[This article was written for the Unz Review]
The Defining Event for the USA
There is no doubt that the 9/11 false flag (now even admitted (by direct implication) by NIST!) was a watershed, a seminal event in our history. While millions (or even billions) watched in horror as the twin towers burned, a small group of Mossad agents stood nearby and danced in overwhelming joy. Why exactly were these Israelis dancing? Surely there was more than just Schadenfreude in this spontaneous expression of euphoria? Considering that these three dancing Israelis were just the tip of a much bigger iceberg, we can rest assured that there were many more folks dancing in joy that day, especially in Israel.
Why were these Mossad agents so blissful? The answer is obvious: 9/11 put the following notions front and center of the concerns of most people in the USA:
- We are under attack and in grave, imminent, danger
- Islam wants to destroy our way of life
- Those who did 9/11 also want to destroy Israel
- We need to ask the Israelis to share their “expertise” in dealing with Islamic terrorism
- Draconian laws and new police powers need to be passed to protect us from mass murder
- If you are not with us, then you are with the terrorists
Almost a decade before 9/11, in 1992, Francis Fukuyama had explained to us that history itself was coming to an end while Samuel P. Huntington explained to us in 1996 that we were witnessing a “clash of civilizations.” This kind of “scholarly” research created the perfect political background to an already rather disquieting perception of the upcoming Year 2000. In 2001, when all hell broke loose, the general public was already well prepared for it (just like the AngloZionist elites who had already prepared the huge “Patriot Act” long before the Twin Towers came down).
9/11 was as much the culmination of a significant preparatory effort as it was the trigger for a decade or more of wars.
Still, all this immense effort into shaping the West’s perceptions was not good enough to hammer the sufficiently hysterical mindset into most people, in spite of the best efforts of the legacy Ziomedia to explain to us that Bin Laden decided that “we” were next in line for some kind of horrible (possibly nuclear) terrorist attack. Inside the USA the constant fear-mongering of the legacy Ziomedia did induce the suitable hysterical panic, while in the rest of the world things were not going quite as well. Especially not in Europe (which was vitally needed as a fig-leaf to pretend like the GWOT was not a US-Israeli thingie, but that there was a large “coalition of the willing” formed of the best and brightest countries out there). Something else, bigger and better, was needed and, sure enough, it was found: a mass exodus of poorly educated immigrants, the vast majority of them from Muslim countries.
While the (totally fictional and therefore totally unsuccessful) GWOT was petering out, the AngloZionists directed their stare at Libya and its leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi had warned that unless Europe was willing to pay Libya to contain the many millions of African refugees, a major catastrophe would happen. He explained that “Tomorrow Europe might no longer be European, and even black, as there are millions who want to come in“, “we don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans” and “we don’t know if Europe will remain an advanced and united continent or if it will be destroyed, as happened with the barbarian invasions.”
The AngloZionists heard his message loud and clear and proceeded to immediately (and illegally!) overthrow and brutally murder Gaddafi (it is still unclear how many Israelis were dancing the day Col. Gaddafi was murdered). Almost exactly a decade after 9/11 the Zionists finally had their “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor,” but this time the victim was the entire European continent.
The defining event for Europe
The effect of what can only be called an “invasion” of immigrants was huge, to say the least. Even before this latest invasion began, Europe had already suffered many negative consequences from previous waves of emigres (Romanians, Gypsies, Albanians, Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians, sub-Saharan Africans, Turks, Tamils, Kurds, Latin-Americans (during the US-sponsored terror years in Latin America), etc. and even before them there were the Spanish, Portuguese and Italians (who, at least, all superbly adapted to their new place of residence). But that new wave was much bigger and much more dangerous than any previous one. A huge, massive, immigration crisis resulted in most European countries.
Can you guess what the Europeans felt? They felt that:
- We are under attack and in grave, imminent, danger
- Islam wants to destroy our way of life
- Those who did Charlie Hebdo and all the other terrorist attacks in Europe also want to destroy Israel
- We need to ask the Israelis to share their “expertise” in dealing with Islamic terrorism
- Draconian laws and new police powers need to be passed to protect us from mass murder
- If you are not with us, then you are with the terrorists
Sounds familiar?
If it does, it is because it is.
In terms of methods and means, 9/11 and the invasion of Europe by hordes of immigrants could not be more different. But in terms of results, they achieved very similar outcomes.
Russians and Muslims, which do you fear most?
The election of Trump was something so totally unexpected by the AngloZionists (and for Trump himself too!) that it caught everybody completely off-guard. In their typically infinite arrogance, the Neocons were darn sure that Hillary would win and they would be left in total control of the USA, but the American people decided to show them a big, collective, middle finger and vote for the “unthinkable” and “impossible” candidate. And since the Neocons could hardly blame Trump’s victory on Bin Laden or al-Qaeda, they quickly came up with the “Russian interference” canard which had the added beneficial side-effect that it could justify spending even more money on war against a very real and powerful Russia than on war against a rather nebulous “al-Qaeda”. The fact that Russia has no reason to attack anybody, least of all the USA made no difference here. All that was needed to “prove” (under the “highly likely” “Skripal standard of evidence”) that the Russians are a terrible threat was to come up with the absolutely ridiculous Skripal false flags combined with a few imaginary chemical attacks by “animal Assad.” And, of course, when the USA suffered it’s latest military debacle in Syria, the Neocons could also blame it all on Russia. As they say, “one hand washes the other.” Initially, the Russian boogeyman looked even sexier than the Islamist one, but then with Putin and Russia steadfastly refusing to take any of the many baits tossed at them, the “Islamic” threat became sexier again. After all, Russians are (mostly) White and (mostly) Christian, so they are not that scary. But Muslims?! Ask a typical westerner what he knows about Islam and you will be treated to a long list of evils, some based in reality, others entirely imaginary. Besides, the Muslim world is so big and so diverse, that it is effortless to find horrible things about it, even real ones! The lie here is primarily one of omission. Specifically, two things are never said:
- That Takfirism is a minority strain of Islam and long before killing all the “infidels” and “Christians” the Takfiris first want to kill any and all Muslims (the vast majority) who dare to disagree with their interpretation of Islam.
- That all the Takfiri terrorist groups are federated, organized, financed, trained and even protected by the AngloZionist Empire (as seen many recent times in Syria when the US protected, transported, treated, resupplied, and even coordinated the various al-Qaeda franchises in Syria). That was also true for Chechnia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo.
This last point is so important that I will repeat it again: to the degree that there is an “Islamic threat” to the West, it is a “threat” fully and totally created and controlled by the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire. You want proof? There are many, but my favorite one is the passports which are found next to the smoldering ruins of the Twin Towers or the passport left in the car right before the Charlie Hebdo attack. How nice it is of the “Islamic terrorists” to make darn sure that they are quickly and “convincingly” identified! There is also the “minor” fact that all those “Islamic terrorists” apparently have ties with western security services (heck, some even traveled to Israel!). As for the lifestyle of these “Islamic terrorists”, in each case they are anything but Islamic (which the legacy Ziomedia and various Zionist “experts” always explain as part of a “deceptive tactic” not to be noticed in spite of the fact that every one of those so-called “Islamic terrorist” was, of course, not only “noticed” but even actively “developed” by western security services!).

The 21 century hydra
The real nature of the threat faced by mankind is rather well illustrated by this image which I found somewhere on the Internet. Not convinced? Try this thought experiment. For a few minutes, simply assume that Wahhabism=Imperialism=Zionism and then see if the world we live in makes sense to you. Next, assume that Wahhabism is sui generis, that imperialism is something the pesky Russians are guilty of, and that Zionism is absolutely wonderful. Now see if the world we live in makes sense to you.
Unless you are severely challenged, the correct model is rather obvious, I think.
Of course, like all slogans or conceptual shortcuts, Wahhabism=Imperialism=Zionism grossly simplifies a much more complex reality and takes a few intellectual “shortcuts”. But at its core, it is a crude but fundamentally correct interpretation of the world we live in. The only thing I would add to that list would be an “=terrorism” at the end.
So what about Russia in all this?
Russia is self-evidently the only country on the planet which can turn all of the USA into radioactive ashes in just a few hours. But there is much more to Putin’s Russia than just military power. For one thing, what Russia can do to the USA, the USA can do to Russia. So there is an ugly, but so far stable, balance of terror between the two countries. In economic terms, Russia’s economy (soon to be roughly about the size of Germany’s) is dwarfed by the vast Chinese economy and Russia is not, therefore, a credible economic competitor. Politically, things are a bit more complicated: Russia is popular with many nations worldwide, but a majority of governments will bow to the World Hegemon every time Uncle Shmuel slams his fist on the table, right? Well, not really. The case of the US aggression against Venezuela is compelling as the US failed to get any legitimate regional or global organizations to back the attempt at overthrowing the Venezuelan government. True, this is primarily due to the genuinely fantastic incompetence of the Neocons who in their crazed zeal found nobody better to pick than Elliott Abrams to lead the attack against Venezuela (does that stupid choice also remind you of the time when the Neocons suggested Henry Kissinger as the head of the 9/11 Commission? The Neocons really don’t realize how offensive and even ridiculous they appear in the eyes of the rest of mankind…). Still, it is rather clear that under the Presidency of Donald Trump the US influence and power in the world have declined truly dramatically – so much for making anything at all “great again”. Well, except Trump’s ego, of course, which was already huge even before the election). Now let’s add it all up.
In military terms, while Russia has a much superior conventional capability, in terms of nuclear forces the USA and Russia keep each other in check by both having the capability of vaporizing the other side even after riding out a first strike (hence the redundancy of nuclear weapons systems). Here we have a draw.
In economic terms, the US economy dwarfs Russia’s. Advantage USA.
In political terms, Trump ain’t too popular (or credible), but neither is Putin (although he, at least, is taken seriously). Another draw, but with another advantage for the USA.
So what’s the big deal with Russia? Surely, nobody in the White House seriously believes that the Russians hacked the DNC, that they stole the elections, that they poisoned Skripal or that they plan to invade the Baltics and Poland. That kind of nonsense is just the vulgar “political prolefeed” for those who still pay attention to the legacy Ziomedia.
No, the real threat posed by Russia is a civilizational one.
Putin’s Russia as a civilizational threat
I need to clarify why I speak of “Putin’s Russia.” The reason for that choice of words is that modern Russia is not the Russia of the 1990s or even the Soviet Union. And neither is modern Russia the same Russia as before 1917. Next, I want to stress that Putin’s Russia is a project, a moving target, a partially realized potential – but not yet a stable, finished “product” (in the past I wrote about these issues, here, here and here). Still, we can see a number of very interesting phenomena taking place in Russia.
First, the overwhelming majority of the Russian people reject the Western-style “democracy” and its so-called “values.” After almost two decades of gross violation of every single norm, the West pretended for centuries to stand for the credibility and reputation of itself as a source of moral or political inspiration, and now it has become roadkill. Mind you – the Russians very much want real people power, real “democracy” if you will, just not of the western model. They want their own, uniquely Russian democracy.
Second, Russia is openly and systematically denouncing the absolute hypocrisy of the AngloZionist Empire. The historical speeches of Putin in Munich or at the UN come to mind.
Third, Russia is at least partially a Muslim country too! She does not have a Muslim majority, and Islamic customs and traditions are mostly kept only by a minority of Muslims (just like Christian traditions are held by a majority of nominally “Orthodox” Christians). The point here is this: for Russians, Muslims are not some type of “scary aliens” who will invade your village and destroy your way of life. Historically, Russia has had terrible relations (including 12 wars) with Turkey, and rather bumpy relations with other Muslim countries (I think of Iran here). But Russians have also lived in peace with their Muslim neighbors for centuries, and they are acutely aware of that. Which means that Russians have a much broader spectrum of experiences with Muslims and Islam, some good, some bad and some absolutely horrible. But what Russians know and which makes them so dramatically different from most people in the West is that peaceful cohabitation with traditional Islam is very much possible. It all depends on the specific type of Muslim you are dealing with.
Finally, while Christianity is still struggling in Russia, there is no doubt that most Russians prefer the traditional values found in Christianity to the kind of “everything goes” or, even more so, the “everything has its price” which forms the “spiritual” core of the West’s post-Christian materialistic society. This is why most Russians are clearly “gender-differentiated” – men look and act like men, women look and act like women, and the various LGBTTQQIAAP_________ (add more letters if you are so inclined, that will be more “inclusive”) are told to hold their “pride parades” elsewhere.
These are some (there are many more!) reasons why Russia should not be considered part of Europe, at least not in a civilizational sense of the word. Of course, Russia is partially European geographically, and most Russians look “White” (albeit that whiteness hides a huge genetic diversity). Some particularly ignorant observers believe that Russia is European because Russia is Christian. This completely overlooks the “minor” detail that Latin (and later Reformed) Christianity had lost all connections with the rest of the Christian world during much of the Middle-Ages while the Christian Roman civilization continued to exist far away from barbaric Europe, first in Byzantium and later in Russia and other Orthodox countries.
Besides, the modern West is not Christian at all, not Latin and not Reformed, it is post-Christian and, I would argue, anti-Christian. Thus, even if Russia was a paragon of traditional, Patristic, Christianity – this would in no way affect the dynamics in the West, neither with the various Christian denominations (which, by Patristic standards cannot even be called “Christian” any more) nor with the overwhelming majority of atheist/agnostic materialists who have lost even a vague sense of right/wrong or even true/false.
There are, of course, millions of Russians who lost their original Russian cultural and spiritual roots. A person like that is called a “вырусь” (vy-rooss) in Russian. Thankfully, many (most?) of them have emigrated (to the West, of course) and they are therefore not very influential nowadays. But we often see their hostile comments under pro-Russian or pro-Putin articles. Many of these folks made good careers in the 1990s and are angry at Putin for terminating that bonanza. Others hate Putin because they were found useless and ditched as soon as the Eltsin gang lost power.
True, the Russian elites (as opposed to the common people) have been profoundly westernized for the last 300+ years. With Putin in power this has dramatically changed. There is still a powerful 5th column in Russia, but the keys to real power are held by Putin and his Eurasian Sovereignist supporters in the armed forces, the security services and, most importantly, in the general public. And so far, they are holding firm, and while there are regular ups and downs, all in all, Russia is doing amazingly well and is headed in the right direction. I would even argue that theirs is the only viable direction!
So why do the western elites hate (and fear) Russia so badly? Let’s look into what kind of values the West truly stands for today.
21st-century western values are not your grandfather values for sure!
Here we need to come back to 9/11 and the invasion of Europe by an immense flow of refugees. These are just two instances in which the people in the West felt directly attacked and whether 9/11 was a false flag or not, or whether the Empire triggered the refugee crisis by militarily attacking the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (that was the official name of Libya) is irrelevant.
What matters is that the people in the West felt attacked by a vicious and most dangerous enemy: Islam.
There were other, no less significant “attacks” on the very core of Western identity. For example, I don’t believe that the term “cultural Marxism” makes any sense *at all*, but it does describe a real phenomenon. Ditto for the profusion of pushy and even aggressive “minorities” of all kinds who demanded not only equal rights but even special privileges. In the legacy Ziomedia, we saw an apparently never-ending hunting season against Whites, against men, against heterosexuals, against Anglos, and against Christians. Needless to say, the attack on White Anglo-Saxon Christian heterosexual males was (and still is) relentless. A majority of people in the West were told that they are guilty of this or that historical injustice or crime, that their traditions and beliefs were evil and that they out to be ashamed of their identity on all levels. Of course, there have been many horrible and outright disgusting chapters in the history of the western civilization, but unless you believe in collective and/or inherited guilt, that hardly justifies the kind of hatred and contempt which the (pseudo-) “liberal” elites constantly express against anything traditional.
If the election of Trump was a huge slap in the face of the Neocons, the reaction of the Neocons to this event was a massive slap in the face of the American people. What began with Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” soon turned into a long list of ridiculous accusations (including, my personal favorites: Ron Paul is a “Putin’s best friend,” Rand Paul a “Russian stooge” and Tulsi Gabbard a “Putin puppet“).
Frankly, this kind of constant bashing of everything traditional is nothing else but a type of mental rape of the western cultural identity. A reaction to this kind of onslaught was inevitable. The only question was which form it would take.
