit them at the table with the EU. Force the EU to deal with the multi-polar powers. Greece cannot win by themselves. They need allies.
They have none in the EU.
Plus it was a genius stroke to call for a referendum so unexpectedly. The Banksters did not have enough time to pull a Maidan 2.0, nor were they given enough time to “fix” the votes. Just my humble opinion.
I am very happy for the Greeks right now.
Many have commented on Varoufakis’ pedigree and specifically his connections to George Soros. My take is that there’s lots of claims in the blogosphere of a Soros connection, but no hard facts that I could find.
Nevertheless, there can be no question that Varoufakis is following a Soros inspired program, and he makes no secret of it.
Far too much of Varoufakis to date smacks of theater. As a “radical” Finance Minister and an academic, one would expect him to have detailed plans for any possible Grexit. The financial blogosphere has offered a number of good templates along the lines of Iceland’s recovery, but there’s even less evidence of Varoufakis paying any attention to them then there is of his “Soros connections”. Should the new talks break down, Varoufakis seems woefully unprepared for a Grexit at best, or he will be forced to make whatever deal he can to prevent it at worst.
FWIW, my take is that the Referendum presents the long awaited “contained crisis” that provides the wake-up call to the Troika and the rest of the Eurocracy that the can has been kicked as far as it can be kicked. The founders of the Euro knew well that monetary union without a fiscal union is unstable, but also knew that fiscal union was politically impossible at the time. A “contained crisis” is the very best way to trigger the necessary mindset to make the next step possible before the specters of Grillo, Pademos and Le Pen rise high enough to create the uncontained version.
I fear that we are as likely to see a greater loss of sovereignty as we are of any “break up”. Sorry to rain on the festivities, but I think the fix is in and we’re going to watch it play out over the next few months.
Erebus, you said, “As a “radical” Finance Minister and an academic, one would expect him to have detailed plans for any possible Grexit. The financial blogosphere has offered a number of good templates along the lines of Iceland’s recovery,”
A most excellent observation. I noticed that in Varoufakis very first speech back in January he ruled out the possibility of going back to the drachma. He said (in answer to a question I think), “It takes ___ period of time to establish a currency” & “I don’t think Greece is ready to leave the eurozone.”
Throughout there has been great emphasis on following the Greeks’ pre-existing preferences (which may or may not be accurately reflected). There has been not the slightest attempt to lead or persuade the Greek people to a better program. I think of this as what a leader does.
However, I was much struck by the committee within the parliament who found the debt to be “illegal, illegitimate & odious”. I wonder WHO set this commission in motion? Because if it was the Tsipras govt I will revise my expectations upward– altho they don’t seem so far to have taken advantage of that finding so far.
btw, I think the link above very interesting:
The orthodox people have rejected the orthodox economic theory and now no one really knows what comes next. No one. Not Tsipras or his finance minister, not the head of the ECB or the EU commission head and certainly none of the individual Greek citizens.
One thing to worry about, though, is the Ukrainian debt. Will orthodox Ukraine use Greek precedent to “restructure” it’s debt to orthodox Russia?
Also will catholic France try to use a referendum of sort to avoid paying Russia for non delivery of Mistrals?
Your use of Orthodox and Catholic in this comment makes it clear you take issue with what Saker wrote. Why not just state what you differ on instead of this childish sniping?
Many of the so-called “forecasts” stated that the Greeks would cave – I am glad they were not correct. Today we are all Greeks, as we have also all been Palestinians. We are the Resistance! No to the hegemon!
I would like to remind you all that EU although a vassal of the US is also a victim who tried to increase her strength in relation to her US overlord. The euro tried to challenge the dollar as a co-equal currency. Goldman-Sachs used Greece as a weapon to weaken the euro, first by helping Greece enter the EU with fudged debt numbers, then by disclosing the hoax and lowering ratings at a crucial moment.
A comment by Chris Lehman of nsnbc: “Another one of the largely omitted functions of the “Greek Tragedy” is, arguably, the attempt to rescue the IMF’s and the dollar’s primacy over the EU and to sabotage a growing trend within the EU to seek closer relations between the EU, Eurasia and the EEU.”
