Dear friends,
For four weeks now we have been discussing the Russian special military operation in the Ukraine and most of what we looked at was happening either in the Ukraine proper or near it. I did mention plenty of time that “this is not about the Ukraine, this is about the future collective security arrangement of Europe“, which is true. But even that does not show the full picture. So today I propose to widen the scope further and look at some absolutely crucial developments inside Russia. Beginning with the most amazing result, at least in my opinion:
The total failure of US PSYOPs inside Russia
I wrote many times already that the Russians got their collective asses handed to them by the massive propaganda machine of the Empire of Lies. But when I wrote that, I should have been more accurate and write that this is true OUTSIDE Russia. Inside, almost the polar opposite happened.
First, let’s remember the various existing movements inside Russia:
- Putinists. My preferred term for them is Eurasian Sovereignists. These are the folks in/near power who see the future of Russia as a truly sovereign country fully integrated into the Eurasian landmass. They see the future of Russia in the South, East and North, and want nothing to do with the West anymore. They are opposed by those whom I call the
- Atlantic Integrationists. These are the folks in/near power who want Russia to be accepted as an equal partner into the world order favored by the ruling elites of the United States. According to some, this faction does not exist. Yet we can very clearly see their immense influence, especially on the Russian economic financial sector.
- The official, “systemic”, opposition. These are the parties which made it into the Duma and while they talk and protest a lot, they are a loyal opposition which supports the Kremlin every time that support is needed. I would call them all “uninspiringly acceptable”.
- The 5th columnists. These are the self-declared “creative class” and gender-fluid “liberals” who dream of the day Russia becomes the next Poland (they think that Guaido or Tikhanovskaia are heroes). These folks are totally sold out to the Empire of Lies and are the voice of that Empire in Russia. Their incomes almost always depend on maintaining the political system created during the Eltsin years and which now the Kremlin has (FINALLY!) began to shut down.
- The 6th columnists. Ruslan Ostashko calls them the “emo-Marxists”, which is a good expression which I shall adopt. These are also called “hurray patriots” or “turbo patriots”. They blame Putin for being weak, sold out to the West, corrupt and dishonest. They also oppose Putin’s ideology (patriotism instead of nationalism, and economic liberalism) and for decades now they are the ones who say 1) Putin has sold out or 2) Putin is about to sell out 3) all is lost. For them a “Putin victory” in the Ukraine would be way WORSE than the total defeat of Russia by the West. Thus they wrap themselves in the flag of patriotism, but in reality they are what Russians call “defeatists” (пораженцы).
Here is how the leaders of the Empire of Lies most likely relate to these groups:
Group | Relationship of the Empire to these groups |
Eurasian Sovereignists (aka Putinists) | Putin is basically the devil incarnate and removing him is the single most important goal upon which the West has already spent many BILLIONS of dollars on. Yes, this is a Crusade, an anti-Putin Crusade by the self-same folks who waged all the crusades… |
Atlantic Integrationists | They were extremely useful for decades (since the early 80s at least), but their shrinking influence makes them much less useful than in the past. Putin is responsible for that degradation of their influence. But they still have enough power to maintain agents of influence in the Russian ruling elites. |
The official, systemic, opposition | Useful poodles, they give Russia all the “democratic trappings” needed, but they don’t threaten the Kremlin in any real way. Besides, they often hate the West even more than the official party of the government (United Russia). |
5th columnists | They have become useless. They have zero traction and, at most, they can get less than 1000 people in the streets in multi-million cities. Also, their legal and IT “wings” have been clipped by various new laws. At best, they can now emigrate to the Zone A and pretend to be political refugees or “dissidents”. I recommend the UK or Israel. |
6th columnists | They were the last and biggest hope of the Western PSYOPs. Their mission: break the morale of the Russian society and, if at all possible, try to either overthrow Putin or force him to deal with mass protests. As we shall see below, they failed as miserably as the 5th columnists. |
So what happened? Here is a quick list of factors which contributed to this outcome:
- New laws were passed forcing foreign agents to publicly declare when they are getting money from abroad (irrespective from whom, CIA, MI6, NED, Soros, etc.).
- Many Western-run social media outlets, who were banning any non-russophobic voices, have now been banned in Russia, again, FINALLY! Telegram is booming, let’s hope the Empire does not bring Telegram to heel next.
- Russian foreign policy successes forced the Atlantic Integrationists to keep a low profile because it is hard to criticize a regime which, for example, so successfully dealt with the pre-2022 sanctions while saving a country like Syria. Furthermore, the steady increase in hostility between the West and Russia made it hard for them to sing the virtues of that same West which now openly backs Nazis in the Ukraine with every resource the Empire of Lies has. This is why even Dmitri Medvedev has now quickly rebranded himself as a patriot!
- The 6th columnists and their mantra “Putin is about to sellout the Donbass” now look totally stupid since far from selling out the Donbass, Putin has used the Donbass as a cover and pretext to change the entire collective security architecture of Europe and, really, the entire planet. Also, the 6th columnist made a HUGE mistake about the war in the Ukraine: their theses became increasingly indistinguishable from those of the 5th columnists. Keep in mind that in the Russian culture to wish or advocate for a defeat when Russia is at war is basically an act of treason (lots of new laws passed recently by the Duma, the 5th and 6th columnists better be careful with what they say and do next!).
- The first week of the special military operation was by far the most difficult one not only for the Russian military, but especially for the Russian society which not only got truly HAMMERED by the most intense PSYOP in history coming from the West, via not only propaganda outlets like BBC or Deutsche Welle, but also Western IT giants (Google, Meta, etc.) censoring and banning not only most perceived as “pro-Russian” but even entire domain names like .su and .ru. The HUGE mistake both the 5th and the 6th columnists did was to jump unto that “PSYOP horse” thereby revealing their true agenda.
- In direct retaliation for the banning of all things Russian by the Western-controlled social media, Russia finally began to slap on fines and, better, totally shut down all these vomit spewing sewers, at least in Russia.
The first week of the war went extremely well from a purely military point of view, but from a socio-political point of view, I know that a lot of Russians vacillated and really freaked out.
But then, the Western PSYOPs made a huge mistake: they gave free reign to truly rabid and racist russophobia while, at the same time, openly proclaiming the Nazi regime in Kiev as “heroic” defenders of the West. It is one thing to hear that your dictator Putin and his Mordor will be sanctioned to smithereens and quite another to feel the overt, direct and targeted hatred against you and your people, that is something you perceive less with your mind and more, I would say, with you “skin” or “guts”. Once it became obvious that the West’s hate for Russia is absolute and total and that the “best” Russians can hope from our “Western friends” is to be treated like Native Americans or the Boers by the Anglos, which is not different at all from how the Nazis treated Russians, most Russians figured out what this was really all about since Day 1 and even much before (I would argue since about 1000 years).
That was pretty much all it took to “switch over” the mode of many Russians from “of my God, what will happen next?” to “we shall never surrender” or, on the words of Molotov, “Ours is a righteous cause. The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours” (June 22, 1941).
To give you an idea of the magnitute of the defeat for the 5th and 6th columnist, I could mention that both Putin’s personal popularity and the popular support for the denazification and disarmament of the Nazi regime in the Ukraine is over 70%. Instead, I just want to share this short video with you:
(official translation, source here)
“We, the multi-ethnic nation of the Russian Federation, united by common fate on our land…” These are the first words of our fundamental law, the Russian Constitution. Each word has deep meaning and enormous significance.
On our land, united by common fate. This is what the people of Crimea and Sevastopol must have been thinking as they went to the referendum on March 18, 2014. They lived and continue to live on their land, and they wanted to have a common fate with their historical motherland, Russia. They had every right to it and they achieved their goal. Let’s congratulate them first because it is their holiday. Happy anniversary!
Over these years, Russia has done a great deal to help Crimea and Sevastopol grow. There were things that needed to be done that were not immediately obvious to the unaided eye. These were essential things such as gas and power supply, utility infrastructure, restoring the road network, and construction of new roads, motorways and bridges.
We needed to drag Crimea out of that humiliating position and state that Crimea and Sevastopol had been pushed into when they were part of another state that had only provided leftover financing to these territories.
There is more to it. The fact is we know what needs to be done next, how it needs to be done, and at what cost – and we will fulfil all these plans, absolutely.
These decisions are not even as important as the fact that the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol made the right choice when they put up a firm barrier against neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists. What was and is still happening on other territories is the best indication that they did the right thing.
People who lived and live in Donbass did not agree with this coup d’état, either. Several punitive military operations were instantly staged against them; they were besieged and subjected to systemic shelling with artillery and bombing by aircraft – and this is actually what is called “genocide.”
The main goal and motive of the military operation that we launched in Donbass and Ukraine is to relieve these people of suffering, of this genocide. At this point, I recall the words from the Holy Scripture: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” And we are seeing how heroically our military are fighting during this operation.
These words come from the Holy Scripture of Christianity, from what is cherished by those who profess this religion. But the bottom line is that this is a universal value for all nations and those of all religions in Russia, and primarily for our people. The best evidence of this is how our fellows are fighting and acting in this operation: shoulder to shoulder, helping and supporting each other. If they have to, they will cover each other with their bodies to protect their comrade from a bullet in the battlefield, as they would to save their brother. It has been a long time since we had such unity.
It so happened that, by sheer coincidence, the start of the operation was same day as the birthday of one of our outstanding military leaders who was canonised – Fedor Ushakov. He did not lose a single battle throughout his brilliant career. He once said that these thunderstorms would glorify Russia. This is how it was in his time; this is how it is today and will always be!