Understanding National Zionism – a primer
It took the form of what the French philosopher Alain Soral called “National Zionism.” Here is how Soral explains this ideology:
There is a huge surge of what is called national-Zionism, that is, to bring nationalists to Zionism. For me, this is a fundamental contradiction in this amalgam of Muslims equal to Daesh, basically in France in Muslim equal to scum equal to Daesh equal to Palestinians and therefore the good Frenchman if he wants to get out of the shit in which these people have put him, must support Israel and not take offense and accept the disproportionate power that the Jewish community embodied by the CRIF has over France and that is the supreme scam. This is politically unacceptable, morally unacceptable, strategically stupid. This is what I call national-Zionism and this is the fundamental struggle today. We must refuse this scam, refuse the nationalism in Kippa. And that’s not for that, all of a sudden, we would become pro-Muslim to come back to your question.
We must treat the issue of the world seriously, that is to say that immigration is very, very problematic today and the Muslim issue is a follow-up to the immigration issue. (…) They do absolutely nothing against immigration. This is a certainty, so if we want to be against the Islamization of France, we must take the problem at the right end, that is, resolve the migration issue. To resolve the migration issue, we must regain political power over those who have the power and who have brought us to this point today and who have fought with all their strength, with all their strength, against our borders, against identity.
I would remind you that the last cover of Elisabeth Lévy’s magazine, Causeur, the title, is “anti-French ideology” which would also be favourable to Islam or Muslims. I would remind you that this is the opposite of the title of Bernard Henri Lévy’s book. So we have a Lévy that responds to a Lévy whose book was “The French ideology” which was at the time to say that French was intrinsically fascist and anti-Semitic.
So in 20 years, we have gone from the problem being Catholic French, French and today, no, finally the problem is Muslim immigrants. But those who declared war on the native French in the 70s and 80s are the same today who tell us, let us be friends to fire those who were put in your face and educated against you. Because that’s what national-Zionism is all about, making friends with the people who are the cause of all our problems and who for 2500 years have been systematic and fierce anti-nationalists except for their own nation called Israel. So that’s clear.
Another French author, Youssef Hindi, explained the role of the USA in this new ideological paradigm:
We see the return of the idea of “nation.” The EU is in a state of crisis. A part of the American Establishment, particularly Donald Trump, is trying to implement the implosion of the European Union. We are witnessing a resurgence of nationalism: like in the USA, Russia, GB and also in Italy. It is falling apart on all sides. Thus, the strategy is as follows: to always stay a step ahead, assert control over this new European patriotism and nationalism. Therefore, from the Right Jews elites’ perspective, it is absolutely essential to retain control over this European patriotism and nationalism by amalgamating it with the state of Israel.
I never believed that the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire were very intelligent, that is a Hollywood myth, but they indeed are clever, and when they realized that a nationalistic blowback was inevitable, they decided to simply take control of it. This is the brilliant simplicity of the logic of National Zionism. It goes something like this:
I, we, my family and my country are all under attack by rabid religious fanatics who will never cease until they kill all those who don’t agree with them and destroy our way of life. In this struggle for our very survival, we need to turn to those who fought that enemy for decades and who have developed the most sophisticated anti-terrorist methods and means: the Israelis. Furthermore, Israel is like a small island of European democracy in an ocean of violent and chaotic brutality. Heck, Israel is part of Europe, really, it even participates in the Eurovision! Unlike us, the Israelis are proud, and they don’t hesitate to defend their culture, religion, and values, why don’t we do the same? They even have the right to bear arms! Jews are White, like us, and we share a common Judeo-Christian heritage which places a duty upon us all to support Israel, especially against the Iranian Mollahs who have publicly sworn to kill all Jews and wipe Israel off the map. Last but not least, Islam is a threat to our civilization and Muslim immigrants must be either re-educated to fit into our society or sent back home. Those who disagree with any of the above are either anti-Semites, Putin agents, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists, terrorist sympathizers or terrorists themselves.
Let’s take a few well-known US public figures associated with conservatism or the Alt-Right: Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Jordan Peterson, Steve Bannon or even Donald Trump himself. Have you ever heard these “defenders” of western tradition or “Christian values” have anything critical to say about Israel, Israeli policies or Zionism? The exact same phenomenon can be observed in France where putatively “conservative,” and “patriotic” folks such as Eric Zemmour or Marine LePen are using the frustration of the French people with the regime in power to channel that frustration into a hatred of Islam and everything Muslim. These folks are also the promoters of what has become known as “Christian Zionism” which worships everything Jewish and/or Israeli and which believes that Christians and Jews have “almost” the same religion. Let’s take Steve Bannon as an example.

This is the face of the new “conservative West”…
Here is an article entitled “Steve Bannon drafting curriculum for right-wing Catholic institute in Italy” which sure makes Bannon look like some kind of very conservative and traditionalist Christian. The same article also mentions Cardinal Raymond Burke, as “a leading Vatican conservative”. According to Cardinal Burke, this institute’s missions is “to promote a number of projects that should make a decisive contribution to the defense of what used to be called Christendom”. This “right-wing Catholic institute” is run by a Christian Zionist, Benjamin Harnwell who declared that the younger generation across the Western world was on a “long slide” into darkness. His Institute is working to resist by “trying to prop up one of the major pillars of Western civilization – what used to be called ‘Christendom’ – and that’s the recognition that man is made in the image and likeness of God.” So far, this also looks very nice. The problem is that Bannon, Burke, and Harnwell have all sold out to Israeli interests and the ideology which they are promoting is not traditional Christianity at all, but this nonsensical and amorphous idea of “Judeo-Christianity.” This is why the Latin website “Media Catholiques Infos” correctly concludes by saying “Such a high place of Christianity deserves better than to serve as a springboard for National Zionism under the guise of an “academy for the defense of the Judaeo-Christian West.”
The sad truth is that these pretend-traditionalists have all been co-opted by the Israel lobby and that they are being used to brainwash the folks in the West to see Islam as a foe when, in reality, the real foe of the West is Zionism as Zionism is the force which is responsible for both 9/11 and the massive flow of immigrants into Europe. As for the Papacy, it has been in bed with Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis for many centuries (just read Michael Hoffman’s superb book, the 700 pages long “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome”) and not just since Vatican II (as some Latins naively believe!). It is therefore not surprising that Bannon says about “Catholic” universities that they are “the foundational institutions of the Judeo-Christian West.”

Marine le Pen tells the Israeli media that the National Front is like a “shield” protecting French Jews
France does not have the equivalent of a Steve Bannon. But it does have a functional equivalent in the person of Renaud Camus whose very politically-correct biography you can read on Wikipedia. Even a cursory read-through that entry will immediately reveal the profoundly Zionist worldview of Camus which can be further established, if needed, by reading about Camus’ “Great Replacement” theory; you might also want to compare this to the “Eurabia” theory of the Israeli author Bat Ye’or (aka Gisele Littman).
All this paranoid and racist nonsense can be summed up in a short sentence: led by Zionists the White Christian West will rise again!
If it weren’t so ugly and tragic, it would actually be funny (especially to see the Latins and the Talmudists in bed with each other after centuries of mutual hatred). But in reality, there is nothing funny about the colonization of the western minds by the Zionist parasite. It might even end up with a nuclear war.
The US Alt-Right and the French National Front as the useful idiots of AIPAC and CRIF
I am personally convinced that the entire Alt-Right movement has been created by the US deep state and that it is still run by it. The purpose of the Alt-Right and the National Front is to offer a nationalistic and pseudo-Christian alternative to any kind of real traditionalism or any kind of real Christianity. On the rank and file level you will find a lot of anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and even anti-Jewish sentiments amongst Alt-Righters and National Fronters, but on the leadership level, it is wall to wall Zionist. To get a feel for this Zionist (pseudo-)patriotism just take a look at these propaganda images:

A sample of Zio-patriotic propaganda
By taking control of the key nationalist movements in the West the Zionists have given themselves a “dream opposition”: that is an opposition which they fully control; which they can poke a little from time to time when there is the need for some kind of anti-Semitic incident; but which they can also mobilize against anybody daring to oppose Israel or Zionism.
In this context Russia becomes the ultimate threat for very good reasons:
First, Russia is completely rejecting the unipolar world model and, together with China, Russia wants a multi-polar world in which relations between states are ruled by international law.
Second, Russia cannot be militarily threatened and neither can China, by the way. The RAND Corporation finally admitted that much.
Third, thanks to the various sanctions against Russia, Russia is gradually withdrawing from the AngloZionist controlled markets. You could say that the main effect of all the sanctions has been to make Russia stronger, more independent and closer to the goal of full sovereignty.
Fourth, Russia is not only openly rejecting the AngloZionist civilizational model, but she also denounces its absolute hypocrisy. In particular, the Russian people are rejecting the West’s materialism, in particular in its turbo-capitalist variant. While not officially endorsing socialism as such, Russia does declare herself a “social state.”
Fifth, Russia is taking the polar opposite approach to Islam, to what we see in the West. Unlike the Empire, Russia is serious about killing as many Takfiris as possible no matter where they are. But, unlike the Empire again, Russia sees traditional Islam as a vital ally against the Takfiri rot and Russians don’t think of Muslims as “aliens” at all.
Last but not least, Putin’s Russia has made patriotism (i.e., love for one’s country) a central element of the social and political culture while categorically rejecting any form of nationalism or, even more so, racism. “White Pride” is about as popular in Russia as “Gay Pride” would be.
You could say that the gradually emerging new Russian ideology is the polar opposite of National Zionism. No wonder the Neocons hate Russia so much!

The French Yellow Vests got it right: National Zionism is anti-Russian!
Conclusion: National Zionism is a gigantic fraud
There is no other way of putting this: National Zionism is a gigantic fraud. It is also the rising political ideology of the West, and that presents a major risk for our entire planet. I often hear naive folks saying “what is your problem with Zionism?! all it wants is a safe homeland for Jews too! What is wrong with that?!“.
I addressed this issue in some detail here, so I will simply say here that Zionism, whether of the national or the anti-national type, separates mankind into two qualitatively different categories: Jews and non-Jews (ironically, it shares this fundamental belief with National-Socialism. It’s just that the hierarchical scale is reversed, that’s all). Next, it assumes that all non-Jews are at the very least potential “anti-Semites” and thus Jews need to do two things to remain safe. First, create a Jewish homeland and, second, secure enough Jewish power in literally all the countries on the planet to be ready should the goyim (literally “nations” but in the Talmudic context it carries exactly the same meaning as the German Untermensch: subhuman) come down with unpredictable (by definition) and unexplainable (by definition) cases of “anti-Semitism”. In contrast, Jewish lives and, especially, Jewish blood acquire a profound soteriological meaning: Jewish life is infinitely precious because 1) Jews will “repair” the world (tikkun olam) and 2) because the Moshiach will be born from a Jew and become a world leader accepted by all nations. A (somewhat secularized) variation of this philosophy is that all Jews form a “collective Moshiach” and that all the “nations” will accept their power and rule with gratitude as this will usher the final and everlasting era of milk and honey. Finally, Talmudic/Pharisaic “Judaism” teaches that Jews “represent” mankind before God and God before mankind (yeah, modesty is not their forte). Next time you hear some Israeli politician going bonkers about spilled “Jewish blood” just remember this info, and it will all make sense. Ditto for when some other (or even the same) Israeli politician demands some gruesome revenge, terrible retribution or promises to kill some huge number of enemies. This kind of “Purim talk” only makes sense once you realize how deep and fundamental Talmudic/Zionist racism really is.
So what constitutes “enough power”? Simple: once the people of a country lose control of their government and the sovereignty of their country is gone, then the Zionists will feel they are safe. This theory is 1) racist 2) paranoid 3) sociopathic and, frankly, just plain silly. But this is what the Talmudic worldview produces in a secularized society. A critical assumption of this worldview is that any form of nationalism or even patriotism is dangerous (by definition) unless it is Jewish or Israeli, at which point it is laudable and benevolent (again, by definition). Thus, besides being many other things, Zionism is also a theory of power based on a zero-sum game. Of course “zero-sum” might sound benign until you remember that it implies a total struggle to the end, a total, absolute defeat of the other, a destruction of all your enemies. Not something helpful in a multi-polar world with lots of nuclear weapons.
National Zionism is a fraud and an extremely toxic and dangerous one. Any supposed patriot or nationalist who fails to recognize that, is at best poorly informed and, at worst, a useful idiot for the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire.
The Yellow Vests in France got it. Occupy Wall Street, or the Tea Party did not. I suspect that many Trump voters also got it, but they were betrayed by Mr. MAGA. Will Rand and/or Ron Paul recognize this danger? What about Tulsi Gabbard? Frankly, I don’t know. But if they don’t, other Americans eventually and inevitably will.
We might even see a US version of Yellow Vests one day, who knows?
The Saker
PS: for the latest National-Zionist induced stupidity, see here: https://www.rt.com/news/454428-us-israel-golan-recognize/
PPS: looks like we will be treated to one of those each day, this is the latest one: https://www.rt.com/news/454483-trump-savior-jews-pompeo/
sadly – as Saker must know – Tulsi Gabbard is ‘in bed’ with the Christian Zionists – and undoubtably she has signed the pledge – as I’m sure Ilhan Omar did too – Israel seems to be okay with criticizing itself about Palestine now – (damage control) as long as the candidate criticizes everyone else – namely Assad – which silly Ilhan Omar has done multiple times since her debacle 3 weeks ago –
That Senator Richard Black – is also in bed with the Christian Zionists – as are several of his closer associates –
If anyone wants to know more about Black – please go to this link – https://intibahwakeup.blogspot.com/?fbclid=IwAR0nuawbhuud05uzr541TsMm1VvsHFf-SbLL — to check out the recent archives –
Vanessa Beeley – Eva Bartlett and other women travelling to Syria – are all mentioned as difficult operatives for the Syrian activists – also Tim Anderson – he’s a real card – read his Wikipedia entry – scroll down to the Hilton Hotel in Sydney – for a real eye opener –
On that topic – do folks remember when Sibel Edmonds suddenly went crazy and ‘betrayed’ Vanessa Beeley & co ? Well, Sibel was really onto something that she almost lost her reputation – or even perhaps DID lose her reputation about.
So Tulsi – who would probably get my vote – if I lived in the US – is still only a step towards the New Dawn – like Trump was in 2016 – one step away from doom – no more – Tulsi would be two steps away from nuclear annihilation.
But seriously ? Anyone trying to turn the Titanic too suddenly would just be killed like JFK and RFK and MLK and on and on – all the unknown martyrs of the West –
Thanks Saker for another brilliant piece – we’ve all learned so much from you.
What bothered me with Tulsi was her appearance on The View. Under a bit of pressure from those women she buckled and said, of course, it is undeniable that Assad is a cruel dictator who gassed his own people, or words to that effect. I knew then that regardless of her stated beliefs of no more war and interventions, it wouldn’t mean anything if she was president. The same agenda will proceed.
well, she would be a step in the right direction –
looks like Michelle Obama might be up to something – she’s in Vancouver BC tonight – tickets sold for $$$ and its a full house –
Tulsi would definitely be better than ANYONE like that deep state bi*ch –
Have you seen this comment by Putin – https://youtu.be/xykvrGpCW6E
You have already had the homosexual obama as president, having his dragqueen as a president too is not that big of a step for americans! That she is a man!
@Craig Muldey No, I didn’t hear that at all. One of the other women on “The Talk” asked if Tulsi “didn’t agree that Assad gassed his own people” as an interruption to Ms. Gabbard. Ms. Gabbard ignored the woman’s interuption and continued with what she was saying. In no way did Ms. Gabbard agree that Assad had gassed his own people. I was incredibly impressed that Tulsi was able to maintain her calm, cool, tactful. presence in the midst of a group of women out to “get” her with pre-scripted questions and who were obviously not listening to her. I would have lost my cool in the first three minutes.
In the US there is absolutely no alternative to the media Narrative so if you step too far outside the box you’re done for as a politician. The Narrative does change, the parameters do move gradually. Gabbard is stumbling and needs to be given some benefit of the doubt. The coming election will be judged on domestic issues–Americans have little interest in foreign affairs.
I wonder if its the defense industry spin doctors, or the spin doctors for one of the pro-war Democrats competing for the nomination, that is spreading this sort of rather bizarre hate against Tulsi. Its a strange sort of message, apparently aimed in the believe that anyone who doesn’t want world world war three is also hating Israel and all of its supporters.