This is why IMF announced the day before the referendum that the Greek debt couldn’t be repaid, would have to be adjusted. Clearly throwing under the bus any hope of the EU getting the “Yes” vote they wanted.
Yes Penelope, exactly right. The Goldman Gang glued a bomb under the bus just before it left the station. Then they put their driver(s) behind the wheel so that it can blow up in the right place.
This is the best explanation of the “Greek national debt” I know of. It was originally written in Spanish. This is an English translation by Google, so the quality isn’t great. Nonetheless, it’s very much worth reading. (Thanks to Elsi for posting it earlier.)
(Q) Why the public debt has grown so much?
(R.) In the first part of the interview have already indicated one of the major causes of the growth of public debt: the shortage of revenue to the State. But another important reason is the fact that States in the euro area are not protected against speculation in financial markets. And this happens as a result of the way the euro, which aimed to favor the predominantly German financial interests that exert enormous influence on decision-making institutions and governance of the Eurozone was designed. It is not by chance that the European Central Bank (ECB) is located next to the Bundesbank, the German central bank, which operates in practice as the great lobby the German financial capital itself.
(P.) And what are the consequences of this system of government of the euro?
(R.) that the ECB’s policies systematically favor private banks at the expense of the states.
(Q) What does this mean?
(R.) There is full recognition in the media, including economic data, the ECB is not a central bank, such as the US central bank, called Federal Reserve or the Bank of England. What a central bank is printing money and thereby buy government debt to force its state interests of this debt down. But the ECB has been doing this. What has been doing has been printing money, money that it lent itself to a rock-bottom interest to private banks, which bought with this money the public debt of the States, which had to pay huge interests (of even 13% in the case of Greece), to get money because they could not get the ECB. Hence they had no protection against speculation banks. Thus, private banks continue raising money and getting some very low interest. And with this money bought government bonds that assured them a high interest. It was the “bargain” of the century. Hence the enormous growth of public debt, especially in the PIGS countries emerged. This meant a huge, and I repeat, enormous benefits of private banking and its enormous growth. The case of the Spanish banking is a clear example of this. Spain has one of the largest banking sectors in the world’s richest countries. Proportion is three times the size of the banking sector in the US. This sector is too large in Spain. Absorbs a huge amount of resources and much of its expansion is due to speculative activity.
(P.) And to pay this debt to banks have been making these cuts in public spending.
(R.) That’s right. ECB President, Mr. Draghi said it clearly. Europe must end with the Social Europe. He has said so clear, bluntly. And the Spanish banking from Santander to La Caixa, have been following this slogan. Demanding “fiscal discipline”, one of the most used expressions in his speech. And also add the need for “structural reforms”, which means, do labor market reforms aimed at lowering wages. This is what they define as need “to be disciplined and reassure financial markets.””
Maybe the AngloZionists will declare Greece a “terrorist state”–as they did with Iceland for a time. Varoufakas said they were forced to smash the Greek printing presses when Greece joined the EU…so Drachmas can’t be readily printed. There are plenty of currency printers in Europe and elsewhere. Also, electronic currencies. Accepting alternate currencies in payment of taxes would be a good way for the Greek government to give any new currency value.
The ‘cradle of democracy’ ROCKS!
The orthodox people have rejected the orthodox economic theory and good on them for doing so but it also begs the question:
Will other orthodox people, like Ukrainians, follow the precedent in their “debt restructuring attempt”?
I also recommend reading this article (lots of links for further exploration).
“In Greece, very recently built railway tracks , stations and brand new trains have been taken out of business. The reason: there were not enough clients. In the documentary ( min. 9) there were 10 passengers who were served by 1 train driver and 4 inspectors. The new train-lines lost 3 million € a day. Total loss until now: 10 billion €. (8 min. )
Dutch tv program: Knevel en vd Brink.
M. Stellinga (Dutch Economist): “The money that will be given to Greece is mainly important for the banks who lent money to Greece. It goes directly to these banks.” ( min 2 to 11.)”
The Greek referendum certainly has put the spotlight on the crony banking system. Being an EU member they can legaly print the 325 billion Euros and “pay” the banksters. Of course this will cause inflation but it would be spread through the whole EU. Sort of a Nuclear option.