Thank you!
Of course, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnists dismiss any election in Russia (they are all faked!), any opinion poll (they are all faked too!) and even any such mass events (the people are bused in for money!).
Which is EXACTLY what the Western PYSOPs say too (in those rare cases when the report about that at all). In French there is an expression “those who look alike gather together” (qui se ressemble s’assemble) and now that “stain” of “being with” the CIA/MI6/etc. and against your own President while your country is at war for its survival is a mark which neither the 5th nor the 6th columnists will ever be able to wash off, at least not in Russia.
I want to repeat here something which is crucial: truth is the first casualty of war, that is true, and lying on behalf of your side (whichever side you are on) is only morally wrong, but also effective only short term, in the mid to long term the truth begins to seep in through the cracks in the wall of lies.
Furthermore, criticism of a government, even during a war, is also fair and, in fact, needed. But when a full scale war is going on and people are dying (including your own people, whichever side you are on), you have to ask yourself that simple question: cui bono from what I just wrote?
Many “patriots” and “friends of Russia” clearly won’t. Okay.
I think that when your own arguments become indistinguishable from the talking points of the Western letter soup’s PSYOPS and when the 5th and the 6th columns basically unite to try to overthrow the commander in chief, then we are not talking about honest criticism, but either treason (if you are Russian) or ignorance (if you are not).
Whatever may be the case, I would argue that the West’s PSYOPs triumph over Russia outside Russia has been more than compensated for by the Kremlin’s triumph over the West’s PSYOPs inside Russia. And since the serfs living in Zone A decide nothing, all they can do is talk, talk and talk even more, that Western triumph over Russia in the societies which are under the dominion of Uncle Shmuel, I think that while in the short term the Kremlin rather lame efforts (RT & Co.) did get a bloody nose, that initial period of shock is over and far from demoralizing Russians, the Western PSYOPS are now uniting them in the determination to prevail and survive, at any cost, bar absolutely none.
Russia is now in full WWII mode.
I now expect the 5th columnists to emigrate en masse and the 6th columnists to steadily melt into utter irrelevance.
What about the Atlantic Integrationists?
Alas, they are very much still there :-(
They keep a low profile and say the right words when needed. Yet the latest SNAFU with the Russian foreign currency and gold reserves places a direct spotlight on them. There are two crucial problems with these folks:
- Putin is a liberal, at least in economic terms. Hate it or love it, but that is a fact. Or was until now. This gang was never popular in Russia, and that latest controversy has resulted in A LOT of angry accusations. Mind you, Putin has just re-nominated Elvira Nabiulina to head the Russian Central Bank and it shall be very interesting to see how the Duma will vote on this. I would just say that if I was a Duma member I would not vote for confirmation not only because I don’t like the Kremlin’s economic policies, but also because that might be a very politically costly move. So let’s wait and see. By the way, Putin has also appointed Sergei Glazyev to the position of Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Union. Interesting times…
- The Atlantic Integrationists still wield a lot of power because they are not some secret society which meets in secret locations and exchanges some secret handshakes, but they are a socio-political class, I mean that in a fully Marxist sense, including the notion that these people have class interests and a class consciousness. Furthermore, a lot of regular Russians fully depend on the institutions created by the Atlantic Integrationists since the early 1990s. So to “simply eliminate” them sounds like a great idea until you realize that you are talking about an entire class of people.
[Sidebar: especially for those red-blooded US Americans who, if they were in charge of the Kremlin and Russia, would have easily solved that and all other Russian problems, by whatever means, they ought to remember that in the land of the free home of the brave you are ALSO all serfs of a political class – I call it the US Nomenklatura – which they have totally FAILED to remove and which crushed Trump in less than 30 days! So, how about “doctor, heal thyself” and “motes in other eyes?” First liberate YOUR OWN country – then give lessons to Russians! Ditto for the stupid claims that the Russian military is moving too slow. It took the US military SIX MONTHS to prepare for invasion during “Desert Shield” – in spite of huge prepositioned stores and a totally supportive KSA – and another MONTH to invade Baghdad which was basically undefended. In fact, the US has not won a single war since WWII and never waged an existential war in its entire history. Do you REALLY think that you are competent to teach Russians how to fight? At least, next time you prepare to give Russians lessons, try to remember this factoid: during WWII the Soviet Army liberated one thousand two hundered (1’200!!!) cities from Nazi occupation forces. As for civilian casualties, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and “500’000 dead Iraqi children as “worth it” – that’s all you. As is the vicious and genocidal bombing of the DPRK and Vietnam. So, remind me, who are you again to give us lessons???]
But yes, the Atlantic Integrationists are still there. If Putin decided to ignore Russian law and act like Stalin, he could fire all those Atlantic Integrationists we all know and love to hate (I do!), but that would NOT remove their power base. So, instead, what he needs to do is gradually (and legally!!!) weaken their power base, which is *exactly* what he has been doing since at least 2014 (and, in reality, even before; he is a slow, deliberately acting person, and he does wait as long as needed before striking).
Which brings me to my last topic: the super-pooper “sanctions from hell”
Okay, there is very little doubt that just as the post MH-17 sanctions, the current sanctions will hurt Russia and, more specifically, some sectors of the Russian economy. However, just like the post MH-17 sanctions forced Russia to FINALLY diversify and invest in such crucial sectors like agriculture, the current sanctions will simply FORCE Russia to completely remove herself from most of Zone A, especially in her political and economic activities. In other words
By committing economic suicide (which is what these sanctions will be for the West!) the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire FORCED the Russians to cut a lot of, shall we say, “umbilical cords” which still tied them to Western controlled interests. I would even go as far as to say that ignorant imbeciles like “Trump” and “Biden” did more to destroy the 5th and 6th columns and to immensely weaken the Atlantic Integrationists than all the efforts of the FSB or the (very lame and weak) Russian counter-propaganda efforts.
The toxic 5th and 6th column abscesses have finally been punctured. Yeah, it stinks and yeah, a lot of “disinfection” will be needed, not “only” in the Ukraine, but also in Russia.
Oh, I know, the leaders of the West did not do all that out of some kind of love for Russia, they did that because their own class interest depends on doubling down over and over and over again. Add to this the entire “best military in the history of the galaxy” narrative, and lots of “WE will teach the Russians a lesson they will never forget!” (yeah, both of these idiots, and Obama too, see themselves as much scarier and tougher than the united Europe under Napoleon or the united Europe under Hitler, funny, no?).
As Andrei Martyanov very accurately described in his latest video, the West’s insane push to “Cancel Russia” has been received loud and clear by the Russian people, and now they are in the “existential war for survival” mode (well, at least most of them, no less than 70+ percent).
The result?

Russian caption: we will finish this war together spelled with a Latin “Z” rather than a Russian “З”.
I think that these two images illustrate the current dynamic very well: Woke-drones can think that when they display the unanimity of a lynch-mob they are scaring Russians.
To some degree, the Russians themselves are to blame, we accepted way too many plastic beads in exchange for empty promises.
But not because we treasured these beads, but because until 2021 we simply did not have what we needed to stop accepting these beads.
Putin’s 2021 ultimatum to the entire united West was, in fact, the last concession Russia was willing to make.
As I wrote many many times, the difference between Russians and the West is that the West does not fear war but is not ready to fight one, whereas the Russians very much DO fear war, but they are also totally ready to fight. We have lived in this reality for 1000 years, and we know that war is always the ultimate evil. So now, far from being ashamed or unhappy about how the Kremlin did everything it could to avoid that war (which I was absolutely opposed to, if possible and if given an alternative choice, of course), but the West gave Russia no choice.
And, in doing so, it flipped the mental “we will unite to win this war” switch in the minds of most Russians.
You could say that the West has finally truly “canceled itself” in the mind of a vast majority of Russians.
I think that the Kremlin STILL would prefer a negotiated solution, not just to the war in the Ukraine, but even in the semi-covert (or even not so covert) war going on with NATO. But the recent strikes at ammo dumps and foreign mercenaries in the western Ukraine are a clear sign that 1) Russia will not accept any outside intervention and 2) that Russia will, if needed, strike Poland, Romania or whatever other self-prostituting state, and their membership in NATO will make no difference whatsoever.
Guys, one of the main reasons why Russia chose a low-manpower strategy is precisely because the bulk of the Russian military is ready for any type of war against NATO and the US, even a nuclear one if needed.
Yeah yeah, in the West they announce with a straight face that Russia is running out of bullets for her AKs. If that kind of nonsense makes some woke freak feel good – by all means, enjoy!
In Russia, it only strengthens the determination to cut all ties with the West whose true face all Russians have FINALLY seen again, for first time since WWII.
Conclusion – the “Great Coming Out”
This war, which I abhor and ENTIRELY blame on the Empire of Lies had at least one consequence which I welcome with all my heart: this war has triggered a massive “Great Coming Out” in which not only politicians, countries, societies or celebrities have shown their true face, this also applies to those I thought were my trusted and respected friends, family members and even clergy!
Sometimes these *true* faces turned out to be ugly and hypocritical, in other times they radiated kindness, compassion and love for all our fellow human beings. Yes, some of it was painful, even heartbreaking. But some of it was unexpected and deeply deeply touching.
I personally welcome this clarity with all my heart!
Now I know the answer(s) to this crucial question: with whom are you, whose side are you really on?
I hasten to add that I am not Dubya, I don’t need to tell the world “you are either with us or with the terrorists”. In reality, I very much welcome any neutral or indifferent position. After all, why should a Chilean fisherman or a coffee-shop owner in the Azores care about any of that?