Anon, that is the essence of the ‘antisemitism’ industry’s favourite standover tactic. If you disagree with any aspect of the Zionazi project, say the regular mass murder of Gazan children in ‘mowing the grass’ operations, or the total control of Western politics by Zionazi Fifth Columns and billionaire ‘donors’, then you are, ipso facto, a foaming, Jew-hating, ‘blood-libeling’ Nazi, intent on ‘driving the Jews into the sea’, re-opening Auschwitz and sundry other abominations. The tactic of the hysterical denunciation, which becomes instant conviction, sentence and political and social execution, with the victim denied any right to defend himself, if he dares, is reminiscent of the witches’ stool of old, but with modern adaptation. If drowned, you are proven guilty, and if you live, that is also proof of guilt, so they ‘confirm the kill’ by holding you under until you succumb.
I noticed the same trick/threat with Jewish friends in LA – that totalitarian threat of excommunication. I.e. if you do what we don’t want you to do (even if innocent) – you will lose everything. etc. It’s all or nothing – black and white concept psychopaths love to use
It was not turned against me but against other jews (I am neither a jew nor religious) . I’ve seen jewish friends do that to their children both in the US and in London. (My friends’ daughter who lives in Israel posted something on FB which her mother (my friend) wrongly interpreted as being against Obama I Think – and the mother was so pissed off she refused to send her the usual amount of money she sends her every month. It was a misunderstanding but a great illustration.
Another jewish friend used to study in Cambridge – one day he had a haircut – his mother came to visit him – as she was parking her car she saw him through the window of his dorm and when she realized he had a haircut without asking her – she just returned into her car again (without even going upstairs to say hi to her son) and drove back to London.
I’ve heard many such ugly bullying stories from my jewish friends – usually involving their controlling unmotherly mothers
After reading this brilliant little book I found in my library here in Toronto – I think I’ve found the answer – the origin of this kind of full- on blackmail/excommunication.
Jews apparently used to do it to themselves a lot in not so distant past – and it was a rabbi who was issuing these fatwas I don’t know how to call them.
That’s how obedience was / is enforced in this particular kind of culture/ psychopath’s club.
So they probably try to use it on others since it worked on them
Here is the link for the book – it’s as scary and shocking as it is disgusting and mentally sick and psychopathic:
PS written by a jewish author from Warsaw Ghetto who moved to Israel in 1940 and lived there until his death in 2006.
“In bed” could be a bit too strong for some of these people :-).
The description “signed the pledge” is exactly on the spot !
Whether you are a Gabbard, Bernie Sanders or a (Muslim) Omar, as long as you are serving in the US Congress or Senate (among many other branches), you have definitely “signed the pledge”.
You see in many nations now the leadership is Jewish/Khazarian Liberal.
Similarly, you see most big states in the USA are led by Jews. California’s descent over the last forty years has been led by Jews from the Federal officers, to State, to county, to cities.
And if the leaders are not Jews, they are Zionists.
We see over the last six months the perfect laboratory to observe the phenomenon Saker describes. Syria’s victory over terrorism is now held hostage to Zion. Bibi has Trump by the balls while Jared politically sodomizes the billionaire with sweet words.
US will keep troops “close to Israel” in Syria. Words spoken by Trump, not his generals.
Syria will never get a cent from the nations that helped destroy it.
The ICC is trying to make a war crimes and crimes against humanity case against Assad.
The US is crafting Israeli-Cyprus-Greece gas pipeline to Europe.
It goes on and on. Weapons for Israel, US basing in Israel, sanction and military threats against anyone Bibi points is a “threat to Israel”.
Whatever Bibi wants, Bibi gets.
And he can threaten anyone not just Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, but Russia, too. His last trip to Moscow was to harangue Putin to allow IDF attacks anywhere, any time. His past trips he went away with his tail between his legs. Of late, Bibi knows he has the US and NATO as his proxy armed force. He’s wild with his own terrorism, slaughtering children and girls helping fallen Palestinian protestors.
We have never seen such a rabid, raw Zionism, shameless and powerful because they control the US Senate, Congress, WH, NSC and Intel agencies.
Nothing is too far-fetched.
Breaking News: Bibi wants Trump to officially recognize Israel’s right to Russia, Europe and most of Africa. And the Moon and Mars. He’s considering it.
Saker has done a good job focusing on how Zionism has a death grip on messaging and unfolding events. Israel will do what it wants. The US will obey.
Satan-yahoo is the perfect example of that archetype of psychopathy-the serial killer. Each new murder, each new atrocity, somewhat attenuates the psychological thrill that the murderer receives from his atrocity. So the next butchery must be that much more extensive or cruel, or brazen, in order for the blood-lust to be slaked. Temporarily. A psychopath like Satan-yahoo can only find satisfaction when his crimes reach to the Heavens. And when the psychopath is so powerful that no-one even dares to name his disease, or criticise it, because that would be ‘antipsychopathism’, then there is no limit to the atrocities that the monster will commit. As de Sade observed, if only the whole world had but one neck.
I think psychopaths are never happy/satisfied – even if you give them all the money in the world and kill everybody – they will still empty and unhappy – although perhaps manic (caricature of happiness)
That’s the nature of their sickness
They are often charming, good actors, but lack ability to love – that’s why they only play games of power, money and status
this is a great book on the subject
this one also
The perpetual millennium-machine. (see hopefully another post on the theme will make it through monitors).
Israel is a fact on the ground that cunningly marries so many USA (olde European) archetypes; some Christian eschatology, and some just plain old (worn out) Wild-West conquering and free-lunch getting settlers. The Palestinians are simply the American Indians of the earlier waves of settler mentality in North America.
The USA is not a country in the normal sense. It is a corporation with fragmented footprints — e.g. Alaska; Hawaii; Porto Rico; and Israel etc. (Add occupied Diego Garcia, parts of Korea and bases in Japan as well perhaps).
Perhaps there is a very deep lurking antisemitism and a “just in case” unconscious strategy working to at least not-block the current zionist drift/trends in the ME. That is, if all goes to sh_t and the Jews f_ck it up (for the US elites & mainstream) then at least there is a dumping ground for their expulsion set up in the far-away lands between Egypt and Turkey and Iran/Persia where the legacies of ancient empires (of size and scale) will disappear them into the desert sands in due course. It’s a type of neurotic ‘double-bind’ similar to selecting a vice-president worse than the president in case of assassination etc. These zionists are not entirely free of existential (and structural) anxiety.
Analyzing all that neurotic lava beneath the surface and the skills of the current zionist project are to be somewhat marveled at. But as the Q says; G_d schemes better.
Judaic psychopathy would be an interesting study for psychologists and moral ponerologists alone if not for the real world consequences of its delusions of universal supremacism, and its visceral xenophobia and love of inflicting death and destruction on its enemies and victims. Do recall that Judaism celebrates two genocides, Purim and Passover, every year, contains the oldest extant calls for genocide and instructions in its ways and means in its Holy Book, the Torah/Old Testament, and Talmudic, Rabbinical Judaism, as the Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages, a highly influential group, declared in 2006, sees killing civilians as not just permissible, but in fact a mitzvah, or good deed. Other such Talmudic authorities have often made it plain that this injunction to kill ‘enemy’ civilians applies also to children, even babies, if it can be said that they would grow up to ‘oppose the Jews’. That this group psychopathology, which is acted out every day in the brutal oppression of the Palestinians and scores of other actions, is never, ever, dared to be described in the so-called ‘Free World’, let alone discussed or criticised, is far, far, beyond bizarre. It does tell you where TOTAL power resides, however, and absolute moral insanity.
@ Mulga Mumblebrain I always enjoy your comments! Very recently I experienced a great “ah ha” when I learned that the Satanic heart of Zionism is based on generations of followers of Rabbi Jacob Frank, the self-proclaimed “Messiah of the Jews” during the mid 17th century. Rabbi Frank practiced blood letting Satanic rituals and taught that good was bad and vice versa. He was denounced by other Rabbis at the time, but had many followers till his demise. His followers, generations later, included the Rothschild Family bloodline. Rothschild dark occult Satanism is the dark force behind Zionism. Rothschilds funded the Knesset, and other Israeli government buildings. Rothschilds/Warburgs, etc, own controlling interests in “government” central banks worldwide. Zionists run the U.S. Federal Reserve (Federal in name only). Zionists run the Bank of International Settlements. Zionists run the World Bank. Zionists run the U.S. Treasury department. Zionists are always economic advisors to U.S. presidents. The center of world banking power is the Rothschild gated square mile “City of London” within the larger City of London. Yearly, the “Queen Mother” is obligated to make an appearance at the Rothschild City Of London and has to ask permission to enter the gates. She is made to wait for her permission as a symbolic gesture that Great Britain is a vassal state. I now think of wars as manipulations of occult Satanist blood lettings by Zionist Bankers. I don’t know why I write this. I know you know it.
The best to you. I look forward to you writings.
Frankism is bizarre, and probably explains those few examples of actual Judaic blood sacrifice that we know of, and that Professor Ariel Toaff wrote about before he was silenced. The great intimidation and vilification technique of the ‘antisemitism’ industry, its central modus operandi, is to assert that ALL Jews are exactly alike, and act and behave in the same, totally blameless fashion. Thus the criticism of ANY Jew becomes the hatred of ALL Jews. It’s a neat trick, that requires total Sabbat Goy subservience from both the political and propaganda sewers, which is always forthcoming. To state what is almost certainly the plain truth, that tiny numbers of Jews at times have practised blood sacrifice for obscure diabolical purposes (as tiny, or not so tiny, groups of all religions, ideologies and philosophies have also committed Evil acts, many for diabolical purposes), but that the vast majority of Jews would not countenance such practises, even those with no qualms over repeated slaughters of Gazan children, is utterly unacceptable, and a sure sign of fulminating Jew-hatred and a desire to repeat the Holocaust. The hysteria of the implementation of this tactic, reminiscent of Dayan’s ‘rabid dog’ doctrine, adds to its efficacy. And it, not incidentally, and quite nearly explicitly, asserts for Jews the status of being incapable of committing a crime, or even an error of judgment or some other mistake.
..this group psychopathology, which is acted out every day…
When I started reading books on psychopaths (about 5 or so years ago when I was in Greece and there was nothing else to read apart from Steve Jobs biography – and it really shocked me to see how mentally sick SJ was -after talking to a friend in London he told me SJ was a psychopath – -so I ordered a few books on that subject to read while on holiday)…
as I was reading these books – a few people came to my mind (mostly from LA) – but I also realized that the ways psychos were described matches my experience with jews in the US – my friends and neighbors I mean).
It explained all the little strange things I noticed while hanging out with them.
It occurred to me that a pretty accurate way to view them and their ‘culture’ – as a well organized (yet loveless) Club of Psychopaths.
It really is Psychopathy as a ‘culture’
Finally everything made sense
In Mexico, López Obrador is run by the Zionists. The president of the party in power is a renowned Zionist, Yeidckol Polevnsky; so also the mayor of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum. The mentor of López Obrador when he was young was Clara Jusidman. The main contractors during the López Obrador government when he was mayor in Mexico City are part of those who support Israel within the Jewish community. There will be no significant change in the country, it will remain an Anglo-Zionist colony.
Trump has been groomed all his life to play outthe role of the King of the South from Daniel 8 being unwittingly duped into thinkkng he is reicarnation of Cyrus the Great. Pompeo is the psychpomp leading the march of death. It comes. Armageddon.
The sight of that bloated bladder of malevolence and malignancy, Pompeo, gazing at his Master Satan-yahoo, with something bordering on infatuation, today, was not only sickening and frightening, but somehow truly comical. Tragi-comic Evil. Does anyone know of its like from history?And where was Pence, with his Dominionist Crusader’s ‘tough-guy’ gaze, where he appears to narrow the gap between his porcine, Gadarene, eyes, the ‘manhole covers of his soul’, as if to intimidate his enemies and impress his ‘God’.
“Trump has been groomed all his life to play outthe role of the King of the South from Daniel 8 ”
Consider instead that he ( Mr. Trump of MAGA) fits the profile of “the king” in Dan 11:36 while Mr Xi of China’s Belt and Road fits the profile of “the king of the South (China Sea)” while Mr Putin fits the profile of “the king of the North” in Dan 11:40 and see that his end is in complete isolation and loneliness Dan 11:45
Why bother with such obfuscations.? (Removed language,MOD.)?
“AngloZionist ”
-What is an “AngloZionist” anyway, the entire term seems contradictory, zionism is an ideology for jewish nationalism/supremacy, while anglo is an ethnicity violently hated by jews
For jews zionism means nationalism/supremacy for the ethnic group anglos the term means massimmigration and anti-white ideology,
@Anon — the one who asked, What is an “AngloZionist”?
England’s “Dear Lord Rothschild” is an AngloZionist. Hence, so is every English, Scottish or Welsh Prime Minister who needs a War Loan from Dear Lord Rothschild (England’s Lloyd George and Lord Balfour 1900 and onward) or who hopes to retire to a well paid directorship in Dear Lord Rothschild’s Carlyle Corp or in House of Rothschild itself (England’s PM John Major, PM Tony B.Liar, PM George B.Ruin onward).
Hence, since a rotten fish begins its stink from the head, every top British politician, top civil servant, top newspaper owner and top academician has been an Anglo Zionist from 1900 onwards (sometimes combining Anglo Zionism with a love for Euro-Fascism). Read two prophetic English writers from that period, ca1900: GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc.
I agree with your definition, or better said, with your description, anyway, as in the above article by saker, the Zionism is not defined only by British or Anglo people for that matter, it could be also named christian-Zionism – or in case they are not Christian, their definition would be that of the religion of which they are, or the nationality they represent. And here lies the power of International Zionism (if I understood well the article), the Bacillus has been spread among the “goyim” to serve the cause of Zionist Jews, a very remarkable achievement for the “chosen” ones.
I used to eat Indonesian food in a long gone arcade, where, across the passage was the local branch of the ‘British-Israelite Society’. They also had a radio show, that I listened to occasionally, for a belly laugh. I used to laugh a lot in those days.
Probably you don’t laugh anymore. They are called now Anglo-Zionists!
Thank you Saker for this pivotal article
It describes everything going on in New Zealand very well
Things have gone crazy here over the last week- government has gone all 1984 with censorship
I knew the zionists wanted to take this place but this article clarified it
Indeed there is a rising streak of nathionalism here
It burns in our hearts (for better or worse) also
I can see how easy it would be to steer this feeling towards a certain direction
And I can see our cops getting an Israeli education
The churches here are for the most part Zionist
A German traveler remarked to me how so many New Zealand churches fly Israeli flags
I can see how the local muslims will be used to play their part ,there is simmering anger(talking to people we know) here over favouritism they get from the government.
(14 years for uploading that shooting video – if you murder someone here you get far less and the isis clowns have no trouble flooding the airways with threats )
I believe the zionists have chosen their champion
He will be revealed in time
I will try to get this article to as many as I can
Probably will become illegal here the way things are going (it hits close to home I think)
Cheers and thanks
Fifty men, women and children murdered at prayer. Some ‘favouritism’, ‘Brandon’.
Correct but this has been going on a long time before the shooting and people have been saying these things for a while,the current weeks have just showcased it
The propaganda machine is now milking it hard here.
“Bow down or your a nazi”
My sympathies mainly go to the axis of resistance and the Russians when one of their fighters falls in battle.
People here don’t give a damn about thoes fighting the good fight.
All should remember these lines
“Last but not least, Islam is a threat to our civilization and Muslim immigrants must be either re-educated to fit into our society or sent back home.”
If the zionists complete their objective there will be a massive cull.
If you live in New Zealand you may have not seen the video so you don’t know that the shooting was fake. Anyway the other poster said the favoritism toward Muslims was coming from the government so you shouldn’t have put the supposed shooter in with that lot
The massacre was real, and to deny it unfortunate to say the least. And what, exactly, is this supposed ‘favouritism’ extended to New Zealand Moslems?
I would suggest you watch the video, can still be found. That is fake, clearly, lots of messages , songs played, writing on the gun etc- was the killing fake too? I really can’t tell these days! Is Assange a psy op? Is Kushner living in666 upper east side? Clash of cilvilsations muslims killed in Christ(s) church! Maybe i’ll Move to Russia!