Their best option is to leave the EU of course but the way it is constructed it is impossable to do so.
The printing option would be my next move if I were the Greeks. The US prints trillions all the time.
Yes, Dave.
Turning on the euro printing presses in Greece in a similar way would be less painful for the new leftist government than going back to the drachma, as the main effect would be felt abroad. Instead of the government’s massive debt balance being paid with Greek savings, it would dilute the purchasing power of the entire eurozone. Although it is impossible to be certain if this is Tsipras’ true strategy, it is a risk of which euro investors should be aware.
By: Valentin Petkantchin June 15, 2012
I’m not sure about it causing inflation — which is when demand outstrips supply.
If the banksters sit on the money then it won’t be in circulation so should not cause inflation, but if it goes to the people somehow, then demand would allow more production and employment, which would boost the austere economy instead of causing inflation. It could turn out to be just the anti-aysterity that the economy needs.
That’s my opinion too, blue.
You are the first poster here who saw the simple truth – they could just loan the money from the next best commercial bank and pay off the creditors. And being that it is guaranteed by the ECB in such a case, it would even be rated AAA+ or such, thus would not even produce any serious inflation in the longer run.
That is the option that you will never see mentioned in the media, bet on that.
Likewise, in the Middle-East, it is always the Shia that are at the forefront of the resistance to the AngloZionist Empire. Is that a coincidence too?
Azerbaijan is Shia yet it is in alliance with Israel, which logically makes Israel not a part of so called “AngloZionist Empire” OR it is just a coincidence indeed.
Thank you Saker for another vonderful article. This article should be sent to prime minister of Grece just to feel more support. If someone here has his private e -mail on him please send it over.
Yes, Greek people are very proud, kind, they would give you the last piece of their food, they are very generous because they were all of their history enslaved and now finally said enough is enough.
Yes, in the coming days we are going to hear lots of dirt regarding to the Greece, lot of missinformations, well the Empire must to create more chaos arounfd the world because it looks like we don’t have enough misery.
Yes, this is the turning point and absolutely victorious point where we want to achieve for all of us around the world.
Let’s hope, even we know that Empire is not going to leave quietly, but soon or later they will be forced to give up.
After this result I’m very hopeful.
Blessing to everyone
Actually its not the Greeks who caused the crisis. They were just fine until the Americans who live far beyond their means and borrow the rest, crashed the global economy in 2008. That is the source of the Greek crisis.
Strange how I also had a similar feeling about orthodoxy refusing anglo zionism values!
Very proud of all five instances!
Cheers Saker!
Is somebody desperately trying to start a last minute Greek maidan?
Протесты начались в Афинах после завершения референдума
(Machine translation)
The protests began in Athens after the referendum
On the streets of Athens after the referendum on the proposals of the creditors out of about 150 protesters, reports Agence France-Presse citing local police.
Protesters riot police throwing Molotov cocktails and set fire to trash a few garbage cans, reports RIA “Novosti”.
At the same time, protesters camped far enough away from the people who celebrate the results of the referendum, in which more than 61% said “no” to the requirements of evrokreditorov, almost 39% – “Yes.”
Protests connected with the referendum, is not specified.
A poor translation combined with the usual foggy headedness that is journalism. Are the ZPC/NWO going to try and “color rev” Greece now and this is their opening gambit, or just a bunch of drunken a-holes acting out?
The story about a “Maidan” and molotov cocktails is a beat-up. It never happened. In one of the two sources I found for it, it was illustrated with numerous photos — of a protest 2 months ago. Someone is trying VERY hard to poison the atmosphere.
Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis Resigns
08:40 06.07.2015(updated 09:30 06.07.2015) Get short URL
Greece’s Gordian Knot: Syriza Tackles Austerity (159)
Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis stepped down a day after Greeks rejected the proposed austerity measures. He said he was “made aware”, after the results were announced, of some Eurogroup officials’ “preference” of his absence from their meetings, which could help Alexis Tsipras reach an agreement.
The empire won in 2008 … when AIG who had underwritten all this debt was bailed out by German and French tax payers.
The empire is now making sure that the Germans/French do not work this out in a decent way. They do this by inciting the Greek and pointing fingers to those who originally saved the day. Deceitful and cunning as in the last 300 years of Anglo history.