My disgust is not with those who don’t care or don’t know – it is with those who either ought to know better or, if not, ought to shut-up and mind their business (especially if they are totally clueless about the nature of this conflict).
[Sidebar for doubleplusgoodthinking Orthodox Christians: Orthodox Christians, especially those who struggle to truly uphold the fullness faith “which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved by the Fathers” ought to realize two simple things: Orthodox Christians are the sole heirs of the East Roman Empire and it behooves us more than anybody else to recognize the modern day Franks and Crusaders for whom/what they are. To neutral or “opposed to aggression” is not only moral cowardice, it is a negation of our ethos and our collective memory. Christ told us “my Kingdom is not of this world“, and your manic determination to remain in harmony with the secular mainstream of our fallen world is really pathetic. If that is not yet another form of Neo-Sergianism then I don’t know what it is!]
Yet again, as during most of my life I now again see what I have always seen: my own, personal, “good Samaritans” very rarely were Russian or Orthodox, and even less so Russian Orthodox. All my life I have see FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.
Yes, this hurts me deeply and shames me too. But that is a truth I am not willing to forget or remain silent about.
Finally, I owe it to my TRUE “good Samaritan” brothers/sisters to repeat this truth either until my last breath or until my fellow Orthodox Christians at least begin to show the moral probity so often shown to me by my heterodox brothers and sisters.
The same will prove true of Russia as a country: this war, bad as it is, will show all Russians who our real brothers, friends and allies are, and who are but the garden variety servants of the Empire.
This could be a fantastic opportunity for Russia, but that is a topic I will address in a future post.
Kind regards
PS: please expect regular stuff, yes, with maps, either tomorrow or Tuesday.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
You have a problem. Only your view is the view. Everyone else is 5th or 6th columnist.
No dear. What took Russia eight long years to help the suffering people in east Ukraine. Dont tell me Russia was not prepared. No. They simply were hoping for the honeymoon with Europe to continue. This is why Igor Strelkov was right. I know u will label him 6th columnist, monarchist and other fancy labels. No. It was he who fought and put his life on the line. His companions died. In comparison you are nothing but an armchair critic.
What is preventing Russia from nationalizing the Central bank. The answer is simple. The elite is corrupt and the state has been paralysed by this predatory elite class. The system cant be fixed in its present form.
So under such treason from the top, why would people not hold alternate views. And who are you to label them. People are grinding under poverty since three decades. And your Eurasianists will take another 3 decades to take another small step. My bones will be dry by then. I dont have six decades man.
Yes there may be opportunists who fit the label of 5th and 6th columnists. But your Eurasianists are no saints either. With their butts in warmth what do they care man.
Have some shame man. Enough. This post wont see daylight. I know. It is meant for you man.
Being in Asia, I have experienced many “banana” Asians before, look like Asian, but think like Anglospheric. They criticize anything Asian, and never dare to criticize anything Western.
Only when you live in the West long enough, and willing to open your eyes and mind, then you will start to realize their deficiencies, which the Angloshpere people are unwilling or unable to see.
Out of curiosity, do you have proof that the Central Bank of Russia is not “nationalized”? I’m not sea-lioning, I’m genuinely interested in this. You see the president appears to appoint the governor of the central bank, and the State Duma (congress) appoints the Board of Governors (board of directors, basically). As far as I know the bank is not a private entity and is already “nationalized” but I’d be curious to hear your evidence as to why that’s not the case?
In this climate of shifting blames and doubtful honesty, it’s easy to broadcast aspersions wide off the mark; and Andrei the Saker is very quick at dispensing labels and pigeonholing people on suspect grounds. But don’t take it to heart. It’s not easy to compose perfect lucid narratives on your feet, let alone in the heat of battle.There are inconsistencies, there are errors and poor judgement, especially when your audience is a motley crowd from every ideological strain.
However, contrary to your expectation (and to my surprise I should say), your comment was published and I praise the moderator (possibly the Saker himself) for such action. It denotes the strength of character, integrity and honesty which we are not likely to find much anywhere else in the www.
By the way, your comment has merits and I understand the frustration many feel because of the duplicitous ambivalence in the Kremlin. That’s how things stand now in the post-USSR world: shifty.
Anyway, an uncompromising Stalin only happen to emerge once in a century. The occasion (the objective reality of the times) makes the man and VVP – a slow learner as I quipped before – may yet rise to it. Have hope!
Cheers. Very courageous of you to throw a stone in the placid puddle.
Excellent response. Agree it is refreshing to get an alternative view.
@Rooski: “People [Russia’s people] are grinding under poverty since three decades.”
And who brought Russia into that poverty? Three decades ago, Anglo Zionazi Capitalist chosen oligarchs took over Russia, and the Russian name Natasha became Turkish slang for Prostitute — because Russia became so poor that Life Expectancy declined, and some women had nothing to sell but themselves. Since that catastrophe three decades ago, Putin has been working steadily to pull Russia out of that AZC sudden and catastrophic descent into Oligarchy and poverty .
If you want to see real poverty, look at Ukraine less 8 years after U$ dual citizen Oligarch Nuland installed similar dual citizens as President and Prime Minister of Ukraine, in a regime stuffed with similar dual citizens with Israel and U$A who began a genocidal campaign against Russian Ukrainians and installed the avowedly racist Azov battalion as part of the regular Ukrainian Army. Resource rich Ukraine is now “the poorest country in Europe, comparable to Niger in the Congo”. Ukraine must also be the unhappiest country in Europe, if I judge from photos of people in the Ukraine since the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist dual-citizen Oligarchs regime was installed by the Obama/Biden regime in 2014.
I am but a piece of dust Britisher living in France. I see what you are saying and agree on the whole – but for us Saker is the only corrective to the unrelenting torrent of lies and hatred pouring out of medie portals.
I get it – one solution revolution. I think maybe that’s where you’re at. Maybe this is how Lenin felt in September 1914.
You just got to keep on keeping mind and body together and making sense of it and who knows – seeing some light at the end of this god awful tunnel
As somebody who has followed this site since the fateful 2015, I have grown to appreciate how much the blog has grown with a wide array of differing views shared by the followers posting comments or from the guest writers past and present.
Its easy to allow emotions to sway ones opinions and I agree the Saker can be blunt with his words sometimes but at the end of the day its a personal blog site where the views of its author are well known to those who frequent the site so why somebody feels it adequate to question or attack the Saker’s credibility is beyond me as one quick glance shows what to expect when visiting the site!?
I applaud the Moderators who sacrifice endless hours sifting through the site and although I strongly disagree with ROOSKI’s assessment I appreciate the fact it was openly shared as it gave me a chuckle as a very typical response from somebody quick to jump to conclusions and criticisms without grasping the purpose and mission of this site.
Claiming Strelkov as some sort of authority is laughable as the guy lost any credibility he earned in 2014 with his post war actions and how much his legacy is worth is best summarised by the way his name is mentioned by those who he harmed in Donbass so spare us his leadership and wisdom!
Wishing blessings and strength to the Saker in the important work you do educating those who struggle to See the Forrest for All the Trees…
” All my life I have see FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.
Your blog has grown to what 10 million? There are plenty of your putative “brothers” in there from all over the world.
“Christ told us “my Kingdom is not of this world“, and your manic determination to remain in harmony with the secular mainstream of our fallen world is really pathetic. ”
This explains clearly the cowardice in the West where people have to bend to survive much more so than in “poor countries” where people are much more determined and/or hardened.
This “Great Coming Out” has raised conscience in China, South America and other countries that suffered from the Zone A. Indeed you have gained “many brothers” of all faiths. Isn’t that wonderful!
@ Saker
Grateful for…this is not a report, this is a Manifesto on Russian Special Operation Against the EoL.
Glad you made the point about the PSYOPS and its nullified effect inside Russia. That’s an acute observation, a pivotal moment in the mobilization of the Russian people against the murderous, dastardly attack from the EoL/Eurorodents across the board.
Lone Wolf
“This is not about the Ukraine, this is about the future collective security arrangement of Europe.“
Of course, there is more:
Fighting in the Donbass. Putin enters the Ukraine, Biden applies sanctions. Xi debuts the PetroYaun. Biden impounds Russian money and gold holdings. World markets freak. Europe decoupling energy from the East. Putin declares intellectual property, e.g. patents, copyrights, trademarks, from unfriendly nations “fair game”. Russian entrepreneur blows off Burger King, and vows to keep Burger King Russia open. International “law” thrown under the bus. Can’t get goods into the U.S. as shipping is being diverted to other bidders. What next? What it is coming to, where it is all headed, I think, what is being put up on the stake, looks like the entire current world order is being dismembered.
Russia only in WW 2 mode? Best we all shift into WW 3 mode, ’cause it looks like things everywhere are going to get real crazy.
Russian Chechen Special Forces street fighting in Maripol with Thermobaric RPG’s. Obviously the Ukies are no match.
Pro Russian rallies gaining strength all over the world. In Armenia, Serbia, and who knows where Else. Thats besides the massive Pro – SMO-Putin rallies in Russia. I feel soon there will be rallies in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, maybe even China, Venezuela, etc. Cuba?
Great article Andrei, this afternoon I was having similar thoughts regarding the question of where people are really at and how this situation has very much revealed unpleasant truths about those around us. When people who have not raised a word, an eye brow, thought nor deed in regards to the horror inflicted upon those who have been at the receiving end of the ceaseless violence of the American war machine. In Yugoslavia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, those who now pout with indignant anger and hatred towards Russia and Russians, at the ‘first war in Europe since 1940’, – the injustice of the tyrant invading Ukraine.