We had county/ senate elections (provincie/ 1e kamer) in the Netherlands past Wednesday. (The senate is elected by the county members.). From 0% in one time to the largest political party, only 17% (we have many parties), a new ´populist right wing´ party, lead by Thierry Baudet has emerged. The other populist party, the PVV from Wilders was completely compromized by zionism, funded by radicals like Podoretz and Geller. They got halved.
On Baudet the jury is still out, but at least he is much better educated and more cultured. Myself, I could never vote for a right wing party, but he is definitely a rising star to watch. His victory speech was impressive, although slightly bombastic. When an English translation comes out, it will be worth watching…
Everywhere in the West where Islamophobia festers and thrives, a little inquiry soon reveals the Zionazis behind it, creating or supporting it-although not necessarily alone, but often aided and abetted by their Sabbat Goy ‘allies’. The prime mechanism that the Zionazis use and intend to continue to use, to consolidate their global power, is to set the captive West against the rest ie Islam, Russia, above all China, etc, in that paramount Zionazi project, the ‘Clash of Civilizations’.
I red somewhere , I guess in Le FIgaro That Trump wows to recogniez occupied Golan as Israeli
if it is not clear by now that we the ordinary folks are being PLAYED by some weird powers to keep us embedded in sorrow for almost 200 years or more,than we are definitely LOST and deserve everything we get.
It is not just the zionist,neocons,wahabists,liberals,capitalists,communists,kkk,daesh,colonial powers,muslim brotherhood,trumpers,clintonists,shites,shias,hamas ,hindu supermicts,and all colours of religious bombastics,politics of any kind,royals east& wes,nationalists,globalists.,t they are all part players in this great game of keeping humanity shrouded in SORROW.This tapestry rolls as one their entire game is never ending war and blood shed, so no need to say it is the neocons ,zionists or radical muslims if we do than we are not seeing the tree for the forest.Some might be more powerful than others but the end game is a team play of never ending blood shed.
come on guys wake up… after,ww1,ww11,philippines,vietnam,cambodia,indonesia,congo,911,irag,afghanistan,libya,syria,ukrine,yemen,and now south america we haven’t learned ANYTHING?stop pointing fingers the whole stock is rotten to the core only INDIVIDUALISM can save us.Stand alone don’t become corrupted by this evil.
In the battle of words and finger pointing, one grows weary – LORD BYRON
So, we’ll go no more a roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.
For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.
Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we’ll go no more a roving
By the light of the moon.
Thank you for posting this wonderful poem. It is like an oasis in the desert. People here, including our dear Saker are doing their best to get at the truth and see through the deceptions of the anti-goyimites. This is hard combat under the most discouraging conditions where one is face to face with his own weakness and failing strength. A beautiful poem like this gem of Byron is to drink deeply from.
“… and that all the “nations” will accept their power and rule with gratitude as this will usher the final and everlasting era of milk and honey.”
Delusions of an Egyptian toilet-cleaning class (in the main) of which 50% (the males) are victims of early (8-day) child genital mutilation and magical blood drinking ceremonies. And the desensitized females for letting the BS continue …. “for the tribe”. From then on it is just “Double Bind” all the way down.
And you are correct to say, imo, it (national zionism) is just the flip-side of the same algorithm that ran the German Nazi mentality. Most of this “Israeli” crusade mentality is actually Ashkenazim converts and clearly racist (e.g. against Ethiopian Jews of the olde order) and supremacist.
How it plays out from here is hard to say. But an old book comes to mind: “The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Messianism in Medieval and Reformation Europe and its bearing on modern totalitarian movements” (Fanatiques du l’apocalypse) (Norman Cohn) — see http://www.notbored.org/cohn.html (*)
“It is characteristic of this kind of movement that its aims and premises are boundless . . . Whatever their individual histories, collectively these people formed a recognizable social stratum — a frustrated and rather low-grade intelligentsia . . . And what followed then was the formation of a group of a peculiar kind,”
Sound familiar?
Yep, it runs much deeper than a bit of ‘salt&pepper’ zionism du jour. It is a deep human pathology of the psyche.
Agreed, watch the Yellow Vests. The tone in the streets is war. They (or it beneath them) means business. But do not underestimate the capacity of these movements to go off in the opposite directions than intended as events unfold on the ground.
(*) – also “The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages”
Cohn predictably would not see that the ‘pursuit of the Millenium’ is a purely Jewish pursuit and would fraudulently attributes it to Christianity.
The kernel of the problem is common to both, as Christianity is simply based on post-messiah Judaism logic — and of course the ‘king’ has to come again for a second time etc. What Cohn describes accurately is what happened in a medieval Europe, which was nominally Christian at the the time. No conspiracy, imo. Read it for your self.
Addendum: treats somewhat explained in this NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) fucntion of abuse etc.
“Most of this “Israeli” crusade mentality is actually Ashkenazim converts and clearly racist (e.g. against Ethiopian Jews of the olde order) and supremacist”
Prophetically speaking, Ethiopia(n) (jews) are part of the Gog ( Ashkenazi) invasion to the holy land described in Ezekiel 38:5 (Gen 10:2 & Eze 38:2-3). Hostorically, it was fulfilled with the aliyah of the falasha Jews of Ethiopia during operation Moses. This operation brought to the state of israel, Falasha Jews from Ethiopia by the thousands. Yes, there is some racism between Ashkenazi against Falasha but I have seen mixed couples wearing Tzahal’s uniforms. The Talmudic hatred and contempt is reserved to non Jews and non Noachide law observance from these.
> Alex Jones, Paul James Watson, Jordan Peterson, Steve Bannon or even Donald Trump himself.
> Have you ever heard these “defenders” of western tradition or “Christian values” have anything critical to say
> about Israel, Israeli policies or Zionism?
yes I have.
though I’ll admit it’s more the exception than the rule.
Saker could not have timed this great fraud article any better:
“God may have selected Trump to save the Jewish People” Pompeo thinks it’s ‘certainly possible
He’s the Messiah in orange hair, a sort of Borscht Belt vaudeville version.
But this is serious shit. It exemplifies precisely what Saker has written.
The total buy-in by first-in-his-class at West Point, head of CIA, Secretary of State Pompeo is religiosity not merely geopolitics.
Zionism has been armed and energized to vacuum within it all world leadership elites. Those that resist are branded anti-semite.
It swarms the globe. No greater threat to world peace exists. It is a vile ideology that must be resisted.
The continual theme of making Trump a ‘savior’ or ‘the hand of God’ of some kind is really now front and center. I have been known to say that Trump is imagining himself as the new Emperor of the World, but, that does not seem to find favor with anyone so far (lol) – they think I’m nuts – I think I’m on to something.
Yes, this was a topical and clear writing from The Saker. It is complex, as the Zio Crowd plays both sides of the fence and uses any and all to advantage. They are good at that really. There is no ‘for or against’ here, both sides are played against the middle. The Saker illustrates very aptly the higher level of clear policy. On the practical front, I found this over at Unz and the first part of it describes the ‘practicum’, i.e., how they are practically carrying out these policies. I’m not recommending ever jot and tittle, but the first part specifically illustrates, set in the UK with the anti-semite accusations to Jeremy Corbyn,
The one sentence that struck me in this writing was: “….. led by Zionists the White Christian West will rise again!
We are all seeing that message daily, are we not? And truly, if that does not scare you, it probably should. And if Trump and his cronies’ actions in the ME do not scare you, it probably should also. We gotto get better at refuting this message.
The aspect that really troubles me in the ‘Get Corbyn’ conspiracy by the Zionazis and their allies, the UK Establishment and the Blairite Quislings, is Corbyn’s craven cowardice. One by one, true Labour stalwarts, Livingston, Wadsworth, Williamson etc, were and are being lynched by the lying, braying, Zionazi hyaena pack with scurrilous and entirely invented accusations (therefore judgment and sentence are IMMEDIATELY assumed and assured, in true witch-hunting fashion)of ‘antisemitism’, and Corbyn has done NOTHING to save them, and now stands, bereft of allies, just waiting the final Zionazi coup de grace.
Is Corbyn simply a coward? Or has he been threatened or blackmailed? Not only is the project to rescue UK society from the Hell of Tory and Blairite neo-liberalism now threatened, and endless further years of vicious ‘austerity’ inflicted on UK society assured, but the position of Jews in the UK, decent human beings and vicious, supremacist, Goy-haters alike, must surely be under question by those 500,000 who joined Labour after Corbyn was elected, and the millions of others who hoped for a cessation of class warfare and sadistic capitalism. To see the Jewish elites leading and driving this campaign, and to see both Jewish elites and stupid, bladder-mouthed, Blairites declaring that ‘anti-capitalism’ and ‘Leftwing policies’ are, in fact, ‘antisemitic’, will surely encourage some, hopefully many, to break through the psychological indoctrination, and see Zionazi power for what it is-an insidious Fifth Column whose supreme loyalty is NOT to the UK, or humanity in general. And that revelation will have adverse consequences for all Jews, the good and decent (among which Corbyn has very many supporters whose existence is near totally suppressed by the fakestream media sewer)as well as the elite Gadarenes. And that is a very great disaster in the making, but the UK is facing very many very great disasters all at once.
Mulga; As usual, I completely agree with you in this matter. The way I see, it the bourgeois collective mentality of England is practically incapable of sustaining the resistance you call for. It seems to me that the mentality of the English (they created bourgeois capitalism and see it as part of their national identity) is so all round and complete that resistance to it is seen by the English as a form of anti patriotic evil. This makes for a happy hunting ground for the Anglo-Zionist ego maniacs. For them controlling the world has a sacred Christian quality to it. I should know as I grew up in New Zealand I have been eating their arrogant self righteousness all my life. The collective English mind is responsible for an enormous amount of the misery in the world. It has been well described as a “Scorpion” country that makes a high art of absolutely unfeeling divide and conquer. Unfortunately Corbyn, for all of his virtues, has so little spiritual oxygen with which to operate in that culture. It is so bad there that if one really opposes Anglo-Zionist mental arrogance one is seen as an enemy of the Queen herself. And she is the defender of the faith remember. Consequently the upshot appears to me that it is a nation that royally deserves some serious suffering, ideally at its own hand. Thank God (the real one) that the abdominal Tories and Theresa May are bringing precisely that on. I must confess that if I am to watch the English nation going through some real suffering, I can only find it cathartic. The place has been a prison every since the Norman’s began their genocidal Feudal rule in 1066. I know my words sound hard, but I am sure the Irish can understand.
Snow, I agree and feel a delicious schadenfreude at witnessing England’s current self-immolation. But my residual addiction to Christian ethics, a legacy of a mild child-hood exposure to Christ’s teachings (which I discovered later were by no means unique or novel), which I see as basically humanistic and compassionate if you remove the transcendental baggage, makes me a little ashamed of such thoughts. The Good, the Bad and the Hideous will all suffer, to varying degrees, as England falls apart, as Corbyn is defenestrated, as the Blairite Sabbat Goyim return to power and as the Zionazis tighten their ‘mortgage’, or ‘grip of death’ over the country. And the Hideous and Bad will ensure that it is the Good who will suffer most, as is their one, true, religion-the fear and hatred of others.
Wow. Trump is the red heifer. http://www.templeinstitute.org/red_heifer/red_heifer_contents.htm
Russia and especially Mr. Putin is an extremely close ally to Israel. Some even call Russia and Israel “Two states one nation”. There is an interesting article by A. Korybko called “So What If Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation Of The Golan? ”
In summary Russia is NOT a threat to US nor Israel, on contrary they all are best buddies. Russia is against Iran and I would even say against Assad. By interfering in Syria, Russia has only protected its foothold in the Mediterranean sea and maybe secured some gas and transportation deal with Israel. In return, Russia seems to agree to be a protector of Israels interests in the middle east. Iran and Assad is aware of the Russian game and they are extremely cautious when it comes to dealing with Russia. As stated in Korybko’s article above there is a Russian buffer zone in between Syria proper and Golan Heights to prevent Iranian interference. Russia acts more or less like a colonialist power and facilitator for Anglozionist power.
There are a lot of dual Israeli Russian citizens in both Russia and Israel.
They have a lot of influence. Just like here in the USA.
“These are some (there are many more!) reasons why Russia should not be considered part of Europe,…”
This looks backwards to me, because it is other twisted formerly Europeans, that have abandoned their former European cultures, while Russians have retained their former European culture (which was different than other European cultures…).
The logic that Russians should not be considered Europeans simply because so many Europeans have abandoned their former culture, and that the Orthodoxy is also different, does not look to be correct logic.
Were the Russians of several centuries ago considered Europeans??? Of course. That has not changed simply because other types of Europeans have changed so much. Russians are a particular, special group of Europeans, with their own particular special form of European culture.
European culture is not a monolith, and never was, as Saker’s logic appears to imply.
Just a thought about Russia being European . . .
Where in Europe are there signs of Russian culture incorporated in European civilization and Society?
If one so large as Russia is part of something, there would be substantial traces, at the least, of that great empire, nation, civilization, would there not be?
We see residues and influences of Europe in Western Russia. But the only thing that remains of Russia in Europe is blood in the soil and graves, marked and unmarked, of the heroes who crushed the Third Reich.
The Europe we see is like a body that has rejected an implant over and over. Europe rejects Russia and anything Russian. Though it gleefully takes the wealth absconded from Russia, and it trades for minerals it needs. Beyond that cross-border trade, Europe has always looked askance at Russia. It abhors Russia.
I see the total rejection of Russia by Europe. Europe works to destroy Russia, or at the least, to keep it from developing beyond second tier status.
What then is Russia? Is it an Eastern Sovereign, part of Asia?
Russia is a unique civilization. The quintessential Eurasian entity. It has an enormous land base because it has incorporated Asian, Middle East and European cultures. It is heterogenous. It’s society has scores of bloodlines.
One reason Russia is so strong and resilient is the amalgam of peoples that form its society.
They have physical, mental and spiritual strengths unlike any European people, any Asian people or any Middle Eastern people.
We see in Syria, an historic and contemporaneous crossroads of all civilizations, that all the diverse people of Syria look up to the Russians and cherish their moral, physical and spiritual courage and service to humanity. No European people compare. The Syrians are the proof of what I suggest.
Russia is unique because it is not European. Most decidedly.
The Russians left “bistros” in Paris, vodka, Cossack, pogrom, .troika
They left caviar.
They left White Russians (the people and the drink!).
They left ballet.
The left an extraordinary graphic legacy.
They left a legacy of drama pedagogy for Western actors and directors to draw on
They left Peter and the Wolf
They left War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Dr. Zhivago, Brothers Karamozov, etc.
They left Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, greatest cellists, greatest pianists
More people have to travel i Russia for essence of Russian-ness to be transported into lifestyle and consciousness of Europeans. World Cup was a good start.
Thank you, Katharine, for that reminder of Russia’s contribution to European culture. They also left the works of another great 20th century novelist, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, whose later works have been suppressed in “the West” because they are too Christian. As the Saker says above, modern Western culture is anti-Christian.
Re Gulag Archipelago: in the 70s when I opened that great Russian novel I thought it was going to be about Stalin’s prison system; but halfway through, I found it was equally a description of my own modern Western civilization.
The same happened earlier, when Ivan Denisovich came out. I was working in UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment at the time, and leant the book to some of the ordinary workers there (not professional scientists nor engineers). Their reaction was the same: they recognized that world because they were in it.
Of course the greatest legacy of Russia to European culture were the shortlived social welfare reforms after WW2, hastily implemented to exorcise “the spectre of Communism hanging over Europe”.
“Of course the greatest legacy of Russia to European culture were the short-lived social welfare reforms after WW2,”
And of course Russia and the USSR “took the bullets” for millions of Europeans and Americans.
The USA’s failure to acknowledge its spiritual debt and obligation to the USSR is the kind of desecration that in ancient Greece would make one the target of a terrible curse.
It is a dishonor, a stain, a badge of moral illiteracy, an open oozing ethical wound that is scratched every year when the Russians honor their dead and their sacrifice, and in the USA scorn is shown. The gods do not like this.
Further to Russia’s cultural legacy in the West please add to my amateur’s list:
Not only the pedagogy of acting and the quasi-science of direction and theater management, but pedagogical achievements and breakthroughs more generally: in sport, science, math, music, the arts, and more.