Varoufakis is an empire clown:
“Varoufakis’s curriculum vitae, like that of Jaresko’s, reeks of George Soros-intertwined globalist links. For a finance minister who is to — if we believe the dire warnings from the corporate press — challenge the austerity measures dictated to Greece’s previous failed conservative and social democratic governments by the «Troika» of the IMF, ECB, and European Commission, Varoufakis has had a past close relationship with the global entities with which he is expected to battle.”
What nonsense.
Fancy paragraph in an article that does zero to back it up. The article is by Wayne Madsen. The site is Strategic Culture Foundation, which says it is a Moscow based “platform for exclusive analysis, research and policy comment on Eurasian and global affairs” but magically survives without financing (or any that it wants to tell us about).
The article is written, paragraph after paragraph, in the style of
Varoufakis is/did/knows something/someone JUST LIKE XYZ (some other person, next 9 lines about this other person).
The only facts in it are
V taught at University of Texas (true, for 1 year out of a 17 year teaching career, the rest all in UK or Australia)
V worked as adviser for former PM Papandrou (so? actually known him for 30 years, and criticised his actions in Government).
V spent a semester studying at Brooking Institution (a very old US think tank, true, but NOT a Soros one. it is funded by the liberal John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)
V wrote a book with James K. Galbraith. son of J. Kenneth Galbraith (where is Soros in this? neither Galbraith Jnr nor V. follow Galbraith Snrs economics, for that matter).
Foreword to the book was written by (French politician, 6 lines about how horrible he was)
Eight lines about the Foreign Minister just because he, too, is an academic and Madsen wants to say bad things about him and a few lines about NATO and Russia.
Oh and the only time V. worked outside a university it was for a software company that was a “spinoff of the always-suspect Microsoft Corporation of extreme globalist Bill Gates.” so that is what? a Soros connection?
One smear after another, heavy on adjectives, speculation and inference, so light on facts it’s flying on the ceiling.
A number of people here seem to have believed it based entirely on the heading
WOW the propaganda guys have it easy when y’all believe the heading, the content can be just copy/paste from comic strips, you’d not notice. I expected better on this blog. .
Kat Kan
Strategic Culture is an excellent site. But then, you insist that 9-11 happened as the govt says so there’s no accounting for your method of evaluation. The Madsen article on Varoufakis merely sites facts. He does not even come to a conclusion. Nor did I. You asked for links, based on someone else’s comment. I supplied them.
I personally don’t feel it necessary to denigrate facts; they may or may not sum to a judgement in time. I certainly don’t feel obliged to denigrate a good site simply because there was an article on it which cited facts I disliked.
Strategic Culture is the best English-language Russian site. They have great columnists, like Nil Nikandrov, Andrei Akulov and former Indian Diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar, among many others. Their analyses are absolutely professional and they always have a lot of pertinent information. They are pro-Russian through and through.
Again, as much as I hate to do this for the third time:
Apologize to Varoufakis.
EU hates him so much they refused to talk to him anymore. Saker’s suspicions are coming true: EU is started to apply dirty pressure thus forced Varoufakis out. Tsipras goes along with that, does he go ahead and sign the agreement that Varoufakis refused to sign? Hmm.
Anyway, I repeat: Apologize to the man!
On the “work hard” front . . . as the crisis was beginning and the meme of lazy shiftless Mediterraneans began to spread, it did so in cheerful disregard of the fact that Greeks worked far more hours per year than Germans or, indeed, the EU average.
It should also be noted that despite all the talk of pensions and so forth, the Greek welfare state was relatively small compared to, again, places like Germany. It was distinctly smaller in terms of percentage of GDP, and of course that GDP was smaller per person. That’s before all the austerity which slashed pensions to starvation level and so on. In fact it’s a curious fact that all the countries worst hit by the financial crisis had small welfare states and relatively right-wing policies. The “PIGS”, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain, all had relatively high levels of inequality, all had rather low taxation for the rich, all had smaller than average welfare states.
Mr. Saker, thank you for such a beautiful article.I wanted and hoped that Greek people would reject world’s Mafia blackmail.And now I hope that they stand strongly against these world bastards..I Support them and stand firmly with them because there is enough this worldwide slavery and plunder by Soros & Co. IMF and Wall street banksters..This must stop and peace loving people of the world should unite and vote big NO to this Nazi type mafia.