Minds dead to the unequivocal hypocrisy of their position, compounding demands that ‘something’ be done, proudly endorsing the noble solidarity of the corporate affirmation in changing the name of Chicken Kiev to Chicken Kyiv in the local supermarket, because thats the way – ‘they’ – spell it!
The Nazi element even increasing the undisguisable hypocrisy, as they failed to support or care about the brown people ‘far away’ they are now led by the military industrial complex to stand shoulder to shoulder with Neo-Nazi’s.
Is this the product of our modern society?
The above video can be seen on YouTube, and English subtitles are provided. All you have to do is click “settings” and chose English for a translation of Putin’s speech.
More than 200.000 people came to see Putin. Western centers of power must be very disappointed, if not furious.
The prejudiced one believes his own words, whereas “PSYOP” is a concerted stratagem of conscious falsehoods. The former may be more persistent than “PSYOP” because a change of biases and prejudices requires a person to change himself, which can be harder. I think an example of PSYOP is to say that Crimea is part of Ukraine when mostly Russians live there, and when all know that it is never going back to Ukraine (especially now). I think soon it won’t be said that Crimea is part of Ukraine. It will be too obvious for a PSYOP… PSYOP is like a weapon you have to know how to use and when to stop using it, since it can leave its own actors stranded if they don’t know when to quit it.
Putin: “It has been a long time since we had such unity.” He said it in the context of battles, but he referred to the unity among all Russians.
“Christ told us ‘my Kingdom is not of this world.’“
He was very provocative to the Jews with this statement. Isaiah the prophet wrote that all the nations would give all their wealth to Israel and ask Israel what else did Yahweh want. His warning about the devil as the prince of “this world” who deceiveth everybody was also very unjewish (being outside of Jewish traditions and scriptures). To this day, Judaism does not accept this warning, and introduction, to that adversary of humanity.
“Truth begins to seep in through the cracks in the wall of lies.”
The chasm between reality and the lies and self-delusions of the West has been widening more quickly than ever before, thus becoming more apparent.
I would say that here in the Alpine republic the right-wing party, business people and the authentic left are more perceptive, while the social democrats, greens and the political center are blind Atlanticists. We have given up our long-standing neutrality, a scandal, that the right-wing people’s party wishes to undo with a referendum. In the reader’s comments sections there is much understanding of the Russian position.
What can we say
Great leadership from Abu Ali Putin
I believe that if Putin were able to get rid of Elvira Nabiulina, he would already have done so, no matter how liberal an economist he is. She has made to many mistakes. I think this time the Duma will get rid of her for him, and that is his plan. I do admire Putin but I tend not to deify or idolize anyone, but from everything I have witnessed, I can say that he takes his time, waits for the right moments, plans for a lot of different scenarios and triggers within scenarios, keeps his most trusted and most capable people near him and his not trusted, close but not that close. I do not think Nabiulinan is part of his trusted circle, he tries to not have any brushes with her. I personally dislike the woman very much, and think she is very shrewd individual.
Putin has garnered power by being very smart and patient, and has gone against so much powerful opposition, that it is very impressive to say the least, how much standing and away he has in Russia, not to mention popularity. People from the old vanguard Noe adore him or at least see him as their true leader, that is also very impressive. Very few leaders can claim greatness, Bashar is one of them, but he is still very young.
The EoL really outed themselves when they through their sanctions showed their overt rasist hatred of russians. Also they have exposed themselves as nazi sympatizers. What has long been suspected, has now been validated.
I think this might have been an eye opener for the atlantist integrationist, at least the ones with a brain.
When the mechanics of the nazification of ukraine is being examined, I think there will be quite a few questions asked in the rest of the orthodox world regarding their relationship with the west. Was the restoration as sovereign states after the demise of the Soviet an organic process, or was it hi-jacked by external forces ?
“There were things that needed to be done that were not immediately obvious to the unaided eye. These were essential things such as gas and power supply, utility infrastructure, restoring the road network, and construction of new roads, motorways and bridges.”
Putin the builder; like Peter the Great. A constructive Leader who hates War because war breaks things and destroys people.
” Beware
Of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in,
Make sure thy opponent beware of thee.” — Hamlet
There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
There are many in the west that agree with you but are powerless to stop what is being done, both to Russia, Ukraine and the west. The people pushing all of this are an abomination and as you have pointed out the psyop/propaganda has deceived vast portions of the west. And it has not been only in the past few weeks but for years and years Russia and Russians have been made to be an evil that must be canceled.
Russia is fortunate that they have a leader as capable as Putin and a people who have the resolve to struggle against this evil empire of lies. While we that reside in the belly of the beast can only watch in horror as our leaders and elites sell us out to Klaus Schwab’s great reset and march the west towards oblivion.
I pray that there will come a time when we can meet as friends and lovers of the truth.
Andrei observes that non-Orthodox Christians are more charitable than Orthodox Christians. Is this because Orthodox Christians are in countries that tend to be more poor, and so they can’t afford to be charitable?
Interesting question. In my experience with cultures around the world, the poor are more likely to be generous than the middle and upper classes.
Outstanding analysis Saker – spasibo!
Dear Saker
Allow me to inform the readership of this blog that we the Greeks have not entirely swallow the 24/7 propaganda. Recent pols (cooked and with deceiving questions) indicated that a 30-40% of the population have a positive opinion for Russia. Due to historical facts Greek people seem to understand better than our western European “allies” .
p.s. -I need your help in order to classify my country to zone A or B. Any possibility that something between
does exist
-sorry for my bad English
I am a (non-Takfiri!) Muslim :-)
I support the struggle of Russia against the evilisation of the west.
May the Almighty One support Russia against this evil!
What is the issue with the Russian Orthodox? For those completely unfamiliar and without knowledge can you elaborate what is wrong with these Russian Orthodox people?
Are they 5th or 6th columnists? Atlantic Integrationists? Turncoats and disloyal people like Putin mentioned?
“Orthodox Christians, especially those who struggle to truly uphold the fullness faith “which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved by the Fathers” ought to realize two simple things: Orthodox Christians are the sole heirs of the East Roman Empire and it behooves us more than anybody else to recognize the modern day Franks and Crusaders for whom/what they are. To neutral or “opposed to aggression” is not only moral cowardice, it is a negation of our ethos and our collective memory. Christ told us “my Kingdom is not of this world“, and your manic determination to remain in harmony with the secular mainstream of our fallen world is really pathetic.”
I really don’t understand this religious background and these histories you mention. Can you please explain in layman’s terms what the problem is with this group of religious believers? Is religion evil and a scam? I am of the opinion cults are not good for sane, rational and ethical thinking.
It seems pointless to call cease fires to talk to Zelensky when he constantly cancels them. It seems farcical to speculate that an agreement with him may be near (as RT and Sputnik constantly do) when he specifically stipulates that, though he is willing to compromise on Ukraine membership in Nato, he will not concede one millimeter of what he insists must remain Ukrainian territory in both Crimea and the Donbas. If that is his bottom line, he simply cannot be dealt with because Russia cannot and will not concede on those two items. In fact, considering the prospects of peace in the long term, perhaps much more of historical Novorussiya should be carved out of Ukraine, as the Ukies seem daft enough to continue persecuting ethnic Russians in their midst.
Russia might as well ratchet up the intensity of its attacks. Zelensky himself might well be considered a target if the result will bring in a more rational and amenable negotiator on behalf of Ukraine. I don’t see that he has any critical governing skills useful to any country. He needs permanent retirement alongside Sakashvilli. Consider the risk/benefit ratio: one fool removed to spare the lives of countless Ukrainians and Russians trapped in the fighting. Russia has tried Demilitarization/DeNazification Light for a month now. Perhaps a more robust brew is in order.
“Follow the money” is more popular than “follow the logic” but it’s the latter that really counts (for me).
“Russia might as well ratchet up the intensity of its attacks.”
The New York Times and other media outlets say that it has ratcheted up. Let’s follow the logic of the “special military operation.” One or two days after it started (or three or four), Putin invited the Ukranian army to stage a military coup, telling them that he would prefer to negotiate with them. A situation like this is ripe for a military coup and its chances increase as time goes on: Let’s call this the “logical truth.” Now notice how everything is done to negate this logical truth. What must be done to negate it? You must be winning every day. The Russian soldiers must be demoralized. They must be stuck. You repeat endlessly that you’re doing great. You say that all are united in Ukraine and thinking as one. Some may say all such things are said stupidly – but they all counter the biggest danger that the ‘special military operation” poses to the regime, and that’s a coup. It’s the logical truth that is the strongest factor, and everything, even from everywhere, is directed against it to stop it. Putin continues to speak to the army people with the same message – do it! – but in the awful language of war. Ukraine should surrender because there is no chance to win, and to preserve lives and maybe Ukraine state too.
I think Zelensky may face the ire of the people: “Why did you say we needed to join NATO all the way to the invasion day – to now say we are “sensible people” ready to not join it after all?!” At some point, the people as a whole start to look at the big culprits in government and say, “This is your fault.”
“All my life I have see FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.”
Coming from the west (europe)…. i disagree on that specific perspective.
Here is one truth about the west…
Most in the west may call themself christians, but they are only christians by name. Not by deeds.
According to the bible most of these socalled christians are actually going to end up in hellfire.
And westerners will often give you a smile (fake or shallow), and can be kind to you in front of you… but they WILL stab you in your back in the longrun if opportunity or if they can benefit from it (greed/materialism/shallow values/lack of moral compass/etc).
And usa christians? The ashkenazi zionists corrupted most of the christian society in usa long time ago.