Going back to the theater there is an extraordinary legacy of writing for the theater (recently on film, The Seagull), Pushkin being the most famous Russian playwright.
But—and this is my main point with this addendum— there are so many other extraordinary playwrights and works in other literary genres who are unknown because not translated. Then also the legacy of actual theaters, an integral aspect of the cultural life of a society), such as, to take just one small example, the extraordinary Romen (Romani) Theater in Moscow.
Who knew? I am constantly exposed to new things through my work. Thankfully.
More people in the West must learn Russian, translate these and other works, and act as tentacles of commonsense that reach in both directions.
And, kudos to those who translate for this site.
In Russia the translator is an honored profession, that is my impression. Russians have always been open to and curious about Western culture. That is not because they have no culture!! As many Westerners seem to smugly assume.
Thus, the ignorance and provincialism and lack of curiosity characteristic of so many in the West, esp. the USA and, somewhat less so, the UK (i.e., the anglophones) ends up somehow being projected onto Russia. There is not a jot of humility or appreciation on the part of our domestic ignoramus War Lords such as Trump and his henchmen and -women that other world leaders are fluent in multiple languages and graciously accommodate them.
Precisely, Doctor. Capitalism only ever granted the proles any decent life conditions solely out of fear of communism. When the Berlin Wall fell, there was a good deal of propaganda sullage about how this would signal the dawn of a New Age of social welfare capitalism, with the best features of capitalism joined to Soviet social welfare measures ie free or very cheap education, health, transport, housing etc, to create a Scandinavian type paradise.
At the time I didn’t buy it, and a few of the old Marxian political economists still then extant, and others who knew a little of history and the psychopathpology of human parasitism, outlined, cogently, just what would be the true future. And they were correct of course, and no doubt a good few of the propagandists of the ‘Third Way’ and other Blairite and Clintonite (not to forget those Antipodean pioneers, Hawke and Keating)garbage where knowing liars as well, not ignorant, brainwashed, opportunistic dupes.
What we got is precisely what human blood-sucking and predation, ie capitalism, always delivers when free to express its inner and eternal characteristics. Union-busting, work intensification, wage suppression, the removal of all, or as many as possible, labour conditions eked out over a century of struggle. Precarious, contingent, work conditions. Falling share of GNP for labour, and ever increasing share for parasitism. Oligopolisation and monopolisation, the euthanising of competition, the capitalists’ supposed ‘God’, save for the plebs, who were encouraged to fight among themselves for the scraps that fell from the Bosses’ High Table-this spectacle is so highly amusing to the Masters that they turned it into a genre of mass entertainment, like ‘The Apprentice’ that, mirabile dictu, produced that capitalist archetype, Donald Trump, as ‘volk-hero’.
And, as night follows day, social devastation, unending austerity, mass, for profit, privatised, incarceration, record and growing inequality, plagues of anomie and drug addiction, violent and debased popular culture, mountains of unpayable debt, Ponzi schemes masquerading as central bank ‘economic management’, foreign, genocidal, aggression, massive military expenditure robbing states of the wealth needed to build a decent society, and last (not really, but I grow tired in listing Free Market capitalism’s Protean Evil)but by no means least-the ecological Holocaust.
Unbridled capitalism, with its essentially cancerous drive to grow forever, in a vain attempt to slake the parasites’ literally insatiable greed, has destroyed the planet’s Life-supporting biospheres, in a mere 200 years of effort, but the process has reached exponentially increasing levels of destruction since the 1980s, and the Friedmanite frenzy of the ‘greed is God’ religion. And now the situation is, frankly, irreversible, even if the Bosses did agree to divert their capital to a WW2 type effort. But they’d rather hang on to their wealth and power, and to Hell with future generations, even their own. And in that posture we see the true nature of capitalism and capitalists-their hatred of Life and of others, and worship of death and destruction.
Russia is not European and this is a good thing IMO. There is orthodox Christianity culture and its influence for sure but this alone does not make Russia a European country. When you read Russian history you see that Orthodoxy was spread among the Russian tribes, especially in Kiev area by Byzantium. It was a conscious political maneuver by the Byzantine in order to have allies in the region against the ever more pressing Arabs from the east. The strategy worked and Russian tribes fought on the side of Byzantium empire preventing Arab infiltration into Anatolia and beyond. However, even with the faith connection with the west Russia remained mostly an amalgam of eastern and western cultures. This is also typical to Turkey which is another crossroad of civilizations, albeit they adapted the Muslim religion. When you look at the genetics of both nations this is clearly evident. I think this is a quite positive cultural and biological enrichment. When you look at a Russian today, you can see all this mixed heritage. Similarly, latest DNA studies showed that Turks have little Mongoloid admixture as opposed to the western (specifically Greek propaganda), but ironically a great deal of Turks have up to 50% Greek ancestry, especially in the southern and Northern regions. There are millions of people of Balkan, Crimean Tatar, Caucasian dissent and also some Middle Eastern and west Asian blood. Being a Muslim nation makes Turkey an outcast in Europe of course. There are 20-30 percent muslims in Russia and in the east of Russia one can find a lot of ethnicity with differing faiths ranging from Orthodoxy to Budism and Islam. The European Slavs are mixed with the rest and this has started quite early in Russian history. Later on, European culture was brought into Russia relatively recently by some czars like Petro starting from 17th century. However after almost four centuries of European cultural influence, the culture of a common Russian is far different from someone in Western Europe. Russia should embrace its unique culture and be proud of it rather than trying to emulate Europe and then waiting to be regarded as a European nation. The same applies to Turkey or Iran as well.
Matthew, have you ever wondered why Turks have up to 50% greek DNA? Have you ever heard of the Janisseries of the Ottoman empire? They stole children from Christian lands to make up their army.
The Ottoman Turks had the longest lasting empire. Unfortunately unlike the Christian imperialists, who at least contributed with their advances in technology, medicine, culture, music etc the Ottomans did not make a single such contribution. And this in spite of capturing Constantinople and being on the crossroads between east-west…
I know Janissaries. They were the elite soldiers. Janissaries were not regarded as slaves like what some westerners want to believe or propagate. Yes they were christian boys to start with and were mostly from the Balkans, especially of Serbian, Albanian,Croat and Greek stock. In later centuries indigenous Anatolian stock was also allowed into Janissary corps. To be a Janissary was a privileged thing. So much so, that some of the families were willing to give away their sons to escape poverty and medieval hardship. Those children received the best education of that time both in art and science and fighting. The ones with warrior skills became part of the Janissair corps, which was basically a privileged class of elite soldiers. They are paid high salaries and guaranteed a good life. Smarter ones would be taken into the ranks of the administrative corps to become statesmen and even grand vizier. A grand vizier can be regarded as an equal to a prime minister. Grand Vizier Sokollu Memed was of Serbian descent and successfully accomplished a great deal for the Ottoman empire. He was one of the “devhsirme” (meaning convert) who joined the palace as a young boy. Similarly Ibrahim Pasha was the grand vizier of Suleiman the Magnificent and was of Greek origin. The word slavery in the Ottomans is not exactly the equivalent of what a slave means in the western world. These Janissaries were subjects of the Ottoman palace and especially royal to the sultan. This is quite similar to European medieval dynasties. Another grand vizier was the infamous Kuyucu Murad Pasha who was of Croatian descent. On contrary to Sokollu, he earned a rather vicious nickname “Kuyucu”, as his favorite method of execution was burying people alive. “Kuyu” means “well or hole in the ground” in Turkish.
So you see there were many Ottoman statesmen of European descent, some good and some bad. The mother of Sultan Memed the second (known as Fatih in Turkish which means Conqueror) was Serbian as well. When she died a christian orthodox sermon was held in the Hagia Irini church, which is still situated in the garden of the Topkapi palace in Istanbul. Memed the second was the sultan who conquered Constantinople in 1453.
In short, the Janissaries were a privileged class in the Ottoman cast system, very similar to the Praetorian Guard of the Romans. In the late centuries, they became more and more politicized and became an important political force deciding the fate of the successor to the throne. In the 18th century Janissaries became autonomous and unruly, posing a grave danger to the Empire. Eventually they were crushed and destroyed for good by the newly (and secretly) reformed Ottoman Army under the Mahmud the second.
How very benevolent of the Ottoman Muslims to have taken on the burden of educating those savage Christians, and to have provided such fantastic career paths to their stolen children…
I guess it’s only evil imperialism when white-skinned Christians are oppressing dark-skinned Muslims. With such double standards no wonder the Zionists are winning.
Also I would like to add up one more thing. The high percentage of Greek ancestry in modern Turkey is not related to Janissaries, as you may believe. Anatolia which is the eastern part (and the major part) of Turkey was obviously populated by ancient Greek people for many centuries since BC. Most of these ancient people never left their birth place nor migrated to Greece (even though there was a mass immigration exchange in between modern Turkey and Greece following the first world war, which can be considered historically quite recent). Those indigenous people of Anatolia simply converted to Islam and became part of the Ottoman and eventually modern Turkish fabric. Especially the land of Pontus on the northern shores of Anatolia and the Mediterranean coast were almost exclusively Greek. Yes I know that many people in the Balkans, especially the Greeks say that the conversion was by the force of the sword. Is it correct? Could be partly true, but I think the real motivation of indigenous populations to convert to Islam was to prevent to pay the “minority tax”, which was imposed on Christian minority during the Ottoman and even in Seljuk dynasty times. Christians and Jews could live in piece within the borders of the Ottoman Empire but they had to pay a tax. A much softer approach than the inquisition of minorities in medieval Europe, isn’t it?
So the relatively high percentage of Greek DNA among modern Turkish people is directly related to the ancient populations of Anatolia which were assimilated by adapting Islam as their religion and Turkish as their language.
You are right, there was a very ancient settlement of Greeks in Anatolia. They were slaughtered by Ottoman Muslims and their cultural and religious sites were systematically destroyed in the Greek Genocide during WWI.
“A much softer approach than the inquisition of minorities in medieval Europe, isn’t it”
Actually I can’t think of any event in medieval Europe, against minority, that can match the scale of slaughter perpetrated by the Muslim Ottomans against the Christian population especially during the Greek and Armenian Genocides.
I wonder how is it possible for there to be an alliance between Christians and Muslims, when there are muslims who whitewash these terrible crimes and think they are perfectly ok.
If all the Greeks were slaughtered by the Ottomans as you claim, then you contradict yourself to explain the high percentage of Greek DNA in current Turkish population. Besides European history is full of genocides perpetrated by one ethnicity against another. One of the most recent examples is Srebrenica in 1995.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre. Regards.
Yes but unlike you, we are not denying these people were killed. Serbia sent all those who were indicted for crimes to the Hague. We were also collectively punished by bombing, humanitarian intervention, and our country was divided. And our president Vucic even attended a vigil in Srebrenica.
According to the Bosnia Book of the Dead approximately 30, 000 Serbian Orthodox died in the Bosnian wars.
Not a single muslim leader has spoken about this.. When will our Muslim neighbors in Bosnia hold trial and bring those who committed those crimes to justice?? Or will these crimes be unaccounted for just like the many crimes committed by the Ottoman muslims?
@Serbian Girl
Those Serbian “war criminals” showed very poor judgment thinking they could hide in Serbia once it was controlled by fifth-column traitors or that they could get any justice from their enemies who set up and controlled that mockery of a court at De Hague. They should have all gone and asked for asylum in Russia and so put the onus on Russia to extradite them since it did so little to help Serbs in that war which delayed considerably NATO’s expansion towards Russia’s borders.
@Serbian Girl
Actually the massacre of Greeks by the Turks followed WWI and was during the Greco-Turkish War that lasted until 1922. The Greeks did very well indeed at the start but none of the WWI allies, including Serbia, did anything to help them and so they failed to capture Ankara and were ethnically cleansed out of Anatolia. Genocide of Greeks and Armenians was the consequence. Yes, Turkey was nearly finished off by the Greeks singlehandedly but all its supposed friends just stood by and watched. And so today you have what you have: Turkey meddling in everybody’s affairs from the Balkans to the Middle East. And guess who the Soviet Russians assisted in that war? The Turks of course.
Sometimes it may be helpful not to become too entrenched in a pro or anti standpoint, but loosen up threads of convictions, spread them out a bit, so to say. One can always learn more, something new, then it could even be that the true position does not reflect a polarisation of ideas or beliefs, but is an amalgamation of both, achieving something greater even, than the sum total of both sides.
This could happen through questioning more, why do they think that, what has led to such ideas, conclusions ? Who truly knows the whole depth and width of Russian and/or European history ?
My only question to The Saker –
why do you want a alliance between the Post-Christian Westerners and Muslims rather than- with the Jews?
Jews have joined Modern day Western culture or degeneracy as you would call it- whereas the Muslims and real Christians resist.
Degenerate Westerner joining with degenerate Jews makes perfect sense to me.
March 22 ,2019
BY Robert David Steele
Memorandum for The President of the United States of America
“America First means NOT Israel First. MoveOn and the Democrats finally get that.”
I think Tulsi Gabbard gets it also…..time will tell.
Keep up the good work……your site is a beacon of truth in a maelstrom of lies and deceit.
The American Steele’s program to flush Zionism into the Infernal Sewer of History ………is rich with promise and irony………just as the British Steele Dossier…………..is after 2+ years already winding its way through the mental sanitation/waste management systems of thousands of US communities………after a FINAL FLUSH from Democrat and Republican households, alike.
The greatest beneficiaries of all of this sanitation will be the jews, finally free to adopt a more human identity…rather than be enslaved by a sick Uber-Human Egoistic dual identity of the Persecuted and the Vengeful Persecutors, aiding the same old Moloch-Baal worshippers that held them in captivity as slaves in Babylon.
Here are some field-note observations from the black shores of Morder On The Potomac.
We are watching Anglo-Zionists in the process of building The Great Usa Plantation. They regard every non-member of their little supremacist clan as livestock to be bred, matured, cattle-driven, finished and slaughtered according to their notions of human livestock management plans.
They begin by selecting out preferred “breeds of humans” from among the poorest and weakest countries, then sanction and bomb their native lands and governing bodies in order to drive the strongest and smartest survivors into the Usa Plantation paddocks. This process can destabilize and destroy both host and immigrant cultures simultaneously in a “controlled burn” sense, potentially leaving fertile ash for new crony-capitalist corporate fields.
Ask yourself, honestly, after carefully examining all the very clear catastrophic collapse indicators, why in the hell would anyone want to remain, let alone migrate into, the United States of America?????
These Usa Plantation paddocks are falsely promoted as a promised land of freedom, opportunity, tolerance, etc. Within ten to twenty years immigrants will realize the full extent of this evil deception. Immigrants that voluntarily incarcerates themselves into the Usa Plantation will in perpetuity become chained to the Plantation’s nutrition plan, the Plantation’s debt load and the Plantation’s global wars, and so on. Furthermore, they will be forced to compete with a heavily armed, bankrupted, superstitious, hostile, severely under-educated and over-propagandized, mostly-drug dependent host population. Both indigenous and immigrant will be forced to deal with their the Plantation Masters, about whom they understand very little.
For example, every new citizen of the USA must file a Federal tax return, no matter where on Earth they become employed. Failure to comply, and to pay in full on demand, exposes the “citizen” to forced relocation to another kind of paddock called the Federal Prison System.
If only immigrants understood the true nature of their future prison in a post-collapse environment, they might reconsider their plans.
For example, almost immediately the children of immigrants will no longer desire access to their traditional food sources and preparation methods that kept their ancestors in relatively good health, compared to the indigenous of today. They are enticed, through discount coupons and SNAP benefit cards, to consume toxic genetically-modified, pesticide/herbicide contaminated brand-named and USDA certified food-like substances that will contribute to disease, disability and premature death. Eventually, in the name of health and human safety, as well as zoning restrictions and tax laws, victory gardens and backyard poultry will be outlawed.
For example, the southern border wall is actually intended to keep people INSIDE the country from escaping, just like the Berlin Wall did during the Cold War era. The militarization of every Usa government agency with their enormous stockpiles of hollow point ammunition will prevent plantation uprisings against “uppity” members. Look carefully, even the local dog catchers are wearing “tacti-cool” black and carrying heavy firepower!