– Ukraine is the limit for the EU’s “enlargement to the east”. in Ukraine, EU politicians appeared on Maidan square, in favor of toppling a democratic government.
– the sanctions with Russia show the limit of the EU’s economic power.
– the Greek referendum put a limit to austerity policy, without going so far as to leave the euro.
– the United Kingdom’s referendum puts a limit to integration within the EU.
– in Austria a referendum has successfully called for parliamentary debate about an EU exit.
– meanwhile, the TTIP treaty with the US forces chlorinated chickens and genetically modified food down our throats, while leaving us defenseless against multinationals.
Have I forgotten anything?
Excellent mapping of the boundaries. Thank you.
TTIP still has not been signed, thank heavens. They will now try to push it, to trap everyone before it’s too late. But everyone is starting to get suspicious now, ev en if US just sneezes. People are starting to wake up to people power. Not the paid Maidan style but the REAL power. Next we need protests demanding “tell us what it says before you sign it” “don’t sign a blank form” etc. Not all at once, either, but a different country every week so USA and EU go dizzy looking at them.
It’s only the first step for the Greek people to renounce austerity. (By a democratic vote as it is fit for the inventors of democracy.)
Now they also must vote on if they still want to be indebted.
Then they must vote on if other peoples should give them money. Brussels cannot ignore the will of the peoeple any longer.
Not Orthodoxy!
To say it is, as the article does, is fully understandable but supremely silly. It is to swap one identity of oppressors for another.
This is a matter of language.
English, or better english, is inadequate. (english is not English in this regard for English is a nationalistic term and english is not)
It is now proven.
The basket of languages we can call russian and the other linguistic baskets such as chinese or indian or persian or african or austronesian or clovis american or whatever are being shown to be more powerful in current circumstances. The venerated Queen’s English and variations, as they have been used over a long while now, are being and must continue to be exposed as a ridiculous conceit. In short English speakers look increasingly stupid now even if they are no more stupid than anyone else,
This can happen to the speakers of any and all languages.
Never can we allow one basket to dominate.
The unutterable stupidity of the effective or perceived English or Anglo-Saxon tongue is being revealed as the tongue of bloody (no swearing) children in these times .
There is no way that Varoufakis can be associated with Soros
For the English language go to the following points on the timeline:
00 12 25
01 15 35
01 29 37
01 44 15
01 58 40
02 13 30
You will find the German language question formulated in the Varoufakis English replies.
Just a month ago, explains also a lot of what happened in the earlier negotiations.
After a German introduction, Varoufakis talks in English. And perfectly explains how and why the whole EURO was DESIGNED WRONG, and what is happening to the southern countries was designed into it. Very easy to understand. Absolute must-watch.
Except he still doesn’t see (or won’t say) that a small group probably did do it on purpose for their own benefit.
Why do you keep referring to Western colony named Bosnia and HERZEGOVINA as Bosnia, Saker? Do you not understand that Bosnia is only one land which makes that unwanted colony by us Christians (others two being Republika Srpska and Herzegovina – lands of Serbian and Croat people)? That is unnatural Western construct and both people, Serbs in Republika Srpska and Croats in Herzegovina want independence and freedom. We are being held in that Western colony against our will feeding those parasitic Bosnians like we have been feeding them for 500 years during Turkish occupation (because they always go on the side of occupators – it was true 500 years ao when Turk occupiers came, and it is true nowadays with Western occupation). And we shall have our freedom!
So please don’t repeat Western propaganda and name-calling (it is insulting for Christians, both Serbs and Croats, in that unnatural product of Western rape; and you also have to understand that Bosnians are having the dream of creating their own nation on an entire area of that Western colony, and that they are strongly backed by the West and their servants in the countries of former Yugoslavia) by referring to that whole colony as “Bosnia”. Bosnia is only one land, like Bavaria is only one federal state of Germany or Florida for example in USSA, which makes Western colony called Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bosnias are only one constitutive nation.