The bible they follow is corrupt. They worship Jesus, which is a clear BLASPHEMY. Worshipping Jesus as if he was a God is a guaranteed way to NOT get into heaven. It violates one of the 10 commandments.
The original bibles did not have any trinity crap in it.
And usa christians have been so indoctrinated by fake/corrupt evangelists about jews being the choosen people therefor zionists have the right to tourture and mistreat palestinians.
Thats the problem when you allow translations of holly books. It gets corrupted.
It first got corrupted by the Romans, then by kings, then by zionists.
The Quran is to be read in its original language. And translations are not considerd the word of God. Translations are just considered explenations.
Noone can own the interpretation of the Quran.even though Shia (Iran) and SA (sunni) tries.
They are only considered helpers to explain. Noone is bound to follow any explanations. But if a muslim feel unsure then he can follow such interpretationdirections. But even then there are strict rules.
The kindest people i have met is practicing muslims. (Not rich muslims, and not extreme muslims, and definitely not non-practicing muslims).
Well…. kind on the surface, but often not deep.
And regardless…there are exceptions in all camps.
As long as religions are not hijacked by zionists/kings/etc, then religion is giving very important moral compass.
But sadly both Christianity today and judaism have been hijacked by the zionists.
And they have recently started trying hard to corrupt the muslim world also (not through the Quran since that is very hard, but through filthy western culture and puppets and socalled freedom capitalistic greed).
Dear friend
Please exclude the Orthodox Christians.
“Thats the problem when you allow translations of holly books. It gets corrupted.
It first got corrupted by the Romans, then by kings, then by zionists.”
You need to have many translations. Some were great translators, you know. Casiodoro Reyna in 1569 – the Spanish world to this day benefits from his work. With about 5% addition from a “nobody” Valera in 1602 and later revisions, it is the equivalent of the King James but more accurate. Robert Young in the English world probably produced the most exact English translation (it’s up there). For Spanish, you only need Reyna-Valera. For English, you need to have some 4 or 5 translations next to you. The Spanish bishop Felipe Scio produced in 1796 the first translation from the Vulgate (and the originals), and it is 17 inches tall if you stack one tome above the other, described correctly as a “monument of erudition” by a reviewer. There is nothing like it in the Christian world. I don’t agree with him referring to Casiodoro’s work (he left the Catholic Church and wrote his great work on the run) as “the poison of his errors.”
Too long a story to tell, but the New Testament was first written in Aramaic by all the writers including Paul the apostle (personal conclusion, a few others agree), so any student should have the Aramaic-English translations. Bauscher’s is one of them, the other one you can download for free from the internet (below). It becomes obvious from comparing the texts and from other obvious facts (they spoke Aramaic, why would they write in something that is not their language; Josephus states that Jews were too proud to learn Greek and that few knew it, that he worked hard on it because of his work but that he still decided to write his “Jewish Wars” in Aramaic…so certainly not the poor fishermen). Is this a scandal? Absolutely. Unacceptable. Is it better to read the original Aramaic? Yes. They used the word “Yahweh” for instance. The Greek translators excised it. The Septuagint didn’t have it, so they took it out here too. There’s no right to do that.
Photos of surrendering Ukrainian 14th mechanized brigade tells how battle value of too old too slow and too morally battered is very low. With few exceptions 35-45 y old soldiers are not capable enough to combat warfare. Even using them in rear support units works not well. The moral of other soldiers will go down.
In 1944 soldiers of FiA who deceased were 60% born in 1920’s and less than 8% 35 years or older (many of then officers) . War is not for old men.
By far not everything is political. If you look through the top mineral, top engineering, top service companies in Russia you see so many thoughtless, unstrategic, lazy decisions. There is a general lack in confidence of the Russian elite in Russia, aside from the unspecific “Russia is strong and will survive”. 15 years ago Russia was treated like a pure resource colony by its own elite; get what you can and get out West. These days things are only a little better (also because the circle with access to real money is much smaller), but there still is no concept or vision what Russia is and where Russia should go. And that is throughout all the different columns you describe in the article. The only thing that differentiate the columns is the degree of dismissiveness about Russia. Sometimes foreigners feel Russia more than Russians themselves; especially those foreigners with North American and European (and Arab and Asian) experience. For the real Russia do not look at the Westernized crowd who only wishes to live the imaginary aristocratic European life.
2, 3 decades down the line…
What may happen in the long run?
We have a high likelihood of a new iron curtain dividing East and West. We know that Russia is done with the west for at least a decade, probably more. The same with the “Global South”, at least 50% of whose leaders (and populations) by now can see through the endless scheeming, theft and lies of Washington, London and Rome.
We also know that China is likewise orienting herself away from the West and rapidly developing a seld-sustained internal market. No more cheap manufacturing base for the Anglos.
I believe there is a good chance that in the decades to come the West and Russia will have the same roles as the US and Europe in the 19th century: (1) the “old Europe/West” the global centre of lies, deceit, ever shrinking civil liberties, spying, cancel-culture, police state. No honest discussion. Possible dissent silenced by hordes of paid thugs like BLM. We see that in the US, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, NZ, everywhere. There is no freedom. Klaus Schwab and his ilk reigning supreme with ever new ideas of mandates, vaccines, Central Bank money etc. A true dystopia!
(2) … Russia has a real chance of becoming something like the USA of the 19th century. A land of the (relatively) free, where Christians, Muslims, Jews and any other creed are practiced without restriction. Where the counter-image of the decadent West with its wolves and vassals serves as an example what a country can become when power is too centralised. Russia has a chance to become the new haven for all people over the world for whom civic liberties are more important than having the latest iPhone or other useless gadget (whereby I am convinced that prosperity and liberty are in fact positively correlated). Where diversity of geographic and ethnic origin is tolerated and in fact encouraged. Where the universal values of matrimony and family are in stark contrast with the gender-fluid single-mother rubbish of the West. Also, Russia will need to have such immigration in order to achieve higher birth rates than the current (insufficient) 1.4 children per family.
China would probably not go down the same path – they are too different in their collectivist “ant-man” spirit. I may be mistaken there.
That’s my kind of utopia for Russia in the next decades. May be way off the mark, evidently, but I would in fact consider emigration in such a country if it ever existed..
“China would probably not go down the same path – they are too different in their collectivist “ant-man” spirit. I may be mistaken there.”
I feel the fragment “ant-man spirit” is a mischaracterization of Chinese culture. My own experience of Chinese culture in continental China is a balance between collective values of friendship on one side and individual thinking on the other side. I have lived the warm atmosphere of a Chinese college campus for a few months and I found it some kind of a revelation to see how enthusiastic and mutually cooperative and still bright the young Chinese are. I was already 65 at the time. They don’t have the notion of competition as we have in the West altgough it may be changing. The games they play tend to favour cooperative behavior and I would say win-win outcomes.
That is just a matter of degree of course but I could feel it. So the best thing to do to get the facts on China is to go there and experience the life there.
Thanks Andrei for the edifying text. Yes, it is so , even for some people of the so-called West. We look with hope to the Third Rome.
I’m an old fashioned trot in the west – so everyone, near enough, hates me – but obvs I don’t care and I read your site because it is a blast of realism amongst the unreal madness, media wise, that we live in at the moment.
I have no maps to offer, no military insights, I hate loud noises and don’t even drive but I quietly hope to myself that Z takes control of Mariupol and brings those – say it – fascists to justice and prevents further civilian suffering.
Keep up the good work!
Excellent response to Arnold Schwarzenegger “Message to Russian people”:
As Jonah was swallowed by the whale so too is Russia which God wants in Nineveh (east)but instead foolishly sails for Tarshish (west). On the domestic front Russia now needs dewesternization and deatheisation. Some in Russia are getting it:.
I am really shocked at the absolute bile and hate spewing from the so-called liberal anti-racism free West. For a while I thought the whole racism thing in the US and collective west was being overblown by many people reporting on it. But this is like a festering boil that has burst and everyone with a brain can see them for what they are. I stand with Russians and thank you all for showing me that honour and integrity still exists.
Thank You for what you are doing. It is needed..
The Japanese press took up the rally this morning and compared Putin to you-know-who, who once held similarly popular rallies. It was a cheap shot, but there are still dissident voices in the Japanese media who point out how one-sided the reporting on the conflict has been.
My observation is that women are more susceptible to emotional manipulation through propaganda than men. It’s my women friends freaking out and telling me Russia is evil, especially Putin. My men friends just roll their eyes and chalk it up to media hysteria. They don’t get emotionally involved, but watch to see just how far the media are willing to lie. It’s women who give me steely stares if I go out in a Russian-style hat, the men don’t care.
The inescapable scenes of carnage I am being subjected to are taking a toll on me. It doesn’t matter that I know it’s a bunch of Nazis responsible for it. It puts me through emotional stress. I snapped at a friend on the weekend, who sent me something about Ukraine being the first country to implement the Great Reset. Rather than reading the link, I assumed Russia was being accused of collaborating with the WEF. In fact, when I finally followed the link it turned out to be Zelensky’s government being accused of this. All it was was small-scale implementation of a smartphone voucher scheme with Great Reset elements, and I would not be surprised if it was a trial run by scoundrels who have had Ukraine under their thumb and could test their brilliant ideas there.
So I apologized profoundly to my friend and vowed that my daily prayer was going to have to take precedence over everything else from now on. The current situation with the media and the necessity due to my circumstances to politely observe it are really akin to emotional abuse from living with a tyrant. I need divine help to see me through.