Members of some paddocks will be “nudged” into fighting members of others. This game is called “Let’s You and Him Fight.” Some may recognize this game as a domestic variant of the never-ending Global War On Terror game or the Spreading Democracy game. As the games proceed, for example, after defeating the White Team, the prevailing Brown Team East might be matched paired with Brown Team West, and so on. This cycle of breeding and culling will produce the desired alleles that the Plantation Masters may so desire.
There is much more to speculate upon. However, we might as well address what can be done in the present to avoid this most unappealing forecast for the future.
Here it is in simple words: Stop the damned bombings. Withdraw the sanctions. Bring the troops home. Let the peoples in other lands live in peace. And recognize officially and for all time that there is no such thing as a “God’s Chosen People/Race/Ethnicity/etc.” and to believe otherwise is a deep root of evil.
Glad you took the time to post your field note observations. Most illuminating and I’m afraid very spot on.
Informative and very well written !
Reflects some of my thoughts on the immigrants moving to the Western “promised land”.
Wouldn’t come if someone wasn’t dropping democracy bombs on them!
>>>every new citizen of the USA must file a Federal tax return, no matter where on Earth they become employed.
FWIW every permanent resident of the USA, not just citizens, is required to file an annual income tax return, regardless of the location of employment and residence. So, even that coveted Green Card has strings attached.
“In economic terms, the US economy dwarfs Russia’s. Advantage USA”.
I am not quite sure it is so simple. One can’t compare economies in the same way as one can compare armed forces.
What does it really mean to say that, “the US economy dwarfs Russia’s”? And how does it follow “Advantage USA”?
For a start, the US population is more than double Russia’s, so its economy would be more than twice as big even if per-capita wealth were the same. (Just as China’s population is more than eight times Russia’s, and four times the USA’s).
Then there is the need to adjust for Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
Even using per-capita PPP, the USA’s is more than twice Russia’s: $59,000 or so to $27,000 or so.
It seems to me that the USA has a much greater degree of wealth inequality than Russia. True, both have their billionaires, but the USA’s super-rich have a greater share of the national wealth than Russia’s do. (There are over 1 million millionaires in California alone).
But now we come to the most questionable entity: GDP itself. That has a very weak relationship to quality of life, happiness, security, or indeed anything we would unhesitatingly admire. How much better off is the average US citizen than the average Russian citizen, when one focuses on what is healthy, real and truly desirable?
Not to mention that the US GDP is artifically bolstered by the US government’s “exorbitant privilege” of printing unlimited quantities of dollars without (so far) risking hyperinflation.
I don’t quite see that the USA has any solid advantage over Russia just because its economy is “bigger”. On the contrary, Russia is slightly (but only slightly) underpopulated whereas the USA is unsustainably overpopulated, and getting steadily more so. And Russia has plenty of natural resources to supply all its citizens for at least a century or two, whereas the USA is running so short of some vital resources that it having to invade smaller countries to get their oil, gold, etc.
Moscow and St Petersburg are currently bigger and better cities than either London or Paris !!! In 10 years they will be like Shanghai, the GDP comparisons are false, a lot of Russian statistics are dragged down by the southern states. Gambling,lawyers fees, frivolous pursuits, PPP differences, etc do not a real GDP make.
Good points. Also, if “In political terms, Trump ain’t too popular (or credible), but neither is Putin (although he, at least, is taken seriously),” why does it follow that this amounts to “Another draw, but with another advantage for the US.”
It is silly to say that because of Fukuyama’s and Huntington’s works “the general public was already well prepared for it (just like the AngloZionist elites who had already prepared the huge “Patriot Act” long before the Twin Towers came down).” I doubt one in a hundred Americans could even identify these authors, let alone have read their books. To refer to the “general public” in this connection surely is utter nonsense. Americans weren’t in the least “prepared” for 911. They were completely surprised and deeply shocked, even traumatized by it. Anyone who lived through that time should find Saker’s notion about a “well prepared public” risible. This, generally, is what often bothers me about Saker: too glib and sure of himself, and–on other questions–too much the sentimental zealot for his pet ideas. Some of his ideas smack of pop history, and he is overly encouraged by the large number of clapping seals in his readership.
Personally, I find Israel Shamir’s view of MIchael Hoffman more objective and intellectually more credible than Saker’s total approval.
Herve Ryssen’s books on Jews and Judaism are worth reading. As is Vicomte Leon de Poncins’–Judaism and the Vatican. One could easily list very many more excellent books on the subject.
Excellent points Tom!
Regarding unsustainability, debt is another thing that comes to mind. Both household and government debt…
US GDP is 70% debt. Russia is at 50%. The latter seems to come from earnings and savings as debt levels in Russia are very low .
The evil kazar khaganate of the N Caspian that was destroyed by Russia has resurfaced in Palestine, zionism and judaism are just a front, yiddistan is basically a safe home for kazar criminals. If it hadnt been for Vova, right now kagans would also be having a back up state in a tatar vacated Crimea with nearby Odessa as capital, from a broken up ukraine. The ukrops are under some cabala spell and unable to see or take sction against the kazar devils in their midst, Russia had to intervene forcefully to free them, the bandera/kapo alliance must be broken.
Your comment is very interesting to me. Perhaps you might shed light on the question that formed in my mind when I read, some years ago, the biographical details of one Victoria Nuland. All details of her life were listed: husband, father, children. Even sexual orientation. However, there was nil mention of her mother. It was as though there was no such entity as mother. Mrs Kagan’s mother had been completely erased. For me that is a mystery.
“a partially realized potential”
The US Constitution is also a partially realised potential soon to be trashed into the ashbin of History if the People neglect to wake up and take their Government in hand. The Democracy their forefathers envisioned is still incomplete and losing ground every day as the Banksters chip away at its protectionary measures ie. The Electoral College; Bretton Woods act; Glass Steagall Act of which the two latter would have prevented 2008,and caused the Dollar becoming a commodity rather than a fair means of excahange: a lot of people have amassed fortunes playing the exchange rate game,unheard of until the Bretton Woods act was trashed.
The Saker as usual is dead on. The problem is that we no longer have the USSR. Unfortunately the later leaders of the USSR – were too keen on being friends. Friends with the zionist/judiaca low lifes. Will Putin make that mistake? Has he already made that mistake? It does not really matter – the resistance lies in wait and grows in the back waters of the world of deplorables. Syria, Afganistan, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon and Iran are the future. The resistance does the heavy lifting because they actually fight and make no apologies to the jewish myths and well worn tropes of identity politics.
The west is currently lost to money whore corruption – at the most personal and vile level – appeasement and servitude to the oblivion of zionist transnational globalism.
The Yellow Vests are a start – but I will beleive it when the mobs scream – fuxk the jew front – fuxk their whores – fuxk the entity. If the masses are willing to escape their hell of comprador comfort zone than things will change with the force of violence of the people against the state.
How many are prepared to put western materialism aside and fight is at best questionable in the rotten matrix that is the west.
he’s talking to you DW
Dear Saker,
This was one of your best ever articles ( I follow your blog daily since the beginning of colour revolution in Ukraine). I found you via InformationClearingHouse.You are one of my favorite sources for news.
Thank you for everything, you are not a lonely submarine, there is a lot of us, even in ex Yu/Croatia.
I have been delighted by the Korybko article about a Kerber, somewhat on the same trace as you, few years ago.Similar conclusion, and believe you me- it woke me up.
I agree with all in this article, the dimension of the clash is really the clash between the civilizations, but in the way you present it. It is: whether we will survive or not unless we wake up and understand..
The anglo-zionists try to present it as it is them as the only solution and they are clean and lovely, while it is exactly the opposite.
Believe you me, I am now a citizen of Croatia ( I consider myself a Yugoslavian still) and I have seen all the processes you have so aptly described above happening here.
To respect the intl. law, to try to grow your country for your citizens with the effort, well Russia is far from perfect, but the govt.of Russia is trying I think. Enormous job they have to do.
Because the damage inflicted by the ‘western’ b….sht was terrible in 90ties.
In this small and malignant Croatia, they are openly practicing the 5th colon method of total betrayal.
We are done in.
Thank you for everything, I see Russia as ( imperfect, as it is still on the way, and has a long way to go) a ray of hope.
My country/ Croatia was totally taken over by the neocon and evil agenda.We are finished.
Thank you, Saker, for everything
Dear Azra,
Thank you for your very kind words!
However, please don’t lose hope in your fellow human being or your fellow Croatian. Yes, right now we are living through some very dark times, but we ARE resisting and we ARE winning (and the Empire losing). Look around you, your city or town, or on the Internet – we have allies everywhere and while our society us ugly and nasty, there are a lot of kind, honorable, beautiful people out there, they are just not shown on the media.
So please don’t lose hope and, instead, locate your allies :-)
Kindest regards
The Saker
Mueller released his report on Take-Out-The-Trash-Day.
In Washington, if you have something you want to release but don’t want it to get a lot of attention, its done on late Friday afternoon. Inside the Beltway, late Friday afternoon is known as “Take Out The Trash Day.”
I have no idea what’s in the report. I just saw the “breaking news” headlines and laughed and thought I’d share the joke.
But it does seem highly likely that if Mueller wanted to make a big splash, Friday afternoon is not when he would have released it. Waiting till Monday and doing it in the early afternoon to let it hit all of the cable news channels and make the evening news broadcasts and before the deadlines for the old, antique printed newspapers to be put to press. That would be the time to do it. Without even reading it, this feels more like Mueller trying to sneak out of town without really facing the music that for all the millions of dollars which he has spent he has done nothing to prove the case he was obviously hired to prove.
Very good analysis of National Zionism, never seen the like. NA-tional ZI-oni-SM = “NAZISM.” The Hitler Project was no different.
The totally fake democratic AngloZionist West has in essence only two parties, both are totally fake controlled opposition and represent the AngloZionist Empire (NWO).
One is in essence ‘Nazism’ (National Zionism), and the other is pseudo-Socialism (e.g. Fabianism, Trotskyism).
The Donald Trump types are the “right” hand of the NWO, and George Soros types are the “left” hand.
They only pretend to fight each other (theatre). The SS (or ISIS) only pretended to fight the Zionists.
Papacy, and ‘Europe’ for that matter, was in bed with Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis long before the “Occult Renaissance”.
It started quite early, with the great fraud of ‘Hebraica Veritas’, the belief that the Hebrew ‘Bible’, as it was transmitted in rabbinical circles in the first centuries AD, was the “original” Old Testament text. Then Saint Jerome produced the Latin translation of the ‘Bible’ known as Vulgata, from Hebrew texts and under the direction of Jewish rabbis, replacing the Christian ‘Bible’ which was the Septuagint. That was in the IVth century AD. This fraud shaped the Western Christian conceptions of textual authority, and influenced Christian attitudes towards the Jews of their own time. Through the steady growth of medieval Christian Hebraism, one could indeed say that by the end of the Middle Ages, not only had the idea of Hebraica Veritas triumphed, but the Hebrew Bible had become THE Christian book. Western mentality was slowly suffused with a Jewish world view.
The imperial usurpation of Charlemagne, abetted by the Bishop of Rome was sanctioned by his consecration modeled on the Jewish ritual of consecration of kings. Charlemagne was hailed as a ‘new David’, his Empire as a ‘new Israel’. When ” King Charles sent to the King of Baghdad requesting that he dispatch one of his Jews of the seed of royalty of the House of David. He hearkened and sent him one from there, a magnate and sage, Rabbi Makhir by name. And settled him in Narbonne, the capital city, and planted him there, and gave him a great possession there at the time he captured it from the Ishmaelites” (actually it was rather Pepin the Short, the father of Charlemagne and of the “Papacy’). Narbonne remained for centuries a center of Talmudic and Kabbalistic learning in direct contact with the Jewish rabbinical academies of Babylon. Rabbi Makhir and his descendants were hailed as ‘rex Iudeorum’ and his family residence designed as ‘Cortada Regis Judaeorum’.
And one should not forget that Charlemagne was the first to conclude an alliance with the Calif of Baghdad to fight against Byzance. Or that the ‘West’ colluded for centuries with the world of Islam against Byzance. The West manifested receptive attitude towards Islam at the same time with a fanatical rejection of Orthodoxy.
Laika von old Monkshusen
The Hitler Project was a combined Anglo-Zionist project. Hitler was appointed to power in 1933. However, in 1931 The Bank of International Settlement was opened in Basel, Switzerland, right next to the German border. It was this Bank which financed Hitler. Remarkable how people never ask the obvious question as how on earth Germany managed to finance two world wars, especially World War Two.
take a look here, you may find interesting things. fixing prices had been used also by communist states in eastern Europe :
I agree with you that “Hitler” was a project run by Anglo-Zionists. It was the American bankers to be precise (Not the City of London). I wrote a long article a while ago in one of the forums (may be it was not Saker). I would like to share an excerpt from it here again.
These oligarchic structures decide whether there will be a war or peace (albeit seldomly) on the planet. WW1 and WW2 were simply the product of the conflict of interest in between two elite groups (European vs American oligarchy). Millions have marched to their death with artificially induced patriotism and blankly killed each other. States or governments were (are) simply just the facilitators of the global oligarcy and aristocracy. For instance, there is lots of evidence that the second world war was actually plotted by Britain to finish off SSCB by the hand of the Nazis and also a different plot came from the other side of the Atlantic from the American Bankers to finish off the British Empire and other colonialist powers such as France, Belgium and Holland using the German Nazis. The rise of Nazi Germany in a mere 6 years from a financial ruin to a rich military power needs some explaination. There is strong evidence that the American bankers flooded Germany with money between 1933-1938. In 1940, at the very beginning of the war, Hitler changed his hearth and alliance and left the yankees. Rudolf Hess landed in Scotland and cut a deal with the royals through his contact Duke Hamilton. Otherwise there is simply no explanation why Hitler would have attacked Russia instead of Britain and why US entered the war merely a few weeks after this event. Britain could have been finished off in a week or so by the mighty German machine. Nevertheless, at the end of the war, the American bankers came out as the victors and the British Empire collapsed for a good reason, losing three quarters of its exploits all around the world. Colonial France, Belgium and Holland became a history. Soviets lost more than 20 million lives but they succeeded to defeat the Nazis thanks to American military aid and the fighting spirit of the Russian masses. On contrary of the common propagated belief that Roosevelt and Churchill were best buddies and allies, they were in fact arch enemies, each one representing one of these oligarchic powers. Ironically and not surprisingly, this time around, Stalin was the best man of the American bankers. This explains why most of the oil of the SSCB was partnered with American Oil companies, such as Standard Oil. For instance Baku oil fields were commissioned to the Americans and the British (founders of those artificial countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia a century before to block Russian descend to the hot seas, to prevent blockage to the Indian trade route) were kicked out of Russia.
Britain masterminded both world wars in accordance with Mackinders geopolitical analysis.
I agree about the role of the Us. But like Lord Halifax confided to John Meynard Keynes “They have the moneybags but we have all the brains”
But appart from skillfully pitting the greatest rivals Germany and Russia against each other, they also over a long period (over a century) managed to build both zionism and nazism, an antagonistic pair needed to prevent the center of finance to move to the continent. And forcing the jews to flee to the Us into the arms of the British-made angloamerican establishment.
And the leading nazis had an englishman Houston Chamberlain as their greatest inspirer.
For some reason David Irving who appears to want justice for Germany doesnt bring that up.
The duke of Windsor Edward and his wife also contributed significantly, so Hitler believed there was a realistic chance of collaborating with the Britain he admired and in line with Britains empire Hitler aimed to ‘make Russia Germany’s India’. Therefore he didnt seriously fight them. He ceased to put the priority on bombing military targets when Churchill started to attack civilians in Germany. He didnt capture the British at Dunquerc. Germany simply reciprocated. It ‘was understood’ that they were on the same side.
Hitler was a romantic and had limited understanding of military strategy. And a dupe for Britains strategic deceptions.
Karl Heinz Deschner in (I think) The Moloch: A Critical History of the U.S.A. (1992) explains how he and his paratrooper comrades while being airlifted to the front discussed who payed the bills, knowing it wasnt Germany.
One way in which the Usa payed was by serially issuing new loans for Germany to pay previous loans with so there were no continued net payments of the huge reparations imposed on Germany at Versaille. Guido Preparata in Conjuring Hitler, How Britain and America made the third Reich (2005)
Preparata’s academic career in the Us seens to have suffered as a result.
“How Britain and America made the third Reich” is a correct assumption. Two interesting articles that I saved in my archive below.