And I should have remarked that the West is having a dream of creating a Bosnian nation that would include Serbian and Croat population there, just like Vaticas started the same some centuries ago with Serbian population south of river Cetina in today Croatia (citizens of Dubrovnik and former Ragusa Republic *Dubrovacka republika* have, for examle, become Croats in 1939!). All of population south of Cetina river had been ethnic Serbs until Vatican baptised them into Catholic faith and renamed them into Croats. Now they want to repeat their Croat feat with the so-called Bosnians.
Now the West, among which Vatican is very powerful center, are having a dream of repeating their
The real war on the empire, came 1st Vaisaakh, 1699.
Let’s be real.
Dear Saker,
I am a great admirer and a daily visitor of your web page. However, I don’t fully buy the explanation based on religious lines.
In this respect, you mention the Shia as another example. I agree with you that much of the resistance’s leadership to the anglozionist empire is Shia, but to take the example of Syria, most of the leadership is Sunni, as most of the population is and therefore most of the army too, yet this is the country that has so far resisted to over 4 years of the Empire’s most ruthless and cruel agression and is no way near from giving in. I would be careful in not classifying people into groups. This is what the anglozionist empire does all the time and we shouldn’t fall in this trap.
Thanks again for the great work you do.
well said.
so it is clear vote by my people …. actually It is a Pyrrhic victory ….. but also it is a democratic message to the ignorant eurocrats …. it is a winning battle of the sovereignty nation idea, in contradiction to the monstrous artificial super state … is a refusal to the eurozone economic entrapment ….. it is an argument against the architecture of the EU ….. I am not fooled it is the beginning of the battle and not the end …. even tho my people gathered at the Syntagma square for a celebrations, we now that the fight is ahead of us ….. we have this strange habit to sing and sometimes even to dance before the battle, Thucydides and other ancient historians describes the hoplites, brushing and cleaning themselves and their armor, as there were singing and playing music with various instruments ….
God bless …..
Ho ho ho!
I knew Saker would post something like this as soon as I heard the results! :-)
It is a triumph for pan-Othodox idea. (Not quite so, since Bulgaria and especially Romania are not a part of this).
I am however a supporter of pan-Slavic idea, not pan-Orthodox.
I guess I will have to wait another 50 years for that :-)
p.s. A great thing this Greek vote anyway !
Do you also include the Greeks in this pan-Slavic idea ?
Speaking of Orthodox matters, the famous Orthodox farmer and businessman Sterligov has left Russia and moved to Nagorno-Karabakh. The official theory is that he had something to do with a neo-nationalist group, but skeptics think it may be because he is close to the Orthodox oligarch Malofeev group (which funded the Donbass uprising last year). Anything to do with Russian nationalism or the “Russian World” is a threat to the Moscow establishment, or so the thinking goes.
Not saying he is a good guy or anything or that the idea of the “Russian Spring” is totally dead.
Thank you for nice words. I read you carfully last year.
A Greek
WHy do you equate the Orthodox Christians and the Shi’tes? Do you consider the former to be also ‘revolutionary’, or at least, left-leaning?
Also, do you have any idea of the potential carryng capacity of Russia – population-wise?
Gracias Saker !
recuerdo cuando los sandinistas triunfaron en Nicaragua,una cancion se cantaba :
“se partio en Nicaragua otro hierro caliente ”
los sandinistas habian sacado del poder a Somoza,que los yanquis reconocian que era
un hijo de puta…pero decian “es NUESTRO hijo de puta”…
(y por cierto yo digo que perdonen las putas,que no se merecen esta comparacion )
y entonces ,ojala,que la Europa latina,la menos rica,y la menos orgullosa, tambien se anime y decida con el paso que esta dando Grecia,…y que como minimo debilita la hegemonia de la banca gangster y su brazo armado terrorista,la OTAN,ambas estructuras esclavistas del imperio sionista anglosajon…
¡ que asi sea !
jose f.
Google translation from the Spanish:
Saker Thanks!
I remember when the Sandinistas triumphed in Nicaragua, a song was sung:
“Nicaragua broke into another hot iron”
the Sandinistas had ousted Somoza, the Yankees knew that it was
a bastard … but they said “is our son of a bitch” …
(and indeed I say to forgive whores, that this comparison does not deserve)
and then, hopefully, to Latin Europe, the less rich, and less proud, also be encouraged and decide over Greece that is giving … and that at least weakens the hegemony of the gangster banking and its armed wing terrorist, NATO, both slave structures Zionist Anglo-Saxon empire …
So be it!
jose f.