Wars in the world will continue to happen, until there’d be a war on the US soil. The Americans cannot understand/feel a war, during a war, after a war, until such a war would happen on its soil. The US cannot be trusted as a friend in the outside world.
Mr. Ostro,
Your comment is a glaring example of reality. The Balkans, Middle East and now Eastern Europe have been and are now, U.S. killing fields.
Fear not for in two months, Russian will have to make a decision that may change the future of the malevolent reprobates in America who plan and execute global mayhem in order to maintain economic control of planet Earth.
My prediction is on May 24, 2022, Russia will decide whether to end the war making capability of the U.S.A. or not, depending upon the survivability of: the Russian economy, the government and military apparatus and the health and safety of the people. President Putin will not allow Russia to fall into an abyss while the U.S. exists unscathed. There will be destruction on a continental scale in North America, for there is no world without Russia.
Now obviously my forecast is a “safe bet” so to speak in that if there is no nuclear attack then Russia has determined it can continue on finding new markets in the eastern hemisphere to sell energy and other commodities despite all the rancor from the western powers. However all it takes is one fateful step by Washington, DC against the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and Shoigu’s Angels of Death will descend from the sky and all that will be left of the U.S. is the interior of the country because the east and west coasts will become unsuitable for human life.
See: /extremely-important-statements-by-putin-must-see/#comment-1036609
and /extremely-important-statements-by-putin-must-see/#comment-1036918 .
Countdown: 64 days to go.
Does anybody know how much Nazi’s Ukraine is counting? Of course the western media reports at the most 2500 and Al Jazeera reports 900.
no bullet proof glass : this man talks to the Russian people unafraid
RF’s MoD morning bringing mentioned nothing about 14th Brigade mass surrendering. So perhaps “mass surrendering” was highly exarretated claim or then MoD didn’t want to leak any info keeping Ukie high command confused.
Inspired post. No question. Thank you.
I realised today that Russia is actually winning the information war as well.
Seeing reactions, talks, conversations in political areas in so many countries (Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Cina), news, opinions, videos…. I think the entire Russian view and top quality information made it through, and won by far.
Russian informational sources are far more trusted. Putin’s speeches and Lavrov’s interviews played a major role, explaining in depth what happened and why, and got widely circulated. Again, the high level and quality and seriousness were decisive for the outcome.
Also noted an overall sentiment of love and respect for Russia.
There is nothing but hatred and disgust for the US.
Truth and justice prevail always. And earn support and trust in the long run. I think things will keep getting better, support will steadily increas, and being real and solid will last long.
All US has is blackmail and threats, and inciting of hatred.
Love is a stronger emotion than hate. It always wins.
Love conquers all.
There’s an American saying applicable here: the Western psyop is “a mile wide and an inch deep”.
There was an interesting Canadian poll that revealed that those who got all their covid shots and booster were also almost entirely convinced Russia was committing war crimes… make of that what you will.
we are getting better
A Message for gospodin Arnold Schwarzenegger from Maryana Naumova
Maryana Naumova, a world powerlifting champion, responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s message to the Russian people.
I agree Saker. These almost 4 weeks have revealed true faces of many people. But even more how terrible easy it is to manipulate most educated “quality media” (LOL! ) following folks even more that people of “white trash”. Their “education” was the most deadliest traps of all. Nothing new really.
How Ukraine was raped and robbed under the ziocon regime. All the robbers, including their families, must be hunted and their ill-gotten wealth must be restored for Ukrainian people:
“Ukraine’s property belongs mainly to its politicians and tycoons. By ruling the media and the levers of power, they managed not only to rob the state, but also to deceive the people. The Ukrainian elite is slowly packing their suitcases and taking care of the most important thing for themselves – money.
1. Zelenski V. A. – Zelenski’s parents and cousins, as well as his wife, fled abroad.
2. Poroshenko P. A. – He exported cash worth about a billion dollars abroad. He already had about two billion dollars in foreign accounts. His children have been in Great Britain for a long time.
3. Kuchma L. D., together with his son-in-law Pinchuk – They have more than three billion dollars in accounts in banks in Italy, the United States and other countries. All of Kuchma’s relatives, as well as Pinchuk himself, fled abroad.
4. Avakov A. B. – There are more than two billion dollars in the United States and other countries. He transferred all his relatives abroad.
5. Jermak A. B. – The head of the office of the President of Ukraine, has about a billion dollars in foreign accounts. His family is in the UK.
6. Timoshenko К. A. – The Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of Ukraine transferred more than a billion and a half dollars to foreign accounts. His family fled to Great Britain.
7. В. Lutsenko, former Prosecutor General of Ukraine – He deposited more than 800 million dollars in foreign accounts. He lives with his family in the UK.
8. Yatsenyuk A. P., former Prime Minister of Ukraine – More than two billion dollars are in foreign accounts. Yatsenyuk and his family live in the United States. In Miami alone, they own 15 luxury villas and apartments.
9. Ahmetov Р. L., tycoon – Has a fortune of about $ 15 billion. In 2021 alone, he “earned” 6.5 billion dollars by raising the tariffs for communal services, prices of electricity and other energy sources. His fortune, as well as his family, have been abroad for a long time.
10. Kolomojski I. В. and Bogoljubov G. M. – Tycoons who have more than six billion dollars abroad. Their families are also abroad.
11. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, former Ukrainian Prime Minister, – he is suspected of getting rich by stealing state money to build a wall on the border with Russia.
12. Millions of the until recently all-powerful Minister of the Interior, Arsen Avakov, were discovered on the Hungarian border. Hungarian customs officers discovered 28 million dollars and 1.3 million euros in the suitcases of Anastasia [Kucher], the wife of former MP Igor Kotvinski.
Biden the criminal:
Joe Biden Confession on War Crimes 1999 – Bombing Belgrade
Young world champion (female) weightlifter rips Arnold Schwazenegger a new one in compelling video message. ( English Subtitles )
Can someone save this video ? It’s bound to get blocked PDQ
I don’t know how to create links, however, the following website states that this Ukrainian doctor has given orders for all Russian POWs to be castrated. He also said that they would die in mass at the hands of his staff.
I want to know who funds Novaya Gazetta…
I want to know who the woman is who narrates the news without taking a breath….
I want to know this, because my Russian wife listens to them every day….
They have turned her against her homeland.
They have convinced her that she will be arrested by the NKVD upon her return to Russia to visit her mum
and other relatives.
Please email me directly with this info:
Re: 6th Column and Strelkov
In 2015 there was a lot of infighting in pro-Novorossiya circles about the persona of Igor Strelkov. I thought this was stupid, as Strelkov was long gone and had outlived his usefulness. I also thought much of the criticism was unfounded. I wrote this blog post in defense of Strelkov.
A lot going on last night:
It is true that any kind of conflict reveals the who you are and with whom you are. Now, the war in Ukraine takes place in a time when all sorts of sinister things -having to do with the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution – are taking place all over the World, with particular intensity in the West. A global war has already started and it is a war against the peoples of all nations.
This means that we have all the necessary presuppositions needed to open up the possibility that the war in Ukraine is another aspect of the war of the global elite against the peoples of the World. In this branch of the overall logical tree we can easily speculate about the scenario in which the escalation of the Ukrainian war leaves, say, 150mi dead in North America, 200mi dead in Europe, 100mi dead in Russia, and so on. Not only that is a giant depopulation scenario, but an excellent pretext to pass measures and create institution that will secure the global society of transhuman cyborgs who will own nothing and be happy.
I wish I could have something like a subjective value for the probability of that scenario.
Arab Members of Israeli Parliament ‘Snub’ Zelensky’s Knesset Speech, Blame NATO for Ukraine Crisis
“The Joint List, a left-wing alliance of Arab parties in the Israeli Parliament snubbed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to the legislature, as only one Arab lawmaker out of their 10 Members of Knesset (MKs) showed up, according to The Times of Israel.
The newspaper quoted party officials as saying that the online speech was skipped by Joint List chief Ayman Odeh, followed by two other lawmakers from the alliance’s Hadash Party.
Referring to Moscow’s special operation, Mansour Dahamsheh, Hadash’s secretary-general, told The Times of Israel that “our [party’s] position is that NATO and its leader America imposed this war”.
RT has more info on the different parties involved:
Arab parliamentarians skip Zelensky’s Knesset address
A question —
Why can’t the Russian army replace Ukraine-based popular media? TV, radio, cable services — the production end of it, more than infrastructure. Keep the news and entertainment shows, but change the basis to a Russian point of view.
I am temporarily in a hotel room in the USA heartland, with a 60″ TV screen, and the only news story is “Putin’s evil war on Ukraine”.
What do Ukrainians see, those who still have electricity, when they turn on the TV?
The people of Russia must Join together and not squander their resources; They must use it for three main things:
1. Food Independence; Russia is self sufficient in most essential food, Russian exports of wheat are crucial to the West and the World in general. As an example when the EU sanctioned Russian farming products in 2014, Russia said very well and imported those products from South America and then became self sufficient themselves. Net result EU farmers lost billions, sales of which will never return.
2. Energy Independence; Obviously massive amounts of oil and gas which if Europe especially Germany do not want, will be directed to more than willing buyers in China and other Asian counties. Net result German industry having to pay triple the price for alternatives, therefore as a result its crucial export industry will lose competitiveness and its citizens may freeze. [The US could care less].
3. Nuclear weapons; Russia has the same number of nuclear weapons if not more than the US [approx 6,000 each] however it is claimed that Russia has the lead in hypersonic missile technology.