The first one indicates that there was a tremendous help from the US to USSR once it became obvious that the Germans became the “attack dog” of the British. At that point the Nazis had to be defeated as the American oligarchy lost any use of it against the British empire (oligarchy). The monster they have created (to destroy European, especially British colonialism) turned against them. Russia under Stalin was a different beast and after the clean up of Trotskyiests was not close to the European oligarchy any longer. So Russia got huge US monetary and military aid and over 20 million Russian lives had to be sacrificed to stop the Germans (British). Hitler was indeed an ignorant, emotional, easy to manipulate and most probably unstable simple man and fell into the British trap quite easily. The second article is amazing and raises some important questions.
Very interesting article, as always from The Saker. I would, however, like to add a few points of my own.
When it comes to Trump, one has to wonder if his election was nothing more than a psy ops. Yes, we all know that the Deep State stood by Hillary. However, did it also, covertly, stand by Trump ? I still need an answer why 200 admirals and generals backed Trump during the last election, unless they needed a puppet in the White House. Also, to whom is Ivanka married ? What are her husbands connections to Israel ? What happened to Trumps election promises ? He attacked Syria twice and is preparing to attack Venezuela, not to mention his quarrels with North Korea and Iran and his war in Afghanistan.
When it comes to the Muslim immigrant invasion of Europe, it has nothing to do with either NATO or US involvement in the Middle East, like the wars in Iraq, Syria and Lybia. These wars are an excuse for the flood of false “refugees” into Europe, not the cause. The point is that during the past 100 years the populations of Africa, Asia and the Middle East have increased by ten times, creating immense social and economic problems for these regions. The unemployed look to different lands. Europe is the target.
Christianity and Islam have never been friends. We all know this. However, people in the West do not realize that this influx of Muslim “refugees” into Europe is the third Muslim invasion of Europe. The first one was in the 8th century, when Arab Muslims invaded Spain, killing 480.000 Spaniards. After that they invaded France, where Charles Martel defeated them at the Battle of Poitiers in the year 732. The second Muslim invasion was in the 14th century, when Ottoman Turks invaded Europe. In the 16th and 17th centuries they got as far as Central Europe, besieging Vienna on two occasions. What we have now is the third Muslim invasion of Europe, directed by the Anglo-Zionists. The intent is to break the sovereign status of European nation states, placing them under direct EU rule. Some analysts even suspect that the ultimate aim is to eradicate all European states and create one European ethnic group. The immigrants that have poured into Europe have been given the status of a political, ethnic, social and economic Trojan Horse. This Trojan Horse has the full backing of Islamic radicals, who want to see Europe converted into a Muslim continent. You can find these radicals on the Internet. You can also find on the Internet the support these radicals have in Europe. We now have no-go zones in Sweden and France. I fear that Europe is facing an ugly future, being reverted to the Dark Ages of barbarism, as the immigrants and “refugees” who have come to Europe can neither assimilate, nor do they wish to do so, expecting the native European population to assimilate to their ways.
Yes, Russia does have it’s own Muslims. Christian Russians and Muslims seem, for the most part, to live in peace. The reason is two fold. Russia is huge, and there are no ‘congestive’ pressures like you have in Western Europe. Secondly, any attempts at radical moves by Muslim radicals would indeed be crushed by the Russians, and the Muslims know it. Here we have a difference in mentality and ‘modus operandi’ between Russia and Western Europe.
There are a few other points stated in the article with which I disagree.
The Saker has stated that the US economy dwars the Russian one. Well, not quite. Yes, it is larger, no question about that. However, 70.000 factories have been closed down in the US and 1/3 of the US labor force “is out of work”. It’s questionable if the US could function without Chinese exports. Even the US Military Industrial Complex relies on Chinese exports.
Secondly, I have to disagree that Putin is not too popular. And who is in Russia ? Who can possibly be an alternative to Putin ? Yes, Russians have disagreed with him on some points, like on the new Pension Law, but those are exceptions, not the rule. And the Russian economy is on the rise, thanks to the US and it’s foolish sanctions, which have done the opposite to what the US expected, the chief loser being the EU, which by the second half of 2016 lost 100 billion euros in trade with Russia. However, as far as the EU goes, it’s slowly turning towards Russia. Even Merkel dared defy the US when it came to the building of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline.
Finally, Russia is indeed a psychological, political, religious and cultural threat to the Anglo-Zionists. No, Russia has not as yet returned to the pre-1917 cultural period. However, it has reinstated much of what has been lost, like Putin rebuilding 30.000 churches in the country. By concentrating on patriotism, Russians are ruining the globalist aspirations of the Anglo-Zionists, who wish to see the independent status of nation states curtailed. It’s not working. The EU, for example, is cracking up, and rightly so.
You have some good points but I have to disagree with a couple.
The first one was in the 8th century, when Arab Muslims invaded Spain, killing 480.000 Spaniards.
Slightly exaggerated number of casualties I think.
Most historians say that accurate records, either Muslim or Christian, of the Arabo-Berber invasion of the Iberian peninsula in 711 CE are hard to come by. Several agree that Tariq bin Ziyad’s force was a relatively small one, perhaps 7 000 men (some say 12 000) and was more a large raiding party than an army of conquest. Arab custom was for the top man, in this case the Muslim governor of Ifriqiya (Africa), Musa bin Nusayr, to lead an invading army. Tariq was Musa’s freed slave and he was sent to head the raiding force as it was beneath the governor’s station to lead one.
Roderick or Rodrigo, the Visigoth king was up north fighting his co-religionists, the Basques, when Tariq landed in Spain. The two armies met at the valley of a small river, the Guadalete. Roderick’s army was defeated and he killed in the battle. The rest dispersed. Tariq then made haste to capture the Goth’s capital, Toledo, which was mostly abandoned by the time he got there according to the Latin Chronicles of 745 AD.
Just like the battle of Hastings the death of a king in battle led to the loss of his kingdom. Historians give the total number of combatants at Hastings, which occurred 300 years after Guadalete, at around 20 000. Would it be possible Roderick to gather an army half a million strong and for a Muslim force of 12 000 to kill close to 500 000 “Spaniards”?
Most likely the fashion of conquest followed the pattern of Murcia, then ruled by the Visigothic ruler Theodomir, who made a deal with the Muslim governor of Spain, Abd al-Aziz, a son of Musa bin Nusayr, two years later:
“We [Abd al-Aziz] will not set any special conditions for him or for any of his men, nor harass him, nor remove him from power… They will not be coerced in matters of religion, their churches will not be burned, nor will sacred objects be taken from the realm as long as Theodomir remains sincere and fulfils the conditions we have set for him…”
The conditions were the usual ones: Theodomir was not to give shelter to Abd al-Aziz’s enemies, fugitives, etc.
Each Murcian was also subjected to a tax: one dinar a year together with payments in kind including barley, fruit juice, vinegar, honey and flour (no wine of course). Slaves pay half.
For all intents and purposes, the Goths folded which is a good thing in some ways because it saved the peninsula from much bloodshed.
When it comes to the Muslim immigrant invasion of Europe, it has nothing to do with either NATO or US involvement in the Middle East, like the wars in Iraq, Syria and Lybia.
Not according to the European Parliament Research Service (2016) which lists the top 20 countries of origin of asylum seekers. The top three countries of origin of asylum seekers are Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. I think we can agree that these countries are somewhat unsafe to live in, probably because there’s a lot of shooting and bombings going on in those countries. There are some surprising countries that made the list as well: Iran, Serbia, Morocco and Russia and, surprisingly, Libya is not on the list.
Russia and Muslims
Russia has had Muslims as subjects and now citizens for well nigh 500 years. But Russia which for hundreds of years saw itself as an Orthodox state, at least until the murder of Tsar Nicholas II, also has had and continue to have, other non-Orthodox subjects and citizens — Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Buddhists. Surely a state with these minorities would have learnt how to deal with them in order to ensure harmony after all these years. And in turn the religious minorities would have learnt how to deal with the state to ensure that they are free to practice their religions. The term that’s frequently bandied about is “toleration”.
It is true that historically the Muslims presented a particular problem because of the existence of a Muslim state close by, Ottoman Turkey, during the era of Imperial Russia.
But I think they (the Muslims) have accepted that they are Russians for a long time now and they don’t stand for any extremism among their ranks. The Second Chechen War for me is proof of this. From the point of view of an outsider looking in, traditional Islam defeated protestant Islam. But that doesn’t mean that the Takfiris are going to take a rest. Of course they will continue to try to agitate against Russia — they’re part of the AZ Empire.
When Russia intervened in Syria, more than a million Syrian refugees returned to Syria from Turkey. However, more than a million “refugees” came to Germany, many with false Syrian passports, coming from Bangladesh, Morocco, Algeria and Pakistan. Refugees return to Syria, and “refugees” leave Syria. A little bit strange, don’t you think ?
Excellent, commonsense, observations. To be driven by hatreds based on lurid, propagandistic, false histories from 1300 years ago, in a world where such hatreds only breed misery, destruction and genocide, and where all humanity needs to co-operate to save our one, common, species, from mass extinction, is, in my opinion, utterly mistaken, at best. There is one force above all others that sees The Clash of Civilizations between the West and Islam as integral to its machinations-Zionazism.
I understand your concerns and I don’t deny that there are economic migrants who are taking advantage of the situation. But they’re outnumbered almost 10-1 by refugees from the war-torn countries according to the EU’s own figures. To my mind a big worry for the receiving countries would, or should, be Takfiri infiltration but there’s hardly any news of EU govts expressing real concerns about this. Maybe they know who these people are (wink, wink).
Thanks for the compliments.
There is one force above all others that sees The Clash of Civilizations between the West and Islam as integral to its machinations-Zionazism.
Absolutely agree.
Hate to say this but I won’t be surprised if a Takfiri, a bogus jihadi nutjob does a number to “avenge” Christchurch. Coming from the same school as you (re C of C and Zionazi machinations) Christchurch to me is just the first part of a two-part Act. And there will doubtless be more Acts to follow in a very sick Play.
Cheers to you both
Basil, I absolutely agree that the Christchurch massacre will almost surely be followed by some ‘Islamist’ (in reality Wahhabist ie anti-Islamic)revenge atrocity. It’s in the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ script. Indeed I was surprised it hadn’t happened yet, but, when I thought of it, the delay no longer surprised. The fact that the killer was an Austfailian seems to me to be the crux of the matter.
Here in Austfailia the hard Right Morrison regime is in dire danger of being defeated in an election that must be held by May. Morrison, like Bolsonaro, is a Pentecostalist lunatic. And he is a craven boot-licker to the Zionazis, having proposed moving our Embassy to Jerusalem. Although all Austfailian politicians must grovel before the ‘Gods Upon the Earth’, and Shorten, the Opposition Leader is definitely one such, having been an asset of Zionazi billionaire Richard Pratt (and a ‘protected source’ of the US Embassy)Morrison is definitely the more tractable. So, what better than a nasty little ‘incident’ just before the election, and another hate and fear campaign like 2001, with the Liberals returned on a tide of paranoia, xenophobia and Islamophobia? I’ll not be frequenting any places with crowds until the election is over, that’s for sure.
What a very interesting analysis. The only thing that comes to mind is what I have heard only Sheikh Imran Hossein mention: the fall of pax britanica, the fall of pax americana and so we have entered pax judaica.
Saker, do you think your friend the Sheikh can add to your analysis of this obviously cruel direction that the Western countries are taking?
A brilliant summary by the Saker regarding the political landscape in Europe. Politically, the Europeans are stuck between a rock and a hard place: On the left, pro EU, pro American, gender fluid, rabidly anti-Russian parties and on the right the nationalist, xenophobic christian zionists. Not a great choice…
I still believe that the conservative nationalist parties are the lesser of two evils due to the fact that they are less rabidly anti -Russian and at this stage anything that reduces East-West tension is a good thing.
Regarding the Takfirism, I have a much more negative view than the Saker, and I believe it will be a lonelier battle. When the victims of Takfirism are predominantly Christian, do Muslims really side with the Christians? Apart from Syria and Chechenya, where else have ordinary muslims joined Christians in fighting the Takfiris?
The victims of Takfirism are not predominantly Christians !
They are predominately Muslims ;-).
i would like to suggest that everyone refrain from using the diminutive “Bibi” for the man’s actual name of Benjamin Netanyahu. Use of “Bibi” is a little too cute for this war criminal. His name is Benjamin, let’s call him by his actual name.
OT perhaps, but can be linked to communism, feudalism and similarities with USA trends.
I don’t believe it conflicts with espoused Saker views, but would be interested in feedback.
Quite believable explanations, imo.
“The Sam Vaknin interviews – capitalism is dead, so what is communism?”
Rockefeller reveals 9 11 fraud and New World Order to Aaron Russo
Saker, this is great analysis, as usual.
I respectfully disagree on one of your opening points.
“The election of Trump was something so totally unexpected by the AngloZionists… the American people decided to show them a big, collective, middle finger…”
Trump and Hillary are controlled by different cabals (rulers behind the scene). Evidence of this is that Trump got Bolton and Abrams shoved down his throat, whether he wanted them in his cabinet or not.
As to who these rulers are that control one side or another remains a mystery. If it’s true that there’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed, a clue might be offered as to who they are and what’s going to happen to them, in the writings found at Nag Hammadi on the origin of the world.
I have to say that the Saker´s contribution to defining and calibrating the influence and anatomy of the AngloZionists has been great. But I want to try to expand on it. One frequent assumption that I often see here is that the “Neocons” are “evil/crazy/stupid/arrogant” etc. Sometimes, in the comments, I see the assumption that some aspect of psychopathy is involved. Since I have spent quite a bit of time on studying Anti-Social Personality disorder, ie Psychopathy, a host of interesting questions arise in this context.
For instance, acting with self interest without remorse or empathy can of course be a great competitive advantage. Is this advantage hereditary? On the mother´s side? Has this advantage been emphasized and codified in certain traditions (for instance Talmud, Calvinism, Confucianism), as if to stack both nature and nurture in one direction? (If so, one can certainly see why such emphasis is put on bloodlines and ancient commandments).
Let us for arguments sake say that certain tribes/clans display such traits and want to preserve them at any cost as a competitive advantage. Lets also say that they have achieved near total invulnerability due to their control over societal/political narratives and financial systems. Straight on confrontation with facts is then almost entirely ruled out due to potential stigmatization and ruin.
Would an indirect approach where one confronts the disorder/behavior as such be beneficial in circumventing the defenses? Let’s say one focuses entirely on individual behavior in this vein and emphasizes that the attention and efforts have strictly clinical purposes and also has individual gain in mind? Would the success rate and marginal gain from time and effort spent exposing and protecting against individual psychopaths be greater than the type of frontal approach against psychopathic collectives we have seen by the likes of Atzmon/Finkelstein?
Would very much appreciate thoughts on this by the esteemed commenters.
I am no expert in that area, but I suppose the psychopathies are thought to be hereditary disorders as you remark. My feeling is that much of antisocial behavior comes not from some inborn incapability of empathy, but from the irrational fears, that are not hereditary, but appear as such in effect, because the individual can get infected by them from his early environment, parents in the first line. Nevertheless, whichever the source of it, any society can function with a certain level of such behavior, even if it runs very contrary to it’s health. No society allows you to go to the next petrol pump and rob it when you need cash, because that would mean letting it’s members get something for nothing, without doing anything productive.
The power offers such possibilities to the elites, though, and as someone said, the power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely. Since the complex societies have been, at least until now, always based on egoism, unlimited power equals unlimited egoism and corruption, with catastrophic consequences for the society. Power of an individual or a group is always limited with the power of others, and if there is no such counterbalance inside of a country, the power of neighboring countries plays that role. Whoever lets his country go sick or stagnant, is in the serious trouble with his neighbors.
There have been cases of empires reaching such level of hegemony that no neighbor could harm them, like the Roman one, for example, and the result has been a prolonged and even more catastrophic decay of the society and state institutions leading to their virtual decomposition.
So, that is the only sure way of remedying the absolute egoism of the elites which have escaped all internal balances that I know about.
I think you hit the nail right when you say that the nationalism as stirred and used by some Zionist circles is just another political instrumentalization of the people, like so called liberalism, and promoted from similar circles.