5th time? More like 6th time? Saker: you have forgotten Serbia and Montenegro saying NO in 1999 and being attacked for 78 days by NATO!
I, too, have many Greek friends, some in my family. They are certainly not post-Christian in any way. But they aren’t table thumping braggarts about Bible verses nor predestined goody-goodies. Their Faith is in their bones. Russian were brainwashed for 30 years to be atheists…yet they died in the Great Patriotic War (WWII) with the prayers and certainty of Orthodox Christians. Don’t imagine familiar skepticism about church corruptions to be post-Christian. Bad guess.
When I lived in New York City many years ago, pendejo was translated as hang-down, or dangle, as in, you can’t ‘get it up’. Hence, impotent, unmanly. It was a definite insult, a, smile when you say that, pardner, statement.
Thank you The Saker, my eternal gratitude for your support.
We also know we are under occupation, which we hope to overcome.
Again. My gratest thanks.
Ακαρναν Καππα
Syriza is a pro-EU, pro-Euro, pro-USA social-liberal party. They are against christian orthodoxy and Greek patriotism, and they are highly supportive of gay rights, muslim immigration and multiculturalism. Syriza members usually hold flags from other countries during their rallies, but never Greek flags because they consider Greek flags as a symbol of “nazism” (!?). Syriza’s policies promote illegal immigration and since January many Greek islands have flooded with muslim illegal immigrants.
As for the second party in the government coalition, ANEL, their leader Panos Kammenos (the current Defence Minister and an ex-New Democracy member of parliament) has even proposed to build new NATO bases in the islands of Crete and Carpathos ! And he has met many time with Victoria Nuland, even though Nuland is just an assistant secretary ! And this is not correct according to diplomatic protocols….
As for the referendum…..
It was a “cut and run” strategy by Syriza.
The intention of the referendum was for “YES to Austerity” to win, so Tsipras would have stepped down and a new cabinet with technocrats would have implemented the austerity measures (with the support of Syriza and opposition). With the “yes” scenario, Tsipras would have preserved his reputation as a supposed anti-austerity “Champion” and would have blamed the people as responsible for austerity (because they would have voted yes !). The establishment tried to scare people to vote “Yes”, with media propaganda, threats by EU-bureaucrats and the government’s intentional actions that caused a bank run. But the “yes” scenario failed and “No” prevailed.
Tsipras had a panic attack and next day he held a meeting with the corrupted neoliberal Opposition and they agreed to take all steps so as to reach an agreement with EU for a new bailout austerity program. Tsipras ignored the “No” and behaves as “Yes” prevailed. The referendum was a joke and he ignored people’s opinion and votes.
The SYRIZA government will now have to agree to more austerity measures. There are rumours that they will introduce a parallel currency and if that happens, it will cause hyper-inflation and disaster.
But SYRIZA has rejected this and they continue to remain committed to EU.
Tsipras and Syriza are well aware of this that there is no alternative. They have rejected an exit of euro, so they will have to implement austerity. Thats why Yanis Varoufakis resigned from the ministry of Finance. He wants to protect his reputation as an anti-austerity politician even though his previous actions were disastrous and he rejected any possibility of eurozone exit.
The most likely outcome is for Tsipras to step down in the near future and to form a coalition government with the opposition that will enforce the new austerity measures.
With all these, the greek people are becoming more and more angry with EU and they are tired after five years of economic depression. There is no alternative inside EU and Eurozone but austerity. Only if Greece regains its sovereignty and exits EU-EUROZONE it will be possible to implement other economic policies and to recover. It is very likely that the majority will support an exit from EU if the new government agrees to austerity. The problem is that there is no political movement that has the popularity to lead the anti – EU platform. There is EPAM and Dimitris Kazakis, but their electoral support is 1% or less.
European bureaufascists exposed: Dijsselbloem threatened to sink the Greek banks!
A Greek government insider lifts the lid on five months of ‘humiliation’ and ‘blackmail’