Being self sufficient in tanks, fighter planes and missiles etc is important and just as Iran has proven after being sanctioned since the Shah was overthrown it now has the biggest inventory of precision guided missiles anywhere in the Middle East. Witness the US Al Asad airbase in Iraq totally destroyed last year with just 15 missiles. Russia only needs to be economically and militarily strong enough to prevent the US and NATO from crushing her, The above two resources and nuclear weapons of which Russia has in abundance will prevent that.
Once you have those three and no one can take them away from you, everything else is easy.
All this because NATO wanted to have Ukraine admitted as a member and possible NATO bases and nuclear missiles 5 minutes flying time from Moscow, The US and Gen Sec Stoltenberg said even a short time ago and before the Russian intervention in Ukraine that its policy on Ukraine in NATO has not changed.
Russia said very well, we are a country with self respect and we will not be threatened by NATO nor will we be treated as vassals by them, unless our security concerns are assured, then NATO and its vassals have a major problem.
Why do you people torture yourself with MSM? I haven’t had TV for more than 20 years and certainly have found life much better and healthy without that utter nonsense. TV has been half century just boring propaganda machine.
@ Matias
Why do you people torture yourself with MSM?
Thank you…and then, instead of double checking whatever they got from the presstitutes, they come straight to posting, “Fox Mooooos said such and such a lie, is it true?,” instead of verifying whether they got from Fox Moooos or any other “news” outlet has any veracity to it.
Mental laziness, or as Bob Marley called it, “mental slavery.” Who needs to see CNN, NYT, WaPo, BBC, RFE/RL, EuroNews, The Guardian, DW, etc., knowing the diarrhea they publish day in and day out? Hopeless and helpless…
Lone Wolf
GREAT (pardon me the big letters, moderators…) article, Andrei! I’m not Russian by birthright, I’m not Orthodox Christian nor any other religion, and I’m not atheist, but I’m integrally with you in your thinking and heart and soul feeling… It’s a blessing to read you!
“Yet again, as during most of in my life I now again see what I have always seen: my own, personal, “good Samaritans” very rarely were Russian or Orthodox, and even less so Russian Orthodox. All my life I have see FAR more brotherly love, compassion and kindness from atheists, secular Jews and (non-Takfiri!) Muslims than from my putative “brothers”.”
Ultimately this is a fight against Islam(more) and orthodoxy(less so). The white nations mostly western and the white Russians want to be on one side but then comes a problem the white Anglo Saxons do not want the white Russians as equals they want them to be at 2nd level.
Some white Russians say ok whatever anything for the hate of Islam and who cares about orthodoxy! (one value system e.g fluid gender vs another e.g binary) , some Russians are honourable and say Fuck you.
Which brings us to this moment and i think this is the first time in history when the in this fight the white Russians and the non Takfiri muslims have united to confront the hegemony of white Anglo-Saxons.
This is a the mother of all battles and it will continue for a long time but the victory will be of the truth.
The great valour of Russians and Chechens will win this fight.
Russians are not “white”, they come in all colors.
Racial categories are simply inapplicable to Russia
From The Gateway Pundit:
(OMG look at all the suitcases full of cash!)
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Ukrainian Officials Keep Getting Caught Fleeing Country with Suitcases Full of Cash and Euros
I don’t think it’s fair to say that the really horrid behavior of so many in the West toward everyone & everything Russian is a demonstration of their true colors. Do you say that the worst acts of your spouse or children reveal who they really are? I think it makes more sense to think of this as an illustration of how many people can easily be led to do terrible things by effective emotional appeals and propaganda, and maybe shows the tenuous hold we all (plus/minus) have on thoughtful, principled behavior.
I think a lot of this is being driven by intelligence agencies now legally being able to manipulate their own societies, and just as the Canadians and British confessed to their efforts at ginning up fear during Covid succeeded beyond their dreams, so I imagine does the manipulation now. I read the other day that the media were given about a $billion to cover the vaccines favorably; I wonder if we will eventually find out that something similar was being done w regard to the war.
That said, what’s happening does truly amaze me; never thought people could behave this way. Its hard to say to what extent the mob hatred is confined to the media or fearful public organizations, as opposed to being a reflection of what ordinary people think/feel. this is probably the single ugliest period morally in the last (say) 50-60 years. Can’t believe there isn’t more hand-wringing or self-awareness.
What is the situation around Severodonetsk-Lisichansk area?
From Southfront but about 24 hours old info:
In the sector of operations involving LPR troops, main clashes are taking place near Popasnaya, Severodonetsk and Lysichansk. The Severodonetsk-Lysichansk remains the main priority of the advancing group of LPR forces.
I want to bring our collective attention to a deep realization that has been fomenting within me for a long time. I try to share it with you all.
We are living in a policy vacuum, a kind of vision lock in or to use a military term “scenario fulfilment” mode of reasoning, economically and socially. Our collective economic and social policy is shaped by the adverse experiences of stagnation of 1970’s and complete state failure in 1980’s. Most people in position of power were in formative phases during that time. It moulded a kind of liberal outlook (for fear of communism) in term of economic/social policy and a hint of reasonable degree of economic nationalism is taken as regress to communism-although not said loudly. In this climate, people who really have solutions and are passionate (because they are economic nationalists and not neoliberal) are left because of tacit understanding that they are crypto communist.
I believe that basing outlook in a particular painful period in history is wrong for two reasons.
1. 70’s & 80’s were bad but 90’s were even worse for fire sale style of stripping of assets, which disenfranchised masses who had worked honestly all their lives and create a very narrow class of oligarchs. Who funded it and planned this asset stripping of Russia, an instructive and must read piece:
2. Our continued believe in Neoliberal economic and social policy that it would deliver us prosperity is simply wrong for the reason that its aim is to open capital account of countries to enable siphoning and extraction. Which exactly is happening with Russia.
Through these massive concentration of wealth, we have four outcomes:
a. Massive oligarchy has no interest in employment generation function or innovation and diversification.
b. State capture-Because state is massively dependent on tax revenue of a few dozen people, they get lot of say. And that say feeds us more socio-economic neoliberalism as evidenced by appointment of people live central bank chair person, accounts committee chair, decisions like waivers to bring back proceeds from sale of gold, privatization of health insurance, pension reforms, financialization by central bank instead of infrastructure financing etc etc.
c. Elite seal off alternative policy expertise in economic and social domains and we exactly get the same incentives problems that was under communism. Under communism it was bureaucrats, now its elites.
d. Massive siphoning of wealth by oligarch to west and thus even more dependence on them.
Solutions: Avoid vision lock in by experience of 70s & 80s. How? By recognizing that asset stripping of 90’s was just as bad. Forsaking neoliberalism by recognizing that it is meant to sabotage economies so that capital accounts can be opened to bargain away assets that can be monetized. It will never deliver prosperity if you adopt it for your country because it is not meant to.
Adding more details & conclusions-at the heyday when neoliberal expertise was being forced fed down Russia’s throat by 1,500 foreign funded “advisors”, financed by you know whom, under the auspices of “glorious” Yeltsin, one of the head honcho of this demolition and saboteur gang was Anders Asland. He wrote an important account of this activity namely “Why market reforms succeeded and democracy failed in Russia (Under Yeltsin)”.
So, the primary insight is that Yeltsin did not dissolve the Supreme Soviet Council which was unelected quasi parliamentary body- and did not institute elected proportional parliamentary system early enough. This is why democracy failed to gain roots.
Now compare this with the reasoning for success of economic reforms (asset stripping of Russia)-Yeltsin was enthusiastically going with the system because he had alot of power and he was ruling by decree and giving go ahead with the asset stripping plan because he virtually had unlimited power.
What the above means is that economic reforms (sabotage) succeeded exactly because Yeltsin concentrated power and ruled by decree. This is just one example of how mechanisms of sabotage are embedded into logics of neoliberal imperialism.
So the most important account of logics of neoliberalism and its social, economic and political machinations [Demobilizaing people through technical sophistry, scaring them into submission-the neoliberal recipe] are narrated best in a interview about same book of Asland Anders, important portions reproduced below:
” I spent a lot of time in December ’91 in Moscow, and I walked around, and the people had a sense that the sword of Damocles was hanging over them and that a terrible catastrophe would come over them. So, they were all of a sudden very kind. Moscovites are normally not very kind but they were kinder than ever before because they felt that there was a great danger hanging over them, and the stranger thing was that everybody continued to go to their jobs. Soon enough they didn’t get salaries but they continued to go to their jobs anyhow and they didn’t really work, but there was an amazing social calm which, of course, the authorities tried to maintain. But this was the backdrop, so while events were very dramatic on the surface it was surprisingly calm. After 1990 there were no mass demonstrations. It was a social demobilization. When the prices were liberalized nobody took to the street. It was the same in Russia as everywhere else. If you liberalized the prices, you changed the paradigm. People understand that it’s something new, they’re worried, but they don’t take to the streets.
And is this because under the Soviet system they had become passive? Is it something with historical roots in Russian character and culture?
No. On the contrary, this is the dynamics of a revolution. In February 1990, Moscow saw the biggest demonstrations. The liberals, the democrats, had 500,000 people out in demonstrations a couple of times, and their opponents, the hard line Communists, had 300,000 people out in demonstrations, in February-March 1990. That was the time when people were mobilized, but when things were getting more complicated most people felt that they didn’t know what – and therefore they became demobilized, and this is typical of a revolutionary situation, that in the midst of a revolution people get demobilized.”