Still, there is obviously a serious division in these circles, I feel, and this liberal-nationalist polarity mirrors that. What an irony, the liberals seem to be the ones who need the Military domination over the rest of the world to heap their money. These using the nationalist joker at the moment, seem to be the money aristocracy of the oldest and heaviest calibre – and they seem to be trying, belatedly, to wrestle back the steering wheel from the first group, they had been unwise enough to let the access to in the past.
To me , there seems to be a serious division in the elite, Zionist ranks in the background. Of course, both sides are simply using the feelings of simple folks, that is how the politics work.
I had to wait a while until I got to the part I was waiting for:
“It took the form of what the French philosopher Alain Soral called “National Zionism.” Here is how Soral explains this ideology:
There is a huge surge of what is called national-Zionism, that is, to bring nationalists to Zionism.”
This is exactly what I am wittnessing and what I was expecting to happen…..
The nationalists, whether Trump, Orban, Farrage or Le Pen et al. are “also” Zionists !
The West has become Anti-Religious Godless Zionism no matter which way the wind blows.
Youssef Hindi:
“Thus, the strategy is as follows: to always stay a step ahead, assert control over this new European patriotism and nationalism. Therefore, from the Right Jews elites’ perspective, it is absolutely essential to retain control over this European patriotism and nationalism by amalgamating it with the state of Israel.”
Exactly !
The Zionists are always one step ahead, no matter which way the wind blows.
But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. (Quran 8:30).
Our Lord has given them amazing and extreme powers, and He has promised us they will be given this power.
Nuclear war or not…..their leader the Anti-Christ will appear as has been foretold by every prophet of God.
And the Muslims (Surrenderers to All Mighty God) have been ordered to fight them until to we defeat their Anti-Christ. And we have been promised victory over them and their evil.
To God we belong and to Him we shall return :-).
very insightful article, thanks!
USA seems so at the core plugged into the zionist ideology, perfectly having adapted to it with its naive-simplistic materialistic worldview and swallowing it whole and unchewed there is zero chance of organic liberation from this side.
Europe on the other hand constantly has to negate its own history and essence within this zionist captivity. Stockholm syndrome is basically describing this situation. a great testament of this submission and surrender and subsequent indecisive intellectual struggles in coming to conclusions about the whole intermingled avalanche of jewish emancipation, democratic reforms, industrial revolutions etc can be seen in Wilhelm Marr´s writings, more so than in Marx´s who takes the same critical stance of his race´s role in the degeneration of the traditional european monarchies into american style bazar zones. The German spiritual and ideological wells which maybe r our only hope for a genuine longterm European revival by now seem completely empty and dried out and the german vassallic nature completely dominating the very few honorable pockets of resistance. as so well pointed out in the article the European “right” is nothing but another clueless remotecontrolled ideological mercenary, far removed from any and all concepts of true sovereignity.
That leaves only Russia as the enigmatic and yet undefined potential future backbone and pillar of a more metaphysical foundation of society. We may be witnessing the tough birth battle of this largely unspent historic entity that hasnt clearly spoken its words yet and seems to be still half pregnant with its soulsearching process, the words that might break the evil spell of jewish chiliasm, selfworship and mammonism the world has so hopelessly fallen under.
having just barley managed to escape the death spiral of the 90s it looks like physical survival and continued strengthening have been achieved. will it be enough to resist the siren songs of globalism and comfortable vassalldom and to build a new set of ideas and beliefs to stay clear of the pitiful hypnosis?
Henry Ford wrote a book, “The International Jew”. Late 1800s, World Zionist Congress decided that its One World Government was and is the GOD of Earth. Money is how the human being has been made a slave. The manufacturers of a commodity that is decided as mandatory to be a natural energy in earth is quite insane. These times are indeed interesting. China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, all have rejected the New World Order. The most criminally insane of species Human Being are not going to get sanity.
Brilliant writing Saker, absolutely brilliant.
USA lost our TRUE HOPE when John Kennedy Jr. was also assassinated. I regret being a pessimist. The worst is yet to come. There is no leader/s in USA that can stand against the “evildoers”. Courts are completely corrupted. This too shall pass. Individuals can look to Mark Twain and Dogberry, et al, for what to do.
Be creative, be free. Gandhi is also a lodestar and Sun Tzu, the “Monkey King” is said to be a “Divine Immortal”. Lu Tung Ping, The Apostles and any-all enlightened energies are a formless form, there is no separation. Put your writing into some Jazz Saker.⭕ Riviting!
“In this context Russia becomes the ultimate threat for very good reasons:”
There is a 6th reason and it revolves around this ridiculous belief and teaching that Russia and Germany are the nations of Gog and Magog referenced in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The Christian Zionists particularly push this teaching and warn the Jewish nation that a third world war will involve these countries. Russia therefore is seen in the eyes of a great many people as the great Magog that is going to try and destroy Israel but will be saved by God Himself. This portion of scripture is also used as the basis for the rebirth of Israel for of course how could such a prophecy be fulfilled if the nation did not exist. All of this is based on an erroneous/ terrible interpretation of scripture. And thankfully one man has stepped out with a book which highlights the extreme errors of this ridiculous teaching! The book is Lies, all Lies by Gerry Fox
So much more can be said and I especially like what this author illustrates about Bravo Company when they were some 25 miles from Baghdad from his other book Book of Revelation a Mystery Solved
“There appeared in the local news a most phenomenal report about the Iraq War and Bravo Company when they were some twenty-five miles from the city of Baghdad. It was reported that a man {Moslem} was seen screaming to the people in the streets of Baghdad “Hey, look what God is doing to the U.S. Forces.” Apparently when Bravo Company was nearing the city, they were stopped dead in the desert by a series of storms that sprung up out of nowhere. The day had begun calmly enough, clear and sunny, but as they neared the city, they encountered a windstorm so fierce that it obscured the sun, turning the desert black. The wind was so strong and violent that it battered their tanks and personal carriers. After several hours, the sandstorm turned into a hailstorm with accompanying thunder and lightning. It turned the sand into mud, bogging down their vehicles and stalling their advance. They had to deal with the forming of a lake which almost swamped their vehicles.
Imagine that the conditions of the Old Testament are literally coming back in the Middle East. Sadly, it took one lone citizen of the city of Baghdad—a Moslem, no less—to recognize it for what it was: an act of Almighty God. He, of all people, could see what others could not! A matter which no doubt was due more to his acclimatization to that environment than his education in the Bible or the Koran (assuming there’s anything in that book regarding the weather). In the desert, no one ever lives to see a hailstorm, in so abrupt a manner and directly over an army.
Then if this wasn’t enough the report was followed up by another out of Iraq before hostilities began about the mothers of Iraq being so terribly and bitterly upset about what was about to happen to their country. It was reported that they were so emotional yelling in the streets of Baghdad that first there had been no terrorists in Iraq and who should know but the mothers of Iraq?! Their yelling and screaming then turned into prayers for God to help them and hopefully prevent the suffering to come. It was an emotional scene, with hundreds of mothers screaming to God, practically at the top of their lungs, in the streets of the city. And indeed, Jesus heard their prayers:
The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. (Isaiah 30:30)
So, Bravo Company experienced the reality of what is written and unfortunately soldiered on. Or are we to take it this ‘certain abrupt meteorological event’ was just a coincidence?”
So imagine Christ hears the crying and wailing of Moslems and intervened on behalf of the Iraqi people but alas because of the incredible ignorance of the bible no one recognizes the work of God?
and O look how the climate is getting worse and worse? I think that an awakening is going to occur quite soon.
even poor Israel is suffering from strange inexplicable weather? How does the scripture say it?
“It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a living God”
Great article, one step ahead!
I may be wrong but I guess this movement is also know under the name of National Bolshevism or “NazBol”.
link removed
I see I don’t get published here anymore but here goes again…it simply doesnt matter Saker if you dont believe we tread towards Armageddon…because they do…you see…and they have the red buttons
This site is for discussion of the ideas and events of the day …. please contribute your thoughts and ideas not just a links to other sites … mod
Victimization is very dangerous as it sucks people into believing it’s garbage. They believe it!
Israel uses Victimization like an atomic bomb where the people do not realize they are being manipulated!
Thanks for the article Saker. I saw a video that mentions some of these controlled Zionist operatives from the conservative camp, and their deceptive language. It deals with Ben Shapiro and some others. Here’s the video:
The Israeli hyena’s openly admit they murder child protesters in Gaza:
“Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms”
In Israel there is a lively debate concerning Talmudic doctrine when it comes to killing the goyim. The co-author of the controversial book, ‘Kings Torah’, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, asserted that killing children could be justified if they represent a future ‘threat’ to the Jews. The book states that, ‘Hurting small children makes sense if it’s clear that they’ll grow up to harm us…’. Shapira and his co-author were supported by two much more notable Rabbis, Dov Lior and Yacob Yousef, who were detained for two whole days for ‘incitement’. Their arrest led to heated opposition from the religious and secular Right, who, undoubtedly, support such dogma.
These doctrines incited a lot of opposition inside Israel, but, naturally, the goyim are not supposed to know of such controversies or the inhuman ideology that is disputed. And Lord help any goy who dares relate these dogmata or, Heaven forfend, dares to criticise them. The ‘antisemitism’ is palpable. Unfortunately, particularly for the Palestinians, the proportion of ‘religious Zionist’ Jews in the infantry officers’ class has risen from 2.5% in 1980 to over 30% today. And I dare say we can see the fruit of that increase in the deliberate targeting of children.
In case you didn’t know this is where the Christian Zionists in the US came from:
Your link is coming up as an error. Mod.
believe there are a few extra spaces in the end. pls try this: https://rense.com/general60/zcre.htm
Russian troops arrive in Venuzuela
This comment is off-topic and should be in the MFC or a Venezuela related post. Mod.
This is required reading for everyone on this planet, although, for many, it must be simplifed, and in general requires tweaking. Zionism has become so widespread and destructive, someone should write a manual on the threat and consequences of Zionism. More awareness is needed. I agree the Tea Party didn’t get it, but there was an anti-Zionist sentiment expressed by OWS protesters that was used by the ADL and Lobby to smear and discredit the movement leading to its eventual dissolution.
Zionism is so organized and pervasive in the social, media, financial and political fabric of many countries that it is very difficult to counter. It exerts a cult-like influence using religion, guilt shaming, smear, peer pressure, fear and yes Islamophobia to indoctrinate and spread.
Where Zionism has rooted, democracy becomes corrupted. People’s political choices are bribed and co-opted by Zionist money. The interests of nationals are sacrificed for Zionist expansion and for the greater objective and benefit of Zionism. This is starting to be noticed and resentented, and the only way to fight the growing control of Zionism is to harness that resentment and frustration and empower it with greater awareness of the threats Zionism poses until the discontent grows into a resistance movement that has the power to pressure legislation that routes out Zionist influence.
Russia has experience in regards to controlling the spread of Zionism, but what I can’t understand is why today so many Zionist Russian oligarchs are in control of so much wealth and industry? Isn’t that counter-productive to controlling the spread, influence and empowerment of Zionism vs sustaining the democratic independence of people? Aren’t these oligarchs in control of too much economic power that they can use at some future point during a period of social discontent and political weakness to seize political control? I never understood why Zionist oligarchs are in control of so much industry in Russia? How is that different from the Zionist one percent that control everything in the U.S.? How is it possible that Putin is not co-opted by Zionism with all that Zionist wealth sustaining Russia’s economy? I don’t trust restraint of Zionism under such circumstances as being realistic or sustainable. Having so many grossly wealthy Zionists controlling critical industry is tempting fate in a precarious, imperceptive manner, don’t you think? Sooner or later whatever is restraining Zionist power in Russia will break, if it has not already done so. I’d like your opinion on this.
Thank you for this article Saker.
Now that the invasion of W-Europe is a fact, and we recognize the forces behind it,
the Yellow Vests “get it”
How can “the invaders” be turned into a weapon against the plotters/parasites?
Return them, the invaders, to sender or better, turn them into Yellow Vests or allies and have the local establishment shake in fear if both groups to stay divided unite?
If we are to no longer let ourselves be divided and ruled, what about turning the opposite site?
How to talk sense (in)to this refugee / immigrant group that seems to be rather passive in the above story, and seemingly trying to survive in a. community clan based way while picking benefits left and right, while they last, and when life is secure, stabilized, imitates a pseudo Muslim life style while on the hunt for spoils of Western society which they earned by seeing their homeland disrupted and destroyed by the West.
Can’t expect them to care about diesel engine exhaust and climate change when they have been suffering bombardments a year ago, but they should be sensitive to the story above?
Or do I see this wrong?
Listened to the AIPAC conference today, and it all pretty much confirms everything in this article.
If you want to listen for yourself, you can find it here:
The great information fraud about war in Syria. I’ve been checking on military situation in Syria map for a year with no changes at all or very minor except of today and there is a change. It shows 13 U.S. Military Garrisons. Most of them off the East of Euphratus occupied by Kurds but there are 2 near the Jordanian border. That is the escalation not the withdrawal to me. This is as the another fraud . The article , “Don’t believe the hype, Isis has not yet been defeated – here ‘ s why.” tells the truth. Syria has lost 1 /3 or 1/4 or its territory and that is a fact. Anyone can see it. So please do not seem s*** to the masses.
A slight correction on the title is needed for Paul C. Roberts’ article below.
Donald Trump is the first openly, out-of-the-closet, flamboyantly Zionist President of the USA–as opposed to the more discreet, slightly closeted Zionist Presidents before him (i.e. most past US presidents):
Trump Is America’s First Zionist President
Zionism and Americanism are in-bred ideological cousins.
The “Russian mob” that Trump was laundering money for, is as much Russian as the NY mob around Jared Kuchner is American. Their loyalties lay with National Zionism.
Most of these National-Zionists are pro-Russian. Russia doesn’t have many friends in the West and as the National-Zionists are growing in influence why throw them under the bus just yet? For the sake of an alliance with Islamo-Fascist invaders? True nationalists are stuck between the anti-Jew Muslims and the anti-Muslim Jews, but are not strong enough to proceed to take power on their own. So choose wisely.
So it is fashionable to mock Pompeo and religious right in the US over assertion that Trump is a ‘finger of God’.
Trouble with that mockery is that Trump seems to have quite a bit of numerology featuring the number 7.
So much so a review of these numerological features does leave one scratching one’s head. Whether you are a Christian or not it is high tome to take a good look at for example unsealed.org articles on Trump, the Revelation 12 Sign, and also on Macron.
If one wants to understand the drivers behind the Armageddon war effort in the US one had better become informed about the rschatology the US is enmeshed in.
‘I am personally convinced that the entire Alt-Right movement has been created by the US deep state and that it is still run by it.’
I know this will ‘sound’ naive, but, I just cannot get my head around an Aussie boy from the bush calmly walking into a mosque and systematically shooting innocent people, including children.
I do not know, of course ….
Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t and maybe he was a ‘patsy’
The act was pure evil …… you have to believe me, us Aussies just don’t think like that.
It was an act designed to make a powerful impact with world-wide significance.
Maybe the response of New Zealand and many in the western world will neutralise the evil.
New Zealand countered that act of evil with love
Maybe …..
But, I ain’t holding my breath
Will the response of New Zealand, led by their Prime Minister, neutralise the evil or is it just a naive response?
Time will tell
I suppose, in summary, I think there is more to it all than just an Aussie boy from the bush losing it …… much more
Nice to see Zelenskiy doing well in the ukraine. Combine his background with that of Poroshenko for a laugh. Khazaria aint enough. Has got to extend to the Med.
Obviously possible the bulla is fake. Love the matan’s phonal ressemblence to anothers name starting with natan. A nice touch. And so ingeniously timed.
It may be why they helped out so much in Georgia.?
The Turks think to rule the Silk Road but they say the tribe has always ruled it. If you take in their support for the Kurds and consider the difficulties in Armenia and Azerbiejan you find yourself wondering if Turkey’s hope for a Turkomen Khanate is presageous of something else.
“Russians and Muslims, which do you fear most?”
…whomever tries to promote either as an existential threat to civilization!
Political and Religious Zionism is destroying the United States, remember the USS Liberty and its attack by Israel on June 8, 1967? How many know that the US Army Corp of Engineers built underground facilities for Israelis to hide in if attacked by thermonuclear weapons? Where are the safe facilities for Americans to hide in the event of a world war 3 involving thermonuclear weapons? How much wealth has Israel stolen from the US?