So, i believe we are facing similar Yeltsin gordian knot (Will strip away the assets by keeping all the power, but i keep all the power will be no democracy, courtesy Asland Anders):
We are trying to built social nationalism without economic nationalism and worse still alongwith neoliberal economic paradigm. Which are incompatible and create structural paradoxes as illustrated below.
a. People need to have a veritable stake in the state which is possible only through economic nationalism and widely distributed benefits of economy. (Not possible under neoliberalism)
b. Logics of neoliberalism, as illustrated in above quotation, pitch people against authorities because system is designed to work against the people. Its techniques is “Shock & Awe” therapy, massive shocks, currency price fluctuations etc to scare people into silence and “Demobilization”. Under such circumstances, state cannot work as a vehicle of “realization of mutual aspirations”. It is partly happening within Russia.
c. Neolibralism best logic for continued failing of its policies is falling back on “Externality”-explain away their failure by some new development that happened outside model parameters.
d. Because under neoliberalism, national economic model is not working, people suspect the rulers and rulers suspects a systematic conspiracy afoot, stoking collective social paranoia, creating ideal condition for foreign propaganda to succeed.
e. Collective social paranoia strokes tendencies for violence and repression, inter-ethnic disharmony, undermining social trust and social cohesion.
Now that we are here, Russia has good opportunity to claw back the foreign direct investment that was result of firesale asset stripping of 1990’s. It would more than make up for losses made due to sanctions.
As of this moment, there are more than 2.5 million people who desperately want to escape Ukrainian cities and reach safety in Russia. But they cannot, because nazis are blocking off the cities and shooting anyone who tries to reach the humanitarian corridors. They’re randomly searching people and checking people’s phones, with an implicit threat of violence if they find any evidence of disloyalty or plans to escape (and yes I have personally confirmed that one). Nazis know that they wouldn’t last ten seconds in an equal fight with the Russian army, so hide behind women and children, filling their military structures with civilians and putting gun emplacements in schools. They are scum and are going to get what’s coming to them, if they haven’t already.
Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for the globalist regime. The USA is almost $30 trillion in debt, and almost none of that money has actually gone to the needs of the American people. We have rotten teeth, overwhelmed, unsafe cities full of crumbling homes with rents we can’t afford, a terrible education system and the worst healthcare in the developed world (yes, including Russia). Instead, that money is going to enforce a cruel, bloated empire built on the bones of tens of millions of people.
Our elites know that the national debt is unpayable, and will utterly destroy the country one day. So they prolong the inevitable as long as they can, and are willing to commit any act of cruelty to that end. Maybe there was a point they believed this game could be played forever. When the Soviet Union fell, there was no longer any checks and balances to their cruelty. Our elites could do whatever they wanted, and that’s exactly what they did. They bombed and destroyed entire countries with total impunity without any fear of consequences. But now that’s just not true anymore, is it?
From here:
“appointed Sergei Glazyev ” – About freaking time!!! Most of the world is under the control of the central banking cartel. They are primarily “Frankist filth” but have branched out to include “other filth” as the world is awash in those who would exploit and murder other humans for money.
70% approval for Vlad? Quite believable but “What is he going to do with it?” is the $64,000.00 question. Will he finally propose constitutional changes to make the central bank PUBLICLY controlled instead of private? I’m not holding my breath but without that they are still under the thumb of the “Frankist & Affiliated Banking Cartel”.
Gateway Pundit has more on Bio Labs with documentation:
Russian Accusations: Pentagon Reportedly Spent $200 Million on Bioresearch in Ukraine at Numerous Facilities
“the difference between Russians and the West is that the West does not fear war but is not ready to fight one, whereas the Russians very much DO fear war, but they are also totally ready to fight”
Андрей. In this sentence you must be referring to Uncle $hmuel only, and not the collective West. The Western Europeans know what the madness of war is like, but not so Americans. It has been a long time since any war was fought on U$ soil, therefore they have no concept of the suffering, destruction, hardship, etc that war brings.
All of their fighting for the last nearly 200 years has always been “over there,” and for someone else’s “freedom,” as in the words of former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser. If Uncle $hmuel can be made to suffer a war on his own soil, perhaps he may become a little more wary of war than he currently is.
Hey Saker. I’ve got some good news and some bad news and both are funny / sad.
Check out Jordan Schachtel over on Substack.
Good news is that the un-vaccinated are NOT falling for the blame Russia and it’s not even close.
Bad news is that most of the people in Canada (80+%) are double injected.
Maybe it has something to do with critical thinking skills that have been honed to a “T” over the last 2 years and they realize they’ve been BS’d by their gov too much already.
Because all media is controlled by a handful of giant corporations what you refer to as the “West” is a vocal minority of ruling elites. A majority of the world sides with Russia(China, India, Asia, Africa, South America, Mexico). It’s the U.S. and it’s slave states in Europe, Canada, Australia that are in the minority and on the wrong side of history.
There is a HUGE percentage of the population of “The West” that the psyops didn’t work on, and we’re worth writing about at some point. I’m one of them, and there are many of me. A majority, no…but a part of every psyop is that the psyop worked. Birds of a feather flock together, so of course I’m surrounded by people who it didn’t work on, but my point is, we DO exist.
I don’t believe there’s such a thing as an honest poll, but it would be interesting to see one showing how many people in The West the psyops worked on. I think it would surprise most of you. I would argue a majority of American’s don’t believe Biden won the last election. Not that you would ever see that reflected in “the news”…almost all western governments are extremely unpopular after 2 years of Corony BS…the biggest group of westerners the psyop worked on are the oldest among us. You know, people way too old to fight. And that age group isn’t exactly very popular with the younger people either.
Basically, if you don’t trust the western media at all, then also don’t trust them about how well they act like they’re psyops are working.
Your last point about the weak as water liberals who pose as Orthodox (for example in the parish in Amsterdam) who are really Neo-Sergianists, as they swim with the Western secular tide, is all very true. But surely the real problem is with the corruption of the elite of the Moscow Patriarchate, starting with Patriarch Kyrill? These people reject their best Orthodox friends because those friends do not accept the corruption of the elite, spoilt by Western baubles and undermined by the CIA.
But surely the real problem is with the corruption of the elite of the Moscow Patriarchate, starting with Patriarch Kyrill?
And I wrote about that many times already.
In fact, after this war ends (and if we are still alive) I plan a special analysis of exactly that problem.
But right now while Russia is at war this is not the time.
US and Turkey are said to be in talks over a deal for Turkey to send its Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems to Ukraine in exchange for the scrapping of sanctions imposed by Washington, according to Reuters citing sources. The report suggested Turkey is unlikely to agree to such a deal
First Tony Blinken gave the green light to Poland to send their fleet of MIG 29’s to Ukraine last week then the Poles got cold feet and insisted those planes fly to US airbase in Manheim Germany for delivery to Ukraine, whereupon the Pentagon did not think it a good idea. [The ballad of Brave Brave Sir Robin comes to mind. python]
OK, Turkey does not want to be involved [who can blame them] but the Yank’s have their own missiles, Why can’t Brave Brave Sir Robin Python] send their own missiles?
First they try to sucker Poland, now they are trying to sucker Turkey. Shameful.
Gateway Pundit is on FIRE today:
Russia Is Systematically Destroying NATO Sites IN UKRAINE
The Russian army is not what they’re saying (stuck, disorganized, demoralized, worse than any army if you will). Absurd. How stupid. They just produce hypersonic weapons, eh? That’s all? The long march of Generals on TV saying that very thing is even a problem for national security, because the last thing you want is for your “adversary” to think – let alone know – that you sound like that civilian pundit next to you because you don’t know much more and both are interchangeable for practical purposes. How is that good? It matters what your “adversary” thinks. The Russian army staff is accumulating information week after week, figuring things out, and then acting with increasing effectiveness! The pundit doesn’t ask the General if it is so or if that’s what he expects in the future, and none of the ones I have seen qualifies his answers so. As a Spanish saying goes, “They do us a weak favor” (“flaco favor que nos hacen”).
We just had a poll on some tv station here in Croatia and of some 6 or 7 possible answers tothe question how do you feel about this war the best possible was :i dont know!
No :support Russia option
This is how sick things are
Zelenzky is the Bolsheviks new LENIN !
Becoming quite clear now where this was going before Putin stepped in !
The military Bio Labs – the enormous amount of weapons – the genocide was in progress just like Putin said !
Dear friend
I want to share an interesting article that could explain the motivation of the West to keep pushing for WW3.
Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Druschba and God bless you
So in the end who is the “hidden hand” Putin needs to neutralize? Washington, Rotschild, Soros, Wall Street, London or Israel? It looks like a battle in a room of mirrors.
“A battle in room of mirrors” is quite an accurate description because these Western elites are a tiny minority and too keep us under control their have to work with deception. Once we realize our true potential they have lost. This is not just a war against Russia and Putin alone, this is a war against humanity and we all have to take responsibility to fight back for our freedom!
Social media such as Twitter have really exposed themselves as tools of the Empire. It was there to see during Trump, during covid, during the trucker protest, but now it is turned on full blast. They were always deep state projects, but they pretended that they weren’t. That has changed.
You have written many fine pieces in your time, but I have to say this is one of the finest. Bravo!
Ontem em Portugal um jornalista a CNN Portugal descuidou-se e falou a verdade. Comentou o facto de os Ucranianos terem armamento pesado escondido num Ginasio anexo, julgo que a um centro comercial.
Que momento raro. Já deve ter sido repatriado e acredito que ficará de castigo por uns tempos.
Yesterday in Portugal a journalist CNN Portugal was careless and spoke the truth. He commented on the fact that the Ukrainians had heavy weapons hidden in a Gymnasium attached, I believe to a shopping center.
What a rare moment. He must have been repatriated by now and I believe he will be grounded for a while.